Upgrade Android? - Nook Touch General

Has anyone successfully upgraded their nst to android 2.2 or higher?
If it isn't possible, how difficult would it be to modify the api of an apk to become compatible with android 2.1?

it need alot of work to modify the controls.of android 2.2 also the kernl if need ..... why u need upgrade android version ....... u must know tha nsr build for read only , and android 2.1+root fair for me indeed
Sent from my NOOK using xda app-developers app

In order to utilize the full features of an app I am trying to use, I need to run Android 2.2 minimum on my nst.

speedman2202 said:
it need alot of work to modify the controls.of android 2.2 also the kernl if need ..... why u need upgrade android version ....... u must know tha nsr build for read only , and android 2.1+root fair for me indeed
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mantano, perfect viewer, aldiko etc. they have been upgraded to function only with 2.2+ , i know, there are old versions still compatibles but newer have functions that may be desiderable
centralpark said:
If it isn't possible, how difficult would it be to modify the api of an apk to become compatible with android 2.1?
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you need to disassemble the apk with apktool then modify the android:minSdkVersion value in AndroidManifest.xml to work with an early android version but it is not guaranteed that works
i have never do that but there are many tutorials arounds


[APP] Jmz Software Android Installer

Here is the app I wrote back for the TP2 to cook Android into your rom for basically an Android only rom. All you have to do is zip up the new release and rename to android.zip and throw it into the EXT. Included is v3 of the Android with Sense port that dcordes posted on XDA.
This will not turn into a discussion about the actual porting of Android. The only thing that should be discussed in this thread is if you have any issues or questions about my app itself. The porting of Android can be discussed elsewhere.
Download Here​
anyone tried this yet?
This is the rom I made for the TP2 using this app. Also, don't pay attention to the errors with android in that thread as they have no relevance to the HD2 port
so if a chef cooked this into a rom, we would have bootable android on the hd2? Sorry if im way off haha, and also either way, what version of android is it?
All this app does is interrupt windows mobile booting and installs android to your sd card. Then on the next boot it will interrupt it again and automatically run HARET from your sd card.
so, in short you will still have to have the overhead of some components from windows mobile in the rom to boot, but only about 25MB worth of stuff.
V3 of the Sense port at the following link. http://gamesquare.co.uk/
Nice! I was thinking of doing the same thing. I will give this a try.
jmztaylor said:
Here is the app I wrote back for the TP2 to cook Android into your rom for basically an Android only rom. All you have to do is zip up the new release and rename to android.zip and throw it into the EXT. Included is v3 of the Android with Sense port that dcordes posted on XDA.
Download Here​
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does this really works???????
wawa144st said:
does this really works???????
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Even if it works, what it does is that it allows you to run Android which you can as such do without using this by simply tapping on HARET on SD card. While Android porting itself is unstable, this will not add any stability, will it?
nicedude_abad said:
Even if it works, what it does is that it allows you to run Android which you can as such do without using this by simply tapping on HARET on SD card. While Android porting itself is unstable, this will not add any stability, will it?
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Nope, just something to play with. And usage in the future might be better, but I did this for the TP2 awhile back with Android a lot more stable there. But it will be a good app just to play with and then when Android gets more stable a possible permanent tool to use.
jmztaylor said:
Nope, just something to play with. And usage in the future might be better, but I did this for the TP2 awhile back with Android a lot more stable there. But it will be a good app just to play with and then when Android gets more stable a possible permanent tool to use.
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all i really want to do is use android apps and the market place how can i do that or can it do that?
wawa144st said:
all i really want to do is use android apps and the market place how can i do that or can it do that?
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Not at the current state of the port.

Android installed into phones memory

Android update using update option in settings on HTC hd2 Leo
Installed android build into phones memory ( video coming soon )
Sent from my HTC hd2 Leo using XDA App
This is the video of Android runing on HD2 from NAND
what the heck are you talking about???
ukscj said:
Sent from my HTC hd2 Leo using XDA App
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I mean detail you are using an htc sense build but what build are you using how are you updating and how do you know the update was successful yielding to android nand flash
HÖÖÖÖÖÖ merry christmas waiting for video (fake?)
seems to be a sense build by the looks of it. I dont think its as easy as doing an over the air update to get it to install to NAND, although it would be halarious if it ended up being so easy. More info would be great. Im still on the side that screams "FAKE!" though.
really some type of details would be great at this point. heck what windows rom are you using ill try it myself.
gatorlounge said:
really some type of details would be great at this point. heck what windows rom are you using ill try it myself.
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me too
agreed definitely need some specifications...
looks bit fake, but more info would be gr8
Be patient....
wait please... did u used OTA update,like flashed phone memory and installed android-or just patched HARET to do linux booting from phone storage???
I ask this cause i tracking NAND development all the time-there is no flashing yet...
please reply
Think he has only managed to run an over the air update - probable only updates android but will not be nand - chances are the update will screw his android build and will have to format his SD card... my thoughts anyway from the pictures.
I'll like to tell you guys but I don't know myself
I always try to update Android on my Leo when ever I put a new build on it
And this time it worked
It turns the phone off
Like when it does when flashing so I hold the volume buttos down
I'm going flash my Rom and try it again
I'll make a video of it, if it works ill post it
And no its not fake
ukscj said:
I'll like to tell you guys but I don't know myself
I always try to update Android on my Leo when ever I put a new build on it
And this time it worked
It turns the phone off
Like when it does when flashing so I hold the volume buttos down
I'm going flash my Rom and try it again
I'll make a video of it, if it works ill post it
And no its not fake
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build details? what android and or winmo build are you running so I can try to do it myself
My opinion and it is just opinion but what i think is he may be using a rom from a 2.1 build that is getting updated to 2.2 and it downloading it as an update for the orig phone. Will it work ???? Will it install to memory or sd card??? Heck stranger things have happen here on xda...... Why i dont think it will work is cause the download is just 25mb...... A full firware update would be much bigger I would think....
Even if it did work, it may flash a radio from a different device and brick the phone....I wouldn't do it....
I've tried to figure it out what is written on screen
but your pic is so small
A system update is available
Would you like to download the following system software update?
You can now download the latest software update for new features and improved performance. It won't delete any of your content and we'd recommended using a Wi-Fi connection as this is a large update. If not, standard data connection charges may apply. Any question? Contact us via www.htc.com
- Update: Android OS update patch
- Enhanced multi inbox Gmail support
- Improved RUS keyboard layout
Downloading update
Download in progress. This may take some times.
OTA_Bravo_HTC_RU_2_10.405.3-7.OS.4 (not sure)
*edit : must be this one http://androinica.com/2010/09/09/htc-desire-in-europe-gets-ota-firmware-update/
I smell fake, but the logic behind it kinda works:
Modify a WinMo Update to contain Android and let the HD2 update. But there are to many things that have to be modified so it can be adopted to the HD2.
All it does is download the update and asks you if you want to install it which reboot the phone but does nothing since it just boots into windows mobile instead of the actual update.
noellenchris said:
Even if it did work, it may flash a radio from a different device and brick the phone....I wouldn't do it....
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yeah you're right.

[DISCUSSION] PS3 Downgrade via HTC HD2

PS3 Downgrade via HTC HD2
Now available at PSFAndroid Thread
now we have the master key and files will it gonna be ported just like ps freedom
Wait, what!? They figure out how to downgrade firmware 3.5 to 3.41?
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
How is this thread relevant to Android on the HD2?
Please elaborate else I will be forced to close this thread.
(LEO Forum MOD)
dharvey4651 said:
How is this thread relevant to Android on the HD2?
Please elaborate else I will be forced to close this thread.
(LEO Forum MOD)
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You need android to downgrade. The hd2 running winmo can't do it. I think he wants somebody to port it to the android hd2.
Maybe this will help?
No pr0x2, that just allows you to jailbreak the PS3 if you have firmware 3.41. This allows you to downgrade the firmware from 3.50 to 3.41.
Really good for anyone who has upgraded their firmware either by accident or had no choice as the upgrade was mandatory and didn't give you that choice.
its been done
As much as I want this on the hd2, I just went ahead and ordered a e3 card reader for 15 shipped. I hated how I needed to boot into the patched android version everytime I wanted to play. Either way I hope it gets ported.
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
Ok so you guys are using Android as a tool to downgrade the firmware on a Playstation3?
Yes, if you are on v3.5 you can now download to v3.41. You however need to do it by using specific type of usb dongle sticks. Or by hopefully having some one port the code to an android built. Use google for more info...
how compile this hex to hd2?
Sony have just released the 3.55 firmware upgrade in Australia to counter this... ROFL...
ultramag69 said:
Sony have just released the 3.55 firmware upgrade in Australia to counter this... ROFL...
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Yeah sony is really advent about anti piracy rofl
i think only need to compile the new psfreedom to htc hd 2 but how
so is there a working downgrader for the HD2 for now ??
i've been searching or hours and couldn't find anything !!
check this out
Why did you make a new thread for this there is already one about it a couple a devs are already working on getting the downgrade working on the hd2.. I believe the thread is called psfandroid just search
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
dan1j3l says that he has succesfully compiled it and he waits for a help from Axm9 regarding some kernel config
Is no one afraid for getting banned in the future by sony?
if so, alot of us here would be banned for the amount of things we do especially, Microsoft, HTC, Samsung, Application Developers, Google, Apple, LG, etc...
Adding Sony to the list issnt that hard, especially Sony Erikson phones get "xda'ed" too

WP8 9900 Build dump (x86)

This is (as far as I know) the first dump of wp8. It's based on the 9900 (emulator) build and is meant for cooking roms (for WP7/8 devices)
It has all 51 languages and all 3 screen resolutions
Good luck devs,
Download link:
If you use this in a rom, please mention me.
WOW!Thank you very much!:laugh:
Do you know that emulator have x86 version of WP8? It's impossible to use it. So your dump is really useless, even more than me.
Shhh... It's easy to dump the emulator, just mount VHD.
Useless guy said:
Do you know that emulator have x86 version of WP8? It's impossible to use it. So your dump is really useless, even more than me.
Shhh... It's easy to dump the emulator, just mount VHD.
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I see, sorry, but now no one has to download 7 gb to get the emulator dump!
sianto1997 said:
7 gb to get the emulator dump!
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Offline ISO weights 1.6GiB. But it's much faster to download using torrent than downloading from unknown hosting.
Sorry but in the future is possible to have a WP8 Rom on a WP 7/7.8 device?
Sorry but in the future is possible to have a WP8 Rom on a WP 7/7.8 device?
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Yes and no. As it's possable to run on the hardware (all 1st gen are the same CPU wise and 2nd gen are pretty close still) and even Microsoft said so, there are no drivers designed for it. Nevermind the OS is designed for a dual core CPU, so performance could be a big hit.
The HD2 was the ONLY Windows Mobile device to get WP7 and the only reason why that is was because Microsoft used the HD2 in testing WP7 and someone "leaked" the drivers needed. If things follow suit, the chances of getting a WP8 rom running on a WP7.5 device might be like finding that needle in a haystack...might happen but, I would not hold my breath.
I also would love to see it tho.....

[Q] Can I Install ICS .apk package on SGY?

Hello anyone have trick install ICS apk on Ginger Bread?
depends if it is compatible with ginerbread,
if its a system related apk,
then forget it
deathnotice01 said:
depends if it is compatible with ginerbread,
if its a system related apk,
then forget it
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So, how to make it compitable with gingerbread?
When you try to install, you will know is that compatible or not.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
blue.wave said:
When you try to install, you will know is that compatible or not.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
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hahahaha, yeah i know, but i want to know how to make it compitable.
hihihi. if your answer, i must using ICS = LOL :laugh:
nael.lilik said:
hahahaha, yeah i know, but i want to know how to make it compitable.
hihihi. if your answer, i must using ICS = LOL :laugh:
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decombile the apk and edit the manifest file set min sdk version no to 12 or 13 and recombile.thus ur request is fulfilled. but the app will crash with a null pointer exception if the layout used is only ment for ics and above.else it will work.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
jaison thomas said:
decombile the apk and edit the manifest file set min sdk version no to 12 or 13 and recombile.thus ur request is fulfilled. but the app will crash with a null pointer exception if the layout used is only ment for ics and above.else it will work.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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that usually wont work trust me
some of app only need to recoded and rebuilded in an IDE. some of them never could work on GB based system since the API and the libs are too different.
deathnotice01 said:
that usually wont work trust me
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ya i knew it wont work thts why i said it will crash with a null pointer exception.
but there are some occations as an app developer we use this trick expecially when working with admob or similiar things. admob sdk will now only support devices from honeycomb. so in that case we will build an app for ics with gb resources i mean layouts and integrate admob sdk.ones it get compiled and done we just change the min sdk version to gb and thts it.the app with ads works perfectly with undupported admob sdk.
but i am damn sure that best ics only apps wont work by this method.because they use more grid layout and one more sory i forgot its name. and hence we will get an force close as eclipse says null pointer exception , the resource not found in layout and so many crap error messages like that.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
jaison thomas said:
ya i knew it wont work thts why i said it will crash with a null pointer exception.
but there are some occations as an app developer we use this trick expecially when working with admob or similiar things. admob sdk will now only support devices from honeycomb. so in that case we will build an app for ics with gb resources i mean layouts and integrate admob sdk.ones it get compiled and done we just change the min sdk version to gb and thts it.the app with ads works perfectly with undupported admob sdk.
but i am damn sure that best ics only apps wont work by this method.because they use more grid layout and one more sory i forgot its name. and hence we will get an force close as eclipse says null pointer exception , the resource not found in layout and so many crap error messages like that.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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so the answer is no other way to make ICS apk compitable with GB :laugh:
I never find a ics+ .apk package which is compatible with sgy. Even many CM7 apps (which is based on GB) is also incompatible with sgy.
An ICS app can NEVER be made compatible with Gingerbread. GB is API 10, and ICS is API 15. Each increasing API number contains some newly added functions, classes, enums, interfaces, etc. which are used in the src code. Hence, obviously, an app made with an API 'x' will never be compatible with an API of a no. below 'x'. Even if we make a simple app, like converting KG to Gm, using API level 15, we can't make it compatible with a lower API level by changing the manifest, because the SDKs are different.
||I'm just a PM away for help||

