[Q] Can I Install ICS .apk package on SGY? - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

Hello anyone have trick install ICS apk on Ginger Bread?

depends if it is compatible with ginerbread,
if its a system related apk,
then forget it

deathnotice01 said:
depends if it is compatible with ginerbread,
if its a system related apk,
then forget it
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So, how to make it compitable with gingerbread?

When you try to install, you will know is that compatible or not.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium

blue.wave said:
When you try to install, you will know is that compatible or not.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
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hahahaha, yeah i know, but i want to know how to make it compitable.
hihihi. if your answer, i must using ICS = LOL :laugh:

nael.lilik said:
hahahaha, yeah i know, but i want to know how to make it compitable.
hihihi. if your answer, i must using ICS = LOL :laugh:
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decombile the apk and edit the manifest file set min sdk version no to 12 or 13 and recombile.thus ur request is fulfilled. but the app will crash with a null pointer exception if the layout used is only ment for ics and above.else it will work.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app

jaison thomas said:
decombile the apk and edit the manifest file set min sdk version no to 12 or 13 and recombile.thus ur request is fulfilled. but the app will crash with a null pointer exception if the layout used is only ment for ics and above.else it will work.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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that usually wont work trust me

some of app only need to recoded and rebuilded in an IDE. some of them never could work on GB based system since the API and the libs are too different.

deathnotice01 said:
that usually wont work trust me
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ya i knew it wont work thts why i said it will crash with a null pointer exception.
but there are some occations as an app developer we use this trick expecially when working with admob or similiar things. admob sdk will now only support devices from honeycomb. so in that case we will build an app for ics with gb resources i mean layouts and integrate admob sdk.ones it get compiled and done we just change the min sdk version to gb and thts it.the app with ads works perfectly with undupported admob sdk.
but i am damn sure that best ics only apps wont work by this method.because they use more grid layout and one more sory i forgot its name. and hence we will get an force close as eclipse says null pointer exception , the resource not found in layout and so many crap error messages like that.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app

jaison thomas said:
ya i knew it wont work thts why i said it will crash with a null pointer exception.
but there are some occations as an app developer we use this trick expecially when working with admob or similiar things. admob sdk will now only support devices from honeycomb. so in that case we will build an app for ics with gb resources i mean layouts and integrate admob sdk.ones it get compiled and done we just change the min sdk version to gb and thts it.the app with ads works perfectly with undupported admob sdk.
but i am damn sure that best ics only apps wont work by this method.because they use more grid layout and one more sory i forgot its name. and hence we will get an force close as eclipse says null pointer exception , the resource not found in layout and so many crap error messages like that.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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so the answer is no other way to make ICS apk compitable with GB :laugh:

I never find a ics+ .apk package which is compatible with sgy. Even many CM7 apps (which is based on GB) is also incompatible with sgy.

An ICS app can NEVER be made compatible with Gingerbread. GB is API 10, and ICS is API 15. Each increasing API number contains some newly added functions, classes, enums, interfaces, etc. which are used in the src code. Hence, obviously, an app made with an API 'x' will never be compatible with an API of a no. below 'x'. Even if we make a simple app, like converting KG to Gm, using API level 15, we can't make it compatible with a lower API level by changing the manifest, because the SDKs are different.
||I'm just a PM away for help||



Okay so i and i know much other would love to see sense on Kindle Fire.
i already started a port but TWRP keeps crashing when i flash it and CWM gives error 0. BTW I HAVE BUILD IT WITH DSIXDA's KITCHEN
OR PEOPLE CAN START BUILDING FROM THE SENSE RUU (RUU_Flyer_HC_S_HTC_WWE_3.10.405.1_Radio_20.44.30.0821U_3821.08.00.26_M_test_212856 HONEYCOMB)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54506580/RU... (~500MB)
Gingerbread http://shipped-roms.com/download.ph...9BU_3809.04.04.21_M_release_187564_signed.exe
i would appreciate help from SOME DEVS.
QuBe2 said:
Okay so here is the download link to the rom i have made it is NOT working it will restart TWRP while flashing only for trying and help to solve the bug so don't flash if you don't know what you are doing
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54506580/flyer port for Kindle [not working only for debug ].zip (477 MB)
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54506580/flyer%20port%20for%20Kindle%20%5Bnot%20working%20only%20for%20debug%20%5Ddeleted%20bloatwear.zip (223MB removed bloatware)
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I think it's very difficult because they have different hardware, different providers (one from HTC, one from Amazon), we only can port Rom when we have full source code and similar driver and kernel to make sure it can work.
P/s: the kitchen you used don't support kindle so you can't make Rom used it. Need edit updater-script manually.
langthang said:
I think it's very difficult because they have different hardware, different providers (one from HTC, one from Amazon), we only can port Rom when we have full source code and similar driver and kernel to make sure it can work.
P/s: the kitchen you used don't support kindle so you can't make Rom used it. Need edit updater-script manually.
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can you help me editing the update script?
Okay so here is the download link to the rom i have made it is NOT working it will restart TWRP while flashing only for trying and help to solve the bug so don't flash if you don't know what you are doing
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54506580/flyer port for Kindle [not working only for debug ].zip (477 MB)
EDIT : i also have uploaded the RUU.exe so for people who want you can try build it .
1: start the exe
2: when it is started go into %temp% folder and search for rom.zip
QuBe2 said:
Okay so here is the download link to the rom i have made it is NOT working it will restart TWRP while flashing only for trying and help to solve the bug so don't flash if you don't know what you are doing
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54506580/flyer port for Kindle [not working only for debug ].zip (477 MB)
EDIT : i also have uploaded the RUU.exe so for people who want you can try build it .
1: start the exe
2: when it is started go into %temp% folder and search for rom.zip
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Should try sense 2.3 first, we don't have driver and kernel for sense 3.0 honeycomb
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda premium
langthang said:
Should try sense 2.3 first, we don't have driver and kernel for sense 3.0 honeycomb
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda premium
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I also have the ruu for gb on pc wait i will upload it or for other people you can goolge it
BTW Gb haven’t got software keys that was the reason why i used honeycomb
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
Hmm... quit a big file there. You don't think that the kernel messed up while building it(its happened to me before. I think it got up to 700mb.)
Edit: just realized that its a .exe file, dope!
Maybe you should try putting one of our many kernels into it and seeing how that goes. It relys heavily on our kernel.
gannon5197 said:
Hmm... quit a big file there. You don't think that the kernel messed up while building it(its happened to me before. I think it got up to 700mb.)
Edit: just realized that its a .exe file, dope!
Maybe you should try putting one of our many kernels into it and seeing how that goes. It relys heavily on our kernel.
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Once extracted the system.ig is 1.1 GB
I have tried kindle cm9 kernel cm7 kernel and miui
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
Well sense kernels are a lot different from aosp and I know from having many HTC phones that you need a sense kernal to get this working so your gonna need a modified kernel
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
What kitchen can i use for Ubuntu that supports Kindle Fire? Or do i need to mount it and then copy everything into a folder with the name system and replace the /etc/firmware and /etc/init.d folders and the /usr/keylayout and /usr/keychars and change the libs then make a zip of it and then compile te boot img from Flyer replace Kernel and change the name in the ramdisk folder to xxx.omap4430.xxx of the files that now are called xxx.herring.xxx. then make a pdate script and does TWRP needs a special coe or just edify ?
Thank you
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
If this happens this will really give people a reason to start calling the kindle an oversized phone i dont think im on board for this one
ZzHacks said:
If this happens this will really give people a reason to start calling the kindle an oversized phone i dont think im on board for this one
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Oversized phone ? without the phone function ?
For starters I think you need to size down the ROM. The KF has 537MB /system and I can only assume that if the compressed ROM is ~500MB, then uncompressed it is going to be much, much higher.
You may be able to change the partition sizes to accommodate the larger size ROM. I was playing with a Sense port yesterday, based on the HTC Flyer, and ran into this problem. I may try to repartition it and see how it goes just for kicks.
ZzHacks said:
If this happens this will really give people a reason to start calling the kindle an oversized phone i dont think im on board for this one
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I'm pretty sure a 7-10" Android device with no 3g, no SMS, data, no incoming/outgoing calls, is considered a tablet, not an oversized phone
You do realize that there is sense on tablets, right?
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
lithium76 said:
For starters I think you need to size down the ROM. The KF has 537MB /system and I can only assume that if the compressed ROM is ~500MB, then uncompressed it is going to be much, much higher.
You may be able to change the partition sizes to accommodate the larger size ROM. I was playing with a Sense port yesterday, based on the HTC Flyer, and ran into this problem. I may try to repartition it and see how it goes just for kicks.
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I know the system image is very big i think i need to put the apps on the //data that will shrink the system partition with 200 MB and would you like to help me on this port
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
QuBe2 said:
I know the system image is very big i think i need to put the apps on the //data that will shrink the system partition with 200 MB and would you like to help me on this port
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
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I decided to see why the port I was working on is causing TWRP to just loop and to do this I checked what DMESG had to say. It appears to be an Out of memory issue. My guess would be it is being caused when it attempts to load the update file.
lithium76 said:
I decided to see why the port I was working on is causing TWRP to just loop and to do this I checked what DMESG had to say. It appears to be an Out of memory issue. My guess would be it is being caused when it attempts to load the update file.
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So we need to shrink the file ? And can you help me with making a new .zip if needed
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
QuBe2 said:
So we need to shrink the file ? And can you help me with making a new .zip if needed
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
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Make that a bare bones! Start removing unneeded files.. lol
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
gannon5197 said:
Make that a bare bones! Start removing unneeded files.. lol
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
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I will try to remove all the bloatware
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gannon5197 said:
Make that a bare bones! Start removing unneeded files.. lol
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
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QuBe2 said:
I will try to remove all the bloatware
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA Premium App
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ok, i commend the effort here but this just simply isnt going to work without TONS of code modifications and reverse engineering. just copying files isnt going to do it. there is a reason why you dont see htc sense ported non-htc phones often. its simply not worth the amount of work that has to be put in. not to mention you'll need an experienced kernel developer who knows his ****. i would suggest not wasting your time on this.

[GUIDE] How to keep the old CM10 partition layout & stay up to date with changes

OK, so the debate over partitioning in CM10 is all but done and I'm not going to discuss it here.
I've been building CM10 for my own use with the partition layout change reverted and this works nicely for me. But what about people who can't compile the source for themselves (for whatever reason)?
That's why I'm posting this brief guide to what I'm calling "fudgedating" (its like updating). Using the method below you will be able to stay up to date with all the CM10 nightly updates (except kernel changes) without compiling or doing anything difficult.
What you'll need:
1. My cm-10-20120918-FISHEARS-galaxysmtd.zip file (my nightly that has a working kernel with the old partition layout)
2. Any current Nightly zip of CM10
3. A computer with a Zip-capable archive tool
What you need to do:
1. Make a copy of cm-10-20120918-FISHEARS-galaxysmtd.zip and call it something like CM10-FUDGEDATE.zip
2. delete the /system folder from within CM10-FUDGEDATE.zip (or whatever you called it)
3. extract the /system folder from your official CM10 Nightly
4. add that /system folder to your CM10-FUDGEDATE.zip (or whatever you called it)
Now you have a CM10-FUDGEDATE.zip (or whatever you called it) containing the kernel and partition layout from cm-10-20120918-FISHEARS-galaxysmtd.zip and the system from the CM10 Nightly.
Copy CM10-FUDGEDATE.zip (or whatever you called it) to your SD card and flash it in CWM.
Reboot & profit
NOTE: currently you can NOT flash any custom kernels because there aren't any that support the latest CM10 while still having the old partition layout.
Whenever you want to repeat the process for a new Nighly, just do steps 2,3 & 4 again and flash it as before.
Please don't flame this thread. If you think its a bad idea then please state only technical objections to support your view.
All credit to Team Hacksung & Pawitp for the awesome effort that continues to go into CM10.
Well... old partition nightlies worked very good for me.So I will try this.
Anyway I noticed there are some jb ROMs with less changes than yours calling theirselfs stable so far etc.
Will you make thread of cm10 (or call it like you want) with old partition and newest nightly?
Thanks. Sorry for poor English.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ----------
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
Thanks but I don't want to start the hard work of maintaining a ROM thread. This is just instructions to stay up to date.
I do compile my own CM10 which you can download by clicking on my signature. Again, I won't be starting a thread for this as its really just for me but I don't mind sharing.
I will change the thread title though.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
Well.works good for me no deference betwin this or other layout.Thank you very much
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
slaj76 said:
Well.works good for me no deference betwin this or other layout.Thank you very much
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
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That's good to know. I think we both must have phones with the faster NAND because I didn't see any improvement when the official partition layout changed.
fishears said:
That's good to know. I think we both must have phones with the faster NAND because I didn't see any improvement when the official partition layout changed.
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2011.3.10 my phone's production date.
You can check your's.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
slaj76 said:
2011.3.10 my phone's production date.
You can check your's.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
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Yeah, mine was made April 2011. No reason for us to lose all that data space
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
thanks for sharing this with us
i'll try this
fishears one more question can i flash your latest rom without wipe?
slaj76 said:
fishears one more question can i flash your latest rom without wipe?
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No need to wipe.
If you are flashing a new build over a previous one then you also don't need to reflash gapps
fishears said:
No need to wipe.
If you are flashing a new build over a previous one then you also don't need to reflash gapps
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Lorog said:
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Hit thanks to fishears.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
Managed to install your rom, and I got what I want. However I have a probler with Adaway said: /data/data/host not enough spare. Try Adfree solve the problem. Anyway thank you for the idea and rom.
Edit: Just discovered that System had only 300k free space out of 350MB. Maybe I have to delete some not important apk (like those live wallpapers) & unused ringtones.
Edit2: After deleting Chinese & Korean fonts Droidsansfallback , MTL* & Nanum Gothic, I got 12MB free space and Adaway runs smoothly.
sawari said:
Managed to install your rom, and I got what I want. However I have a probler with Adaway said: /data/data/host not enough spare. Try Adfree solve the problem. Anyway thank you for the idea and rom.
Edit: Just discovered that System had only 300k free space out of 350MB. Maybe I have to delete some not important apk (like those live wallpapers) & unused ringtones.
Edit2: After deleting Chinese & Korean fonts Droidsansfallback , MTL* & Nanum Gothic, I got 12MB free space and Adaway runs smoothly.
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Good I also deleted cmwallpapers and DSP manager.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
slaj76 said:
Good I also deleted cmwallpapers and DSP manager.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
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I usually have around 15mb free on /system after deleting only Exchange & Movie Studio
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fishears said:
I usually have around 15mb free on /system after deleting only Exchange & Movie Studio
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
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Never mind, your released rom should be as is, let us delete whatever we want. Easier for you and less trouble for us.TQ
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
sawari said:
Never mind, your released rom should be as is, let us delete whatever we want. Easier for you and less trouble for us.TQ
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
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That's fine. I think pawitp might get a bit lazy with the system size now that his build has a 2gb /system
Maybe I'll have to trim it down in the future.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
A rom more in line with the Slim Bean philosophy (about 280mb system with google apps) would even allow you to create a larger datadata partition (at the expense of unused system partition space, circa 80mb) and improve usability. Using this mind-frame i guess we could gain some 50mb to datadata while still keeping 30mb free in system for people who want to add some removed system apps.
Nevertheless, this is your rom and ultimately your decision.
AlexandreT said:
A rom more in line with the Slim Bean philosophy (about 280mb system with google apps) would even allow you to create a larger datadata partition (at the expense of unused system partition space, circa 80mb) and improve usability. Using this mind-frame i guess we could gain some 50mb to datadata while still keeping 30mb free in system for people who want to add some removed system apps.
Nevertheless, this is your rom and ultimately your decision.
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Its a good idea & perfectly possible. Pawitp just asked for some chip id data in the CM10 thread. It looks like lags could be associated with phones having the older Samsung MoviNand chip. Newer devices have a Sandisk iNand (same as Nexus S). I have the Sandisk so that's why the new partition layout made no difference to me. I'm not sure that increasing datadata would help. I don't use it because I don't see any gain in practice.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

Upgrade Android?

Has anyone successfully upgraded their nst to android 2.2 or higher?
If it isn't possible, how difficult would it be to modify the api of an apk to become compatible with android 2.1?
it need alot of work to modify the controls.of android 2.2 also the kernl if need ..... why u need upgrade android version ....... u must know tha nsr build for read only , and android 2.1+root fair for me indeed
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In order to utilize the full features of an app I am trying to use, I need to run Android 2.2 minimum on my nst.
speedman2202 said:
it need alot of work to modify the controls.of android 2.2 also the kernl if need ..... why u need upgrade android version ....... u must know tha nsr build for read only , and android 2.1+root fair for me indeed
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mantano, perfect viewer, aldiko etc. they have been upgraded to function only with 2.2+ , i know, there are old versions still compatibles but newer have functions that may be desiderable
centralpark said:
If it isn't possible, how difficult would it be to modify the api of an apk to become compatible with android 2.1?
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you need to disassemble the apk with apktool then modify the android:minSdkVersion value in AndroidManifest.xml to work with an early android version but it is not guaranteed that works
i have never do that but there are many tutorials arounds

Porting android apps to another android device.

Hey guys, i need help porting apps from one android device to another like apps from LG Optimus 2x to LG optimus one or porting stock apps to cyanogenmod or porting xperia, samsung apps to non xperia(or non samsung) devices. I dont intend to make it for commercial use like posting on playstore. I just want it include on roms and make it such a way that other devs can include it on their roms. I have basic C++ knowledge and Im learning java on my own!
Normally you can just compile the app and add it to your work with the right copyright notice as long as your device/ROM is the minimum API level which is required.
How can i compile a app from source, which is already compiled like stock keyboard for xperia making it work on non xepria or LG optimus 2X Launcher for LG optimus one!
Edit: I'm new at this!
Sent from my LG-P690 using xda app-developers app
ayazm.140895 said:
How can i compile a app from source, which is already compiled like stock keyboard for xperia making it work on non xepria or LG optimus 2X Launcher for LG optimus one!
Edit: I'm new at this!
Sent from my LG-P690 using xda app-developers app
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So have you got the sources? If you do, select File -> Import -> Existing Android code into workspace in Eclipse.
If you have already got a compiled app why don't you use that one?
If you mean resizing the images, rename the compiled apk to a .zip file. Then you can browse the content. Afterwards rename it to .apk.
nikwen said:
So have you got the sources? If you do, select File -> Import -> Existing Android code into workspace in Eclipse.
If you have already got a compiled app why don't you use that one?
If you mean resizing the images, rename the compiled apk to a .zip file. Then you can browse the content. Afterwards rename it to .apk.
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I have got no sources. It's a stock application. I have to make it work on other device by resizing the images and make them work on other devices (may be low end device of same company or different company!)
Sent from my LG-P690 using xda app-developers app
ayazm.140895 said:
I have got no sources. It's a stock application. I have to make it work on other device by resizing the images and make them work on other devices (may be low end device of same company or different company!)
Sent from my LG-P690 using xda app-developers app
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Ok. Try what I described:
If you mean resizing the images, rename the compiled apk to a .zip file. Then you can browse the content. Afterwards rename it to .apk.
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I know I should modify the apk but what files like xperia has some file which checks the device for xperia device. What are the dimensions for mdpi device. What are the files should I modify in a keyboard to make it work on other device!
Sent from my LG-P690 using xda app-developers app

[TOOL] Starting a new tool

I'm a beginner in AndroidModding, and the ways that I have found so far are boring (as well as my ability to describe my project).
Basically, I'm developing a visual tool to facilitate mods creation. I know there are already some, but I intend to make a better base for beginners as I don't make crap.
I'll leave out some screen shots and when I make the program more stable I'll upload a first test version.
I wish everyone who has any idea about what I can add in the project manifest and suggest the same. At the end I will give credit to all who help me improve things.
And also, if you guys think this is will be useless please tell me this too
[Change log]
Working features:
-Create and manage Devices and ROMs
--Auto framework change 90% complete
-Create multiple projects of same APK
-Import an APK via dialog box to avoid mistake at folder arrange
-Decompile, Build, Auto META-INF PATCH, Recompile and ZipAlign just at one click for each function.
-Shortcut to working folders
-Debug output
-Set zipalign compression option
Features i'm working on:
-Auto change framework for different devices
-Auto mod scripting
-Translation features
-Pull/Push files via ADB
Features that I already tought about:
-Multi-Framework capability: Switch between frameworks to mod apps of different Roms and devices without complication.
-Project creation: Create a new independent mod with just one click without losing your previous project.
-Auto patch: Select a Mod in a list, choose your preferences and watch while program do the hard work for you.
-Create a auto patch youself: If you are already experient and want automate your mods, you can create a list of actions to auto apply into an apk.
-Create a Zip file to install in recovery mod
-Default stuff to ApkTool like decompile, build, recompile, blabla
[add 06/10/13 18:30]
-Adb pull/push: send or get files from your phone by adb connection
-Smali code autopatch support
ps: I don't know speak english as well, so, sorry about any mistake
This is good and seems fun
will wait for a test release
Will it be Open Source ?
Then we could improve your work by submitting patches
Pixelvernichter said:
Will it be Open Source ?
Then we could improve your work by submitting patches
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Its a good idea, I'll think aboit it
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Also, if you need an tester for your tool I have time and i would do it
That tool will be great for a nope like me thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
shfddi being
i'll help to test if u want to..
Live log would be good. To watch as phone boots into an inevitable bootloop when trying something new. Saves running log separately and lets you view as it happens. With filtering would be good. Adbmagic did something similar but you cant copy or search the log.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4
Solved!Does anyone know if a xml like instead when inner value is empty interferes something or just make file bigger? I mean to Android, because I know their same thing.
Also, who wants help me making me an logo? I was thinking about an android with Merlin's costume, but I don't have the skills to reproduce this
Goldieking said:
Live log would be good. To watch as phone boots into an inevitable bootloop when trying something new. Saves running log separately and lets you view as it happens. With filtering would be good. Adbmagic did something similar but you cant copy or search the log.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4
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That's a good idea, i'll try implement that, thanks
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SkyaTura said:
Does anyone know if a xml like instead when inner value is empty interferes something or just make file bigger? I mean to Android, because I know their same thing.
Also, who wants help me making me an logo? I was thinking about an android with Merlin's costume, but I don't have the skills to reproduce this
That's a good idea, i'll try implement that, thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Bump !
Logo in progress
( Android with Merlin Costum. lol xD )
New changes at thread!!!
I pretend to release a beta version this week yet
Pixelvernichter said:
Bump !
Logo in progress
( Android with Merlin Costum. lol xD )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can we see a preview of our MerlinDroid?
(i would be annoying if i ask an icon version?)

