[Q] Contacts app broken after 4.2.2 update - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

High there. My unrooted Nexus 7 Wifi updated yesterday morning via OTA (although I helped it along by force-stopping and clearing data on Google Services Framework). All was good until I tried opening the Contacts app, which fails to open with the message: "Unfortunately, Contacts has stopped." I tried everything I could think of, including:
Restarting the tablet.
Going into Settings>Apps and force-stopping Contacts and Contacts Storage and clearing caches and data.
Deleting my Google account, restarting, and signing back up for it.
None of these worked.
A funny thing I did to test the contacts feature in the cloud is that I opened Contacts on my PC and edited some of the entries. Then I started a new email on my Nexus 7, started entering a name in the To: field, and the edited contact info autofilled. So the Contacts app does not work, but the contact data is still available to other apps and is syncing properly.
Can anyone think of anything else I can try short of a factory reset?

Bueller? Bueller?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using the tears of solitude.


[Q] Google Calendar NOT syncing

So I searched the forums for any solution to this problem but to no avail. I have a tf300t that is unlocked, rooted and updated to 4.2.1. Up until recently everything was fine until I realised that my google calendar no longer syncs. Neither does the default asus calendar. I have tried many things but nothing has worked. I've tried uninstalling calendar, removing google account, readding but nothing has worked. I think the problem started when I tried to use ASUS sync with it on my laptop (the calendar and contacts was greyed out on the asus pc sync software). Any suggestions as to how to correct this? I really would like my calendar to be working again. Now I'm considering just doing a clean install again to get this thing to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When you go to Settings, select Google under Accounts, and select your Google account, is there a check mark next to Calendar? If so, is there some kind of error message? It's possible that when you set up the ASUS sync software, it just set your sync settings to no longer sync your calendar and contacts with Google since it assumes you'll be doing that with the ASUS software instead.
Otherwise, if there's an error, it could be conflicting with the ASUS software in some way. In that case, you could try clearing the data from, and disabling, the ASUS apps, clear data from Google Calendar and People, and resync. I know that when I used MIUI on my Evo 4G, if you used the built-in MIUI Backup app to restore contact info, it conflicted with Google's contact sync. That could be happening here, too.
Putting the ILLA in KILLA since 1985

[Q] Gmail sync suddenly stopped working

I've been on android for many years, and know my way around for sure. I've been running the CM10.1 nightlies with the faux123 kernel for quite a while and everything was working well. Suddenly in the last few days, Gmail sync stopped working. The odd thing is that Exchange emails are getting pushed, Chrome to phone works, calendar, browsing etc. all work. Gmail will eventually sync, but I need to open the Gmail application app and force a sync.
Here is what I've already tried
- Disable and enable gmail sync
- Clear cache
- Clear data
- Installed stock 4.2.2 ROM (bigxies)
- Reinstalled CM10.1 after a factory reset
- Installed stock again
- Reinstalled new baseband and radio
I'm now running stock 4.2.2 and still can't get Gmail sync to work. Can anyone offer any advice?
When reinstalling/changing ROMs are you restoring account system data with TitaniumBackup? I had one account not syncing for like a month across three different ROMs. Had to just delete and add all my accounts again to fix it.
You haven't tried removing and re-adding your Google account?
Sent from my iPad 4
When reinstalling/changing ROMs are you restoring account system data with TitaniumBackup? I had one account not syncing for like a month across three different ROMs. Had to just delete and add all my accounts again to fix it.
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No, only restoring apps + app data. I never back up system data.
mitchdickson said:
You haven't tried removing and re-adding your Google account?
Sent from my iPad 4
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Yes, I did this first (forgot it in my list), and did this when I did a factory reset with stock ROM twice as well.
This happened to me whenever I tried restoring Gmail app+data from Ti Backup. Whenever I wipe, I have to uninstall Gmail and redownload from Google Play.
It was odd. I finally got it working but turning off Gmail sync for 24 hours, and then back on. It was the oddest thing, but I guess it fixed itself.

com storage changes my contacts pictures

Hi, on my Wife's Samsung Galaxy S4 (AT&T) Non-Rooted Phone. Her contact Pictures keep changing to a blank Picture. I went on line using a PC and went to her Google Contacts and her pictures of her contacts were there. So I thought it might be a Sync issue..tried syncing and it didn't work...tried restarting, that didn't work...I went to her Application Manager on her phone and cleared the cache and data on each of the following Apps and restarted after each time I cleared the app data/cache, till I found out which one was causing this issue..
I don't know what causes this or how I can stop it from happening...I will have to preform this action every 1-2 weeks to correct it, only to have it change again...
I was wondering:
Does anyone else have this issue?
Do you know how to fix it?
Do you know why this keeps happening?
Aside from wiping out here phone and starting it from scratch, (Time consuming) I want to understand the cause behind it first...
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!!!
Homeuser66 said:
Hi, on my Wife's Samsung Galaxy S4 (AT&T) Non-Rooted Phone. Her contact Pictures keep changing to a blank Picture. I went on line using a PC and went to her Google Contacts and her pictures of her contacts were there. So I thought it might be a Sync issue..tried syncing and it didn't work...tried restarting, that didn't work...I went to her Application Manager on her phone and cleared the cache and data on each of the following Apps and restarted after each time I cleared the app data/cache, till I found out which one was causing this issue..
I don't know what causes this or how I can stop it from happening...I will have to preform this action every 1-2 weeks to correct it, only to have it change again...
I was wondering:
Does anyone else have this issue?
Do you know how to fix it?
Do you know why this keeps happening?
Aside from wiping out here phone and starting it from scratch, (Time consuming) I want to understand the cause behind it first...
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!!!
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Does she sync contacts from Facebook, or Twitter, etc?
Colonel Sanders said:
Does she sync contacts from Facebook, or Twitter, etc?
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Yes....they all sync without any issues...she don't have to touch the phone and it automatically does this on it's own..I was thinking it had something to do with AT&T Address Book Sync...but not sure what it could be as COM STORAGE seems to have been the only thing that set it back to normal when I cleared the Cache and Data.....
Homeuser66 said:
Yes....they all sync without any issues...she don't have to touch the phone and it automatically does this on it's own..I was thinking it had something to do with AT&T Address Book Sync...but not sure what it could be as COM STORAGE seems to have been the only thing that set it back to normal when I cleared the Cache and Data.....
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It could very well be the AT&T program. Freeze it with TiBu, and see if it keeps the correct contact pictures.
Colonel Sanders said:
It could very well be the AT&T program. Freeze it with TiBu, and see if it keeps the correct contact pictures.
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Thanks will do...I'll test that out when I get home..
Update: Moderators can close this post. The issue has been resolved. It was a system upgrade that went OTA and had glitches. Had to do a re-install of the OS and factory reset...now everything is perfect...

[Q] messed with Framework to force 4.3 OTA, serious troubles with play store account!

So i was clearing frameworks service on my nexus 4 and nexus 10 to try to force the OTA update. I found out the hard way that this is stupid and can seriously harm stuff.
First of all, i got problems with play store. I got errors when downloading app updates from google play.
After searching for a solution i found that I had to remove my google account from my phone and then add it again. That worked.
However once I updated to 4.3(didnt get the OTA so i used the adb method) the problems came back - it would not sync my primary account.
So i deleted again the account, cleaned framework and google play data.
Now it looks like i seriosuly f* up things. I can log in to google play but all my installed apps are gone (under "my apps")
When i login to the web version, both my nexus 4 and nexus 10 have disappeared from my devices. It only lists my old ones, that i dont have anymore.
Under "all apps" i do still see my app history (incl purchases), so at least some data was saved.
Is there anyhting i can do to
1. link my devices
2. see my installed apps?
Thanks in advance.
-edit: SOLVED!
Here's what happened - by deleting my primary account, a secondary account became the primary one so all app data was linked to that one.
I deleted all other accounts except the primary one, and with that app data was again linked to the primary account.
Do a hard reset.
Sfkn2 said:
Do a hard reset.
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i really want to avoid clearing all my data.
-edit: SOLVED!
Here's what happened - by deleting my primary account, a secondary account became the primary one so all app data was linked to that one.
I deleted all other accounts except the primary one, and with that app data was again linked to the primary account.

[Q] Out of sync

Hey there... I had a Samsung Galaxy S3... so I decided to buy the S4 at a very reasonable price. It came to me yesterday.
So excited...!
When I started configuring the device, my nightmare began.
- Firmware was upgraded to 4.3 and no other updates are available.
- I don't want to root my phone (not yet).
I can't login to my google account: I keep getting the message:
Sync Error.
"Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly".
Specifically I can't sync Contacts and Gmail and Picasa (couldn't care less about this one).
What I have done so far not exactly by this order:
- Cleared cache of Contacts and Contacts storage;
- Went to my Gmail via web and exported and deleted all contacts;
- Factory reset;
- Tried the Samsung Contacts Fix;
- Deleted and added the Google account (like 223 times);
- Removed all application passwords from Google verification;
- Downgraded all Google applications and Google services;
- Checked out time and date on the device;
- Went through the Google troubleshooting process.
To no avail.Sometimes I get the ok for the Google contacts but no contacts show up.
Now I can't go anywhere from here... No contacts, Not able to use Google Play...
What a complete turn-off...
Any genius out there with a solution to my case?
Thanks a bunch!
Xaninha said:
Hey there... I had a Samsung Galaxy S3... so I decided to buy the S4 at a very reasonable price. It came to me yesterday.
So excited...!
When I started configuring the device, my nightmare began.
- Firmware was upgraded to 4.3 and no other updates are available.
- I don't want to root my phone (not yet).
I can't login to my google account: I keep getting the message:
Sync Error.
"Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly".
Specifically I can't sync Contacts and Gmail and Picasa (couldn't care less about this one).
What I have done so far not exactly by this order:
- Cleared cache of Contacts and Contacts storage;
- Went to my Gmail via web and exported and deleted all contacts;
- Factory reset;
- Tried the Samsung Contacts Fix;
- Deleted and added the Google account (like 223 times);
- Removed all application passwords from Google verification;
- Downgraded all Google applications and Google services;
- Checked out time and date on the device;
- Went through the Google troubleshooting process.
To no avail.Sometimes I get the ok for the Google contacts but no contacts show up.
Now I can't go anywhere from here... No contacts, Not able to use Google Play...
What a complete turn-off...
Any genius out there with a solution to my case?
Thanks a bunch!
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SOLVED: All you have to do is to turn off 2-step verification on your google acccount, remove it from your phone and voilĂ . :laugh:
