my touch on the HTC HD2 is not working does anyone what the problem is?
First try flashing another ROM/WinMo to check if it's a software problem. If not, then it's probably related to your digitizer. A quick solution is to press very hard on the end call button and then try using the device. Avoid using the end call/lock button if you can. You can find apps/widgets which lock the screen, if you have CM10 (I can't remember if this is on other versions) you can turn on a lock screen toggle in the notification power widget. When unlocking the device again avoid using the end call button.
ALLRIGHT I WILL now try to change from rom and if it is the digitizer where can i buy this part?
Since I have my brand new HTC Touch HD, I do have some problems to power it on. I find the power on button not that well placed and very difficult to hit.
Powering off the PDA is rather simple without using that button, for instance like the GSEN power off option.
But I'm wondering whether a similar functionality based onto the G-sensor could also be implemented for powering on/wake-up the device ?
Any idea ?
I tried to write such an App on Diamond... but it was consuming too much battery....
There is such a thing. If I understand it correctly, it's called VueFlow or ViewFlo. Something like that. I got it off XDA, but can't seem to get it to work correctly on my HD. Gyrator2 works similar, but wont wake the phone up. Also, look for Shake2Wake. Hope this helps.
Any progress on this one - did you find the tool?
efla said:
Since I have my brand new HTC Touch HD, I do have some problems to power it on. I find the power on button not that well placed and very difficult to hit.
Powering off the PDA is rather simple without using that button, for instance like the GSEN power off option.
But I'm wondering whether a similar functionality based onto the G-sensor could also be implemented for powering on/wake-up the device ?
Any idea ?
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"for powering on/wake-up the device ? " simply get out the stylus...
Mobile magic has some settings to suit. I have mine to go off face down and come back when vertical. It can also be set for stick out and in.
I'll try it, thank you
How to lock all buttons except Power button on HD2 ? (When the screen is off)
I have tried the suggestions from here but it just doesnt work...
Does anyone know a solution for this ?
Key Lock Cab Does not Work on HD2
Would also like to know if anyone found a solution on how to lock all keys on the HD2 except for the Power (end) Key.
Thank you
Key lock; any key power on
Me three. No one else seems too bothered
Not got my HD2 yet so not had a chance to play around, Coming tomorrow at
Anyone tried this: S2U2 (Slide 2 Unlock 2)
I have been using it on my Gsmart T600 and I love it, Great little lock app
and one app I will be trying out on the HD2 tomorrow.
Or PocketShield, for that matter - keeps screen from coming on when buttons are accidentally touched:
Last time I looked it was $7.00 US or there abouts.
I have the same problem of locking and unlocking
use a headset to answer a call completely unlocks the screen, and conversations are interrupted, it is unacceptable .... Managing lock unlock the screen to review by HTC. For information, the HD1 does not have all these problems!
And whats the solution now? (exept using pocketshield).
I must say it is a shame that HTC is not including a full working lock-app for such a device with recessed hardwarekeys before selling it. This is the first thing a designer should think off !! If such keys could be accidently pressed it is a must to provide a softwaresolution.
Is it a bug or a feature?
Can proximity sensor use to solve this problem. When HD2 in my pocket proximity sensor prevent to accidental unlock, like phone conversation.
how to lock all buttons exept the power button in wm6.5 ?
In wm6.1 it was possible to change that in settings/keys menu. But in wm6.5 this is gone for some stupid reason!
I dont want to use ext. app like pocketshield for such a basic and simple feature.
Reason: when phone is screenlocked - any hardwarekey wake up phone from standby. And of course the screen pops up and drain battery. HD2 keys are recessed and in the pocked can easyly accidentialy get pressed. When screen weaks up for some reasons (incoming call or other notification event) the buttons are not locked and i dont need to describe what funny things can happen then (just imagine on your own). Even accidentialy changes to my settings happened in my pocket without recognising.
HTC: this is ridiculous.
Pls help. Is there maybe a easy reghack to activate this basic feature again, like it was implemented in previous Rom versions?
the button lock in WM6.5 is the same as WM6.1 (got X1 before)
but in HD2 it's different.. and I don't think anyone solved this problem yet...
No known solution indeed, apart from using S2U2, and if you want to save more battery adding proximitylock.
what if you locked the keys while you are making a call with bluetooth and you want to look in your phone? You'd have to press the "end call/power" button..
Also since the power button turns the screen off, I automaticly press the same button to turn the screen on when I'm not making a call.. I can't count the times I've ended a call by accident like this.. another great design flaw of this phone
I still hope someone will find a solution for a working hardwarebuttonlock
no one found a solution yet?
i'm having the same problem and strangely i am irritating myself to death on this,
Not a good job HTC!
I am wondering if is it possible to have a application to turn on the screen without have to press the HD2 hard buttons. Like turn on the screen if you touch the screen for 5 seconds. Is there any application to do that, or is it possible to any developer do this ?
This is to save the HD2 hard buttons.
no. if they did that then the phone would unlock in your pocket. touch screen is disabled when screen is off.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Premium App
searched for another method to unlock the phone: Shake to unlock.
But found no app, that can do somthing like that with the stock lockscreen.
with Lockbot, which replaces your stock lockscreen there is a functionality that unlocks your phone, if you shake it.
Didn't tried it myself...
Thanks for the tips.
I will try the Lockbot, I put the results here.
Hi guys I have a Tmobile HD2 and I have been facing a weird issue. When I use the touch installer aroma in recovery the touchscreen works perfect but when in android on winmo if I lock the phone by pressing the end call key and then after waking up the phone using the same key the touch doesnt respond same thing happens in android none of the hardware keys allow me to unlok the phone. However when the screen locks automatically after timeout and if i use any other hardware key apart from the end call button the screen works fine.
Is my screeen and digitizer dying please help
hypergamer1231 said:
Is my screeen and digitizer dying please help
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Unfortunately, your digitizer is dying indeed, it's a matter of time until it'll die for good.
bib*oops said:
Unfortunately, your digitizer is dying indeed, it's a matter of time until it'll die for good.
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Thanks for the reply mate I found a solution using the button remapper now i have disabled the back to wake up the device I use the call end button to lock the screen and to unlock the call ans and hone and windows keys do the job beautifully and hence the problem is disappeared so i ll wait till my digitizer dies
hypergamer1231 said:
Thanks for the reply mate I found a solution using the button remapper now i have disabled the back to wake up the device I use the call end button to lock the screen and to unlock the call ans and hone and windows keys do the job beautifully and hence the problem is disappeared so i ll wait till my digitizer dies
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Good solution...for now!
Is this problem really relatet to the digitizer itself?
What connection is between the buttons and the digitzer?
I have nearly the same issue, and its enough to just touch and wiggle the end button very soft to make the touchscreen stop.
=> Is it just a bad cable? or the button underneath with two circuits maby? One for light and one to activate/deactivate digitizer???
I would like to have some info to maby fix it instead of just replacing the digitzer (again).
If its the flat ribbon cable, it could be replaced alone or repaired. If there is some contact between button/cable and touchscreen it could be isolated and so on.
I repaired my hd2 a few times, but need info about this particular problem to know what im looking for.
So if anyone had this issue and could locate the problems source i woulde be thankful for some informations ;D
Maby there will be some fix guide for common problems around this problem if we put together some hints.