[Q] Have problem after installation of android - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hi i have problem with android. I installed android 4.1.2 JellyBean. And i have 4 GB SD card with FAT32 and EXT4 partition (EXT partition is around 1 GB)
No1. Full internal memory there is only around 70 MB occupied.
No2. When i restart smartphone it want me to set settings, wifi password and gmail account.
What you recommend fully clean and then install hspl and others again?
If do can you help me i know how to install magdlr then i want help.
Can someone help? I am noob i know this has been my first flash and i am really frustrated because it isnt working.

You need to give a lot more information. What ROM did you flash? What partiton size did you use? Have you flashed an A2SD script or used Link2SD? The amount of 'internal storage' you have depends on a variety of factors, just saying that you have a JB ROM and an EXT partition won't help too much.
As for the second password, do you mean you have to go through the setup wizard each time? I don't see any reason why you shouldn't enter your GMail account or WiFi password, you're going to need both on the phone anyway.

I flash this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1930240
Partition size for FAT32 is around 2,7 GB and EXT4 around 1 GB.
I dont know what is A2SD.
Yeah after restart here is setup wizard again.

PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.

milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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Yeah, that's really not going to get you any help. I was considering giving you some advice (well, I already gave you some) but now I think not. If you actually tried searching about your problem you'd be able to find tonnes of info on how to 'fix' low internal storage issues. As for your second issue, I've never heard of it before so even if I wanted to help I wouldn't be able to.

milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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why on this forum no one wanna help
well why on this forum do people that want help never post
the needed information for people to help them
that rom has 3 different install methods
and you still have not posted your partition size
so if i was you i would click on that link in Nigeldg signature that says Some people REALLY need to read this!
then come back and try to post something we can help you with

milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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You need to post what type of installation you did,
Nand with Data on EXt
or NativeSD
You problem I think is that the EXT partition isn't being mounted on boot. probably a bug with the installer package. I don't know.
You should really be asking help from the one who created the rom.

I recommend to install the PACman_leo_v1.2a_div3 (JB 4.1.2) to nand on clk (150MB partition), the card class 6 or 10 for that format, for example (2GB SD and 2GB ext4) initrd_patcher use and will walk like a formula 1

Problem with instalation
Hi guys i have been from some time on this forum but never needed to ask a question because i had no problems till now.
I tryed to instal [DEV/ROM/4.2.1] [Jan 13 2013] VJ CM10.1 | Jelly Bean 4.2.1 - v4.5 for HD2 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2097273
on instalation i get the folowing error assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "leo" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "leo" E error in sdcard/CM10.1_VJ_4.2.1_V4.5.1_with_GApps_HD2.zip (Status 7) Instalation aborted
I tryed to reply a question to the topic starter but i cant write in the development compartment since i dont have 10 post yet
If you dont know how to help me please repost my message on the thread indicated above.
Thank You in advance!

Are you on MAGLDR? I think from what I've read on that thread that some are having issues with getting it to work with NativeSD on MAGLDR. If that's the case, try what it says in this post.

Nigeldg said:
You need to give a lot more information. What ROM did you flash? What partiton size did you use? Have you flashed an A2SD script or used Link2SD? The amount of 'internal storage' you have depends on a variety of factors, just saying that you have a JB ROM and an EXT partition won't help too much.
As for the second password, do you mean you have to go through the setup wizard each time? I don't see any reason why you shouldn't enter your GMail account or WiFi password, you're going to need both on the phone anyway.
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milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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gogodu5sU said:
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gogodu5sU said:
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Perfect :').

Nigeldg said:
Perfect :').
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pssssttt your at 666 thanks you be evillllllllllllll

I was just thinking that actually Well, it was short lived haha


[Q] Need help to install MIUIJaws on my HD2!!

Hi everyone!!
Well, this is not my first time flashing an android ROM on my HD2, but... this is my first time with Clockwork!
And, I'm lost...
I want this one:
And I really don't know how this work, 'cause even if I check the forum about clockwork mod ( yep, I'm french! ), I don't get it...
So, does anyone can make a step by step installation for me please? This will be the only things I'll ask, it's just to understand how to used CWM!
Just, imagine I only got a fresh install of MAGLDR 1.11, and... please tell me what to do next! I don't know if I should partition My SD card, or if CWM do it himself, or etc.
For this one, I don't want the data on my FAT32 partition's, but on the ext3/4(? don't know what I must choose between those ) partition.
And, really, thanks for all that's really great work on our HD2! Probably the best Mobile I'd get in my life!!
PS: as I told it before, sorry for my bad english, I'm french... thank you.
well you should post aboit it in lesjaws post and not here..
anyway, have a look on my post #964
in JawsMIUI so thats may help you or if not and you will still have a probs with something just post it there not here. Not everyone checking all posts here on XDA so you have a better chance someone will help you cos all user of JawsMIUI checking the posts about JawsMIUI. And many are actually subscribed to it like me so I always receive notification email if some new is posted there.
And about ext partition, u need to know so many people have an issues with this option including me so I using data.img instead and its woks great.
Lovveless said:
Hi everyone!!
Well, this is not my first time flashing an android ROM on my HD2, but... this is my first time with Clockwork!
And, I'm lost...
I want this one:
And I really don't know how this work, 'cause even if I check the forum about clockwork mod ( yep, I'm french! ), I don't get it...
So, does anyone can make a step by step installation for me please? This will be the only things I'll ask, it's just to understand how to used CWM!
Just, imagine I only got a fresh install of MAGLDR 1.11, and... please tell me what to do next! I don't know if I should partition My SD card, or if CWM do it himself, or etc.
For this one, I don't want the data on my FAT32 partition's, but on the ext3/4(? don't know what I must choose between those ) partition.
And, really, thanks for all that's really great work on our HD2! Probably the best Mobile I'd get in my life!!
PS: as I told it before, sorry for my bad english, I'm french... thank you.
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Thanks a lot!
Well, I can't post in the android ROM forum, 'cause I'm new and I need at least 10 post to post message in this section... that's why I made a topic like this!
thanks for your tutorial, it will really help me!
I always prefer ext partition... but if you tell me data is okay, well, I'm gonna try it! Some people tell me they have problem with data corrupted...
By the way, does data use the battery, less, more or equal to ext partitions?
you're welcome.
You can also express your gratitude in just clicking the thanks-icon at the bottom of my post.
About the battery usage, I can't tell u if there is a difference between ext & data.img cos ext didn't work for me and after I haven't tried it anymore.
EDIT:Let me know if u need any more help and also post the info when u finish the flash and if is all OK.
Lovveless said:
Thanks a lot!
Well, I can't post in the android ROM forum, 'cause I'm new and I need at least 10 post to post message in this section... that's why I made a topic like this!
thanks for your tutorial, it will really help me!
I always prefer ext partition... but if you tell me data is okay, well, I'm gonna try it! Some people tell me they have problem with data corrupted...
By the way, does data use the battery, less, more or equal to ext partitions?
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[Q] HD2: Switching ROM to ROM

So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
To make a build work from the SD card, you need to have Windows Mobile OS.
If you want Android working from Nand, just boot into MAGLDR, hardreset your NAND memory, this will wipe the NAND;
Then enter USB Flasher mode in MAGLDR and either you can flash a new ROM or flash CWM Recovery - a tool from which you can install zipped ROM files from your SD.
Basically, chose the ROM you like to install on your device, and follow the steps provided there, those steps will be sufficient to wipe the previous ROM and install the new one.
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
voncrane said:
Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
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Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
Wow, no need to be so harsh. And if you keep that up you'll just help turn this into a flame thread, hence the lock down of this thread by a mod. Look at the second link he gave you, it contains links to all the useful information about a HD2, and the answers to your question.
Anyways, look at this thread,
That thread will give you all the answers, read, read, read, I'm dead serious, it has all the answers.
Read the whole thing.
Best of luck.
beans_p_ said:
Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
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Any1 can type on the keyboard but not every1 can control what they type on it...U asked for help and LINKS...i pointed u in d best directions u'll ever get...XDA is a developers-based site hence its url and not some cry-baby forum..Grow up, read up and come back...Then u'll get help...
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start by going to the windows mobile 6.5 dev thread and in the sticky you will find the task29 without mtty thread, get it. Check what radio you're running and if you don't have the 2.15.50, get it from the same sticky. Now come to android nand dev and find the latest MGLDR and get that too, find a rom you would like to use, find the partition size for such rom and get it.
Now start by task29.
Flash 2.15.50 radio if you don't have it.(if you do skip it)
Flash MGLDR- Either thru DAF or RUU.
Flash Clockworkmod recovery with needed partition.
Copy all your SD card content to pc and within clockworkmod advanced settings, format SD card to 1024mb with 0 swap.
Drop into the SD card the rom zip only and flash it, once done you can transfer the rest of your stuff back to the SD card from pc.
I hope this can help you a bit with your learning of android flashing in the hd2
Sent from my HyperDroidCM7 HD2

[Q] (PLEASE HELP)Problems With Installing new ROM on htc hd 2

okay so basically i woke up this morning and decided i wanted android on my htc hd2 .. i had windows 6.5 which is ****ing horrible . i followed all the steps and got the point in the process where the phone ask you to pick the zip file from ypur sd card .. and then it wouldnt work from there ... someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME.
pkola629 said:
and then it wouldnt work from there
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totally useless sentence, , with zero detail no one can help.
which rom?
what exactly does 'wouldnt work' mean, , , flashed but wouldnt boot, flashed but hung booting, started to flash and failed, what?
what cwm partition size?
we arent mind readers
samsamuel said:
totally useless sentence, , with zero detail no one can help.
which rom?
what exactly does 'wouldnt work' mean, , , flashed but wouldnt boot, flashed but hung booting, started to flash and failed, what?
what cwm partition size?
we arent mind readers
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Ha ha ha ha I sympothize with you Sam, but cut them a little slack man it is their first post.Oh and good to see you posting in the forums again, you are one of the best to guide someone out of a jam they got their self into because of noob mistakes.
Now at the OP, Sam is right we need more information to go on like what ROM you are trying to install, what version of Clockwork Mod Recovery you have installed, what version HD2 you have (EU or TMOUS), and if you have your SD card formatd fat 32 or not. You know spacifics. The more info the better your chances to get a solution to your problem.
lol sorry guys about . but basically when it was a gingerbread android 2.3 rom . well atleast it was was supposed to be , my first thought was that the file was bad because it was the part of the process where im supposed to pick the zip file from the sd card .. the update started then it said installtion aborted or file not found . i think i either didnt downloaad the right rom or i did something wrong during the process .
the site i got the rom download from looked kind of iffy .
where can i get a reliable android 2.3.3 rom or a windows 7 rom because i basically have no idea where to.
by the way im new to this so please bare with me on the lingo and stuff like that .. im basically panicing .
pkola629 said:
lol sorry guys about . but basically when it was a gingerbread android 2.3 rom . well atleast it was was supposed to be , my first thought was that the file was bad because it was the part of the process where im supposed to pick the zip file from the sd card .. the update started then it said installtion aborted or file not found . i think i either didnt downloaad the right rom or i did something wrong during the process .
the site i got the rom download from looked kind of iffy .
where can i get a reliable android 2.3.3 rom or a windows 7 rom because i basically have no idea where to.
by the way im new to this so please bare with me on the lingo and stuff like that .. im basically panicing .
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OK that is easy just go to the Android NAND development forums for the HD2. You can find the original NAND Android ROM there if you want. But for real all the ROMs there are reliable ROMs.
thankkss that worked perfectly ! , now do you know where i can find a windows 7 rom
pkola629 said:
thankkss that worked perfectly ! , now do you know where i can find a windows 7 rom
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Ha well to be honest it is not hard to find if you look for it in the HD2 forums. I mean it is labeled HD2 Windows Phone 7 as the name for the WP7 forums for for the HD2. I also know I will probably catch some flack from other members for linking it for you . But hey what can I say I am a nice guy.
Go to the HD2 Windows Phone 7 Development forums for a WP7 ROM and instructions on how to flash it. I also have a guide link in the guide in my Sig if you want to check it out. Also make sure you have a known compatible SD card to use with WP7 before you flash it as you might run into unwanted side effects if you do not. Go to the HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q &A and General thread to find a link to the thread that can do that. Also you might want to check out some more of the threads linked there as they are very informative.

Q & A of NEWB

I am using creed Rom 3.5 , my baseband version is DDLE1 , but i want to install stock rom via ODIN , can i install XXLK3 stock rom in my mobile ? FYI , i m from bangladesh
snip3r_e said:
I am using creed Rom 3.5 , my baseband version is DDLE1 , but i want to install stock rom via ODIN , can i install XXLK3 stock rom in my mobile ? FYI , i m from bangladesh
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You can install any firmware.
I never heard of any other method in installing stock roms. And what they say is "flashing through odin is the easiest way". Odin IS TE EASIEST WAY
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1465800 - here
snip3r_e said:
I am using creed Rom 3.5 , my baseband version is DDLE1 , but i want to install stock rom via ODIN , can i install XXLK3 stock rom in my mobile ? FYI , i m from bangladesh
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You can install any firmware u want. But DDLA2 is the best for our country.. (i'm also from bangladesh)
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
Damaged SD card in Galaxy Y 5360
Please bear with me it sure is long. This would be my first post here. And m sorry to post in your thread man I dont know how to post a new thread here my apologies.
I saw many articles and stuffs regarding this issue but none helped but hope you guys would be able to help. As I went through many other forums I saw that people were only complaining about the SD card being uninstalled automatically or something like that and were suggested to Format the card in FAT32 via phone connected to pc. In my case the SD card has problem to be able to install in the phone i suppose reading problem? about once I go to settings and mount it manually it mounts after a couple of attempts.
I wanna know why this happens and yes i have updated my phone to 2.3.6 but still the problem persists. how do i fix it? And yea the card is just fine. I face this problem only when i have more than 3 or 4 apps or more.
any help is much appreciated.
immanrens said:
Please bear with me it sure is long. This would be my first post here. And m sorry to post in your thread man I dont know how to post a new thread here my apologies.
I saw many articles and stuffs regarding this issue but none helped but hope you guys would be able to help. As I went through many other forums I saw that people were only complaining about the SD card being uninstalled automatically or something like that and were suggested to Format the card in FAT32 via phone connected to pc. In my case the SD card has problem to be able to install in the phone i suppose reading problem? about once I go to settings and mount it manually it mounts after a couple of attempts.
I wanna know why this happens and yes i have updated my phone to 2.3.6 but still the problem persists. how do i fix it? And yea the card is just fine. I face this problem only when i have more than 3 or 4 apps or more.
any help is much appreciated.
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Maybe your SD card is not totally fine sir. Try to format it to FAT if it is 2GB below, and FAT32 if it is above 2GB.
jephimax said:
Maybe your SD card is not totally fine sir. Try to format it to FAT if it is 2GB below, and FAT32 if it is above 2GB.
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M using a 1Gb SD but as i mentioned above i checked many other forums and it was suggested to format in FAT32 and i did format it like so. But as you mentioned i'll try FAT format since its 1Gb only. Thank you for your suggestion i'll give it a try.
immanrens said:
Please bear with me it sure is long. This would be my first post here. And m sorry to post in your thread man I dont know how to post a new thread here my apologies.
I saw many articles and stuffs regarding this issue but none helped but hope you guys would be able to help. As I went through many other forums I saw that people were only complaining about the SD card being uninstalled automatically or something like that and were suggested to Format the card in FAT32 via phone connected to pc. In my case the SD card has problem to be able to install in the phone i suppose reading problem? about once I go to settings and mount it manually it mounts after a couple of attempts.
I wanna know why this happens and yes i have updated my phone to 2.3.6 but still the problem persists. how do i fix it? And yea the card is just fine. I face this problem only when i have more than 3 or 4 apps or more.
any help is much appreciated.
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if ur ROM is stock ROM try merruk's v2.0;it may fix ur prblm
immanrens said:
Please bear with me it sure is long. This would be my first post here. And m sorry to post in your thread man I dont know how to post a new thread here my apologies.
I saw many articles and stuffs regarding this issue but none helped but hope you guys would be able to help. As I went through many other forums I saw that people were only complaining about the SD card being uninstalled automatically or something like that and were suggested to Format the card in FAT32 via phone connected to pc. In my case the SD card has problem to be able to install in the phone i suppose reading problem? about once I go to settings and mount it manually it mounts after a couple of attempts.
I wanna know why this happens and yes i have updated my phone to 2.3.6 but still the problem persists. how do i fix it? And yea the card is just fine. I face this problem only when i have more than 3 or 4 apps or more.
any help is much appreciated.
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try any custom roms like chobits,creed or repencis or try custom kernel like merruk. it will solve your problem. (maybe nt sure)
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium

[Q] Can't boot Trib's Sense 4.1 for HD2 v0.7

Help! I can't boot this rom : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2255056
Stuck on a picture "HTC"
i use htc hd2 EU magldr config : 10/280/7
Maybe i do something wrong ?
ZweiR said:
Maybe i do something wrong ?
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Yes, you are trying to boot a still-under-development ROM. It still has a lot of bugs. But if you are insistent, read through the pages of that thread and you will find answers . (one of them is another zip for eu HD2)
Edit: First page has v0.7 which afaik works on eu.
If I understood correctly there is a script that asks before installing the version of EU or TMO. When I installed this question was not.
sorry for my english - using translator sometimes)
Do you have an EXT partition on your SD card? If you do, then try increasing your /system partition to account for any potential bad blocks.
ZweiR said:
If I understood correctly there is a script that asks before installing the version of EU or TMO. When I installed this question was not.
sorry for my english - using translator sometimes)
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This v
Nigeldg said:
Do you have an EXT partition on your SD card? If you do, then try increasing your /system partition to account for any potential bad blocks.
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And redownload the ROM from the first post as it is updated to support EU version.
Thank you very much for your help! I got to run version 0.8 using the script http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=40888821&postcount=82.
Now I will test =). Finally, and Leo has 4 sensе!
PS: do not close the topic because I can not write in the Developer section =)
ZweiR said:
PS: do not close the topic because I can not write in the Developer section =)
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Hah, I wish I had that power for some of the threads that get posted here (not yours, things like best ROM questions) but only mods can close threads.
Someone installed v0.9 ? What parametrs you set ?
I can't boot this rom =(
stuck on "android"

