[Q] Can't boot Trib's Sense 4.1 for HD2 v0.7 - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Help! I can't boot this rom : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2255056
Stuck on a picture "HTC"
i use htc hd2 EU magldr config : 10/280/7
Maybe i do something wrong ?

ZweiR said:
Maybe i do something wrong ?
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Yes, you are trying to boot a still-under-development ROM. It still has a lot of bugs. But if you are insistent, read through the pages of that thread and you will find answers . (one of them is another zip for eu HD2)
Edit: First page has v0.7 which afaik works on eu.

If I understood correctly there is a script that asks before installing the version of EU or TMO. When I installed this question was not.
sorry for my english - using translator sometimes)

Do you have an EXT partition on your SD card? If you do, then try increasing your /system partition to account for any potential bad blocks.

ZweiR said:
If I understood correctly there is a script that asks before installing the version of EU or TMO. When I installed this question was not.
sorry for my english - using translator sometimes)
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This v
Nigeldg said:
Do you have an EXT partition on your SD card? If you do, then try increasing your /system partition to account for any potential bad blocks.
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And redownload the ROM from the first post as it is updated to support EU version.

Thank you very much for your help! I got to run version 0.8 using the script http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=40888821&postcount=82.
Now I will test =). Finally, and Leo has 4 sensе!
PS: do not close the topic because I can not write in the Developer section =)

ZweiR said:
PS: do not close the topic because I can not write in the Developer section =)
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Hah, I wish I had that power for some of the threads that get posted here (not yours, things like best ROM questions) but only mods can close threads.

Someone installed v0.9 ? What parametrs you set ?
I can't boot this rom =(
stuck on "android"


[Q] Many many questions about another os in my hd2

I don't know i have post this in a right or not section, i can't find the Q&A section, is it removed???
Ok, i have these question:
1) I see many os can used in hd2, which one is the best(fastest, more apps)
Android vs WP7 vs WP6.5(???) vs MeeGo vs Ubuntu
2) Are there any way only "install" this os on a sd card, and i can change a sd card?? Eg. 8gb sd for wp6.5, 4gb for android
3) Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
4) Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
5) What difference between HSPL and SPL???
6) Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
7) What was the most popular android vesion for HD2?
8) Can i have multi os? more then 2?
9) Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
10) If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
11) Can i backup my rom???
12) What is "Ship ROM"?
13) What is radio?
All answered!
14) My SPL is 3.03, so what should i do now?
Install HSPL???
There are many HSPL version, which are suitable for me?
How to uninstall HSPL?
15) How to uninstall this android? Just del the folder? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)
16) Are this Android build have flash?
There are lots of question...
Pls answer me
You need to do a lot more reading.
WM6.5 came with the HD2 and is outdated but some still like it.
Meego is not yet completed/available.
Ubuntu works but isn't really perfect as a mobile phone OS IMHO.
Android or Windows Phone 7 are your two main options.
There is only one version of WP7 available from DFT and it works pretty perfectly. WP7 has a unique and slick user interface and works quite well. The problem with WP7 is connecting to windows live services for the market, etc.
Android is the favorite of many here.
There are many versions available 2.2, 2.3, sense, stock, CM, etc.
WP7 and Android can be flashed using MAGLDR.
You cannot flash multiple operating systems at once.
A shipped rom is one provided by the manufacturer when you buy the phone.
The radio is part of the software that allows communication between the OS and the various radios" (GPS, WIFI, 3G, BT).
Thanks for reply!
But there are still some question u have not answer me yet.
Are there any way only "install" this os on a sd card, and i can change a sd card?? Eg. 8gb sd for wp6.5, 4gb for android <-- Added, Can i install WP7 in SD Card?
Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
What difference between HSPL and SPL???
Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
Can i backup my rom??? <-- This one is the most important
In order...
You can install (and run) Android from the SD card. But not WP7.
Install and flash are basically the same thing. Unless you are running Android from the SD card.
Yes... HSPL is not acceptable to manufacturers or operators (a little bit like kiddy-fiddling and the police). You can 'uninstall' HSPL though.
SPL doesn't allow you to flash 'custom' ROMs, only official ROMs.
Your bootloader question makes no sense.
Installing Android isn't the issue with your warranty. You will most probably have flashed HSPL to get Android... that will break your warranty. You can use an SD version of Android with the latest official WWE ROM and Radio however... but are YOU able to flash the WWE ROM in your country without HSPL?
If you get water in the phone I would throw it in the toilet and flush it if i were you. Most providers do not cover water damage. Anything else, just flash back an official ROM and return it for replacement.
Yes, you can backup your ROM. By using ClockWorkMod, you can create backups.
hopkinskong said:
Thanks for reply!
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Some answer to your questions.
Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
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Yes, Android can be run from your SD.
Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
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If you return your device to HTC repair center and thy see HSPL, you don't will have warranty. But if you install HSPL, and if for one or a other reason you need to send your device to HTC repair center just remove HSPL, (yes you can remove it) Ons it's bean removed there are no trace that it was bean install so there is/are no problem more.
What difference between HSPL and SPL???
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SPL = Secondary Program Loader. Think of this in the same sense as bios on a pc. (it sets where your system boots from, intialises sub system process etc)
SSPL = soft spl (this allows you to flash another spl or hardspl).
HSPL = Hard Spl.
HardSPL is involved in unlocking your phone to install a custom ROM that is not signed by carrier. Without unlocking you can only install ROMs from your carrier.
Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
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Don't understand the question.
Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
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All depends sir, if you will use/install Android on internal memory you need to have/install HSPL, and about this I have reply the previous question.
If you will used Android running from your SD, well then you need to know that Android needs minimum Radio 2.08.50 if this is your case; well than no problem.
If you have a earlier Radio for example Radio 2.07. well if you don't will to change your stock ROM who have a newer radio; well than you need to install HSPL for upgrading your radio (again take a look on HSPL)
If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
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Well water inside your device don't fall into the warranty condition, so if there is HSPL ore a other Rom, it don't mater anymore.
Can i backup my rom??? <-- This one is the most important
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There are backup programs on the market. But what exactly do you mean with "Backup your ROM"??? I mean mostly peoples are looking for backup there contact list/mail/sms. But ROM????
backingup my rom... i found the software already...
but I have I few more question now ...
refering this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518
1) I have a updated rom version already, but my spl is v3, still ok?
2) it seems not need hspl, is it?
3) how to uninstall this android? after uninstalling this, will my warranty will still safe?
4) Are android are support flash?(WORKS ON HD2)
thx a lot
hopkinskong said:
I don't know i have post this in a right or not section, i can't find the Q&A section, is it removed???
Ok, i have these question:
1) I see many os can used in hd2, which one is the best(fastest, more apps)
Android vs WP7 vs WP6.5(???) vs MeeGo vs Ubuntu
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hopkinskong said:
2) Are there any way only "install" this os on a sd card, and i can change a sd card?? Eg. 8gb sd for wp6.5, 4gb for android
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Yes, ofourse there is, Have you even attempted to read any topics before creating this one?
hopkinskong said:
3) Can i not "flash" my phone, only "install" a os in my hd2?
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Yes you can flash a android rom to your phone, go read some threads, stickies, guides etc.
hopkinskong said:
4) Will install hspl will broke my warranty?
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Yes but you can return it to stock spl if you need to send it in.
hopkinskong said:
6) Which bootloader was the best? GEN.Y???
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When I used to boot android from SD I used "Exceller BootLoader"
hopkinskong said:
7) What was the most popular android vesion for HD2?
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There is no most popular and I would strongly advise not to go creating threads asking what is the "best" android rom/build as they will be closed.
Dont try and rush into it, The best action is to look, read and try some for yourself and see which works bets for YOU.
hopkinskong said:
8) Can i have multi os? more then 2?
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Yes, you can run multiple builds of Android from Your SD and have another on NAND or you can also have WM6.5 or WP7 on NAND.
hopkinskong said:
9) Will i "install" android on hd2, not "flash", also will broke my warranty?
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Not if you dont change your spl. This can be reverted though anyway.
hopkinskong said:
10) If my phone broken (eg. mon broke, water inside the phone), which i cannot flash back to stock rom, what should i do?
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If there is that much damage then it wont be inspected anyway and will simply be replaced.
hopkinskong said:
11) Can i backup my rom???
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Yes, if you install a ClockWork Recovery Mod. Or alternatively you can backup all your contacts via google and your phone will sync them and you can also backup all your apps/games/settings etc with a program like Titanium Backup.
hopkinskong said:
12) What is "Ship ROM"?
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An official rom by a mobile carrier/phone manufacturer.
hopkinskong said:
13) What is radio?
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Software that enables your phone hardware to communicate via bluetooth/wifi/mobile network etc.
hopkinskong said:
There are lots of question...
Pls answer me
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100% of these questions are already answered on forum if you had took time to look and read.
Thank you! But pls reply #6 first, thx a lot!
Added question 5, 6
5) Are this andoid is only INSTALL Android in the phone, not FLASH it?
6) Is data.img, is the harddisk(interal storage) for Android?
7) My SPL version: 3, ok?(The page didn't said want is the mini requirement of spl/radio!) [(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)]
8) Are RAM Version = SD Version? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)
hopkinskong said:
Thank you! But pls reply #6 first, thx a lot!
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I already did reply to #6, Please learn to read because not only are you not reading here properly you are not reading other topics either.
Sorry... I still CANNOT see it!
EDIT: Sorry, i want to correct this, you haven't answer me #8, not #6, i mixied up 8 and 6, sorry!
EDIT2: The answer that u gave me was answering #1, not #6! #6 was another question, so i am refering to #8(Added 4 question)->#6
hopkinskong said:
Sorry... I still CANNOT see it!
EDIT: Sorry, i want to correct this, you haven't answer me #8, not #6, i mixied up 8 and 6, sorry!
EDIT2: The answer that u gave me was answering #1, not #6! #6 was another question, so i am refering to #8(Added 4 question)->#6
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Are you insane? I already answered #8 aswell.
ffs dude learn to read.
hopkinskong said:
8) Can i have multi os? more then 2?
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Yes, you can run multiple builds of Android from Your SD and have another on NAND or you can also have WM6.5 or WP7 on NAND.
TheATHEiST said:
Are you insane? I already answered #8 aswell.
ffs dude learn to read.
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LMAO now that made me laugh.
Ah, now I see, He has decided to create a whole new random numbered questions on a seperate post to his original post instead of editing his first, that makes sense.
hopkinskong said:
Thank you! But pls reply #6 first, thx a lot!
Added question 5, 6
5) Are this andoid is only INSTALL Android in the phone, not FLASH it?
6) Is data.img, is the harddisk(interal storage) for Android?
7) My SPL version: 3, ok?(The page didn't said want is the mini requirement of spl/radio!) [(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)]
8) Are RAM Version = SD Version? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518)
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5) That was very hard to understand unless you have Phd in random translation of arse vomit. but ill try...
As already stated earlier you can run android from either your SD card which doesn't require any installation you simply boot from it OR you can flash a ROM to your phone.
7) No you need to downgrade to 2.08. afaik.
lol believe it or not I read the whole thing and I was wondering same thing. Then I even scrolled up to look and make sure if he actually edited his original post and amended the question and didn't see it. By the time I got to your last post lol I was laughing out loud IRL.
But advice for him is he does pick WM on NAND go with WM6.5.X as base 29XXX is much more stable and from /sdcard he can use Android. Taking he has good microSDHC that is over class 4+ that is.
Can't beat: HD2 WM6.5.X(NAND) and Android(mSD).
TheATHEiST said:
Ah, now I see, He has decided to create a whole new random numbered questions on a seperate post to his original post instead of editing his first, that makes sense.
5) That was very hard to understand unless you have Phd in random translation of arse vomit. but ill try...
As already stated earlier you can run android from either your SD card which doesn't require any installation you simply boot from it OR you can flash a ROM to your phone.
7) No you need to downgrade to 2.08. afaik.
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Oh ic...
What happen if i use SPL3 to boot RAM android??? (No HSPL?)
I am going to:
WP6.5(Stock ROM)+Android(DarkSTONE, RAM Version, Running alone in a MicroSD(HC) 4GB(May be 8gb are better?) Class 10)
hopkinskong said:
Oh ic...
What happen if i use SPL3 to boot RAM android??? (No HSPL?)
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It don't work.
Sorry to say, but almost all your questions are mentioned on the instruction post of each rom builder.
You don't need to looking for a answer if you don't follow the instructions. just follow them and all will be okay.
It's the same thing if you have a diesel car you pout diesel in it and you don't ask you the question what if I put engine in my diesel car.
kurt-willems said:
It don't work.
Sorry to say, but almost all your questions are mentioned on the instruction post of each rom builder.
You don't need to looking for a answer if you don't follow the instructions. just follow them and all will be okay.
It's the same thing if you have a diesel car you pout diesel in it and you don't ask you the question what if I put engine in my diesel car.
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That post's instruction HAVE NO ANYTHING about SPL/HSPL
So i decided asking here...
I have corssed out all the question now and i have put all the question to the #1 Post
Dude you are confusing but ill try to clarify from what you posted. You want to install NAND Android from SPL? WTF you need to have HSPL which HD2 are you using? Leo512/Leo1024? Why don't you want HSPL? Afraid of voiding the warranty?
As I said your best option for "you" is WM(NAND)+AOSP(mSD), far as the sdcard question goes you might want to go with 16gb class 4-6. As 4-8gb is way to small but you can use it if you don't have alot of media.
STHNS said:
Dude you are confusing but ill try to clarify from what you posted. You want to install NAND Android from SPL? WTF you need to have HSPL which HD2 are you using? Leo512/Leo1024? Why don't you want HSPL? Afraid of voiding the warranty?
As I said your best option for "you" is WM(NAND)+AOSP(mSD), far as the sdcard question goes you might want to go with 16gb class 4-6. As 4-8gb is way to small but you can use it if you don't have alot of media.
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Hmm... Seems my english was so... bad...
ok, now i retold you all the details with my "best" english xD
I want to install a RAM version of Android 2.2, i will buy a 4gb(or 8gb) class 10 sd card later, but i have a "few" question: I want ANDROID(RAM)+STOCK WM6.5(original one, which one have already installed when u buy the phone)
I am going to install this Android build: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870518
But in that thread, the install instruction, it is not very cleared, so i decided to ask here...
I have upgraded my ROM recently, and now my SPL was 3.03.000, and u have said that ANDROID WILL NOT WORK ON HD2, so i am asking what should i do to use Darkstone's Android in my HD2.
Do i need to install HSPL?
Which version of HSPL will be suitible for me?
Any tutorial that teaches me to install hspl?
AND I AM NOT AFRAIDING IT WILL VOID MY WARRANTY, BECAUESE IT CAN BE UNINSTALLED! I have search through google, are i can restore my phone to NON-HSPL if i put the leoimg(or sth) in the sd card, and press some thing to make it restore, or just flash my ship rom?
And i have some EXTRA QUESTION i want to ask:
Firstly, how to uninstall Darkstone's Androind? Just delete the folder in the SDCard?
Secondly, are Android 2.2 on HD2 will support flash?
That's all my question, thanks for help.
Make sense now as I didn't keep up with the whole HD2 world after I lost my Leo. It was my mistake I see the Android being allocated from RAM now I thought you wanted to install it on NAND. Also where did I say Android will not work on HD2? I thought you wanted Nandroid lol thats all.
You keep editing your freaking posts man I can't keep up but as you are trying to use RAM Android you will not be affected so don't worry about it as I stated above it was my mistake. Skip the whole HSPL convo and yes it will not void your warrenty cuz you didn't and don't need installing in first place. But if you do then yes you can use leo.img to restore it.
Now dude I have read the whole instruction and its very clear so my question to you is why are you asking? Just download and place it on your /sdcard and then CLRCAD.exe and haret.exe there are like 10000s of tutorials on howto do this lol if you need to watch video then thats your last worry, just use FileExp. So if you don't like it just format the mSD hope it helps for what its worth.

Htc hd2 sense 3.5

Can someone help me plz when i flash sense 3.5 to my hd2 it stuck on the logo can u help me plzz thxx
odain123 said:
Can someone help me plz when i flash sense 3.5 to my hd2 it stuck on the logo can u help me plzz thxx
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Best word of advice would be go try getting an answer in the right thread so other user will be able to reach out and help.
Also with this amount of information there's no way anyone will be able to offer help. So Second best word of advice would be start sharing information that helps helping you ( funny sentence )
Start reading in the thread that brought you your build and see if you can find the answer there. Start using the search option on this forum to find answers.
Stay calm and try to have fun
Which build are you trying to flash?
Which model HD2 do you have ( EU/US )?
Which partition layout did you use in CWM?
Which partition layout are you using for your sd card?
Thx srry am a noob i got the (us)
i had use toolkit (150m)
cwm recovery v4.o.o.o
dont understand ur last ? I just fat32 my sd
your recovery size is incorrect
How can i get the rite one it was an i change it cause i was having the same problem
There you have it wrong partition layout indeed, I guess you're trying dungh sense 3.5 which need 5/195/5
Download cwm and change settings in flash.cfg using notepad our similar
Or select right layout in toolkit
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Premium App
patensas said:
There you have it wrong partition layout indeed, I guess you're trying dungh sense 3.5 which need 5/195/5
Download cwm and change settings in flash.cfg using notepad our similar
Or select right layout in toolkit
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Premium App
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May be I'm wrong but he stated he was US and than the recovery should be
"- Tmous: MIRROR 1 - MIRROR 2 (CWR:===> 5/440/5<===) cLK version"
Thx alot one more think can u explain how can i do it with toolkit cause i dont understand the nxt way of doing it
odain123 said:
Thx alot one more think can u explain how can i do it with toolkit cause i dont understand the nxt way of doing it
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You can use the tool kit to do this as well just choose the correct partition for mag or clk and install. See the thread for tool kit for info.
Sent from my HD2 using xda premium
Go to this thread "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1010498" and in post 4 there is a How to do for you, nice flashing Bro.
sparkienl said:
May be I'm wrong but he stated he was US and than the recovery should be
"- Tmous: MIRROR 1 - MIRROR 2 (CWR:===> 5/440/5<===) cLK version"
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Yes you're right I'm sorry I'm using magldr and think that way, over read the part where he told us he's using clk
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Premium App
Thx alot am going to try
odain123 said:
Thx alot am going to try
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The thing I would try most of all is actually reading the threads you are using. Read teh toolkit thread and the rom thread you want to flash. All the info you need is there.
good morning can somebody plz help with my fone i have the htc hd2 (us)
cwm v3.0.2.4 it say error in/cache/recovery/log
(no space left on device)
when i flash HTC BLISS - WWE SENSE 3.5 FOR HD2 [v1.1][Raf 1.9GB] I GET STUCK @ THE LOGO
odain123 said:
good morning can somebody plz help with my fone i have the htc hd2 (us)
cwm v3.0.2.4 it say error in/cache/recovery/log
(no space left on device)
when i flash HTC BLISS - WWE SENSE 3.5 FOR HD2 [v1.1][Raf 1.9GB] I GET STUCK @ THE LOGO
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Only need download one, need check and flash correctly Recovery size then flash ROM
for you first
with toolkit
task 29
install Magldr
install recovery with partition 5/440/5
then install rom
everything should work for you afterwards

[Q] What is the most stable rom for HD2?

after having tried a few ROM for HD2 nand that all buggy, I ask you to guide me to the most stable available for the moment
thank you
we already have tons of thread about this! did you do a search? :silly:
anyways those 2.3.7 more stable from MIUI or Mokee or CM7 or Sense
mengfei said:
we already have tons of thread about this! did you do a search? :silly:
anyways those 2.3.7 more stable from MIUI or Mokee or CM7 or Sense
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men that is the problem, there are many topics about this and I can not read all or try them all!
and that's why I asked my question to get the best possible version by users
thank you
I'm really lost at all these topics about this!
Is there someone who can give me a link to a rom that is stable and without problems?
and I also want to know what is the best method for installation ?
that I use is:
- Flash HSPL 2.08
- Task 29
- Flash rom radio
- Flash magldr
- Create a partion on external sd card
- Flash the rom by recovery
octopus82 said:
men that is the problem, there are many topics about this and I can not read all or try them all!
and that's why I asked my question to get the best possible version by users
thank you
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Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Even if English isn't your native language, it still isn't an excuse to create YET ANOTHER thread about this when they've all got the same response.
Nigeldg said:
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Even if English isn't your native language, it still isn't an excuse to create YET ANOTHER thread about this when they've all got the same response.
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you could have give me a link instead of writing your comment, because if I ask is that I'm really lost and I lost too much time!
You could have searched instead of creating this thread...
Nigeldg said:
You could have searched instead of creating this thread...
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I dont speak english, but you you dont understand english
Can any mod close this thread?
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
Please use the search and in case of questions post in existing threads.

[Install Q] Installing DataOnExt, after?

Hey Everybody,
first of all, Happy Merry Christmas,
guys, I try to understand if what I looking for can be done or if there is some way to do so.
I find many NAND Android ROMs which are without DataOnExt, for example HyperDroid-CM7.
But I will be glad to know if can be possible to install DataOnExt after flashing the ROM on NAND.
someone can tell me if this is possible? Please...
Cheers in advance..
Please search before posting.
Here you go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=30458727#post30458727
Refer to the main thread for more information.
Marvlesz said:
Please search before posting.
Here you go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=30458727#post30458727
Refer to the main thread for more information.
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Dear Marvlesz,
I was writing a PM to you just to ask you about that but I changed my mind and I opened this thread,
I saw that thread and like always you make me a criminal
That thread is a lot too complicated to make it right, there is not any easy way?
I mean flash DataOnExt anfter installation or something similar?
Haha, I am not making you a criminal or anything, but rather YOU are making yourself a criminal.
I mean seriously, here is a quote of that post:
How is this done?
The Easy way - Thanks to @Kokotas (Note that I have not updated Kokotas' .zip file to include the recent changes (20th October 2012) (See The Long Way below)
Visit the post (quoted below), thank @Kokotas, download the .zip from the post, flash it in recovery and lets us know how it goes. Did I tell you to make sure you have a NANDROID backup?
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The only thing left is to ask us to flash the zip for you, come on!
It couldn't be any easier!
Please always .. oh forget it.
Marvlesz said:
Haha, I am not making you a criminal or anything, but rather YOU are making yourself a criminal
The only thing left is to ask us to flash the zip for you, come on!
It couldn't be any easier!
Please always .. oh forget it.
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ohh man, you right, I am a criminal, I do not saw that part, I was thinking is some kitchen and have to be done it that way.
Thanks, i go to test it!
eclyptos said:
ohh man, you right, I am a criminal, I do not saw that part, I was thinking is some kitchen and have to be done it that way.
Thanks, i go to test it!
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I noticed that you rarely thank those who try to help you, or even manage to help you!
Thanks by words is not beneficial for them as much as pressing the thanks button. The button is there for a reason.
I also ask you kindly to go over your past threads, such as the almighty battery life thread, and thank everyone who tried to help you. Not just by saying "Thanks!", but by pressing their thanks button!
An example is shown on the above post, the thanks button is located right next to the "Quote" button.
I click thanks for you.
Last one thing, the DataOnExt have to be flasher via recovery, buy I do not have the recovery installed on my Phone, I got Android on NAND which was installed via MAGLDR in Flasher Mode.
Now if I will flash the Recovery my Android will be deleted, right?
I can't find any explanation for this, do I have reinstall all again?
I'm afraid you'll have to reinstall everything from scratch .
Why are you using the flasher anyway? All ROMs that use flasher are old and outdated .
(By the way, I didn't mean just thank me, I meant everyone.)
Marvlesz said:
I'm afraid you'll have to reinstall everything from scratch .
Why are you using the flasher anyway? All ROMs that use flasher are old and outdated .
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ACA Gingerbrad was only in this way before the release of 13-12-12 for NativeSD and NAND also via Recovery.
Marvlesz said:
...... the thanks button is located right next to the "Quote" button.
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unless, like me, you use the original css styles, in which case we see neither the thanks meter nor the thanks button.
---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------
eclyptos said:
I do not have the recovery installed on my Phone,
Now if I will flash the Recovery my Android will be deleted, right?
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Marvlesz said:
I'm afraid you'll have to reinstall everything from scratch .
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not so, , , OP could use cwm that runs from sd card, and use that to flash the dataonext.zip to the current android, , HOWEVER, , the fact that he has no cwm on there already tells us that the version of android he is using is probably the original proof of concept (desire stock) and may or may not work with an ext anyway (its not rooted, for a start), so OP would be better picking a more up to date rom anyway (one with dataonext built in would be a good start) and flashing again anyway.
samsamuel said:
not so, , , OP could use cwm that runs from sd card, and use that to flash the dataonext.zip to the current android, , HOWEVER, , the fact that he has no cwm on there already tells us that the version of android he is using is probably the original proof of concept (desire stock) and may or may not work with an ext anyway (its not rooted, for a start), so OP would be better picking a more up to date rom anyway (one with dataonext built in would be a good start) and flashing again anyway.
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I did that on one of my two HD2, 1 have Gingerbrad and the another one have ICS 4.0.4 but currently ICS give me big problems to run programs which Gingerbrad do not have. On ICS I can install the apps but they crash after run them.
So now I try to keep my Gingerbrad but expand it with DataOnExt, anyway run CWM from sd is a good idea, I will give a shot on that, if something go wrong I will reinstall all from scratch again.
samsamuel said:
unless, like me, you use the original css styles, in which case we see neither the thanks meter nor the thanks button.
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HaHa, I have no idea what that is, but it sure sounds boring
samsamuel said:
not so, , , OP could use cwm that runs from sd card, and use that to flash the dataonext.zip to the current android, , HOWEVER, , the fact that he has no cwm on there already tells us that the version of android he is using is probably the original proof of concept (desire stock) and may or may not work with an ext anyway (its not rooted, for a start), so OP would be better picking a more up to date rom anyway (one with dataonext built in would be a good start) and flashing again anyway.
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I was skeptical when I wrote that sentence, because I knew you'd come and say something like that. Because that happened before.
But I also wanted him to cope with the rapid development of the HD2 and the recoveries. Besides, that ROM is outdated anyway, i.e. the ACA gingerbread.

[Q] Have problem after installation of android

Hi i have problem with android. I installed android 4.1.2 JellyBean. And i have 4 GB SD card with FAT32 and EXT4 partition (EXT partition is around 1 GB)
No1. Full internal memory there is only around 70 MB occupied.
No2. When i restart smartphone it want me to set settings, wifi password and gmail account.
What you recommend fully clean and then install hspl and others again?
If do can you help me i know how to install magdlr then i want help.
Can someone help? I am noob i know this has been my first flash and i am really frustrated because it isnt working.
You need to give a lot more information. What ROM did you flash? What partiton size did you use? Have you flashed an A2SD script or used Link2SD? The amount of 'internal storage' you have depends on a variety of factors, just saying that you have a JB ROM and an EXT partition won't help too much.
As for the second password, do you mean you have to go through the setup wizard each time? I don't see any reason why you shouldn't enter your GMail account or WiFi password, you're going to need both on the phone anyway.
I flash this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1930240
Partition size for FAT32 is around 2,7 GB and EXT4 around 1 GB.
I dont know what is A2SD.
Yeah after restart here is setup wizard again.
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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Yeah, that's really not going to get you any help. I was considering giving you some advice (well, I already gave you some) but now I think not. If you actually tried searching about your problem you'd be able to find tonnes of info on how to 'fix' low internal storage issues. As for your second issue, I've never heard of it before so even if I wanted to help I wouldn't be able to.
milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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why on this forum no one wanna help
well why on this forum do people that want help never post
the needed information for people to help them
that rom has 3 different install methods
and you still have not posted your partition size
so if i was you i would click on that link in Nigeldg signature that says Some people REALLY need to read this!
then come back and try to post something we can help you with
milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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You need to post what type of installation you did,
Nand with Data on EXt
or NativeSD
You problem I think is that the EXT partition isn't being mounted on boot. probably a bug with the installer package. I don't know.
You should really be asking help from the one who created the rom.
I recommend to install the PACman_leo_v1.2a_div3 (JB 4.1.2) to nand on clk (150MB partition), the card class 6 or 10 for that format, for example (2GB SD and 2GB ext4) initrd_patcher use and will walk like a formula 1
Problem with instalation
Hi guys i have been from some time on this forum but never needed to ask a question because i had no problems till now.
I tryed to instal [DEV/ROM/4.2.1] [Jan 13 2013] VJ CM10.1 | Jelly Bean 4.2.1 - v4.5 for HD2 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2097273
on instalation i get the folowing error assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "leo" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "leo" E error in sdcard/CM10.1_VJ_4.2.1_V4.5.1_with_GApps_HD2.zip (Status 7) Instalation aborted
I tryed to reply a question to the topic starter but i cant write in the development compartment since i dont have 10 post yet
If you dont know how to help me please repost my message on the thread indicated above.
Thank You in advance!
Are you on MAGLDR? I think from what I've read on that thread that some are having issues with getting it to work with NativeSD on MAGLDR. If that's the case, try what it says in this post.
Nigeldg said:
You need to give a lot more information. What ROM did you flash? What partiton size did you use? Have you flashed an A2SD script or used Link2SD? The amount of 'internal storage' you have depends on a variety of factors, just saying that you have a JB ROM and an EXT partition won't help too much.
As for the second password, do you mean you have to go through the setup wizard each time? I don't see any reason why you shouldn't enter your GMail account or WiFi password, you're going to need both on the phone anyway.
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milldas said:
PLEASE someone help me. Why on this forum no one dont wanna help?
Are you like when people have problem and cant repair it and you just look **** this forum.
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gogodu5sU said:
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gogodu5sU said:
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Perfect :').
Nigeldg said:
Perfect :').
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pssssttt your at 666 thanks you be evillllllllllllll
I was just thinking that actually Well, it was short lived haha

