Connection issue when playing online games - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anyone on the T-Mobile USA have any drop/lag connection issue when playing online games such as dragonplay poker? (same thing with WSOP etc.)
This happen to me just two days ago. My signal bar is FULL on high speed.
I did not make any software changes to my phone and did not drop it either.
I am on 4.2.1 android
I have tried to remove, reinstall and reboot the phone and still have the same issue.
I have no issue when using chrome to browsing the web or getting on facebook.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

rookie_xda said:
Anyone on the T-Mobile USA have any drop/lag connection issue when playing online games such as dragonplay poker? (same thing with WSOP etc.)
This happen to me just two days ago. My signal bar is FULL on high speed.
I did not make any software changes to my phone and did not drop it either.
I am on 4.2.1 android
I have tried to remove, reinstall and reboot the phone and still have the same issue.
I have no issue when using chrome to browsing the web or getting on facebook.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I think I know what the problem is.
Did a speed test and my PING have 951ms. So I think this is more of a tower issue with t-mobile ?


3g Web Browsing

Quick question when using pie to surf the net does it hang for a while on locating the web page or does it work instantly.
I have just got the Tytn and looking at web pages using 3g is really slow and really not very usable
I am using tmobile uk 3g network
after inputting a web address it hangs on locating for up to 60 seconds then loads the page very wuickly after that
Anyone any ideas
Very strange. I dont have this problem. The first time a UMTS connection must be established and it is 5 or 6 seconds. The next request are very fast. May be you have established the DNS servers manually?
I get that, browsing using GPRS is painful on t-mobile
how about using opera 8.6
I too have this problem with T-Mobile, On connecting to the internet over GPRS or 3G GPRS it will hang for some time, wether its internet explorer or other internet services I have on the device (HTC Universal).
As I have web and walk I just leave it connected, but its not ideal. I wonder wether its the T-Mobile servers working slowly to authenticate the handset for internet use.
Its been fine upto the last month or so.
adam_beasley said:
I too have this problem with T-Mobile, On connecting to the internet over GPRS or 3G GPRS it will hang for some time, wether its internet explorer or other internet services I have on the device (HTC Universal).
As I have web and walk I just leave it connected, but its not ideal. I wonder wether its the T-Mobile servers working slowly to authenticate the handset for internet use.
Its been fine upto the last month or so.
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Is weird .... Im using unlimited internet T-Mobile NL (UMTS 3G) without any problem ... never freezing and the speed is very stable...
adam_beasley said:
I too have this problem with T-Mobile, On connecting to the internet over GPRS or 3G GPRS it will hang for some time, wether its internet explorer or other internet services I have on the device (HTC Universal).
As I have web and walk I just leave it connected, but its not ideal. I wonder wether its the T-Mobile servers working slowly to authenticate the handset for internet use.
Its been fine upto the last month or so.
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I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
StuBFrost said:
I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
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Its also become random now, somtimes it connects and its instant, and actually fast even on normal GPRS, other times it can take over a couple of minutes to locate and open a page.
Doesnt seem to matter whether its a full signal or not, whether its after a reset or anything, totally depends on what T-Mobile feels like.
Maybe it cant cope with the number of web'n'walk use now.
Absolutely agree with you as you have described precisely what my symptoms are.
Hopefully if enough people complain to T-Mobile about it, they might actually admit there is a problem and fix it.
Maybe the delays are because http traffic is proxied
Maybe the delays are because http traffic is proxied....
It looks like Orange are operating a proxy or some other form of protection. A few weeks ago I discovered that they had something in place to restrict access to adult sites, wouldn't have bothered me other than the site I was trying to visit was
Even followed their link to get the site unblocked and got a nice little responce stating "Your request has been actioned and the content is confirmed as only suitable for customers over the age of 18." before getting their filtering disabled.
adam_beasley said:
StuBFrost said:
I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
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Its also become random now, somtimes it connects and its instant, and actually fast even on normal GPRS, other times it can take over a couple of minutes to locate and open a page.
Doesnt seem to matter whether its a full signal or not, whether its after a reset or anything, totally depends on what T-Mobile feels like.
Maybe it cant cope with the number of web'n'walk use now.
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Exactly how i seem to find it, either it works or doesnt. There seems to be nothing u can do either to make it work, reboot, change from UTMS to 2g ot what ever. Nothing has any bearing and its most annoying, tbh i wish id never got the universal now as its a huge piece of junk, or at least the t- mobile ones are. Ive used a 02 one and its just soooooooooooooo much faster in everything.
im using the latest rom and even after flashing its still sluggish before anything is installed.
adam_beasley said:
StuBFrost said:
I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
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Its also become random now, somtimes it connects and its instant, and actually fast even on normal GPRS, other times it can take over a couple of minutes to locate and open a page.
Doesnt seem to matter whether its a full signal or not, whether its after a reset or anything, totally depends on what T-Mobile feels like.
Maybe it cant cope with the number of web'n'walk use now.
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Exactly how i seem to find it, either it works or doesnt. There seems to be nothing u can do either to make it work, reboot, change from UTMS to 2g ot what ever. Nothing has any bearing and its most annoying, tbh i wish id never got the universal now as its a huge piece of junk, or at least the t- mobile ones are. Ive used a 02 one and its just soooooooooooooo much faster in everything.
im using the latest rom and even after flashing its still sluggish before anything is installed.
Having been in a T-Mobile 3G area most of today (Loughborough, Leicestershire) the service itself has been as quick as ive ever used it, getting around 270k on a fairly medium signal.
The times it hasnt worked (long first time loading) it has returned to me with a server or IP error. I just assume that as web'n'walk is unlimited, but has restrictions on use, that the servers are overloaded trying to monitor or prevent certain services working.
Its been picking up a bit lately tho, im suffering the waiting times less and less each time I try. Tho 3G UMTS has really sucked the life out of my battery today, it may be best I keep it on 2G instead.
Haven't noticed any of these problems on T-Mobile in and around London. Have you all removed your "Content Lock"?
As mentioned earlier by Taz69, connection may be slowed down by the T-Mobile servers checking to see if you're 'allowed' to visit various sites?
I disabled my content lock ages ago using 'My T-Mobile' on - give it a go if you haven't already, it may make a difference?
My content is unlocked and always has been so it isn't that umfortunately.
PC_Arcade said:
I get that, browsing using GPRS is painful on t-mobile
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So, Im not the only one :roll: Do you get the problem where it can take 30+ secs to switch between GRPS and 3G too?
Also, I spoke to T-Mobile about slow speeds and lack of connetivity - I can hardly get a signal in my office, although I am sat across road from a T-Mobile mast!!!
They said that as the mast across road was congested, my device was connecting via a mast further away (I like the idea of it not trying to get on a congested mast, but distance causes problems with connectivity too :roll: )
Other thing they pointed out was, if you call them with the postcode that has the problem, it gets logged...enough logs and they escalate it (I'm up to 6 logs in my postcode now lol)
How can I tell if it's switching? Mine says "Connected (GPRS, 3G)"
Since (re)removing the lock it does seem significantly faster though
If your connected via standard GPRS then the connected logo at the top of the screen will have a G on it, if your connected via 3G GPRS then it changes to a U (for UTMS).
Ive always had a delay swapping between the 2, yesterday my 3G signal kept dropping so it would switch back to 2G, and it kept doing this so much I couldnt get any internet for about 5 mins. I know you can turn the UMTS band off, but this makes buying a 3G phone pointless.
I have content lock off since day one, and its always been fast. Today theres been bo problems with the service at all, fast logon, good speed connections etc.
Seems a random thing lately, but its only been lately. Its been fine for a few months before, so hopefully its somthing there working on and it slowly getting sorted.
The problems could be down to the pay and go users Web and talk, for a max of £1 per day they get unlimited internet, see t-mobile for more info, this could be eating servers bandwith within certain areas, i was able to logon this morning, but after 9am i keep getting page cannot be found errors, The little u and the 2 arrows show me I'm conneted but i cant load any pages, I hope this is the case and t-mobile sort this out asap
I have had the same problem now for around a month. I am using Opera 8.60 and it takes around 1 minute to actually resolve the host name. Sites with adverts on take forever. I contacted T-Mobile and they said that the signal in my area is really good and there shouldn't be a problem. They told me to take the sim card out, wait 30 seconds and then reinsert it, and then try.
I have not yet had any luck, and it seems to be the same throughout the country, as I was in Cornwall over the weekend on holiday and it was just as bad.
P.S. I am in Liverpool, and I have a full 5 bar umts signal.

Jerky Youtube playback - only when on wifi!?!?

Hi all,
Wonder if anyone has experienced this. My Touch HD (stock Orange ROM) is really jerky when playing Youtube videos through the client over Wifi, but fine over a 3g connection..
The Wifi connection is plenty fast enough, the Mrs has an iPhone, which works fine.
Anyone got any idea what I can check? I've made sure everything is turned off.. bluetooth etc..
Hi, easy one this :0) Go to the settings tab select communications, in the bottom right tap settings, then tap wireless lan. Once there select the power mode tab then move slide all the way to the left for best performance. Always works for me, hope it does for you :0)
Sadly not mate, already tried that!
OK so this is REALLY weird. If I have nothing else downloading at home, and the youtube player is downloading it's jerky.
If I start a download going on my laptop (usenet - canes my connection) then what HAS buffered on my Touch HD plays fine. The moment I stop the download, it starts to be jerky again.
Almost seems like the throughput to the phone is killing it somehow, weird! have tried all sorts of settings on my router, but no dice.
Really stuck as to what to try next :/
Must admit until buffering is complete, I too get slightly jerky playback. Although this has always been the case with every Windows Mobile device I've had. Sorry I can't help you anymore m8
:0( Good luck with it.
Background downloading slows the device down, so it cant play the video smoothly. Go to youtube app settings and turn video playback quality to fast download. That helps, but the quality is awful.
I use the high quality, and just wait the video to finish downloading.
It's not just the fact that it's downloading in the background because it's doing that over 3g but plays fine, it's something specific to Wifi.
It's also not just slightly jerky, it's REALLY bad.
I mean.. I've watched plenty of reviews of this device where they've streamed youtube over wifiand it.screen fine..
I wonder if upgrading the radio would help? or is the wifi stuff done by the rom?
Worth a try, my HD works much better with new radio + Custom rom Black Pearl 1.7 lite.
will have to give that a try then. The stock Orange rom is good apart from that but a bit slow.
Just finding picking one to flash to a touch daunting, too much choice!
OK, so I downloaded and flashed to panosha Black Pearl v2.1 HD ROM.
Works fine, is VERY nice and fast Also updated my radio version to but the Youtube thing is still there!!!
I'm going to try it on someone else's wifi connection as soon as I can, but for now, anyone got a clue?!?
OK, I've tried three different roms, and even tried two other wifi networks- same problem.
The device is generally slower when connected to a wifi network, not just youtube. I guess it's just more noticeable when playing YT videos.
Really lost now ;(
Could be that once you are connected on WIFI the youtube player automatically selects the best quality video for you to view, increasing system requirements.
At the same time as trying to view the higher quality video the WIFI also uses a fair bit of CPU power. Try downloading a file on WIFI with everything else closed and you'll notice your device is a lot less responsive until the download is completed.
Only a guess though.
Well of course, but you'd expect a device of this spec to be able to play it without stuttering all over the shop whilst nothing else is loaded...
Hi there = I've got the same bleedin problem!
I am on orange payg 3g, Dutty 2.1 extreme rom.
I never had the problem with the original (orange) total pants rom, but I've also updated the radio to 1.12 so perhaps it's an issue with the radio. Have you tried 1.13 the latest?
It's nowt to do with the youtube settings for sure, it's most definitely wi-fi related. I've noted the i-player mobile app is wildly out of sync on the audio too and never used to be that bad.
If anyone has any ideas or tweaks please let us know. thanks!
Maybe its because when you connect to wifi network it says that rx speed is 1mbps (it should be faster) and the real download speed is around 30 kb per second and i think that that is not enough for playing realtime high quality videos (needs buffering more often). When you set option to best performance that will just increase your transmit power and you will get better reception (but the speed still remains). Maybe that is the problem. Any solution on how to increase the RX speed?
Hi there, i am from singapore. I am also experiencing the same problem with the youtube client from the stock rom. i got mine from starhub! the video is jerky! need help!!

[Q] *Is anyone having problems w/ 4G and flash sites?*

Peace All,
Has anyone been having problems w/ their 4G service wherein it hangs (on loading) a site that is heavily ladened w/ FLASH (not to be confused w/ the current Gtalk and market issues)? I've tried the plug-in selections of "ON DEMAND" and even "ALWAYS" and it seems that it takes my 4G almost 3 -4 minutes (if it even loads) just to download the site fully---my 3G is actually faster . I've ran speed tests and when i'm on 4G i"m pulling 4.63 mbps down and about 1.00 mbps up---I've even checked to see if my RSA keys were intact and they were. The people (customer service) seem oblivious to this problem. Is there a fix for this?
thanks in advance for anyone's insight to this problem
I don't know, I'll check mine tomorrow when I'm in a 4g area.
Problem with customer service is, they don't have a clue with anything network related. All they do is check to see how many problems similar to what a person reports as a problem and then make a note of it.
No problems with flash on 4g.
FYI - I am running AVO v9 and Flash Fix 10 so I can watch Hulu, and it worked great.
Well i guess I'm the only one---this has happened on every ROM I've tried (Ava9 and Myn's Rsl2)---I've called Sprint and I've ran various tests to check my 4G and my RSA keys are in tact and my MAC address is cool---I also have the latest radio, prl, pri and wimax versions---I'm going back to stock---theming and custom ROM's are too much of a hassle and not worth it (most people on here appear to be sooo OBSESSED about battery life that they turn off every function of the phone so that they can brag that they havent charged in 8 days ). I use my phone to the fullest and like running 4G--since im in a 4G saturated area---all day
Thanks anyway,
use flash on demand, that speeds up all your site loadings, make the browser more stable, and removes ads, unless you like ads, .
For me flash site works perfect on 4G...
only issues i have on 4g are pc related, whether im tethered or using hotspot, if the 4g dips just a little the flash video stops loading, when i get to that part the players just hang at what ever the buffer says which is usually 45% to 51% and i have to refresh and jump to the place it stopped, the overall 4g connection is very stable, i have no clue whats going on
btw would you happen to be using dolphin browser hd?? there have been a lot of comments about browser slowdown with froyo and the site has a few suggestions to help speed it up
I've actually got the exact same problem as the OP. I recently did some modifications to the wimax settings so 4g would connect faster and stay connected longer and wonder if that may have something to do with it. Otherwise I do not know what might have changed.

[Q] Help my data does not work

Hi all im using a bell atrix and my data has been wonky. My phone will show that it is connected to h+ with the up down arows showing but my phone is unable to open any web page or do a speed test. This issue is intermittent and a phone reset will provide a temporary fix. It even drops a connection during continuous data use. I listen to Sirius and it will stop playing randomly. Any help would be appreciated!
It happens with quite a few Atrix phones so it's sort of a common issue. I think motorola addresses that issue on the new update.
Check if your apn is still there n are you rooted
try this
need to get RSD lite
Let me clarify
My phone is not rooted. Also this issue is not 24/7 it happenes intermittently and at random intervals. Let me go over things I have tried. Phone reset, sim card swap, phone swap. So I hope that helps.
I am having the same issues. Started about a few days ago.... I was in vancouver over easter weekend and it was working fine. Before I left for Vancouver I was streaming canucks games via the bell tv and radio app and it worked perfectly with no glitches.
Now since back in Fort Mac(AB), when I tried to watch the game 7 canucks vs blackhawks it started freezing. Now youtube, facebook and any heavy data web page or app is super slow if it works at all.
I am running everything the same as you. Where are you located? I called bell and they seemed to be say that it is a problem with either the phone or the sim card... but I am nearly certain this is not the case. It was working fine a few days ago in Vancouver, and I have not changed anything on the phone since then (besides taking a picture or two).
I believe Bell is having network issues but it too f***ing proud to admit it - because they are "Canada's fastest and most reliable network" right?
I also posted this response to your post on motorola support.
bellatrix87 said:
I am having the same issues. Started about a few days ago.... I was in vancouver over easter weekend and it was working fine. Before I left for Vancouver I was streaming canucks games via the bell tv and radio app and it worked perfectly with no glitches.
Now since back in Fort Mac(AB), when I tried to watch the game 7 canucks vs blackhawks it started freezing. Now youtube, facebook and any heavy data web page or app is super slow if it works at all.
I am running everything the same as you. Where are you located? I called bell and they seemed to be say that it is a problem with either the phone or the sim card... but I am nearly certain this is not the case. It was working fine a few days ago in Vancouver, and I have not changed anything on the phone since then (besides taking a picture or two).
I believe Bell is having network issues but it too f***ing proud to admit it - because they are "Canada's fastest and most reliable network" right?
I also posted this response to your post on motorola support.
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i am in the vancouver area. Also its not a network issue i have had my ipad 2 next to my atrix while the problem was occuring with the ipad working just fine

connection problem

I am using 3 yr old redmi note 3, I am facing a problem of network connection frequently. Whenever I play online game I lag badly, in morning time my ping is 250 something but in evening and night it becomes 600 plus. And also my network become stale and I have to switch to airplane mode and then back and then it works fine till I leave it idle for sometime and it again become dead. I don't face any problems while downloading movies on my amazon prime video and it gets downloaded at speed of 4 to 5 Mbps. Then what is the problem. Is it network issue or my mobile handset issue.
sunil birda said:
Is it network issue or my mobile handset issue.
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The easiest way to understand this is to try another device.
You can also ask people who use the same network and tariff. If they don't have a problem, it's obvious that the problem is your phone
