[Help] HD2 (WP7) and Zune Connection Problems! - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Hey There!
Hope i'm i the right section to post my problem.
I got a HTC HD2 and flashed Windows Phone 7 on it -> This Rom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1356833
I installed Zune and wanted to connect my device to sync it, but it isnt recognized.. All drivers are installed (Windows Phone Usb, HTC HD2 and so on.) Theres no Error in Device Manager.
When i connect my Device to the USB-Port, Zune starts but it doesnt recognize my HD2. I tried it 1000 times.. installed WMDC, reinstalled Zune, added local service, installed the drivers while beeing in bootloader-menu and so on.
Is there a chance to get my HD2 connected with Zune? I'm using Windows 7 Pro 64bit. But even on WinXp the same probs. Tried 3 cables also)
Thanks in advance,
//pls help ;\

x64 windows sometimes make problems... try uninstall Windows Mobile Device Center and install it again but if this not help only way is to use x86 windows...


Internet Sharing with HTC diamond2 (WM 6.5) and windows 7

Hi, i had problems syncronizing my phone and laptop. When i plugged in the laptop failed to install drivers and recognize the phone as "Generic RNDIS". I solved it by unticking "advanced functions" on my phone. Now i can sync it with windows mobile center. Unluckily when i try to use internet sharing it gives me the same problem. The laptop doesn't install the correct drivers (remote NDIS based internet sharing device) and recognize the phone as Generic RNDIS. I already installed windows mobile device center 6.1 and every kind of drivers.
Any help?
Thank you.
Active scync
Hey bro u need to install active scyn on ur laptop hear is the link download & install
thanks for answering. Active Sync works only with windows XP or earlier. I have windows 7 and i have windows mobile center. By the way, i can't connect to internet.
Any other idea?
It might have been a failed driver install... Go to device manager and un-install the driver but make sure the "DELETE DRIVER" box is UNCHECKED. Once it is uninstalled, reboot PC and plug the phone back in. Happened to me once and this fixed it.

[Q] HTC Legend Porblem!!!

I recived a HTC Legend from Italy [Fast Web], unlocked, but the problem is I can't access to the phone with the HTC sync, the phone is hardly recognized by the computers (tried win7 x64, win 7 x86 and for XP x86 not working at all) windows say "can't recognize usb device" but with some tutorial here in the forum windows reconized the device as Android phone and that all, HTC sync still don't work and either if I use the phone as a flash disk, windows can't access to the MicroSD card, but the card work well if I put it directly to the computer!
What this problem? what can I do? If i debrand the phone it will resolve the problem?
Help plz!!!
xedma said:
I recived a HTC Legend from Italy [Fast Web], unlocked, but the problem is I can't access to the phone with the HTC sync, the phone is hardly recognized by the computers (tried win7 x64, win 7 x86 and for XP x86 not working at all) windows say "can't recognize usb device" but with some tutorial here in the forum windows reconized the device as Android phone and that all, HTC sync still don't work and either if I use the phone as a flash disk, windows can't access to the MicroSD card, but the card work well if I put it directly to the computer!
What this problem? what can I do? If i debrand the phone it will resolve the problem?
Help plz!!!
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HTC sync is also a bit bugy for me, but it usualy works if I first connect the phone, start the program and only after this I choose how it should connect to the computer.
However, it should always work as a flash drive (if you choose it) without any problems.
I think you should first make a hard reset and if it's still not working then take it back and get a new one.
download the latest version of HTC Sync and use it.
Thanks for your answer so quick! The HTC sync is updated for legend v2.0.33. but still the same problem, may be the USB is bricked?

HTC HD2 will not connect to zune (software)

I connect my phone but zune (software) on pc says no device connected????
Wow, short and too the point, could you perhaps give us a step by step of what yove done/tried?
make sure your phone is ON and unlocked, ie your looking at the tiles.
insure Zune is installed and setup,
If your using a USB hub try not using it, or try a different port
Do you have the HD2 reg edit to make it a HD7?
do be honest there is many many many reasons, the Microsoft KB can help as well
Had similar issue.
BB OS is Windows 7. Device did'nt want to recognize.
I updated driver using this set DP_USB_wnt5_x86-32_80911 and everything went OK
i have done/tried everything you have mentioned.
what is the reg edit to hd7?
with your phone connected to the pc, go to the device manager and see if you can find you phone (it will be in phones or mobile devices or usb devices). if it has a yellow icon next to it then it, or it shows up as unknown device then there is a problem with the driver. im on windows 7 and i had this issue, but mine was showing as unknown device. when i right clicked it, i selected update driver, then search online for driver and it found and downloaded the driver and it worked
SO when I do a reg edit..will my HD2 be on windows 7 mobile???
cemcilfa said:
SO when I do a reg edit..will my HD2 be on windows 7 mobile???
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I can't connect to Zune either, reinstalled WP7 and Zune still no luck, reinstalled certificates too just says to restart reconnect
Try downloading windows mobile device center. see if that helps your computer recognize your hd2. Also try unlocking it again. pm me if you want the link to another thread on here that helps, appareantly im not allowed to post a link of another thread? Idk, but last time i did, the thread got closed.
Same boat chaps and YES, tried all the above but I am still on win 6.5. Do you think that could be why? DOH?
You want to update to win 6.5 to win 7 mobile?
this is not supported by Microsoft. Your HD2 can't be updated by active Sync or Zune. you have to insatll a cracked ROM-Update.
Search in XDA-Forum for installation guide.
have luck
i have install zune & htc sync but no drver for usb
HTC HD2 will not connect to Zune (software)
Thank you ca MARHE I had a HD2 and I installed Rom 1_HD2 Pdaimatejam Wp7.8 OS v8.7 7.10.8858.136 RMT I had the same problem and I rule following what you say thank you

[Q] hd2 to windows 7 via usb

okay so i cant find a solution to this one, if you can help me, id really apreciate it.
okay so im trying to connect my hd2 to my windows 7 laptop. whenever i connect the two. nothing happens except my phone starts charging!
I tried it on 4 computers, all didn't work
i did the "turn off faster sync thing, that didn't work
ii JUST got this usb cord, so its not broken or anything
i also hard reseted my phone a while back if that helps
thanks in advance
What OS are you running on your HD2?
Windows Mobile 6.5 requires Active Sync to be installed on your machine and should prompt you to do so the first time you connect via USB.
Android should be effortless by just selecting the USB connectivity from the drop down alert menu.
WP7 requires that you have installed the latest version of Windows Mobile Device Center, which can be found by online search. You must download the appropriate x86 or x64 version, as is appropriate to your version of Win7.
Is there a scenario that I've missed?
Thank you for posting!!
my phone runs on windows 6.5.
do i download activesync to my phone or computer? i tried doing it on my computer but it gives me an error :
" This Program is blocked due to compatibility issues"
"previous versions of Active sync cannot be installed on windows vista or later."
i was trying to download Activesync 4.5
PaigeLovesU said:
Thank you for posting!!
my phone runs on windows 6.5.
do i download activesync to my phone or computer? i tried doing it on my computer but it gives me an error :
" This Program is blocked due to compatibility issues"
"previous versions of Active sync cannot be installed on windows vista or later."
i was trying to download Activesync 4.5
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You are Windows 7 so require WMDC 6.1
are you 32 bit or 64 bit W7 ? they require different WMDC 6.1 installs ...
Download: WMDC6.1 32bit
Download: WMDC6.1 64bit
i have a 64 bit
link above, good luck

Can't sync my Omnia 7 (custom ROM) with Windows 8

Hi, I can't sync my Omnia 7 with my new Windows 8 laptop.
I downloaded Windows Phone app (Zune replacement), its promting me to connect my phone to see whats on it, but it can't see it. I tried installing Samsung mobile usb driver (i8700_samsung_mobile_usb_driver_v5.2__v1.2.1050.0) but it isnt working.
On my phone I got this custom ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1571068
OS version: 7.10.8588.169
In Windows 8 Device Manager is my phone detected as Windows Phone USB Device, so its connected at least at some way.
Thank you for you help.
isn't the Windows 8 Device Manager only for wp8?
anyway i suggest you to try zune (you can install it on w8 NON RT, instead if you are running w8rt... i don't know)
Windows Phone app is only for WP8 and Zune IS working on Windows 8? I lived in a lie. Thank you it should solve it I think.

