Internet Sharing with HTC diamond2 (WM 6.5) and windows 7 - Networking

Hi, i had problems syncronizing my phone and laptop. When i plugged in the laptop failed to install drivers and recognize the phone as "Generic RNDIS". I solved it by unticking "advanced functions" on my phone. Now i can sync it with windows mobile center. Unluckily when i try to use internet sharing it gives me the same problem. The laptop doesn't install the correct drivers (remote NDIS based internet sharing device) and recognize the phone as Generic RNDIS. I already installed windows mobile device center 6.1 and every kind of drivers.
Any help?
Thank you.

Active scync
Hey bro u need to install active scyn on ur laptop hear is the link download & install

thanks for answering. Active Sync works only with windows XP or earlier. I have windows 7 and i have windows mobile center. By the way, i can't connect to internet.
Any other idea?

It might have been a failed driver install... Go to device manager and un-install the driver but make sure the "DELETE DRIVER" box is UNCHECKED. Once it is uninstalled, reboot PC and plug the phone back in. Happened to me once and this fixed it.


8525 sync with vista

Im having a big headache here, I have windows vista enterprise edition (the release version) and i downloaded Windows Mobile Device Center from microsoft. My problem is when ever I try to connect the device, windows installs HTC usb sync and after that I get another message saying I need to install drivers for a "unknown device" I went to device manager and sure enough somehow this "unknown device" is related to my phone, It askes to look for drivers and can not find any. Anyway, this is somehow creating a problem because I can not connect the phone with WMDC.
Thanks for your help,
Similar problems here with Vista Ultimte RTM. You can also watch here for some answers.
A couple weeks ago I tried to sync my Cingular 8525 but had no luck, Vista managed to find and install some HTC drivers, but I couldn't get active sync to work (mobile device center now in vista). But I could browse the files on the device. Then just today I went into device manager and manually told it to look for new drivers online, it did, found some, and installed them, then mobile device center started working and I could sync. Wahoo!
usarmy2008 said:
Im having a big headache here, I have windows vista enterprise edition (the release version) and i downloaded Windows Mobile Device Center from microsoft. My problem is when ever I try to connect the device, windows installs HTC usb sync and after that I get another message saying I need to install drivers for a "unknown device" I went to device manager and sure enough somehow this "unknown device" is related to my phone, It askes to look for drivers and can not find any. Anyway, this is somehow creating a problem because I can not connect the phone with WMDC.
Thanks for your help,
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This just happened to me today after using wmdc on vista business for 2 months. now my device comes up as "uknow device" in the device manager and then a few seconds later I get a popup window telling me that my USB device is unknown.
Damn annoying. im trying to figure out what happened and if i cant, then ill reinstall windows vista. bloody M$ crap.
when Vista prompt u for installing the driver, you have to manually select the driver location! Select driver directory to the Windows directory... Then Vista will be able to locate and loaded the device driver... i tried it works...
good luck
ctho24 said:
when Vista prompt u for installing the driver, you have to manually select the driver location! Select driver directory to the Windows directory... Then Vista will be able to locate and loaded the device driver... i tried it works...
good luck
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it was working fine for 2 months so I assume the correct drivers were installed. nonetheless, i will try update the driver for "unknown device" if I can find the inf file in the windows directory.
i tried it,
it says that my "Unknown Device" in the USB controllers category has the latest drivers installed.
this is too funny.
not sure what went wrong here.
Ive also uninstalled wmdc and reinstalled it many times and still no luck.
hrrrmmmmm, i feel a format and image coming up soon.
OK, i have solved the problem.
who would have thought I had 2 faulty sync-charge cables. They worked on Sunday and stopped working on Monday.
I noticed this happened after I used WM5torage. This is strange.
Anyways, things are back to normal
I have been sync with Windows Vista Ultimate both USB and Bluetooth for weeks. Especially the Bluetooth works great both sync and install software!!

Windows 7 x64 wont connect

Ive tried searching now for about 2 hours for a fix.
Ive just installed windows 7 x64 pro and i can not get it to work with my HD. It will not recognize it at all. Ive had various problems, always seems different.
Ive tried turning off the enable fast data. This changed the problem, but didnt fix it.
At the moment, i have that enabled and the problem from what i can tell is, in device manager Microsoft Windows Remote Adapter is not working.
If i disable fast data, i get a connecting to host message on my HD screen and nothing else really happens.
Ive tried updating the USB drivers, but that will not work, something to do with unsigned drivers.
Under mobile devices in device manager i get PocketPC USB Sync instead of the HTC usb Sync thing.
Is there a solution for this please?
With me it worked on windows 7x64 straight out of the box. I suggest re-installing win 7.
I'd have to agree, using Windows x64 Professional here and both my Touch HD and my partners work fine (I had to allow Windows to download an updated version of Windows Mobile Device Center first though).
I do not suggest reinstalling Win 7. Geez. Sorry, but that's using an axe to trim a toenail.
Try downloading and reinstall the x64 version of Windows Mobile Device Center. Make sure you get version 6.1. Do not download any driver updates meant for Vista - you don't need them. But this main file will be marked Vista - it includes you too.
Next, it's possible that when you first plugged in the blackstone, a driver install got canceled or didn't happen right. Use your hardware manager and look for any new generic devices or HID devices. You can try deleting the hardware from the list and asking device manager to look again.
Good luck.
Installed windows 7 last week.... i mainly use this pc at home and at work i use XP.
Anyway just connected it now to my notebook and after some driver downloads from windows the phone works fine...
make sure u download the latest mobile device center.
I had the same with my Topaz and windows 7. The fix was to disable the windows firewall while syncing.
This solved my sync problems with Windows 7 ultimate x64
Open notepad
write the text : net localgroup Administrators LocalService /add
save the file as e.g. HTC.bat somewhere on your hard drive where you can find it
Locate with Windows Explorer the .Bat file you just edited
Rightclick on the bat fil
select "run as administrator"
restart your computer. Your HTCH Touch HD should connect without problems

O2 Xda Atom Exec connecting problem

guys, i'm a new user in using this device & i've got a problem connecting my device to my PC.. my device is using WM 5 while my PC is using windows XP SP 3.. i've installed ActiveSync 4.5 in order to connect my device to my pc.. however, when i plugged in the USB cable into my pc, there was an error saying that "Windows CE USB Device" needs to be installed.. i set the source folder of the driver to be installed in activesync folder installed in my pc but it didn't work.. as the result, the microsoft activesync can't connect my device to my pc.. i've tried to reinstall the software, restart the device, restart the pc but none of them worked.. so anyone can help?? thanks in advance..
problem solved... sigh...
I have seem problem with my hp6815
how you solved this?
thank you

Help plzz - Problem with X2 USB Driver on PC

Hello guys ;
I'm having a problem getting my X2 recognized on my pc ( running windows 7 ) ....
First ,i want to say that i have it before working on my previous windows 7 version without nay problem , when I installed this fresh version of win 7 , it didn't recognize it correctly and it search for windows update and locate a strange driver ( Microsoft sync usb ) which changes nothing at all..
i tried downloading windows mobile Device center separately and installed latest version with driver update , but it also doesn't recognize it it appears to be installing a new driver but it end with saying " Driver installation failed - unidentified device "
the mobile device center works fie but doesn't see my X2 !!!!
I don't know where is the problem,can you help ?
did you load MS Sync wiht the phone connected via USB? When I re-installed it on my Win 7 PC, it only loaded the drivers correctly after I had the phone plugged in and connected.
When getting active sync from Microsoft, I assume that you choose the Win7 version and not the XP version ... (just checking).
Not sure what else I can offer other then it is working fine with the connection via the USB and via BT (the BT connection is with my work PC -- also Win 7 professional, the home PC is Win 7 Premium).
Good luck.
I did , no sue
it either sas " unidentified device - or device unplugged " .. or it installs driver for Microosft USB Sync "
any ideas ?
try to disable McAfee Firewall(or any other firewall) and reconnect ur phone
i disabled antivirus and no firewall is running

[Q] hd2 to windows 7 via usb

okay so i cant find a solution to this one, if you can help me, id really apreciate it.
okay so im trying to connect my hd2 to my windows 7 laptop. whenever i connect the two. nothing happens except my phone starts charging!
I tried it on 4 computers, all didn't work
i did the "turn off faster sync thing, that didn't work
ii JUST got this usb cord, so its not broken or anything
i also hard reseted my phone a while back if that helps
thanks in advance
What OS are you running on your HD2?
Windows Mobile 6.5 requires Active Sync to be installed on your machine and should prompt you to do so the first time you connect via USB.
Android should be effortless by just selecting the USB connectivity from the drop down alert menu.
WP7 requires that you have installed the latest version of Windows Mobile Device Center, which can be found by online search. You must download the appropriate x86 or x64 version, as is appropriate to your version of Win7.
Is there a scenario that I've missed?
Thank you for posting!!
my phone runs on windows 6.5.
do i download activesync to my phone or computer? i tried doing it on my computer but it gives me an error :
" This Program is blocked due to compatibility issues"
"previous versions of Active sync cannot be installed on windows vista or later."
i was trying to download Activesync 4.5
PaigeLovesU said:
Thank you for posting!!
my phone runs on windows 6.5.
do i download activesync to my phone or computer? i tried doing it on my computer but it gives me an error :
" This Program is blocked due to compatibility issues"
"previous versions of Active sync cannot be installed on windows vista or later."
i was trying to download Activesync 4.5
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You are Windows 7 so require WMDC 6.1
are you 32 bit or 64 bit W7 ? they require different WMDC 6.1 installs ...
Download: WMDC6.1 32bit
Download: WMDC6.1 64bit
i have a 64 bit
link above, good luck

