[IMPORTANT] Make Samsung release their source codes! - Galaxy Note II General

Like the threads started in S II, S III, and Note N7000 forums, im starting a thread here.
It was originally the idea of AntonLiv92 and scarface1991, carried forward by androidindian to inform people that they can make Samsung release their source codes for Exynos-devices...
i am just carrying the message forward, you can spread the idea in other forums
How can you help?
By joining the "Polite request to Samsung to release Exynos Source Codes".
* FB page:https://www.facebook.com/ExynosSourceCode
Or by writing to their twitter account:
You can also create an inquiry in the OSRC, which is highly recommended
You are highly recommended to spread this word im other forums, so that wordpower increases
As said by codeworkx
Originally Posted by codeworkx:
If they don't know that there are a lot of users out who are pissed because of the bad exynos support, then they'll not change anything.If 10 users are crying -> just 10 users, ignore them.If 1000 users are crying -> ok, let's think a few minutes about it.If 100.000 users are crying -> holy ****, we have to do somethingIf you stop crying, they'll stop paying attention and you've achieved nothing like in the past.
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It is also inportant to know what we are asking Samsung, so it's not just a big noob campaign with no wind.
Codeworkx has highlighted the specifics so you can get them:
Originally Posted by codeworkx
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
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We can confirm to you that its not just a fruitless campaign.
Entropy tweeted this to SamsungExynos:
@SamsungExynos You have been discussing this for over a year with no results... TI and Qualcomm are setting the standard, you are failing.
@SamsungExynos For more specifics on my last tweet: TI has omapzoom, Qualcomm has CodeAurora, you have nothing.
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This is reply Entropy512 got:
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This may actually go somewhere be sure to give your support so you can have better custom ROMs and much better mobile phones overall...
They also contacted the CM team:
Originally Posted by codeworkx
Seems you got korea's attention because of the "flooding" the community is currently doing via opensource.samsung.com. twitter, facebook and so on. They contacted us and we told them again what the community wants to have.You know that bad press for samsung is our most effective weapon to make things changing.So if you want to make samsung to continue paying attention, you know what to do...Fight till you got what you want to have.
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on xda-developers
on pocketnow.com
on androidcentral.com
on androidnext.de --->translated version here

This thread in S III section: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1929188
This thread in S II section: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1929188
This thread in Note I section: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1929307
For convenience, Scarface1991 made a letter:
Just sent this to http://opensource.samsung.com/reception/receptionSub.do?method=inquiry
Dear Samsung,
without a doubt you build the best phones on the market and I really enjoy using the Galaxy SII I9100 but there is a problem. A lot of people like to use mods like the popular CyanogenMod on your flagship*devices. Without the source code and proper documentation great developers like codeworkx who is a device maintainer for Samsung phones at XDA-Developers.com start to turn their back on Samsung*phones like the Galaxy SIII because they are based on the Exynos processor due to the fact that there is a lack of source code and proper documentation. Since developers are the lifeblood of Android it`s*not a good sign to see them leave to other companies who provide proper source code and documentation. Qualcomm and Texas Instruments understand that and they released their source code and*developers are using it to do great things.
With this letter I ask you to release Source code and proper documentation for the Exynos 4210 and the Exynos 4412 and in the best case it should include the following:
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
Thank you for your great phones and I really hope that you will release the above stated things.
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Android blogs and samsung blogs now posting this more and more..
http://bit.ly/SNy5jU (sammyhub)
http://allaboutsamsung.de/2012/10/sa...os-quellcodes/ (allaboutsamsung)
http://www.sammobile.com/2012/10/10/...g-exynos-docs/ (sammobile)
http://rootzwiki.com/news/_/articles...pr-stunt-r1176 (rootzwiki)
http://www.androidauthority.com/sams...issues-121487/ (android authority)
(Courtesy androidindian)
:good good:
Things are getting very exciting *rubs hands and fingers crossed*

also mate, do post their twitter account https://twitter.com/samsungexynos on the op. anyone who has twitter should write to them

androidindian said:
also mate, do post their twitter account https://twitter.com/samsungexynos on the op. anyone who has twitter should write to them
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androidindian said:
also mate, do post their twitter account https://twitter.com/samsungexynos on the op. anyone who has twitter should write to them
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thanks for the link, i don't have facebook, but i have sent them a tweet now. everyone should do so!

I have a question. I clearly don't have full idea how it works in terms of open source license.
Is this a requirement from Samsung (or any other vendor) that they release information regarding Exynos chip? They are supposed to release kernel sources, does the license also state that all hardware/driver related information also have to be released. Because, if this is not something mandatory, no amount of petition is going to change anything.

I doubt it will help much, but I did the facebook, twitter, and OSRC bit. I highly doubt anything comes of this though...except more frustration.

hot_spare said:
I have a question. I clearly don't have full idea how it works in terms of open source license.
Is this a requirement from Samsung (or any other vendor) that they release information regarding Exynos chip? They are supposed to release kernel sources, does the license also state that all hardware/driver related information also have to be released. Because, if this is not something mandatory, no amount of petition is going to change anything.
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No, Samsung doesn`t have to release anything of what we ask if they don`t want to (like they did in the past) but it would hurt their reputation when it comes to developers. Of course people who have no idea about Root and CyanogenMod will still buy their phones but people like Codeworkx and other great developers will eventually start to move on to other developer-friendly devices and as a reaction to that other people will do that too. I know for myself that I won`t buy another Exynos powered device if Samsung doesn`t change it`s attitude soon.

@SamsungExynos Please release Source code and proper documentation for the Exynos 4210 and the Exynos 4412 (and future 5xxx when available)
Here's hoping they'll listen...

tstack77 said:
@SamsungExynos Please release Source code and proper documentation for the Exynos 4210 and the Exynos 4412 (and future 5xxx when available)
Here's hoping they'll listen...
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great thanks!

tstack77 said:
@SamsungExynos Please release Source code and proper documentation for the Exynos 4210 and the Exynos 4412 (and future 5xxx when available)
Here's hoping they'll listen...
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Sent pretty much the same as well

Sent today too made a twittrr account just to tweet

Looks like Note 2 will never be getting support from CM. Step 1 to frustration.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app

Been looking and getting ready to buy the note 2 but i guess i have to hold off and look for some other good alternatives maybe the next nexus or pad phone 2 or an HTC. No cyanogenmod or aosp support,no exynos device for me a gs2 owner
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2

just commenting so more people know about the petition

the most relevant samsung twitter account for us

Note II owners, are you with us?

I was going to start a thread like this myself, but then I saw yours
I soooo want Samsung to release the kernel source code .
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

i have tweeted and send request for taking part in this. Thanks.


MIUI Rom Source Code?

I have been using MIUI for the past several weeks and was interested in it enough to start looking in helping with development when I get the chance. I was surprised to see that there is no source repository for MIUI. In fact, adding WiMax functionality has required the submission of the cyanogen code to the development team to include in a future update of the rom. The Android OS is released under the GPLv2, which clearly states that you must release the source and license of the original code and that if there are any modifications to that code then you must include the dates of the modifications.
GPLv2: section 2
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.
Full license available at http : // www .gnu .org /licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
If there are some parts of the MIUI rom that has been made independent from the Android OS, then those parts who's source is not released under the GPL must be distributed separately, as per section 2 of the GPLv2.
I have looked all over and it I cannot find any of the source for this ROM. This is in clear violation of the license in witch Android is released.
I feel, personally, that if the MIUI developers are not releasing there source then there is now way for the rest of the community that uses it to know for certain that this software is not malice by nature. It would appear that there is a good number of individuals working on this project, judging by which the speed of improvements are being released. What motivation could a team of people be working under when none of them are interested documenting what they are doing to the public at large. This is, in my opinion, a very dangerous mix. Your phone contains the most sensitive data that you have. As such I would expect the developers of MIUI to include the rest of us in the development process not just for the outstanding improvement of having more people work on a project, but to allow the code of something that is at the center of our private information to be reviewed by the people using it. Is there anyone esle that is concerned about this?
good luck getting the miui team to do anything they don't want to do
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good luck and imho get over it
The MIUI team are from China... remember we as the end user decide what we want to run on our phones. We must take responsibility for our own actions... therefore I have made the choice to run MIUI on my phone.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
What I can't figure out is why they can blatantly flaunt the GPL but still pimp their **** on XDA.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
matt2053 said:
What I can't figure out is why they can blatantly flaunt the GPL but still pimp their **** on XDA.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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This is exactly right. If they are in violation of the gpl, then they should not be able to distribute. However, it is possible that they have proprietary code that does not conflict with the gpl.
I don't know which of these is true, though. It sure looks cool, but if they are shirking their responsibility to FOSS then then is a problem.
I am not in disagreement with them having their own proprietary code, but they do need to follow the agreement within the GPL. If you download cyanogen, you have to download gapps separately because gapps has closed source programs. The GPL requires that you leave the open source code open source and the proprietary distributed separately. There are no such repositories containing anything from this rom. I am not into conspiracies or anything, but rules are rules.
Prepare for the same pro SBC trolls to invade your thread.
Yes, it does raise some questions and thank you for bringing the topic up. I don't use that rom but until there is some clarification from the developers, xda or both I will steer clear. Hopefully that kind of response from users like myself will get some movement on the issue.
Sent from the void...
I think you should sue em man.
What's XDA's official view on GPL violations?
Didn't Feeyo of the Cronos Project get banned from XDA and all his ROM's removed, for GPL violation?
By the way I think Android is on Apache licence, only the kernel is on GPL2, but MIUI team has released kernel sources in the past as far as I know. So I don't know for sure if there is actually a violation here.
Oh boy, here we go again. First SBC, now MIUI. Considering this site promotes rooting phones and voiding warranties, there sure is a ton of hypocricy around here. Go ahead, flame away.
PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.
wow. what asses. your really going to start something?
Btw, it does apply to just the kernel. if not, pretty much every rom needs to be taken down. None of them have a link to source.
Edit: post 666 :O
HondaCop said:
Oh boy, here we go again. First SBC, now MIUI. Considering this site promotes rooting phones and violating warranties, there sure is a ton of hypocricy around here. Go ahead, flame away.
PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.
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How exactly does one "violate" a warranty?
"Voiding" a warranty and violating a license agreement are no where near the same thing.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Duplicate post.
matt2053 said:
How exactly does one "violate" a warranty?
"Voiding" a warranty and violating a license agreement are no where near the same thing.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Fixed it. Your life is better now?
PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.
HondaCop said:
Fixed it. Your life is better now?
PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.
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You didn't fix the fact that you're comparing apples to oranges and the entire logic of your post makes no sense.
My life still sukz
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
matt2053 said:
My life still sukz
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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There might be an app for that.
PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.
HondaCop said:
There might be an app for that.
PS. My name is HondaCop and I approve this message.
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Awesome I hope it doesn't use stolen source code.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
the kernel is the only part that needs to be. and our kernel for the evo is from one of the ones here on xda so....
HondaCop said:
Oh boy, here we go again. First SBC, now MIUI. Considering this site promotes rooting phones and voiding warranties, there sure is a ton of hypocricy around here. Go ahead, flame away.
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Rooting phones and voiding warranties are totally legal. Stealing sources is not.
But I am still not sure if they did steal source.

[The Petition]**We Need Your Support**

THE PETITION​Click the above to sign​
The current petition for Galaxy S users to get an ICS update from Samsung has taken on a new look, idea and plan of action. Theexel, Xriderx66, NOOB_IN_N33D and I have decided to spearhead this into a new realm. We are not alone in this. We are not the only Galaxy S users. We are not the only ones who want/need this update. Therefore the 4 of us have decided to revamp the petition to include all Galaxy S devices and not solely the Vibrant users.
Below is a copy of how the petition reads. We need your help. We want a link to this thread posted in as many XDA forums as possible and allowed. We are also wanting this to be posted in some outside forums to broaden our reach.
This is what we need from you. If you do help post in other forums, please use the standardized text in post #3. Please put in this thread where you posted it and if outside XDA, post the link. If we can get other devices on board with this, we will have a much better chance of being heard. This is our time. ICS is brand new and can be used on most of our devices. We just need them to give it to us.
Remember to post where you put yours so that we don't duplicate.
Post #2 – The Petition
Post #3 – A standardized header for posting this petition in Galaxy S forums as well as other device manufacturer forums.
Post #4 – News and References
Please keep this thread clean as it will be the point where any and all other forums will come to see our petition in the raw, as well as the direct link to it.
Thank you all for your time and respectfulness.
Spread the word.
The Petition​
Dear Sir or Madam,
We Galaxy S users would first like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to excellence in your products and software. It is this type of forward thinking that will propel you further into the realm as truly one of the giants of the mobile telecommunications front-runners. It is in this assurance of merit that we ask for your time and consideration.
Recently many internet news agencies, blogs, forums,…have claimed that Samsung is reevaluating its stance on supplying Galaxy S phones with an update to the newest Android operating system platform, Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS-4.0). It is with great interest that we are monitoring this development and our intention to be on that update list.
With that being said, please allow us to give some background information as occurring over the past several months. Our main carrier for the Vibrant is T-Mobile. The Vibrant (Galaxy S) was at its release considered one of the flagship devices for both Samsung and T-Mobile. As such, many of these devices were sold to customers who in order to afford the device were required to sign a subsidized 2-year contract with T-Mobile. The Vibrant was released with the Android o/s 2.1 (Éclair) and was catapulted into the top ranks of the smartphone technology. Since then, the Vibrant has fallen into the mediocre category as technology has driven faster and further than many have expected. While the specifications of the Vibrant are comparable to that of Google’s Nexus S handset, it had not been scheduled for an upgrade at all. Only through perseverance did it receive the Froyo (2.2) o/s, only to be provided news accounts that the Gingerbread (2.3) o/s would not be delivered to our handset. Needless to say, we were happy with our upgrade; however the fact that without an upgrade to Gingerbread (which our handset supposedly has the optimization needed), we the end-users were, to our dismay, essentially stranded at that point.
As we all know, the Android operating system is open source, meaning that the kernel developed for Android falls under a General Public License (G.P.L.) which allows many developers to create their own custom ROMs, freely and openly. This very business savvy approach is one of the things that many end-users absolutely love about Android. It is also why the Android smartphone is one of the fastest developing, most customizable and highly regarded devices in recent history. Recently the CyanogenMod team has dropped its support for our device due to a potentially dangerous development regarding the 911/e911 issues in the code for the device. (see articles at CNET, Engadget and PCWorld) Being open source does not mean the proprietary files are to be divulged. And we understand that. One of the reasons that CyanogenMod team decided to drop support for the Vibrant is because it could not get the source from Samsung directly to alleviate the 911/e911 issue and in good conscience they decided that they could not endorse a product that had potentially fatal implications. We applaud them however we are a bit unnerved as well because we were dropped, yet again.
A custom ROM is not what we are looking for with this petition. What we are looking for is your consideration and hopefully favorable decision to provide the many Galaxy S users with a reliable, safe, state-of-the-art device that will rival any of its competitors. Since many of us are still locked into the subsidized contracts, simply purchasing a new handset is not an option for many of us.
We thank you for your time, patience and exceedingly high quality of product, support and technology.
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***The issue with the 3rd paragraph about how the Vibrant was released with 2.1 and then we fought for 2.2 only to be denied GB/ICS is in there to paint the picture of how consumer support has failed. It is specific to the Vibrant but the picture is for all Galaxy S users.
The CM team portion leaving the Vibrant is a problem (911/e911) that effects us all. For some reason they just dropped ONLY the Vibrant from their supported devices list b/c of this issue.
Galaxy S Devices - A standardize copy/paste to appear in the Galaxy S forums’ General category. It needs to have a direct link to this thread, as well as the petition itself.
As Galaxy S owners, we are all united. As Android users we are all united. As far as Samsung is concerned we are all NOT created equal. Our device, the Vibrant (SGH-T959), is now being left to the wayside for any future updates from Samsung even though our core specs are extremely similar to the Google Nexus S, which has already received the ICS update. The CyanogenMod team has left us due to the on-going issue of 911/e911 and the lack of the proper code from Samsung to alleviate a potentially fatal result of a custom ROM. It is our intentions to serve Samsung with a petition asking for the update to ICS, which will in-turn, alleviate the 911/e911 issue as well.
We are asking all Galaxy S users to sign this petition to get Samsung to reconsider giving all top end Galaxy S devices the ICS update. Please help us with our goal and sign the petition. If you are on a Galaxy S phone, this affects you too.
Thank you for reading this and please see this link for more details and this link to sign the petition.
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Non Galaxy S Devices - Now this one is tricky. Many times spouses, girl/boyfriends, roommates may have different phones than yourself. There is nothing wrong with that. Chances are that whatever device they do have, there is a forum for it. This is the canned response for any non-Galaxy S type phone, as well as non-Samsung devices. If you decide to enlist other manufactures, please post this exact verbiage and links directly to this page (**Not the petition itself, as we don’t want any accidental signatures **).
We have all decided to purchase a phone running on the Android operating system. It is in this choice that we are now linked. Our device manufacturer has left us behind. Recently they (Samsung) has let it be known that they will be willing to reconsider updating all Galaxy S devices to Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS). Most of our devices never received the Gingerbread update and while our development community is packed with talented individuals and teams, they lack the necessary code for some such basic functions as 911/e911 (the CyanogenMod team has dropped the Samsung Vibrant from its list of supported devices, indefinitely due to the potentially fatal 911/e911 issue).
Below is a link to a petition that we are asking Android users to sign. This petition to get Samsung to reconsider giving all top end Galaxy S devices the ICS update. Please help us with our goal and sign the petition. As Android users we all are, we are asking you to unite with us in our journey and goal.
Thank you for reading this and please see this link (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1427969) for more details.
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News and References
Cnet - http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57343479-93/for-samsung-vibrant-no-911-means-no-android-mod/
Engadget – http://www.engadget.com/2011/12/16/cyanogenmod-team-bails-on-samsung-vibrant-cites-inability-to-di/
PCworld - http://www.pcworld.com/article/2463...ant_support_citing_inability_to_dial_911.html
Android Central - http://www.androidcentral.com/no-samsung-ics-value-pack-coming
Click and Read parts 1(why we won’t get it) and 3 (who does and who doesn’t).
The "Nobody knows what the hell's going on with the Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab," saga continues today (see Part 1 and Part 2, Part 3) with the latest news now being that Samsung has no intentions of delivering a "Value Pack" upgrade. According to a Samsung source who spoke to The Next Web:
Samsung "will not offer the update due to the hardware specifications of the older Galaxy devices, in that they are limited to and fully optimised for the Gingerbread experience."
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That'll likely frustrate some Galaxy S owners but realistically, it's not in anyway surprising. As for the Galaxy Tab, while it's not mentioned specifically -- it's safe to assume that's lumped in there as well. Luckily, there is plenty of custom ROM's floating around to keep you busy if you're that upset over the matter.
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Possible Death Blows
Huffington Post - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/04/samsung-galaxy-s-ice-cream-sandwich_n_1183578.html
ComputerWorld - http://blogs.computerworld.com/19513/samsung_galaxy_s_ice_cream_sandwich?source=rss_blogs
Links to Samsung Twitter/Facebook/Google+:
- twitter.com/samsungtweets
- twitter.com/samsungmobileus
- https://twitter.com/SamsungJohn
- https://twitter.com/DigitalTrends
- www.facebook.com/SamsungUSA
- www.facebook.com/SamsungMobileUSA
- https://plus.google.com/114303379611712597260/posts
Posted in main XDA-General Forum
Android Police -
Phandroid.com/ - submitted request as News Tips. Just waiting on email confirmation from them. Once I get that, I will post the link.
Seanknighton posted in the HTC EVO 4G thread and they are running with it.
Nabeel10 posted in Wiihacks
Taxiozaurus Posted in AndroidPit forum
Plus they put us on the News Page with a pretty good endorsement
I-9000 just got the Value-Pack leaked yesterday (1/6/12). Here is the link.
We've got their attention!!!!
From the Epic 4G thread
Zeinzu said:
Samsung keeps removing my wall posts about it this.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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flastnoles11 said:
Mine to... I'm gonna keep putting them up until they get tired of taking theem down
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Remember to post where you put yours so that we don't duplicate.
As of 1/5/2012 all active Recognized Vibrant Developers should have received a letter from me about this petition. Hopefully they will help in promoting the awareness of our petition by adding a notice to the top of their thread OP's. So if you find that your favorite rom or kernel thread is containing a big red notice with a link to this thread please show them some appreciation and hit their thanks button...
Here's a list of developer supporters -
neobuddy98 (Didn't post the banner, but he does have a link to the petition in his ICS thread)
> Petition Status: 3,341+ SIGNATURES <​________________
Phone: Samsung Vibrant | Rom: MIUI(.us) | Kernel: Glitch v13 (HL) | Theme: Black Ice v2.3 | Firmware: 2.3.7
Guide- Easily Flash MIUI for Vibrant + Themes/Modems/Kernels/ and more! | Guide/List- Best Free Apps For Your Rooted Device
If I have helped you please clickity-klack on that 'thanks' button ↘
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Good job you guys, this is excellent! Ill be sure to help the best I can!
SO SHOULD YOU! Yeah I'm talking to you, the one who just read this thread and ignored it. Just do it
Sent from my Vibrant
Epic 4G
Galaxy S I9000
Galaxy S 4G (or Vibrant +) (thanks to n00b)
Posted in Evo: (thanks to seanknighton)
Good stufff
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Last I checked we are at 810. Thread was getting pushed down on page, so this is a bump too sort of.
Actually, there are 950+ as of now! (Keeping track of the signatures in my post on the first page ). Also this thread should be stickied.
N00B_IN_N33D said:
Actually, there are 858 as of now! (Keeping track of the signatures in my post on the first page ). Also this thread should be stickied...
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Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
I added my name to the list...
Still wonder why Samsung likes to say it won't run, when clearly it does. they should just dump touchwiz.
Been flashing since Axura, happy to sign, Vibrant needs to be shown more love.
We need to get this viral!
I was at the local library and got like 8 people to sign. Haha
Holy crap we reached 903! ★___★
Sent from my Vibrant
Just wanted to say...signed
Deleted this post since thread was moved and combined with another.
Department of Redundancy Department
Here is the link to the Evo thread I started
Sent from my CIUI using XDA App

Push Samsung to release Exynos Source Code! [Update 25.11.13]

EDIT 25.11.13
The experimental Build with the new exynos sources works fine on the S3 and improves on graphics related stuff. There are some things that are broken but I hope those issues can be ironed out.
XpLoDWilD said:
In collaboration with geecko, here's a test build with the updated graphics stuff.
======== Don't expect it to be working 100% correctly that's not the goal. This build is exclusively to get your feedback on graphics and overall performance of the ROM. It is known that Camera and video playback might be both broken partially in this build.
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GeeckoDev said:
It basically enables us to use hardware overlays, which means that the GPU has less work to do because all the compositing work is managed by fimd. Better performance (butter), lower power consumption. :good:
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If someone wants to try it out, it can be downloaded here (FOR S3 I9300 ONLY):
EDIT 19.11.13
Samsung dropped an insignal Update for the Exynos 4412 devices which can be used with AOSP. It's hard to implement but thanks to the brilliant developers at XDA there is hope. Check this out from the Omni Thread:
Scarface1991 said:
I found those 2 interesting commits:
What's with the insignal exynos4 update? Does it actually do any good? (I would be very surprised if Samsung would actually do something positive for the developer community ^^)
And also will the second commit when implemented enable tv-out on the I9100? Will this be usable on other Exynos devices especially the I9300?
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Entropy512 said:
I have been too busy with other stuff to mess with them. In theory - actual working hwcomposer and maybe TV-out. More than 6 months after when they promised, Insignal finally dropped an update, but it proved extremely difficult to integrate at that time plus none of the "old" crew had much motivation to mess with it. Clement seems to have gained motivation and has done some great stuff so far.
The initial Insignal drop was actually for Exynos 4412 devices. 4412 and 4210 are nearly identical, main differences are regarding JPEG compression and the camera interfaces.
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Ok, so now hwcomposer isn't complaining anymore. Screen is completely black now because fences are timing out (surfaces are ready to be displayed when the fence is firing). dmesg is full of derp, looks like Mali driver is complaining. That's another progress... getting closer
EDIT: sent a mail to three samsung developers.. who knows
EDIT2: xplodwild should release a test build for i9300 users tomorrow.
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The Test build is going to be for the I9300 but since the S2 has an almost identical SoC it's not far behind if everything works out for the I9300. It's great news and that's what we need
Before 2013:
Until now there was a lot of talk from Samsung but everything they released so far is useless for AOSP. They promised full availability of Exynos Source Code by the end of 2012. Let`s see if this time they can keep their promise or if it will be just talk like in the past with the eMMC Super-Brick issue.
25/10/2012 Samsung Exynos Tweets:
Yes, we are opening up HAL source code for the platform, which includes HWC, camera, gralloc, audio and light.
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Developers: Expect full availability of integrated source code for #Exynos 4 family of processors on OrigenBoard by the end of 2012!
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Git server access will also be available to the public in Nov. 2012
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Now let`s hope they really mean it and that they don`t open up something useless...
Nevertheless I`m glad that we accomplished something.
Samsung presentation at the Big Android BBQ:
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chainfire tweets:
It seems Samsung is saying there will be sourcecode for the needed Exynos parts... I'm not sure it's everything TeamHacksung needs, ...
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... but I'm sure they'll let us know. It all sounds very promising though. First stuff should be seen in weeks, complete before 2013.
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Complete Samsung Developers Session:
This thread is the equivalent to the one in the SIII Forums and not my idea. AntonLiv92 started the thread to inform people where they can write personal concerns to Samsung, so they will release the source code and proper documentation for Exynos based devices and as you probably all know our SII is based on Samsung`s Exynos 4210 processor.
This thread will inform you people where to contact Samsung, so that we get their attention or as codeworkx said:
Originally Posted by codeworkx
If they don't know that there are a lot of users out who are pissed because of the bad exynos support, then they'll not change anything.
If 10 users are crying -> just 10 users, ignore them.
If 1000 users are crying -> ok, let's think a few minutes about it.
If 100.000 users are crying -> holy ****, we have to do something
If you stop crying, they'll stop paying attention and you've achieved nothing like in the past.
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So our goal is to get Samsung`s attention by writing as many concerns as possible of missing source code to Samsung. Of course it`s also important what you write, so it`s not just a big noob campaign asking for the Source Code. Codeworkx made a list of what is needed:
Originally Posted by codeworkx
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
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You can find a done letter that you can copy and paste more down below.
Main Petition thread in the SIII Forums created by AntonLiv92:
[MISSION] Let's get some Exynos sources! - xda-developers
There is also a thread in the Galaxy Note N7000 section as well now created by androidindian:
[IMPORTANT] Make Samsung release "Exynos" sources! - xda-developers
Galaxy Note II:
And the AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777 section as well:
Samsung Exynos Movement(POLL ADDED) - xda-developers
German Thread regarding this issue:
Thread on Androidforums:
Facebook group "Polite request to Samsung to release Exynos source code":
So yes we are serious about this!
Via Twitter: https://twitter.com/SamsungExynos
Via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SamsungMobile
Via Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SamsungMobile
You can write a personal letter regarding the release of the source code to:
If you don`t have time for writing a big letter, this is a already written one that you can copy and paste:
Requester: Enter your name.
ID (E-mail): Enter your email address.
Country: Select your country.
Inquiry Type: Select "Request for Source Codes".
Model: Enter "Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II".
Message: Copy & Paste the following...
Dear Samsung,
without a doubt you build the best phones on the market and I really enjoy using the Galaxy SII I9100 but there is a problem. A lot of people like to use mods like the popular CyanogenMod on your flagship
devices. Without the source code and proper documentation great developers like codeworkx who is a device maintainer for Samsung phones at XDA-Developers.com start to turn their back on Samsung
phones like the Galaxy SIII because they are based on the Exynos processor due to the fact that there is a lack of source code and proper documentation. Since developers are the lifeblood of Android it`s
not a good sign to see them leave to other companies who provide proper source code and documentation. Qualcomm and Texas Instruments understand that and they released their source code and
developers are using it to do great things.
With this letter I ask you to release Source code and proper documentation for the Exynos 4210 and the Exynos 4412 and in the best case it should include the following:
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
Thank you for your great phones and I really hope that you will release the above stated things.
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Responses from Twitter @samsungExynos
There are other signs that this might go somewhere, since this concern is reported now on several popular Android-blogs like Androidcentral and sites like XDA Developers, which will lead to even bigger popularity on this issue.
They also contacted the CM team:
codeworkx said:
Seems you got korea's attention because of the "flooding" the community is currently doing via opensource.samsung.com. twitter, facebook and so on. They contacted us and we told them again what the community wants to have.
You know that bad press for samsung is our most effective weapon to make things changing.
So if you want to make samsung to continue paying attention, you know what to do...
Fight till you got what you want to have.
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Samsung Aware of Exynos Documentation Issue – xda-developers
Samsung 'hears' Exynos community documentation concerns | Android Central
Samsung Listens To Developer Concerns Over Missing Exynos Docs | SamMobile
Samsung acknowledges lack of documentation for Exynos SoC
Exynos-Affäre: Entwickler setzen Samsung unter Druck - AndroidPIT
Samsung Investigating Exynos Documentation Issue - Sammy Hub
Samsung ‘hears’ Exynos community documentation concerns | Tech Gadget
Other links in the SIII thread.
Here is also a great video that summarizes this whole mess about Samsung and Exynos:
It is also recommended to tip popular news-blogs like Engadget or the Verge, so maybe they write about us and what we try to accomplish.
I thought that this thread might be a good idea, since we have one of the biggest userbases on the Android-platform.
Now you guys know what to do
Big thanks to AntonLiv92 for letting me use the contact links in my thread
Post this on the development section as well because I think it's the most visited one
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
GalaxyGusta said:
Post this on the development section as well because I think it's the most visited one
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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That goes totally against forum rules
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
GalaxyGusta said:
Post this on the development section as well because I think it's the most visited one
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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I think that this is not such a good idea because this thread has nothing to do with development directly, that`s why I posted it in the general section, which is also visited quite well I would say because of the CM10 thread etc.
How about you guys propose this as news for xda and spread the news on android news sites? And tech sites...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
karendar said:
How about you guys propose this as news for xda and spread the news on android news sites? And tech sites...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Just did it on Engadget.com. Let`s see, maybe it`s worth a news for them.
okay I'm crying now and I hope samsung hear it and release source code ASAP. My butt getting hot waiting for it.
Samsung is responding to the SIII campaign. Lets get the SII some attention too.
http://www.talkandroid.com/135667-s...oidForums (Android News, Rumours, and Updates)
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Warren.D said:
Samsung is responding to the SIII campaign. Lets get the SII some attention too.
http://www.talkandroid.com/135667-s...oidForums (Android News, Rumours, and Updates)
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Old news
Sent from my SGS2
Actually that's what I'm afraid of, that they release the source code only for the SIII Exynos and not for the SII. But until now they haven't released anything of course but let's see, maybe if enough people cry then they hopefully will release something.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Scarface1991 said:
Actually that's what I'm afraid of, that they release the source code only for the SIII Exynos and not for the SII. But until now they haven't released anything of course but let's see, maybe if enough people cry then they hopefully will release something.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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both the s3 and s2 use exynos 4.. so it should be fine i guess with the documentation. but let them say a yes.. they usually just keeps the hopes high and say no later. need to push them more!!
From Entropy's post in the CM10 thread they changed too many things between S3 Exynos and the S2 for it to be useful. Let's hope they release source code for both. Scarface you should make a thread in the I777 and N7000 general sections since they use the same chips and will be affected by this news or eventual developments, I'm a I777 user and only use my own ported i9100 ROMS
the audio maybe is the problem, s3 and s2 have totally differente chip...
good idea :good:
maybe we will reach it also when we ask about the camera firmware?
Just send this letter to: http://opensource.samsung.com/reception/receptionSub.do?method=inquiry
Dear Samsung,
without a doubt you build the best phones on the market and I really enjoy using the Galaxy SII I9100 but there is a problem. A lot of people like to use mods like the popular CyanogenMod on your flagship
devices. Without the source code and proper documentation great developers like codeworkx who is a device maintainer for Samsung phones at XDA-Developers.com start to turn their back on Samsung
phones like the Galaxy SIII because they are based on the Exynos processor due to the fact that there is a lack of source code and proper documentation. Since developers are the lifeblood of Android it`s
not a good sign to see them leave to other companies who provide proper source code and documentation. Qualcomm and Texas Instruments understand that and they released their source code and
developers are using it to do great things.
With this letter I ask you to release Source code and proper documentation for the Exynos 4210 and the Exynos 4412 and in the best case it should include the following:
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
Thank you for your great phones and I really hope that you will release the above stated things.
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robertogl said:
the audio maybe is the problem, s3 and s2 have totally differente chip...
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For that we should spam yamaha
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
asasione said:
From Entropy's post in the CM10 thread they changed too many things between S3 Exynos and the S2 for it to be useful. Let's hope they release source code for both. Scarface you should make a thread in the I777 and N7000 general sections since they use the same chips and will be affected by this news or eventual developments, I'm a I777 user and only use my own ported i9100 ROMS
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Already done by other members
Note N7000:
Scarface1991 said:
Already done by other members
Note N7000:
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Bro I've written to some major blogs like engadget verge gsmarena.. Would be lovely if you would recommend tip them as well..The more we write to them they will do a feature writeup on this.. If the major blogs write about this the impact would be larger..
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
androidindian said:
Bro I've written to some major blogs like engadget verge gsmarena.. Would be lovely if you would recommend tip them as well..The more we write to them they will do a feature writeup on this.. If the major blogs write about this the impact would be larger..
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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Yeah I`ve wrote Engadget already about that. Will do as well on other popular blogs. Thanks
where do i sign?

[IMPORTANT] Make Samsung release "Exynos" sources!

This thread is the equivalent on the SIII and SII Forums and not my idea. AntonLiv92 and scarface1991 started the thread to inform people where they can write personal concerns to Samsung, so they will release the source code and proper documentation for Exynos based devices and as you probably all know our Note is based on Samsung`s Exynos 4210 processor.
So as you know the Galaxy Note contains the Exynos 4 chip, which Samsung doesn't provide any up2date documentation of. What they release is kernel source, and a few parts of the platform source that aren't actually modified or really critical. In short, everything in the Platform tarball is stuff that is already in AOSP, and the AOSP version works fine. So our goal is to convince Samsung to release the documentation and sources for the Exynos chip that the developers need so much.
* You are welcome to join the "Polite request to Samsung to release Exynos source code" FB page:
Write a request to Samsung asking them to provide proper documentation for the Exynos SoC:
It is also highly recommended to create inquiry in the OSRC:
Hope it works! :fingers-crossed:
The Thread in the Forums will inform you people where to contact Samsung, so that we get their attention or as codeworkx said:
Originally Posted by codeworkx
If they don't know that there are a lot of users out who are pissed because of the bad exynos support, then they'll not change anything.
If 10 users are crying -> just 10 users, ignore them.
If 1000 users are crying -> ok, let's think a few minutes about it.
If 100.000 users are crying -> holy ****, we have to do something
If you stop crying, they'll stop paying attention and you've achieved nothing like in the past.
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So our goal is to get Samsung`s attention by writing as many concerns as possible of missing source code to Samsung. Of course it`s also important what you write, so it`s not just a big noob campaign asking for the Source Code. Codeworkx made a list of what is needed:
Originally Posted by codeworkx
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
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and Entropy512 tweeted to Samsung exynos about:
@SamsungExynos You have been discussing this for over a year with no results... TI and Qualcomm are setting the standard, you are failing.
@SamsungExynos For more specifics on my last tweet: TI has omapzoom, Qualcomm has CodeAurora, you have nothing.
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Responses from Twitter @SamsungExynos
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
There are other signs that this might go somewhere, since this concern is reported now on several popular Android-blogs like Androidcentral and sites like XDA Developers, which will lead to even bigger popularity on this issue.
They also contacted the CM team:
Originally Posted by codeworkx
Seems you got korea's attention because of the "flooding" the community is currently doing via opensource.samsung.com. twitter, facebook and so on. They contacted us and we told them again what the community wants to have.
You know that bad press for samsung is our most effective weapon to make things changing.
So if you want to make samsung to continue paying attention, you know what to do...
Fight till you got what you want to have.
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In the Media:
On xda-developers.com
On pocketnow.com
On androidcentral.com
On androidnext.de (Translated vesrion here)
I thought that this thread might me a good idea, since we have one of the biggest userbases on the Android-platform.
Now you guys know what to do
Nice. Tomorrow I'll hit them with everything I've got.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
Beretta93 said:
Nice. Tomorrow I'll hit them with everything I've got.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
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Awesome.. Let's do it! The more we do the better.. Btw samsungexynos is really getting it from the community via twitter and facebook.
And @Entropy512 has written lots of strong tweets to them.. Let's support our devs more!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Good initiative
I am in
This thread deserves a little bump.
C'mon people, take part in this, it is of vital importance.:good:
Great work
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
chasmodo said:
This thread deserves a little bump.
C'mon people, take part in this, it is of vital importance.:good:
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Totally! Lets do this! If we want future builds of android , aosp and cm support.. lets get together..
Stand your ground and fight!
Did yesterday and today, let's keep'em on fire.
Great! :good:
Thread in the SII section: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1929188
Thread in the SIII section: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1925709
I really like how popular this thing gets. Let`s do this people, let`s make this as popular as we can. Great developers like codeworkx and Entropy512 tried it more than once to ask politely for this and Samsung did nothing. They wouldn`t even listen about the serious hard brick kernel bug and they still bringing out unsafe kernels. Now it`s our turn to make them to listen.
Just send this letter to: http://opensource.samsung.com/reception/receptionSub.do?method=inquiry
Dear Samsung,
without a doubt you build the best phones on the market and I really enjoy using the Galaxy SII I9100 but there is a problem. A lot of people like to use mods like the popular CyanogenMod on your flagship
devices. Without the source code and proper documentation great developers like codeworkx who is a device maintainer for Samsung phones at XDA-Developers.com start to turn their back on Samsung
phones like the Galaxy SIII because they are based on the Exynos processor due to the fact that there is a lack of source code and proper documentation. Since developers are the lifeblood of Android it`s
not a good sign to see them leave to other companies who provide proper source code and documentation. Qualcomm and Texas Instruments understand that and they released their source code and
developers are using it to do great things.
With this letter I ask you to release Source code and proper documentation for the Exynos 4210 and the Exynos 4412 and in the best case it should include the following:
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
Thank you for your great phones and I really hope that you will release the above stated things.
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ahalford said:
Did yesterday and today, let's keep'em on fire.
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Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I'm in ,let the games begin.....
Of course I'm in. But do they really care about a handful (thousands) of geeks, flashing custom ROMs, compared to millions of sales ?
I hope they'll do.
Cheers, Markus
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
trell959 said:
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks mate!
Yes that is there automated response. Community members are messaging them on that site, and twitter constantly..
Come on ppl. Be a sport.
Dear Samsung,
This is another request for the release of the source code and proper documentation for the Exynos processors that are currently powering your high end devices. As many of your clients, I choose my smartphones on the basis of their popularity among the developers community, as they have been able to provide high end support for a long time and keep them running smoothly with
the most up-to-date software.
This support does not cost you anything, as you are not paying high skilled programmers to work countless hours on fine tuning and further improving your products. I personally think you are getting a great deal, for little effort on your side.
In order for this to be able to continue and further improve, I would kindly request (as many have already done) if you could speed up your promises and finally release:
Originally Posted by codeworkx:
- git repos
- commit history
- release patches if ready as single commits and not as big messed up tarballs
- up2date reference code for their video interfaces
- up2date reference camera hal to work with these interfaces
- up2date reference audio hal
- up2date reference hardwarecomposer
- patches needed for android framework (platform support)
- gralloc if possible
- maybe hdmi?
- maybe fmradio?
I hope you will not make the same mistake as other manufacturers, that turned their back on the developers community and their sales results suffered as a result of doing that. And as a currently satisfied customer of a Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) I am looking forward to the JB (Android 4.1) update .
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This is my post on their Facebook page, lets hope they'll do something about it .
Thank you for letting me know about this initiative.
Johev, well said--> quote: "I hope you will not make the same mistake as other manufacturers, that turned their back on the developers community and their sales results suffered as a result of doing that."
They do not want sales suffered as HTC, so maybe we will success.
Great Idea!
Did my bit!
Also made a twitter account just to tweet to them
Will do this again tommorow
Also wrote on their fb wall
Hope theyll listen? *fingers crossed*
Hi androidindian, do you mind if i copy your thread to Note 2 forum? ill give you credit fully...
I just want to spread the wprd but im not very good with my words
Hope you wont mind
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

[29Jan][ANNOUNCE] & [PORTING NEWS] thread for HADK releases (1.0.3 revised 29Jan)

Hi there,
this is a thread for the HADK. Here you will find the official release notes from jolla for the HADK and maybe general discussion about it. So have fun and lets take the porting adventure to somewhere we can't imagine!
The Images you will build with HADK are under the EULA of Sailfish OS. Please explain to interested users that this is not production quality (you know the watermark) to prevent misunderstandings in functional behaviour!!!
Official irc channel for porters:
Server: irc.freenode.net
Channel: #sailfishos-porters
HADK 1.0 EA1
Official announcement from jolla:
Von:Simonas Leleiva [email protected]
An:Simonas Leleiva [email protected]
Betreff:The first Sailfish OS Hardware Adaptation Development Kit (HADK) Release (EA1)
Datum:July 18, 2014 15:48
Dear early adopter of Sailfish OS for Android devices. This is important
- read this whole mail through and follow all steps exactly as written.
IMPORTANT: If you choose to publish this mail through blogs, news sites,
forums, or others, quote it as-is and in complete form ONLY, or people's
devices may be at risk.
We are extremely happy to release the EA1 version of the Sailfish OS
Hardware Adaptation Development Kit (HADK), which describes how to port
Sailfish OS to existing devices based on CyanogenMod 10.1.
CM version 11.0 and AOSP versions will be supported eventually (and you
can help to make this happen faster!)
Note that Sailfish OS images yielding from this documentation are likely
to be under Sailfish OS EULA.
We are excited to welcome you all to this adventurous porting journey.
We want to build a community around Sailfish OS for Android devices that
is based on mutual trust and respect for what we are all doing. Hence --
we ask that whenever you do screenshots, videos, forum or blog posts or
the like (and we're happy if you do!), you emphasise that this is an
work-in-progress effort and not a productised release. It is important
for Jolla that correct expectations are set for those who might be users
of the final product -- and that they understand what they see is not a
released product
Read through other notes in previous Nexus 4 EA image release emails, as
they are all relevant (cached:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=53611676&postcount=433 )
HADK manual can be downloaded from (yes, you finally reached the
essential part of this announcement ) :
We will all meet in the support channel called #sailfishos-porters on
irc.freenode.net and please use us (thp, alterego, Stskeeps, lbt,
sledges) to work together, report any bugs, graphical glitches or
missing functionality that you find, which are not included in the
release notes above. You can also find the hardware adaptation source
code at http://github.com/mer-hybris .
You are also welcome to participate in threads such as
http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/general about Nexus 4 and
Sailfish OS as well as for more general Sailfish OS topics at
Release Notes/Known Issues in HADK v1.0.1-EA1:
- Resulting HADK image for any device will not have Jolla Store support
(whereas as official Nexus 4 >=EA3 images by Jolla have). We are working
on Jolla Store integration into HADK (aiming for Nexus 4 as very first)
Will be fixed in the next release of HADK:
- HADK PDF has line-wrapping issues in pages 16, 19.
- PDF readers which can copy out-of-bound text: okular, Firefox PDF
viewer. Readers which cannot: evince, epdfview, mupdf
- PDF contains no table of contents
- Page 9: single quotes should be used to avoid early variable
evaluation for '[insert value of your choosing]' and
Kind regards,
Simonas Leleiva (sledges) on behalf the Sailfish OS for Everyone team
Engineer @ Jolla
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HADK 1.0.2 EA2
Official announcement from jolla:
Von:Simonas Leleiva [email protected]
An:Simonas Leleiva [email protected]
Betreff:The second Sailfish OS Hardware Adaptation Development Kit (HADK) Release (EA2)
Datum:July 21, 2014 14:43
Dear early adopter of Sailfish OS for Android devices. This is important
- read this whole mail through and follow all steps exactly as written.
IMPORTANT: If you choose to publish this mail through blogs, news sites,
forums, or others, quote it as-is and in complete form ONLY, or people's
devices may be at risk.
We are extremely happy to release the EA2 version of the Sailfish OS
Hardware Adaptation Development Kit (HADK), which describes how to port
Sailfish OS to existing devices based on CyanogenMod 10.1.
CM version 11.0 and AOSP versions will be supported eventually (and you
can help to make this happen sooner!)
Note that Sailfish OS images you will produce by following this
documentat are likely to be under Sailfish OS EULA.
We are excited to welcome you all to this adventurous porting journey.
We want to build a community around Sailfish OS for Android devices that
is based on mutual trust and respect for what we are all doing. Hence --
we ask that whenever you do screenshots, videos, forum or blog posts or
the like (and we're happy if you do!), you emphasise that this is an
work-in-progress effort and not a productised release. It is important
for Jolla that correct expectations are set for those who might be users
of the final product -- and that they understand what they see is not a
released product.
Read through other notes in previous Nexus 4 EA image release emails, as
they are all relevant (cached:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=53611676&postcount=433 )
HADK manual can be downloaded from (yes, you finally reached the
essential part of this announcement ) :
We will all meet in the support channel called #sailfishos-porters on
irc.freenode.net and please use us (thp, alterego, Stskeeps, lbt,
sledges) to work together, fix any bugs, graphical glitches or missing
functionality that you find.
You are also welcome to participate in the XDA threads:
Nexus 4:
Samsung Galaxy Nexus:
Generic Sailfish OS topics:
<port-your-device-xda-thread >
Release Notes/Known Issues in HADK v1.0.2-EA2:
- Table of contents
- Internal and external hyperlinks
- Out-of-bound text has now been mostly wrapped
- Ubuntu chroot updated to trusty, fixes gcc issues (4.4.1)
- mer-tools now points to rolling (chapter 6)
- Improved flow when porting to new device (2.3, still not perfect
- What to do in fixup-mountpoints? (14.3.2)
- Explained what to do when kernel config is not complying with
requirements (bottom 7.1.1, 14.3.5)
- Where to find CM's defconfig? (14.3.5)
- Local RPM repo creation fixed (7.1.2, 7.1.3)
- Possible github API rate limit workaround explained (5.3)
- Numerous bugfixes for smoother porting experience
Release Notes/Known Issues in HADK v1.0.1-EA1:
- Resulting HADK image for any device will not have Jolla Store support
(whereas as official Nexus 4 >=EA3 images by Jolla have). We are still
working on Jolla Store integration into HADK (aiming for Nexus 4 as very
Kind regards,
Simonas Leleiva (sledges) on behalf the Sailfish OS for Everyone team
Engineer @ Jolla
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HADK 1.0.3
We will all meet in the support channel called #sailfishos-porters on
irc.freenode.net and please use us (thp, alterego, Stskeeps, lbt,
sledges) to work together, fix any bugs, graphical glitches or missing
functionality that you find.
Have fun guys. In hope to get a full supported mako (and others) soon
continuing on piratepad (pun intended)
Some interesting porting news:
Get in touch with #sailfishos-porters on irc.freenode.net
So many news we can't keep up!! We moved to more dynamic place: http://piratepad.net/port-hot
Packed FOSDEM room with lbt presenting the HADK method
Discount code for Jolla phone or toh-bundle revealed: FOSDEM2015
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Revisited HADK is out: http://bit.ly/hadk-doc-1-0-3-0
Nexus4 re-release with Bluetooth, on update10 inviting all GNU/Linux BT developers to make their accessories work!
Nexus5 (Update10) got the first OTA fix for graphics gliches: http://forum.xda-developers.com/goo...h-os-alpha-t2841266/post58494353#post58494353
Nexus4 re-release with Bluetooth, inviting all GNU/Linux BT developers to make their accessories work!
Brilliant presentation at xda:devcon'14
Slides: http://bit.ly/port-slides
SailfishOS just got hammerhead
a new community's build is up for mako with SailfishOS
Thread on xda is located here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/development/rom-sailfish-os-community-port-t2969823
souren is showing double-tap-to-wake proof of concept on Galaxy Nexus \o/
vakkov released update9 preview image for Galaxy Nexus (not super stable yet)
Guhl ported to the first hardware keyboard phone HTC Desire Z! \o/
And here goes that HTC Desire HD video:
Piggz got it running on HTC Desire HD!
Linux Action Show Live teaser of Sailfish OS on Nexus 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9Y8nxnRLIk#t=875
Porters joint effort got modem to respond on Samsung Galaxy S3 (non-LTE)!
download experimental image: http://forum.xda-developers.com/jolla-sailfish/general/jolla-sailfish-os-gs3-t2028133/post54874785
Then you'll have to enable modem yourself:
Nexus 4 Early Adopters 4th release from Jolla!
XDA Thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/development/rom-sailfish-os-adopter-t2861054
Nexus 7 (2012) grouper alpha image release! Well done junnuvi
XDA Thread:http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-7/development/rom-sailfish-os-alpha-t2859817
We've got another one.Nexus flo. Big thx to vrutkovs.
After a little break we're back with some great news. First we're happy about the wide range of devices that are on the libhybris spreadsheet. You'll find them here:
wiki: https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Adaptations/libhybris
The next great thing is the beginning of multirom support. Nexus 5 is the first phone who got it. Big thx @tassadar, vgrade, alin & all others. Special Thanks to situ & vgrade and their helpers: alin, dmt, jusa, spiiroin, the HADK team, @sledges, Jolla sailors, the Mer Project, the Nemo Project and all the fine people over at #sailfishos-porters View the xda forum thread:
xda: http://forum.xda-developers.com/goo...h-os-alpha-t2841266/post54682704#post54682704
Ho, ho, ho sailor's. No it's not christmas. Or maybe a little bit??? The community release thread for the galaxy nexus opened the door's and it's now available for you! So let's get in....
XDAThread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...st-3rd-sailfishos-galaxy-nexus-alpha-t2837096
Moar news from Jolla. You can meet them on the xda devcon to get in touch with the unlike others, got a flovour of their philosophy.... So take you're chance and we'll looking forward to meetin YOU
Dear early adopter of Sailfish OS for Android devices,
We are happy to announce Jolla's participation in XDAevcon 2014 in
Manchester, 26-28 September.
Would be delighted to meet you and share the porting experience
together. We will work on making a presentation and maybe even a stand.
Today is the last day for early bird admissions for discounted price,
don't miss it! http://xda-devcon.com/
Kind regards,
Simonas Leleiva (sledges) on behalf the Sailfish OS for Everyone team
Engineer @ Jolla
A public bug-tracker for all your porting problems! File under "Hybris-ing" \o/:
20:44 < sledges> PSA: all your bugs are belong a new home! https://bugs.nemomobile.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Hardware adaptation
Hi, hi. Another nexus device WIP. Nexus 7 Grouper. Credits to junnuvi:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/junnuvi/status/494200983975911425
Hi, again. Galaxy nexus now up with data & sms. credits to crazybulgarian & beidl. Thx for this:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/crazybulgarian/status/493329430308454400
Hi, hi. Locusf shared a video with the community running GlacierUI homescreen (opensource alternative to Sailfish UI) on galaxy tab2 7.0. Great! Galaxy Note video will follow
For everyone who wants to be a part of it the sailfish wiki received an update with instructions to build you're own sailfish for hammerhad. So guys, let's go for it:
How we promised -> locusf shared running GlacierUI homescreen (opensource alternative to Sailfish UI) on galaxy note n7000 video!
Hello sailors. Great news again. locusf (sailfish porter) was able to get an alternative 100% open-source ux called NemoMobile GlacierUI booting up on a samsung galaxy note. Hands up for the next device which will be able to install nemo / sailfish. thx locusf and all other guys in the sailfishos-porter channel:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/locusf/status/491911806756356096
And with sailfish ui:
The show must go on. What a great day. Another device is coming up to the community. Samsung Galaxy Tab2 7.0. Once again thx to locusf (and definetely to all other developers / techies etc. @: #sailfishos-porters):
Samsung Galaxy Nexus boots up to ui. Credits to crazybulgarian and beidl:
XDA project link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-nexus/development/project-sailfish-os-galaxy-nexus-t2648580
OMG finally its here!!!! iam not very good in ports or programming and something but if nobody ports this to the OnePlus One then iam, going craaaaaaazy. plese someone port it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A revised version of hadk is going to be released today
and here it is:
carepack said:
and here it is:
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And the release notes: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=54298560&postcount=506 :highfive:
carepack said:
long prmised and finally arrived: hadk1.0
join irc.freenode.net
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porting news updated. Guys be happy about whats ongoing since hadk was released. Have a great day!
This is really great, I've been waiting a long time for it to be available, documentation prior to that on libhybris and other components were pretty scarce before.
I'm really happy that Jolla is really contributing back to the community.
Samuelgames said:
This is really great, I've been waiting a long time for it to be available, documentation prior to that on libhybris and other components were pretty scarce before.
I'm really happy that Jolla is really contributing back to the community.
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for me the same. In my opinion the only modern mobile os (blackberry has done a great job too). Next phone will be a jolla. Contributing back and also it's great community
If I will have let's say an almost working port of sailfish on a phone generally, will I be able to have a working port of nemo mobile as well?? ;D
bill_klpd said:
If I will have let's say an almost working port of sailfish on a phone generally, will I be able to have a working port of nemo mobile as well?? ;D
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Sailfish in many ways is a layer on top of Nemo, so yes
From http://merproject.org/logs/#sailfishos/#sailfishos.2014-07-26.log.html
falc0n_ hello people! i am a bit stuck, can you guys help me? 19:07
falc0n_ i am looking for documentation on how to port sailfishos to other devices but couldn't find it anywhere 19:07
*** kimmoli_sailing_ has joined #sailfishos 19:08
Eztran falc0n_: try joining #sailfishos-porters , should be more help there. 19:10
Eztran The main documentation is the HADK, available at http://releases.sailfishos.org/sfa-ea/2014-07-18_SailfishOSHardwareAdaptationDevelopmentKit.pdf . 19:11
falc0n_ thank you mate, will try to see if i can do it for i9500 or not 19:11
falc0n_ wish me luck ^^ 19:11
*** kimmoli_sailing has quit IRC 19:11
Eztran SGS4? Best of luck indeed =)
And from the #sailifishos-porters channel today
[04:59] <vakkov> dmt_ camera will not work for now on HADK devices. we will be soon starting a project for rewriting the camera stack
[05:00] <vakkov> so that every device can have camera support
[05:01] <vakkov> dmt so, if you can code you can join. Every pair of hands is welcome
[05:02] <zon> vakkov and beidl_, nice job on maguro, I'm looking forward to it
aironeous said:
...from the #sailifishos-porters channel today
[04:59] <vakkov> dmt_ camera will not work for now on HADK devices. we will be soon starting a project for rewriting the camera stack
[05:00] <vakkov> so that every device can have camera support
[05:01] <vakkov> dmt so, if you can code you can join. Every pair of hands is welcome
[05:02] <zon> vakkov and beidl_, nice job on maguro, I'm looking forward to it
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Great good news!!!!!
I wonder, would anyone (ever) work on enabling Barometer on Mako??? I mean, even Android snubs that sensor. I'm one of the very few I can find on any forum who cares about Barometer as I'm a bit of a weather geek.
RumoredNow said:
Great good news!!!!!
I wonder, would anyone (ever) work on enabling Barometer on Mako??? I mean, even Android snubs that sensor. I'm one of the very few I can find on any forum who cares about Barometer as I'm a bit of a weather geek.
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Reading on later in the logs it looks like they are going to take the camera work from Ubuntu phone and use it. But then later after that it is mentioned that someone named netchip is doing it directly using hal. Getting confused about who is doing what with which phone model.
Anyways just posted by Nokius https://twitter.com/Nokius/status/493465722446970880
aironeous said:
Reading on later in the logs it looks like they are going to take the camera work from Ubuntu phone and use it. But then later after that it is mentioned that someone named netchip is doing it directly using hal. Getting conufused about who is doing what with which phone model.
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Camera implementation strategy is not yet set in stone, so confusion is normal, please bear with us
Could anyone help with finding a barometer on board? I believe it would be just some linuxy manifestation of a sensor under sysfs, probably could be abstracted by libhybris like other sensors?
---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------
Dear early adopter of Sailfish OS for Android devices,
We are happy to announce Jolla's participation in XDAevcon 2014 in
Manchester, 26-28 September.
Would be delighted to meet you and share the porting experience
together. We will work on making a presentation and maybe even a stand.
Today is the last day for early bird admissions for discounted price,
don't miss it! http://xda-devcon.com/
Kind regards,
Simonas Leleiva (sledges) on behalf the Sailfish OS for Everyone team
Engineer @ Jolla
I've been keeping up with the sailfishos-porters logs and the porting effort is growing fast. New guys and more devices joining.
Take a look again at https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Adaptations/libhybris
There are more devices there and they will be making it a little bit more informational in the future.
you can add that http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2577661
Nexus4 with bluetooth release, see OP
Wooouuuhhh, what a day!!
We have a new mako build online. Check the xda thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-4/development/rom-sailfish-os-community-port-t2969823
And for those isn't this enough a revised version of the hadk document is out. Check OP.
going to sail. ahoi

