Hi, guys I've some questions about jelly bean on N7.
I know it has project butter. It's ok.
Why are there 'Disabling HW overlay' and 'Force GPU rendering' options disabled by default in settings > developer options?
Does it mean android uses cpu instead of gpu? if I enable those settings, does battery life improve?
arkhan11 said:
Hi, guys I've some questions about jelly bean on N7.
I know it has project butter. It's ok.
Why are there 'Disabling HW overlay' and 'Force GPU rendering' options disabled by default in settings > developer options?
Does it mean android uses cpu instead of gpu? if I enable those settings, does battery life improve?
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As far as I know the 'force GPU' only makes a difference on apps that don't use it by default. Your Ui already is using it. Not sure what disabling HW overlay does tho
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Disabling hardware overlays is a bad thing. Don't do it. Force GPU rendering can help with old apps that haven't been updated to support gpu rendering.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I've noticed that forcing GPU rendering makes some apps not show images. XDA is one of them.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
thank you guys!
Metallice said:
Disabling hardware overlays is a bad thing. Don't do it. Force GPU rendering can help with old apps that haven't been updated to support gpu rendering.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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I'm curious... Why disabling HW overlay is a bad thing? sometimes it's recommended in some ROMs (like aokp jellytime on my desire s).
Don't worry to be too technical. No noobs here
arkhan11 said:
thank you guys!
I'm curious... Why disabling HW overlay is a bad thing? sometimes it's recommended in some ROMs (like aokp jellytime on my desire s).
Don't worry to be too technical. No noobs here
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The only reason it would be recommended to disable it is if hardware overlay isn't fully working for your phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Why even at 784 overclocking it lag on stok rom .while work smooth on galaxy fit at 600 mhz
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
I have CM 7 beta 6.4 From Mik, Francos Kernel v15, overclocked at 768 and in some levels i have lags too. Or for a few second on the begening in some level. Quadrant test about 1300, linpack about 9 MFLOPS, Neocore about 57 FPS.
drbhavesh said:
Why even at 784 overclocking it lag on stok rom .while work smooth on galaxy fit at 600 mhz
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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Probably because of lower resolution
It is not resoution as galaxy fit has only 240-320 resolution.i think lg is not make good rom for this use poor quality hardware
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
My angry birds is pretty smooth after I give it like 2 seconds to load. You should get off the stock Rom and flash like cm 7. It's so much better.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
drbhavesh said:
Why even at 784 overclocking it lag on stok rom .while work smooth on galaxy fit at 600 mhz
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
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I think its due to the stock rom.try devoid or mike's cm..
drbhavesh said:
It is not resoution as galaxy fit has only 240-320 resolution
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Thats exactly what he means... it lags on Lg O1 because it has a higher resolution and doesn't lag on Galaxy Fit as it has a lower resolution, higher resolution means more processing power required... is what he is trying to say..
But cm7 rom was camara fm bug and other so i want to loose them and also eat battery
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Nov in CM 7 Camera works fine and with Francos Kernel it eat 1% battery per night
try chainfire3D
Have you tried to enable jit and hw acceleration?
They improved a lot the performance in my O1.
paolog89 said:
Have you tried to enable jit and hw acceleration?
They improved a lot the performance in my O1.
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what is chain fire 3d ?
i am using devoid Franco rom+kernal
But its too much lag on my phone
Better to wait for gb
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
How i dont know about it
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Its a kind of graphics driver for android. It supposedly allows us to play nvidia tegra optimized games. Apparently I don't think it world for our phone.
Somebody confirm this.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
kongyujian said:
Its a kind of graphics driver for android. It supposedly allows us to play nvidia tegra optimized games. Apparently I don't think it world for our phone.
Somebody confirm this.
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Its reported to work on our device even though we don't have the required 1GHZ Proces.
Haha really? I guess I tried it a few times with some thd games with no successes. and I can only confirm that chainfire does work on our phone because it allows us to change the texture size etc. Other than that, I doubt that the nvidia, qualcomm or powerv plugins actually work.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
sarfaraz1989 said:
try chainfire3D
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tried on devoid.franco,but got kernel panics
I had lots of lag when it was stored on my SD card. Moved to internal storage made it much better.
When I upgraded to class 10 card I could move it back, but it still lags a tiny amount on certain levels, but is mostly fine.
Sooo I've been running ics roms for a few months now and I'm just finding out about the force gpu rendering option in the developer settings. And its pretty awesome, it forces hardware acceleration on apps that don't natively support it right? Are there any downsides to using this? I've noticed issues with root explorer where it basically breaks the app.
I didn't know ICS ROMs have been out for months. Lol
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SteveCheeseman said:
Sooo I've been running ics roms for a few months now and I'm just finding out about the force gpu rendering option in the developer settings. And its pretty awesome, it forces hardware acceleration on apps that don't natively support it right? Are there any downsides to using this? I've noticed issues with root explorer where it basically breaks the app.
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this is the downside:
bdpyo said:
I didn't know ICS ROMs have been out for months. Lol
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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My mistake I meant weeks
I was just busting stones.
We wont see real time effects for it until OTA, once deb's have it, its gonna be great
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I personally dont think it is doing much of anything yet. Once we have the device specific drivers i'm sure it will make a difference. As of now i'm not even sure checking that box does anything.
xsteven77x said:
I personally dont think it is doing much of anything yet. Once we have the device specific drivers i'm sure it will make a difference. As of now i'm not even sure checking that box does anything.
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It does things lol. download spite and malice from the market. Check the box. Open spite and malice. Go to options. And try and read the microscopic menu lol. It breaks some apps I just know spite and malice for sure.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk
I personally think it won't be used all that much.
I think of it as compatibility mode in miui. The apps you use never use it.
But please. Paste an argument busting my balls. I'd like to see it.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
SteveCheeseman said:
...I've noticed issues with root explorer where it basically breaks the app.
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root explorer 2.17.2 supports that
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I got the Galaxy Nexus but I noticed it braks GroupMe, you cant open attachments anymore......
force gpu rendering is good for some apps which provides this feature but some gets laggy like hell
I noticed a big boost in smoothness in the official Twitter app. Pulse seem smoother as well, but it was already decent before i turned it on. Just slightly smoother.
I recommend it. I'm using it and EVERYTHING is faster. I even squeezed out an extra 300 points on a Quadrant bench score because of it . Enable it and then reboot!
Nexus S - CyberGR Hybrid ICS (0.5), Matrix Kernel (15)
I tried using Note II N7100's hwcomposer lib file on my CM10.
It is smoother to me than CM10... Just my feeling... Not very sure...
Anyway don't know if its true. I just leave the Note 2's lib file attached below. Try it if you want.
Just copy the file using root explorer to system/lib/hw. When you tries to paste, the phone will just auto reboot. Wait a bit and it will be up again. Then for safety go back and change the permission to like other .so files in that folder.
Don't blame me if anything bad happens... I am not a developer. I am just a noob anyway :/
Works best on CM10 not Samsung rom for me.
I think this just forces it to run in software mode, as it wouldn't actually recognise it. Chances are that software mode is better than using the broken GPU method though.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
jaju123 said:
I think this just forces it to run in software mode, as it wouldn't actually recognise it. Chances are that software mode is better than using the broken GPU method though.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Hmmm sorry I am not very sure of if broken hw acceleration. But to me at least the user experience is better for me and still able to have the other benefits (except project butter) of Jelly Bean.
It doesn't seem to break GPU rendering, I have force GPU and disable hw overlays ticked and everything is nice and smooth and no problems so far, running for about 30 mins or so.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
both mobile have the same hardware, will this really have an impact?
bala_gamer said:
both mobile have the same hardware, will this really have an impact?
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To me I can really tell that its smoother especially when opening and closing the sms app no longer lags for me.
Could any dev confirm the effect of this?
EDIT:Used the file now and indeed it is better...I'm on Wanam LIB sammy official.
For example i think it fixed that "break" it used to do when scrolling up and down on settings!yay!
EDIT 2:When it works it works ok...but sometimes it doesn't work...
Anyway,back to stock!Thank's OP.
Hmmm best to have dev confirming this. I tried on I9300XXDLIB it ends up becoming even more lag.... But the effect on CM10 is an improvement to me.
Well working fine for now. Don't know if I feel any difference though.
Edit: Probably not a placebo... I feel more responsive scrolling in tapatalk and gmail app.
☞ sent from GS3 or Nexus
installed on slim bean scrolling is better but will have to do more testing though, but its a good start to have a few of the notes features on the siii:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Seems to me that Cody in the CM10 thread said something about using the HW Composer and that it could not just be dropped in and function properly. It was more complicated than that.
donalgodon said:
Seems to me that Cody in the CM10 thread said something about using the HW Composer and that it could not just be dropped in and function properly. It was more complicated than that.
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Yeah. he recommended people not to do it.
Has anyone that has tried actually noticed any drops in functionality?
If not, I'm going to give it a go as well.
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Is there a good way to deal with lags, i.e. to find what exactly causes particular lag and then eliminate it?
If this can be done ,no lags will exist in Android. The question is difficult to answer and is not as easy as you think.
Sent from my IdeaTab A1107 using xda app-developers app
TerenceWSK said:
The question is difficult to answer and is not as easy as you think.
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I guess so. But are there no general guidelines? No point to start from? I guess there must be some roughly determined way to identify what causes given lag.
If there would be an algorithm on how to deal with lags, then there would be almost no lags in Android. I do agree with that.
V6 supercharger, Kick ass Kernelizer and other tweaks will help even out lag- but it will always be a problem on any computing system, if this was a quadcore 2ghz phone with mali-t604 gpus in SLI running android 4.2.1 im sure it would be okay
These solutions depend on specific problems. Many things can cause lags
Sent from my IdeaTab A1107 using xda app-developers app
Limiting background processes to 2 and slight over clocking works for me
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium
my understanding is, you are looking for a stepbystep guide what to check to find the cause of a lag.
- check memory usage
- check cpu usage (i.e. with os monitor)
- delete/freeze app that has a huge amount of usage...
something like that? i'm no pro, so its just what logic tells me...
I know this has been asked before but can we do a poll on who uses "Force GPU 2D rendering" on there Nexus 4.
Where is the poll
I use it, it helps a lot in XDA app for to have something smooth ... like scrolling...
I use it because I've found that pie doesn't disappear much with it enabled and pie is the number one make or break feature on this phone.
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