HD2 USB connection does not work - HD2 General

I have a HTC HD2 running on a Android NAND ROM.
I have to unlock the SIM. I was told I had to go back to Windows Mobile first.
Problem is, my USB connection does not work.
WHen the phone is on android, if I plug the cable, my phone recognizes it but nothing happens on my PC (windows 7)
When I am on the bootloader screen, it is only written "Serial" but never "USB".
Tried several cords/USB ports...
Phone isn't connecter in Windows Mobile manager either.
Any advice, please ?

Sometimes you can introduce unlock code from Android too...Try this with another SIM and see it it asks for SIM/network code!
But if still want WM, you should flash it from micro-sd.

vil-2 said:
I have a HTC HD2 running on a Android NAND ROM.
I have to unlock the SIM. I was told I had to go back to Windows Mobile first.
Problem is, my USB connection does not work.
WHen the phone is on android, if I plug the cable, my phone recognizes it but nothing happens on my PC (windows 7)
When I am on the bootloader screen, it is only written "Serial" but never "USB".
Tried several cords/USB ports...
Phone isn't connecter in Windows Mobile manager either.
Any advice, please ?
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Check to make sure you have the proper drivers installed on your computer first, if not you can always download hd2 drivers off xda. This is probably the easiest and safest thing to do first. otherwise, like above you can try it though android and see what happens. Best bet is to instal WM 6.5 with a broke usb is through sd card, but that is not without its risks. Check the forums for the file and "how to" guide, i remember reading it once. Also, not sure how you will back to Android without usb port to flash magldr or cwm? Good Luck with whatever you decide to do, maybe someone else has other ideas.


Help cannot get active sync

Hello I am trying to get active sync to work but when i go into the bootloader and plug in the usb windows installs the driver for the sync from htc i really need to install magldr 1.13 but i cannot get past the driver any ideas
thanks in advance
You do not need active sync. If you want to install MAGLDR just start bootloader and flash from there Hold Volume Down while starting the phone you will get the TriColored screen plug the phone into computer at the bottom of the phone it will say USB then click ROMUpdateUtility in the MAGLDR folder you downloaded. If the phone doesnt say USB try a different USB port
cannot sync in bootloader
wrecless said:
You do not need active sync. If you want to install MAGLDR just start bootloader and flash from there Hold Volume Down while starting the phone you will get the TriColored screen plug the phone into computer at the bottom of the phone it will say USB then click ROMUpdateUtility in the MAGLDR folder you downloaded. If the phone doesnt say USB try a different USB port
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I am going to try on a different computer this afternoon. But I tried Everything you said Got to the bootloader just fine i even tried running the ROMupdateutility as admin. It gets to the progress bar just after you click update and then comes back with a usb error. I cannot seem to figure what the problem is other than my driver is not working properly. so i tried to uninstall the driver and it keeps reinstalling the htc usb sync driver form the windows update. like i said ill try it on a different computer and see if that works. thanks for your reply though.
Yes the problem is in your computer. It happened same with my laptop an computer. I formated and installed fresh copy of windows on the laptop. Now it is O.K.
thanks alot that was i thought about doing but...... I have Like a terrabyte to backup
First try reinstalling ActiveSync and try using a different usb port (preferably one at the back of the pc). Boot into bootloader and connect to pc, you need to see "usb" displayed on the phone screen.
You need active sync from ms. Not from htc. It's the soft provided by ms to sync wm devices. Normally it's downloaded when you connect your device. Check if windows try to install the driver. After you will also need the adb driver. For this one you need the android sdk.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App

[Q] HD2 not detected at all

here is the situation.
i have a hd2 with magldr 1.13
android in nand
android in sd
both are working fine.
im trying to flash wp7 but my pc wont even pick up the connection (device not listed in devmgmt) however the phone is charging no problem.
i have installed, uninstalled and re-installed:
android sdk tools
windows mobile device center
windows phone sdk
i have manually removed each drivers after uninstalling all these through devmgmt.msc
i have also tried all this on 2 other PCs, with the same results so far.
i will try on a 4th PC later tonight.
i havent had the opportunity to try another cable yet.
what is causing this?
In wmdc did you untick "allow USB connections"?
That doesn't make any sense. If you flashed Android to NAND it should Flash WP7 to NAND with the same ease.
Make sure you hate .net 4.0 installed too, I know that helped me.
on the phone do you have it set to charge only from USB?
menu button - settings - Connect to pc - Default connection type
yep "allow USB" is unticked
i have .NET 4.0 installed...
i dont even have that in android:
"menu button - settings - Connect to pc - Default connection type"
do i have a faulty phone? the last time i flashed was about 2.5 weeks ago
willrider said:
yep "allow USB" is unticked
i have .NET 4.0 installed...
i dont even have that in android:
"menu button - settings - Connect to pc - Default connection type"
do i have a faulty phone? the last time i flashed was about 2.5 weeks ago
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I don't understand what the problem is exactly:
You connect your HD2 to your PC, load up MAGLDR and select usb flash mode.
then you're running the DAF WP7 flasher and then it fails to connect or what?
orangekid said:
I don't understand what the problem is exactly:
You connect your HD2 to your PC, load up MAGLDR and select usb flash mode.
then you're running the DAF WP7 flasher and then it fails to connect or what?
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on the phone, nothing happens.
on pc flasher fails after a while.
also on the tri-colour HSLP boot, i can see "serial"
but i cant seem to put in "USB" mode.
i tried booting into HSPL with the USB connected but then it wont display "serial" or "USB"... it stays blank
willrider said:
on the phone, nothing happens.
on pc flasher fails after a while.
also on the tri-colour HSLP boot, i can see "serial"
but i cant seem to put in "USB" mode.
i tried booting into HSPL with the USB connected but then it wont display "serial" or "USB"... it stays blank
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oh well if bootloader stays on serial its almost certainly hardware, cos it should switch to USB regardless of whether flashing works and drivers and what not. You say you can charge so I would suspect a broken data pin inthe socket,perhaps dirty, perhaps bad solder, perhaps faulty cable.
samsamuel said:
oh well if bootloader stays on serial its almost certainly hardware, cos it should switch to USB regardless of whether flashing works and drivers and what not. You say you can charge so I would suspect a broken data pin inthe socket,perhaps dirty, perhaps bad solder, perhaps faulty cable.
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He's saying it doesn't say serial or USB, so it might be some software issue, "it stays blank"
I would flash stock via SD, then flash HSPL, task29, then flash magldr, then try again.
yea, but since it does say serial when usb isn't connected, means it is detecting something, because it can tell the difference. You may be right in a corrupted bootloader, but id bet its more likely hardware, shorted data pins, or a break on either the phone or the cable. (all just guesswork, of course, , , hurry up and find out, OP! minds with nothing better to do need to know! hehe)
orangekid said:
I would flash stock via SD, then flash HSPL, task29, then flash magldr, then try again.
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+1 on that, but of course it will all stop at "stock via SD" if that doesnt fix it,because hspl gone, no usb to reapply it, no radio flashing, so no more android, just stock winmo roms,, so think carefully what you want, if you can live with what you have, id be tempted to leave it alone until you need to.
samsamuel said:
yea, but since it does say serial when usb isn't connected, means it is detecting something, because it can tell the difference. You may be right in a corrupted bootloader, but id bet its more likely hardware, shorted data pins, or a break on either the phone or the cable. (all just guesswork, of course, , , hurry up and find out, OP! minds with nothing better to do need to know! hehe)
+1 on that, but of course it will all stop at "stock via SD" if that doesnt fix it,because hspl gone, no usb to reapply it, no radio flashing, so no more android, so think carefullyu what you want.
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That's true, if you flash stock via sd then you're back to SPL 3.03, but reflashing HSPL might be what you need to do, so it's hit or miss.
If it's hardware then you will find out this way and since you'll hopefully be back to stock SPL you could do warranty on it.
I hate to say it but that's most likely a dead physical USB port. I work on the HD2's daily and have seen this problem several times and it was 100% not software related which I have verified after a fully memory sweep and write of a JTAG dump from a working phone to the defective one. In these case the phone would also charge but had no PC connectivity either. You can however flash all the WinMO ROM's you would like over the SD-Card and definitely still benefit from the SD-Card style of booting Android ROM's so the phone is not a total wash. You can also still hope that Cotulla or some DEV will come up with a way to flash CWM Recovery from the SD-Card to the NAND. Then you could even still have NAND based Android ROM's as the CWM step is the only part of MAGLDR to Android that involves PC > Phone flashing.
The port is cheap at about $6.00 USD but the skill required to put one on is high. I don't offer it as a service yet but I'm planning on it soon as I solder frequently on JTAG ports smaller than the usb ports themselves and have the skill to do this.
EDIT: I'm also not 100% sure it's the port to blame but most likely it is. However, it could still be something inline with the USB data bus on the phone to blame.
connexion2005 said:
I hate to say it but that's most likely a dead physical USB port. I work on the HD2's daily and have seen this problem several times and it was 100% not software related which I have verified after a fully memory sweep and write of a JTAG dump from a working phone to the defective one. In these case the phone would also charge but had no PC connectivity either. You can however flash all the WinMO ROM's you would like over the SD-Card and definitely still benefit from the SD-Card style of booting Android ROM's so the phone is not a total wash. You can also still hope that Cotulla or some DEV will come up with a way to flash CWM Recovery from the SD-Card to the NAND. Then you could even still have NAND based Android ROM's as the CWM step is the only part of MAGLDR to Android that involves PC > Phone flashing.
The port is cheap at about $6.00 USD but the skill required to put one on is high. I don't offer it as a service yet but I'm planning on it soon as I solder frequently on JTAG ports smaller than the usb ports themselves and have the skill to do this.
EDIT: I'm also not 100% sure it's the port to blame but most likely it is. However, it could still be something inline with the USB data bus on the phone to blame.
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If this is the case I wouldn't flash stock via SD since you have no way to flash HSPL after that.

HD2 USB Not Working / Can't be Detected

Just bought a used HD2 (TMOUS). I checked the bootloader and it already had HSPL installed. However, I wanted to flash stock ROM and do task29 prior to installing HSPL again myself.
I flashed the stock ROM v3.14.531.1 via microSD card method. Then I tried to run task29 and it failed. Bootloader wouldn't detected the USB connection. I also try to install HSPL but it doesn't work. I get an error: USB COnnect Failed!
When I connect to PC or wall charger, the phone charges perfectly fine. I even see the icon that says its connected.
When I am on the bootloader and connect the phone to my PC via USB, the white background area says "Serial" and it doesn't change to "USB".
I tried using different USB cables and also different PC, but still no luck.
What is wrong? Why can't I connect via USB? Help please.
Have you tried droidexployer? Doubt that'll work but worth a shot. What might be wrong is you don't have the proper drivers installed.
Sent from my Desire HD-2 using XDA App
htccraze said:
Have you tried droidexployer? Doubt that'll work but worth a shot. What might be wrong is you don't have the proper drivers installed.
Sent from my Desire HD-2 using XDA App
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Droidexployer is for devices running rooted android. mine is still stuck on windows, i can't install hspl in order to run android...
i am sure its not a driver problem because i have another hd2 which connects perfectly fine.
Have you tried it on a different usb port on the pc? Sometimes one will work while another won't for some reason. Also remember to check the options in ActiveSync or WMDC to ensure usb connections are allowed, seems a stupid mistake, but one I have made myself before. If all that fails, maybe try on a different pc or with a different usb cable. Sorry for the super simple answers, I see you're not a brand new user, but its often these simple little things that hang us up
Change the battery
Change the battery ?
I seen your comment that said you already had hspl so I just assumed it was on android, sorry. Yea the different usb ports is a great idea if it wasn't for the fact that you even tried it on a different computer as well. Since you said you bought it used would you mind saying where from? I've known people who have problems with they're phone & can't find out how to fix it so they try and sell it on ebay. If you did get it from there the best thing to do is contact the seller and explain your problem. Ask if it had this problem before and say you don't want this phone if it's not repairable. With ebay you only have a short time to file a complaint if it leads to that.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
another "simple" thing..
check for dirt or fluff in usb port
same here but I have EU version of HTC HD2...
also i Have MIUI 1.8.5. Gibgerbread 2.3.5 and same thing with bootloader...when start phone everything works fine !!!
If you find any solutions please write it to me so i can solve problem! Thanks
Are you able to charge the phone? if not, it's possible the microusb port is broken.
yes able to charge phone....i think its manufacture something cause tryed to connect to other PC with other USB and still same prob.
sportman123 said:
yes able to charge phone....i think its manufacture something cause tryed to connect to other PC with other USB and still same prob.
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Have you installed windows mobile device center?
I am having the same issue. It worked a couple weeks ago. Now I can not get USB connection in MAGLDR or Bootloader...
Any help?
Yeah, me too.
Get your self a new sparkly xoom and wanna put android on my hd2. Oh well no mobile internet for my xoom. Unless any one knows of any wm6.5 app/prog that'll do it?
Arty U.K.

mobile device center

I have CMYLXGO's Topia HD-NAND Edition on my hd2.
The problem that I am having is that Mobile device Center does not show my phone when I connected to the usb.
can anyone help me?
Thanking you in advance,
Isn't mobile device center for windows mobile only?
You're on Android, why do you want to connect ti WMDC anyway?
Yeah, you don't have a WMo phone anymore, so to say.
If you want to connect to the PC, try USB mass storage.
If you need any help, just let me know.
Ok, so how can I change differents roms if my phone does not sync. with my pc, I used to able to do it, now for some reason I can't.
thank you for yor reply,
It depends on what room are you using?
If you are using magldr, clk or you are just flashing through clockworkmod.
For every type of bootloader there is a way to enter the flashing menu.
Just tell me what rom (and what type of bootloader) are you using and I'll tell you what to do.
ACA GB 237 CM7
As a relative noob myself I recommend either HD2 tools or easyandroid, the latter being easy to use and explains every step of the process as you go and confirms you have correct radio, magldr HPSL ect already installed.
If you are looking for a good ROM, Team Blue Droid have produced an excellent sense 3.5 Rom which looks the business and works far better than many others I have flashed recently on mh EU HD2. I am not that technically minded regarding SD card partition types, but I run mine via SD card after flasing a 1024 partition using CMR and the accompanying DAF.exe.
From reading many threads I understand camcorder is less than perfect on most roms at highest res.
link is below
Try it with "HTC Sync" (download 4free) instead of mobile device center.
kikimax said:
Ok, so how can I change differents roms if my phone does not sync. with my pc, I used to able to do it, now for some reason I can't.
thank you for yor reply,
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if yo uare flashing DAF roms the nyou go intothe bootloader and flash
most roms these days are CWM based and you install themn via zip file from the sd card no need for the computer
Ok, let me try to explain myself better so you can try to help me, thanks.
I did install the magldr 1.13 on my phone, when I plugged the phone to my pc for the first time it showed that it was intalling the driver and that went ok, my problem is that I don't see my phone on the screen so if I want to flash another rom how do I know that my phone is comunicating with my pc, my friend tells me that the minute he plugged he's phone to his pc, he sees his phone on the screen.
Can you help me?
Thanking everyone in advance,
have you tried removing and reinstalling wmdc? once just because of that i had to format my pc
1. You need to enter magldr bootloader, just reboot the phone and hold the on/ off key until you get on the magldr options screen. With your usb plugged in, scroll to usb flasher and confirm the option by pressing the call button.
Then open the rom you want to install in your PC and go for the flash. If the phone is not connected, then it shouldn't do anything. If it is, it will install.
2. Other option, from what I'm reading, I think your driver might not have been installed properly.
Try connecting the phone to other PCs. And do the usb flasher thing.
Let me know if this helped.
Sent from my HD2 using my fingers.

[Q] HD2 stucked after SD card stock ROM flashing

I don't know if this is a right forum but I run into a problem that I can't solve. I had some Android NAND version that stoped to work after a SD card was formated (silly but true). It loaded almost fully but it didn't show any icons and nothing was functional. Even wasn't recognised on PC in bootloader mode. So I decided to go back to stock ROM via SD card. And then it went to 9% and error occured. I tryed to flash again but it goes just to "Loading..." screen and nothing happens.
The worst thing is that HD2 is still unrecognized by PC via USB so I can't do anything via USB. The USB port on HD2 is OK, it was working with HTC Sync on Android ROM, tryed 2 differnet SD cards (FAT32), Windows XP and WIndows 7, HTC Sync, MS mobile device center and Activesync and no luck. Any ide what to do, at least what driver should I use?
All the answers I found include a step with USB flashing and I can't do it...
ok. reinstall windows mobile device center (win 7, vista) or activesync (xp)
open it, connection settings, uncheck allow usb connections and try again. also make sure that you aren't using a usb hub. try other usd ports.
wait a bit. phone drivers should be installed and serial should turn to usb (if drivers installation fails or if this doesnt work, open device manager, and delete the qualcomm usb driver or windows ce (don't remember which one it is in bootloader mode), unplug and let it install it again)
after installation of usb driver succeeds, you should see usb at the bottom of the screen. after that point you can try reflashing official roms
Thank you for your help. I solved my problem and saved my HD2
I was using original USB cable that came with HD2. Then I switched it with USB cable that came with my Evo 3D and that cable is thicker than original HD2. At first attempt HD2 was recognized and after all a driver (Qualcom USB) was installed so I flashed all the way to WP 7.8.
O, what a joy, I tought that I ended with bricked HD2, and now I have WP 7.8 device )))

