Conspiracy theory????? - EVO 4G General

I Recently went to the Sprint store to start looking at upgrades, not that I am really ready to leave my Reloaded OG. but i noticed something.
I smuggled in a copy of speed test apk and sent a link to the phone I was looking at, I was looking for an answer as to why my data speeds have been abysmal lately. So I installed the copy of speed test on the phone in question and ran a few speed test on my OG and the device in question. What I found was disturbing! The new device beat my phone by almost double 6 test in a row. Any theory as to what is going on here? Extreme Idea is that sprint throttles the data of older radios types and maybe even for people out of contract. Is this even reasonable or should I stop reading infowars?

If it was a 4g LTE device, that's your answer. LTE is much faster than wimax. And sprint doesn't control wimax, Clear does. If anyone is throttling 4g it would be clear and not sprint, and clear has been known to throttle their own 4g internet, especially when customers use torrents. I've known sprint customers who've had their 4g throttled by clear for downloading torrents as well. But there are other things involved besides throttling, especially at a sprint store. There's the fact that most likely you were rrunning speedtest on a 4g LTE device, sgs3, gNex or evo 4gLTE. Not to mention sprint stores have cell repeaters(Pico towers) in the store to boost the devices signals. I'm going to guess that you tested on a LTE device which had its signal boosted by the cell repeater making the speeds much faster than average.
ETA: and yes you should stop reading infowars they are known to post stories that can't be verified by outside sources full of exaggerated or just plain made up information. If you keep reading and believing the stuff they post you're gonna go plumb loco, and end up like some of those nutters who still believe the earth is flat inside a petri dish and the sun is a spotlight 3000miles above us in some aliens laboratory. damn looney toons believe everything is some great conspiracy perpetrated by some all powerful secret society, but fail to realize all the crap they post to prove said conspiracies contradicts itself at every turn and just makes them look like uneducated, ignorant fools. Just visit ATS sometime and read some of the outlandish stupidity people post over there, and what makes it worse is the actually believe it. Some people seriously need heavy anti psychotic medications. :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device

-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
If it was a 4g LTE device, that's your answer. LTE is much faster than wimax. And sprint doesn't control wimax, Clear does. If anyone is throttling 4g it would be clear and not sprint, and clear has been known to throttle their own 4g internet, especially when customers use torrents. I've known sprint customers who've had their 4g throttled by clear for downloading torrents as well. But there are other things involved besides throttling, especially at a sprint store. There's the fact that most likely you were rrunning speedtest on a 4g LTE device, sgs3, gNex or evo 4gLTE. Not to mention sprint stores have cell repeaters(Pico towers) in the store to boost the devices signals. I'm going to guess that you tested on a LTE device which had its signal boosted by the cell repeater making the speeds much faster than average.
ETA: and yes you should stop reading infowars they are known to post stories that can't be verified by outside sources full of exaggerated or just plain made up information. If you keep reading and believing the stuff they post you're gonna go plumb loco, and end up like some of those nutters who still believe the earth is flat inside a petri dish and the sun is a spotlight 3000miles above us in some aliens laboratory. damn looney toons believe everything is some great conspiracy perpetrated by some all powerful secret society, but fail to realize all the crap they post to prove said conspiracies contradicts itself at every turn and just makes them look like uneducated, ignorant fools. Just visit ATS sometime and read some of the outlandish stupidity people post over there, and what makes it worse is the actually believe it. Some people seriously need heavy anti psychotic medications. :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
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That was deep,mate.I know where to go if i have any questions about sprint,haha.

Unfortunately LTE doesn't seem to apply in my area, and a lot of areas for that matter. However, I heard the LTE is amazingly fast, if your area has it, that is.

patcrizack said:
Unfortunately LTE doesn't seem to apply in my area, and a lot of areas for that matter. However, I heard the LTE is amazingly fast, if your area has it, that is.
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LTE is available in alot of areas, for sprint stores. Alot of places have atleast some of the towers upgraded or in the process of being upgraded but haven't unlocked them for public use, however the display phones in the store have the test PRLs that allow the display devices to connect to the network. Also some(probably most) corporate stores now have LTE enabled on their cell repeaters to allow display phones to access LTE so customers can try it. They have already begun the NV and LTE buildout here in my area, my 3g speeds have gone way up in the last few months as the upgrade the backhaul on the towers for NV, and my dads sgs3 will occasionally get a random LTE connection as they flip them on for testing. When he bought his sgs3 he was able to use LTE in the store and in about a 3 or 4 mile radius of the store.
ETA: also if you have 3g in your area now you will have LTE most likely by the end of 2013, first quarter of 2014 at the latest. The LTE network is going on the same spectrum as 3g is currently on allowing for the same level of penetration and coverage as the current 3g network and they are on or ahead of schedule in all of the planned target areas. My area is ahead of schedule by almost 60 days :thumbup:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
---------- Post added at 03:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 AM ----------
6ANONAMUS9 said:
That was deep,mate.I know where to go if i have any questions about sprint,haha.
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Lol, my family owns a large chunk of sprint stock, so I follow them pretty closely. I check all of their announcements and my dads company has an executive account rep that handles all of their company's devices and he has info that's not shared with your typical store or call center employees and he shares a lot of his info with me or my dad when we talk to him :thumbup:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device

Mentioning infowars was my way of adding a hint of sarcasm into my post. I do not buy into that. But I did run the tests side by side and both phones were on a solid 3g sig and both were bouncing between 3/4 bars. The results did seem strange to me, I will be going back in the next few days maybe and do it again. if anyone is interseted i will post the results again.
as a side note LTE and WiMax are not nor ever been availble in by area.

Wanna see some real cuckoo conspiracy stuff check out the flat earth society those whackadoos still believe the earth is flat :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device

-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
Wanna see some real cuckoo conspiracy stuff check out the flat earth society those whackadoos still believe the earth is flat :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
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Wait what do u mean still flat...I thought it was always u crazy
XDA Moderator

Papa Smurf151 said:
Wait what do u mean still flat...I thought it was always u crazy
XDA Moderator
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The only thing flat is their IQ flat 0. I'm serious I think they have to be borderline mentally retarded to still think the earth is flat. I mean if you get on an airplane or go out in the open ocean on a boat you can quite clearly see it's spherical. It is funny to read people swear its a flat petri dish in an alien laboratory and the sun is just a spotlight 3000 miles above us on the ceiling of the aliens lab :banghead: I think those ppl had one too many :beer: and hits off the crackpipe :screwy:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device

-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
If it was a 4g LTE device, that's your answer. LTE is much faster than wimax. And sprint doesn't control wimax, Clear does. If anyone is throttling 4g it would be clear and not sprint, and clear has been known to throttle their own 4g internet, especially when customers use torrents. I've known sprint customers who've had their 4g throttled by clear for downloading torrents as well. But there are other things involved besides throttling, especially at a sprint store. There's the fact that most likely you were rrunning speedtest on a 4g LTE device, sgs3, gNex or evo 4gLTE. Not to mention sprint stores have cell repeaters(Pico towers) in the store to boost the devices signals. I'm going to guess that you tested on a LTE device which had its signal boosted by the cell repeater making the speeds much faster than average.
ETA: and yes you should stop reading infowars they are known to post stories that can't be verified by outside sources full of exaggerated or just plain made up information. If you keep reading and believing the stuff they post you're gonna go plumb loco, and end up like some of those nutters who still believe the earth is flat inside a petri dish and the sun is a spotlight 3000miles above us in some aliens laboratory. damn looney toons believe everything is some great conspiracy perpetrated by some all powerful secret society, but fail to realize all the crap they post to prove said conspiracies contradicts itself at every turn and just makes them look like uneducated, ignorant fools. Just visit ATS sometime and read some of the outlandish stupidity people post over there, and what makes it worse is the actually believe it. Some people seriously need heavy anti psychotic medications. :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
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Forgive me, because I don't know, but what/where is ATS? (in the last couple sentences of your post)

Forgive me, because I don't know, but what/where is ATS? (in the last couple sentences of your post)
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Google abovetopsecret it's a.conspiracy forum.full of more nuts than a porno and a can of planters combined
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device


Why we Do Not Want LTE?

Having read this thread, and noting quite a bit of WiMAX vs LTE discussion, I thought to bring this discussion to the learned members here.
It does paint LTE as a very disappointing technology.
Your thoughts?
Woah that's new to me... for once I'm glad I live in Australia not America as I don't think we will have this problem. Not even with a LTE network as it seems to me like it is the carriers who choose. That said it allows entrepreneurs a great way to start a business, offering LTE but without those restrictions etc. I know who I would go with!
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after reading what some of the links led me to, this is why tmobile, with all its perceived warts, kicks all of their asses (if you live/use your device in a good tmobile market, ie., ny, philly, etc; im in tampa, where it is pretty damn good)
at the moment, if you have the unlimited data/voice/messaging package with tmobile, there are no "carrier-imposed" limits on content, sites, etc...and with hspa+ getting real-world speeds of anywhere between 4-10 Mbps down and more...well need i say anymore...the **** is fast, and reasonably/competitively priced
verizon, att, sprint and whoever else can keep spending their billions on advertising and pop culture glitz all they want...then they can continue to attract the market of fools who know nothing, and really dont care to know anything about, what theyre really buying (or what their mommy and daddy are buying for them, in reality)
of course, if you dont live in a good tmobile market, then i understand you kinda have to play ball with them
remember, the definition of 4g was changed by the ITU to fit these carriers bull**** marketing of 4g, instead of the other way around, where they should have stopped their misleading advertising in order to fit within the real definition
4g was supposed to, and did until recently, mean 100Mbps down, not 21 Mbps down
so did the carriers force the ITU to change the definition to fit their marketing crap? or did the ITU change it cause they did a sloppy job of it in the first place?
tmobile isnt completely without some involvement in the marketing non-sense, but it is the best kept secret in the wireless market if you ask me
I want it lol.
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tnpapadakos said:
remember, the definition of 4g was changed by the ITU to fit these carriers bull**** marketing of 4g, instead of the other way around, where they should have stopped their misleading advertising in order to fit within the real definition
4g was supposed to, and did until recently, mean 100Mbps down, not 21 Mbps down
so did the carriers force the ITU to change the definition to fit their marketing crap? or did the ITU change it cause they did a sloppy job of it in the first place?
tmobile isnt completely without some involvement in the marketing non-sense, but it is the best kept secret in the wireless market if you ask me
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+1.... Its a nice way to confuse the regular consumer market and don't understand why the ITU would need to change it other than "help" the telco's marketing department to offer something faster.
icemasta31 said:
+1.... Its a nice way to confuse the regular consumer market and don't understand why the ITU would need to change it other than "help" the telco's marketing department to offer something faster.
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pretty good example of lobbying on the part of the telcos i think
it same as every other phone company having 4g. just they added lte really
csabia1990 said:
it same as every other phone company having 4g. just they added lte really
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if you mean LTE is same as the others, well, not really
if thats not what you meant, disregard this message
verizon's lte, tmobiles hspa+ and sprints wimax are all fundamentally different
but they're calling all of them 4g
tmo and any other carriers using hspa+ are the only ones not talking about usage limits, specific website blocks, and special prices for highly used sites like youtube, etc.
some light reading:
I dont trust anything that has .com .org . whatever the proof will be in hand
spyderkoz said:
I dont trust anything that has .com .org . whatever the proof will be in hand
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that is a wise philosophy to live by my friend

Thoughts about Sprint going to LTE

I have some theories about why Sprint might be going to LTE. Qualcomm has integrated LTE into their newer Snapdragon chips.
1) No need for additional wimax chip
2) Possible better integration into OS, particularly if Google adds LTE to Android.
3) Possible seamless transitions to 4G/3G
4) Mfrs. will be making LTE phones for AT&T and Veirzon. Adding Wimax for Sprint will add to design/implementation/testing cost.
5) Verizon is doing the work for Voice (and text) over LTE, may be easier to piggyback off of that than to develop it for WiMax
6) LTE is already specified/tested for the 800 Mhz bandwidth that Sprint wants to deploy 4G on whereas Wimax is not
1, sprint rushed to be the industry first with 4g.
2, Clearwire didn't have a solid financial foundation and wont give up enough control for sprints liking so they wont move forward with clear.
3,Lightsquared might just give up enough rights to there LTE network to make it profitable for sprint to make the transition seamlessly as possible with a simple chip swap in there towers and software update in house to make the transition.
There are some Pro's too this for the end user.
1, cheaper handsets, to the public
2, better pricing from the carriers
umm in a nutshell signal at 800mhz travels further and penetrates better. network infrastructure for LTE and Wimax make it easy to switch. So if you can get similar speeds, with less LTE antennas and better penetration, I cant see any reason why Sprint wouldnt make the jump. Plus Clear aint looking to good lol
good read if you have the time to read everything there and the links shown too.
Clear did a piss poor job of building out their 4g network. They were also hell bent on providing retail services to end consumers. Money was spent on providing retail services (retail employees, store front, etc) that could have been better spent on building the network.
My house doesn't get 4g, my subdivision is like an island surrounded by 4g. Just a few blocks away are a couple of apartment complexes, and there used to be a sign from Clear stating '10mb/s tested here' or something to that effect. So it almost seems like they were focused on building out a network in a way so their retail side could make more sales. The focused should have been building solid coverage. Right now 4g is too spotty and I rarely turn it on. It's only useful if you're stationary. This is in Houston, one of the first areas to get 4g.
This is all my opinion of course. I think this is why Sprint wants to build out their own lte network. Sprint wanted Clear to coordinate with Sprint on the buildout, clear wanted to do their own thing and had dreams of having a successful retail side. Now they're broke and wimax build out has slowed to a crawl.
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They'll probably allow the use of WIMAX AND LTE with the Kyocera Echo at the same time. WIMAX on top screen and LTE on the bottom one.
HondaCop said:
They'll probably allow the use of WIMAX AND LTE with the Kyocera Echo at the same time. WIMAX on top screen and LTE on the bottom one.
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Do we need to make another announcement announcing this announcement? Should we get Davd Blaine again or get the big guns? Maybe have Justin Bieber pull a rabbit out of his hair?
cdszoke said:
Do we need to make another announcement announcing this announcement? Should we get Davd Blaine again or get the big guns? Maybe have Justin Bieber pull a rabbit out of his hair?
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That is not where he keeps the rabbits...
sgt. slaughter said:
good read if you have the time to read everything there and the links shown too.
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Interesting stuff but no links or docs. Are we just supposed to take his anonymous word for it?
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sgt. slaughter said:
good read if you have the time to read everything there and the links shown too.
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This post is 100% B.S. Wimax and LTE are pure-IP networks and either can be controlled on a per-packet level if the operator chooses to do so.
strung said:
This post is 100% B.S. Wimax and LTE are pure-IP networks and either can be controlled on a per-packet level if the operator chooses to do so.
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Yes they "could" be controlled but the point the poster "RiverofIce" was saying is that it isn't allowed to be done with WiMax in the first place.
the third post has the doc links supporting the LTE policy's and how they will manage the traffic.
form that link.. (which i am the OP of)
you can see how the other carriers with lte are planning to make it a toll road of it... this is 100% going to happen on lte.
wimax .. is open.. full access and should not be limited... of course anything can be designed or created to limit it.
i would rather take my chances with a maybe.. than a 100% sure pocket robbery.
sgt. slaughter said:
Yes they "could" be controlled but the point the poster "RiverofIce" was saying is that it isn't allowed to be done with WiMax in the first place.
the third post has the doc links supporting the LTE policy's and how they will manage the traffic.
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What is the source for the claim that WiMax must be a neutral network? Who enforces this?
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LTE in and of itself is open as well. It's just that there are no rules governing putting in toll roads like on WiMAX. It's just like Android is in and of itself open-source, but others (HTC Sense, MIUI, etc) can and do create closed source iterations. Sprint going LTE doesn't preclude that they will put up toll roads.
hmmm net neutrality. Very controversial topic being debated on the hill with millions of dollars of lobbyist money. I'm more worried about where Justin bieber keeps his rabbit. Now thY
at would be an announcement show.
I'm no business genius but I propose a question.
What if Sprint is just letting Clear wither away for a while so it will be cheaper to buy them up and then do whatever the hell they want to with the network?
DISCLAIMER::: Do not take this as a rumor or start an argument over how I posted this without proof. This is just a thought for a discussion.
i have heard... sprint owns 51% of clear... so the already control it.
Dan330 said:
i have heard... sprint owns 51% of clear... so the already control it.
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Yeah. It's just that officially, Sprint is a MVDO (equivalent of Cricket to Sprint) to Clear. Never understood how Sprint could be 51% owner, but yet have no direct control.
I think they should focus on making their 3G network a 3G network first, since right now, I'm pretty sure edge would beat what I get for 3G. :|
Hrshycro said:
I think they should focus on making their 3G network a 3G network first, since right now, I'm pretty sure edge would beat what I get for 3G. :|
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+9999999999 for sure.
Just ran a speed test on 3G. 148/381. Wtf.

Here's a quick fact about 4G

AT&T hasn't enabled 4G on any device because they haven't FINISHED setting it up yet. Give them time, you guys are so impatient about this 4G garbage, there is a reason why they're taking their time, did you guys forget what happened with the iPhone when it started to use 3G. They're going to make sure they won't get flooded and they'll have enough to go around. I've got a few friends that work for the network engineering department and i've been told by them that the network isn't fully set so 4G isn't fully activated yet. Quit complaining, it's a good thing that its not up yet because then you guys would REALLY *****!
the phone is called 'atrix 4g' and they are toting it as a 4g phone. How unreasonable that we might have expectations of it.. lolz
4G meaning it has the capability to do 4G! Doesn't mean it will have it right off the know when you buy the phone AT&T tells you that the 4G network isn't up. If you bought it without paying attention on what the guys told you, then it is all your fault for buying it thinking it will have 4G instantly... just give them time, AT&T is always known to have the most efficient network out of all. May not be the most reliable but they are the fastest.
Mafisometal said:
..May not be the most reliable but they are the fastest.
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someone is wrong on the internet, i'm calling the 4chan police.
1. Its not.capable of 4g. The htc thunderbolt is the only 4g phone. Do some research
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Will hspa+ even come close to Verizon's lte?
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LTE has currently a download peak of 326.4 Mbps (40.8 Mbps real time-speed) also counting that LTE is using a 1.4-20 MHz frequency range. LTE would have higher speed capabilities if it wasn't being hogged by the air interference, then it would possibly run at 71 Mbps real-time speed
HSPA+ is still in development and running at a download peak of 672Mbps (84 Mbps real-time speed) also counting that HPSA+ is only using a 5 MHz frequency range.
These aren't the exact fact of what AT&T or Verizon has but it is the capability, LTE has been live since 2004 globaly while HSPA+ has only been up since 2009. LTE is becoming old while HSPA WILL be the future. Just because LTE is currently faster doesn't mean it will be for long. When HSPA+ goes fully live with AT&T you may see a quicker speed, There are networks around the world that put HSPA+ up currently at 42 Mbps real-time
What if the Thunderbolt wouldn't have LTE until next year?
It would be laughed to the curb. The only reason people still by atrixs is because we've become accustomed to AT&T being a bunch of greedy cheapskates.
At&T says you "might see speeds up to approximately 6mbps [at best]"
(the link isn't broken, just click on it, and wait about 5 secs.
The funniest thing is that 4G in the USA isn't the same as in Sweden. We've got 4G here as well. But the thing is that your 4G is about the same as your 3G if I ain't misinformed.
Our 4G is <80Mbit/s
also i forgot to say, AT&T will be using HSPA+ as an addon because LTE will soon be introduced to them sometime at the end of this yeah utilizing more antennas meaning more speeds... =)
Yeah, I don't think people are as upset about not getting 4G speeds as they are upset about very often not even getting 3G speeds. The upload speeds on this phone are atrocious, and quite often the download speeds are as well.
But, hey, thanks for your post containing information we all already know.
Mafisometal said:
AT&T hasn't enabled 4G on any device because they haven't FINISHED setting it up yet. Give them time, you guys are so impatient about this 4G garbage, there is a reason why they're taking their time, did you guys forget what happened with the iPhone when it started to use 3G. They're going to make sure they won't get flooded and they'll have enough to go around. I've got a few friends that work for the network engineering department and i've been told by them that the network isn't fully set so 4G isn't fully activated yet. Quit complaining, it's a good thing that its not up yet because then you guys would REALLY *****!
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It's funny that you titled this "quick fact" when you haven't stated any facts whatsoever. You sound like an AT&T press statement. Plus, you can't compare the Atrix, or the Inspire for that matter, to the iPhone. Whereas the iPhone had sold over a million in the first 3 months of it's release, I doubt the Atrix and Inspire will reach 100,000 in that same time frame combined. This was deceptive marketing, plain and simple. AT&T covers their butt with small print and they more than likely trained the employees to avoid discussion on actual H+ rollout. There's a reason the story made it to Engadget and other tech sites when it was found that data speeds were capped on these phones, it's because AT&T didn't want anyone to know.
The major complaint isn't not having 4G its ATT capping our upload and giving all the bandwidth to their favorite child the iphone. Its just a bit upsetting that I pay the same monthly as any iphone user out there yet I get subpar service. I think what we all want is to have service like what is given to iphoners and that alone would quiet the masses about the lack of 4G.
PS. I live in Orlando a place I was told numerous times was a test city for their 4G yet no 4G here all I'm left with is a crippled 3G network that I no longer get good signal inside my own home. I think that's evetyones gripe with ATT
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jange said:
The funniest thing is that 4G in the USA isn't the same as in Sweden. We've got 4G here as well. But the thing is that your 4G is about the same as your 3G if I ain't misinformed.
Our 4G is <80Mbit/s
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The thing is that theres more than 200million wireless users in America and have to share the OTA data bandwidth. In Sweden theres a lot less people therefore everyone gets faster speeds.
For all those who are saying be patient. What if you went out and bought a new Ferrari capable of going 200mph. Only to find out the factory limited it to only 70mph. Here you are getting passed on the highway every day by moms in their mini vans. All the while you're being told by the factory that eventually we'll take off the governor so just sit there and shut up. I think you would be a bit upset.
the OP sounds like a AT&T rep...
drock212 said:
The major complaint isn't not having 4G its ATT capping our upload and giving all the bandwidth to their favorite child the iphone. Its just a bit upsetting that I pay the same monthly as any iphone user out there yet I get subpar service. I think what we all want is to have service like what is given to iphoners and that alone would quiet the masses about the lack of 4G.
PS. I live in Orlando a place I was told numerous times was a test city for their 4G yet no 4G here all I'm left with is a crippled 3G network that I no longer get good signal inside my own home. I think that's evetyones gripe with ATT
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neotekz said:
the OP sounds like a AT&T rep...
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Not to me, an ATT rep would know that ATT claims to have rolled out HSDPA+ across their entire footprint, while at the same time admitting that backhaul is far from complete. HSDPA+ is of course the justification for tagging the Atrix and Inspire as 4G.
Jim_R said:
Not to me, an Art rep would know that Art claims to have rolled out HSDPA+ across their entire footprint, while at the same time.admitting that nackhaul is far.from complete. HSDPA+ is of course the.justification for tagging the Atrix and Inspire as 4G.
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Regardless if he's a rep or not, for the most part a forum like XDA was created as an act of defiance to the restrictions that carriers and manufactures have imposed on their products. So, why would anyone want to come in here and defend AT&T, or any carrier/manufacturer? It automatically makes you sound like a "plant".
I'm not trying to negate what you are saying, I agree with you. I just wanted to throw that out there.
bsinc1962 said:
For all those who are saying be patient. What if you went out and bought a new Ferrari capable of going 200mph. Only to find out the factory limited it to only 70mph. Here you are getting passed on the highway every day by moms in their mini vans. All the while you're being told by the factory that eventually we'll take off the governor so just sit there and shut up. I think you would be a bit upset.
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Where can you go 200mph legally(or over 70 even in the US)? That's what I don't get. I understand high speed internet for home computers, you download and stream stuff all day. But on a cellphone, 3-4mbps is plenty fast.
'But I pay for 4g speeds!'​
No you don't. You pay the same as any 3g device, with the same exact service. Get over yourself.

Afraid to stay with Sprint and get the EVO 3D.

Wow i really do want this phone badly. But i'm just so afraid of sprints 3g coverage. I can barely watch a you tube video now. Anything that involves data sucks. What good is a phone if the coverage is horrable. Plus now they are really going to get hammered with to many people on the network for them to handle. Anyone else afraid of this?
I feel the same way. I live in phoenix and their 3g here (at least around my job and home) sucks balls. My friends edge tmobile phone gets better speeds.
No cause my sprints coverage has been great
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Sprint in Sacramento is kick-ass. I'm not worried.
drmacinyasha said:
Sprint in Sacramento is kick-ass. I'm not worried.
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+1 for sactown always have full bars
I posted this in another thread but it applies here too. I get crappy 3G in my area and no 4G. They are so focused on bringing 3D phones but we can't even upload/stream regular vids to YouTube with their ****ty network. Why not roll out 4G in more cities and beef it up first? T-mobile is turning up the heat with 40mb in a few cities. This proves that sprint could turn it up as well if they wanted to.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I do wish that the new Evo did have the LTE radio, as rumored, but I get 5Mbps in my apartment on 4G, so I'm not going to complain too much. And I have no issues with my 3G in this area, either.
The thing of it is guys, is what are our options? AT&T-Mobile or Verizon. Both with data caps, sub-par customer service(at least from my experience with the GF's iphone) and high rates. There's really no other choice.
That being said, sprint absolutely needs to step up their network. My evo will never connect to 4G. i can be sitting in downtown Dallas, TX, right in the middle of the alleged 4G coverage area and never connect. Its worthless.
I've never had an issue with 3G. Wimax is another thing. It's mostly good but I hardly use it for anything. I'm almost always in Wifi when I want to download a big file anyway. Pretty sure they are going to eventually add LTE support to their towers since Wimax is ok for cheaply blanketing an area in Wifi-like coverage but isn't so great in big buildings and they are dependent on Clearwire's oversubscribed network.
For all the talk of "why are they worrying about 3D phones and stuff like that", they need to stay up on the flashy new handsets because that is what gets them subscribers. This is their chance to really make or break their company with the playing field narrowing soon. AT&T proved with the iPhone that folks will put up with all kinds of crap for a must-have handset so they need to keep putting out exclusives that stand out in the market in order to stay attractive to customers.
Moving to another company would cost me a lot more per month and add a data cap so I am not going anywhere soon. I used to have T-Mobile to fall back on if Sprint ever pissed me off but with them being bought up, it's time to double down on Sprint.
Since when does VZW have a data cap? And I dont mean some data cap that "may" come at some point down the road. At this point the data is still unlimited.
I live in KC, which is basically saying the Sprint HQ (overland park is a division of KC) and the service here could def be better. 3g is no too bad, unless you go to Overland Park. Which is funny, because your IN the campus, and service blows. 4g... you pretty much have to be downtown to really make it "better" than 3g. I too find it odd that t-mo can ramp up 3g speeds to topple our 4g. Co worker has tmo and he dominates me in d/l speed. Somehow for him that equates to his mytouch slide 4g being better than my evo, but then again he does have a wicked self idolize-ing issue.
SilverStone641 said:
The thing of it is guys, is what are our options? AT&T-Mobile or Verizon. Both with data caps, sub-par customer service(at least from my experience with the GF's iphone) and high rates. There's really no other choice.
That being said, sprint absolutely needs to step up their network. My evo will never connect to 4G. i can be sitting in downtown Dallas, TX, right in the middle of the alleged 4G coverage area and never connect. Its worthless.
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what part of downtown? i can sit over by the opera house and get 4g.
Ok guys, relax. It's one of two things if you are getting slow 3g speeds.
First, Sprint is actually growing again. In some areas it's growing so much that the existing network is at capacity. It's being addressed.
Or, it's a bug with some phones on 3.70 or 3.70 based ROMs. It's being addressed in the next update (not sure if it's going to be gingerbread or not)
clamknuckle said:
Ok guys, relax. It's one of two things if you are getting slow 3g speeds.
First, Sprint is actually growing again. In some areas it's growing so much that the existing network is at capacity. It's being addressed.
Or, it's a bug with some phones on 3.70 or 3.70 based ROMs. It's being addressed in the next update (not sure if it's going to be gingerbread or not)
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Not disagreeing at all with your points, but the max capacity is what the op is saying he's/she's afraid of. I've seen extremely slow coverage expansion of 4g in KC, while other carries have been going hard at it. It's doubtful they are expanding 3g much anymore since 4g is the "new baby." I like Sprint don't get me wrong, but if the op is more concerned with coverage, and the fact that we face $10 a month for 4g coverage, he may very well be better off with another carrier.
You all act like Sprint could revamp their entire network overnight if they wanted. I know for fact they are working on it, and I see signs of improvement all the time. I can get 2Mb downloads now on 3g in several locations in my city where 2-3 months ago I was lucky to get 200k. Maybe they could make people happier faster in the short term by taking shortcuts, but it looks like they're doing it right. So have patience or gtfo.
xviiivx said:
You all act like Sprint could revamp their entire network overnight if they wanted. I know for fact they are working on it, and I see signs of improvement all the time. I can get 2Mb downloads now on 3g in several locations in my city where 2-3 months ago I was lucky to get 200k. Maybe they could make people happier faster in the short term by taking shortcuts, but it looks like they're doing it right. So have patience or gtfo.
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Well if it's ok in your city then that should be ok for everyone worldwide then. Try growing up before posting please.
brownhornet said:
Since when does VZW have a data cap? And I dont mean some data cap that "may" come at some point down the road. At this point the data is still unlimited.
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lol there unlimited, but we can and have canceled customers for using more then 5 gb a month without a tethering plan unlimited?
aimbdd said:
lol there unlimited, but we can and have canceled customers for using more then 5 gb a month without a tethering plan unlimited?
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Supposedly Sprint also has a "cap." Never seen it myself, but that "rumor" has gone around a bit.
I feel the exact same way. My 3g is terrible, I get anywhere from 200-700 MAX DOWN and about 400 UP. No 4g at all. :/
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
jlechner said:
Well if it's ok in your city then that should be ok for everyone worldwide then. Try growing up before posting please.
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Try growing up?? WTF??? Did you not click on the link to see that I was trying to provide some hope for people that are not in a good data area?
I did not even say it was ok in my city... I said there are signs of improvement and there are places that are great. I was just trying to help people out who think the network sux everywhere and Sprint is not doing anything about it anywhere... because that is wrong. They are working on it diligently.
Perhaps my "have patience or gtfo" comment was a little rude, but that sums up the situation here. The network sux. It's getting better. If you can't wait for the improvements, complaining on xda is not going to do anything for you.

Wtf happened to network vision?

Its been a year and I live in NYC and I see NO change in service. Still the same dead spots everywhere there was one.
Sprint is really messing up by taking their sweet ass time.
I read an article that the nexus won't be coming out till June/July. What? By then, the Verizon version (with LTE) will have been 7 or so months old. Almost time for that yearly upgrade.
Maybe its because they want the iPhone 4s to sell so that's why they're taking their sweet ass time, but tbh, after swearing by sprint for years (since my bbcurve 8820) I'm starting to be distracted by tmobile.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Sprint, on their site, says its Galaxy Nexus is LTE. So summer was when they supposed to switch on lte. Some areas might be harder to update the service or something else, my service in Virginia (speed and signal strength) has doubled in the past year.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
With an ETA of late 2013 for full-deployment, Network Vision is the fastest full network roll-out/replacement I've ever heard of. Remember, Sprint is betting the farm on it and they are paying a decent premium to Ericsson to build it for them. They aren't just adding Mobile Base Stations, they are completely replacing the majority of them. Currently, they have to maintain around three per site; CDMA, WiMax, iDEN, and back-haul.
The new MBSes will be a single station with perhaps the exception of back-haul, since that is dependent of the technology and geographic area.
The fact of the matter is that they are literally rebuilding their entire network and are doing it right; not half-assed like all the other carriers in the US. A lot of that new infrastructure is in-place, but they have to wait for things like microwave and fiber links to be lit-up before they can configure as well as light their new MBSS equipment up.
As for dense urban areas, there is a reason there are dead spots. Lots of buildings that absorb, block, and refractive signals. It's the largest challenge in wireless networks and it takes a lot of time/manpower to get working reliably.
And don't forget, iDEN is being phased completely out as well, so devices that utilize that 850/900MHz block of spectrum have to be made.
Think of some short-term pain for long-term gain.
As for the late 2013 ETA; I was told directly by someone at Ericsson at Sprint's WHQ (they share that huge campus in Overland Park) that completion timeframe. They also mentioned that they were going at break-neck speed in doing it. I hope that isn't sensitive information, as I think it's publicly available.
Any more complaints?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Mutiny32, thank you for the insightful post - it certainly lends optimism to those of us who decided to stick it out with Sprint. I also live in NYC and while VZW is definitely better right now for building penetration due to its lower frequency and its LTE is way faster than Sprint's 4G Still, I don't see that many serious reception issues with Sprint, although coverage _outside_ NYC and network speeds in/out could definitely be better (and did Sprint completely stop WiMax expansion? These towers can be converted to LTE once it's ready, can't they?). A few times my texts have been delayed - for over a day, which never happens with my wife's Droid 2. Even though I am on SERO, joining wifey's family plan with VZW would have cost about the same $$ for the same minutes and perks, and I never use more than 2.5 GB of data per month. Verizon simply does not have a worthy QWERTY slider phone to upgrade to (Droid 4, with its non-swappable battery, crappy screen does not make the grade and Stratosphere is not an upgrade to Epic). CM9 lent my Epic a new life, even though I am very annoyed at not being able to get my phone to autorotate and the proximity sensor to work with the rom (features work on CleanGB). Will see what slider phone options Sprint will have when LTE rolls out.
A_Flying_Fox said:
Its been a year and I live in NYC and I see NO change in service. Still the same dead spots everywhere there was one.
Sprint is really messing up by taking their sweet ass time.
I read an article that the nexus won't be coming out till June/July. What? By then, the Verizon version (with LTE) will have been 7 or so months old. Almost time for that yearly upgrade.
Maybe its because they want the iPhone 4s to sell so that's why they're taking their sweet ass time, but tbh, after swearing by sprint for years (since my bbcurve 8820) I'm starting to be distracted by tmobile.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Yeah, why is it taking so long for them to rebuild EVERY radio site including replacing all the antennas all over the country? I mean come on, it only took them what, 10 years to build it the first time.
Seriously, digiblur posted a link to this blog which has great detailed info about each market's buildout. It may answer the OP's questions.
According to that site, NYC is a second round market, and second round markets will begin buildout between May and December 2012 if there are no issues with first round buildouts that would delay things.
I would prefer the second round myself. The crews should have plenty of experience by then.
R3537L1F3 said:
Sprint, on their site, says its Galaxy Nexus is LTE. So summer was when they supposed to switch on lte. Some areas might be harder to update the service or something else, my service in Virginia (speed and signal strength) has doubled in the past year.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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That's awesome for you. In Lansing and Jackson, MI my speeds have dropped by about half in general. Sprint service is starting to really suck here
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Thank you all for all the info....I have been wondering what was happening in the short/medium term for Sprint.
YES! We are in the 1st round of deployment (SF Bay Area), and we are being handled by Samsung. Well, considering the Bay Area is home to Silicon Valley, then it would be well worth it for Sprint to have NV/LTE here as soon as possible. The city I live in is where AT&T's West coast headquarters are located at (AT&T service is awesome here with LTE speeds of over 40 Mbps), I hope Sprint improves it's service out here soon.
I was so happy when I saw Chicago was on that initial list. I was floored when it wasn't, simply as the size of Chicago you think would be a good priority considering there are slightly over 10M people in this area. Now I see it's just because it won't be 'done' until Q4 this year. But, they're already working on it, which is fantastic!
I've had an upgrade since Feb '11, but haven't ditched the Epic, still holding strong. With the next Nexus coming out in a few months, I may jump on that bad boy real quick instead of waiting out the end of the year. It's really a Nexus vs HTC One X vs SGSIII debate now.
alright, sprint is "COMPLETELY" upgrading the ENTIRE network. and it's not going to be fully complete until 2014. they have to make sure every tower and base station is talking to each other, and they have to test run range quality with data and voice. so it's impossible they are done in less than a year. YOU HAVE TO BE PATIENT. are you aware that they are going to be lowering the mhz fruequency to either 800 or 900? so that way, you get stronger signal strength and faster speeds.
---------- Post added at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------
LORDFIRE00 said:
are you aware that they are going to be lowering the mhz fruequency to either 800 or 900?
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Not quite accurate. 1900mhz will stay around, but Sprint's 800mhz assets, currently tied up by IDEN, will be transitioned to EVDO and LTE usage.
That's what I mean. Note: I did not say 190mhz terminated.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
k0nane said:
Not quite accurate. 1900mhz will stay around, but Sprint's 800mhz assets, currently tied up by IDEN, will be transitioned to EVDO and LTE usage.
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800 will not be for LTE at first and some sites will not get any 800. And some sites will only get 800 for voice.
The site answered all my questions about my 1x problems. Its seems that sprints been working on the towers in my town. They will be only half done now and the other half in June. Also I was not aware Elgin was large enough to be on sprints radar for spectrum saturation. Hopefully they will implement something soon to help with that issue.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Fatonuseni said:
The site answered all my questions about my 1x problems. Its seems that sprints been working on the towers in my town. They will be only half done now and the other half in June. Also I was not aware Elgin was large enough to be on sprints radar for spectrum saturation. Hopefully they will implement something soon to help with that issue.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Technically I live in Elgin, so I'm pretty happy about that. While Elgin is a suburb, it's still over 100,000 people. It seems like they're starting in the West burbs, and working in towards the city. I spend the majority of my time in Elgin and Schaumburg, so as soon as that Nexus comes out, assuming it has slightly upgraded specs, I'll be all over that thing with Sprint LTE
A_Flying_Fox said:
Its been a year and I live in NYC and I see NO change in service. Still the same dead spots everywhere there was one.
Sprint is really messing up by taking their sweet ass time.
I read an article that the nexus won't be coming out till June/July. What? By then, the Verizon version (with LTE) will have been 7 or so months old. Almost time for that yearly upgrade.
Maybe its because they want the iPhone 4s to sell so that's why they're taking their sweet ass time, but tbh, after swearing by sprint for years (since my bbcurve 8820) I'm starting to be distracted by tmobile.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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T-Mobile doesn't have LTE...
xboxfanj said:
T-Mobile doesn't have LTE...
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They have hspa+? Right?!
Fatonuseni said:
They have hspa+? Right?!
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Right, but it's not actually LTE if I remember correctly.
Just saw this on the website associated with Network Vision:
FCC Ready to give Sprint official go ahead on SMR 800MHz wideband spectrum

