Wtf happened to network vision? - Epic 4G General

Its been a year and I live in NYC and I see NO change in service. Still the same dead spots everywhere there was one.
Sprint is really messing up by taking their sweet ass time.
I read an article that the nexus won't be coming out till June/July. What? By then, the Verizon version (with LTE) will have been 7 or so months old. Almost time for that yearly upgrade.
Maybe its because they want the iPhone 4s to sell so that's why they're taking their sweet ass time, but tbh, after swearing by sprint for years (since my bbcurve 8820) I'm starting to be distracted by tmobile.
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Sprint, on their site, says its Galaxy Nexus is LTE. So summer was when they supposed to switch on lte. Some areas might be harder to update the service or something else, my service in Virginia (speed and signal strength) has doubled in the past year.
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With an ETA of late 2013 for full-deployment, Network Vision is the fastest full network roll-out/replacement I've ever heard of. Remember, Sprint is betting the farm on it and they are paying a decent premium to Ericsson to build it for them. They aren't just adding Mobile Base Stations, they are completely replacing the majority of them. Currently, they have to maintain around three per site; CDMA, WiMax, iDEN, and back-haul.
The new MBSes will be a single station with perhaps the exception of back-haul, since that is dependent of the technology and geographic area.
The fact of the matter is that they are literally rebuilding their entire network and are doing it right; not half-assed like all the other carriers in the US. A lot of that new infrastructure is in-place, but they have to wait for things like microwave and fiber links to be lit-up before they can configure as well as light their new MBSS equipment up.
As for dense urban areas, there is a reason there are dead spots. Lots of buildings that absorb, block, and refractive signals. It's the largest challenge in wireless networks and it takes a lot of time/manpower to get working reliably.
And don't forget, iDEN is being phased completely out as well, so devices that utilize that 850/900MHz block of spectrum have to be made.
Think of some short-term pain for long-term gain.
As for the late 2013 ETA; I was told directly by someone at Ericsson at Sprint's WHQ (they share that huge campus in Overland Park) that completion timeframe. They also mentioned that they were going at break-neck speed in doing it. I hope that isn't sensitive information, as I think it's publicly available.
Any more complaints?
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Mutiny32, thank you for the insightful post - it certainly lends optimism to those of us who decided to stick it out with Sprint. I also live in NYC and while VZW is definitely better right now for building penetration due to its lower frequency and its LTE is way faster than Sprint's 4G Still, I don't see that many serious reception issues with Sprint, although coverage _outside_ NYC and network speeds in/out could definitely be better (and did Sprint completely stop WiMax expansion? These towers can be converted to LTE once it's ready, can't they?). A few times my texts have been delayed - for over a day, which never happens with my wife's Droid 2. Even though I am on SERO, joining wifey's family plan with VZW would have cost about the same $$ for the same minutes and perks, and I never use more than 2.5 GB of data per month. Verizon simply does not have a worthy QWERTY slider phone to upgrade to (Droid 4, with its non-swappable battery, crappy screen does not make the grade and Stratosphere is not an upgrade to Epic). CM9 lent my Epic a new life, even though I am very annoyed at not being able to get my phone to autorotate and the proximity sensor to work with the rom (features work on CleanGB). Will see what slider phone options Sprint will have when LTE rolls out.

A_Flying_Fox said:
Its been a year and I live in NYC and I see NO change in service. Still the same dead spots everywhere there was one.
Sprint is really messing up by taking their sweet ass time.
I read an article that the nexus won't be coming out till June/July. What? By then, the Verizon version (with LTE) will have been 7 or so months old. Almost time for that yearly upgrade.
Maybe its because they want the iPhone 4s to sell so that's why they're taking their sweet ass time, but tbh, after swearing by sprint for years (since my bbcurve 8820) I'm starting to be distracted by tmobile.
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Yeah, why is it taking so long for them to rebuild EVERY radio site including replacing all the antennas all over the country? I mean come on, it only took them what, 10 years to build it the first time.
Seriously, digiblur posted a link to this blog which has great detailed info about each market's buildout. It may answer the OP's questions.
According to that site, NYC is a second round market, and second round markets will begin buildout between May and December 2012 if there are no issues with first round buildouts that would delay things.

I would prefer the second round myself. The crews should have plenty of experience by then.

R3537L1F3 said:
Sprint, on their site, says its Galaxy Nexus is LTE. So summer was when they supposed to switch on lte. Some areas might be harder to update the service or something else, my service in Virginia (speed and signal strength) has doubled in the past year.
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That's awesome for you. In Lansing and Jackson, MI my speeds have dropped by about half in general. Sprint service is starting to really suck here
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk

Thank you all for all the info....I have been wondering what was happening in the short/medium term for Sprint.

YES! We are in the 1st round of deployment (SF Bay Area), and we are being handled by Samsung. Well, considering the Bay Area is home to Silicon Valley, then it would be well worth it for Sprint to have NV/LTE here as soon as possible. The city I live in is where AT&T's West coast headquarters are located at (AT&T service is awesome here with LTE speeds of over 40 Mbps), I hope Sprint improves it's service out here soon.

I was so happy when I saw Chicago was on that initial list. I was floored when it wasn't, simply as the size of Chicago you think would be a good priority considering there are slightly over 10M people in this area. Now I see it's just because it won't be 'done' until Q4 this year. But, they're already working on it, which is fantastic!
I've had an upgrade since Feb '11, but haven't ditched the Epic, still holding strong. With the next Nexus coming out in a few months, I may jump on that bad boy real quick instead of waiting out the end of the year. It's really a Nexus vs HTC One X vs SGSIII debate now.

alright, sprint is "COMPLETELY" upgrading the ENTIRE network. and it's not going to be fully complete until 2014. they have to make sure every tower and base station is talking to each other, and they have to test run range quality with data and voice. so it's impossible they are done in less than a year. YOU HAVE TO BE PATIENT. are you aware that they are going to be lowering the mhz fruequency to either 800 or 900? so that way, you get stronger signal strength and faster speeds.
---------- Post added at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

LORDFIRE00 said:
are you aware that they are going to be lowering the mhz fruequency to either 800 or 900?
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Not quite accurate. 1900mhz will stay around, but Sprint's 800mhz assets, currently tied up by IDEN, will be transitioned to EVDO and LTE usage.

That's what I mean. Note: I did not say 190mhz terminated.
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k0nane said:
Not quite accurate. 1900mhz will stay around, but Sprint's 800mhz assets, currently tied up by IDEN, will be transitioned to EVDO and LTE usage.
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800 will not be for LTE at first and some sites will not get any 800. And some sites will only get 800 for voice.

The site answered all my questions about my 1x problems. Its seems that sprints been working on the towers in my town. They will be only half done now and the other half in June. Also I was not aware Elgin was large enough to be on sprints radar for spectrum saturation. Hopefully they will implement something soon to help with that issue.
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Fatonuseni said:
The site answered all my questions about my 1x problems. Its seems that sprints been working on the towers in my town. They will be only half done now and the other half in June. Also I was not aware Elgin was large enough to be on sprints radar for spectrum saturation. Hopefully they will implement something soon to help with that issue.
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Technically I live in Elgin, so I'm pretty happy about that. While Elgin is a suburb, it's still over 100,000 people. It seems like they're starting in the West burbs, and working in towards the city. I spend the majority of my time in Elgin and Schaumburg, so as soon as that Nexus comes out, assuming it has slightly upgraded specs, I'll be all over that thing with Sprint LTE

A_Flying_Fox said:
Its been a year and I live in NYC and I see NO change in service. Still the same dead spots everywhere there was one.
Sprint is really messing up by taking their sweet ass time.
I read an article that the nexus won't be coming out till June/July. What? By then, the Verizon version (with LTE) will have been 7 or so months old. Almost time for that yearly upgrade.
Maybe its because they want the iPhone 4s to sell so that's why they're taking their sweet ass time, but tbh, after swearing by sprint for years (since my bbcurve 8820) I'm starting to be distracted by tmobile.
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T-Mobile doesn't have LTE...

xboxfanj said:
T-Mobile doesn't have LTE...
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They have hspa+? Right?!

Fatonuseni said:
They have hspa+? Right?!
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Right, but it's not actually LTE if I remember correctly.

Just saw this on the website associated with Network Vision:
FCC Ready to give Sprint official go ahead on SMR 800MHz wideband spectrum


February Announcement from Sprint

What's your gut feel?
All of the poll options seem extremely relevant.
SVDO - Technically the HTC Thunderbird (Verizon EVO) is going to support this, at least that's what leaked documents propose. It'd make sense for Sprint to launch something similar.
Nationwide 4G coverage - It's really starting to pick up, they just lit up 4g in my area and i've heard a lot of reports of new 4g locations going in all over the country
CMDA iPhone - You have to admit that the technology is there, all it would take is an agreement with Apple and Sprint could support the iPhone just as well as Verizon. I find this one to be the least likely, although possible
Dual core phones - I'm sure I'm not the only one that noticed that ATT / Verizon stole the show and Sprint had no new phone announcements at CES... It seems likely that they'd try and sign on with a handset manufacturer to get some competition going for ATT / Verizon and their Tegra handsets.
Dual core phones, or tablets.
Other than that, plan changes.
I hope voice and data. But I don't expect it. Maybe they will formally announce that they are going to slightly screw existing customers with their new gold and silver premier customer requirements.
running_the_dream said:
I hope voice and data. But I don't expect it. Maybe they will formally announce that they are going to slightly screw existing customers with their new gold and silver premier customer requirements.
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The slogan of "making the impossible possible" made me think SVDO is going to be the announcement. It had better be big with a phrase like that
Of course none of the above. This big annoucement will be about Froyo and a Sprint iPhone.
My gut feel is the overlay of Wimax with LTE. Maybe announcing an LTE device as well. The trials have been underway since last year, so I would imagine it would be about time.
A Sprint iPhone that runs GingerBread and an iPad that runs Honeycomb.
I chose dual core phone.... but really just a new piece of hardware was what I was aiming at, not necessarily dual core.
Having thought about it and read the comments, I would suspect an announcement regarding LTE/non WiMax service is more likely, especially as far as being "announcement" worthy. Plus it will downplay any talk of WiMax getting canned.
Regarding 4G buildout, where have there been new deployments? Or are we talking places that just started 'working' but are not documented as being in place? I hadn't heard anything about any new locations except the last major announcment of cities.
A little bird told me that the rumor within Sprint is an HTC dual-core 3D phone. That wouldn't "make the impossible possible," but it would explain the presence of an illusionist.
This little bird, however, is only one step up from a Sprint retail rep. So, I'm not putting too much stock in it.
Superbovine said:
I chose dual core phone.... but really just a new piece of hardware was what I was aiming at, not necessarily dual core.
Having thought about it and read the comments, I would suspect an announcement regarding LTE/non WiMax service is more likely, especially as far as being "announcement" worthy. Plus it will downplay any talk of WiMax getting canned.
Regarding 4G buildout, where have there been new deployments? Or are we talking places that just started 'working' but are not documented as being in place? I hadn't heard anything about any new locations except the last major announcment of cities.
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They just threw up 4g towers this week in Lansing and Flint, MI.... if they're canning 4g they probably would have stopped rolling it out by now. As far as I can tell (hit up the EVO forums for a better judge) there's a lot of new 4g sites rolling out.
Maybe they going give us actually 3g speed. You know the fast speed that t mobile has which ironically is the same speed as our 4g.
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I also think it's gonna be a 3D capable device...
the HTC Blaine!
actually that would sound cool (if david blaine wasn't so douchy)
How about the Evo 3D-ouche
Maybe froyo finally and 3 years later gingerbread 6 months after the release of android 4.5 apple pie.
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where did you hear about the Lansing towers? I just tried and wasn't able to connect.
I vote nationwide 4g and a few new phones. I just checked clear's site and it is now showing tuisa as well as every other major city in oklahoma as having some coverage (not 100% covered). Previously no 4g coverage was available anywhere in the state. I think that sprint will reveal a slew of new cities for the new 4g rollout.
That being said I'm still mad because the 4g coverage in tulsa is only in north tulsa and I live in south tulsa. :sigh
edit: if you don't have 4g now look at this map there is a chance you'll get it soon
Its going to be the blackberry tablet and some boring phones with maybe 1 good phone being announced.
I'd love to see some major 4g roll out, I'm still aggrivated by the fact that I live in San Diego(one of the largest cities in the united states and part of one of the largest economies in the world, yes thats right CA's economy is an incredibly large portion of the US's economy) and we don't even have 4g.
snowmanwithahat said:
They just threw up 4g towers this week in Lansing and Flint, MI.... if they're canning 4g they probably would have stopped rolling it out by now. As far as I can tell (hit up the EVO forums for a better judge) there's a lot of new 4g sites rolling out.
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Thanks. I keep hoping I will see something (we need any kind of tower really, but 4g would be nice). There is 4g 100 miles north and 65 miles south of me (and for like 80-90 miles of coast too), so I keep hoping they will connect the dots.
Having used 4G in DC, I certainly hope they don't can it either as it worked great (better than my home connection usually). If Clearwire continues the way they were last time I paid attention, it doesn't look good though
lynyrd65 said:
edit: if you don't have 4g now look at this map there is a chance you'll get it soon
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I used to check that all the time then I stopped. There is coverage shown 10 friggin minutes south of me now (not "Best Clear", but 4G nonetheless).
Interesting that they skipped Stuart. I understand skipping Hobe Sound and even Jupiter (just below it, very near to where it's full coverage), but Stuart is a major cash town, almost as much so as where I am, but with 4X the population to boot.
Ack. They best keep moving north.
I think they are testing the connection in rural areas where traffic is low then moving up into more densely populated areas later. This is how they rolled out in many cities that now have coverage. One of the posters talked about how in memphis only "the hood" is covered, the same could be said for tulsa and probably many other cities.
They will cover us eventually. If you look at Dallas, tx you will notice that all of the suburbs around it are covered, the same is likely to happen for Memphis, Tulsa, Port St. Lucie and others.

Here's a quick fact about 4G

AT&T hasn't enabled 4G on any device because they haven't FINISHED setting it up yet. Give them time, you guys are so impatient about this 4G garbage, there is a reason why they're taking their time, did you guys forget what happened with the iPhone when it started to use 3G. They're going to make sure they won't get flooded and they'll have enough to go around. I've got a few friends that work for the network engineering department and i've been told by them that the network isn't fully set so 4G isn't fully activated yet. Quit complaining, it's a good thing that its not up yet because then you guys would REALLY *****!
the phone is called 'atrix 4g' and they are toting it as a 4g phone. How unreasonable that we might have expectations of it.. lolz
4G meaning it has the capability to do 4G! Doesn't mean it will have it right off the know when you buy the phone AT&T tells you that the 4G network isn't up. If you bought it without paying attention on what the guys told you, then it is all your fault for buying it thinking it will have 4G instantly... just give them time, AT&T is always known to have the most efficient network out of all. May not be the most reliable but they are the fastest.
Mafisometal said:
..May not be the most reliable but they are the fastest.
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someone is wrong on the internet, i'm calling the 4chan police.
1. Its not.capable of 4g. The htc thunderbolt is the only 4g phone. Do some research
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Will hspa+ even come close to Verizon's lte?
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LTE has currently a download peak of 326.4 Mbps (40.8 Mbps real time-speed) also counting that LTE is using a 1.4-20 MHz frequency range. LTE would have higher speed capabilities if it wasn't being hogged by the air interference, then it would possibly run at 71 Mbps real-time speed
HSPA+ is still in development and running at a download peak of 672Mbps (84 Mbps real-time speed) also counting that HPSA+ is only using a 5 MHz frequency range.
These aren't the exact fact of what AT&T or Verizon has but it is the capability, LTE has been live since 2004 globaly while HSPA+ has only been up since 2009. LTE is becoming old while HSPA WILL be the future. Just because LTE is currently faster doesn't mean it will be for long. When HSPA+ goes fully live with AT&T you may see a quicker speed, There are networks around the world that put HSPA+ up currently at 42 Mbps real-time
What if the Thunderbolt wouldn't have LTE until next year?
It would be laughed to the curb. The only reason people still by atrixs is because we've become accustomed to AT&T being a bunch of greedy cheapskates.
At&T says you "might see speeds up to approximately 6mbps [at best]"
(the link isn't broken, just click on it, and wait about 5 secs.
The funniest thing is that 4G in the USA isn't the same as in Sweden. We've got 4G here as well. But the thing is that your 4G is about the same as your 3G if I ain't misinformed.
Our 4G is <80Mbit/s
also i forgot to say, AT&T will be using HSPA+ as an addon because LTE will soon be introduced to them sometime at the end of this yeah utilizing more antennas meaning more speeds... =)
Yeah, I don't think people are as upset about not getting 4G speeds as they are upset about very often not even getting 3G speeds. The upload speeds on this phone are atrocious, and quite often the download speeds are as well.
But, hey, thanks for your post containing information we all already know.
Mafisometal said:
AT&T hasn't enabled 4G on any device because they haven't FINISHED setting it up yet. Give them time, you guys are so impatient about this 4G garbage, there is a reason why they're taking their time, did you guys forget what happened with the iPhone when it started to use 3G. They're going to make sure they won't get flooded and they'll have enough to go around. I've got a few friends that work for the network engineering department and i've been told by them that the network isn't fully set so 4G isn't fully activated yet. Quit complaining, it's a good thing that its not up yet because then you guys would REALLY *****!
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It's funny that you titled this "quick fact" when you haven't stated any facts whatsoever. You sound like an AT&T press statement. Plus, you can't compare the Atrix, or the Inspire for that matter, to the iPhone. Whereas the iPhone had sold over a million in the first 3 months of it's release, I doubt the Atrix and Inspire will reach 100,000 in that same time frame combined. This was deceptive marketing, plain and simple. AT&T covers their butt with small print and they more than likely trained the employees to avoid discussion on actual H+ rollout. There's a reason the story made it to Engadget and other tech sites when it was found that data speeds were capped on these phones, it's because AT&T didn't want anyone to know.
The major complaint isn't not having 4G its ATT capping our upload and giving all the bandwidth to their favorite child the iphone. Its just a bit upsetting that I pay the same monthly as any iphone user out there yet I get subpar service. I think what we all want is to have service like what is given to iphoners and that alone would quiet the masses about the lack of 4G.
PS. I live in Orlando a place I was told numerous times was a test city for their 4G yet no 4G here all I'm left with is a crippled 3G network that I no longer get good signal inside my own home. I think that's evetyones gripe with ATT
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jange said:
The funniest thing is that 4G in the USA isn't the same as in Sweden. We've got 4G here as well. But the thing is that your 4G is about the same as your 3G if I ain't misinformed.
Our 4G is <80Mbit/s
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The thing is that theres more than 200million wireless users in America and have to share the OTA data bandwidth. In Sweden theres a lot less people therefore everyone gets faster speeds.
For all those who are saying be patient. What if you went out and bought a new Ferrari capable of going 200mph. Only to find out the factory limited it to only 70mph. Here you are getting passed on the highway every day by moms in their mini vans. All the while you're being told by the factory that eventually we'll take off the governor so just sit there and shut up. I think you would be a bit upset.
the OP sounds like a AT&T rep...
drock212 said:
The major complaint isn't not having 4G its ATT capping our upload and giving all the bandwidth to their favorite child the iphone. Its just a bit upsetting that I pay the same monthly as any iphone user out there yet I get subpar service. I think what we all want is to have service like what is given to iphoners and that alone would quiet the masses about the lack of 4G.
PS. I live in Orlando a place I was told numerous times was a test city for their 4G yet no 4G here all I'm left with is a crippled 3G network that I no longer get good signal inside my own home. I think that's evetyones gripe with ATT
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neotekz said:
the OP sounds like a AT&T rep...
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Not to me, an ATT rep would know that ATT claims to have rolled out HSDPA+ across their entire footprint, while at the same time admitting that backhaul is far from complete. HSDPA+ is of course the justification for tagging the Atrix and Inspire as 4G.
Jim_R said:
Not to me, an Art rep would know that Art claims to have rolled out HSDPA+ across their entire footprint, while at the same time.admitting that nackhaul is far.from complete. HSDPA+ is of course the.justification for tagging the Atrix and Inspire as 4G.
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Regardless if he's a rep or not, for the most part a forum like XDA was created as an act of defiance to the restrictions that carriers and manufactures have imposed on their products. So, why would anyone want to come in here and defend AT&T, or any carrier/manufacturer? It automatically makes you sound like a "plant".
I'm not trying to negate what you are saying, I agree with you. I just wanted to throw that out there.
bsinc1962 said:
For all those who are saying be patient. What if you went out and bought a new Ferrari capable of going 200mph. Only to find out the factory limited it to only 70mph. Here you are getting passed on the highway every day by moms in their mini vans. All the while you're being told by the factory that eventually we'll take off the governor so just sit there and shut up. I think you would be a bit upset.
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Where can you go 200mph legally(or over 70 even in the US)? That's what I don't get. I understand high speed internet for home computers, you download and stream stuff all day. But on a cellphone, 3-4mbps is plenty fast.
'But I pay for 4g speeds!'​
No you don't. You pay the same as any 3g device, with the same exact service. Get over yourself.

Sprint LTE phone coming in Q3, 2012

While not Evo Shift related, but we should start seeing Sprint LTE phones late next year.
Let the rumors and hopes begin!
Quad core, AMOLED screen, and minimal manufacturer skinning (I know, I know, a pipe dream)
All this talk about lte, wimax, clearwire, etc. has brought me to realize I know very little about the subject. I thought 4G was 4G. Apparently there are differences. None of the carriers offer 4G where I live, the closest being verizon about 60 miles away. I guess I'm off to the world of google and wiki to do some researching.
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My Shift should last me until then.
jsp254 said:
All this talk about lte, wimax, clearwire, etc. has brought me to realize I know very little about the subject. I thought 4G was 4G. Apparently there are differences. None of the carriers offer 4G where I live, the closest being verizon about 60 miles away. I guess I'm off to the world of google and wiki to do some researching.
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actually, none of the carriers anywhere in the country offer 4G, they offer somewhat advanced 3G that they've labeled as 4G. But that's a debate for a different place.
Chances are, if you don't have "4G" now, you sure as heck won't miss it if you get a phone that has "4G" capabilities and you're in an area that isn't covered by that service. I rarely use the "4G" on my Shift, because it's 150 miles to the closest site that has it. I think that's the case for a whole lot of people with the Shift, and other "4G" phones, especially on Sprint.
The LTE service Sprint is coming out with is supposed to be put in the same locations as their 3G within a year of the beginning of the rollout, so all 3G covered areas would also have LTE in theory (or so the rumors have said). That would actually make a difference in the phones people purchase, and make that extra $10/month for the "smartphone fee" worthwhile.
It's probably worth waiting on your upgrade until next fall to get the LTE phones if you're into the more advanced phones, but Wimax will still be supported (but not likely expanded), and of course they'll still have the 3G capabilities. Personally, I haven't decided whether I'll keep my Shift past my Feb upgrade or not, it'll depend on the condition of my Shift, the device rumors I'm hearing, and of course how much money I have to upgrade. It's my last yearly upgrade, so I have to actually buy a phone that I expect to last for two years.
tatonka_hero said:
actually, none of the carriers anywhere in the country offer 4G, they offer somewhat advanced 3G that they've labeled as 4G. But that's a debate for a different place.
Chances are, if you don't have "4G" now, you sure as heck won't miss it if you get a phone that has "4G" capabilities and you're in an area that isn't covered by that service. I rarely use the "4G" on my Shift, because it's 150 miles to the closest site that has it. I think that's the case for a whole lot of people with the Shift, and other "4G" phones, especially on Sprint.
The LTE service Sprint is coming out with is supposed to be put in the same locations as their 3G within a year of the beginning of the rollout, so all 3G covered areas would also have LTE in theory (or so the rumors have said). That would actually make a difference in the phones people purchase, and make that extra $10/month for the "smartphone fee" worthwhile.
It's probably worth waiting on your upgrade until next fall to get the LTE phones if you're into the more advanced phones, but Wimax will still be supported (but not likely expanded), and of course they'll still have the 3G capabilities. Personally, I haven't decided whether I'll keep my Shift past my Feb upgrade or not, it'll depend on the condition of my Shift, the device rumors I'm hearing, and of course how much money I have to upgrade. It's my last yearly upgrade, so I have to actually buy a phone that I expect to last for two years.
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I'm in the same boat and I'm waiting for Q3 2012.
I use 4G all the time and honestly can't wait to see the improvements LTE bring
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tatonka_hero said:
It's probably worth waiting on your upgrade until next fall to get the LTE phones if you're into the more advanced phones, but Wimax will still be supported (but not likely expanded), and of course they'll still have the 3G capabilities. Personally, I haven't decided whether I'll keep my Shift past my Feb upgrade or not, it'll depend on the condition of my Shift, the device rumors I'm hearing, and of course how much money I have to upgrade. It's my last yearly upgrade, so I have to actually buy a phone that I expect to last for two years.
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From my understanding they're re-purposing their 1900mhz band they use for 3G/Voice for LTE. Once the re-purposing is complete our phones would lose 3G/Voice functions outside of roaming on Verizon as they're relocating their 3G/Voice services to 800mhz (Verizon uses 850mhz so our 850mhz radio won't work on Sprint's 800mhz band). Hopefully they'll keep 3G/Voice on 1900mhz so they can gradually phase out their 1900mhz phones on both Sprint and Virgin Mobile. I'm not due for an upgrade until March 2013.
thronnos said:
I use 4G all the time and honestly can't wait to see the improvements LTE bring
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You probably won't notice a huge difference except for the amount of coverage. Comparing my WiMAX speeds to those of my friends on Verizon's LTE we're about the same speed (around 10Mbps).
I didn't know people actually use 4G. I have in here in San Antonio but never use it cause I'm always on WiFi and if I don't have that I'm probably not on my phone downloading stuff
Supreme Sense mocking you with ICS style
I use 4G whenever 3G is crapping out because it really kills my battery. I think im going to start carrying a 2nd battery.
I have 4G where I am, great at the house. Can definately tell when I switch back to 3G. Use 4G all the time and love it.
I have 4g most of the time but my wifi is much faster. For a while I was using the 4g until I could figure out who my internet provider would be at our new place. 4g is still pretty bad as I live in downtown los angeles with cell coverage that dies as soon as you walk into any building more than 100 feet.
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I just hope sprints lte has better building penetration. That's the only reason i don't use wimax much now. It drops connection so easy inside buildings if you are away from windows and takes a long time to pick it up again and while it's trying to connect or if it's dropping you get no data.
Evo_Shift said:
I just hope sprints lte has better building penetration. That's the only reason i don't use wimax much now. It drops connection so easy inside buildings if you are away from windows and takes a long time to pick it up again and while it's trying to connect or if it's dropping you get no data.
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How's your 3G reception? They're re-purposing their 3G/Voice 1900mhz band for LTE so if you have crappy 3G reception most likely you'll have crappy LTE reception when it finally rolls out.

anyone seen any network improvements?

All I heard was how sprints network is getting fast and blah blah blah but has anyone seen speeds that are actually faster? Mid Ga doesn't seem any better. I looked at the sight and see upgrades being done but I can't tell at all. Am I crazy or am I getting ransacked
Put in your zipcode to see recent and planned local upgrades.
Is that the site you've used?
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I've been on sprint for like 15 years... Sprint sucks! All i here is they are getting better, more towers bla bla bla.. I would rather be data throttled than have no signal... I have to June i believe than i jump ship... Sorry I'm not trolling i just felt my blood pressure rise...
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troyolson92 said:
I've been on sprint for like 15 years... Sprint sucks! All i here is they are getting better, more towers bla bla bla.. I would rather be data throttled than have no signal... I have to June i believe than i jump ship... Sorry I'm not trolling i just felt my blood pressure rise...
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Hey man we all have opinions and freedom to do whatever we want ...
austin420 said:
Put in your zipcode to see recent and planned local upgrades.
Is that the site you've used?
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Same place. They show upgrades happening but I don't see it. Its frustrating. I have 6 towers near me and get pathetic to OK coverage on base, but off bade its pretty good. Problem is I used to be on Verizon and they are strong in my area. I hate to switch back but I been w spring almost 2 years now, my wife has been w them 7 years. I am pretty close to cancelling this and moving on. I really like sprints line of phones but w 3 lines, I feel I can do better unless they have real changes they are making. I am holding on to the hold of the 800mhz I have seen floating around and was under the impression that that's what network vision was bringing me. Now 5 months after talk of it...still no great data. When everyone on Verizon is sucking data slam up. A consistent 1mb where ever I go isn't extreme to me when that's pretty much how Verizon treated me years ago. Now all my Verizon friends at seeing 2+mb
Same here...they upgrade some sites but nothing gets better. Even tech support said they upgraded one tower and was able to give me details. Still sub 100 kilobit speeds from this tower.
Well according to sprint next month I should have better service... needless to say if I dont see any difference then I'm gone cause I work 50+ hours a week and have no service wat so ever so if no improve bye bye sprint
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Where I live it's a struggle to get over 100 kbit on the 3g and 1 mbit on the 4g when it's available but It is better than AT&T.
Sprint unlimited is a joke, it's like offering unlimited mileage on an auto lease and then you find out it's a yugo that can't go much faster than 1 mph.
I can't break 1 gig a month because the data rates are so slow.
My plan is to drop sprint when my contract is up. You can sign a new contact and get cheaper prices on high end phones.
Wow 100kb? Yuck, I would have left them long ago. Hell, I roam at 130kb! I know sorta because I work on an air force base and in some spots data is non existent. I may ride it out until June...if it isn't happening, I have to leave sprint. Too bad they don't read forums haha. Hurry up Sprint! Stop buying iPhones and buy some damn towers!
stkiswr said:
Wow 100kb? Yuck, I would have left them long ago. Hell, I roam at 130kb! I know sorta because I work on an air force base and in some spots data is non existent. I may ride it out until June...if it isn't happening, I have to leave sprint. Too bad they don't read forums haha. Hurry up Sprint! Stop buying iPhones and buy some damn towers!
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That is about the speed I get too most of the time, damn right, 14 billion to bog down your network some more, real winning company... **** the iPhone anyways...
I noticed my 4g signal ha become stronger over the past six months. This week I found I no longer lose 4g in the backroom at work and my 3g has started working a tad more in areas there was once none. Overall speed is the same just more coverage.
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R3537L1F3 said:
I noticed my 4g signal ha become stronger over the past six months. This week I found I no longer lose 4g in the backroom at work and my 3g has started working a tad more in areas there was once none. Overall speed is the same just more coverage.
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That's positive. Hopefully something will come to my area soon . I was fishing for feedback. I do like sprints price. And have always had voice coverage, hopefully data coverage expands here
Its all about location. Sprint service isn't that bad guys.... I get great service in Omaha, NE .. however... 4g is virtually non-existent, which is retarded considering im required to pay for it. I have had verizon, alltel (when it existed), StraightTalk, AT&T.... I would say Sprint and StraightTalk (YES STRAIGHT TALK) provided the best service for me in terms of dropped calls and data. AT&T is a joke.
When I was using straight talk I had their nokia smart phone....if I recall correctly.... im pretty sure their 3g service ran off verizon towers, im not sure though.
A tower was marked recently as having recieved a data speed upgrade within the past 6 months near my niece's high school. We were there for a basketball game, 6pm to about 8pm at night on thursday. I did a speed test and saw 1200kbps. I was impressed. By my house it is still 200-300kbps at times dipping down to less than 100 or in the middle of the night peaking around 450.
From the looks of things the upgrades should be heading towards towers in my area soon. I am curious to see how it goes, as I would love to get better 3g speeds. I have some crappy 4g right now but its so spotty and the battery drain so significant 4g is just pointless to me.
Is there a site like this for Verizon? In case someone would like to (hypothetically) change prl's and force roam to Verizon in certain areas? It would be handy to know.
austin420 said:
Put in your zipcode to see recent and planned local upgrades.
Is that the site you've used?
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3G is gotten lil better.
Better where I am at. Nothing like what I would like but better.... on the funny side, My brother is staying with us and he has Verizon, talk about slow service in this area. You can cry and ***** all you want, all carriers will have problems. Why not over pay for them. lol
Mines slower. After the EL30 update. Modem issues thou. I hope not, I like the latest and greatest.
I live in Los Angeles. I've noticed my 4g improve in reliability, but decrease in speed.
My 3g is abysmal. Like, almost worthless. Once in a blue moon I'll get 200+ kb/s, but usually it is sub 100.
Calls/texts are generally fine though.
I'm not seeing a huge problem with Sprint, I did 3 tests like this and they all came out roughly this fast. I live in the Twin Cities in Minnesota and I can stream Pandora without any interruptions back and forth from my 40 min commute. When I head to my dads place (its 3 hours away in the middle of nowhere) I can still stream Pandora basically skipless the whole way. I hardly ever use 4g though since its a battery suck and overkill 99% of the time, and it doesn't reach into my apartment . I also don't roam very often, automatic system select rarely works with data without some fiddling. I only use roaming at my dad's house since verizon is the only provider out there. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with Sprint

Are there any leaks of a QWERTY Android phone for Sprint coming out soon???

Just wondering. My contract doesn't expire until October (so I can get a phone in August), but I haven't heard of any new QWERTY Android phones that are even close to the Epic.
I would say no. I don't think slider keyboard phones are a major push for sprint. I know samsung released an lte updated epic 4g call d705 I think on verizon. Still single core but no longer galaxy s.... so street creed lost their...
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samsungd700 said:
I would say no. I don't think slider keyboard phones are a major push for sprint. I know samsung released an lte updated epic 4g call d705 I think on verizon. Still single core but no longer galaxy s.... so street creed lost their...
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that's the Stratosphere and its not the D705 its the SCH-i405 and is similar in specs except for its depth and Bluetooth 3.0 versus our 2.1 and not to mention DLNA.
Very disappointing I guess.
Although there is a lot of time between now and August, so maybe I will be surprised... :/
Yes, right now Sprint is only advertising to LTE phones, the Galaxy Nexus and LG Optimus S (or something LG). Once LTE starts the 2nd wave between May and December there will be a lot more LTE phones announced.
Epic 2 is still a POSSIBLE keyboard phone, but nobody knows specs
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Fire n mage said:
Epic 2 is still a POSSIBLE keyboard phone, but nobody knows specs
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I found this stating it may be released for their prepaid line:
kennyglass123 said:
Yes, right now Sprint is only advertising to LTE phones, the Galaxy Nexus and LG Optimus S (or something LG). Once LTE starts the 2nd wave between May and December there will be a lot more LTE phones announced.
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Which is stupid because LTE hasn't even rolled out yet so who knows because even reps from sprint dont want to spill any info because they haven't even received the products.
LTE is suppose to be in like 70 cites by the end of the year so I'm excited to see what happens I don't even have wimax close to my area which sucks but I'm still happy with my phome
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crazymadbaby said:
LTE is suppose to be in like 70 cites by the end of the year so I'm excited to see what happens I don't even have wimax close to my area which sucks but I'm still happy with my phome
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where are you getting your information from? by this quater or next the 1st rollout for LTE is Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Kansas City.
and because sprint is still fixing verizon towers well i doubt there will be 70 cities its probably the main major cities and wont be done till 2013 end of it so basically 2014. maybe by the end of this year they'll have 30 possible cities.
XxLostSoulxX said:
where are you getting your information from? by this quater or next the 1st rollout for LTE is Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Kansas City.
and because sprint is still fixing verizon towers well i doubt there will be 70 cities its probably the main major cities and wont be done till 2013 end of it so basically 2014. maybe by the end of this year they'll have 30 possible cities.
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Each area listed in the rollout really encompasses many cities. For instance in wave 2 starting in May it lists Orlando but clicking on that link you find Orlando really includes about 8-10 cities including Daytona and Holly Hill where I live. So that is what is meant by 70 cities by the end of 2012.
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kennyglass123 said:
Each area listed in the rollout really encompasses many cities. For instance in wave 2 starting in May it lists Orlando but clicking on that link you find Orlando really includes about 8-10 cities including Daytona and Holly Hill where I live. So that is what is meant by 70 cities by the end of 2012.
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oh i see what your saying I'm talking about major cities haha.
kennyglass123 said:
I found this stating it may be released for their prepaid line:
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What a bummer. They actually put the same processor too -.-
If i really want a new phone, i get the gnex, but maybe ill just save up for the psvita w/3g n play with that lol
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i would wait to see if the epic 2 comes out instead on prepaid. or you could root your phone like i did and place cyanogenmod 9 on my phone. I have my phone on revol wireless. I have heard of some people having the epic 4g og on boost and virgin but not really sure how they did that... I would be nice if they placed phones like the epic and evo 3d type of specs on the pre paid side as well....
samsungd700 said:
i would wait to see if the epic 2 comes out instead on prepaid. or you could root your phone like i did and place cyanogenmod 9 on my phone. I have my phone on revol wireless. I have heard of some people having the epic 4g og on boost and virgin but not really sure how they did that... I would be nice if they placed phones like the epic and evo 3d type of specs on the pre paid side as well....
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Still wouldnt pay for the "epic" with just a better screen.
AOKP MS4 CM9, *goes all day without charging phone *
It'd be a real dilemma to have to subsist on 3G (which is pathetic in many Sprint areas) when getting an LTE phone if all you have is WiMax 4G in your area for the foreseeable future. I hope I can make it to the end of 2012 with the Epic, letting my contract expire and so on. Lot of uncertainty with Sprint these days, although I'd like to stick with them if I can.
When are we getting a slider? The real question should be when are we getting ANY new phone lol. We are in a major phone drought right now while everyone waits for the lte rollout. Ugh...
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DroidApprentice said:
It'd be a real dilemma to have to subsist on 3G (which is pathetic in many Sprint areas) when getting an LTE phone if all you have is WiMax 4G in your area for the foreseeable future. I hope I can make it to the end of 2012 with the Epic, letting my contract expire and so on. Lot of uncertainty with Sprint these days, although I'd like to stick with them if I can.
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If VZW had a decent slider, I would have jumped ship a while ago. Droid 4 isn't much better than what we have (actually, worse), so staying with Sprint.
The Epic 4G came out in August 2010, so hopefully the 2-year anniversary yields an awesome new slider phone with:
- 4G LTE
- 4-inch+ screen
- 8MP+ camera
I will ditch my Epic 4G in Q4 2012 or Q1/Q2 2013 depending on Sprint's LTE coverage and Clearwire's planned LTE rollout. If Sprint gets rid of its unlimited data plans, then I may jump to Verizon.
unfortunately att and verizon are just to expensive. the plans are way more than sprint & tmobile. But push come to shove i may jump to att. they are slightly less expensive than verizon and i may get a discount for having uverse tv & internet.
this lack of phone options from sprint is getting really old.

