Simplest way to circumvent the 'EMMC_CAP_ERASE' bug... Save your precious...!!! - Galaxy S II General

***This is not for devices that have already been bricked. It applies to only those people who have inadvertantly flashed one of the 'Unsafe' 4.04 ROMs and wish to change ROMs or restore back their nandroid backup.***
Hi All,
Considering that a lot of gentry is unawares of how to go back to their nandroid back ups from the 'unsafe' 4.04 Stock Builds and are afraid to flash kernels fearing that their beloved may develop cataract, get pimples or maybe pass way (god rest their souls..) , below is the most foolproof, noob friendly way of going back to stock set up while circumventing the dreaded 'emmc_cap_erase' bug...
- Go to Intratech's thread of all stock firmwares in Original Development section.
- Download Stock KL1 <> (because it is no wipe) + Odin tool (you did flash LPM/LPO/LQ5/LQ6, exactly the same way!!!)
- Switch off your phone, restart in Download mode (Volume Down+Home+Power), you will see a flash page, choose to continue.
- Fire up Odin, confirm that the phone is connected, Click on 'PDA' and add KL1, flash KL1.
- First reboot, phone will bootloop.
- Switch off, restart in stock recovery (Volume Up + Home + Power)
- Do a factory reset.
That is it!!! Your beloved has been saved from Satanic evil...! Now install your favorite GB/ 4.03 ROM/ CM9 or CM9 derivatives or restore a nandroid back up (if you had any... )
I hope this helps...
Learn and Share.. That is what XDA is about..

kranti2064 said:
Now since you read the entire post, press the 'Thanks' button, will you?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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Don't be a thanks whore
Sent from my GT-I9100 running CM10

MemoryController said:
Don't be a thanks whore
Sent from my GT-I9100 running CM10
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Stop being a scrooge mate..!!
Epic fail.. !!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

It sounded more like Gnote situation over here lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

kranti2064 said:
below is the most foolproof, noob friendly way of going back to stock set up while circumventing the dreaded 'emmc_cap_erase' bug...
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What?. Come that again?. Why you dont tell us step by step, what exactly what you did?. Because I TRIED (and a lot of other more complex things) that before I have to CHANGE my MB...

cpl.Bower said:
What?. Come that again?. Why you dont tell us step by step, what exactly what you did?. Because I TRIED (and a lot of other more complex things) that before I have to CHANGE my MB...
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this is not a fix. this is a method to prevent brick. if you brickef it allready like I did, only PBA main replacement solves it.
Sent from my reborn i9100

Thank you for the feedback. Have amended OP as advised..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

cpl.Bower said:
What?. Come that again?. Why you dont tell us step by step, what exactly what you did?. Because I TRIED (and a lot of other more complex things) that before I have to CHANGE my MB...
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I did exactly as stated in OP.. I just happened to read around before flashing ROMs ( ***noob flashaholics*** ).. And hence, even though I have an unsafe chip and after flashing LQ5, LPM and going back to VR 3.0 and now running LPO.. I write this from my phone..
Learn and Share.. That is what XDA is about..

Can someone confirm that this works when going from LPO backwars? Also why should I flash from ICS rom to GB rom? Isn't that bad for the phone? I wanna go to some stock rom from where I can flash the jelly bean preview

Vilzu said:
Can someone confirm that this works when going from LPO backwars? Also why should I flash from ICS rom to GB rom? Isn't that bad for the phone? I wanna go to some stock rom from where I can flash the jelly bean preview
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Yes mate, it works for LPO as well. You should flash a GB rom so that the unsafe kernel kernel is overwritten by a GB kernel which is completely safe before the phone or you attempt a wipe.
No it is not bad for your phone. In fact trying anthing else can be fatal for your phone.
Once you have taken the steps I have provided, you can flash the JB preview from CWM from the GB ROM.
Learn and Share.. That is what XDA is about..

I got a simpler way
flash siyah via heimdall/odin,
boot into recovery,
Sent from my GT-I9100 running CM10

MemoryController said:
I got a simpler way
flash siyah via heimdall/odin,
boot into recovery,
Sent from my GT-I9100 running CM10
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Indeed, now can you please explain step by step how to get rid of the triangle and restore the binary counter to 0. (with appropriate links).
I'll add it to the OP.
Learn and Share.. That is what XDA is about..

Use triangle away or a usb jig on an older bootloader.
Sent from my GT-I9100 running CM10

MemoryController said:
Use triangle away or a usb jig on an older bootloader.
Sent from my GT-I9100 running CM10
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Give me a step by step guide and I'll add to the OP. Else stop trolling the thread trying to portray a higher level of intellect or smartassness..
Learn and Share.. That is what XDA is about..

Use search
Sent from my GT-I9100 running CM10

kranti2064 said:
Give me a step by step guide and I'll add to the OP. Else stop trolling the thread trying to portray a higher level of intellect or smartassness..
Learn and Share.. That is what XDA is about..
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He's actually right. Flash siyah or another custom kernel and you're good to go. Looks like the latest speedmod is safe as well.
To reset the counter and get rid of the triangle, use chainfire's app.
Or flash an older GB boot loader from Intratech's thread and use a jig.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

just one more thing which KL1 should I flash? The one which is based of of the original package or some indian version? also the thread where you linked to only has megaupload links :/

mrcreativity said:
He's actually right....... from Intratech's thread and use a jig.
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As I said, give me a step by step method and I will add it to the OP. Or else forever maintain your peace.
My method is simple, requires no additional tinkering apart from the steps I have mentioned. Not all people like Siyah (3.1 brick incident) or want to go through the hassle of running a kernel cleaning script.
I want to keep it simple... You are free to open an another thread with the steps you feel are simplest.. You could call it "Simpler than Simplest...."
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Vilzu said:
just one more thing which KL1 should I flash? The one which is based of of the original package or some indian version? also the thread where you linked to only has megaupload links :/
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Use the Indian version, it is a no wipe.. You can then flash your own country's firmware over it..
Well, the <> is down for the moment, it has faster links. I guess megaupload it is for the moment then..

kranti2064 said:
As I said, give me a step by step method and I will add it to the OP. Or else forever maintain your peace.
My method is simple, requires no additional tinkering apart from the steps I have mentioned. Not all people like Siyah (3.1 brick incident) or want to go through the hassle of running a kernel cleaning script.
I want to keep it simple... You are free to open an another thread with the steps you feel are simplest.. You could call it "Simpler than Simplest...."
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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To have an informative thread an OP should first learn how to search and read. People suggested that you should search for it, which everybody knows is the answer for almost everything. If you want to know how to remove the triangle and add them to your first post, you should do your research first instead of asking the guy to spoon feed you the solution. Using TraingleAway is a no brainer, just simply flash an ICS ROM, run the app, press whatever is needed to be pressed (of course you need to verify that the information about, if you have a triangle or how many binary counts you have etc is correct), let it reboot and the binary counter and triangle will be gone. Of course just saying that won't guarantee the success of every people using it. There are some instances that problems occur that i haven't put in my so called "guide" for triangle away. The only way is to read the original post of TraingleAway thread.
If you want to help people by answering their query is to acquire knowledge on how to do things etc. You can't do that if you won't try to search and understand the subject first. Spoon feeding is the last thing we, as members of this developer site, should do.
Anyway, i am not here to bash you or anything. Of course i appreciate this thread because it will help people who are unaware how to safely flash their phone if they are on the famous "brickable ROM/Kernel". I am just here to remind you that no matter who we/you are, everyone needs to do their research first rather than people just giving you all the answer to everything. After all, using TriangleAway is "RISKY (well, i haven't heard anyone bricking their phone yet with it)" according to its developer hence the need to read its thread first before posting a guide to your thread. Good luck to you and your thread and hope you understand what i am talking about.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium


Help speeding up my SGS.

Heya, guys.
I'm Angelo. Nice to meet you all.
First of all, I want to say Congratulations to all the people who built this website up.
THere's my issue now:
I got a Samsung Galaxy S on the 22nd of December, so it's kinda new, already updated to Froyo 2.2 firmware version (factory) I9000XXJPP build RSJP5
Rooted with Z4Root and Lagfixed with Ryanza's OneClickLagFix v2.2, I also modified the schedule (I've set deadline with tweaks instead of the default cpq).
I'm not good at all with all those roms and kernels stuff, Odin... Doesn't sound "safe" for me, don't want to toss it after three weeks.
I tried to speed up my phone, it went from 952 to 1857, but I don't see any changes, only at the start when I boot the phone, it loads faster.
Could you guys help me with this stuff out? I'd like to avoid to flash my phone, just to point this out.
Thanks in advance, Angelo.
karmacode said:
Heya, guys.
I'm Angelo. Nice to meet you all.
First of all, I want to say Congratulations to all the people who built this website up.
THere's my issue now:
I got a Samsung Galaxy S on the 22nd of December, so it's kinda new, already updated to Froyo 2.2 firmware version (factory) I9000XXJPP build RSJP5
Rooted with Z4Root and Lagfixed with Ryanza's OneClickLagFix v2.2, I also modified the schedule (I've set deadline with tweaks instead of the default cpq).
I'm not good at all with all those roms and kernels stuff, Odin... Doesn't sound "safe" for me, don't want to toss it after three weeks.
I tried to speed up my phone, it went from 952 to 1857, but I don't see any changes, only at the start when I boot the phone, it loads faster.
Could you guys help me with this stuff out? I'd like to avoid to flash my phone, just to point this out.
Thanks in advance, Angelo.
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Check you my brand new thread!
If you are rooted then you might as well download a ROM that can be flashed using Recovery Mode.
Download [ROM] [11.01.2011] Darky's v8.0 Gingerbread Edition ★ JPY ★
Make sure your download mode is working... ( search for 3 button fix )
Install CWM (search for this)
Flash ROM by copying the ROM to you internal sd and reboot to recovery...
Oh thanks! And how does this work? What does this introduce on my phone?
Do I have to remove my lagfix? Explain please >_>
karmacode said:
Oh thanks! And how does this work? What does this introduce on my phone?
Do I have to remove my lagfix? Explain please >_>
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I recommend flashing any custom JPY rom, 2.2.1 is night and day compared to 2.2, very fast, also recommend using Hardcores Speedmod kernel as well, make sure to disable your lagfix,(oclf does not work in hardcores) and use the ext4 lagfix from Hardcores kernel...
All you really have to do is flash your rom of choice in recovery, then flash your kernel, in recovery as well, and then apply your lagfix.. check your rom of choices thread, most come with instructions on installing
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
The matter is that I dont know how to do these things... I mean can i do all these things directly on my phone? Darkys stuff seems to be fast and easy...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
karmacode said:
The matter is that I dont know how to do these things... I mean can i do all these things directly on my phone? Darkys stuff seems to be fast and easy...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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If you check the threads for the ROMs you'll see very detailed install guides that the chefs have put together. You will probably need to use Odin for some steps so get the right drivers and read up on that (it's all here in the stickies or in General).
That's why it's always good to do lots of reading before posting
The best ROM available at the moment IMO, in terms of speed, customizability, and the best support community, it's Doc's Kichen.
Put together your ROM at
Check his thread for the instructions and if you need help. You won't be disappointed
I've reported this thread to be moved as it's not development.
I am sorry for having posted this in this section... I'll be careful next time ;-) anyway can i execute the whole process with darkys rom on my phone directly?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
karmacode said:
I am sorry for having posted this in this section... I'll be careful next time ;-) anyway can i execute the whole process with darkys rom on my phone directly?
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Since you are running Froyo currently, you must first copy your desired ROM to your SD card, and then flash a kernel that has ClockWork build in (such as Voodoo or Hardcore). Then you can simply reboot into recovery (volume up + home + power) and install the ROM from the SD card. That's about all there is to it If you have problems you can use the "clean install method" of flashing back to Eclair with pit but this is rarely necessary.
Using Doc's ROM is really the way to go, you get great choices of launchers, kernels, themes, modems, so you can make it just how you want it without having to waste time changing/installing things afterwards.
Flash Darky's Rom V 8.0 followed by Supercurio's sound fix. Guaranteed to turn your SGS into a speedy multimedia beast
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
fullerms said:
Flash Darky's Rom V 8.0 followed by Supercurio's sound fix. Guaranteed to turn your SGS into a speedy multimedia beast
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Either way, the procedure is basically the same. We could go back and forth all day
With Doc's online kitchen you can have Voodoo 5.1 with his awesome sound work ready to go right out of the box (hmm that idiom doesn't really work with ROMs does it )
I really appreciate your help but... I don't know how to flash a kernel... I would like to do all these things with my phone directly...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
karmacode said:
I really appreciate your help but... I don't know how to flash a kernel... I would like to do all these things with my phone directly...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Sorry bud, but there is no way to flash a kernel without Odin unless you have clockwork already. Which you don't if you're on an official Froyo release that has 3e recovery (clockwork can't be used unless you change kernels with Odin).
Flashing with Odin is easy, go into download (volume down + home + power), plug into PC, open up Odin, press PDA, and browse to the .tar of your kernel (such as Voodoo or Hardcore) that you downloaded. Press start and watch the magic happen. This is covered in great detail in many threads, plz look around
Darky v8.0
Go to the market download rom manager app 4 free , open it, then chose for instal cwm
There u go much easier.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
chambo622 said:
Sorry bud, but there is no way to flash a kernel without Odin unless you have clockwork already. Which you don't if you're on an official Froyo release that has 3e recovery (clockwork can't be used unless you change kernels with Odin).
Flashing with Odin is easy, go into download (volume down + home + power), plug into PC, open up Odin, press PDA, and browse to the .tar of your kernel (such as Voodoo or Hardcore) that you downloaded. Press start and watch the magic happen. This is covered in great detail in many threads, plz look around
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Alright. So I will do as you said here... I need to dl a kernel and flash it with odin on my pc... Pda and then look for the kernel... After that it goes on alone... Then i put the rom in my sd and i use recovery mode to flash the rom...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Dude just get a kernel flashing app considering you already have root
Get neldar's for eg, its called sgs kernel flasher.
karmacode said:
Alright. So I will do as you said here... I need to dl a kernel and flash it with odin on my pc... Pda and then look for the kernel... After that it goes on alone... Then i put the rom in my sd and i use recovery mode to flash the rom...
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Read my post please, you won't need odin.
This dude above me, is also ibg the right direction
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Zabivelli said:
Go to the market download rom manager app 4 free , open it, then chose for instal cwm
There u go much easier.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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ROM Manager is not recommended for most SGS ROMs. In addition, it is likely to cause problems with Froyo ROMs with 3e recovery that don't like unsigned zips.
karmacode said:
Alright. So I will do as you said here... I need to dl a kernel and flash it with odin on my pc... Pda and then look for the kernel... After that it goes on alone... Then i put the rom in my sd and i use recovery mode to flash the rom...
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Yep, you got it
Daneshm90 said:
Dude just get a kernel flashing app considering you already have root
Get neldar's for eg, its called sgs kernel flasher.
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Also a good option especially since OP said he doesn't have access to a PC For me, reaching for Odin is no big deal but there are lots of ways to get this done.
The search box is your friend
chambo622 said:
ROM Manager is not recommended for most SGS ROMs. In addition, it is likely to cause problems with Froyo ROMs with 3e recovery that don't like unsigned zips.
Yep, you got it
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Dude WTF?? Thats such a nonsense! I use it for any flash that I do, NEVER, N-E-V-E-R, CAUSED A PROBLEM!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

[request] Full rooting guide for the SGS2

Hello and welcoming myself to this new community of SGS 2 users. Coming from the HTC Desire section, I am quite confounded (entirely my own fault, of course) by the sheer confusion between the "Original Development" and the, uh, "Derivative Development" sections. More on that later, but...
Now what's REALLY confusing me is the complete lack of a start to finish rooting guide, or even a CWM guide for the SGS2 in the forum. Does anyone around have good link, and also where should I go to for my first ROM? Any ideas?
Go for the big well-known roms to start. VillainROM, Cognition or Lightning Rom. They all have tutorials to flash the specific roms when coming from stock.
I came from the Desire too, the weird thing about the SGS2 is that you flash roms that have the root installed in there. So you flash a rom with a rooted kernel inside of it, your phone is rooted. Change the kernel only to a stock one, root is gone.
So check the rom threads.
prodygee said:
Go for the big well-known roms to start. VillainROM, Cognition or Lightning Rom. They all have tutorials to flash the specific roms when coming from stock.
I came from the Desire too, the weird thing about the SGS2 is that you flash roms that have the root installed in there. So you flash a rom with a rooted kernel inside of it, your phone is rooted. Change the kernel only to a stock one, root is gone.
So check the rom threads.
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Ah... so... er... how do I get CWM inside? I saw the VillainROM thread and it says I need CWM inside before I can begin...
sakai4eva said:
Ah... so... er... how do I get CWM inside? I saw the VillainROM thread and it says I need CWM inside before I can begin...
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start by flashing cf-root kernel via ODIN. instructions are in chainfire's cf-root thread.
Nitrile said:
start by flashing cf-root kernel via ODIN. instructions are in chainfire's cf-root thread.
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Alright. Thanks for that.
i guess this might help you:
also here is a good collection of shipped roms and another rooting guide:
i used the latter to root my phone yesterday, a first for me, since this is my first android phone, and it worked at once and it took less than 10 minutes till i was up and running again.
Why don’t we all take a breather and don't mistreat the newbie..I mean the new user.
Don't make me get on my high won't be pretty
As MTM said, take a couple of breaths and learn how to be nice to your fellow forum members. Next person to be disrespectful will earn a temporary ban. You have been warned.
It took me a while to get up to speed with the way things are here too.
The usual steps would be:
- download a stock rom
- flash cf-root
- choose your custom rom
From here onwards, its an ocean of info.
byobodybag said:
It took me a while to get up to speed with the way things are here too.
The usual steps would be:
- download a stock rom
- flash cf-root
- choose your custom rom
From here onwards, its an ocean of info.
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Yeah... getting up to speed here is a little difficult. I came from the HTC Desire, so I was pampered, of sorts, by the fullness of guides there.
willverduzco said:
As MTM said, take a couple of breaths and learn how to be nice to your fellow forum members. Next person to be disrespectful will earn a temporary ban. You have been warned.
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Did the disrespectful posts vanish or did I just not get it ?
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norpan111 said:
Did the disrespectful posts vanish or did I just not get it ?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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It disappeared.
sakai4eva said:
Yeah... getting up to speed here is a little difficult. I came from the HTC Desire, so I was pampered, of sorts, by the fullness of guides there.
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There are no pretty guides because , its so extremely easy to root SGS2 , all you do is flash "cf kernel with CWM" via ODIN = done you rooted
Then you have CWM recovery and you can flash any SGS2 ROM. No need for any hacks or exploits.
ghost77 said:
There are no pretty guides because , its so extremely easy to root SGS2 , all you do is flash "cf kernel with CWM" via ODIN = done you rooted
Then you have CWM recovery and you can flash any SGS2 ROM. No need for any hacks or exploits.
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I was confounded by the mere mention of ODIN. Apparently, everybody knew where to download/get it and how to use it but nobody provided a link. I sorted that out anyway.
I had to appreciate the relative openness of Samsung vs. HTC at this point
sakai4eva said:
Hello and welcoming myself to this new community of SGS 2 users. Coming from the HTC Desire section, I am quite confounded (entirely my own fault, of course) by the sheer confusion between the "Original Development" and the, uh, "Derivative Development" sections. More on that later, but...
Now what's REALLY confusing me is the complete lack of a start to finish rooting guide, or even a CWM guide for the SGS2 in the forum. Does anyone around have good link, and also where should I go to for my first ROM? Any ideas?
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Welcome to the sgsii forums! I hope more and more people jump on the international bandwagon. I came from the samsung captivate forums so this wasn't that big of a difference. I think over time this forum will get better and more organized, as it's still relatively new.
Sent from my GT-I9100
Haha, thanks! Been missing the warmth of the Desire section

How to root Gingerbread for the Epic 4G

I'm posting this for anyone who wants to root their device personally.
I apologize to anyone who feels like it shouldn't be posted.
All credit goes to qbking77, chris41g, mkasick, drockstar and all those who were involved.
Step 1...........How to Root and Clockworkmod the Samsung Epic 4G on EI22 EL30 Gingerbread
Step 2...........How to root the Samsung Epic 4G on Froyo and Gingerbread
You can use this recovery in place of the acs recovery if you prefer...........cwm- tar flash for odin
Can the Sprint Samsung Epic 4g on gingerbread 2.3.6 be rooted?
Hello to anyone who knows about rooting. I work in medicne so I can figure out anything with the human body but not with rooting my Samsung epic on gingerbread 2.3.6. I have tried different developers, different sites, and read till I went crazy. The lingo gets old. It would be like me talking to the common public about the interpetation of hemodynamic readings and congestive heart failure. Anyhow, I rooted my epic 4g before it automatically upgraded to gingerbread...then it froze...I researched and unbricked it with a program everyone said did not work...but it worked to unbrick my phone even though it was supposed to root my just reset it to where it was usable again. When I try to go to certain websites for rooting files to download...they seem to be missing...hmmmm. So again, can the samsung epic 4g on gingerbread 2.3.6 be rooted? If it can, please direct me to some far...I have tried about 5 different luck. It is also very hard to find anything specific on gingerbread 2.3.6 on rooting...alot of info. on the other versions.
imuscle said:
Hello to anyone who knows about rooting. I work in medicne so I can figure out anything with the human body but not with rooting my Samsung epic on gingerbread 2.3.6. I have tried different developers, different sites, and read till I went crazy. The lingo gets old. It would be like me talking to the common public about the interpetation of hemodynamic readings and congestive heart failure. Anyhow, I rooted my epic 4g before it automatically upgraded to gingerbread...then it froze...I researched and unbricked it with a program everyone said did not work...but it worked to unbrick my phone even though it was supposed to root my just reset it to where it was usable again. When I try to go to certain websites for rooting files to download...they seem to be missing...hmmmm. So again, can the samsung epic 4g on gingerbread 2.3.6 be rooted? If it can, please direct me to some far...I have tried about 5 different luck. It is also very hard to find anything specific on gingerbread 2.3.6 on rooting...alot of info. on the other versions.
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Yes it can...that's why this how too is right above you if you would like me to do it for you remotely through team viewer I would gladly
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
imuscle said:
Hello to anyone who knows about rooting. I work in medicne so I can figure out anything with the human body but not with rooting my Samsung epic on gingerbread 2.3.6. I have tried different developers, different sites, and read till I went crazy. The lingo gets old. It would be like me talking to the common public about the interpetation of hemodynamic readings and congestive heart failure. Anyhow, I rooted my epic 4g before it automatically upgraded to gingerbread...then it froze...I researched and unbricked it with a program everyone said did not work...but it worked to unbrick my phone even though it was supposed to root my just reset it to where it was usable again. When I try to go to certain websites for rooting files to download...they seem to be missing...hmmmm. So again, can the samsung epic 4g on gingerbread 2.3.6 be rooted? If it can, please direct me to some far...I have tried about 5 different luck. It is also very hard to find anything specific on gingerbread 2.3.6 on rooting...alot of info. on the other versions.
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there is a thread that tells you a 3 step method. if you wanna flash another rom then here is what I did. Download the rom you want and put on the sd card. download odin if you do not already have it. download cwm- open odin uncheck every thing even reboot. then click pda put the cwm.tar into the pda. make sure your phone is in download mode. by holding the #1 button on the keyboard and the power button. plug the phone in to the usb. a yellow com box should pop up. hit start it shouldn't take long but it will complete and the phone will still be on. unplug your phone and take the battery out. put the battery back and turn on using the 3 finger method. ( vol. down, camera and power button) then wipe data, wipe cache, go into advance and wipe dalvik. press the back button click then click install zip from sdcard. click choose zip from sd card and then choose your rom and install that should be all. if you want to stay stock and just be rooted you need to download the link is found in the first video. you do the first part the same but instead of wiping every thing you go start into install zip and then choose the super user zip. reboot your system. then you have to go into the root explorer and delete a file but I cant remember the file name. but then you turn your phone off and then you have to odin cwm again. then you will be rooted. i will edit this when i can remember the file name unless some one beats me to the punch. i hope this helps if not pm me and i will try to help i am going to be flashing back to stock and re rooting to day so..
Thanks...I will try it again.
imuscle said:
Thanks...I will try it again.
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I could not find that file that you are suppose to delete but if you odin cwm. Then flash super user in cwm. Boot up. Go into your root explorer go ino system/etc/ it should say I believe
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Links to all files needed are in the descriptions under the videos.....and the videos show which ones you need.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Root epic 4g
to big goron, would u b willing to do the same for me? I have teamviewer.
debage39 said:
to big goron, would u b willing to do the same for me? I have teamviewer.
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You should pm him
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
debage39 said:
to big goron, would u b willing to do the same for me? I have teamviewer.
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No problem pm me the id and password and ill root ya in no time
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0
I wanted to give thanx to big Goron aka uber for all his time and effort helping me with my epic. Problems and upgrades. Thanx for all ur help.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA
Yes! A big thanks to Uber (Big Goron) for helping out everywhere!
Sent from my PantechP4100 using xda premium
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
notsosmrtgeek said:
I could not find that file that you are suppose to delete but if you odin cwm. Then flash super user in cwm. Boot up. Go into your root explorer go ino system/etc/ it should say I believe
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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i havent rooted stock gb. so forgive me. but is system/etc the correct path for the file that needs to be deleted? also better to necro rather than make a new thread for this.
I never deleted that file. I just odin'd cwm5 with reboot unchecked, then unplugged cable, poppef battery out and in and flashed a ROM. That file is still on my phone and in the directory you specified.
Sent from my PantechP4100 using xda premium
jbadboy2007 said:
i havent rooted stock gb. so forgive me. but is system/etc the correct path for the file that needs to be deleted? also better to necro rather than make a new thread for this.
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You don't need to unless you plan on staying stock. Otherwise just flash clockwork mod boot into it and flash a custom rom.
Sent From My Sprint Galaxy Nexus via XDA Premium
ÜBER™ said:
You don't need to unless you plan on staying stock. Otherwise just flash clockwork mod boot into it and flash a custom rom.
Sent From My Sprint Galaxy Nexus via XDA Premium
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The phone will remain stock or I would just flash fc09 deoxed. It's for my wife I might in the future upgrade her but this is her first android so I'm trying to go slow with it and not barrage her with too many changes.
jbadboy2007 said:
The phone will remain stock or I would just flash fc09 deoxed. It's for my wife I might in the future upgrade her but this is her first android so I'm trying to go slow with it and not barrage her with too many changes.
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Qbking77 video on youtube I believe hasa link to a kernel (mostly stock, only the key skip fix added i believe) that you can odin to make recovery stick on stock...
flastnoles11 said:
Qbking77 video on youtube I believe hasa link to a kernel (mostly stock, only the key skip fix added i believe) that you can odin to make recovery stick on stock...
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Isnt that a ei22 kernel though from my memory there is not a fc09 kernel of that sort.
i used this kernel on my friends epic, who wanted to stay stock fc09

[how-to] flash ics easily

i dono why. i don understand at all. why do we need to flash this, reboot, flash this and that, and then flast this......
come on! i am now in LP5 by just flashing the factoryfs and zImage, followed by a wipe and that's all!! why do we need to care about the boot loader? and why to concern about to repartition it or not? pls, do it your way. flashing a rom is only a file copy process!!
i respect all ppls' work. but for me, i prefer to let the user happy by flashing a rom or finishing a task in one single step.
New installation steps for ICS Stunner @ Stunner Topic. Much Simple.
These steps didn't work for LP1 based ROM and it broke root previously.
ykk_five said:
i dono why. i don understand at all. why do we need to flash this, reboot, flash this and that, and then flast this......
come on! i am now in LP5 by just flashing the factoryfs and zImage, followed by a wipe and that's all!! why do we need to care about the boot loader? and why to concern about to repartition it or not? pls, do it your way. flashing a rom is only a file copy process!!
i respect all ppls' work. but for me, i prefer to let the user happy by flashing a rom or finishing a task in one single step.
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My understanding is that If you flash the bootloader you will risk bricking your phone also no way to revert back to GB.
Does your simple way preserve root and allow for an easy way back to GB? If it does could you provide some simple, fool-proof instructions? Thanks.
We're finally seeing developers include kernel and modem files in their ROMS, so it's getting easier...before it was, "flash this base, reboot, wipe, flash this base, reboot, flash this base, flash it again and reboot, flash my ROM 2x, reboot 2x, enjoy. Repeat from beginning if you messed up." Okay, so a little over the top, but that's what it felt like to me. I'm definitely happy with the progress being made!
actually all i wanted is to push the rom makers to go a step further, by telling them that even by just flashing the zimage and system will do so they should provide proper script to run the installation automatically. i am glad to see the procedures become simplier. but on the other hand i hope ppl will pay more time to prepare the installation steps and be user friendly
Lance Uppercut said:
Does your simple way preserve root and allow for an easy way back to GB? If it does could you provide some simple, fool-proof instructions? Thanks.
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root permissions can be retained or restored. back to gb is totally possible. it all depends on the rom makers to make it or not
daraj said:
My understanding is that If you flash the bootloader you will risk bricking your phone also no way to revert back to GB.
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thats why i mentioned no need to care about the bootloader, i mean no need
to flash the bootloader.
Why is this post in development? =/
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Narada2XK said:
Why is this post in development? =/
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That's way beyond me, mate.
chasmodo said:
That's way beyond me, mate.
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LOL.As always spot on
Narada2XK said:
Why is this post in development? =/
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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what do u think this post is about?
should all development related posts contain tangible things and downloads but not thoughts nor ideas? if so, then fine
ykk_five said:
should all development related posts contain tangible things and downloads but not thoughts nor ideas? if so, then fine
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I can take esoteric musings as well as the next guy, but do they have to be posted here? I mean, really?
chasmodo said:
I can take esoteric musings as well as the next guy, but do they have to be posted here? I mean, really?
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to be frank, it depends
if i'm not for the good of the users, i wont post anything
That explains why you are in the wrong forum.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
btyork said:
That explains why you are in the wrong forum.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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thx btyork
but could it be a GUIDE to tell ppl it is safe to flash the ics, or a FIX to the previous installation?
i want to sort it out too and i'll send pm to the mods to seek advise
Doesn't the factoryfs include the bootloader? (Sbl) Or did I mis something?
hkgrob said:
Doesn't the factoryfs include the bootloader? (Sbl) Or did I mis something?
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no, the factoryfs only contains /system
ykk_five said:
thx btyork
but could it be a GUIDE to tell ppl it is safe to flash the ics, or a FIX to the previous installation?
i want to sort it out too and i'll send pm to the mods to seek advise
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It could be... But it's neither.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Long story short... is LPY safe to use or not?

well, after several threads on the LPY issue
i hope someone can make some order in this mess and give us (the ppl) an answer on the LPY risk and how to avoid it.
while i myself don't have enough knowledge on the issue i hope someone who does would answer and i will link the answers in the first post (this one)
iakovl said:
well, after several threads on the LPY issue
i hope someone can make some order in this mess and give us (the ppl) an answer on the LPY risk and how to avoid it.
while i myself don't have enough knowledge on the issue i hope someone who does would answer and i will link the answers in the first post (this one)
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Depends who you ask. I say yes, it is safe. The best thing you can do is wait a day or two and see what happens. If there is truly a problem, you will see more than just one brick.
I had a brick la7 or how was it called. Was using stock Rom and upgraded with Kies. **** happens you can't do anything if it has to be.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Simple answer : The ICS kernel leaks are not safe. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ROM. IT IS THE KERNEL.
Long answer : Clockwork doesn't play well with the new kernels... No one knows why. Some people brick... Some don't. I didn't. Chas did.
Real simple answer : If you have to ask, then don't do it.
Just like with the leaked kernels LP5/LP6 ,some people would brick while others are fine.
Just avoid it if you can ,and if you must taste ICS then may I advice you to flash cm9 ,it's far better than the stock in my opinion .
Short answer: maybe..
This is not a leak! It is a official release from Samsung.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
but if you are in germany and get the ota is dangerous too?
I bet a good portion of bricks are user error.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
tyrael64 said:
but if you are in germany and get the ota is dangerous too?
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No, only if you root and wipe.
tyrael64 said:
but if you are in germany and get the ota is dangerous too?
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I don't think that people being in another country be a reason that it bricks for other people or not.
In the end the versions are all the same, just with some modifications. (I mean the versions that are brought out per country)
I have xeu uk unlocked phone and i updated to ics via odin and german update love it note is nippy and so far no crashes on apps
Battery seems ok to glad i took plunge
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Official Samsung ICS Update -> Safe
Official Samsung ICS Update + anything related to flashing/getting root -> AT YOUR OWN RISK
If you want a stock Touchwiz ICS experience you're going to be OK. If you want to do more with your device, like always you do that at your own risk.
I jump sooner than i usually do and flashed it because i thought stock roms were safe. It did brick my phone when i made a backup and then using that backup. How i got my phone back going is downloading pc odin and an older gingerbread and flashing it. The ics rom do work very well. But you cant used the backups made with cwm. Im using LPY rightnow after unbricking it with pc odin and an older gingerbread. If u get it going LPY is worth flashing its smoother than gingerbread and very responsive. I hope someone can figure out why we cant use our backups.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
The answer is very simple.
Can you follow directions? Can you not do things outside of what is needed?
If so then yes.
If you go from GB rooted to ICS Official (with or without CF), By the book, you will have no problems.
Do not do something stupid, like say flashing CF Kernel with CM9 first
crawlgsx said:
The answer is very simple.
Can you follow directions? Can you not do things outside of what is needed?
If so then yes.
If you go from GB rooted to ICS Official (with or without CF), By the book, you will have no problems.
Do not do something stupid, like say flashing CF Kernel with CM9 first
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I agree with this. If only people will follow procedures based on the guidelines and without experimenting or creating new instructions outside the normal conditions, i guess it should work accordingly.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I think the safest thing is if you want to go to another rom go via a stock gb and make sure to pc odin and flash pit with repartition check then root and run cwm from it
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Right now: We don't know. We have at least one person who bricked when wiping with the new kernel.
That's the most dangerous operation - wiping in recovery. However a large file deletion could trigger the issue. It's not likely, it hasn't happened yet, but it's a similar eMMC access pattern so it's possible.
Jack143 said:
It did brick my phone when i made a backup and then using that backup. How i got my phone back going is downloading pc odin and an older gingerbread and flashing it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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Not sure that is the kind of brick "we" are talking about. The bricks that happens with ICS i9220 leaks are hard bricks and there is no way to recover from them except a motherboard exchange.
However, there is always a small risk to softbrick (when flashing anything) but these are not severe and you could recover from them in different ways depending on what type of softbrick it is.
It is still under debate if the new ICS based on LPY has the same potential to hard brick your note as the ICS i9220 leaks.
Personally I belive that if we don't get any more reports of true hardbricks then it must have been a combination of bad luck and in some way bad hardware.
Entropy512 said:
Right now: We don't know. We have at least one person who bricked when wiping with the new kernel.
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We have one person who bricked their phone by wiping from CF Kernel combined with CM9 Official, clearly NOT what the recommended is anyway.
We have 0 (reported) bricks from those of us who follow the directions.
If on anything other than GB, ODIN to stock GB. Then use mobile odin or odin to flash ICS offical; with or without latest CF Kernel (if you want root). THIS is the safe and recommended way. If you follow any other idea's or thoughts, you are doing so KNOWING DAMN WELL you could brick your phone. Do NOT use CWM functions from any other build of ICS, Period. That is what is safe right now.
Why is this so hard for people?
Why does everyone feel the need to panic and spread chaos and over exaggerate the problem.
No offense Entropy, I know you are a smart man and you know your stuff, but seriously you are making this MUCH worse than it should/needs to be. It has gone from a general "at your own risk" to a spread of fear and chaos.
Strictly my opinion of course.

