Chicago Galaxy S3 - Member-Found Deals

That's a hell of a deal if you are in the Chicagoland area.


AT&T City/State HSPA+ Rollout List

Found the following this morning:
Links at this address take you to AT&T press release pages for HSPA+.
Possible cities getting LTE 1st from a different source...........Not to be confused with the HSPA+ info linked above:
Puerto Rico
Dallas-Fort Worth
San Antonio
Let me clarify for the idiots who feel they don't need to follow the link and actually read the press releases....................The link takes you to HSPA+ press releases........................The short list is a list of probable areas which will see LTE 1st! Let me also add that I AM NOT saying this is a matter of actual fact, but I think coming from AT&T press releases, lies or not, it's more accurate than anybody here taking a "guess"!
People shouldn't believe everything they hear and or read.
rdubyah said:
People shouldn't believe everything they hear and or read.
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Hear that a lot do you?
I posted this as it's quite possibly an idea of which cities/areas will get HSPA+ this year showing AT&T's press releases. Now, if you have information to the contrary, please post it. If not, please troll somewhere else, or at least say something productive.
How is this "trolling" ? All I said was people shouldn't be so quick to accept these statements as true. Companies can spout all the drivel in the world and until it actually happens then it's nothing but that, drivel.
I don't believe anything until it happens, nor am I optimistic as most people.
Have a nice day, move along now.
rdubyah said:
How is this "trolling" ? All I said was people shouldn't be so quick to accept these statements as true. Companies can spout all the drivel in the world and until it actually happens then it's nothing but that, drivel.
I don't believe anything until it happens, nor am I optimistic as most people.
Have a nice day, move a long now.
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No, that's not what you said.............see your 1st post!
At least this one was somewhat constructive and had some thought go into it. Yes, I believe I will move "along"! Thanks, have a nice day also!
I'll believe it when I see it, until then I will enjoy my pseudo 3g.
I hope they bring it to Dallas first
CaelanT said:
Found the following this morning:
Links at this address take you to AT&T press release pages.
Possible cities getting LTE 1st:
Puerto Rico
Dallas-Fort Worth
San Antonio
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Sweet, I live in between austin and Dallas.. Yay i35 corrador.
k4zyn said:
I hope they bring it to Dallas first
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Makes sense they would get TX set up 1st given that corporate HQ is there.
Sent from WinBorg 4G via XDA Premium
well isn't that grand. They are saying by 2012 that they will have less than 10 areas in which their purported high speed will be active? At this rate, our 4g phones will be outdated before 4g is available. so sad at&t...
No one noticed that the name of this thread is "...HSPA+" but the list is for LTE roll-out? Different, incompatible technology, people. The Atrix is NOT an LTE device.
I noticed that too. I was thinking what does LTE have to do with HSPA+ ? And... since the Atrix doesn't support LTE, I'm pining for a 4.3" HTC phone with LTE on AT&T. GSM Thunderbolt?
Hsdpa+ in RI f yeah every network has 4g here lmao
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
phobos512 said:
No one noticed that the name of this thread is "...HSPA+" but the list is for LTE roll-out? Different, incompatible technology, people. The Atrix is NOT an LTE device.
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Ever think about reading the damned links?????
The short list I added was a purported future LTE list!
If you follow the link I posted, and actually READ, you will see the following at the bottom of all the press releases:
** 4G speeds delivered by HSPA+ with enhanced backhaul. Will be available in limited areas. Availability increasing with ongoing backhaul deployment. Requires 4G device. Learn more at
<edit> You know, people generally annoy me, but STUPID people really piss me off!
Damn, I didn't notice that.
Boston is supposed to be an HSPA+ city but I never see speeds above what I used to see on my Nexus One (~3.5mbps max)
Can't wait for it to hit Cincy
r34p3rex said:
Boston is supposed to be an HSPA+ city but I never see speeds above what I used to see on my Nexus One (~3.5mbps max)
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I talked to an AT&T rep a little over a week ago about an unrelated issue and asked about the situation here in the Boston area. She said there were no towers she could see listed with dates for upgrades in the area yet for HSPA+, and that some towers still were running 2G. She said they hoped by the end of the year we would be on it.
CaelanT said:
I talked to an AT&T rep a little over a week ago about an unrelated issue and asked about the situation here in the Boston area. She said there were no towers she could see listed with dates for upgrades in the area yet for HSPA+, and that some towers still were running 2G. She said they hoped by the end of the year we would be on it.
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Really? I could've sworn I saw on some AT&T map that Boston had HSPA+ enabled
That was exactly my posted a list for LTE which is a different technology than HSPA+. Don't get your panties in a twist there, cupcake.
For the record I replied BEFORE you posted anything about HSPA+. Maybe try reading timestamps before unnecessarily going off on someone.
CaelanT said:
Ever think about reading the damned links?????
The short list I added was a purported future LTE list!
If you follow the link I posted, and actually READ, you will see the following at the bottom of all the press releases:
** 4G speeds delivered by HSPA+ with enhanced backhaul. Will be available in limited areas. Availability increasing with ongoing backhaul deployment. Requires 4G device. Learn more at
You know, people generally annoy me, but STUPID people really piss me off!
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Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Want to see something interesting about AT&T's new LTE Phones?

Did a little research and came up with the conclusion that if you want to buy the HTC Vivid or Samsung Galaxy SII Skyrocket .. you MUST live in an area that currently has LTE Coverage ... why do I say this ... well ... because if you don't ... you will pay $100 MORE for these phones. AT&T are screwing over ALL the other people that DO NOT have LTE yet.
Check out the screenshots from AT&T's website.
While it is based on location, it is not determined solely on the presence of lte. This is being discussed in numerous threads with people reporting the price and whether they have lte available.
There is nothing unusual about pricing or discounts based on location. Wal-Mart does it, car companies do it, home depot, etc.
This isn't how it worked in my area. I don't have LTE coverage and got my Vivid for $99.
The Vivid and Skyrocket are being sold $100 less in areas that didn't have the original SGS II sold in because of the whole Apple thing.
Only a few of those are in LTE areas though, and most of Texas is getting that discount so.... yeah.
I'll be happy with my Vivid.
Longcat14 said:
The Vivid and Skyrocket are being sold $100 less in areas that didn't have the original SGS II sold in because of the whole Apple thing.
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no! i dont want to hear that! i think the reason they not selling the orginal SGS2 in some markets because LTE is launching pretty soon? and they want people to get the LTE phones instead?
i'm in san francisco bayarea, we dont have LTE yet. but skyrocket is 100$ cheaper. maybe LTE is coming to SF by end of 2011?
NYC doesn't have LTE, but we're still offered $100 off prices in the retail stores as well as online.

Sprint LTE Coverage Area

Will this make you finally change your Evo?... check it out and hopefully your area is getting hooked up....
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I was looking at that last night and thinking, no matter how great the EVO x is my EVO still holds it's own. Since Michigan will be blanketed in LTE by 2014, I am going to wait, Sprint has great plans, but lightsquared drama has to negatively impact their LTE roll out.
And why buy a phone in 2012 when I can't use 4G until a year or 2 years later. I did that with EVO, and assumed a Verizon kind of roll out.
I really hope Sprint stays on track with LTE roll out and they may retain me otherwise VZW with unlimited data might get my business (yes if u try hard enough u can get it)
Sent from my Synergized Aggressive Lionfish Evo using the XDA app
Yea, it says they will be ready by 2014, but with no specific rollout dates for my area, Michigan, I will be switching to Verizon in the next few months, once they get a nest gen phone like the One X or something similar. Verizon has had working 4g for over a year in my area now. There's no way I'm waiting another 2 years to get it here, and have dial-up speed 3g in the meantime. I gave Sprint 12 years of my business, and I hate to leave, but in today's world data is everything, and I need that to be able to do my job.
With the announcement one the HTC EVO One for Sprint, I am puzzled as to how they decide what cities to start their rollout of LTE. San Antonio? Baltimore? Kansas City?
No New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, etc.
OK, so Houston and Dallas. Meh.
With an LTE iPhone possibly coming out later this year, how many iPhonies do they think will hang on waiting while both Verizon and AT&T (yuk) are offering LTE in the biggest markets?
Sure, they're saying just wait, but really, how many people have the discipline? I probably will, but only because returning to AT&T is not an option as far as I'm concerned, and I hear horror stories about big red nickle and dimeing their customers.
What incentive do I have to get the HTC EVO One when there won't be any LTE here in LA, while my old EVO can still use WiMax?
On an unrelated question: does anyone know if LTE phones automatically switch between 3G and LTE? One thing I always hated about WiMax is having to manually turn it on every time I want to use it!
Pretty sure LTE would require manual control just like WiMax.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
leebo said:
OK, so Houston and Dallas. Meh.
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Hey now! Some of use are awful excited that Dallas is on that list!
But seriously. I'm wondering if the Dallas choice was because of the AT&T headquarters and the fact that Sprint phones are getting MURDERED by att speeds. (At least where i'm at)
Nothing against Dallas. Texas is a great country.
I just think Sprint needs to make a big splash about LTE if they want to limit churn. Dan Hesse has done an outstanding job so far, imo. But if I were in charge of Sprint, I would make NY,and LA, among the first cities, just for PR purposes.
Even aliens know to blow up one of those two cities when they first invade Earth!
SilverStone641 said:
Hey now! Some of use are awful excited that Dallas is on that list!
But seriously. I'm wondering if the Dallas choice was because of the AT&T headquarters and the fact that Sprint phones are getting MURDERED by att speeds. (At least where i'm at)
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At&t damn sure will drop a call where I am at if it even goes through but those damn internet speeds are damn lovely.... I hate them for that! LOL
I live in Overland Park. The reason it might be coming to the Kansas City area is because the world headquarters is located in Overland Park, KS? Just a guess lol. (btw, KS has more than tumbleweed in the streets lol)
Am I the only one who thinks the state outlines on this map are messed up?
ronartest2005 said:
Am I the only one who thinks the state outlines on this map are messed up?
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It's the larger states they don't have much coverage in, so they generalize more.
I'm personally going to switch to the new Evo when it comes out. LTE IN JERSEY AND PHILLY YEA! FIRST PICKS.
monkeychef said:
It's the larger states they don't have much coverage in, so they generalize more.
I'm personally going to switch to the new Evo when it comes out. LTE IN JERSEY AND PHILLY YEA! FIRST PICKS.
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So maybe you could tell me, does it look like southern indiana is covered?
ronartest2005 said:
So maybe you could tell me, does it look like southern indiana is covered?
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Looks like it to me. Don't know if its first or second round though.
monkeychef said:
Looks like it to me. Don't know if its first or second round though.
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My area is first round starts in may I'm super excited!
Sent From My Evo 4G Amped Up On Verizon Tower Power!
leebo said:
On an unrelated question: does anyone know if LTE phones automatically switch between 3G and LTE? One thing I always hated about WiMax is having to manually turn it on every time I want to use it!
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Wimax does automatically switch, as long as you leave the 4g radio on all the time - which kills batt like a mofo
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
First round markets have no preceding markets before them. NV OEM's will mobilize in these markets and begin deployment. These markets will deploy slowly as there is a significant learning curve to Network Vision. Most first round markets started between December 2011 and March 2012.
Atlanta/Athens* Link
Houston* Link
DFW* (Dallas/Ft. Worth) Link
San Antonio* Link
Baltimore* Link
Kansas City* Link
Chicago Link
San Francisco Link
Boston Link
Washington, D.C. Link
New York City/Westchester Link
LA Metro (Los Angeles) Link
Central Jersey Link
Austin Link
Second round markets start based on First Round markets completing before them. There is a lot of variability of when Second Round markets start, between June/July 2012 and December 2012. It will all depend on how quickly the First Round market deployments go. Some preliminary work is being done in advance in these Second Markets as well. It's possible that if delays begin to occur in the First Round markets, NV OEM's may hire up additional subcontractors and get some key Second Round markets going. Stay tuned to for updates.
South Bay (San Jose) Link
West Washington (Seattle) Link
West Michigan (Grand Rapids/Lansing) Link
Oregon/SW Washington (Portland) Link
Charlotte Link
Nashville Link
New Orleans Link
Philadelphia Metro Link
Southern Connecticut Link
PR/VI (Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands) Link
San Diego Link
Northern Jersey Link
Orange County, California Link
Raleigh/Durham Link
Orlando Link
Miami/West Palm Link
Riverside/San Bernardino Link
Indianapolis Link
East Michigan (Detroit) Link
Norfolk (Hampton Roads) Link
Long Island Link
Tampa Link
Jacksonville Link
Memphis Link
Minnesota Link
South West Florida Link
Ft. Wayne/South Bend Link
I also heard that maybe just maybe the Note may be coming over as well the HTC One... Sprint may be stepping there game up.. After reading up on the new HTC phone I may be coming back as long as though LTE speeds kick in like they should in my area...
Michigan part of the 2nd wave and no Ohio, c'mon man! This is why I hate Ohio, can't wait to move..LOL
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
I don't know about the rest of you, but forget LTE coverage -- I'm just waiting for Sprint to get regular coverage on the tower that's been my in my neighborhood like they promised (and their coverage map showed) for the last 3 years!
I have found the Wimax coverage in Florida to be more than adequate. No, I can't get it at my house, but I have WiFi there. But just about everywhere else when I'm traveling or in even small local cities, I get Wimax.
Sprint is about two years behind on LTE. Not very enticing to stay with them after my contract is up in the Fall. The only reason why I didn't demand early contract termination is because I like my EVO 4G phone and don't feel like spending another $300 on a new Verizon phone at the moment.
Nah Verizons, and att switches. So sprints will prob
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA

Conspiracy theory?????

I Recently went to the Sprint store to start looking at upgrades, not that I am really ready to leave my Reloaded OG. but i noticed something.
I smuggled in a copy of speed test apk and sent a link to the phone I was looking at, I was looking for an answer as to why my data speeds have been abysmal lately. So I installed the copy of speed test on the phone in question and ran a few speed test on my OG and the device in question. What I found was disturbing! The new device beat my phone by almost double 6 test in a row. Any theory as to what is going on here? Extreme Idea is that sprint throttles the data of older radios types and maybe even for people out of contract. Is this even reasonable or should I stop reading infowars?
If it was a 4g LTE device, that's your answer. LTE is much faster than wimax. And sprint doesn't control wimax, Clear does. If anyone is throttling 4g it would be clear and not sprint, and clear has been known to throttle their own 4g internet, especially when customers use torrents. I've known sprint customers who've had their 4g throttled by clear for downloading torrents as well. But there are other things involved besides throttling, especially at a sprint store. There's the fact that most likely you were rrunning speedtest on a 4g LTE device, sgs3, gNex or evo 4gLTE. Not to mention sprint stores have cell repeaters(Pico towers) in the store to boost the devices signals. I'm going to guess that you tested on a LTE device which had its signal boosted by the cell repeater making the speeds much faster than average.
ETA: and yes you should stop reading infowars they are known to post stories that can't be verified by outside sources full of exaggerated or just plain made up information. If you keep reading and believing the stuff they post you're gonna go plumb loco, and end up like some of those nutters who still believe the earth is flat inside a petri dish and the sun is a spotlight 3000miles above us in some aliens laboratory. damn looney toons believe everything is some great conspiracy perpetrated by some all powerful secret society, but fail to realize all the crap they post to prove said conspiracies contradicts itself at every turn and just makes them look like uneducated, ignorant fools. Just visit ATS sometime and read some of the outlandish stupidity people post over there, and what makes it worse is the actually believe it. Some people seriously need heavy anti psychotic medications. :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
If it was a 4g LTE device, that's your answer. LTE is much faster than wimax. And sprint doesn't control wimax, Clear does. If anyone is throttling 4g it would be clear and not sprint, and clear has been known to throttle their own 4g internet, especially when customers use torrents. I've known sprint customers who've had their 4g throttled by clear for downloading torrents as well. But there are other things involved besides throttling, especially at a sprint store. There's the fact that most likely you were rrunning speedtest on a 4g LTE device, sgs3, gNex or evo 4gLTE. Not to mention sprint stores have cell repeaters(Pico towers) in the store to boost the devices signals. I'm going to guess that you tested on a LTE device which had its signal boosted by the cell repeater making the speeds much faster than average.
ETA: and yes you should stop reading infowars they are known to post stories that can't be verified by outside sources full of exaggerated or just plain made up information. If you keep reading and believing the stuff they post you're gonna go plumb loco, and end up like some of those nutters who still believe the earth is flat inside a petri dish and the sun is a spotlight 3000miles above us in some aliens laboratory. damn looney toons believe everything is some great conspiracy perpetrated by some all powerful secret society, but fail to realize all the crap they post to prove said conspiracies contradicts itself at every turn and just makes them look like uneducated, ignorant fools. Just visit ATS sometime and read some of the outlandish stupidity people post over there, and what makes it worse is the actually believe it. Some people seriously need heavy anti psychotic medications. :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
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That was deep,mate.I know where to go if i have any questions about sprint,haha.
Unfortunately LTE doesn't seem to apply in my area, and a lot of areas for that matter. However, I heard the LTE is amazingly fast, if your area has it, that is.
patcrizack said:
Unfortunately LTE doesn't seem to apply in my area, and a lot of areas for that matter. However, I heard the LTE is amazingly fast, if your area has it, that is.
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LTE is available in alot of areas, for sprint stores. Alot of places have atleast some of the towers upgraded or in the process of being upgraded but haven't unlocked them for public use, however the display phones in the store have the test PRLs that allow the display devices to connect to the network. Also some(probably most) corporate stores now have LTE enabled on their cell repeaters to allow display phones to access LTE so customers can try it. They have already begun the NV and LTE buildout here in my area, my 3g speeds have gone way up in the last few months as the upgrade the backhaul on the towers for NV, and my dads sgs3 will occasionally get a random LTE connection as they flip them on for testing. When he bought his sgs3 he was able to use LTE in the store and in about a 3 or 4 mile radius of the store.
ETA: also if you have 3g in your area now you will have LTE most likely by the end of 2013, first quarter of 2014 at the latest. The LTE network is going on the same spectrum as 3g is currently on allowing for the same level of penetration and coverage as the current 3g network and they are on or ahead of schedule in all of the planned target areas. My area is ahead of schedule by almost 60 days :thumbup:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
---------- Post added at 03:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 AM ----------
6ANONAMUS9 said:
That was deep,mate.I know where to go if i have any questions about sprint,haha.
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Lol, my family owns a large chunk of sprint stock, so I follow them pretty closely. I check all of their announcements and my dads company has an executive account rep that handles all of their company's devices and he has info that's not shared with your typical store or call center employees and he shares a lot of his info with me or my dad when we talk to him :thumbup:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
Mentioning infowars was my way of adding a hint of sarcasm into my post. I do not buy into that. But I did run the tests side by side and both phones were on a solid 3g sig and both were bouncing between 3/4 bars. The results did seem strange to me, I will be going back in the next few days maybe and do it again. if anyone is interseted i will post the results again.
as a side note LTE and WiMax are not nor ever been availble in by area.
Wanna see some real cuckoo conspiracy stuff check out the flat earth society those whackadoos still believe the earth is flat :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
Wanna see some real cuckoo conspiracy stuff check out the flat earth society those whackadoos still believe the earth is flat :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
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Wait what do u mean still flat...I thought it was always u crazy
XDA Moderator
Papa Smurf151 said:
Wait what do u mean still flat...I thought it was always u crazy
XDA Moderator
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The only thing flat is their IQ flat 0. I'm serious I think they have to be borderline mentally retarded to still think the earth is flat. I mean if you get on an airplane or go out in the open ocean on a boat you can quite clearly see it's spherical. It is funny to read people swear its a flat petri dish in an alien laboratory and the sun is just a spotlight 3000 miles above us on the ceiling of the aliens lab :banghead: I think those ppl had one too many :beer: and hits off the crackpipe :screwy:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
If it was a 4g LTE device, that's your answer. LTE is much faster than wimax. And sprint doesn't control wimax, Clear does. If anyone is throttling 4g it would be clear and not sprint, and clear has been known to throttle their own 4g internet, especially when customers use torrents. I've known sprint customers who've had their 4g throttled by clear for downloading torrents as well. But there are other things involved besides throttling, especially at a sprint store. There's the fact that most likely you were rrunning speedtest on a 4g LTE device, sgs3, gNex or evo 4gLTE. Not to mention sprint stores have cell repeaters(Pico towers) in the store to boost the devices signals. I'm going to guess that you tested on a LTE device which had its signal boosted by the cell repeater making the speeds much faster than average.
ETA: and yes you should stop reading infowars they are known to post stories that can't be verified by outside sources full of exaggerated or just plain made up information. If you keep reading and believing the stuff they post you're gonna go plumb loco, and end up like some of those nutters who still believe the earth is flat inside a petri dish and the sun is a spotlight 3000miles above us in some aliens laboratory. damn looney toons believe everything is some great conspiracy perpetrated by some all powerful secret society, but fail to realize all the crap they post to prove said conspiracies contradicts itself at every turn and just makes them look like uneducated, ignorant fools. Just visit ATS sometime and read some of the outlandish stupidity people post over there, and what makes it worse is the actually believe it. Some people seriously need heavy anti psychotic medications. :banghead:
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
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Forgive me, because I don't know, but what/where is ATS? (in the last couple sentences of your post)
Forgive me, because I don't know, but what/where is ATS? (in the last couple sentences of your post)
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Google abovetopsecret it's a.conspiracy forum.full of more nuts than a porno and a can of planters combined
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device

Potomac mills mall in Virginia has the edge (t-mo)

I can confirm that the tmobile store at Potomac mills mall has the phone. So many locations did not. Just Fyi. Happy hunting.
I'm in Iowa for work, and have tried every store around Demoines and none have it in stock. Called a few KC stores and they also don't have it in stock. Why such a limited release?
Mod Edit
T-Mobile thread is here;
Thread closed
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