I got this kick a#s phone but I'm chained to the turtle that is 3G...I miss 4g so much. No you tube and drop data connections make me so MAD! Come on 4g LTE .....Columbus oh.
Does anyone have 4g LTE yet? If so how about posting some data result pictures so we know what to look forward to. Thanks
Running Sprint.
Which network provider are you on?
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Voelker45 said:
Which network provider are you on?
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Running with the Sprint folk
3g is plenty fast here.
i compare going from 4G to 3G like going from 20 megabit broadband from the cable company to going back to the original DSL days of something like a whopping 1.5 megabit connection
once you live in an area with good LTE service and get used to not waiting on anything to happen, and not worrying about finding a WiFi hotspot so you can stream something in HD.......then going back to 3G is really really painful even on "fast" 3G......
jamesnmandy said:
i compare going from 4G to 3G like going from 20 megabit broadband from the cable company to going back to the original DSL days of something like a whopping 1.5 megabit connection
once you live in an area with good LTE service and get used to not waiting on anything to happen, and not worrying about finding a WiFi hotspot so you can stream something in HD.......then going back to 3G is really really painful even on "fast" 3G......
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Its like driving a Ferrari in a 35mph area "all day long"..
Hopefully this link can help you.
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Voelker45 said:
Hopefully this link can help you.
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Thanks for that link but it looks like there will be no love for Ohio anytime soon
you DID realize there was no wimax on this radio before you bought it....right???
I have to agree, never thought I'd miss the inconsistent speeds wimax capable devices would pull down. Without wifi I don't think I'd be able to handle Sprint's laughable 3G speeds here in Austin.
rueben68 said:
Its like driving a Ferrari in a 35mph area "all day long"..
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it's more like driving a Ferrari with a Honda four cylinder on the autobahn with all the real Ferraris passing you by
Success100 said:
you DID realize there was no wimax on this radio before you bought it....right???
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Yes I did....I was blinded by the beauty that is the SIII.
jamesnmandy said:
it's more like driving a Ferrari with a Honda four cylinder on the autobahn with all the real Ferraris passing you by
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THANK YOU!...that's what I meant to say!
on T-Mobile I am cruising at around 13 mb. At the price I'm paying and unlimited data I'm so happy.
rueben68 said:
THANK YOU!...that's what I meant to say!
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Seriously its just ur network coverage or ur phone. Your Ferrari Honda ref is more like I ran a 12sec 1/4 mile now I'm running 13.5. Not that big a diff in the short of it. I mean, ur not downloading feature length films on your phone through ur network.....
Sent from a galaxy far far away......
Run a 3g turbocharger from this link it has 6 options it significantly helped my 3g
Good ol Sprint! I had a buddy who got the original EVO..he waited and waited for WiMAX...just to be disappointed with ridiculous battery consumption if he used WiMAX, if he accidently left it on....2 hours later his EVO would be toast. He just upgraded to an HTC EVO 4g LTE...he has to wait between now and 2014 for LTE, I told him I would've went with another carrier until Sprint got LTE up and running.
I recently switched to at&t from Sprint because I was so fed up with the data speeds. It really is night and day between the two (depending on area of course). It was normal for me to not have a decent data connection in most buildings, couldn't keep a 4G signal in a moving vehicle, and 3G wasn't very usable almost anywhere. After switching to at&t, I felt stupid for having sprint the past year and a half since any data connection was worthless.
I called Sprint this morning to complain about the poor data signal and they said that they know about the problem and that they are working on it and bla bla bla and bla and some more bla. Lol
rueben68 said:
I called Sprint this morning to complain about the poor data signal and they said that they know about the problem and that they are working on it and bla bla bla and bla and some more bla. Lol
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They got to much money tied up in NASCAR promotion to fix network. LOL
Sent from a galaxy far far away......
How does Sprint go about choosing cities for 4G? Also, when will most smaller "cities" finally have 4G? A year from now? Sooner, later? Does Sprint have any publication outlining their plans? I live Columbia, SC, and right now speeds are slllowwww on 3G. So when is YOUR city getting 4G? We've all been payin for it!
good luck finding that information out. I tried to contact sprint about those exact things and got the same bs over and over and over and over (yes four times )
I live in Greenville and someone that works for Clearwire said they have one tower in the area but that's it so far. I'm not getting my hopes up for a full rollout any time soon and after getting to use 4G recently, I don't really care anymore either. T-Mobile's 3G is faster than what I've personally seen from Sprint's 4G, my wife and I are switching this summer when our ETF drops to $50/line.
I know. They pick a random city and provide customers with very spotty coverage that barely penetrates walls
You need to carry around a ghost buster battery pack to fully utilize 4G constantly any how. The only time I use 4G is when I'm plugged into a power source or to watch one video if needed. Almost useless pretty much, I'm in a 4G area and I'm using a rom without 4G and I'm just fine.
datajosh said:
I live in Greenville and someone that works for Clearwire said they have one tower in the area but that's it so far. I'm not getting my hopes up for a full rollout any time soon and after getting to use 4G recently, I don't really care anymore either. T-Mobile's 3G is faster than what I've personally seen from Sprint's 4G, my wife and I are switching this summer when our ETF drops to $50/line.
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you know...if you didnt have to toggle the radio, it would be alot better. i agree with you tmobile is kicking some ass and taking names...however our saving grace for me and us is the anymobile anytime stuff. If tmob got that going id etf it...I like sprint and my 22% discount but i could pay the same on tmobile for the 3 lines I have (since I dont have to pay a 10.00 fee per line) and I could get liek the dell streak or some other snazzy gsm phone. Really cdma I personally think is a dying technology.
man, im starting to like this thread already
I think they all go out and get drunk, then throw darts at a map. Thats why they just rolled out 4g in Jamaica and Taiwan
elegantai said:
man, im starting to like this thread already
I think they all go out and get drunk, then throw darts at a map. Thats why they just rolled out 4g in Jamaica and Taiwan
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Is this Sprint Picking 4G
Its gotta be....The DART is Yellow LOL
Well now at least when im sitting at sandals in jamaica, I can check xda via 4g, and look up drinks I want quicker alowing me to consume more!
zikronix said:
Is this Sprint Picking 4G
Its gotta be....The DART is Yellow LOL
Well now at least when im sitting at sandals in jamaica, I can check xda via 4g, and look up drinks I want quicker alowing me to consume more!
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OMG lol!!! that was perfect
I wish I knew too. We just got 1 tower here in Appleton, Wisconsin. I'm not sure why we get these faster then bigger cities? Oh well, guess we will need to get an insider to leak the info.
Sent from my EVO (MIUI) using XDA App
They are doing it based on population size. I've also heard that there is a minimum population size to even be considered for 4g.
Victory for L---S---U
Geauxt said:
They are doing it based on population size. I've also heard that there is a minimum population size to even be considered for 4g.
Victory for L---S---U
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There must be a maximum too, we're still waiting here in San Diego... the nation's 7th largest city
zikronix said:
Is this Sprint Picking 4G
Its gotta be....The DART is Yellow LOL
Well now at least when im sitting at sandals in jamaica, I can check xda via 4g, and look up drinks I want quicker alowing me to consume more!
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^^Quite literally thee funniest commercial on tv right now!!!
Geauxt said:
They are doing it based on population size. I've also heard that there is a minimum population size to even be considered for 4g.
Victory for L---S---U
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I highly doubt this is the case. There are many examples where their roll out does not follow suit
I have to agree with elegantai, that seems like the most likely answer. I'm definitely not complaining though, they just turned it on here within the last week.
I've been wondering how they decide their rollouts. I have a feeling that the commercial is spot on
But anyway, I can't wait to try some day to day use here at KU. Been to KC a couple times and was blown away by how fast it was. 4G is supposed be activated here in a month or two, so stoked.
Sent from my pants somehow, using XDA App. Rock Chalk.
Phillysphinest1 said:
^^Quite literally thee funniest commercial on tv right now!!!
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Yea I saw it a few weeks back and i thought it was awesome...
woot go sprint hahaha
It surprises me.
Honestly, been with Sprint for 9 years.
Never had an issue until right after they won the J.D. power associates award for customer service.
I just wonder how they rate it.
I always hear a lot of complaints about Sprint but I've never had major issues with them ..just small issues that all carriers have ....
DarkManX4lf said:
I always hear a lot of complaints about Sprint but I've never had major issues with them ..just small issues that all carriers have ....
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Agreed . . . found most CS Reps to do the best they can with what they have or bump it to someone else that can help . .
not only did I save over $100 / month moving to sprint from verizon, but I have a better phone, and have dropped less calls. I think a lot of the sprint hate is very unwarranted
Sprint is good for a flip phones that does not use data service and windows mobile 6.5 and older but with new smartphones, sprint sucks, they don't have the capacity to handle the demand of data.
dmora01 said:
Sprint is good for a flip phones that does not use data service and windows mobile 6.5 and older but with new smartphones, sprint sucks, they don't have the capacity to handle the demand of data.
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Handles my demand lol
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I agree that Sprint has data issues in many areas. After the Evo 3d is released it will be worse with the throngs of new subscribers and returning old ones. Hopefully Sprint can handle it and get the data up to par
Sprint is good for a flip phones that does not use data service and windows mobile 6.5 and older but with new smartphones, sprint sucks, they don't have the capacity to handle the demand of data.
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Really? Cause I was watching episodes of The State on Netflix while riding in the passenger seat, going down the highway. Not one hiccup till we got WAY out in the country. If it is able to stream full-length television shows without buffering out like crazy, it can't be all that bad. Maybe it is your particular area, man. I know speeds went to crap for a few months, but lately it has been much better all over my area.
I get 300 kb/s usually on Sprint at the same time I get 700 kb/s on AT&T.
Both are so low I don't even care anymore.
Hazelfoot said:
I get 300 kb/s usually on Sprint at the same time I get 700 kb/s on AT&T.
Both are so low I don't even care anymore.
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LOL, No 4G in St. Louis?
I haven't seen speeds that slow in awhile.
Me? Yeah I can say I'm satisfied, Great phones, great plans & price. And my data speed... It Just gets faster:
Noiro said:
LOL, No 4G in St. Louis?
I haven't seen speeds that slow in awhile.
Me? Yeah I can say I'm satisfied, Great phones, great plans & price. And my data speed... It Just gets faster:
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In my best cases, I have never seen anything close to that. I think once or twice I eclipsed 10kbps on 4g a while ago. Now I get 2-6 on 4G and about dialup usually on 3G. In the Minneapolis metro area.
I've been getting 15 mps down on 4g but I use speak easy thoe speedtest.net site is mest up over here
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Noiro said:
LOL, No 4G in St. Louis?
I haven't seen speeds that slow in awhile.
Me? Yeah I can say I'm satisfied, Great phones, great plans & price. And my data speed... It Just gets faster:
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where in Philly is this???? I see nothing close to that on 4G. Best I ever got was 3.5 mbs down
alaman68 said:
where in Philly is this???? I see nothing close to that on 4G. Best I ever got was 3.5 mbs down
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LOL I'm in Aston, PA. About 40 minutes south of Philly.
Noiro said:
LOL, No 4G in St. Louis?
I haven't seen speeds that slow in awhile.
Me? Yeah I can say I'm satisfied, Great phones, great plans & price. And my data speed... It Just gets faster:
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Dang that's fast for sprint 4g. Over here in SD in the sdsu college only place to get 4g I get about 10m and 1.2 down. But we don't have 4g completely around SD.
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I have never had a problem with Sprint either. Sure, some reps aren't as good as others...but you will see that on all carriers. I have had my EVO replaced a few times and it's been very easy and painless. I don't plan on switching carriers any time soon.
alaman68 said:
not only did I save over $100 / month moving to sprint from verizon, but I have a better phone, and have dropped less calls. I think a lot of the sprint hate is very unwarranted
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There always will be haters.
Sprint has been pretty good with me and the costumer service and voice service is pretty good, my complaint is the data service was very good in my area 6 months ago but now is crappy, I have good coverage full bars most of my town but the data is way too slow and I don't have 4G so the $10 premium for the data is bs..... they don't want to fix it and now with the nexus s and the evo 3D is going to get worst.
Sent from my EVO Cannibal! !!
winderg said:
There always will be haters.
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The only way I make a call that won't drop is by rooting my phone and using the roam control app. Wtf sprint? Why cant we get the strong signal on the sprint network that we get from roaming?
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blackdragon79 said:
The only way I make a call that won't drop is by rooting my phone and using the roam control app. Wtf sprint? Why cant we get the strong signal on the sprint network that we get from roaming?
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You realize that there is probably someone that has Verizon that does the same thing and is complaining about the same thing???
You aren't going to get perfect signal everywhere from any carrier.
blackdragon79 said:
The only way I make a call that won't drop is by rooting my phone and using the roam control app. Wtf sprint? Why cant we get the strong signal on the sprint network that we get from roaming?
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Milkman00 said:
You realize that there is probably someone that has Verizon that does the same thing and is complaining about the same thing???
You aren't going to get perfect signal everywhere from any carrier.
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Yeah, except Sprint was the last one in the spectrum pool, so they ended up with the 1900 mhz spectrum, which doesn't penetrate buildings and cars as well as the 800 mhz spectrum that the other folks are playing with. And don't get me started with the 2.5 gHz spectrum that WiMax is living on.
+1 on crap signal everywhere
+1 on the 1900 PCS band being garbage
+1 on 2.5 ghz being even worse
Higher the freq, higher the loss....
I carry an Epic, a Captivate and a 7" G-Tab. I keep my epic permanently roamed on Verizon for voice services, leave the tab on Sprint for unlimited data and the cappy is for work. Verizon by far has the best call quality and highest signal levels. Even when in a spot with full bars on all of them, big red calls sound the clearest.
Google Network Vision. Just be patient.
offtohavasu said:
Google Network Vision. Just be patient.
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What the hell is that? Source?
DangerZone1223 said:
What the hell is that? Source?
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DangerZone1223 said:
What the hell is that? Source?
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Network Vision is Sprint's attempt to become the most dependable (if not best) network by 2013. They're converting EACH of their towers to multinode frequencies. So, each tower's radius will be increased along with the amount of capacity it can handle. Those areas where you have1 bar should increase dramatically (and it should all be done by 2013-2014).
Overstew said:
Network Vision is Sprint's attempt to become the most dependable (if not best) network by 2013. They're converting EACH of their towers to multinode frequencies. So, each tower's radius will be increased along with the amount of capacity it can handle. Those areas where you have1 bar should increase dramatically (and it should all be done by 2013-2014).
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Cool I wish it be sooner tho lol.
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Esteway.619 said:
Cool I wish it be sooner tho lol.
Sent from my MIUI powered Nexus S 4g using XDA Premium App
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I'm excited about it! Sprint is also introducing an enhanced 1x/3G technology (EvDo B) which is supposed to have speeds equal to or greater than WiMax (greater than 19mbps.)
Overstew said:
Network Vision is Sprint's attempt to become the most dependable (if not best) network by 2013. They're converting EACH of their towers to multinode frequencies. So, each tower's radius will be increased along with the amount of capacity it can handle. Those areas where you have1 bar should increase dramatically (and it should all be done by 2013-2014).
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I can appreciate what they're doing to fix this problem and I appreciate you giving this info. But like I said in a similar conversation yesterday, I can't wait until 2013 to make a reliable phone call. Patience is one thing, but waiting 2 years to make a phone call from my desk is a bit much. Once winter hits I won't want to go stand in freezing tempretures to save 20 bucks a month on my phone bill.
Edit: I know this pic is blurry, but it shows 1 bar of Sprint vs full bars of AT&T. If AT&T can make it in here, I deserve at least 2 or 3 bars from Sprint damnit!
Overstew said:
I'm excited about it! Sprint is also introducing an enhanced 1x/3G technology (EvDo B) which is supposed to have speeds equal to or greater than WiMax (greater than 19mbps.)
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Verizon was gonna roll out rev b. Vut then sprint jumped the gun and threatened them with wimax lol i dont think rev b is faster than wimax...but prolly somewhere near
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A_Flying_Fox said:
Verizon was gonna roll out rev b. Vut then sprint jumped the gun and threatened them with wimax lol i dont think rev b is faster than wimax...but prolly somewhere near
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The most I've ever hit was 11 mbps on Wimax. Maybe it's because I'm sharing the network, though.
Overstew said:
The most I've ever hit was 11 mbps on Wimax. Maybe it's because I'm sharing the network, though.
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Its because they're rate limiting it...
I was in a building today where the opposite is true. Zero service from Verizon and 4 bars from Sprint. It just seems funny to me when people make these complaints. If you don't get service where you spend a majority of your time, you picked the wrong provider. If AT&T was the only company that had good service where I live, i'd be paying a lot more for cell service. Fortunately for me, all the major providers are pretty equal in Portland, so I can go cheap lol
Specialksg1 said:
I was in a building today where the opposite is true. Zero service from Verizon and 4 bars from Sprint. It just seems funny to me when people make these complaints. If you don't get service where you spend a majority of your time, you picked the wrong provider. If AT&T was the only company that had good service where I live, i'd be paying a lot more for cell service. Fortunately for me, all the major providers are pretty equal in Portland, so I can go cheap lol
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I dont get service in my house. I step RIGHT out the door, BOOM im drowning in spectrum. Come in, no service. Lol im sure my walls arent made of led since i get full service roaming on verizon.
I hope with network vision, they really up the building penetration of atleast 3g. I also get 1 bar of 4g with the random reconnect (which i dont blame it on...im lucky it catches the signal at all!) and 0-1 bars of Sprint (all g's) lol
when i head upstairs...i get all bars everything. just my part of the house is whack
Overstew said:
The most I've ever hit was 11 mbps on Wimax. Maybe it's because I'm sharing the network, though.
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thats the most ive hit too lol so that immediately screams "CAP!" to me lol.
but nah sprint was gonna have rev b a long time ago as well but decided against it. I think the max was only 6mbs or something. Source where its capable of 19mbs please? (just curious cuz rev b interested me since i found out about it the day i got my hero...)
A_Flying_Fox said:
thats the most ive hit too lol so that immediately screams "CAP!" to me lol.
but nah sprint was gonna have rev b a long time ago as well but decided against it. I think the max was only 6mbs or something. Source where its capable of 19mbs please? (just curious cuz rev b interested me since i found out about it the day i got my hero...)
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A_Flying_Fox said:
I dont get service in my house. I step RIGHT out the door, BOOM im drowning in spectrum. Come in, no service. Lol im sure my walls arent made of led since i get full service roaming on verizon.
I hope with network vision, they really up the building penetration of atleast 3g. I also get 1 bar of 4g with the random reconnect (which i dont blame it on...im lucky it catches the signal at all!) and 0-1 bars of Sprint (all g's) lol
when i head upstairs...i get all bars everything. just my part of the house is whack
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Hey, I'm all for improved penetration ... wait, what were we talking about??
A_Flying_Fox said:
I hope with network vision, they really up the building penetration of atleast 3g.
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I don't think that will be possible. The part of the 3G spectrum Sprint owns is not very good at penetrating buildings. The best you could hope for is that with a stronger signal strength they'll be able to compensate for that technical limitation, but it won't be as good as what other carriers offer in terms of building penetration.
All I heard was how sprints network is getting fast and blah blah blah but has anyone seen speeds that are actually faster? Mid Ga doesn't seem any better. I looked at the sight and see upgrades being done but I can't tell at all. Am I crazy or am I getting ransacked
Put in your zipcode to see recent and planned local upgrades.
Is that the site you've used?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I've been on sprint for like 15 years... Sprint sucks! All i here is they are getting better, more towers bla bla bla.. I would rather be data throttled than have no signal... I have to June i believe than i jump ship... Sorry I'm not trolling i just felt my blood pressure rise...
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troyolson92 said:
I've been on sprint for like 15 years... Sprint sucks! All i here is they are getting better, more towers bla bla bla.. I would rather be data throttled than have no signal... I have to June i believe than i jump ship... Sorry I'm not trolling i just felt my blood pressure rise...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Hey man we all have opinions and freedom to do whatever we want ...
austin420 said:
Put in your zipcode to see recent and planned local upgrades.
Is that the site you've used?
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Same place. They show upgrades happening but I don't see it. Its frustrating. I have 6 towers near me and get pathetic to OK coverage on base, but off bade its pretty good. Problem is I used to be on Verizon and they are strong in my area. I hate to switch back but I been w spring almost 2 years now, my wife has been w them 7 years. I am pretty close to cancelling this and moving on. I really like sprints line of phones but w 3 lines, I feel I can do better unless they have real changes they are making. I am holding on to the hold of the 800mhz I have seen floating around and was under the impression that that's what network vision was bringing me. Now 5 months after talk of it...still no great data. When everyone on Verizon is sucking data slam up. A consistent 1mb where ever I go isn't extreme to me when that's pretty much how Verizon treated me years ago. Now all my Verizon friends at seeing 2+mb
Same here...they upgrade some sites but nothing gets better. Even tech support said they upgraded one tower and was able to give me details. Still sub 100 kilobit speeds from this tower.
Well according to sprint next month I should have better service... needless to say if I dont see any difference then I'm gone cause I work 50+ hours a week and have no service wat so ever so if no improve bye bye sprint
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Where I live it's a struggle to get over 100 kbit on the 3g and 1 mbit on the 4g when it's available but It is better than AT&T.
Sprint unlimited is a joke, it's like offering unlimited mileage on an auto lease and then you find out it's a yugo that can't go much faster than 1 mph.
I can't break 1 gig a month because the data rates are so slow.
My plan is to drop sprint when my contract is up. You can sign a new contact and get cheaper prices on high end phones.
Wow 100kb? Yuck, I would have left them long ago. Hell, I roam at 130kb! I know sorta because I work on an air force base and in some spots data is non existent. I may ride it out until June...if it isn't happening, I have to leave sprint. Too bad they don't read forums haha. Hurry up Sprint! Stop buying iPhones and buy some damn towers!
stkiswr said:
Wow 100kb? Yuck, I would have left them long ago. Hell, I roam at 130kb! I know sorta because I work on an air force base and in some spots data is non existent. I may ride it out until June...if it isn't happening, I have to leave sprint. Too bad they don't read forums haha. Hurry up Sprint! Stop buying iPhones and buy some damn towers!
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That is about the speed I get too most of the time, damn right, 14 billion to bog down your network some more, real winning company... **** the iPhone anyways...
I noticed my 4g signal ha become stronger over the past six months. This week I found I no longer lose 4g in the backroom at work and my 3g has started working a tad more in areas there was once none. Overall speed is the same just more coverage.
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R3537L1F3 said:
I noticed my 4g signal ha become stronger over the past six months. This week I found I no longer lose 4g in the backroom at work and my 3g has started working a tad more in areas there was once none. Overall speed is the same just more coverage.
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That's positive. Hopefully something will come to my area soon . I was fishing for feedback. I do like sprints price. And have always had voice coverage, hopefully data coverage expands here
Its all about location. Sprint service isn't that bad guys.... I get great service in Omaha, NE .. however... 4g is virtually non-existent, which is retarded considering im required to pay for it. I have had verizon, alltel (when it existed), StraightTalk, AT&T.... I would say Sprint and StraightTalk (YES STRAIGHT TALK) provided the best service for me in terms of dropped calls and data. AT&T is a joke.
When I was using straight talk I had their nokia smart phone....if I recall correctly.... im pretty sure their 3g service ran off verizon towers, im not sure though.
A tower was marked recently as having recieved a data speed upgrade within the past 6 months near my niece's high school. We were there for a basketball game, 6pm to about 8pm at night on thursday. I did a speed test and saw 1200kbps. I was impressed. By my house it is still 200-300kbps at times dipping down to less than 100 or in the middle of the night peaking around 450.
From the looks of things the upgrades should be heading towards towers in my area soon. I am curious to see how it goes, as I would love to get better 3g speeds. I have some crappy 4g right now but its so spotty and the battery drain so significant 4g is just pointless to me.
Is there a site like this for Verizon? In case someone would like to (hypothetically) change prl's and force roam to Verizon in certain areas? It would be handy to know.
austin420 said:
Put in your zipcode to see recent and planned local upgrades.
Is that the site you've used?
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3G is gotten lil better.
Better where I am at. Nothing like what I would like but better.... on the funny side, My brother is staying with us and he has Verizon, talk about slow service in this area. You can cry and ***** all you want, all carriers will have problems. Why not over pay for them. lol
Mines slower. After the EL30 update. Modem issues thou. I hope not, I like the latest and greatest.
I live in Los Angeles. I've noticed my 4g improve in reliability, but decrease in speed.
My 3g is abysmal. Like, almost worthless. Once in a blue moon I'll get 200+ kb/s, but usually it is sub 100.
Calls/texts are generally fine though.
I'm not seeing a huge problem with Sprint, I did 3 tests like this and they all came out roughly this fast. I live in the Twin Cities in Minnesota and I can stream Pandora without any interruptions back and forth from my 40 min commute. When I head to my dads place (its 3 hours away in the middle of nowhere) I can still stream Pandora basically skipless the whole way. I hardly ever use 4g though since its a battery suck and overkill 99% of the time, and it doesn't reach into my apartment . I also don't roam very often, automatic system select rarely works with data without some fiddling. I only use roaming at my dad's house since verizon is the only provider out there. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with Sprint
I can't connect to 4G and I'm right next to a Wimax tower. ;/
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Not for another year or so... tower could be down...
So they a completely saying screw you to all the so called 4g phones even though for what 2 years we have been paying a extra 10 bucks per line?
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zacnking said:
So they a completely saying screw you to all the so called 4g phones even though for what 2 years we have been paying a extra 10 bucks per line?
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What? First off iPhone has no 4G and they pay the premium data charge too. You don't like it go pay $50 for the 5GB cap on AT&T. Second off Wimax will be around until at least 2015 with the current Clear unlimited use contract Sprint has. They may negotiate a usage contract after that if there are still enough Imax users out there. Sprint is putting all there efforts into expanding their 3G and 4GLTE.
If you have no 4G today op it is most likely a tower down for repair or upgrade.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
It was being wonky in Baltimore,Maryland yesterday. On a somewhat related note, how far is the range of a WiMAX tower? When I get WiMAX on the highway, I'm assuming through highway towers, 4G jumps in and out to the point where it's better to turn it off and let the retarded phone jump from 3G to 1x over and over because 4G drops to 3G at least every minute and can't be guaranteed to come back. I wouldn't really mind if they killed WiMAX towers. I don't get it at home and from what I can tell it's complete **** for people who can get it. I went to NYC for a weekend expecting the city to be blanketed in nice 4G goodness. Speeds were about 1.5x 3G and coverage was horrid.
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Tomcat5 said:
It was being wonky in Baltimore,Maryland yesterday. On a somewhat related note, how far is the range of a WiMAX tower? When I get WiMAX on the highway, I'm assuming through highway towers, 4G jumps in and out to the point where it's better to turn it off and let the retarded phone jump from 3G to 1x over and over because 4G drops to 3G at least every minute and can't be guaranteed to come back. I wouldn't really mind if they killed WiMAX towers. I don't get it at home and from what I can tell it's complete **** for people who can get it. I went to NYC for a weekend expecting the city to be blanketed in nice 4G goodness. Speeds were about 1.5x 3G and coverage was horrid.
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Sounds like Sprint service in MN. Praying LTE turns it around and their promised 3G speed increase gets here sooner than later. My brother gets 25 mb down on VZW LTE.
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Tomcat5 said:
It was being wonky in Baltimore,Maryland yesterday. On a somewhat related note, how far is the range of a WiMAX tower? When I get WiMAX on the highway, I'm assuming through highway towers, 4G jumps in and out to the point where it's better to turn it off and let the retarded phone jump from 3G to 1x over and over because 4G drops to 3G at least every minute and can't be guaranteed to come back. I wouldn't really mind if they killed WiMAX towers. I don't get it at home and from what I can tell it's complete **** for people who can get it. I went to NYC for a weekend expecting the city to be blanketed in nice 4G goodness. Speeds were about 1.5x 3G and coverage was horrid.
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I get 9 mb down consistently on 4g.. some spots are horrible, but others get prety decent speed on wimx...
flastnoles11 said:
I get 9 mb down consistently on 4g.. some spots are horrible, but others get prety decent speed on wimx...
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I can see a Wimax tower from my house, about 1000' away. Still have to go outside to use it and only get about 7 down.
I walk on toilet paper cuz I'm the s###!
frostedunit said:
I can see a Wimax tower from my house, about 1000' away. Still have to go outside to use it and only get about 7 down.
I walk on toilet paper cuz I'm the s###!
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I wouldn't call 7 down great, but I wouldn't call it bad either..
flastnoles11 said:
I wouldn't call 7 down great, but I wouldn't call it bad either..
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Wouldn't call it the 23 my buddy gets with Verizon.
I walk on toilet paper cuz I'm the s###!
flastnoles11 said:
I wouldn't call 7 down great, but I wouldn't call it bad either..
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Wimax's maximum potential is 10 mbs... so 70% of the maximum potential isn't great?
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styles420 said:
Wimax's maximum potential is 10 mbs... so 70% of the maximum potential isn't great?
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Was unaware that Wimax only went to 10. If the numbers between Wimax and LTE were as different then as they are today, I can only wonder if Dan Hesse knows how to read.
I walk on toilet paper cuz I'm the s###!
frostedunit said:
Wouldn't call it the 23 my buddy gets with Verizon.
I walk on toilet paper cuz I'm the s###!
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Dude! That's slow compared to my experience with Verizon LTE. My city is fortunate to have steady cell signal but otherwise it's a small hick town that carriers don't care about. My VZW friend get 30 to 40 Mbps down on LTE. Closest WiMAX is an hour and a half away.
And... Why the hell would Sprint sign a contract with a technology that makes out at 1/4 of the technology Verizon was working on? Or is it that the bastards cap us?
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So back to Wimax being shut down...
Sprint will have wimax working for the life of your phone. Even if they and Clear both switch to LTE, and even if they have to extend their contract with Clear to do it.
Just look at how long they kept iden functioning, long after they stopped selling the phones. Wimax will be very much the same.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I have got pretty decent 4G speeds in Baltimore, but not so much in DC.
Still, it has never been a real concern for me, as I use WiFi at the 2 places I go most, and 3G has actually been rather stable for me in both DC and Baltimore.
Like so many have said... its all... location, location, location...
You are correct, DC. I travel extensively for my job, and I see major differences in each city. And, the Epic being such a complex unit, it probably varies phone-to-phone. I'm gling to Cleveland today and tomorrow, and I have historically always had the fastest and best 4G connections in Cle. Likewise, in New York, I sputter and strain on 4G. Home in Orlando, its 5 minutes on, 5 minutes off.
If they are just turning off the lights on iDEN now, I'll bet we see WiMax for several more years. Think of all those OG Evo's they sold on opening day in June 2010.....
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Ha, it's funny you mention it, but I noticed a stronger 4G connection in Tampa yesterday. I was in the same spot I always am when using 4G and I was getting a faster speed. I even when inside, where I normally don't get 4G and got a lock.
Still 4g where I live pretty close to Baltimore. Waiting for LTE here to upgrade.
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Tomcat5 said:
And... Why the hell would Sprint sign a contract with a technology that makes out at 1/4 of the technology Verizon was working on? Or is it that the bastards cap us?
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Yes, because Sprint looked into the future to see what technology their competitors would eventually use, and made sure to pick a slower one... it definitely didn't have anything to do with the fact that wimax was deployed months before lte, or the forward-flowing direction of time
But on a serious note, back when Sprint chose which tech to invest in, early reports indicated that wimax had better buildng penetration (relative to the power input). What good is a fast data connection that you have to go outside to use it? Sprint went with the best option for their budget, so they could provide a 4G connection without losing their competitive pricing (or their profit - it likely would have been one or the other, with the same long-term result)
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Kind of off topic but with lte will it be the same lte for all service providers or is the frequency different for each company?
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