Audio jack connector bad contact - Galaxy 3 General

This post is to share my experience with the audio jack connector of my Galaxy 3.
The connector had a bad contact for a while. I had to hold the jack in a certain angle to have audio in both ears.
I wanted to buy a new connector, but I could not disassemble the phone completely, so I did not order one.
The solution what helped was that I sprayed a Teflon spray on the earphone connector and connected it to the galaxy 3's jack. And voila, now it perfectly works. The reason I did not spray in directly, that this way I could ensure that only a little lubricant got into the phone.
This little hack saved me around 10 bucks.
I did not find any fixya or whatsoever for the galaxy 3 jack, so I though I post this here.
BTW: this 10 min posts to get into the developer section is such a ####. I just did not want to write meaningless things in here, so I could answer people meaningful stuff.

Strange...I have the same issue. I'm using a set of kind of expensive Denon earbuds , with the slightest touch the volume will drop and headphones will play in mono...totally unusable.
Strange thing is that the stock Samsung Headphones that came with the phone work flawlessly. Even when jiggled around they continue to work in stereo.
The Denons are 2 ring (3 contacts) and the Samsung's are 3 ring (4 contacts)...
Do you think this solution would fix my problem or is it a separate issue? Would I need a 4 contact extension to work with my Denons??
Thanks for any advice!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA


broken headphone jack?

I've tried this in 2 XDA II's. I put my headphones it one and it works but you cant hear it and you have to hit the cap around a little for it to get sound for a slip second. I put my headphones in another XDA II and it works fine.. So obviously there is something wrong with this XDA II's headphone jack. The rubber cover to the headphone jack is missing, would this have any effect on it?
When I put it in the broken headphone jacked PDA when I insert the headphones in it makes a crinkle noise from me pushing it in. The other XDA II goes in smoothly. =/
Rubber cap doesn't change anything (apart from stopping rubbish from getting into connector )
What you described is a case of worn out connector (in PDA).
It happens sometimes. Jack type connector aren't so tough, especially when you plug in and out often.
If you dismantle Blueangel, you'll have clear view of connector body soldered to PDA's mainboard.
You can do it. You can let somebody do it. Or You can leave it to professionals.
The connector needs to be replaced (very cheap part).
Maybe it's enough to bend metal terminals inside a little. A person who does hardware will know.
There's a optimistic version though.
Maybe only cleaning the terminals would do for you (I doubt it though).
It can be done without opening BA.
I'd recommend using some special spray (for cleaning electrical contact metals). Ask in electronic parts shop.
Good luck.
I ment my XDA II, not XDA IIs, lol. I have no expierence with opening the phone but I am good with electronics, but I don't know exactly what I'm looking for =/. I think I might just buy the HT820's Bluetooth headset, that would solve my problem overall.
Faulty socket repair...
Hey guys,
I have the same problem as above (crackling sound through headset) and the O2 service centre said it would cost £97 to fix.
But just did a web search and found a small company in London that said they can fix it (within 2 hours!!!!) for only £30!!!!
Im off to get it sorted so I'll let you know how it all went!!!
Richie Rich.
Mine wasn't like this until I bought it. I bought it from a friend for only $100USD because I'm very good friends with him, it works fine perfectly but the only problem is the headphones don't work in it (any headphones) and he knows there is something wrong with the jack, it wasn't like this until recently it happened. It's cheap to fix probably... but I'd rather just buy the HT820 bluetooth headset, its a good replacement instead of having to send in the PDA to fix a little headphone jack port I wont be ever using sooner or later.
but hey if that place fixes your phone, reply to this topic I want to know!
Headset Jack
I had this exact same problem in the past.
The headset would crack and go out every once in a while, sometimes I would have to move it around in order to get any sound at all.
I didn't do anything about it until it completely broke off, yes the inside plastic connected to the motherboard broke...
So I went to open it up, its not that hard, just a few screws, but I had to buy a torax screw driver (not that expensive)
I was also a bit shy about opening it, but I found this post:
you wont have to open it all the way up... just pulling the back cover off, then you will see the headset jack,
If it isn't broken or cracked then your solution would just be to take the metal connectors and a flathead screwdriver, and bend them,
Don’t bend the metal connectors too much so you can’t put a headset in, but just enough where there is definite connection around the headset,
You might want to put a headset in and see the dimensions before you close it (to save you from opening it up again)
You might want to clean the metal if it is dirty, ether with a dab of eyeglass cleaner on a soft cloth (eyeglass cleaner works well with electronics, due to the alcohol that evaporates)
Although if the metal is encrusted or rusty, you might want to take a small strip of sandpaper, or some abrasive object, but don’t rub too hard or you'll take them off!
Don’t worry too much about opening your device up; it is not hard, just open it with caution.
Good luck!
imablackhat, hi, did u mean that ht820 can output sound from media player & every sound from xda2? my current BT is bluetrek G2 and as far as i'm using it for talking only. how many hours the batt can last if we continously hear musics?
its 17 hours of music,, search HT820, its the headset. I'm considering buying it for cheaper on eBay.

Himalaya loudspeaker-sound lost, headphone-sound ok

I lost the loudspeaker-sound in my Himalya. It works using headphones. I think it may have to do with another set of headphone I connected to it, which was not original. Perhaps it put the device on permanent headphone mode. But then again it might not have anything to do with that.
Is there a Himalaya expert in Berlin - Germany who might be able to help me with it? I dread having to send it to the official reapir center, as I expect it to cost a neck and a hand.
Happened to me when I received a call whilst listening to music. I pulled the headphones out before answering the call, and then answered it. I could here them but they cvouldn't hear me. If you plug the headphones in again and remove them it solves the problem. Well it did for me anyway
I tried that. I doesn't do it. It doesn't matter what kind of sound, if Media Player file is played of phone ringing, only the headphones work. I think I need a dotor.
I have read a lot about the problem in others threads. It seems the headphone-jack can get stuck, not making a contact, which normally is being made and which turns the XDA back to speaker mode, when the headphone-jack is pulled out. Hereto:
1- What does that mean exactely? Which part is that, in what part in the on-board jack? If it had been bent out of place, is it possible to bend the part pack (at best without having to disassemble)? (I tried the ramming in and out, no go).
2- I looked at the non-original jack I had used and it is about 2 mm longer than the original. Might perhaps that explain it? Is there a part in the back that could have been bent out of place?
3- If indeed this was the problem (if the jack had been bent out of place, one way or another), would the microphone work? I can record using the dictaphone and the micophone also works during a call.
When we had himalaya's it happened to both of our devices (my wife and I had one each).
It appears the spring in the speaker can come loose. I used to bang mine (pardon the pun) on my palm and sometimes it would start to work. Then we broke the speaker protection shield, and this made it easier sometimes and hard to fix in others.
When I sold it, my friend took it apart as it was out of warranty, and as he is electrically minded, he find the dodgy bit, and soldered it to the device, and now works perfectly.
Yes! Thanks Jasjar. It worked after a bit of beating.
I found a detailed instruction of how to fix it permanently in another thread. Sounds complicated and dangerous but eventually I must do it.
ran2far said:
I have read a lot about the problem in others threads. It seems the headphone-jack can get stuck, not making a contact, which normally is being made and which turns the XDA back to speaker mode, when the headphone-jack is pulled out.
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Sorry for kicking the topic, but this was the solution for me. I just poked in the headphone-jack with a little stick and tataaaa... my sound is back!
Sound lost problem
Hi all,
same happen to me, the sound stoped working (on my side it had nothing to do with the phone jack).
After the modifaication which is described in this forum i had still the same problem so i solder the loud speaker directly - still same problem...
After some time i flashed the device again, now it works, so on my side it was a software problem...
The device was 3 month out of power, but i think remove the battery and if the sound appears on startup (on first boot) but later not, then flash the os and it will work ...
XDA 2 sound problem...
Plese help me!
I have strange problem with my XDA 2.
I bough it 2 days ago. It was in O2 network.
Now when I unlocked it for my network (polish ERA-GSM) I saw that when I'm calling I cant hear anything. Person from the other sight can't hear me too..
XDA have sound becose I used media-player ando other sound stuff, thats why I think that speaker is ok. Microphone is ok too becose I can record animations with sound.
So what should I do now? ;/
Plese help...
Just for reference:
A friend of mine had this 2020, and both Speakerphone and mic were not working.
When somebody called, the ringtone DID sound.
Anyway, bluetooth handsfree worked fine.
All we did was play with the jack, using the stylus! Not even headphones...
And now it works fine!
He says he'll never put phones on it again... lol
cu around!
Looking for more Info
Hi, please help me find which points in the MDAII Motherboard can I solder to disable the headphones and get the audio and mic back to the MDA.
After a while my headphone-jack is broken from the motherboard and now I only have the pin outs in it.
The device is working perfect, and I can use bluetooth headphones. I just don't have audio in the speaker and no mic without bluetooth.
I hope someone can tell me which of the red points en the picture can I solder to disable the headphones.
I just want to do this temporally until I get a replacement spare part for it.
EDIT: 12-12-2007
I got it. Just joining 1 and 3 and you will get audio back to the PDA disabling the headphones jack.
Thanks anyways for reading this..
Did you find out what all the mboard pins are for the jack?
I have a dodgy jack and would like to take flying leads of the mboard jack to an external (easily changed) inline jack. Does any know what the 1 to 6 pins correlate to. I would like to still switch the audio via the external jack. Not bothered about the mic.

Jack output no sound

Hy. I have such a problem that if i plug in a headset to the jack output i have no sound. But if i unplug it, the speakers are ok. I have given in the phone for repairment, but they said it has no hardware problem. So what? I don't think it could be a softver problem because i have reflashed it for a million thimes after this. Can someone please help me?
I have reverse problem. I have sound in headphones, but no sound on external input/output. Except phone rings. Like headphones is always plugged in. It began after using usual 3-contact headphone jack (instead of 4-contact HP with mic). I have no idea what could it be (looks like a short circuit, but don't looks like one)... need extra help! Can't use my mobile phone and it's vital for me.
For sunnyRio there are two possibilities, one is the headphones, you might wel have a pair of broken headphones, try connecting them to another audio source (CD, mp3, computer, etc.), if they are ok then you could have a "strange" kind of hardware failure, I've repaired lots of stuff in more than two decades of work and I've seen the strangest things...
Your headphones connector might be "dirt" inside, it might be suffering from a false contact (very likely if you do plug and un-plug your headphones a lot), this false contact can be very hard to see, I even found a connector that has its pins broken between the PCB (printed circuit board and the connector itself), this was a tough one, this device (was a walkman) have passed by several repair shops first, the only way of figuring out was by desolding the connector.
Generally, inside the headphones connector there's a switch that disconnects the speakers while the headphones are plugged, once you unplug the headphones the speakers come alive again, this switch can even be a "simple" switch, one throw, one contact and can be switching some electronic analog switch, however, it could be necessary to take it to a very good technician to get it repaired, if you want to send it to Italy...
For alexkass84, the front speakers are not responsible for the phone rings, there's another speaker doing that noise.
Your problem could easily be a simple variation from that of SunnyRio or it could the speakers, same treatment applies in your case.
If any of you are relatively confident with electronics you might even tempt yourselves, look for the service manual in the wiki and go for it.
good luck!
kecido said:
For sunnyRio there are two possibilities, one is the headphones, you might wel have a pair of broken headphones, try connecting them to another audio source (CD, mp3, computer, etc.), if they are ok then you could have a "strange" kind of hardware failure, I've repaired lots of stuff in more than two decades of work and I've seen the strangest things...
Your headphones connector might be "dirt" inside, it might be suffering from a false contact (very likely if you do plug and un-plug your headphones a lot), this false contact can be very hard to see, I even found a connector that has its pins broken between the PCB (printed circuit board and the connector itself), this was a tough one, this device (was a walkman) have passed by several repair shops first, the only way of figuring out was by desolding the connector.
Generally, inside the headphones connector there's a switch that disconnects the speakers while the headphones are plugged, once you unplug the headphones the speakers come alive again, this switch can even be a "simple" switch, one throw, one contact and can be switching some electronic analog switch, however, it could be necessary to take it to a very good technician to get it repaired, if you want to send it to Italy...
For alexkass84, the front speakers are not responsible for the phone rings, there's another speaker doing that noise.
Your problem could easily be a simple variation from that of SunnyRio or it could the speakers, same treatment applies in your case.
If any of you are relatively confident with electronics you might even tempt yourselves, look for the service manual in the wiki and go for it.
good luck!
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I had the same problem few days ago ... and I also noticed that when I pressed the keboard with a little pressure, sound started working again. But whenever I inserted the headphones and pulled out after the use .. there was again .. No sound !
After few days when I had to change the SIM Card, I noticed that the battery was not fixed properly and after fixing the battery properly again, my problem never existed !
Try and let me know please
That wasn't battery. I'm often used to change batteries (I have two in case of uncharging), so I didn't observed such an effect (tried also to sqeeze keyboard).
So I bet it's the jack contacts. I need ideas how to clean it without disassembling the device (I don't have heeded screwdriver and havo no wish to give it in other hands). Also I couldn't find spare jack for 4-contacts same the headphones with mic. I didn't solved BT problem, so I can't use my Jabra 620 well (mostly I listening to music).
Now I have WM5 and gonna try broadcomm BT stack. Have anyone tested stack for A2DP with WM5? Can you give a link?

Problem with the Note and it's headphones

I have been searching for this problem, but can't find anything about it.
Theres a problem with my Galaxy Note headphones. Every time i plug them in the Note, the audio is really bad, kinda like it only sends half of the music out, and I can normally only hear the music, and then the voice in the song is really really low.
But when I press the button on the headphones it works completely like it should, but I have to keep pressing the button. So if i stop pressing it, the audio gets really bad again.
Does it have anything to do, that I jailbreaked the phone with the Abyssnote kernel?
Did they worked properly before you flashed the kernel?
Maybe the headphones are just broken?
That's what I can't remember
Is there a way to reinstall the stock kernel?
Sorry for being a newbie..
Have you tried other headphones to see if its the Note or the headphones?
Your headphones are broken.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
This has happened to me several times now. Pushing the jack harder and/or rotating it helps in my case.
Probably broken plug. Unfortunately many samsung's heaphones arrive broken...
Sounds like the pin alignment is in the wrong. What brand headphones and what were the made for? Try other headphones. I have a set of Nokia headphones that don't work on an iPhone or the note but work great on my Booklet netbook. Just saying, headphones with mics are not universal.
I own 20 nokia headphones. All had this issue.
normally i only get this issue when i havent pushed the plug all the way into the socket.
Same Issue w/AT&T Version
I purchased two G Note's back in March, and I am just now finding out four days ago that both devices will not allow the Headphone jack to completely be inserted into the port at the top of the phone. When inserted, although not properly seated all the way inside the device, you can hear sound in one side, and if you apply pressure downward you can hear both sides. I told AT&T I don't care that you have not heard of this problem, and what are you going to do about it. After taking my devices to two AT&T Retail Stores and a Best Buy, which is an Authorized Retailer, they all told me I may have defective devices. After being on the phone with AT&T CS Rep, 73 minutes the Rep comes back and says her Supervisor said it's not a warranty issues and not to replace me devices. I said let me talk to the buffon. Guess what, he/she never came to the phone to talk with me, so the CS Rep said she was going to put the Warranty Replacements through anyway. I have tried Samsung, Sony, and Philips Headphones, all of which are 3.5mm and a male-to-male audio jack to listen to my music in my car and this is when I discovered the problem. When at AT&T and Best Buy my Headphones fit into their display models without any problems, and so with their own Headphones. But when AT&T and Best Buy tried THEIR Headphones they would not fit into my phones. So at the moment, I am waiting on my replacement devices and hopefully those will be ok.
So I don't believe it has anything to do with your jailbroken phone or a kernel issue.
Do the headphones work?
I suggest you try to use the headphones with someother device. MP3player, desktop, TV.
See if they work OK with those.
I also suggest you try a different set of headphones with the Note and see if those work.
AW: Problem with the Note and it's headphones
I'm going to go way outside the normal thought process. Do you ever carry your phone in your jeans pocket? I've actually experienced a couple times where the lint in my pockets got into the headphone jack hole and it would do what has been described in previous posts about the jack not seating properly. Forcing the jack in, only compacted things further. I ended up spending a while with a needle and bent paperclip to get the stuff out. Get a good light and look inside. Maybe even compare what you see to another devise with a headphone jack. Good luck.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
unglued94ta said:
I'm going to go way outside the normal thought process. Do you ever carry your phone in your jeans pocket? I've actually experienced a couple times where the lint in my pockets got into the headphone jack hole and it would do what has been described in previous posts about the jack not seating properly. Forcing the jack in, only compacted things further. I ended up spending a while with a needle and bent paperclip to get the stuff out. Get a good light and look inside. Maybe even compare what you see to another devise with a headphone jack. Good luck.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
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This is true. I got one of those cheep screen pens with a rubber tip as it has a plastic thing to hold it in the Jack hole by athread. I use the plastic bit to plug the hole to stop lint & moisture
From box 13......
Never happened to me and i am still loving the out of the box headphones. Maybe urs broken..
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
had the same problem here:
It started with the same symptoms as you described, then (as a guy mentioned) I could make it working by turning the jack a little around when plugged in.
then Iost the left channel, then it stopped working.
went to the service: they replaced the whole input part (the internal audio in/out hardware) which sits right behind the 3,5 mm "headphone out".
Then it worked. However, I was curious to find out what had caused the malfunction. So I gave it to a Chinese friend (he has a repair shop for phones).
He found out that by plugging in "non compatible" head sets (probably my old Nokia one), which do have different sections at that pin for the remote control, I caused a short circuit to the audio hardware. We could simulate this on his computer, where he has a simulation software to control the current flow caused by head sets. So, If it is not your ROM (you said you are not on Stock) , you will have to replace your audio in/out at your service center.
hope this helps
greetings from Sichuan China

Soldering the headphone jack

Hello people,
I've finally had enough with the headphone problems many have reported, the distorted sound and triggering voice commands. I've previously swapped the jack with a new one(had to buy a whole mid frame) and now it's started doing it again, about a month later(the original one lasted just as long).
The issue is that this phone is huge and when using it in my pocket with the headphones on, it moves that jack with every step. This wouldn't be a problem if the jack was soldered on or at least wired to the board, but instead it's just placed on top.
So I've decided I want to solder it on. I'm a bit scared as I've never soldered to a pcb board... And I might desolder other items. I'm going to hone my skills first on some other broken devices, but at this point I'm pretty sure I'll do it in the end.
Has anyone else here done this? Want to watch me possibly destroy this otherwise great phone? Heh.
Dude you're nuts. Just go get some Bluetooth headphones, it's 2016!! I literally haven't used my headphone jack more than 3-4 times in the 4 months I've owned this phone.
Also, I'm pretty sure the headphone jack isn't soldered in specifically so that if the jack moves around a little it won't cause damage to the board. This is common on most/all phones. Soldering it down would be a TERRIBLE idea. You will likely damage your phone.
Why didn't you just send it in for warranty repair?
Sean89us said:
Dude you're nuts. Just go get some Bluetooth headphones, it's 2016!! I literally haven't used my headphone jack more than 3-4 times in the 4 months I've owned this phone.
Also, I'm pretty sure the headphone jack isn't soldered in specifically so that if the jack moves around a little it won't cause damage to the board. This is common on most/all phones. Soldering it down would be a TERRIBLE idea. You will likely damage your phone.
Why didn't you just send it in for warranty repair?
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Hi, I couldn't send it in because I unlocked it, which voided the manufacturer warranty. If I remember correctly on my old galaxy s4 it was plugged in with a cable, which was a much better solution. The reason my sound interrupts is because when it moves, it moves the pins on the board causing slight interruptions.
However the pins in the jack are long enough and soft enough that they would bend first instead of breaking the board.
And about Bluetooth headphones? I've bought 3 different sets, they either have huge controllers hanging and pulling on one side, or they are too big, or they're poor quality, I've spent more than I want to admit on different sets (see attachment).
So today I'm going to try and solder the jack, and throw this phone away if I break it and buy a small one, that doesn't put that much pressure on the jack in my pocket.
Stay tuned. I should take pictures.
No go
Well, it didn't work. I knew it would be hard to solder the little legs that where under the actual jack. Getting them all melted and touching before they cool down, without melting the plastic or the rubber around the jack was not possible in the end.
Only 2 of the 5 pads actually stuck together, and there was only a buzz coming from the headphones. I decided to open it again and remove the solder just in case something was shorted, I didn't want the sound chip to get toasted. My biggest mistake was leaving the glue on the jack, which stuck to the mid-frame. When I pulled that apart, the jack, with the two pads came with it.
I'm putting the pictures up if anyone wants to have a look at the mess, you can see in the first and second picture why my sound is interrupting: the pad is damaged from continuous friction.
The phone still works so I've lost nothing other than my time.
BTW, at the moment I'm using wired headphones to a Bluetooth adapter. Until they make smaller/lighter wireless headphones I'm stuck with this.
They got Bluetooth without the wire hanging thing that bugs ya (bugs me too) don't have a name or link right now but a quick Google search should pull them up
Ken C said:
They got Bluetooth without the wire hanging thing that bugs ya (bugs me too) don't have a name or link right now but a quick Google search should pull them up
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Yea, I saw Jordan Keyes review these ones. They are too much like having screws screwed in your ears. If they can get them smaller, and still have 2-3 hours battery, I'll be interested.
I am not sure how the LG Tone type of Bluetooth ear buds are any more intrusive than regular earbuds with a cord hanging down the side of your body! They definitely last a long time for me.
bv90andy said:
Yea, I saw Jordan Keyes review these ones. They are too much like having screws screwed in your ears. If they can get them smaller, and still have 2-3 hours battery, I'll be interested.
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How about these
Use this instead, it's a taotronics tt-br05 Bluetooth wireless receiver, you can plug your wired headphones in it and use Bluetooth instead of the 3.5mm plug.
Has play/pause and volume/track change buttons. Also has a mic for calls.
Search in Amazon.
Ken C said:
How about these View attachment 3865297
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They only have 1 hour battery before you have to plug them in the little tube to charge again. The battery technology isn't there yet.
kadopt said:
Use this instead, it's a taotronics tt-br05 Bluetooth wireless receiver, you can plug your wired headphones in it and use Bluetooth instead of the 3.5mm plug.
Has play/pause and volume/track change buttons. Also has a mic for calls.
Search in Amazon.
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I have actually been using this
Good option, but it wasn't great sound quality.
Anyway, I've bought a second hand Xperia z5 compact and use that now. The moto x style has become a in house tablet.

