Jack output no sound - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hy. I have such a problem that if i plug in a headset to the jack output i have no sound. But if i unplug it, the speakers are ok. I have given in the phone for repairment, but they said it has no hardware problem. So what? I don't think it could be a softver problem because i have reflashed it for a million thimes after this. Can someone please help me?

I have reverse problem. I have sound in headphones, but no sound on external input/output. Except phone rings. Like headphones is always plugged in. It began after using usual 3-contact headphone jack (instead of 4-contact HP with mic). I have no idea what could it be (looks like a short circuit, but don't looks like one)... need extra help! Can't use my mobile phone and it's vital for me.

For sunnyRio there are two possibilities, one is the headphones, you might wel have a pair of broken headphones, try connecting them to another audio source (CD, mp3, computer, etc.), if they are ok then you could have a "strange" kind of hardware failure, I've repaired lots of stuff in more than two decades of work and I've seen the strangest things...
Your headphones connector might be "dirt" inside, it might be suffering from a false contact (very likely if you do plug and un-plug your headphones a lot), this false contact can be very hard to see, I even found a connector that has its pins broken between the PCB (printed circuit board and the connector itself), this was a tough one, this device (was a walkman) have passed by several repair shops first, the only way of figuring out was by desolding the connector.
Generally, inside the headphones connector there's a switch that disconnects the speakers while the headphones are plugged, once you unplug the headphones the speakers come alive again, this switch can even be a "simple" switch, one throw, one contact and can be switching some electronic analog switch, however, it could be necessary to take it to a very good technician to get it repaired, if you want to send it to Italy...
For alexkass84, the front speakers are not responsible for the phone rings, there's another speaker doing that noise.
Your problem could easily be a simple variation from that of SunnyRio or it could the speakers, same treatment applies in your case.
If any of you are relatively confident with electronics you might even tempt yourselves, look for the service manual in the wiki and go for it.
good luck!

kecido said:
For sunnyRio there are two possibilities, one is the headphones, you might wel have a pair of broken headphones, try connecting them to another audio source (CD, mp3, computer, etc.), if they are ok then you could have a "strange" kind of hardware failure, I've repaired lots of stuff in more than two decades of work and I've seen the strangest things...
Your headphones connector might be "dirt" inside, it might be suffering from a false contact (very likely if you do plug and un-plug your headphones a lot), this false contact can be very hard to see, I even found a connector that has its pins broken between the PCB (printed circuit board and the connector itself), this was a tough one, this device (was a walkman) have passed by several repair shops first, the only way of figuring out was by desolding the connector.
Generally, inside the headphones connector there's a switch that disconnects the speakers while the headphones are plugged, once you unplug the headphones the speakers come alive again, this switch can even be a "simple" switch, one throw, one contact and can be switching some electronic analog switch, however, it could be necessary to take it to a very good technician to get it repaired, if you want to send it to Italy...
For alexkass84, the front speakers are not responsible for the phone rings, there's another speaker doing that noise.
Your problem could easily be a simple variation from that of SunnyRio or it could the speakers, same treatment applies in your case.
If any of you are relatively confident with electronics you might even tempt yourselves, look for the service manual in the wiki and go for it.
good luck!
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I had the same problem few days ago ... and I also noticed that when I pressed the keboard with a little pressure, sound started working again. But whenever I inserted the headphones and pulled out after the use .. there was again .. No sound !
After few days when I had to change the SIM Card, I noticed that the battery was not fixed properly and after fixing the battery properly again, my problem never existed !
Try and let me know please

That wasn't battery. I'm often used to change batteries (I have two in case of uncharging), so I didn't observed such an effect (tried also to sqeeze keyboard).
So I bet it's the jack contacts. I need ideas how to clean it without disassembling the device (I don't have heeded screwdriver and havo no wish to give it in other hands). Also I couldn't find spare jack for 4-contacts same the headphones with mic. I didn't solved BT problem, so I can't use my Jabra 620 well (mostly I listening to music).
Now I have WM5 and gonna try broadcomm BT stack. Have anyone tested stack for A2DP with WM5? Can you give a link?


broken headphone jack?

I've tried this in 2 XDA II's. I put my headphones it one and it works but you cant hear it and you have to hit the cap around a little for it to get sound for a slip second. I put my headphones in another XDA II and it works fine.. So obviously there is something wrong with this XDA II's headphone jack. The rubber cover to the headphone jack is missing, would this have any effect on it?
When I put it in the broken headphone jacked PDA when I insert the headphones in it makes a crinkle noise from me pushing it in. The other XDA II goes in smoothly. =/
Rubber cap doesn't change anything (apart from stopping rubbish from getting into connector )
What you described is a case of worn out connector (in PDA).
It happens sometimes. Jack type connector aren't so tough, especially when you plug in and out often.
If you dismantle Blueangel, you'll have clear view of connector body soldered to PDA's mainboard.
You can do it. You can let somebody do it. Or You can leave it to professionals.
The connector needs to be replaced (very cheap part).
Maybe it's enough to bend metal terminals inside a little. A person who does hardware will know.
There's a optimistic version though.
Maybe only cleaning the terminals would do for you (I doubt it though).
It can be done without opening BA.
I'd recommend using some special spray (for cleaning electrical contact metals). Ask in electronic parts shop.
Good luck.
I ment my XDA II, not XDA IIs, lol. I have no expierence with opening the phone but I am good with electronics, but I don't know exactly what I'm looking for =/. I think I might just buy the HT820's Bluetooth headset, that would solve my problem overall.
Faulty socket repair...
Hey guys,
I have the same problem as above (crackling sound through headset) and the O2 service centre said it would cost £97 to fix.
But just did a web search and found a small company in London that said they can fix it (within 2 hours!!!!) for only £30!!!!
Im off to get it sorted so I'll let you know how it all went!!!
Richie Rich.
Mine wasn't like this until I bought it. I bought it from a friend for only $100USD because I'm very good friends with him, it works fine perfectly but the only problem is the headphones don't work in it (any headphones) and he knows there is something wrong with the jack, it wasn't like this until recently it happened. It's cheap to fix probably... but I'd rather just buy the HT820 bluetooth headset, its a good replacement instead of having to send in the PDA to fix a little headphone jack port I wont be ever using sooner or later.
but hey if that place fixes your phone, reply to this topic I want to know!
Headset Jack
I had this exact same problem in the past.
The headset would crack and go out every once in a while, sometimes I would have to move it around in order to get any sound at all.
I didn't do anything about it until it completely broke off, yes the inside plastic connected to the motherboard broke...
So I went to open it up, its not that hard, just a few screws, but I had to buy a torax screw driver (not that expensive)
I was also a bit shy about opening it, but I found this post:
you wont have to open it all the way up... just pulling the back cover off, then you will see the headset jack,
If it isn't broken or cracked then your solution would just be to take the metal connectors and a flathead screwdriver, and bend them,
Don’t bend the metal connectors too much so you can’t put a headset in, but just enough where there is definite connection around the headset,
You might want to put a headset in and see the dimensions before you close it (to save you from opening it up again)
You might want to clean the metal if it is dirty, ether with a dab of eyeglass cleaner on a soft cloth (eyeglass cleaner works well with electronics, due to the alcohol that evaporates)
Although if the metal is encrusted or rusty, you might want to take a small strip of sandpaper, or some abrasive object, but don’t rub too hard or you'll take them off!
Don’t worry too much about opening your device up; it is not hard, just open it with caution.
Good luck!
imablackhat, hi, did u mean that ht820 can output sound from media player & every sound from xda2? my current BT is bluetrek G2 and as far as i'm using it for talking only. how many hours the batt can last if we continously hear musics?
its 17 hours of music, www.expansys.com, search HT820, its the headset. I'm considering buying it for cheaper on eBay.

Very Strange Audio Output problem on the 2.5mm Jack

I've noticed an audio output distortion of some frequencies when listening to music, in the sound coming out of the 2.5mm jack.
When the speakers on the device is used, there is no problem.
When I plug the headphone, there is sound output, I hear the music, but some frequencies are lowered so much that I can't hear the singers voice. When I unplug, the speakers work fine and I can hear the singer again.
In additon that, most of the background instruments can be heard as well as the backvocals, if they are female.
It's like the sound is being processed (like an equalizer) when I plug the headphone, some frequencies are lowered, given some echo, reverb etc.
I don't understand how this is possible. I am thinking of a hardware contact problem, but it's hard to believe if this is a hw problem.
I've tried two firmwares (2.16.x, and made hard reset also. No result.
Any ideas?
Note: I can try to actually record the sound tonight if anyone wants to hear.
Best regards,
maybe try a different headset first?....could be a short in the cable, because what you are describing is a phasing issue with the headset speakers......
Thanks for the response Kiru,
Just tried a different headset plugging it into my HAMA 2.5 --> 3.5 adapter. same result.
I will try the original headphone came with the Wizard. If the source of the problem is the HAMA adaptor, this should resolve it. (i hope it is)
Could you please elaborate on the "phasing issue" ?
fastguy said:
Could you please elaborate on the "phasing issue" ?
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Hmm....how can I explain.....Let's start with the speaker itself. A speaker has two terminals on it, one postive and one negative. What we want is to have the positve from the source (ie. Amplifier) to the positive terminal of the speaker, and the same for the negative. Since there is a pair of speakers, we want them to be hooked-up correctly. If hook-up correctly then the speakers are in phase with each other, and this is called constructive interference, hence in phase. When ONLY ONE of the speakers is hooked-up backwards, we call this destructive interference, hence being out of phase. Being out of phase causes frequencies to cancel or sound muffled. Hope you kind of get what I mean, but I highly doubt that this is the problem with headphones because heaphones nowadays rarely get manufactured with this problem. This is just the electrical part of phasing. Also, you can have one speaker, and it could sound out of phase because of the distance it is firing from walls or the shape of the room due to the reflections of sound, this is called acustical phasing.
A short in the cable, meaning the positve and negative wire are somewhat touching, can cause a similar effect, and I suspect that this is problem for you. As you now state that you are using an 2.5 to 3.5 adaptor, I would agree with you that most likey you have a faulty adaptor.
Hope this helps! and keep me posted!
Hi again,
Thanks again for the explanation Kiru, I know a bit of electronics so I got the problem.
However, I'm now home and tried to original headset, no result. The same problem is existing.
This makes me believe that I've broken something inside the Wizard which shortcircuits something. I'm very dissapointed.
Maybe the only way is now to buy a stereo bluetooth headset...
Thanks for your help
Any reason that you can't return to orange for repair/replacement?
I got this unit from priceminister second hand. It's origin is not France, I don't have a purchase receipt neither.
By the way, I solved the problem. I disassambled the unit using the info given in one of the posts in the forum. I played a little with the contacts, there was oxidation in the outer solders, i cleared them up etc, it 's working at the moment.
I'll post some pictures afterwards.
and I hope i will be able to reassamble it, I already have a piece of thing which I don't know where to put
I got the same problem. Was working fine for 2 months then all of a sudden the headphone plug is all messed up. Volume is all distorted I can sometimes hear a song but quality is no where near the original. Usually everything sounds echoed. I think something is wrong with the plug
I've had the same problem. The headphone jack on the Wizard is crap. If you have your Wizard in your pocket with an adapter, as you move, the adapter pries back and forth on the jack. This breaks the cheap jack.
If you want to listen to your Wizard as an music player, you should invest in a nice set of bluetooth headphones and only plug the jack in when the wizard won't be moved around a lot, like a home or car stereo.
I recommend Nextlink Spider headphones. They double as a headset and you can navigate through your library with the button on them.
I got the same problem here. The SE stereo btooth headset isnt yet in our place.
Anyway, i experienced this one with ROM2.16 Imate. The sound speed or music speed seems to being played faster than normal. But when i tried to plug the 2.3-3.5 adopter and quickly pull it out, the sound is played in normal speed then. strange.....
are you all sure that the wizard has a stereo output ? I thought it was mono.
Anyway you can get earpieces and headphones with a 2.5mm jack so you don't need a 2.5-3.5mm adapter.
Maybe the contacts on your jack are not connecting properly with the internal contacts of your adaptor

audio jack problems

hi, i got an imate jamin and i need to replace the audio jack were the handsfree pug in, do anyone know where i can find to buy this part please or if anyone had the same problem how did you solve it.
thanks guys!!
Dodgy Audio jack
My audio jack plug works fine BUT when I unplug the headset, the phone stays in headset mode i.e. no sound from the speakers. If I plug/unplug the headset a load of times it eventually goes back to normal.
Any ideas. My solution is never to use the audio jack!
Audio Jack
I've had two M600's which have done exactly the same thing, both replaced by Orange, I've now upgraded to an M700 and unlocked the old M600 with a PAYG sim and guess what that one has now lost speaker sound so that three with the same fault and this M600 has never had a headset plugged in.
Has anyone else had similar problems?
i had the same problem othillo before it broke so be carefull cause your is about to brake too, i mailed imate and they said the only way to fix it is to send it to them in dubai.. not relally keen to send it there .. but till today i havent find ther part any where it seems that imate dont send out parts ... as soon as i find an alternative i will post it here..
Is this problem caused by the connector itself or is it something else? If it is the connector I can buy a new one at the local hardware store and modify it a little bit to make it fit in my S200, probably going to replace it with an 3,5mm jack if that is possible...
it is caused by the connector in fact htc the original makers of the prophet on there new models they changed it to a usb connector for the handsfree i changed my connector many times with regulas 2.5mm connector but the sound doesnt work properly. what it does it comes out with out bass then when you push the talk button on the handsfree sound comes out good. another thing i noticed is if when you insert the jack plug in the connector and you pull it out a little bit the sound comes better and the talk button works, i know for fact cause i tried it that its not from the handsfee cause i tried it on another device and work properly. the actuall connector for them is different from what you find to buy even if you plug in normal 2.5mm headphone sound doesnt come out right . if you manage to make it work and modify the connector please post it here so who got the same prob like me can have an idea how to fix it... thanks
Audio Jack
Here is what the problem is:
Audio jacks have what is called a normally closed contact. Each contact point actually has 2 parts. In the closed (no headset) the 2 part of the contact point make contact (shorts). This enables the signal to pass through the jack to the phone speaker. When you insert a headset, the 2 points open (break contact) and signal only goes to the headset.
I'm talking from experience as a sound engineer for over 30 years and this is usually the problem 99% of the time when it comes to these type of jacks. One of the contacts (usually the ground when no sound or mic at all) breaks or can no longer "spring" back. I haven't opened mine yet but fully expect this to be the problem.
audio jack
hi jsapper, i got what you saying and your absolutly right .. the thing i replaced mine 2 times now been done by a technician who fixes phones/pdas the thing with the connectors i replaced the device doesnt work properly sound comes out with out the bass and the talk button doesnt work .. i guess that the original part got some extra connectors or most probably the pins are switched around..
do you know if there is any special connectors for them...
I have a similar pb with my S200:
After running tomtom during 2000km installed on my motorbike w/ a 2.5mm headset, sound seems to no work anymore (neither back or ear speaker), I suppose that vibrations against jack connector are responsible.
With a bluetooth or wired headset sound works.
I have soft/hard reset, upgrade to last WM5 rom, upgrade to WM6 rom, I have tried to get in/out a 2.5mm jack connector without any result.
The ring facility is working (w/ or w/o 2.5mm jack connected), so I can say that the back speaker is working.
I am looking for a solution too...
nb: I have my back speaker + screen replaced one time after 2months.
Have you try resolder the Connector?
it was to damaged to be resolded
Hi everybody,
I aswell have this kind of problem from time to time.My solution is quite simple.You have to use the original 2,5" jack with the 3 black "dividings".(sorry for my english) This solution reduced the problem dramatically.If the problem starts now, just plug it in and out a few times and it should work again.
Phone Jack is a mechanical mess ...
Same prob, used the headset, rear speaker dead. I opened the prophet, unsoldered the jack and found it misconstructed.
The body of the jack is plastic and not capable to withstand the forces of a plugged in headset.
There are two integrated switches - which - when headset is unplugged are closed and deliver the signal to the speaker. one of the switches does not close anymore when the headset is unplugged. My first solution was to unsolder the jack and bridge the contacts 2 and 4 as welll as 3 and 5.
The rear speaker functions now and I can use the phone.
Next step will be to find a jack solution on the market to finally solve the problem. I will keep you informed!
thanks buzzi will be looking in here... for your post!
i had the same problem with my audio jack and i searched many forums for a solution. the only thing i can say: if you really want to use it and you want go back in normal mode after unplugging, take a little needle. if you look at the audio jack (USB is left to it) you have to stick the needle in the right side of the jack somewhere an search for a little contact (the first time hard to find, the second time easy) and try to push it a bit to the left. so the prophet goes back in normal mode. it sucks but i didnt find another solution...except for buying a bluetooth headset and use software to hear music over that (for mono headsets u can use a programm calles BTAudioToggel, but make sure u use the Toggle software, because there is another one called BTAudio, it sucks because it costs money and doesn't work for me so well)
My prophet has exactly the same symptoms. However, I opened up the phone and carefully examined the jack. It is crap, sure, but at least on my phone it is not at fault. I tested with a continuity meter and the contact mechanism was working perfectly. Those who tried this measure without success read the following thread:
In my case it is definitely a problem with the speaker, and it seems to be eqaully common. It seems that there is more than one problem dogging the speaker of ths model.
mine's got the small contact switch problem.
it started last night! SO Annoying. Plugging a friend's original 2.5mm adapter in and out solved it temporarily. Then it went again! I have only got a 3rd party 2.5mm plug, and it took me ages to trip the small switch back with that. I have now got a BT headset on order.
Can't wait for the newer design HTC headphone adapter as I have had this problem with 5 different devices! (Tanager, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado and now Prophet.)
would agree with hybrid the needle trick fixed it ran media player so i could tell when it was working again. it was mentioned before that using the 2.5mm adaptor with ibky 2 rings as opposed to 3 causes this problem. I can identify with this as i have been using my dopod h/free with no problems for months i use the adaptor to plug in my headphones one time and get a eap of issues!
i will adapt a h/free to plug in some nicer headphones!
Can i use the USB connection as a handsfree port on my prophet?
Hi, Prophet's USB is not a USB hub and thus not usable for connecting external devices - only way is bluetooth ...
thanks buzzi

[Q] Headphone jack disable?

I have a Problem with my Xperia X1.
The headphone jack is broken and the device will always return to the headset mode.
So I can not hear anyone during a conversation.
I would like to disable the headphone jack completely. Is there a program for that?
Are you sure it is broken?
Does it still deliver sound to a connected headphone?
Usually the detection of an inserted headphone plug is done via dis-connecting a contact in the socket where the plug is inserted (it re-connects when you pull out the plug). The same dis-connection will also happen if some dirt has accumulated at the place where this contact is, so it stays permanently dis-connected.
Over time dirt creeps into all holes of the devices and depending on your usage and storage style that may have happened now. Try to get that cleaned - maybe it helps.
I have however also seen devices where the connector of the socket to the PBA is simply ripped-off - no way to get that fixed afaik.
Luckily one of the wizards here (ultrashot) also has an X1 (as I remember) and he did a lot of true SW hacking to it, maybe he knows a way to intercept the driver or has a hint which driver to de-activate. Mind that he is very busy with really important stuff - so a simple hint may be the only thing you may get.
@ John Carter I have had the same problem for months now, at first it took a couple of mins for the headset icon to disappear after unplugged then it turned to hours and now days if I'm even lucky . I just found this today: HKLM/System/State/Hardware/Headset 0 .This disables the headset but for me it still does not play sound out the loud speaker like I hoped, in locksreen( I use S2u2) mode the headset icon is gone but when in the main interface the icon is still sitting on taskbar or topbar. It really sucks to have to use a mic headset connector to call and answer voice calls. I'm still searching for answer hopefully somethings comes up. Edit: It's a hardware problem not software.
First of all thank you for your answers.
@ tobbbie
The headphone jack is really broken = (
I've already tried to clean it but that dosent helped.
Thank you for your tip. I'm going to ask ultrashot maybe he can help me there.
@ Viper89
Are you sure it's not a software problem with you device?
For the headphone jack is not so important. I would unsolder him. But I do not know if that would still work.
I had also tried to play with the \status key in the registry with the same (non-) effects. I guess you have to intercept/kill the signal from the HW/driver that steers the other parts into what they do. Not sure where the HW signal enters the SW stack and if that could easily be altered (e.g. by dropping a device-driver). You could play with the HKLM\System\Drivers\builtin branch and then go for headset or alike. You may end up with a non-booting device, so take care to back up in case a hard-reset is needed.
If you are willing to play with soldering (and have some skills), try to solder the contacts of the socket new to the PBA. My guess is that the contacts have either come loose on top of the copper part of the PBA (then you can re-solder) or they have been ripped of the PBA including the copper. You then have to guess where the copper-lines went and re-solder. Worst you can un-solder all parts, but this is not easy to do without decent tools. You may bake the PBA around the socket and ruin the device fully in the end.
John_Carter said:
First of all thank you for your answers.
@ tobbbie
The headphone jack is really broken = (
I've already tried to clean it but that dosent helped.
Thank you for your tip. I'm going to ask ultrashot maybe he can help me there.
@ Viper89
Are you sure it's not a software problem with you device?
For the headphone jack is not so important. I would unsolder him. But I do not know if that would still work.
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No it's definitively a hardware problem. I have actually stopped using my phone for music now and instead my mp3 player. I haven't seen the headset icon for 3 days now so maybe I'm in the clear. I think every time I kept plugging in my headphones to listen to music it kept re-aggravating the headset jack so I figured if I stopped using it completely maybe it will stop messing up and so far it has worked .

Soldering the headphone jack

Hello people,
I've finally had enough with the headphone problems many have reported, the distorted sound and triggering voice commands. I've previously swapped the jack with a new one(had to buy a whole mid frame) and now it's started doing it again, about a month later(the original one lasted just as long).
The issue is that this phone is huge and when using it in my pocket with the headphones on, it moves that jack with every step. This wouldn't be a problem if the jack was soldered on or at least wired to the board, but instead it's just placed on top.
So I've decided I want to solder it on. I'm a bit scared as I've never soldered to a pcb board... And I might desolder other items. I'm going to hone my skills first on some other broken devices, but at this point I'm pretty sure I'll do it in the end.
Has anyone else here done this? Want to watch me possibly destroy this otherwise great phone? Heh.
Dude you're nuts. Just go get some Bluetooth headphones, it's 2016!! I literally haven't used my headphone jack more than 3-4 times in the 4 months I've owned this phone.
Also, I'm pretty sure the headphone jack isn't soldered in specifically so that if the jack moves around a little it won't cause damage to the board. This is common on most/all phones. Soldering it down would be a TERRIBLE idea. You will likely damage your phone.
Why didn't you just send it in for warranty repair?
Sean89us said:
Dude you're nuts. Just go get some Bluetooth headphones, it's 2016!! I literally haven't used my headphone jack more than 3-4 times in the 4 months I've owned this phone.
Also, I'm pretty sure the headphone jack isn't soldered in specifically so that if the jack moves around a little it won't cause damage to the board. This is common on most/all phones. Soldering it down would be a TERRIBLE idea. You will likely damage your phone.
Why didn't you just send it in for warranty repair?
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Hi, I couldn't send it in because I unlocked it, which voided the manufacturer warranty. If I remember correctly on my old galaxy s4 it was plugged in with a cable, which was a much better solution. The reason my sound interrupts is because when it moves, it moves the pins on the board causing slight interruptions.
However the pins in the jack are long enough and soft enough that they would bend first instead of breaking the board.
And about Bluetooth headphones? I've bought 3 different sets, they either have huge controllers hanging and pulling on one side, or they are too big, or they're poor quality, I've spent more than I want to admit on different sets (see attachment).
So today I'm going to try and solder the jack, and throw this phone away if I break it and buy a small one, that doesn't put that much pressure on the jack in my pocket.
Stay tuned. I should take pictures.
No go
Well, it didn't work. I knew it would be hard to solder the little legs that where under the actual jack. Getting them all melted and touching before they cool down, without melting the plastic or the rubber around the jack was not possible in the end.
Only 2 of the 5 pads actually stuck together, and there was only a buzz coming from the headphones. I decided to open it again and remove the solder just in case something was shorted, I didn't want the sound chip to get toasted. My biggest mistake was leaving the glue on the jack, which stuck to the mid-frame. When I pulled that apart, the jack, with the two pads came with it.
I'm putting the pictures up if anyone wants to have a look at the mess, you can see in the first and second picture why my sound is interrupting: the pad is damaged from continuous friction.
The phone still works so I've lost nothing other than my time.
BTW, at the moment I'm using wired headphones to a Bluetooth adapter. Until they make smaller/lighter wireless headphones I'm stuck with this.
They got Bluetooth without the wire hanging thing that bugs ya (bugs me too) don't have a name or link right now but a quick Google search should pull them up
Ken C said:
They got Bluetooth without the wire hanging thing that bugs ya (bugs me too) don't have a name or link right now but a quick Google search should pull them up
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Yea, I saw Jordan Keyes review these ones. They are too much like having screws screwed in your ears. If they can get them smaller, and still have 2-3 hours battery, I'll be interested.
I am not sure how the LG Tone type of Bluetooth ear buds are any more intrusive than regular earbuds with a cord hanging down the side of your body! They definitely last a long time for me.
bv90andy said:
Yea, I saw Jordan Keyes review these ones. They are too much like having screws screwed in your ears. If they can get them smaller, and still have 2-3 hours battery, I'll be interested.
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How about these
Use this instead, it's a taotronics tt-br05 Bluetooth wireless receiver, you can plug your wired headphones in it and use Bluetooth instead of the 3.5mm plug.
Has play/pause and volume/track change buttons. Also has a mic for calls.
Search in Amazon.
Ken C said:
How about these View attachment 3865297
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They only have 1 hour battery before you have to plug them in the little tube to charge again. The battery technology isn't there yet.
kadopt said:
Use this instead, it's a taotronics tt-br05 Bluetooth wireless receiver, you can plug your wired headphones in it and use Bluetooth instead of the 3.5mm plug.
Has play/pause and volume/track change buttons. Also has a mic for calls.
Search in Amazon.
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I have actually been using this
Good option, but it wasn't great sound quality.
Anyway, I've bought a second hand Xperia z5 compact and use that now. The moto x style has become a in house tablet.

