[Q] Liberate Italian Shift - Shift General

I just got the HTC shift (italian version) and am having no luck in liberating it. What method did you use? I have the files and followed MoDaCo website, but liberate never shows up on the options screen. Please help.
I also posted this under USB.Tools help. Sorry for the cross post.
I was able to get to USB Tools. The liberate.lnk file was corrupted. Still trying to get it to work. Does 'wm' mean windows mobile media center?

Ben's Outlet, huh? Yeah, same thing here, only I don't have a sim card I can try yet. Managed to get Vista reinstalled in english, but currently I don't have a working Display switching ability. If you reinstall factory vista, it's in Italian, at least on mine, so watch out for that.

htc shift updation
have the same problem, i am having italian version htc shift i change the language of windowz vista by vistalizator but can change snapvue to english version. i even cant liberate my device. i get stuck in between. i get an icon liberate in my snapvue settings when i click it it fails..........please help me

stagsval20 said:
have the same problem, i am having italian version htc shift i change the language of windowz vista by vistalizator but can change snapvue to english version. i even cant liberate my device. i get stuck in between. i get an icon liberate in my snapvue settings when i click it it fails..........please help me
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I was running into this as well. Make sure the CAB file is in the My Documents folder in the SnapVue side and it should work.


Need Help Puttin In Touch It

Can Someone Tell Me How Or Give Me A Program To Sign On As Guest So I Can Install A Touch It Rom
you can search the forums for how to flash roms... there are so many different ways to do it.
If you have ActiveSync in XP or Mobile Device Center in VISTA.. and you are able to successfully sync your phone with your machine ... all the instructions you need are included with the Rom download. Try reading the directions.
I will help you, what kind of herald do you have, CID lock yes or no? Which provider?
secondxg said:
Can Someone Tell Me How Or Give Me A Program To Sign On As Guest So I Can Install A Touch It Rom
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When you hard reset your PDA, and then connect it to your PC with activesync it will ask you to setup a new activesync session. Cancel that process and it'll be connected to activesync in guest mode. If you go to the help options in your PC for activesync and search on Guest it'll go into slightly more detail.
thanks a lot
oh yea... i got the original tmobile wing with the original rom. 4.10.531.3 wwe im tryin to install one of those tmobile original rom with touch flo. ima newbie so just tryin the simple til i get better at all this. dont wanna brick my phone
is this a reversible procedure? installing touch it?

3 questions to help me with HTC shift, I plead for your help

Dear All
I have 3 important questions
1- I have bought my shift from spain, and I can't use it since its in spanish, so i thought what if I format it all, can I install an english vista on? And how do I do it step by step. Will the Vista Home Premium work on the HTC shift, and after I install the vista premium on it, do I have to get the HTC drivers?
2- Does the shift have GPS, and if yes, which software is available to install on it. Is it possible to install IGO on the windows mobile side, and how do i do that?
3- I noticed that the wireless connection if I am not close to it, like for example i am away from 50 meters, I noticed that streaming media really becomes buggy. What could be the problem, and how can I solve it.
Best wishes
hykhleif said:
Dear All
I have 3 important questions
1- I have bought my shift from spain, and I can't use it since its in spanish, so i thought what if I format it all, can I install an english vista on? And how do I do it step by step. Will the Vista Home Premium work on the HTC shift, and after I install the vista premium on it, do I have to get the HTC drivers?
2- Does the shift have GPS, and if yes, which software is available to install on it. Is it possible to install IGO on the windows mobile side, and how do i do that?
3- I noticed that the wireless connection if I am not close to it, like for example i am away from 50 meters, I noticed that streaming media really becomes buggy. What could be the problem, and how can I solve it.
Best wishes
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1. You can install a fresh copy of windows vista using an external dvd drive. However, it might be easier to try to change the display language for the already installed edition of Vista. Here is a guide from microsoft on how to change the display language. If you choose to install a fresh copy you can download the HTC drivers from here.
2. The HTC shift has a built in GPS but the drivers for it is not embebbed in SnapVue. Read this thread for info on how to flash a custom ROM.
3. Have you tried using the "High performance" power setting in Vista?
deadnex said most,
the biggest problem with GPS Software is that the SD' Card wasnt enabled yet for the Windows Mobile side, some people used iGo software on it with tiny maps cause u have very few storage space until someone gets the SD-Card working !!
So if you like to use it as a Navi i would prefer to wait or get a Navi solution !
can I ask another question
So is it possible to install Windows Vista home Premium on the HTC, will I encounter any problems if I do with drivers and performance. And do I have to do a full format? If yes does this mean I will lose the recovery partition?
hykhleif said:
can I ask another question
So is it possible to install Windows Vista home Premium on the HTC, will I encounter any problems if I do with drivers and performance. And do I have to do a full format? If yes does this mean I will lose the recovery partition?
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Yes, it is possible to install Vista Home Premium on the Shift. All of the drivers are available from the HTC webpage so this should not cause any problems. You will need to format the primary partition to install Home Premium. The easiest way to do this is to boot from your Vista Home Premium DVD, and when you are about to choose the partition windows will install to - delete it and then add it again. The recovery partition is locked an will not be deleted if you format the primary partition. The performance should be the same with Home Premium.

HTC Shift SnapVUE Problem

I recently brought HTC Shift X9500 mobile computer. I have a problem with SnapVUE application. Once I press SnapVUE button it goes to windows mobile however it not display SnapVUE window. It just only display windows mobile task bar and start menu.
I think SnapVUE application is not installed WM side is it possible to install SnapVUE application on WM?
you need to install it
Chanaka said:
I recently brought HTC Shift X9500 mobile computer. I have a problem with SnapVUE application. Once I press SnapVUE button it goes to windows mobile however it not display SnapVUE window. It just only display windows mobile task bar and start menu.
I think SnapVUE application is not installed WM side is it possible to install SnapVUE application on WM?
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its available as a cab file
Make sure it is enabled.
adamo86 said:
its available as a cab file
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Could you please send me the the cab file location? I have searched windows mobile file system but it is not available. Is it possible to download? Do you have download link?
Not available on today items
JaWe said:
Make sure it is enabled.
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It is not available on today items
Items available on today items are
Date, Windows Live and Windows Live Search
i have it as a cab file
Chanaka said:
Could you please send me the the cab file location? I have searched windows mobile file system but it is not available. Is it possible to download? Do you have download link?
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i have the file on my shift i will need your email add i send it to u
adamo86 said:
i have the file on my shift i will need your email add i send it to u
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could you send me it to [email protected]?
Many Thanks
Snapvue black screen
Hi, I am newcommer in Htc x9000, and I do hard reset to unlocked it, but now my snapvue become dark/black screen.
Any body can help me?
Follow this link, it helped me
Dead snapvue, need help
Thanks for your inform, but I already did hard reset (ecshift -bl, mtty_0513_test and task 28), but the snapvue screen still blank/dead.
Any another way?
hi there, adamo86.. can you please send me too the cab file for the htc shift i do have the same problem..here's my email: MOD EDIT: REMOVED EMAIL thank you very much..
please help
adamo86 said:
i have the file on my shift i will need your email add i send it to u
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can you please send me the cab file or link my htc shift have black colour on snapvue side
please help
sancharhari said:
can you please send me the cab file or link my htc shift have black colour on snapvue side
please help
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Which file is it that you want I have to check if I still have it.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
help me
adamo86 said:
Which file is it that you want I have to check if I still have it.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
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hi thanks for your reply,
I am having htc shift clio200 (x9000) cdma whatever is the model. I was trying to program it for my cdma network. I done almost everything and program it. I didn't find the hard spl for cdma device and rom for cdma shift. after some research I find somewhere that if I will make clear storage then I can get flash any shift rom which is not having radio image. so I clear the storage.
after that snapvue side gose black
I have done the process below
by doing f3 hardreset my shift installed fresh windows vista
shiftec.exe -bl
then task 28 with mtty
all sucsuss but still nothing
its still black. I can still go to bootloader mode
please help me how can I get my snapvue works
please help
I'm not sure how you get snapvue back. However I have these two files
The first file is to liberate shift
The second is the shift*pack
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
Did you go to ShagCtrlCenter and try to reset SnapVue in advanced settings?
If you haven't already liberated your Shift i don't know how to reflash WiMo Side.
If you can set it to bootloader mode it would be worth trying to do so.
Did you also hardspl and all this stuff?
Files can be found here:
(If this answer in any way may have been useful to you, don't hesitate to press "Thanks"button )

Question about TabletPC Patch installation

Hi everybody!
I finally have come to a satisfactory end with the installation of WinXP Home SP3 on my HTC Shift.
Nevertehless, while having the XP features running nomally, I got trouble starting the TabletPC side of the things, i.e.:
1. There is an icon for the on-screen keyboard "Tablet PC Input Panel" in the taskbar (on the r/h side) but it doesn't open-up anything.
2. I also have this "Get going with TabletPC" in Start Menu/Programs, but clicking it doesn't start anything.
3. During Windows start-up or shut-down I can see the on-screen keyboard for several seconds.
I wonder if this is a due to a faulty install of the TabletPC patch or something else that I did wrong. I remember that after installing the patch I had a special welcome screen of the TabletPC offering 2 options to follow - one was "Get going with TabletPC" and another one I can't remeber the name of. Anyway, I did not chose any option, I just closed that screen and went ahead with the installation of the drivers. So far I did not find a way to start that welcome screen again.
In MyComputer / Properties / General I can read MS Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005.
The installation sequence was XP Home - Patch Tablet PC - Drivers - Windows updates - I guess that this is the correct way.
Running the patch again after the drivers and updates, on Step 1 I got the message that the program cannot write to all the registries as some might be busy with other programs. Running Step2 doesn't change anything.
BTW: what is Step 3 for? It was not mentioned in the HowTo installation guide to be run (only Steps 1 and 2), so I did not touch it.
As this is the first time I see TabletPC at work, I kindly ask for good advise from the more experienced people on what to do further to make the TabletPC side work.
Here are also a few questions more:
a) Does the TabletPC Patch work OK with WinXP Home SP3 or does it require WinXP Professional? (I installed Home thinking that it is smaller and lighter)
b) Where to look in the installed files on c:\ and what to look for in order to make sure that the TabletPC files are there
c) How can I bring back that welcome TabletPC screen to play with it
Thank's very much for any usefull idea!
It looks that there are very few people left on this forum still using Win XP on their Shift and also reading my thread....
To make the above raised topic more simple let me rephrase one question for the start:
Are there any members having on their HTC Shift the Tablet PC patch installed based on Win XP Home and NOT on XP Professional? Does the Tablet PC work all right with XP Home?
I certainly would much appreciate any confirmation or denial. Thank you.
Size of the TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe file?
Hi everybody!
Please, I need somebody to confirm me that the correct size of the TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe file is 154734723B in Windows Commander, shown also in Windows Explorer as 151109kB. I need to know if I got the correct file, if not then that would explain my above mentioned problems.
Thank you!
axelTP2 said:
Hi everybody!
Please, I need somebody to confirm me that the correct size of the TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe file is 154734723B in Windows Commander, shown also in Windows Explorer as 151109kB. I need to know if I got the correct file, if not then that would explain my above mentioned problems.
Thank you!
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Nobody so far???
Edit: Is the Microsoft .NET framework required for installing the Tablet PC Patch?
Nothing, no idea?
axelTP2 said:
Nothing, no idea?
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Hi axelTP2 !
Since i ordered this days an used Shift (hope it will arrive tomorrow) im thinking of upgrading my Shift with XP or Win7 (I hate Vista)
So i looked a little around and find this at Wikipedia:
"Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is based on Windows XP Professional and includes all the software features provided in it"
So i think your problem is related to the (lighter) version of XP Home...
OK im not sure what i should use XP Pro as an lightweight OS or Win7 for full further support maybe give Vista a try for a few days
Greetz Tokl
Tokl said:
Hi axelTP2 !
So i think your problem is related to the (lighter) version of XP Home...
Greetz Tokl
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Hi tokl,
Thank you for answering.
No, my problem is not related to the use of XP Home. I have tried XP Prof with the same negative result. I think that the problem is related to a bad pack TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2 that I have downloaded from the only source that I've found.
So I keep digging for a solution on this topic.
axelTP2 said:
Hi tokl,
Thank you for answering.
No, my problem is not related to the use of XP Home. I have tried XP Prof with the same negative result. I think that the problem is related to a bad pack TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2 that I have downloaded from the only source that I've found.
So I keep digging for a solution on this topic.
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OK, my hope for XP will grow...
Please let us know when you are sucsessfull!
Greetz Tokl
This is probably more work than just a simple file patch, but since this is a technical site by nature, I don't think it's too much to put this suggestion here, which is a tutorial for you to patch your XP youself to make it w/ full Tablet functionality, same as real Tablet Edition:
Good luck!

Help with USB Tool

I just recently purchased a Shift. It was not disclosed at purchase that it was made for the Italy market. I have managed to install Win 7 and also liberate the Snapvue. I want to install an english ROM for Snapvue but have not been able to get the USB Tool to connect to the Windows side. I have searched the forums and the web but have yet to find a solution. Any help would be appreciated much!
Same Problem
I have the exact same problem with an Italian Shift. Were you able to Liberate it with a working Sim card or did you have a Sim card available to you?
Ok,I purchased one as well from onsaleday and was able to liberate and get USB tools to work. Flashed an English rom and am good to go. You will need a SIM card to get it to work properly to transfer files or keep trying to get Windows mobile center to recognize your device and transfer the liberate files that way. I had problems at first due to my pay as you go sim, I had to change the server/apn from ISP.CINGULAR which is what it automatically sets up to WAP.CINGULAR and well as username to WAPSCINBULAR instead of ISPCINGULAR. Let me know if you get stuck and I can help. I figure there are going to be a few folks that picked up a device recently.
Phone and GPS and WM6.1 all work great now. I also have upgraded to Windows 8
Hi.I also bought an htc shift from 1saleaday.I managed to liberate the snapvue.It has the soft reset and usb in settings.It is still in italian.Can you please post the steps in installing english rom.Thanks in advance.BTW I am stuck in hard spl'ing my HTC Shift.USB gets disconnected prior to updating rom.
what you need to do is uncheck enable advanced network under the usb to pc option in wm side. this will allow you to flash your rom
Thanks To All
Yep. Un-checking enable advanced network device was the trick! I am now liberated, rom flashed and running Win7. For those of you who bought from 1 sale a day; were you able to activate the English Vista OS they installed? Mine would not. Not that I wanted to keep it just not good service IMHO.
I never tried to activate Vista, I went ahead and installed windows 8, works very well. Boots quickly and with the resolution tool found in the forum here, you can change the resolution to use the metro side and runs well. I can see my ATT SIM and surf via the windows 8 side as well. Pleased with the device. I upgraded the ram to 2 GB and inserted a 64 GB SSD I had lying around. All is good.
Liberate Italian Shift
I just got the HTC shift (italian version) and am having no luck in liberating it. What method did you use? I have the files and followed MoDaCo website, but liberate never shows up on the options screen. Please help.
I was able to get to USB Tools. The liberate.lnk file was corrupted. Still trying to get it to work. Does 'wm' mean windows mobile media center?

