Question about TabletPC Patch installation - Shift General

Hi everybody!
I finally have come to a satisfactory end with the installation of WinXP Home SP3 on my HTC Shift.
Nevertehless, while having the XP features running nomally, I got trouble starting the TabletPC side of the things, i.e.:
1. There is an icon for the on-screen keyboard "Tablet PC Input Panel" in the taskbar (on the r/h side) but it doesn't open-up anything.
2. I also have this "Get going with TabletPC" in Start Menu/Programs, but clicking it doesn't start anything.
3. During Windows start-up or shut-down I can see the on-screen keyboard for several seconds.
I wonder if this is a due to a faulty install of the TabletPC patch or something else that I did wrong. I remember that after installing the patch I had a special welcome screen of the TabletPC offering 2 options to follow - one was "Get going with TabletPC" and another one I can't remeber the name of. Anyway, I did not chose any option, I just closed that screen and went ahead with the installation of the drivers. So far I did not find a way to start that welcome screen again.
In MyComputer / Properties / General I can read MS Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005.
The installation sequence was XP Home - Patch Tablet PC - Drivers - Windows updates - I guess that this is the correct way.
Running the patch again after the drivers and updates, on Step 1 I got the message that the program cannot write to all the registries as some might be busy with other programs. Running Step2 doesn't change anything.
BTW: what is Step 3 for? It was not mentioned in the HowTo installation guide to be run (only Steps 1 and 2), so I did not touch it.
As this is the first time I see TabletPC at work, I kindly ask for good advise from the more experienced people on what to do further to make the TabletPC side work.
Here are also a few questions more:
a) Does the TabletPC Patch work OK with WinXP Home SP3 or does it require WinXP Professional? (I installed Home thinking that it is smaller and lighter)
b) Where to look in the installed files on c:\ and what to look for in order to make sure that the TabletPC files are there
c) How can I bring back that welcome TabletPC screen to play with it
Thank's very much for any usefull idea!

It looks that there are very few people left on this forum still using Win XP on their Shift and also reading my thread....
To make the above raised topic more simple let me rephrase one question for the start:
Are there any members having on their HTC Shift the Tablet PC patch installed based on Win XP Home and NOT on XP Professional? Does the Tablet PC work all right with XP Home?
I certainly would much appreciate any confirmation or denial. Thank you.

Size of the TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe file?
Hi everybody!
Please, I need somebody to confirm me that the correct size of the TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe file is 154734723B in Windows Commander, shown also in Windows Explorer as 151109kB. I need to know if I got the correct file, if not then that would explain my above mentioned problems.
Thank you!

axelTP2 said:
Hi everybody!
Please, I need somebody to confirm me that the correct size of the TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2.exe file is 154734723B in Windows Commander, shown also in Windows Explorer as 151109kB. I need to know if I got the correct file, if not then that would explain my above mentioned problems.
Thank you!
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Nobody so far???
Edit: Is the Microsoft .NET framework required for installing the Tablet PC Patch?

Nothing, no idea?

axelTP2 said:
Nothing, no idea?
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Hi axelTP2 !
Since i ordered this days an used Shift (hope it will arrive tomorrow) im thinking of upgrading my Shift with XP or Win7 (I hate Vista)
So i looked a little around and find this at Wikipedia:
"Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is based on Windows XP Professional and includes all the software features provided in it"
So i think your problem is related to the (lighter) version of XP Home...
OK im not sure what i should use XP Pro as an lightweight OS or Win7 for full further support maybe give Vista a try for a few days
Greetz Tokl

Tokl said:
Hi axelTP2 !
So i think your problem is related to the (lighter) version of XP Home...
Greetz Tokl
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Hi tokl,
Thank you for answering.
No, my problem is not related to the use of XP Home. I have tried XP Prof with the same negative result. I think that the problem is related to a bad pack TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2 that I have downloaded from the only source that I've found.
So I keep digging for a solution on this topic.

axelTP2 said:
Hi tokl,
Thank you for answering.
No, my problem is not related to the use of XP Home. I have tried XP Prof with the same negative result. I think that the problem is related to a bad pack TabletPC_PatchXPproSP2 that I have downloaded from the only source that I've found.
So I keep digging for a solution on this topic.
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OK, my hope for XP will grow...
Please let us know when you are sucsessfull!
Greetz Tokl

This is probably more work than just a simple file patch, but since this is a technical site by nature, I don't think it's too much to put this suggestion here, which is a tutorial for you to patch your XP youself to make it w/ full Tablet functionality, same as real Tablet Edition:
Good luck!


Any posibility of VISTA's ActiveSync on XP

Hi there,
I might be asking this question again in the forum bcs I was a bit out of touch from the forum for 2 months.
Is there any posibility to install the VISTA's beautiful and smart ActiveSync on XP ?
locate the install files and i'm sure it's do-able...
Do you mean to locate the CAB files from the Vista installation dvd??
ya i think that is what he means!
No I have tried the Vista DVD but there isnt anything like that. Any other ideas.
It isn't possible. The version of ActiveSync for Vista is built-in and requires features that are only available in Vista.

First sync with windows Vista

I am trying my first sync with Vista but when I connect it to PC it starts to look for some drivers. Vista doen't find theme and I can'T sync. What drivers is looking for? Ho can I sync my x7500 with Vista?
asci said:
I am trying my first sync with Vista but when I connect it to PC it starts to look for some drivers. Vista doen't find theme and I can'T sync. What drivers is looking for? Ho can I sync my x7500 with Vista?
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are you using the beta Vista? you need to download the software call windows mobile device center.
Hi, I'm useing Vista Ultimate, no beta, and I still have MDC, but when I connect PPC Vista try to search and download some drivers without success and it doesn't allow me to sync. Previously I was using MDC with HTC P3600 with no problem...
asci said:
Hi, I'm useing Vista Ultimate, no beta, and I still have MDC, but when I connect PPC Vista try to search and download some drivers without success and it doesn't allow me to sync. Previously I was using MDC with HTC P3600 with no problem...
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have you try connect your p3600 and see whether it sync?
I can't test P3600 because I gave it away. Here it is what I get when I try to sync:
I don't read your language, but based on what you've said, try checking windows update, while your athena is connected. Perhaps, there are files for you to download after you connect. I have Vista Ultimate as well, and the drivers did install when I first synced, so you should be able to have them too.
Really I dont' know what could it be. However the message window say that:
it's necessary to install GENERIC RNDIS DRIVER
What the hell!!!!
Now I'm trying under XP and I have no problem...what could it be? Any suggestion?
asci said:
Really I dont' know what could it be. However the message window say that:
it's necessary to install GENERIC RNDIS DRIVER
What the hell!!!!
Now I'm trying under XP and I have no problem...what could it be? Any suggestion?
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I'm using Vista Business with Dopod U1000 and it runs flawlessly.
But I was getting Hell with Dopod 900 WM6 and Vista synchronization. So much problems, bugs, and inconsistencies.
Ohhh, thats what it says. Microsoft supply's in most cases generic remote NDIS drivers for at least USB, so vendors won't have to create their own specific drivers (or so I've read, anyway ). Do you run Vista 64? I've heard of 'RNDIS driver missing' issues with Vista 64. You may also want to check your startup disk you received with your Athena. I realize you use WMDC, but there may the RNDIS drivers bundled with Activesync, that you may be able to pull out. Just a thought, and other than that, I'm not sure what else to say, except look on the net. Good luck, I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you.
Just to let you know i also run Vista Ultimate 64, and uses WMDC, the first time i connect my DOPOD U1000, it install the driver straight away without any problem, then i can start sync with no problem.
mysticbluebmw said:
Ohhh, thats what it says. Microsoft supply's in most cases generic remote NDIS drivers for at least USB, so vendors won't have to create their own specific drivers (or so I've read, anyway ). Do you run Vista 64? I've heard of 'RNDIS driver missing' issues with Vista 64. You may also want to check your startup disk you received with your Athena. I realize you use WMDC, but there may the RNDIS drivers bundled with Activesync, that you may be able to pull out. Just a thought, and other than that, I'm not sure what else to say, except look on the net. Good luck, I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you.
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I'm running Vista 32. About startup disk it could only install Activesync and really I can't fiugure out how to extract drivers needed. About net solution, Vista couldn't find drivers on line...
off topic question to mystic blue..
can you post your avatar as a large image? looks interesting your UI..
Here are a few screenshots. Using Wisbar Advance 2, Wisbar Advanced Desktop, Weather Panel, and Pocketbreeze.
UHm very very OT...please some advice about my problem related to this post will be welcome...
It seems that it cant recognize device...
I Found solution!!!
It's a WMDC bug that start to find RNDIS drivers in wrong folder. So all I had to do was to force it finding drivers in correct folder: C:/windows
Now I can sync!!!
Here it is italian
Link here
Got mine working with 64bit windows vista. just deleted that file.
YOU ARE THE MAN!!!! You don't have an Idea of how many hours I spend searching a solution for get my htc wizard recognized, your last comment on force the driver search on c:\windows solve my problem too...
But not also with my phone even with a lot of hardware that I can't make get recognized...
Vista seems to be a real pain in.... anyways I don't know how many research I have left but, I have two vista x32 home premiun edition computers one made by gateway and the other by samsung.
And I notice that the samsung one doesn't have any problem recognizing hardware, so I entered to the device manager to see the drivers and I notices must of them run under the 6.0.6000.16389 vista_rtm .....) version and I found that this Driver Kit it's availiable on windows connect for beta testers, so I decide to download them, lets see if this driver kit solve many issues with my gateway.
New Version WMDC 6.1 is available!
New version is available in Microsoft website,you can download freely and install!
It should solve most of the problems!
I'm using Dopod U1000 with Vista Ultimate and WMDC 6.1 without any problem!
My only concern is I'm unable to 'reflow' pdf documents using Vista!(It was very easy with Active Sync4.5 & XP)
Any idea to overcome this problem?
plz share!
dopod 595
i have dopod 595, and now i using vista ultimate 32, i cannot sync my outlook. please advice

Vista and WM6

Anybody install Helmi's ROM from Windows Vista?
I have trouble/ When i start bootloder on my BA, PC don't connect to mobile device
And i can't install ROM
I try install activesync, but that is impossible
You can't use RUU on vista with the built in drivers unfortunately.
There is a thread (search for it) and you will find out how to get it working.
Hey guys there is a WIKI!
I spend so many hours and nobody follow the wiki
But I am gonna to finish it cause I like the wizard style
Thanks anybody
I complete this task
For any body who need's:
how to upgrade ROM from VISTA
Upgrade is done with the old activesync drivers ... thats why i hate vista, you have to do a lot of stuff to reach your goal
I conferm that the rom upgrade never worked on my pc with Vista. I was forced to use my laptop with Xp. I think someone should make blueangel update utilities compatible with Vista too
Or just keep an XP virtual machine in a safe place
i will post the steps for vista upgrade later, because i am lil busy
Have you read the wiki already?) There is nice step by step tutorial - however if you can make some pictures It would be much better!
Follow the instructions in this thread:
I upgrade my ROMS in Vista using this method and it works every time.
i will made guide with pichtures but it will be after 5-6 hours , because i only have time at night
WM6 with vista
kerio said:
Hey guys there is a WIKI!
I spend so many hours and nobody follow the wiki
But I am gonna to finish it cause I like the wizard style
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Kerio, your wiki is very good, but my device only be in bootloader mode, and, although the vista recognize my device, the program that i'm using do not run the instaler. It be only in the first screen and do not able to get informations about my device.
My device is only with serial and v 2.08 in the screen!!!!
David Neto
davidc.neto said:
Kerio, your wiki is very good, but my device only be in bootloader mode, and, although the vista recognize my device, the program that i'm using do not run the instaler. It be only in the first screen and do not able to get informations about my device.
My device is only with serial and v 2.08 in the screen!!!!
David Neto
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Try to remove SD from your device b4 do the flashing.
Thats right SD card should be removed before flash (device may not go into "USB" mode when "cradled")
However I have made PICTURES and added them to the wiki (they are quite big and it doesnt look very well) but will improve it later

cannot sync my qtek9000 anymore

Hello there from Italy.
I posted this because of a problem that is driving me mad since some weeks. first my data.
win xp sp3
outlook 2003
active sync 4.5
qtek 9000:
win 5
sbsh phoneweaver
sbsh iLauncher
sprite backup
The problem is that when I connect my qtek to the pc via the usb cable the pc tells me that it had a problem installing the new hardware. After that no active sync is coming out and thus no syncronization.
It is definitely a pc bug since I can syncronize my qtek in other pc.
Following some italian forum I uninstalled all usb controllers and things but had no success.
I'm desperate. Can you please help me?
My bests
Michael one really can help me out?
C'mon, this is a giant leap for me but a small step for you...............
Did you uninstall/re-install ActiveSync? If not, try that.
If you have and that didn't fix it, try going to Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC and untick "Enable advanced network functionality" then try again.
Thanks Nanoruler for your quick response.
Yes, I did try to reinstall AS 4.5 plus I have no icon for USB to PC connection in my qtek 9000.................what's going on here?
Try running the attached CAB
thanks a 1000 for your help. Not being a nasa computer expert, can you tell me what is the cab attached and how to use it?
Thanks in advance
Nanoruler, are you there, my friend?
I'm relying on your help for this..............
hope to read from you soon.............
Thanks a lot for this file usbswitch!!! after installing it HTC HD syncs again!
Hi Batvanio,
can you please tell me how to install it? I'm a bit beginner here............
batvanio said:
Thanks a lot for this file usbswitch!!! after installing it HTC HD syncs again!
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It's working with vista?
please..........i'm on my knees: can someone tell me how to install it? Sorry for being such a beginner but it shouldn't be such a big deal to tell me how to use this thing.
all the bests
michaelmellner said:
please..........i'm on my knees: can someone tell me how to install it? Sorry for being such a beginner but it shouldn't be such a big deal to tell me how to use this thing.
all the bests
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Depend if you´re using Vista or XP
Vista: Windows Mobile device Center
XP: Active Sync 4.5
Just google it, download and install
Good luck,
ok. I gave it a try, but nothing new happened. I want to think it is not the usb switch fault but my lack of knowledge. Since I don't know how to install it, I clicked on the xml file. An IE page opened wanrning me of the threat running activex commands. I accepted it and clocked on run. After that I tried to hook my qtek but, as mentioned, nothing happened.
Did I install it the proper way?
please let me know about it.
all the bests
Michael, just copy to an SD card, and then find it on your Uni using File Explorer and click on it. It will then install.
Hi Jon and a milion thanks: finally someone who guided me through. Gosh, after all it didn't take that much, uh? All it took was your words.
really really thank you
it works: after a zilion months and tests I finally got my universal to hook with my laptop again.
Thanks a lot for that USB switch: it sure helped me out on this while hundreds in various forums across the world couldn't..............
xda-developers - the best place for gathered information!
cant connect
Hey guys... i just bought a qtek 9000 and i can't sync it with my laptop. Running
ActiveSync 4.5
I tried the usbswich cab and nothing happened. Can you help me?
The PC installed the device but activesync is not even trying to sync the device.
Congrats on your Universal!!
Try to uncheck the advanced functionality under usb to pc
Also have a deep read here:
Hope it helps,

Right Click CAB installer for vista & WMDC 6.1

Incase anyone else is interested...
I looked but could not find (it was late) a "Right Click to Install CAB" for vista but i could only find an XP one.
I took a quick look & it seemed simple enough to modify so I did just that.
Attached is the modifed Installer (zipped).
I got the original xp version here >> <<
Regards, Steve.
Nice Thanks a lot bro, it works just fine
Thanks, is great
whats that?....
karras_vagelis said:
whats that?....
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In XP you can use a little cmd file so that you can install cab files directly to your phone by right clicking the file on your computer and the option "Install to ppc" will be there.
This is the vista version.
thanks sd00!
it also works great in Windows 7 and WM6.5.3.
chiar cautam ceva de gen bvbv

