Help with USB Tool - Shift General

I just recently purchased a Shift. It was not disclosed at purchase that it was made for the Italy market. I have managed to install Win 7 and also liberate the Snapvue. I want to install an english ROM for Snapvue but have not been able to get the USB Tool to connect to the Windows side. I have searched the forums and the web but have yet to find a solution. Any help would be appreciated much!

Same Problem
I have the exact same problem with an Italian Shift. Were you able to Liberate it with a working Sim card or did you have a Sim card available to you?

Ok,I purchased one as well from onsaleday and was able to liberate and get USB tools to work. Flashed an English rom and am good to go. You will need a SIM card to get it to work properly to transfer files or keep trying to get Windows mobile center to recognize your device and transfer the liberate files that way. I had problems at first due to my pay as you go sim, I had to change the server/apn from ISP.CINGULAR which is what it automatically sets up to WAP.CINGULAR and well as username to WAPSCINBULAR instead of ISPCINGULAR. Let me know if you get stuck and I can help. I figure there are going to be a few folks that picked up a device recently.
Phone and GPS and WM6.1 all work great now. I also have upgraded to Windows 8

Hi.I also bought an htc shift from 1saleaday.I managed to liberate the snapvue.It has the soft reset and usb in settings.It is still in italian.Can you please post the steps in installing english rom.Thanks in advance.BTW I am stuck in hard spl'ing my HTC Shift.USB gets disconnected prior to updating rom.

what you need to do is uncheck enable advanced network under the usb to pc option in wm side. this will allow you to flash your rom

Thanks To All
Yep. Un-checking enable advanced network device was the trick! I am now liberated, rom flashed and running Win7. For those of you who bought from 1 sale a day; were you able to activate the English Vista OS they installed? Mine would not. Not that I wanted to keep it just not good service IMHO.

I never tried to activate Vista, I went ahead and installed windows 8, works very well. Boots quickly and with the resolution tool found in the forum here, you can change the resolution to use the metro side and runs well. I can see my ATT SIM and surf via the windows 8 side as well. Pleased with the device. I upgraded the ram to 2 GB and inserted a 64 GB SSD I had lying around. All is good.

Liberate Italian Shift
I just got the HTC shift (italian version) and am having no luck in liberating it. What method did you use? I have the files and followed MoDaCo website, but liberate never shows up on the options screen. Please help.
I was able to get to USB Tools. The liberate.lnk file was corrupted. Still trying to get it to work. Does 'wm' mean windows mobile media center?


Please help me installing a new ROM

Hi All,
I have a Tmobile PPC Phone Edition (Wallaby) it was upgraded to WM2003 and was working fine and suddenly stop responding after Activesync and I had to hard reset it to make it work again.
I tried to install the XDA developers edition without luck since the program couldnt detect the USB connection. I then backed up in my SD card the oroginal OS ROM (Wm2003) and reinstalled it but after I did so I lost my Phone capabilities (does not give phone settings or the signal bar appears on the screen) and what is worst I can not do Activesync since it appears connected but is not.
Can anyone please help me? Maybe guiding me on how can I put a good ROM on my SD card and install from there? Porbably the XDA Devleoper Edition?
Thanks to all and merry Xmas and a Great 2005.
May be you can try to search on this website rather than setting up a new topic. I have seen and gone through your situation before.

M3100 newbie help

Just purchsed the Orange M3100 phone but I cant sync it on my pc. Ive downloaded Windows Mobile Device Center driver for Vista 64bit. It doesnt pick up my phone. Please help, ive googled etc.
Running WM 5.
In settings>connections>usb to pc, uncheck "advanced network functionality". That might work...
also make sure its pluged directly into your pc (one of the ports on the back) not though a usb hub, thats the prob i had syncing my 3100
thanks ultramag69. it seemed to work
now can i use FREE HTC HERMES UNLOCKER v3a by pof using vista?
the instructions talk about active sync and windows xp but no vista
sorry but ive only used this phone for few hours
you can use the sd card method as described in its readme.txt that comes with it
thats the problem I dont have a sdcard yet. Just thought the XP instructions may work using Vista and WMDC.
I believe you need to update to the latest version of WMDC through my reading but you may want to confirm that. If you do a search through the wiki using terms like "vista activesync hermes" you should get a hit as it has been extensively talked about. Also please make sure you check what radio rom you have as unlocking the hermes will downgrade the radio rom to MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT RADIO YOU HAVE SO YOU AN PUT IT BACK...
If you want to use the sd card method (I find it safer than from the pc) then you need an sd card 2 Gb or smaller as though the OS can read a higher card the bootloader (the software in the hermes used to flash) can't. Don't forget to Hard SPL your hermes after you unlock it, I didn't need to do this but you can check by putting a sim from another carrier into your hermes. However, Hard SPL is a MUST. You can get instructions from here -
Sd card method on page 116, post 1160. It has all the apps needed to flash both through pc and sd card.
Then you're good to go for flashing a new os.Look into each os on your own, read the post and make up your own mind, DON'T ASK WHICH IS THE BEST..... There is no "best" for everyone, you need to choose on your own. As for the Radio Rom, I would suggest ONLY using the sd card method as if you flash this it the thing that is MOST likely to brick your device if something goes wrong. DON'T INTERRUPT THE FLASH FOR ANYTHING!!!!!
As stated the unlocking will change your radio rom.
Read carefully each step of the guides and don't skip anything and you'll be fine...
Welcome and happy flashing,
hi ultramag69. flashed the phone today and it worked fine. the only problem i have now is when trying to update to wm6 i just get the 4 colours screen and lose sync. same when trying to hard spl 2.1. any ideas?

Symantec pcAnywhere mobile on HD

Had someone tried to run Symantec pcAnywhere mobile on Touch HD?
I've got the following Problem:
Installed by .cab-File
Started, works great on this huge Display!
...but: After rebooting my PPC the following happens:
If I try to start now, it dosen't work anymore.
It seems, some components are missing.
What can I do?
Hi Nomel, i have the save issue's. after several soft and hardreset and different installation of applications, i also find the error in symantec pc anywhere mobile.
i don't know how. but after a hardreset and a clean system i install only pca mobile. works first fine. but if you softreset your hd you cannot anymore run or reinstall it !!!!
yesterday i tested with making a backup before , softreset and the same !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
at moment i have no solution.
Symantec pcAnywhere mobile install on HTC Touch HD
I have the same problem.
When I first install pcanywhere 12.5, it works fine, but in the first time I soft reset, it stops running.
After that, I have uninstalled and try to install again, so it give me this message:
‘Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions.’
The interest thing is that I have a Samsung Omnia with windows mobile 6.1 too, and works without any problem. I can soft reset and it still working.
The bad news is that I have contacted Symantec Support and they don't know what is happening. I start in the beginning of this month my first contact and four attendant try connecting with my pc, staying 3 hours and still have no solution for this problem.
They say that will contact me, but I’m still waiting.
If anybody knows how to resolve, please tell me. If I find the solution, I’ll put it here.
Thanks for everybody.
I have been using PCAnywhere for months with no problems after many soft resets.
mpconti said:
I have the same problem.
When I first install pcanywhere 12.5, it works fine, but in the first time I soft reset, it stops running.
After that, I have uninstalled and try to install again, so it give me this message:
‘Installation was unsuccessful. The program or setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions.’
The interest thing is that I have a Samsung Omnia with windows mobile 6.1 too, and works without any problem. I can soft reset and it still working.
The bad news is that I have contacted Symantec Support and they don't know what is happening. I start in the beginning of this month my first contact and four attendant try connecting with my pc, staying 3 hours and still have no solution for this problem.
They say that will contact me, but I’m still waiting.
If anybody knows how to resolve, please tell me. If I find the solution, I’ll put it here.
Thanks for everybody.
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I'm having the same problem. I'm using NFSFAN's custom ROM on my HTC Touch. Only on his later 2 versions does this problem occur. I believe he got the ROM build from the Omnia....
So, the problem could be some kind of conflict between the program and these newest builds of WM 6.1.
I have the same problem with rom 1.56 ITA . with the previous version everything was ok even after softreset. with the new one I find the described error during install
htc touchpro2 pcanywhere solution
i have installed pcanywhere 12.5 on my htc touchpro 2 and it worked great until i soft reset it (powered down and up again) and i get the same problem. wont run and wont reinstall. so i threw pcanywhere 11.5 in the ol' cd rom and just installed the moble onto my phone and it works just fine. i still have 12.5 installed on both my machines and the mobile 11.5 connects to my xp box great. not sure about vista or win7. try that guys. hope it works!
This worked for my Touch Pro 2
I found this fix somewhere (don't remember where).
But if you rename
MFC80***.DLL to MFC80***.dll
there are a few of these files in the Windows directory.
I used resco explorer and hit rename and it automatically made the .DLL to lowerecase .dll and voila, pcAnywhere mobile worked.
You may have to do a fresh, new install and then do the rename before a reboot.
I hope this works for you.
(windows directory of the phone)
I have Hd2, have few questions please.
1) Does mobile version works with 3G (HSPDA) or just Wifi ?
2) How to connect from your mobile ? mine always gives me the error unable to connect though my host is active & waiting for incoming connection !
3) Do i need to config my router ? open ports ?
Many thanks for your help.
kbriaz said:
I have Hd2, have few questions please.
1) Does mobile version works with 3G (HSPDA) or just Wifi ?
2) How to connect from your mobile ? mine always gives me the error unable to connect though my host is active & waiting for incoming connection !
3) Do i need to config my router ? open ports ?
Many thanks for your help.
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This is actually the HD forums. You'd be better asking this in HD2 forums

needed real help for upgrading 6.5

when i try to upgrade my xda!! with the usb data cable it sometimes sync with system & sometimes not. after sync when i try to upgrade it shows error 101 is there any real heroes who solve this problom !?!?
datacable is ok !
i've v1.3 xda!! it shows usb when connected with pc but not upgrading !!!!!!!
really funny for htc makers ...
it is essential to put power cradle with datacable when upgrading rom !?
where are the rom developers !?!?
hay bro give me some software or tricks which made activesync connection unbrakable coz xda!! ends partnership with pc.
it shows USB when connected with pc but can't runs the upgrade process.
bootloader screen shows USB
v1.03 without lightning screen but not upgrading !!!!
error 101? Thats connection error i think.
Just one thing. Have a look at the n00b guide to upgrading by ather.
SEARCH: himalaya n00b guide
That give details about upgrading on Windows XP Or Vista
hay bro i try all that stuffs & guides but cannot get any ideas is there any tricks to make xda2 connected with system without brake it ???
can anyone gives me their sd card headers !?!?!?!?!?
it's possible afterwards putting it on sd card and then create .nbf files.
hay brothers plz help fast yaar before put it to garbage or throwing the device ha ha ha lol :*:*
hi have you downloaded latest activsinc i sometimes need to re down cause it plays up so reinstall it usualy do the trick another thing my device stays dark when i up it
maxoutputuk said:
hi have you downloaded latest activsinc i sometimes need to re down cause it plays up so reinstall it usualy do the trick another thing my device stays dark when i up it
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nope bro,
the problom is not regarding active sync or system i think it gone out from its age lol..
actually it needs sd card headers from another himalaya... so if u've sd card header then send me...
flyboyovyick said:
error 101? Thats connection error i think.
Just one thing. Have a look at the n00b guide to upgrading by ather.
SEARCH: himalaya n00b guide
That give details about upgrading on Windows XP Or Vista
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hay bro,
what's up ???
actually i need sd card headers from himalaya, if u've that then send it to me.
Help with upgrading from windows mobile 2003 to 6.5
I have an O2 XDA II with windows mobile 2003 on it.
When in Bootloader Mode it says v1.01
when connected to the PC it says USB so i know its working in its own little way
I am trying to upgrade it to windows mobile 6.5.
I have tried everything so far and searched forums and tried things suggested on them but i just cant seem to do it.
Can someone send me a guide on how to do it please.
id be very greatful.
Thanks in advance.
kaashp: Doesn't your himalaya read sd cards then?
mikeymcmk: iam willing to give you a guide, have you got msn?
i will guide you through it as your doing it.
It reads SD cards but i didnt manage to do it that way either.
I got an error message saying copy to SD card failed.
my MSN is [email protected]
if you email me at [email protected] and let me know when your online and what i need to download, il log onto MSN.
cheers mate, very appreciated.
(i receive my emails on the above email address near enough instantly)
KAASHP said:
nope bro,
the problom is not regarding active sync or system i think it gone out from its age lol..
actually it needs sd card headers from another himalaya... so if u've sd card header then send me...
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Okay, from begining
Answer in points like I ask you questions
1. Can you enter bootloader? (serial text on screen without backlight)
2. Which Bootloader version do you have? It is written on screen when in bootloader mode at bottom (like 1.03v)
3. If you put your device into crandle (of course crandle is connected to usb in your pc/laptop) do USB text appear in place where Serial text was already?
4. Which system do you use? (Xp, vista, 7, linux, unix, amiga, commodore)
5. Do you have nk.nbf and Upgrade.exe or HimaUpdate(...).exe in THE SAME folder?
6. What happens if you run update application and click Next?
7. Did you tried to run in administrate mode?
8. Do you have x64 system?
9. Do you have himalaya? put out your battery and check if it is written PH10B or PH10A.
10. Did you tried another PC or another crandle?
11. Which rom you want to flash?
Answer here.
1. yes
2. v1.01
3. yes USB is displayed
4. windows 7. ( i have XP aswel which i tried and failed also)
5. Yes. Both files in same folder on my desktop.
6. it says checking information on your PDA then says connection failed.
I tried it when not in bootloader mode aswell and it said it was erasing everything off my PDA but then said connection failed straight away.
7. Yes tried it in admin mode but same error messages.
8. no not using x64 system.
9. under the battery it says PH10B
10. Yes, tried my laptop and also my desktop.same errors on both of them.
11. Ive tried a few ROMs. any ROM will do realy. just want to get rid of windows mobile 2003.
Thanks for your quick replies.
ive updated alot of phones from windows 2003 to windows 6.5 but this 1 is just stubbon lol.
could it be the handset is faulty?
im waiting for another handset to come which is identical but originaly on T-Mobile not O2 like this 1.
sorry for not getting back to you im only a noob 2 things may be wrong sounds like faulty socket on phone or faulty cable/cradle try wobbling the cable gently when connected all sounds obvious but we are talking grandad of mobiles you cannot as far as i know go strait from 2003 to 6.5 i just got to 6.5 if you get a stable connection you have to go 2003se then 5 from there went to swampys blue silk now aeroflylubys hybred 6.5 all running perfect also athers memory program came in handy i used microsoft activsync 4.5 for xp win7 is a brill os but xp did it for me
aeroflyluby said:
4. Which system do you use? (Xp, vista, 7, linux, unix, amiga, commodore)
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ROFL! amiga!!! AMIGA FOREVER!!!!
Ive just had another O2 XDA II and a TMobile MDA II throught the post.
ive just ordered a new cradle today aswell, as the 1 I was using was slightly cracked on the bit that connects to the phone.
So that might of been the problem.
im unable to test until the new cradle comes (hopefully in the morning)
il keep you posted.
Hey! Mikey! Join our irc channel:
Channel: #himalaya
Or anyone can join who has anything to discuss about the htc himalaya.

[Q] Liberate Italian Shift

I just got the HTC shift (italian version) and am having no luck in liberating it. What method did you use? I have the files and followed MoDaCo website, but liberate never shows up on the options screen. Please help.
I also posted this under USB.Tools help. Sorry for the cross post.
I was able to get to USB Tools. The liberate.lnk file was corrupted. Still trying to get it to work. Does 'wm' mean windows mobile media center?
Ben's Outlet, huh? Yeah, same thing here, only I don't have a sim card I can try yet. Managed to get Vista reinstalled in english, but currently I don't have a working Display switching ability. If you reinstall factory vista, it's in Italian, at least on mine, so watch out for that.
htc shift updation
have the same problem, i am having italian version htc shift i change the language of windowz vista by vistalizator but can change snapvue to english version. i even cant liberate my device. i get stuck in between. i get an icon liberate in my snapvue settings when i click it it fails..........please help me
stagsval20 said:
have the same problem, i am having italian version htc shift i change the language of windowz vista by vistalizator but can change snapvue to english version. i even cant liberate my device. i get stuck in between. i get an icon liberate in my snapvue settings when i click it it fails..........please help me
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I was running into this as well. Make sure the CAB file is in the My Documents folder in the SnapVue side and it should work.

