Please help me installing a new ROM - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hi All,
I have a Tmobile PPC Phone Edition (Wallaby) it was upgraded to WM2003 and was working fine and suddenly stop responding after Activesync and I had to hard reset it to make it work again.
I tried to install the XDA developers edition without luck since the program couldnt detect the USB connection. I then backed up in my SD card the oroginal OS ROM (Wm2003) and reinstalled it but after I did so I lost my Phone capabilities (does not give phone settings or the signal bar appears on the screen) and what is worst I can not do Activesync since it appears connected but is not.
Can anyone please help me? Maybe guiding me on how can I put a good ROM on my SD card and install from there? Porbably the XDA Devleoper Edition?
Thanks to all and merry Xmas and a Great 2005.

May be you can try to search on this website rather than setting up a new topic. I have seen and gone through your situation before.



Hey guys. The Special Edition ROM is a good idea, but I've just lost all connectivity with my XDA:
After installing the new ROM Image, I'm unable to use Active Sync (therefore unable to flash the old ROM provided by Othaman OR to get my data restored from the laptop), PIE or any other service. The device will just not connect to anything else.
Any help with restoring the previous ROM would be greatly appreciated - if only I could get my XDA to connect with ActiveSync....
Please help - my XDA is as good (or as bad) as a phone now...
You can install a new ROM via the SD-Card and the bootloader....
Okay here's the difficult part:
1. I have a couple of SD Cards with me, but no reader.
2. Am currently in Africa for a couple of months, so no way of getting hold
of a reader for that period at least.
3. I do have my old Sagem WA3050 (Win CE 2.11) with a compact flash card (128 mb).
4. This sounds tortuous, but would it be possible to (1) copy the old ROM Images to the storage card (Compact Flash) of my Sagem PPC; (2) Beam the files over to my Qtek P1010 and write it on to the SD Card; (3) Use this image now to restore the ROM
I'm desperate ! Need some way out !
Turns out that Active Sync wont work with either Serial Cable or IR with the new Special Edition ROM. Hence had my USB Cradle flown down today and was able to sync. Flashed the new O2 RAM with a little help from AdaptROM.
Thank you, xda-developers for the suggestion (try using USB).
For those in a similar fix, try USB.
The new ROM, out today, fixes the original problem, and any other outstanding issues we're aware of...

AdaptROM unable to connect

I can't figure out why AdaptROM cannot connect to my XDA. I am running Active Sync 3.7 on Windows XP pro. I have Norton Anti-Virus and several other applications that are always running. I have tried disabling all of them and it didn't make any difference. I am running the new T-Mo WME2003 and the new 6.4 radio stack on my SX-56. It syncs just fine with the PC and has a pairing relaitionship set up.
Neither AdaptRom or any of the .exe upgrade programs, nor Mobipassword can connect to my XDA. Anyone have any ideas why this might be? I have tired using a serial cable and the USB cradle and changing the connection settings. When I originally upgraded it way back when to the ATTWS SX-56 PPCE2002 rom it worked just fine. I hadn't tried it since.
The only thing I can think of is a registry setting being hosed up. I am going to try uninstalling active sync and reinstalling and see if that makes a difference.
Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I tried removing and reinstalling Ative Sync and it didn't have any effect. Both programs show an Active Sync error cannot connect to device.
It's as if something must have the port tied up.
Same Here
I upgraded to the 4.00.10 rom on my xda but I can't get either adaptrom or Programme A to run so that I can downgrade the device or reflash it.
Any help would be appreciated as I don't have access to an sd card writer.
Re: Same Here
qtzar said:
I upgraded to the 4.00.10 rom on my xda but I can't get either adaptrom or Programme A to run so that I can downgrade the device or reflash it.
Any help would be appreciated as I don't have access to an sd card writer.
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I had the same problem U had before. the best solution is to buy a SDcard reader to do the job.
Read more from here
Good luck :wink:
I noticed that the 3.x CE developer environment also cannot connect
to a 2003 device.
XDA developer Itsme said:
I noticed that the 3.x CE developer environment also cannot connect
to a 2003 device.
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Could this mean that some supporting files are missing from the T-Mobile rom? If somebody could get a list of all the files that are different between the 4.00.05 and the 4.00.10 roms then it might point to something...
You can try another hard reset of your xda. That happened to me about a month ago and a hard reset fixed it. Unfortunately I had to create a new relationship etc.. - Jim

i really screwed my xda!!! help!!! Please

I have rom 4.00.16 from the kitchen, and i wanted to upgrade the radio.
I had ver. 5.15 and i downloaded the radio upgrade from (the first one that apeared in a google "xda radio upgrade" search.
Since it didn't tell me the radio version i was going to upgrade i installed it to the xda, and as soon it finished installed the xda self-soft-reseted and asked me for mim password, i have entered it and it started to do the upgrade by itself and got stuck at 10% for several minutes and frozee there.
I have already soft-reseted, hard-reseted, but without sucess my xda wont boot the OS, only displays the "not for sale" screen with the following info:
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Help please!!!!
I dont have a sd card reader!!!!
Any other possible workarounds???
you can help me here or by my msn messenger: [email protected]
I'm stuck with out a mobile phone.
You have to have a card reader to fix it. There is no other way. You have to upgrade OS (using SD card method) and then try installing radio upgrade again.
I have already done that.
Now i can boot the xda (pressing the volume button) but as soon it starts making the upgrade it says it fails (at 1%)
The worst part is that the xda isn't charging (or it doesn't assume it's charging and that's why it doesn't continue with the upgrade).
I've already tried to copy the gsm soft from a working qtek 1010 using the bootloader gsm to sd method, but no sucess since nothing happens (i insert the serial cable on the xda but mtty.exe doesn't react or recognize the xda - any possibel mistake i'm making here???).
Help most wanted, since i can't afford at this time to pay for a motherboard replacement - this is my only solution according to the qtek technical support here in Portugal (and hey, thanks a lot for your time )
Anyone can please suggest any possible solution?!?!?!?
You can feel free to use my msn: [email protected] to contact me...
I will pass some licenced software to the person that can help me solving my problem!!!!
Maybe this thread can give you any help :?: :?:
Why it tries to run upgrade upon boot? When I flashed my OS there were no files under start up folder to run upgrade executable. I suggest boot your XDA and remove everything from Startup folder
My main problem is that i can't get the xda to charge (or at least assume it's charging the led is always off).
Isn't there a way to crack the rsu to avoid him to check battery status an carry on with the upgrade (cracker's welcomed )??
I think that would solve my problem
I can boot the OS by pressing the volume key (already changed to several OS's to see if one coulde handle with the charging problem.)
And i can sync with my desktop.
But i cant upgrade via programme A.
Programme B installs on the xda but when it reboot's it stop's at 1%
I now have a original o2 3.17.3 and my bootloader is 5.15
I've seen that in the bootloader we have the chance to backup the gsm rom to a SD card! But how to restore it??? If anyone can make such a backup and has a way to restore it can you please share it with me???
As i said i don't have the money to exchange my motherboard (that's the answer from QTEK'S support i've got (great guys thank's again for your time)
I've arranged a conmceptronics sd/mmc/ms/sm/etc.../etc... card reader.
So if one finds a way of backing up the gsm rom, copy it to the sd and zip it using the rom tools here available could you please send it to me???
Thanx in advance
Another thing:
with this rom installed if i go to backlight settings it wont turn off the backlight.
I need urgent help
Qtek Support here in Portugal gave me a qtek unit for a few days to see if i find a way to recover mine without replacing the motherboard.
I have the following material:
-1 working qtek 1010
-1 damaged xda
-usb cradle
-serial cable
-sd card reader
-1 128mb twinmus sd card
What can i do to solve my problem
Please help

Big problem

I am new here and i have problem
When i turn on my qtek9000, i recieve message Serial V.100.
If i connect USB cable it displays USB instead of Serial.
This happened when i tried to do radio upgrade (through usb hub, sim and sd were also in phone...).
I have 1gb SD card and also card reader mounted in laptop, so transfering files should not be problem.
Can someone help me with step-by-step procedure how to make my qtek work back. I used a lot of search but i am even more confused....
I just remember that when qtek worked Radio was something like and also WWE was writen somewhere....
Probably i should put rom to sd with ntrw (which wersion of both),.......
please help....
might be a dumb question on my part - but have you tried a reset (initially a soft one but then a hard one of course, if nothing else works...) ???
I mean you will at least be able to revert back to the condition 'out of the package'...
Hope everything works out!
jup.both things NOT HELPED
looks like you're stuck in the bootloader mode....
try flashing the rom & the radio rom once again by connecting it to your laptop's usb...
i guess something screwed up while you were upgraging your radio rom...and you'd need to redo it!
can you please write me a procedure?
You might want to check the following thread. Everything is well described.
i am trying to download files but i get permission denied all the time
You mean you get an error when clicking this link ?
ftp://xdaupload:[email protected]/Universal
I don't understand that, it works perfectly well for me
I have solved problem with Radio upgrade. I am in much better mood now. 8)
Anyway i have 4 more questions.
1.) I am using bluetooth car-instalation Parrot CK3100. I am wondering if is possible to transfer any other sound except telephone conversations to that device. When i had Nokia 9500 i was able to hear every single click,tone,...i made on phone also on car-instalation. I also heard nokia ringtone in car instalation.With qtek i am getting generic car-instalation ringing tone instead of phone ringing. Otherwise primary intention (hands free talking) works fine. I would like to have that to be able to hear voices from various GPS software.
2.) Since QTEK9000 is PDA and phone in single unit I would like to have in car GPS application "always on top". Like previously mentioned i can easily manage my calls with car-instalation. Therefore i would like to run Phone section in background or GPS applications on top.I hope you will understand what i would like to say
3.) I also need in-car holder for qtek. Do you have any reccomendations?
My settings:
R: 1.04.02
G: 42.37.P8
D: 1.13.64.WWE
Is that ok or should i upgrade?
Stuck in bootloader mode
Hi guys,
Got stuck in bootloader mode following an upgrade attempt. Tried to reflash radio using the files from the pload folder only to get an error saying it's for the wrong device - tried this several times with the same result.
any ideas?
Is there a binary and a tool I can just do a straight upload?
Re: Stuck in bootloader mode
Bauser_uk said:
Hi guys,
Got stuck in bootloader mode following an upgrade attempt. Tried to reflash radio using the files from the pload folder only to get an error saying it's for the wrong device - tried this several times with the same result.
any ideas?
Is there a binary and a tool I can just do a straight upload?
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try it with this file -
1. put radio.nbf and the file attached below in the same folder and run the exe with ur device connected to usb in bootloader mode...
2. hope it flashes it
Thanks DreamTheater
Thanks for your help - unfortunately I got the same message, ie this rom is not meant for this device etc...
Will see O2 can do anything (who's that laughing...???) - was going to buy a new xda mini anyway...!
1. REMOVE your SD/MMC card.
2. Soft/hard reset.
3. Run the upgarde again.
Step 1 above solved my problem.

PLEASE Help! Activesync won't connect and didn't back-up

Hi all -
Newbie here, so I'll apologize upfront for any errors. I've been searching for the last 6 hours and have learned a lot, but still can't fix my problem.
I tried to upgrade the radio only, but after that there is no radio version, no phone or internet, system on MDA is VERY slow, and I can't connect to active sync. I can get bootloader up, but when I try to install the factory rom I downloaded from this site, it says "no device connected." I've tried to copy it to an sd card and install from there, but that doesn't work either.
Every suggestion seems to need activesync, which I don't have. Is there a way to download and copy something to an SD card and install rom from there?
Please help. I'm out of town and without a phone.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
I have same problem
No phone, everything slow, activesync not working...
How can i install everything again if it doesnt recognize PC???
Pls help

