HTC Shift SnapVUE Problem - Shift General

I recently brought HTC Shift X9500 mobile computer. I have a problem with SnapVUE application. Once I press SnapVUE button it goes to windows mobile however it not display SnapVUE window. It just only display windows mobile task bar and start menu.
I think SnapVUE application is not installed WM side is it possible to install SnapVUE application on WM?

you need to install it
Chanaka said:
I recently brought HTC Shift X9500 mobile computer. I have a problem with SnapVUE application. Once I press SnapVUE button it goes to windows mobile however it not display SnapVUE window. It just only display windows mobile task bar and start menu.
I think SnapVUE application is not installed WM side is it possible to install SnapVUE application on WM?
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its available as a cab file

Make sure it is enabled.

adamo86 said:
its available as a cab file
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Could you please send me the the cab file location? I have searched windows mobile file system but it is not available. Is it possible to download? Do you have download link?

Not available on today items
JaWe said:
Make sure it is enabled.
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It is not available on today items
Items available on today items are
Date, Windows Live and Windows Live Search

i have it as a cab file
Chanaka said:
Could you please send me the the cab file location? I have searched windows mobile file system but it is not available. Is it possible to download? Do you have download link?
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i have the file on my shift i will need your email add i send it to u

adamo86 said:
i have the file on my shift i will need your email add i send it to u
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could you send me it to [email protected]?
Many Thanks

Snapvue black screen
Hi, I am newcommer in Htc x9000, and I do hard reset to unlocked it, but now my snapvue become dark/black screen.
Any body can help me?

Follow this link, it helped me

Dead snapvue, need help
Thanks for your inform, but I already did hard reset (ecshift -bl, mtty_0513_test and task 28), but the snapvue screen still blank/dead.
Any another way?

hi there, adamo86.. can you please send me too the cab file for the htc shift i do have the same's my email: MOD EDIT: REMOVED EMAIL thank you very much..

please help
adamo86 said:
i have the file on my shift i will need your email add i send it to u
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can you please send me the cab file or link my htc shift have black colour on snapvue side
please help

sancharhari said:
can you please send me the cab file or link my htc shift have black colour on snapvue side
please help
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Which file is it that you want I have to check if I still have it.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

help me
adamo86 said:
Which file is it that you want I have to check if I still have it.
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
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hi thanks for your reply,
I am having htc shift clio200 (x9000) cdma whatever is the model. I was trying to program it for my cdma network. I done almost everything and program it. I didn't find the hard spl for cdma device and rom for cdma shift. after some research I find somewhere that if I will make clear storage then I can get flash any shift rom which is not having radio image. so I clear the storage.
after that snapvue side gose black
I have done the process below
by doing f3 hardreset my shift installed fresh windows vista
shiftec.exe -bl
then task 28 with mtty
all sucsuss but still nothing
its still black. I can still go to bootloader mode
please help me how can I get my snapvue works
please help

I'm not sure how you get snapvue back. However I have these two files
The first file is to liberate shift
The second is the shift*pack
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

Did you go to ShagCtrlCenter and try to reset SnapVue in advanced settings?
If you haven't already liberated your Shift i don't know how to reflash WiMo Side.
If you can set it to bootloader mode it would be worth trying to do so.
Did you also hardspl and all this stuff?
Files can be found here:
(If this answer in any way may have been useful to you, don't hesitate to press "Thanks"button )


Cleaning Vista............

Hello my friends my question is that i would like to clean vista with registry cleaners but i was doing it once and then was lost the resolution button the com manager button and etc.... can someone provide me with some executable that after cleaning i can put thaT REGISTRY BACK ?????? Please help me if you can.......​
Reboot your HTC Shift
on boot Fn+3 and boot a Recovery Function and Restor A Vista in default style
before you do that have a look here:
\program files\htc\control\setup.exe
And I think here you also find the Intel driver to setup the resolution button.
do not touch registry cleaners
yep, as i've told. registry cleaners (all of them) will mess up with the resolution changer and controll center.
Reinstalling the ""\program files\htc\control\setup.exe"" woun't help at all.
The only way will be fn+3
cmonex said:
do not touch registry cleaners
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Thank cmonex but i should clean vista so it will run good how i will clean???? do you know any safe tool??? after a year of using it will stuck vista without cleaning..................
dimisxxx said:
Thank cmonex but i should clean vista so it will run good how i will clean???? do you know any safe tool??? after a year of using it will stuck vista without cleaning..................
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to be honest I dont know about vista yet
been running XP on a PC for 3+ years now without a reinstall or registry cleaner, no problems - have just bought new PC, but before that I used that PC every day for long hours.
you just don't need to put junk on it in the first place. then there is nothing to clean.
I am using TuneUp Utilities 2008 and didn't ever had a problem. I have run it on shift also a couple times and everything still working OK.

Installing cab files from Vista pc

hi people
I am looking out for a software for my Vista Operating system in which i can install cab files directly from my desktop without copying it to my device n then installing it.
There r many softwares actually but none of them r vista compatible..for eg cabviaactivesync.
Any developpers intrested in helping us out
WinCE CAB installer
Here you go:
You can drag and drop CABs there, or ever better, associate .CAB files with it in Vista, so, all you need to do to install a CAB is a double click (while having ActiveSync on of course)
wow so fast reply.thank u so much..i hope it works on vista.
i have tried this already but not working on vista..its says file cant be accessed!!even in admin mode
AthenaLod said:
Here you go:
You can drag and drop CABs there, or ever better, associate .CAB files with it in Vista, so, all you need to do to install a CAB is a double click (while having ActiveSync on of course)
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How to associate .cab files in vista so that when i double click on should start installing?i have winrar in my system.i removed the .extension but if i double click on it...the openwith dialog box will open
sathya said:
How to associate .cab files in vista so that when i double click on should start installing?i have winrar in my system.i removed the .extension but if i double click on it...the openwith dialog box will open
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I am using XP, but it should be the same on Vista... when the "open with" dialog opens, select wince cab installer, and select "always use selected program to open this kind of file"
wow program works fine here on vista. much easier than copying over then opening on phone, saves space too
I just tired reinstalling vista but for no gives me the same error..plzzzz some one can write a script for vista..plzz
I hope its ok to post a link here? I found this a while ago and it works slick on my Vista 64 but there is downloads for 32 bit vista as well.
Hi thanks for ur reply..i have windows device central edition on my pc..My problem is that i want to install .cab file directly from my pc to my pda which is not possible with device can install only exe files..i hope u got my point.
any one can help me install my cab files?plzz
why cant u just put the cab files on ur device and install there? it mite be inconvenient i guess..
bapssystupr3m3 said:
why cant u just put the cab files on ur device and install there? it mite be inconvenient i guess..
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yes u r right..its really a pain copying the files to device n installing from there..any program u know for vista..i tried many but of no use
^^this works fine for me on vista, i just right click on the cab then send to, WinCE cab installer
Doesn't work for me. Get access denied. And what's worse: you can't uninstall the damn thing.
Found it, just remove the Send to entry and delete cabinst.exe from Windows folder.
DizzyWeb said:
Doesn't work for me. Get access denied. And what's worse: you can't uninstall the damn thing.
Found it, just remove the Send to entry and delete cabinst.exe from Windows folder.
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same error here..**** i donno what to do..i googled for hours but found nothing..anyone can write a script?
plzzz help
even i am getting that file access denied.what to do???
Having recently upgraded to Windows 7, I bumped into this issue as well and googled my way to this thread, but found no solutions like you guys.
It seems that all would be well if I turned off User Account Control, which, however, I don't really want to.
Thus I did more searches and found the following article:
Selectively disable UAC for your trusted Vista applications
Although the steps described in the above article did not prevent a UAC prompt from popping up, my installation of WinCE CAB Installer works now.

Unable to install any software in my HTC Shift

Dear All
I'm not able to install any software in Shift in windows mobile , i tried many softwares but i couldn't install whenever i try i get the following message
i did hard rest but still
any one have a soulotion for the same
Abu Shahad said:
Dear All
I'm not able to install any software in Shift in windows mobile , i tried many softwares but i couldn't install whenever i try i get the following message
i did hard rest but still
any one have a soulotion for the same
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Which ROM you are using? Could you please give us your ROM version etc. info?
Abu Shahad said:
Dear All
I'm not able to install any software in Shift in windows mobile , i tried many softwares but i couldn't install whenever i try i get the following message
i did hard rest but still
any one have a soulotion for the same
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Have you tried using a registry editor and changing the following line?
Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command and change the default value to wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete - there is a space after the .exe and before the /nodelete here
saiweb said:
Which ROM you are using? Could you please give us your ROM version etc. info?
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i'm using the original rom i haven't changed it
deadnex said:
Have you tried using a registry editor and changing the following line?
Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command and change the default value to wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete - there is a space after the .exe and before the /nodelete here
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thank you
but how to access the rigistry, as i mentioned i'm not able to install any software
Abu Shahad said:
thank you
but how to access the rigistry, as i mentioned i'm not able to install any software
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First of all, make sure SnapVue is connected to Vista through USBtool and that Windows Mobile Device Center is connected.
On Vista side - download and install CERegEditor. Open it - navigate to the "tools" menu and select "unlock registry". You are now able to edit your WM registry from the Vista side. If you get any warnings on WM side just press "Yes".
Hope this is helpful.
However, if you didn't follow a guide on how to unlock your shift to full WM I would recommend that you read one of the following threads:
Full Instructions for getting WM6, RealVGA, Office and IE
Enabling full WM the REALLY EASY SHIFTpack way
deadnex said:
First of all, make sure SnapVue is connected to Vista through USBtool and that Windows Mobile Device Center is connected.
On Vista side - download and install CERegEditor. Open it - navigate to the "tools" menu and select "unlock registry". You are now able to edit your WM registry from the Vista side. If you get any warnings on WM side just press "Yes".
Hope this is helpful.
However, if you didn't follow a guide on how to unlock your shift to full WM I would recommend that you read one of the following threads:
Full Instructions for getting WM6, RealVGA, Office and IE
Enabling full WM the REALLY EASY SHIFTpack way
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thanks man worked perfectly
when i press modify it tells me thats theres an error and it closes
please help

[Q] Liberate Italian Shift

I just got the HTC shift (italian version) and am having no luck in liberating it. What method did you use? I have the files and followed MoDaCo website, but liberate never shows up on the options screen. Please help.
I also posted this under USB.Tools help. Sorry for the cross post.
I was able to get to USB Tools. The liberate.lnk file was corrupted. Still trying to get it to work. Does 'wm' mean windows mobile media center?
Ben's Outlet, huh? Yeah, same thing here, only I don't have a sim card I can try yet. Managed to get Vista reinstalled in english, but currently I don't have a working Display switching ability. If you reinstall factory vista, it's in Italian, at least on mine, so watch out for that.
htc shift updation
have the same problem, i am having italian version htc shift i change the language of windowz vista by vistalizator but can change snapvue to english version. i even cant liberate my device. i get stuck in between. i get an icon liberate in my snapvue settings when i click it it fails..........please help me
stagsval20 said:
have the same problem, i am having italian version htc shift i change the language of windowz vista by vistalizator but can change snapvue to english version. i even cant liberate my device. i get stuck in between. i get an icon liberate in my snapvue settings when i click it it fails..........please help me
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I was running into this as well. Make sure the CAB file is in the My Documents folder in the SnapVue side and it should work.


Hi again!! iam back with more problems.I have a htc p3600 WITHOUT A ROM and i try to install the windows mobile 6.5.When i try, the installation stack on 1% and then my phone close.CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? DID MY PHONE BROKE? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
dimitris-samos said:
Hi again!! iam back with more problems.I have a htc p3600 WITHOUT A ROM and i try to install the windows mobile 6.5.When i try, the installation stack on 1% and then my phone close.CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? DID MY PHONE BROKE? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
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Have you solved it?
yes i solved it! First of all you need a pc with windows xp.Second enter your phone on tri color screen and then in your computer hit ctrl alt delete and in the second tab find wcescomm.exe and rapimgr and stop them! Search for a program called splxploit nad run unbrick! At the wait to finish its progress and install you rom!
dimitris-samos said:
yes i solved it! First of all you need a pc with windows xp.Second enter your phone on tri color screen and then in your computer hit ctrl alt delete and in the second tab find wcescomm.exe and rapimgr and stop them! Download a program called splxploit and run unbrick! At the end wait to finish its progress and then try to install your rom!
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