is there a software to measure the real time battery consumption ?
I've got a P3600 with original WM5 supplied by HTC
I just charged my phone on HD2 in Window Mobile, it was like 98% and suddenly I just go to Android, when I'm on Android, I got battery warning "!" on the top of my screen, can anyone tell me why is tha? I just know my phone have plenty of battery in it.
I had the same issue on older Android builds. But on newer builds it works for me.
i just installed android last day and having issue with the battery
i can charge the battery from windows but from android the battery aint charge...
You need to ensure that your build is using the latest zimage.
See my signature for the link to the latest zimage, you should know what to do with it.
nirhzn said:
i can charge the battery from windows but from android the battery aint charge...
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if you plug the charger in before you boot into android it will charge the battery. Also as mentoned before make sure you are using the latest zimage from with charging enabled.
im runnin Elegancia GTX by Miri & Steve - WM 6.5.X - V 2.0 FINAL and this version of android (original Froyo ROM)
the battery icon shows the ! as if its at 10% or less and the lock screens reads to connect to charger. the phone can be fully charged and it says this. ive also tested on different battery life percentages before booting and i still get the same icon.
i want to boot in android for most of the time but i also dont wanna be surprised when my phone dies becuz i cant see the battery life correctly
the battery life doesnt show a value
maybe i need to rephrase
my battery indicator doesn't show battery life, if anyone knows a thread that has the answer or knows how to fix please help me
again this issue happens once I've launched android, the battery status will always read as if the battery were low
Hello I am having a problem with my HTC HD2. I recently changed it over to Android, which i totally love. Except the SOD's! it's been driving me crazy! so i finally decided to change the radio on my device to try and stop the SOD's. The SOD's finally stopped after changing my radio BUT for some reason the battery won't charge. The battery is now down to 10%. I've tried charging the HTC HD2 while in windows mobile. but when i plug it in the battery says 100% at the top and when i actually look at the battery in notifications, it tells me the "true" battery which is around 10%. When i'm on android and charging the phone, it tells me the true battery percentage but doesn't charge also. I was just about to change the radio, to see if this was the problem but i cant since i don't have 50% battery. Is there any suggestions that could/would help? any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Check the battery pins bro. If u been pulling the batt u should check those if u haven't already.
ahahahcrap said:
Hello I am having a problem with my HTC HD2. I recently changed it over to Android, which i totally love. Except the SOD's! it's been driving me crazy! so i finally decided to change the radio on my device to try and stop the SOD's. The SOD's finally stopped after changing my radio BUT for some reason the battery won't charge. The battery is now down to 10%. I've tried charging the HTC HD2 while in windows mobile. but when i plug it in the battery says 100% at the top and when i actually look at the battery in notifications, it tells me the "true" battery which is around 10%. When i'm on android and charging the phone, it tells me the true battery percentage but doesn't charge also. I was just about to change the radio, to see if this was the problem but i cant since i don't have 50% battery. Is there any suggestions that could/would help? any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Using Battery Tool, my HD2 on Mango 7720/ISV cleanup regularly charged pretty much 3/4 of total battery charge or in terms of HTC Battery Tool the charges were as follows:
FULL 1230
ACR 935
With that being said I 'd previously run NODO on 2.12 with great reception and the same charging issue. Update to 2.15 with Mango degraded my reception, battery life and preserved the charging issue. Then I started seeing posts claiming that flash to 2.12 in Mango improves the overall experience and one of them literally mentioned the charging issue which allegedly disappeared. Knowing what to expect from 2.12 due to prior NODO experience, I decided to roll it back and see what happens...
First flashed 2.12 over 2.15 with battery approx. quarter down its charge and despite better reception my battery constatly charged only three quarters of total charge. Sooo, after reading couple posts on 2.12 radio, and how the battery charges fully all the way to 100% (using HTC Battery Tool to check this), I finally decided to charge my battery in external charger and than once again reflash 2.12 this time with fully charged battery and...
No more three quarter charge . Will do some repetitive charging to test and confirm but so far it's always charging all the way! .
Hope this helps someone who's suffering the same half ass charging annoyance .
PS: Drawback to this is need for external charger or properly charging phone
To download CustomRUU and radios click link below: (tnx user Kholk for useful post)
Hope this will work also for some other people .
Uhm... WP7 might be considering a theoretical maximum, just like android does with it's battery calibration.
Difference is, Android has on-the-go battery index recalibration. If it reaches the theoretical maximum (100%) and the charge is nowhere near 20/10 mAh, it keeps charging and set's the new maximum to the new charge (i belive it has a arbitrary battery units, at least Android on HTC Kaiser does).
What you're saying is, only flash WP7 if you're charge is at, or near 100% on WM6.5/Android Otherwise WP7 will waste battery charge
daedric said:
What you're saying is, only flash WP7 if you're charge is at, or near 100% on WM6.5/Android Otherwise WP7 will waste battery charge
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Even better... In case that your battery does not charge properly there is no need to repeat WP7 install, only reflash your radio .
Yes, you may ask how device radio rom could have any effect on WP7 installation which comes with it's own radio drivers after all, but today I can attest that it does. My phone is regularly charging all the way to 1190 out of 1230 all the time as opposed to post Mango Rom flash value of 935 and all I did was reflashed device radio with fully charged battery .
Appreciate the Android analogy .
PS: I presume that it does not charge full 1230 due to phone not charging in USB flasher mode and during flashing process
Question, on what wp7 phone is our version based ?
daedric said:
Question, on what wp7 phone is our version based ?
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I suppose it's HTC HD7 based as far as drivers for individual device components go. After all, people who are getting their new WP7 Roms activated (on HD2) literally tell Microsoft customer service reps that the activation is for HD7...
LuckTR said:
Using Battery Tool, my HD2 on Mango 7720/ISV cleanup regularly charged pretty much 3/4 of total battery charge or in terms of HTC Battery Tool the charges were as follows:
FULL 1230
ACR 935
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Eh ... i have tried but i can't this battery tool you're talking about Where is it?
ToddeSwe said:
Eh ... i have tried but i can't this battery tool you're talking about Where is it?
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Click the below link (tnx xboxmod), and download the zip file attached to the first post. HTC Battery Tool is one of the utilities in that archive....
Have I missed a post somewhere, how are you reflashing only the radio? I have been wanting to change my radio to one better suited to Australia. I was loathe to go through the entire process of WP7 install again, when essentially I have a bug free functioning install.
Speedn said:
Have I missed a post somewhere, how are you reflashing only the radio? I have been wanting to change my radio to one better suited to Australia. I was loathe to go through the entire process of WP7 install again, when essentially I have a bug free functioning install.
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There is no other way then complete WP7 Rom reflash if you'd like to switch actual WP7 radio but hardware level radio driver (OS independent) can be upgraded/degraded without resetting or reflashing your phone . Note, I am talking about radio e.g. 2.12 and more as made available via the link in post #1.
With that being said, if there's any radio on that list that suits you or if you're in possesion of Australia compatible radio then all you have to do turn of your phone, next hold volume down --> power on your device and wait for the rainbow screen to appear (kernel flash interface ). Once your phone is connected to PC, your interface type will change from serial to usb and do your thing as instructed under the radio rom link in post #1. Let us know how do you and if there's anything else that could possibly prove helpful
Regards to Australia
I was only getting a 75% charge with Mango and 2.15 so i flashed my radio back to 2.12.
After an immediate restart the battery charge graphic then showed 100%. Weird.
As the amber light was on I left the device charging into it changed to green. I then reflashed back to 2.15 and I have been getting a more accurate battery charge graphic ever since.
Ooh and the bonus, my battery is lasting longer between charges. Yey
Are you supposed to charge the device until green before flashing?
How long does your batt. last? On the worst day I had 4 hours batt. time (with BT on and WIFI on).
Today without WIFI and BT on the batt. seems to be lasting something around 15 hours.
I fully charge to green before I do anything nowadays.
I rarely use WIFI but I do have two email accounts set-up which check for mail every 30 minutes. With moderate talk time and two hour train surfing time I'm getting about 20 hours between charges. Which is considerably more than before.
my battery loses 10% on 30 mins, that's so LOL..
I have 7720 with 2.15.. with camera trick..
i'm gonna try the 2.12.. just a question, DO i need to HARD-RESET(by phone7 about screen) after the radio flashing?
luxxa said:
my battery loses 10% on 30 mins, that's so LOL..
I have 7720 with 2.15.. with camera trick..
i'm gonna try the 2.12.. just a question, DO i need to HARD-RESET(by phone7 about screen) after the radio flashing?
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Click to collapse, do not hard reset your phone at all. Whenever CustomRUU completes the ROM flash procedure, simply close RUU on your computer screen and your phone will restart (you will be exiting the rainbow/kernel USB interface). Mango install will be fully functional just as before you shut it down prior to flashing new radio .
Srry to hear about your battery drain issues...hope this will help to decrease it by a lot.
Let us know
The only solution that worked for me amongst all the options (based on my experience)
1. Tried the camera trick - NOT WORKED
2. Followed the steps below - NOT WORKED
* Boot the phone to MAGLDR
* Select "Reset" option from the menu
* Phone reboots normally
3. Hard reset the phone - NOT WORKED
4. Charge the phone in magldr USB storage option - NOT WORKED
5. Finally, flashed the 2.12 radio, did the camera trick (not sure if its relevant). The battery life has improved dramatically. It lasts more than 24 hours and still running (26% left) - WORKED.
Follow the thread below to download the 2.12 radio