[Q] battery not charging after changing radio - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hello I am having a problem with my HTC HD2. I recently changed it over to Android, which i totally love. Except the SOD's! it's been driving me crazy! so i finally decided to change the radio on my device to try and stop the SOD's. The SOD's finally stopped after changing my radio BUT for some reason the battery won't charge. The battery is now down to 10%. I've tried charging the HTC HD2 while in windows mobile. but when i plug it in the battery says 100% at the top and when i actually look at the battery in notifications, it tells me the "true" battery which is around 10%. When i'm on android and charging the phone, it tells me the true battery percentage but doesn't charge also. I was just about to change the radio, to see if this was the problem but i cant since i don't have 50% battery. Is there any suggestions that could/would help? any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Check the battery pins bro. If u been pulling the batt u should check those if u haven't already.
ahahahcrap said:
Hello I am having a problem with my HTC HD2. I recently changed it over to Android, which i totally love. Except the SOD's! it's been driving me crazy! so i finally decided to change the radio on my device to try and stop the SOD's. The SOD's finally stopped after changing my radio BUT for some reason the battery won't charge. The battery is now down to 10%. I've tried charging the HTC HD2 while in windows mobile. but when i plug it in the battery says 100% at the top and when i actually look at the battery in notifications, it tells me the "true" battery which is around 10%. When i'm on android and charging the phone, it tells me the true battery percentage but doesn't charge also. I was just about to change the radio, to see if this was the problem but i cant since i don't have 50% battery. Is there any suggestions that could/would help? any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App


Another battery drain problem - driving me CRAZY!!

I know there are already a lot of discussions on battery drain and believe me, I have read every single one of them. However, I think mine is slightly different:
When fully charged and using WIFI for 10 minutes, 10% of juice will be used. Listening to MP3 for 1 hour will also use another 10%. Overall, battery life is really bad but the key is it only happened suddenly. It have been very good up till now.
I have tested this on another battery and have exactly the same results so it is not battery related. I have also hard reset the phone and tested the battery with nothing installed and it still drains. A full charge only lasts me like 4 hour of very light use.
I installed Battlog and the power consumption is around 90 which I think is pretty low, but at times, even with this low consumption, I can see the battery usage literally falling before my eyes, like 5 % in 5 minutes.
I have also tried the HTC battery test, i.e. fully charged the battery, turned on plane mode and full brightness. After one hour, it only used 8% which I thought is normal. However, if I start using the phone by just simply clicking around, it will start dropping.
I believe the phone is fine on standby but once it starts doing things, even simple operations like moving around folders, it starts consuming a lot of power.
This all happens after an overnight charging episode when I noticed that the light stays amber in the morning and the percentage stays at 80%. I soft reset the phone and it immediately show 100%. This has never happen again but my battery usage is never normal since.
All in all, I think it is somehow hardware related, like the battery gauge is bad or the charging is never complete but it still shows green. It is still under warranty but I think will be very difficult to convince the service centre that there is something genuinely wrong with the phone.
P.S. Should also mentioned that I am using the stock telstra rom and have also cycled through the batteries twice before testing.
I had the same problem...
You should try resetting you battery:
1: let your battery drain to 0%
2: fully charge your battery while keeping your phone off!
this solved the problem for me..
Fenixz said:
I had the same problem...
You should try resetting you battery:
1: let your battery drain to 0%
2: fully charge your battery while keeping your phone off!
this solved the problem for me..
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I had actually "reset" the battery but only drain it to 5% before recharging as I have read that it is not safe to drain to 0%. I'll try to completely drain it tonight and recharge. Will report back.
btw, I noticed that when the battery is charged to 100%, the led stays amber for about 15-20 minutes before turning green. Is this normal or should it turn green immediately after reaching 100%?
Tried completely draining the battery and charge overnight but have no effect. The problem persists. So this is definitely not a battery problem.
I guess the last thing I can try is charging the battery with a standalone charger or another HD to see if there is problem with the charging mechanism in my phone.
The latest Telstra rom seems a bit better on battery
led amber
The led amber must turn to green
immediately after unplugging.
some thing is wrong with your charge
system .
aidinali said:
The led amber must turn to green
immediately after unplugging.
some thing is wrong with your charge
system .
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aidinali, can you please explain what you mean? I thought the led will go off if you unplugged the charger. My problem is that after reaching 100% as indicated on the phone, the led stays amber for another 15 minutes before turning green.
Well , I'll correct & explain more....
1-when you reach %100 ,the led will turn to green immediately (if you’r phone is plugged in).
2-if you unplug ,the led will turn off (as you said ).
The problem is that since the battery meter in HD has not been defined by percentage , it doesn't match with
Apps like battery level or battlog .so when you see %100 on them , it' s not "real % 100 ".
I believe there is something wrong with the phone as the percentage usage and charging status do not match. However, since the basic HTC software does not have any battery usage in percentage, it’s hard to convince the service centre that something is wrong.
Any software that shows the battery as a percentage all have the same reading, so I assume they all rely on the mainboard for that information. There is obviously something wrong with either the charging process of the phone or draining more battery than it needs during usage.
I have 100% exactly the same problem as in the original post.
Does anyone else?
I have also tried 2 batteries and had exactly the same results with both, so I also know it is not the battery. The only app I have installed other than Dutty's 6.5 rom is Tomtom which does not need to be run for any of these issues to occur.
Any chance on warranty? I think it's software...
Try a different ROM. I've been having the same problem. I just flashed a new ROM about an hour ago (partly because Dutty's 6.5 kept freezing). I'm hoping both problems will be solved now.
i've found the latest radio rom to make a big different to battery life.
the previous radio rom (1.13?) did suck the juice and made battery last 2 days less than 1.14
Try charging with a different charger. Ie. connect a USB cable on your PC and charge it from there.
I've had very similar problems with the stock charger a month after i got my TouchHD, and ended up testing with my old P4350 charger and all problems went away.
I've had similar drains even witch WiFi off, no emails, exchange or 3G access...
Now i'm getting a whole day's usage and i'm left with 30-40% battery, with 2 hours average talk time
I've tried with a number of chargers.....battery still sucks.
I've just switched from Dutty's to Energy ROM, radio is 1.14
If anything...energy drains more quickly than Dutty's
It says it drawing 350mA
Ok, I've used Energy ROM but now using Dutty's Leo. The only thing I've loaded so far is Battery Guard which say it's drawing 98mA when on standby(ie....backlight goes off). That'sa massive difference on the 250mA readings I used to get....now all I have todo is figure out which program I'm loading that is killing my battery.
That still only equates to 12 - 13 hours on a good standard battery with no use at all.
samlives said:
Ok, I've used Energy ROM but now using Dutty's Leo. The only thing I've loaded so far is Battery Guard which say it's drawing 98mA when on standby(ie....backlight goes off). That'sa massive difference on the 250mA readings I used to get....now all I have todo is figure out which program I'm loading that is killing my battery.
That still only equates to 12 - 13 hours on a good standard battery with no use at all.
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Standard battery should last longer. Sounds like your battery may be slightly faulty. Make sure you let battery drain fully before charging, and always try charging with device off. Should help improve strength.
I had same problem when i flashed miri's rom, hd got warm and didn't last, it cooled down in standby, the answer to my problem was that the wifi was not set to save battery mode, once i set it to save power everything was ok
Used 8% in 24 hours
Fallen Spartan said:
Standard battery should last longer. Sounds like your battery may be slightly faulty. Make sure you let battery drain fully before charging, and always try charging with device off. Should help improve strength.
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Have been trying that for a month now....something seems to have suddenly worked It only used 8% of the battery in 24 hours! I live in the rainforest with no service so cellular was turned off...wifi on, but I only accessed it about 6 times......still,nothing has changed. The same conditions would leave me with a dead battery in 7 hours previously.
Time will tell if it keeps up this well.
By the way....Thanks
So basically you're saying people should drain down the battery to 1% or so and not to 0% (device dies when battery is out) to get a better battery strength?
Seems to be the general consensus. I'm still not sure if that's what made the difference for me but previously,I would put my device to standbye when I went to sleep at 10:30pm and it would be dead by 6am

[HOW-TO] Battery calibration

I've just found that on the desire forum, do you think it will word on ours HD2?
vidler said:
Found this on another forum, I have done this a few times myself (do it whenever i flash a new rom because i always clear battery stats, can't hurt). Have found that it does top it up a fair bit. Before doing this i find my desire will drop to +-93% straight off the charger, however this keeps it 100% longer and i actually get to see the numbers 99-94%
Worth a go in my opinion because it only takes 5 mins of your time and can't hurt the phone... So any minor gain from this process is a win...
Hi *******, I understand your concern regarding battery life on your Nexus One device. The following steps should significantly extend the battery life on your phone. Please connect the phone to the charger with the phone powered on, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green, indicating the device is fully charged. Disconnect the phone from the charger, and power it off. Reconnect the phone to the charger with the phone powered off, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green. Disconnect the phone from the charger and power it on. Once the phone is powered completely on, power it off again and reconnect it to the charger until the notification LED is green. Disconnect the phone, power it on, and use it. You need to use this sequence only once. If the issue of battery life on our phone persists, I recommend you contact our HTC accessory department directly.
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link to the original thread
my guess will be no on this. As i think that the batteries are different. and it might be something with batteries that are in droid devices perhaps.
extasy98002 said:
my guess will be no on this. As i think that the batteries are different. and it might be something with batteries that are in droid devices perhaps.
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I'm trying right now i'll report as soon as I have an answer!
I think it should work as it's wiping battery stats in android
im trying it too as we speak
I'm pretty sure that calibration will not work currently in android properly. Cottulla posted a few days back that the battery driver is still incomplete and currently only supports reading battery state and that the write too part of the driver has not been implemented. When the driver is complete and has full read/write battery function this procedure should work better.
drewestate said:
I'm pretty sure that calibration will not work currently in android properly. Cottulla posted a few days back that the battery driver is still incomplete and currently only supports reading battery state and that the write too part of the driver has not been implemented. When the driver is complete and has full read/write battery function this procedure should work better.
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thats' true i didn't know that . it may be impossible to wipe battery stats this way
My battery wasnt calibrated properly and wudnt charge over 90%. Someone in this forum told me to switch off and charge until green and then switch it on. Now my battery seems calibrated plus i got 2 days of use on moderate use
drewestate said:
I'm pretty sure that calibration will not work currently in android properly. Cottulla posted a few days back that the battery driver is still incomplete and currently only supports reading battery state and that the write too part of the driver has not been implemented. When the driver is complete and has full read/write battery function this procedure should work better.
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but ive seen several posts of people calibrating their battery in winmo and reporting better battery life....idk maybe placebo
i will try this too. i myself had an issue today. i'm using chuckyrom right now. i use it at work so i can turn the "phone" off while at work. so it is in airplane mode. i only used the phone today to check the time and played some uno on a break. my battery stayed on 100% for 5 hours. so i turned the phone off, took the battery out for 1 minute. put the battery back in and turned the hd2 on. it was still on 100%. 4 hours later it was down to 94%. i just didn't think that a true battery reading. most days when i have the "phone" turned on at work i only have 10% battery left by the end of the day... just seemed odd to me. idk.
Well, I don't know if this works 'properly' or not but it's certainly had an impact so it's doing something right.
Prior to the calibration I could only charge to 95% or so. Phone now seems to be charging to 100% all the time which is good. Battery life also seems great, not sure if this is down to the calibration or not as I moved to Darkstone V2 (16/08/10) release the day before so don't have a baseline.
FYI, as I type this I'm on 49% battery remaining after being unplugged for 10hrs. Fairly light usage, couple of calls; some texting but quite a lot of browsing and XDA App on 3G and WiFi.
Amazing progress the devs are making. Have been running various builds of Android for a week or so no and haven't yet had to revert to WiMo.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
Edit: Couldn't figure out how to take a screenshot without plugging in (and hence losing the 'time since last unplugged stat') - so here's a ropey photo for the inevitable 'screenshot or it didn't happen' remark Seems I've been unplugged for 13hrs not 10... where does the day go?!
Anyone able to do this with mattc Leo + Froyo w/Sense? The charge indicator LED never changes to green.
retain81 said:
Edit: Couldn't figure out how to take a screenshot without plugging in (and hence losing the 'time since last unplugged stat') - so here's a ropey photo for the inevitable 'screenshot or it didn't happen' remark Seems I've been unplugged for 13hrs not 10... where does the day go?!
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Yeah, its hard to remember to take a screenshot before you plug it in (or in my case...reboot the phone)
You may want to try BatterySnap...its a free app in the market which gives you a great battery widget, plus a lot of really useful graphs and information.
I upgraded to Froyostone on the 12th...thats why the information is only going back that far...but as you can see, 18-19 hours a day at moderate usage is what I am getting on a regular basis
Hey guys, I'm trying this method but my battery won't charge past 99%. any suggestions?
interfreak said:
Hey guys, I'm trying this method but my battery won't charge past 99%. any suggestions?
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Power the phone off...then charge till you get a green light (Maybe even for an extra 10 minutes or so)...power the phone back up and plug into your charger. now it should charge up to 100%
I dont know if the battery itself is limiting the charge, or if its just the battery meter that is not displaying correctly...Anyhow, the above method corrects it for me whan this happens on my phone.
Thanks matey . I've only had my HD2 for five days but thanks to the awesome resource that is the xdadevelopers forum, I'm successfully running Android on my phone. :-D
AND This is my first WM device, have had iPhones for the past 2 years lol!
agentaaron said:
Yeah, its hard to remember to take a screenshot before you plug it in (or in my case...reboot the phone)
You may want to try BatterySnap...its a free app in the market which gives you a great battery widget, plus a lot of really useful graphs and information.
I upgraded to Froyostone on the 12th...thats why the information is only going back that far...but as you can see, 18-19 hours a day at moderate usage is what I am getting on a regular basis
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Cheers for the heads up - that looks like a great app! Downloading now...
quick question , do we do this while runnning android or windows mobile?
I did it from Android and seems to have worked a treat.
alantak said:
Anyone able to do this with mattc Leo + Froyo
w/Sense? The charge indicator LED never changes to green.
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Just to confirm, I'm on ChuckyDroidROM with mattc Leo + Froyo w/Sense 1.5b.
- I can charge to green when the phone is powered off.
- I cannot charge to green in ChuckyDroidROM WM (says 100 in Battery screen, just no green LED)
- I cannot charge to green in mattc Leo + Froyo
w/Sense (stays at 98 in Battery screen)
Hi i am on ChuckyDroid ROM 2.12.50 Radio and darkstones 2.1 build.
have don successfully the trick in post 1.
Now having 100% in the taskbar and i will report if the battery life have improved.

Charge and battery life problems

Hey there i have a HTC Legend running cyanogenmod 7.0.2.The problem is that i can't charge my phone to 100% it usually charges to 65% and it drains very fast but i noticed that i stays on 3% for +- 8 hours with extensive use.I thought that my battery wasn't good anymore but yesterday i tried putting my battery in my friends htc legend and it showed 83% while it showed 13% on mine so i put the battery to charge on my friends phone till it charged to 100%(that means that the battery's still good)but when i reinserted the battery in my phone it showed 65% just like when i charge the battery in my phone.I thought that i could try calibrating my battery but the phone doesn't charge to 100%.I was running blay0's b0.8.4 rom before this cm7 rom and had the same issue.
Any suggestions how i can fix this.
collin911 said:
Hey there i have a HTC Legend running cyanogenmod 7.0.2.The problem is that i can't charge my phone to 100% it usually charges to 65% and it drains very fast but i noticed that i stays on 3% for +- 8 hours with extensive use.I thought that my battery wasn't good anymore but yesterday i tried putting my battery in my friends htc legend and it showed 83% while it showed 13% on mine so i put the battery to charge on my friends phone till it charged to 100%(that means that the battery's still good)but when i reinserted the battery in my phone it showed 65% just like when i charge the battery in my phone.I thought that i could try calibrating my battery but the phone doesn't charge to 100%.I was running blay0's b0.8.4 rom before this cm7 rom and had the same issue.
Any suggestions how i can fix this.
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turn off your phone, plug it all night long then restart in cwm recovery and do "wipe battery stats" ( or something like that in advanced)
restart and see
I have already tried that i have turned the phone off and left it to charge for two and a half days long without disconnecting the charger but the light still didn't turn green.This is really annoying cause the battery drains fast and when its less than 15% the orange light turns on which i don't like to see
I have the same problem with my Legend since I update from stock 2.1 to 2.2.Actualy because of this I root my Legend then i can calibrate it but nothink seams to help.After all night charging the led is still red and when i start it up it shows 75% and go down fast.(1 hour or so can bring it to 5% easily).After when i switch it off and take out battery for few second and put it back it come back to about 55%.actualy the same problem as you have.
I just live with it....i trayed every calibration method and app. and nothink helps.
On another forum one guy told me then it probably need to be recalibrated in factory because i dont have the right tools for it.
I dont think then HTC will do that for me specialy after i root it.
If you find solution please let as know.thanks
pirate81 said:
I have the same problem with my Legend since I update from stock 2.1 to 2.2.Actualy because of this I root my Legend then i can calibrate it but nothink seams to help.After all night charging the led is still red and when i start it up it shows 75% and go down fast.(1 hour or so can bring it to 5% easily).After when i switch it off and take out battery for few second and put it back it come back to about 55%.actualy the same problem as you have.
I just live with it....i trayed every calibration method and app. and nothink helps.
On another forum one guy told me then it probably need to be recalibrated in factory because i dont have the right tools for it.
I dont think then HTC will do that for me specialy after i root it.
If you find solution please let as know.thanks
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Then unroot it, install your carrier's firmware just the way it came with on the phone, and send it back. I would imagine it be hard for them to tell that you've rooted it.
Or just before you do so, check if the battery's still messing around before you send it back.
I have two battery's and the problem is the same with both of them.If is true then they can not understand i will give a tray...i think then this is the first think they will look it at just to tell me f**k you..hahaha
I' ve the same problem with stock legend 2.2. How can we do?help!
Inviato dal mio HTC Legend usando Tapatalk
So this is what i tried i drained my battery completely till i had 1% of charge then i put it to charge while the phone was still on and it has been on charge for two days and i see that the phone has charged to 76% usually it would charge to 65% so maybe if i leave it for a couple of days on charge i could get a full 100% charge.So that is my last hope unless you guys find something else.
I will post back if it works for me
BTW couldn't it be a kernel problem??
All I know then the problem started when I update from 2.1 to 2.2 stock rom.so my theory is then when you flash new rom the process take some time and energy from battery and when the process is finish the system take current battery state as full which is not true because of used energy from flashing process.So maybe providing DC power with the same voltage as fully charged battery when flashing new rom may fix it.I maybe wrong but in theory it may work.what you think?
I have 2.2 since release date,and the problem is present since one month,after about 6 months 'hotspot mode' for home internet.i think is a battery problem (charge and navigate at same time for 2 hours for day)but this thread show that is a common problem!
Inviato dal mio HTC Legend usando Tapatalk
i'm having the same kind of trouble for the past 2 months. no matter what i've tried nothing happenned. i'm running custom 2.2 , without rooting or so and charging level stops at 71-75%. drops down relatively quickly until 15% and easily can stay with 3% for over than 5 hours.... htc suggested to run a factory reset,but even this didn't help. if someone finds a solution it would be ...LEGEND...
The phone is actualy charging the battery correctly,i find that out with the multimeter.I measure the battery voltage after all night charge and even then in the phone it shows 75% and voltage 3.950 with multimether i find out then voltage of the battery is 4.220.So thats mean then phone is charging correctly just the indicator(software)doez not interpret it it right.Still is anoying to look at red led after 1-2hours of use.
I have S-ON so maybe even if the calibration app.say after i tray to calibrating then batterystats.bin is deleted it maybe not true becouse of S-ON.
Do you guys with this problem have S-OFF or S-ON?
Maybe is not related to S-OFF or S-ON but who knows...
Maybe if we charge the battery till its full and testing it like pirate81 said with a multimeter and then flash a new rom maybe that could fix it has anyone tried this??
I start to think then XDA developers forum is useless...i post my problem hier to get help from people(xda developers)which I think then they actualy know somethink about android but It seams to me then XDAdevelpers actualy dont care..end i am sorry for that....dissapointed.I see then this forum works on basic.."help your self"...where are you XDAdevelopers...we come to your forum because we need help from you...
I know you doing it for free so i should be happy for what i get but i was waiting a little bit more of interest....sorry i am just dissapointed.
Anyone find a solution?
Would it help if we went back to android 2.1
I allready trayed that..save your time...no changes.
Can't we just use someone elses battery stats file someone who's battery does charge to 100%
I have same problem for 6 months already and yes, it started when I upgraded from 2.1 to 2.2 and it's only getting worse. It was 95% maximum, then 75% then 65% and now it's 45%.
Changing battery or firmware (custom or official), wiping stats, factory resets or calibrating batteries does not help.
Now it dawned on me that I still heve 2 weeks of warranty left and I think I'll try official service.
Please let as know when you will get it back...if they change just rom and calibrating or you will get new phone.I am interestig if it is software or hardware issue.thanks

[Q] Crazy Battery Drain

Ive recently installed jokerdroid4.2 and have suffered some crazy battery drain. Pretty much every night if it isnt charging and left on battery, by the time i wake up ~50% of the charge has gone - last night i left it at 97 and this morning it was 53. Is there anything i can do to sort this issue because i never had it on cm7 and actually had great battery life on that. Thanks
fix = uninstall task manager and when charged at 100% (still plugged in to charger) download battery calibration app from market and do battery calibration. after that give the battery few full charge/discharge cycles (charge it to 100% and dont charge until battery dies and phone turns off). do that after flashing any rom. if that doesnt work, its a hardware problem prolly.
hit thanks if i helped u.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
How does that help ?
He is saying battery is drained quickly, not that battery values are wrong.
There are apps that shows which software has consumed battery and by how much. Check in one of those list. If you haven't started using any new heavy apps then problem is related to basic functions like Mobile Data Network or WiFi or Cell Tower Signal etc.
Fix for these problems should be listed out by devs, but choose to ignore.
bynge said:
How does that help ?
He is saying battery is drained quickly, not that battery values are wrong.
There are apps that shows which software has consumed battery and by how much. Check in one of those list. If you haven't started using any new heavy apps then problem is related to basic functions like Mobile Data Network or WiFi or Cell Tower Signal etc.
Fix for these problems should be listed out by devs, but choose to ignore.
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That method helped me.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire
Plus, you dont need additional apps, any "monitoring" app just drains battery. You can check in settings.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire
Check this:

Battery Drain, even when off :/

Hi all,
Hope you may have some ideas.
Both me and my partner have HTC HD2's, We share the same docking station for Charging etc. My phone, is sound as a pound. Has never skipped a beat.
My Partners one however, is causing a myriad of issues. the main one being now is Battery drain, even when the device is turned off.
Last night for example, It was in the doc in the evening - being on 100% when removed from the dock, put it on the nightstand, and switched if off... powered it up this morning, it only had 4% Battery!
We have swapped batteries, and this issue still occurs with both batteries, but only when attached to her device. I know the Cable is sound etc as we both use the same dock.
Does anyone have any ideas whats going on as its not a direct Battery issue?
ZeeGy said:
Hi all,
Hope you may have some ideas.
Both me and my partner have HTC HD2's, We share the same docking station for Charging etc. My phone, is sound as a pound. Has never skipped a beat.
My Partners one however, is causing a myriad of issues. the main one being now is Battery drain, even when the device is turned off.
Last night for example, It was in the doc in the evening - being on 100% when removed from the dock, put it on the nightstand, and switched if off... powered it up this morning, it only had 4% Battery!
We have swapped batteries, and this issue still occurs with both batteries, but only when attached to her device. I know the Cable is sound etc as we both use the same dock.
Does anyone have any ideas whats going on as its not a direct Battery issue?
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Some info on system used (WM or Android) could be helpful, anyway as the first place to start I'd suggest using battery current app: BattClock (for WM) or Battery Monitor Widget (for Android), so you can check if the drain stops after disabling some system functions (like weather sync in WM/Sense),
I remember seeing quite a few threads on this here on xda, maybe searching the forum will return some useful links
p107r0 said:
Some info on system used (WM or Android) could be helpful, anyway as the first place to start I'd suggest using battery current app: BattClock (for WM) or Battery Monitor Widget (for Android), so you can check if the drain stops after disabling some system functions (like weather sync in WM/Sense),
I remember seeing quite a few threads on this here on xda, maybe searching the forum will return some useful links
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The Drain on the battery is on par with my HD2 - as stated, its when the device is off (not standby) that the drain occurs.
The Drain happens on both WM and Android, but the OS is probably irelevant as it occurs when the device is switched off.
ZeeGy said:
The Drain on the battery is on par with my HD2 - as stated, its when the device is off (not standby) that the drain occurs.
The Drain happens on both WM and Android, but the OS is probably irelevant as it occurs when the device is switched off.
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there's always a slight chance of hardware defect, or defective battery, but since there is no easy way of checking this (apart for switching the batteries on your devices), I'd rather start with checking the software side:
- monitoring battery current works perfectly for standby mode - the meter is updated at intervals (usually 1 minute),
- the first figure you see after turning the device on is the battery current consumption in standby,
- this figure usually should not exceed 10mA, if it is higher, especially in above 50mA, then it's the moment for checking with app/setting is causing the increased consumption,
- the steps taken now depend on the system used on the device, there are different things to check/uninstall/turn off under WM and under Android
Same problem
ZeeGy said:
Hi all,
Hope you may have some ideas.
Both me and my partner have HTC HD2's, We share the same docking station for Charging etc. My phone, is sound as a pound. Has never skipped a beat.
My Partners one however, is causing a myriad of issues. the main one being now is Battery drain, even when the device is turned off.
Last night for example, It was in the doc in the evening - being on 100% when removed from the dock, put it on the nightstand, and switched if off... powered it up this morning, it only had 4% Battery!
We have swapped batteries, and this issue still occurs with both batteries, but only when attached to her device. I know the Cable is sound etc as we both use the same dock.
Does anyone have any ideas whats going on as its not a direct Battery issue?
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I have exactly this problem on my HD2 with android. I normally have my Sensation XE but now i wanted to make the HD2 to work smoothly and give it to my father in law.
I don't remember i had this problem before. Did you found a solution?
And as you said, the device is completely turned off, not "stand by".
I've had the same problem, with the side effect also being the phone randomly forcing itself into car mode. Might be a short in your USB port. Clean it and it might help.
Sounds like the battery giving up. Can you test another battery. They are cheap enough on eBay. Mine was not great got a gold business battery on ebay for it. Lasts ages now
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda app-developers app
bobby1503 said:
Sounds like the battery giving up. Can you test another battery. They are cheap enough on eBay. Mine was not great got a gold business battery on ebay for it. Lasts ages now
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda app-developers app
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what you mean by gold business battery?
And if its better than stock htc battery then can you give me the link for it plz ?
Maybe it is a radio issue. When I flashed different radios on my HD2, some would give me bad battery life, and other would fix the issue.
Check for shorts and clean your usb port.. as se1988 said
tanush said:
what you mean by gold business battery?
And if its better than stock htc battery then can you give me the link for it plz ?
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I have one like in he link below. It's a high capacity battery worked for me. Would say it's also a good idea to just make sure all your connections are clean to eliminate a short.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda app-developers app

