Might be getting a fascinate, one problem - Fascinate General

It doesn't boot unless plugged into a USB. Doesn't matter if it has power to it or not. Can this be fixed and is it a known problem?
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

and it runs on battery after it boots? or does it always need to be plugged in?

electric bill said:
and it runs on battery after it boots? or does it always need to be plugged in?
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Runs on battery. I'm trading for a droidx, so its a win even with this flaw
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

Sounds like a hardware malfunction ... wouldn't know anything without more details

tab22 said:
Sounds like a hardware malfunction ... wouldn't know anything without more details
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Well the phone works completely fine. I can nandroid and restore. So I'm not really worried about loaning it out.
Sent from my ADR6300

I have a fascinate with this problem. Ive read everywhere and its a known problem by Samsung. But they don't give a **** to fix it. I don't know what to do to fix it. I've tried everything I can think of and then some. Its kind of annoying because if it ever reboots without a plug in around it won't start up, just sits on a charging screen.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium

I had a fascinate with the same issue. I'm pretty sure I fixed it by an Odin with Repartition checked to a di01 rom, let it boot, and then reflash whatever from you want.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA

I had the same prob it was due to the battery. I used a new battery and it booted fine. I got a new batt from amazon not a knockoff but a $17 in packaging sold by amazon battery. Check to see if the pink moisture indicator is showing on the battery.
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th3b3 said:
I had the same prob it was due to the battery. I used a new battery and it booted fine. I got a new batt from amazon not a knockoff but a $17 in packaging sold by amazon battery. Check to see if the pink moisture indicator is showing on the battery.
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Mine does this at times when the battery completely dies.. I just swap out my spare battery or charge the original a bit and it'll boot
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA


Phone Battery goes lower and dies even when plugged up...

Is this my charger or my port causing this?
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Is this my charger or my port causing this?
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It's hard to say. It could be either. Does the phone ever charge up at all? (when it's powered down?). If not, I would first try another charger cable, to rule that out. If that doesn't solve it, then I'd be suspicious of the charge port, and most likely take it in to sprint. A little more info would be good.
Is this my charger or my port causing this?
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There is a known issue with Evo charger its referred to as -charging port durability by Sprint- take it to a repair store and if you have any issues ask if it is part of the above know issue. This does not apply if its been pulled out by physical damage.
k2buckley said:
It's hard to say. It could be either. Does the phone ever charge up at all? (when it's powered down?). If not, I would first try another charger cable, to rule that out. If that doesn't solve it, then I'd be suspicious of the charge port, and most likely take it in to sprint. A little more info would be good.
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When it's down it powers on then dies but it will blink as if it's charging
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When it's down it powers on then dies but it will blink as if it's charging
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Yes but when the phone is completely shut off and it's plugged in, does the charging light come on and stay on?
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It's your charger more likely cus it happened to me with a cheap charger. So I think its your charger. But if your using a legit charger from like sprint/htc, then something is wrong. I only use HTC chargers.
Sent from my HTC EVO Phone, should'nt we all have one?
This same thing happened to me, took it to a sprint repair center. They gave me a new USB cable and cleaned the port on my phone. Worked like new after that.
ruben1221 said:
It's your charger more likely cus it happened to me with a cheap charger. So I think its your charger. But if your using a legit charger from like sprint/htc, then something is wrong. I only use HTC chargers.
Sent from my HTC EVO Phone, should'nt we all have one?
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I use my factory htc charger
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snowboarda42 said:
Yes but when the phone is completely shut off and it's plugged in, does the charging light come on and stay on?
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Yes it does
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Yes it does
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What rom are u on? I'm cm7 and it does the same thing when I'm using the phone while on the charger. As soon as I turn of the screen my battery begins to fill up.
alexisprz said:
What rom are u on? I'm cm7 and it does the same thing when I'm using the phone while on the charger. As soon as I turn of the screen my battery begins to fill up.
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Cm7, but this been happening even when I flashed different roms or factory
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Cm7, but this been happening even when I flashed different roms or factory
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Does it do it on Factory UNrooted? If so, I'd say take it back to sprint while it's unrooted and on the factory stock rom and have them replace or fix it
I had the same problem with a refurb I got that replaced my original Evo. It worked fine for a week or two, then one night, I plugged it in as usual and woke up the next morning with a battery on the verge of dying. The charging light was even still orange when plugged in. I tried every charger I had (evo original, BlackBerry, Samsung, Sprint car charger...) to no avail. Charging with a wall adaptor and USB port on computer yielded the same lackluster results. It did this when rooted and not, with custom and stock roms, and didn't change with kernels. I ended up having to charge my spare battery with a wall charger for the battery and switch every hour or two. I went to the store and they looked at it and gave me 2 new batteries and a new charger (for palm pre) and tried to send me on my way. I plugged the charger into the wall at the store and showed the repair person that it was still losing battery while plugged in and "charging". Needless to say, I got another refurb right away that didn't do the same thing.
Bring it in to the store and get yourself a "new" phone. It worries me a bit that they might be pushing these refurbs out to stores a bit to quickly.
kwg8t7 said:
I had the same problem with a refurb I got that replaced my original Evo. It worked fine for a week or two, then one night, I plugged it in as usual and woke up the next morning with a battery on the verge of dying. The charging light was even still orange when plugged in. I tried every charger I had (evo original, BlackBerry, Samsung, Sprint car charger...) to no avail. Charging with a wall adaptor and USB port on computer yielded the same lackluster results. It did this when rooted and not, with custom and stock roms, and didn't change with kernels. I ended up having to charge my spare battery with a wall charger for the battery and switch every hour or two. I went to the store and they looked at it and gave me 2 new batteries and a new charger (for palm pre) and tried to send me on my way. I plugged the charger into the wall at the store and showed the repair person that it was still losing battery while plugged in and "charging". Needless to say, I got another refurb right away that didn't do the same thing.
Bring it in to the store and get yourself a "new" phone. It worries me a bit that they might be pushing these refurbs out to stores a bit to quickly.
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That's how my phone is.
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Strange problem I recently developed on my vibrant. Suggestions?

Ok so these last couple of days I've been having the strangest problem with my vibrant. The battery litterally sucks it self on the charger. For example, today at 3 in the morning I woke up to find my phone charging at 71% I was like ok good. Woke up at 7 and the phone was completly dead! It looses power on the charger. At first i thought it was the battery so i switched it. And whattya know. Still the same problem. Then i thought it was the usb port since ya know samsungs port sucks ass so j get a new charger and nothing. Let me remind you tthat this is a recent problem. Any body know a fix to this?
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Jasonhunterx said:
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Bionix V 1.3.1, Bali kernel.
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which bali kernal? im rockin bali 1.8.8 and no problems
im getting amazing battery life with this setup
Yea 1.8.8. Im getting serious battery drain! Ill loose about 7% in like 5minutes while plugged in the friggin charger.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Test your charger. Try usb charge from pc. With a different cable to be sure something is not crossed inside.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
edit to fix autocorrect fail
caliga4221 said:
Test your charger. Try usher charge from pc. With a different cable to be sure something is not crossed inside.
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The battery should not drain like that period not even cm is that bad
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My point is nothing to do with rom or phone but rather the charger or cable my be damage and causing short that drains the battery. Hence the suggestion to try other cables and charge methods to eliminate the possibility of this being the culprit.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Bought a new charger before I posted. Still draining!
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Does it also fail to charge if the phone is turned off? If it charges while off then perhaps its a software issue after all. If not then the charge/usb port might be bad. How are you charging the battery between posting?
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caliga4221 said:
Does it also fail to charge if the phone is turned off? If it charges while off then perhaps its a software issue after all. If not then the charge/usb port might be bad. How are you charging the battery between posting?
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It shows its charging. But it'll go from like 11% to 0% in like 10 mins. And yea it charges with the screen off.
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Have you tried to backup and re-flash your phone? Have you tried a battery calibration by wiping the battery stats? My advice *having never encountered that issue* would be to save all your data, make a list of the apps you use regularly and re-flash the phone then manually re-download each app and do not restore anything. if all goes well and it charges like normal then your set and can if you wish restore your old data and/or apps 1 per day till you notice the problem, return if it does.
I did just that. Reflashed a new rom and less drain but its definatly.
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My next advice would be to try stock 2.2 for a day or so and see if it has issues. then if its ok try a new stable version of cm7 or miui * different build than previously used* and see if the problem returns.
caliga4221 said:
My next advice would be to try stock 2.2 for a day or so and see if it has issues. then if its ok try a new stable version of cm7 or miui * different build than previously used* and see if the problem returns.
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Ive been thinking of cm7 but the battery life is driving me away. I was able to charge it till like 40% then i unplugged it by accident and I plugged it back in and BOOM battery drain. Its at 0% and will not rise.
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If the phone gets hotter than 120° then it wil stop charging and actually dicharge. Make sure your not overcloking or ajything.
My advice on which rom if your not set would be to use trigger. I moved to trigger a long time ago after one of my bionix flashes didnt work quite right and have not looked back yet. I am currently on project v with trigger theme which is a little more like stock but with tweaks than a fully custom rom.
Ok so I got it to charge too 100% overnight and I unplugged it and it went down too 37% instantly. -__- just started working today and this isn't cool. I also left it by a fan so it wasn't hot at all.
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Alex530 said:
Ok so I got it to charge too 100% overnight and I unplugged it and it went down too 37% instantly. -__- just started working today and this isn't cool. I also left it by a fan so it wasn't hot at all.
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In that case I would be sure to flash back to stock clean and then go to a different rom, I suggest Trigger 3.2 very stable in my experience, and charge to 100% and do a battery calibration. Trigger comes with an app to calibrate the battery and be sure its fully charged.

[Q] Power Issues

My wife and i both have MT4G phones. While mine works perfectly fine, My wife's is having issues that I can figure out.
First, let's say that she 76% left on her battery, the phone will just power off. But when the phone is restarted, the battery will be at something like 8-20%. Now I thought her battery was bad so I swapped her battery for my battery to see if i needed to buy a new battery.
With her battery in my phone there were no issues with my phone and conversely, her phone with my battery and it does the same thing.
Anyone else have this issue?
she probably has a rougue app. One that's juicing the living **** out of that battery. Look through her apps and see if any of them run while device screen is off. Its probably an app thats syncing constantly.
You can check these by going to settings/about phone/ battery/battery use. There's you'll see the apps that are running and which take alot of juice out of the battery.
You can also reduce sync for anything by going to settings/account and sync. Thee you can change sync intervals or stop anything from syncing at all.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
mackpbj said:
My wife and i both have MT4G phones. While mine works perfectly fine, My wife's is having issues that I can figure out.
First, let's say that she 76% left on her battery, the phone will just power off. But when the phone is restarted, the battery will be at something like 8-20%. Now I thought her battery was bad so I swapped her battery for my battery to see if i needed to buy a new battery.
With her battery in my phone there were no issues with my phone and conversely, her phone with my battery and it does the same thing.
Anyone else have this issue?
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Uninstall suspected apps til you find the culprit also.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
This is common with mine, it does it while charging. Its not a rouge app. Cause ive tried it and cannot find any app that is running it unless its shadowed. I dunno but it happen a few times already. I use cm7. Now it can also be related to emmc chip. Kinda curious only a few people have these issuses. Wouldnt it be more wide spread and more people have problems with it, if its an app?
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Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
I would say to try and do a factory reset.
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That would happen to me if I wiped battery stats in recovery.
And on some Rome.usually full wipe and reflash solved it.
Haven't wiped battery stats in a long time,and I haven't had that issue since.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

My 3month old S3 died :(

Wow lastnight i left it on charge and today i wake up phone is total dead.. removed battery 30min nothing no led or anything, charger plugged in total dead.... :crying::crying: how can this happen i havent root or anything its been working perfect as of lastnight....
and my old 1.5 year desire still works rofl..... i should have bought htc.....:silly:
A minute of silence for your beloved S3...
Well, in case you really have a faulty one which is only 3 month old, you have warranty and it will be replaced. Products who are sold by millions are always some defective, electronics.... I had the same with my Sony cyber shot camera.... a few years back. Just go back to the store and get a new one.
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9300 met Tapatalk
s3 is like a top end budget phone its crap
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Ahh. Assuming this is just a one off, extreme case for you... it's gonna be pretty damn comforting knowing that you'll still have another 21 months of warranty coverage
Sywped from my GT-I9300 running Omega v28 & siyah 1.7rc1
Contact the retailer and tell them, then if needed go to a service centre for a repair
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
try replacing battery if a friend our relations have one try that may have over dosed the battery did that last month on my s3
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chwads2k8 said:
s3 is like a top end budget phone its crap
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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**** happens man, doesnt mean the model is crap, just your's fella
mines working fine lol i aint prob with mine jus think the device performance doesnt match its hardware software design probs the culprit
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
chwads2k8 said:
mines working fine lol i aint prob with mine jus think the device performance doesnt match its hardware software design probs the culprit
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Its not software design its optimization, flash an AOSP ROM and you will see the differences in performance.
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Maybe it's just dead battery. Try another one.
FDisk80 said:
Maybe it's just dead battery. Try another one.
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I'm not sure about this because he said its the same with the charger plugged in, and it will run with the charger plugged in but no battery.
If you don't have a spare battery to try use a multimeter put the probes across the positive and negative terminals of the battery if there's an output on the screen its fine.
That's if you have a multimeter
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delsus said:
I'm not sure about this because he said its the same with the charger plugged in, and it will run with the charger plugged in but no battery.
If you don't have a spare battery to try use a multimeter put the probes across the positive and negative terminals of the battery if there's an output on the screen its fine.
That's if you have a multimeter
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Not sure if it turns on just on a charger.
FDisk80 said:
Not sure if it turns on just on a charger.
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If I take the battery out mine won't turn on even when in the charging dock. So it could just be the battery.
FDisk80 said:
Not sure if it turns on just on a charger.
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Hmm I would check but I'm not at home atm I know most modern products will, laptops,PSP, my old lg phone etc.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
delsus said:
Hmm I would check but I'm not at home atm I know most modern products will, laptops,PSP, my old lg phone etc.
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Doesn't work, it needs the battery as well.
Maybe the charger is broken? Connect it with your pc
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
take it back to the store you got it from, ask them to put a battery in it for you to check whether its faulty, they shouldnt have a problem with this. If its still dead then you dont need to worry about the fact you have probably flashed a cooked recovery / rom or rooted, it will be dead, they'll likely just swap it out. - albeit via samsung.
Well said
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
delsus said:
Its not software design its optimization, flash an AOSP ROM and you will see the differences in performance.
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Tried and tested, AOSP is definitely faster on the GS3 and battery lasts longer than stock (depends on your usage) if your not a fan of AOSP and like the Touchwiz wait for the Jellybean update to come.. shouldnt take long now..

ASUS TF101 Does not turn on unless plugged in...

So... I cannot turn on my Asus tf101 unless I plug it in to a power source, once the screen lights up I can unplug it immediately and it functions normally when turned on. I bought this device refurbished from best buy a few months back, I dealt with the issue but now am looking to sell it. Any ideas on how to fix this? I have never rooted the device, however I have tried factory resets and cold boots.
mled203 said:
So... I cannot turn on my Asus tf101 unless I plug it in to a power source, once the screen lights up I can unplug it immediately and it functions normally when turned on. I bought this device refurbished from best buy a few months back, I dealt with the issue but now am looking to sell it. Any ideas on how to fix this? I have never rooted the device, however I have tried factory resets and cold boots.
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Are you holding the pwr button long enough. If so,it sounds like the switch is bad.
I hold the power button for 12 seconds and try it with different variation holding volume keys. It functions fine when the device is powered on.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
It could be a bad battery or your charger is only giving enough to power the device on. I would try a new charger first.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
But once powered on, it functions flawlessly. The only issue is turning it on.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
I'v got the same problem. So +1. Any ideas?
I have the same problem, i am actually talking with the Asus Support Centre
I emailed them. All I can do.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
mled203 said:
I emailed them. All I can do.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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Do you have the keyboard docking station for it?
Are you on custom ROM or OEM?
What "app killers" are you running?
Some custom ROM's have had similar issues a long while back. maybe yours is getting that issue IF your running custom.
Keyboard dock, if you have it, does it do the same thing for powering on, where it needs to be plugged in to start the screen?
I only ask about the app killers because I had experienced a similar issue about a year ago due to an app killer I had installed. Removed it, and the phone worked fine. Put it back on and it reverted back to having to be plugged in to start the screen.
Have you tried a clean wipe of everything on the tablet? And I do mean CLEAN, no dirty flashes here (keep your pants on bud).
Lastly have you given the charge port a good ole blow out lately? Long bursts aren't really going to do any damage, but I would stick to short quick bursts of compressed gas, again NO VACUUM CLEANERS. They create static and the charge port is quite susceptible to static discharge.
I know your pretty intelligent, but let me put it out there again. DON'T be a fool and use alcohol on your tool.
This post made me laugh. I do not have the keyboard docking station. I have never installed any task killers as I do not believe in them. The tablet has been running the stock ROM the whole time and has never been tampered with.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
And yes I have done a factory reset twice with no success.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
mled203 said:
And yes I have done a factory reset twice with no success.
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But you never said if you gave the ole girl a good ole cleaning in the slot.
I would venture to say that you need to send it in to Asus or take it back to Best Buy (if your able to). It sounds like there may be a voltage issue with the digitizer or the inverter.
And NEVER EVER EVER Invert your digits while cleaning out the slot.
You also didn't say if you went deep up in the ole girl and gave her a good rootin.
I'm working with Asus right now and of course there's something wrong with my serial number. Nerve been rooted. Blew it out and that did nothing.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
mled203 said:
I'm working with Asus right now and of course there's something wrong with my serial number. Nerve been rooted. Blew it out and that did nothing.
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Please keep us posted as I am curious to know how ASUS customer service is to deal with.
Well, I am trying to send my TF to Asus to fix the problem and they are a bit annoying. I have just dealt with HTC before and that was wonderful, but here they have send me 4 emails asking me to wipe, to update and to do everything that I have already done, and after that they have sent me to another web to fill another questionary. With HTC I just had to told them the IMEI and in 4 days I had my phone back
I had similar issue with mine. It was one of the reason I took back to best buy and used the buy back.
I then picked up the Nexus 7.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I had a similar issue, do you use your device often ?
I figured out after a couple of months that each time it showed this behaviour the battery was in fact empty and it was in fact the root of the problem.
My transformer take much longer time to boot when plugged even with a full battery, and when it's empty it doesn't boot at all.
I must plug it, wait for it to be enough charged to boot unplugged, and do so. Then plug it back when started.
Considering that the transformer on stock cannot shut off when plugged to its keyboard (or even to USB ? Or is it just mine ? When I shut it off plugged to the keyboard then close it, it boot on again) When the tablet is left for several days unused the battery will be empty.
Sent from my Transformer using xda app-developers app
Yes I do. But even if the device is fully charged it will still not power on unless plugged in and I don't have the dock.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Ok, sounds to be a totally different issue then, sorry
Sent from my Transformer using xda app-developers app
mled203 said:
Yes I do. But even if the device is fully charged it will still not power on unless plugged in and I don't have the dock.
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Do the power and volume buttons work normally once fully booted? I have had similar issues, one was improperly seated power button, the other was a loose ribbon cable way down in the guts of this beast. Also, was this happening the whole time you've had it , or after a firmware update?
Right now I'm dealing with one that the screen won't stay on once I get into ics unless I'm plugged in. I went in and noticed that if the auto brightness wasn't set, it works. So I tweaked the settings in display time off when unplugged and uninstalled some screensaver app, and now it's working fine. It was probably the first thing, even though was already set to one minute. Anyway, just letting people know sometimes it isn't hardware. But the op probably is since he's done factory reset.

