My 3month old S3 died :( - Galaxy S III General

Wow lastnight i left it on charge and today i wake up phone is total dead.. removed battery 30min nothing no led or anything, charger plugged in total dead.... :crying::crying: how can this happen i havent root or anything its been working perfect as of lastnight....
and my old 1.5 year desire still works rofl..... i should have bought htc.....:silly:

A minute of silence for your beloved S3...

Well, in case you really have a faulty one which is only 3 month old, you have warranty and it will be replaced. Products who are sold by millions are always some defective, electronics.... I had the same with my Sony cyber shot camera.... a few years back. Just go back to the store and get a new one.
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9300 met Tapatalk

s3 is like a top end budget phone its crap
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Ahh. Assuming this is just a one off, extreme case for you... it's gonna be pretty damn comforting knowing that you'll still have another 21 months of warranty coverage
Sywped from my GT-I9300 running Omega v28 & siyah 1.7rc1

Contact the retailer and tell them, then if needed go to a service centre for a repair
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try replacing battery if a friend our relations have one try that may have over dosed the battery did that last month on my s3
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chwads2k8 said:
s3 is like a top end budget phone its crap
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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**** happens man, doesnt mean the model is crap, just your's fella

mines working fine lol i aint prob with mine jus think the device performance doesnt match its hardware software design probs the culprit
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

chwads2k8 said:
mines working fine lol i aint prob with mine jus think the device performance doesnt match its hardware software design probs the culprit
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Its not software design its optimization, flash an AOSP ROM and you will see the differences in performance.
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Maybe it's just dead battery. Try another one.

FDisk80 said:
Maybe it's just dead battery. Try another one.
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I'm not sure about this because he said its the same with the charger plugged in, and it will run with the charger plugged in but no battery.
If you don't have a spare battery to try use a multimeter put the probes across the positive and negative terminals of the battery if there's an output on the screen its fine.
That's if you have a multimeter
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delsus said:
I'm not sure about this because he said its the same with the charger plugged in, and it will run with the charger plugged in but no battery.
If you don't have a spare battery to try use a multimeter put the probes across the positive and negative terminals of the battery if there's an output on the screen its fine.
That's if you have a multimeter
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Not sure if it turns on just on a charger.

FDisk80 said:
Not sure if it turns on just on a charger.
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If I take the battery out mine won't turn on even when in the charging dock. So it could just be the battery.

FDisk80 said:
Not sure if it turns on just on a charger.
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Hmm I would check but I'm not at home atm I know most modern products will, laptops,PSP, my old lg phone etc.
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delsus said:
Hmm I would check but I'm not at home atm I know most modern products will, laptops,PSP, my old lg phone etc.
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Doesn't work, it needs the battery as well.

Maybe the charger is broken? Connect it with your pc
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take it back to the store you got it from, ask them to put a battery in it for you to check whether its faulty, they shouldnt have a problem with this. If its still dead then you dont need to worry about the fact you have probably flashed a cooked recovery / rom or rooted, it will be dead, they'll likely just swap it out. - albeit via samsung.

Well said
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium

delsus said:
Its not software design its optimization, flash an AOSP ROM and you will see the differences in performance.
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Tried and tested, AOSP is definitely faster on the GS3 and battery lasts longer than stock (depends on your usage) if your not a fan of AOSP and like the Touchwiz wait for the Jellybean update to come.. shouldnt take long now..


Happy man

Manage to get my sg2 up to 5 days(battery wize) now with allot of tinkering and rom switching =)
Tell me more, tell me more....
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Kanzari said:
Manage to get my sg2 up to 5 days(battery wize) now with allot of tinkering and rom switching =)
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5 days yeah, im assuming you mean 5 days on standby meaning you barely if ever used it in that time because it is practically impossible otherwise to get that amount of battery for 5 days.
One man post on some forum. 7 days
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Kanzari said:
Manage to get my sg2 up to 5 days(battery wize) now with allot of tinkering and rom switching =)
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You need to start using ur phone instead of leaving it on stand by.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Jeeez you lot are obsessed!
Plug sockets arnt hard to find!
with an intelligent use of the power-off button your battery may last some weeks...
I had 4.5 day on normal use but disabled data.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Greatz for buying this kind of phone and keeping it unused.
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jangomango said:
Jeeez you lot are obsessed!
Plug sockets arnt hard to find!
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Bang on man! think my worst case I have burned through a whole battery in a 4-5hours (chroot vnc gps etc) you know what though, it's not an iphone carry a spare!!! have a charger, have a battery pack charger, have a car charger!
the slightly more worrying factor for me is the power draw of some apps being greater than the draw on car charge.
I-on road for example probably the only truely useful AR app but V. battery intensive (gps and camera on full time go figure)
Lol - it doesnt matter how many days you got, i bet it was still only 3-4hrs screen on time like everyone else.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I saw someone post a 8 days screenshot in the extended battery thread.
Sent from my GT-I9100
i don't see the point...5 days, 7 days, 98 days...whatever...i'd acheive the same by not using my phone at all...
Dude I can accept 5 and 7 but 98 you are on. ;-)
Sent from my GT-I9100
"Hey guys I got my phone 2 weeks ago and haven't even had to charge it yet.
It's still in the box."
My granny claims she have't charged her phone for years Must be one of those wired devices...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Yeah carry a spare battery and don't worry about it, no point on spend $600 on a phone only to use it like a $50 one.
I've burned through a fully charged battery in an hour and half...
curioct said:
I-on road for example probably the only truely useful AR app but V. battery intensive (gps and camera on full time go figure)
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I had to look it up, and jesus god help us if people had to rely on that to drive safely...

Might be getting a fascinate, one problem

It doesn't boot unless plugged into a USB. Doesn't matter if it has power to it or not. Can this be fixed and is it a known problem?
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
and it runs on battery after it boots? or does it always need to be plugged in?
electric bill said:
and it runs on battery after it boots? or does it always need to be plugged in?
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Runs on battery. I'm trading for a droidx, so its a win even with this flaw
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Sounds like a hardware malfunction ... wouldn't know anything without more details
tab22 said:
Sounds like a hardware malfunction ... wouldn't know anything without more details
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Well the phone works completely fine. I can nandroid and restore. So I'm not really worried about loaning it out.
Sent from my ADR6300
I have a fascinate with this problem. Ive read everywhere and its a known problem by Samsung. But they don't give a **** to fix it. I don't know what to do to fix it. I've tried everything I can think of and then some. Its kind of annoying because if it ever reboots without a plug in around it won't start up, just sits on a charging screen.
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I had a fascinate with the same issue. I'm pretty sure I fixed it by an Odin with Repartition checked to a di01 rom, let it boot, and then reflash whatever from you want.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA
I had the same prob it was due to the battery. I used a new battery and it booted fine. I got a new batt from amazon not a knockoff but a $17 in packaging sold by amazon battery. Check to see if the pink moisture indicator is showing on the battery.
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th3b3 said:
I had the same prob it was due to the battery. I used a new battery and it booted fine. I got a new batt from amazon not a knockoff but a $17 in packaging sold by amazon battery. Check to see if the pink moisture indicator is showing on the battery.
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Mine does this at times when the battery completely dies.. I just swap out my spare battery or charge the original a bit and it'll boot
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA

Defective S3 died 2 days after i bought it!!

Hey Guys,
I have been following this thread since a while and finally took the plunge with the S3.
it was a blue s3 and i loved it.
All stock, not rooted nothing..
So i was downloading my games and apps the first day all went well
the second night, i bought NOVA 3, and put it for charge while downloading the 1.7 gb data for the game over wifi.
i woke up in the morning and the phone is dead, it shows a yellow connect it to kies message.
I dont know what happened?
took it to the service center, they tried re-installing the firmware, but no avail. finally told me they have to replace the motherboard it was fried.
I fought with them and managed to get a replacement unit which im gonna get on monday.
The ordeal aside, i want to know, is it possible this happened because i downloaded too many games(6 actually)
each with about 400 mb data.
can a phone get bricked if i download nova 3's data of 1.6 gb
cause i am going to get all my games again.
so help with the solution!!
probably a 1 off defective unit.
You left it charging overnight right, have you considered a power surge may have fried it?
It's better to wake up early in the morning and put it on charge than to leave it overnight.
Sorry about your loss though.
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kofiaa said:
You left it charging overnight right, have you considered a power surge may have fried it?
It's better to wake up early in the morning and put it on charge than to leave it overnight.
Sorry about your loss though.
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but i have a surge protector which i plug my charger into.
any ways thanks
Using or downloading stuff while charging gradually heats up ur phone....possibly...yeah motherboard fried..and u left it charging overnight
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kofiaa said:
You left it charging overnight right, have you considered a power surge may have fried it?
It's better to wake up early in the morning and put it on charge than to leave it overnight.
Sorry about your loss though.
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Not true. Modern mobile batteries like s3' have overcharge guard
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To answer your question, you just had a defective unit that's all.
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I think heating was the problem... I remember few guys with sgs2 with same problem reporting..
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I don't think the game's could do anything wrong to you while downloading.
Btw while playing games on SIII take care as the Phone's temperature reaches the sky and literally i have to close down the game because the phone becomes too hot.
CRBoy47 said:
Not true. Modern mobile batteries like s3' have overcharge guard
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power surge and over charge are totally different things. over charge protection would not prevent a power surge.
Most probably just a defective unit.
I left my HTC Sensation charging overnight once, and somehow there was an app running continuously and when I woke up the phone was scalding hot to touch. I freaked out and pulled the battery and let the whole thing cool before I booted it up again. Might not be relevant but just goes to show that our phones can take more heat than we think.
kofiaa said:
You left it charging overnight right, have you considered a power surge may have fried it?
It's better to wake up early in the morning and put it on charge than to leave it overnight.
Sorry about your loss though.
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Well I have been charging my handsets overnight for at least 6 years now and I have never had a fried nokia, hero, desire, sgs2 or sgs3 ever.
Charging overnight is safe
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yeah , modern batterys not like old batterys

New N7 user.

I have bought a 32gb nexus 7 from best buy in canada and wondering is it all the same ? Just don't want to end up whit a brick or anything
First 4 hours of use impression : it came preloaded whit 4.1.1 its snappy if you ask me but sometimes in application we can see some small lag but great tablet for its price !
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
shahkam said:
I have bought a 32gb nexus 7 from best buy in canada and wondering is it all the same ? Just don't want to end up whit a brick or anything
First 4 hours of use impression : it came preloaded whit 4.1.1 its snappy if you ask me but sometimes in application we can see some small lag but great tablet for its price !
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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They're are all the same do don't worry about that. Glad you're enjoying it!
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Mac of York said:
They're are all the same do don't worry about that. Glad you're enjoying it!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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Sweet ! Looking forward to this phablet now time to go on reading to get root and etc etc... Also how does the charging works first time ? Drain to 0% and then 100% ?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Makaijin said:
With every electronic gadget using Lithium-ion batteries nowadays, it doesn't really matter how/when you charge it.
Some would argue to make sure to allow a full discharge from a full charge from a battery calibration point of view, so the battery meter is more accurate. It wouldn't affect the health of the battery itself either way.
Things like memory effect doesn't apply to lithium-ion. How often you charge it and how much you charge it (full or partial charge etc.) doesn't affect it much either. The only 2 things that can potential kill a lithium-ion is high temperature and letting it discharge far too low to the point that it cannot be charged up again. Note that all electronic devices will power off way before it even reaches this threshold.
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Read this in a different thread when i was unboxing my nexus 7, i let mine sit for a while on the charger before i turned it on, but it came charged already. So far i have not let my nexus drain to 0% and the battery life on it is great, it can go for a entire day.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
inkredible973 said:
Read this in a different thread when i was unboxing my nexus 7, i let mine sit for a while on the charger before i turned it on, but it came charged already. So far i have not let my nexus drain to 0% and the battery life on it is great, it can go for a entire day.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Thanks for letting me know ive drained it to 0 charging all the way to 100 can't wait to start tinkering whit it
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I too just got one. May be came out of the box with 4.2. After I signed in I checked for an update manually, and it immediately upgraded to 4.2.1. I then rooted immediately! Battery has been impressive so far.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
annoyingduck said:
I too just got one. May be came out of the box with 4.2. After I signed in I checked for an update manually, and it immediately upgraded to 4.2.1. I then rooted immediately! Battery has been impressive so far.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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No luck for me i guess it shows that there is an update it downloads it and boot into recovery attempts to install but then an android robot laying down whit his chest open and a red triangle appears ?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Sounds like it may be a corrupt download. Unless you plan to remain on the stock ROM just unlock/root it and then install what ever ROM you like.
DarkSankaku said:
Sounds like it may be a corrupt download. Unless you plan to remain on the stock ROM just unlock/root it and then install what ever ROM you like.
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Will re download yeah it was only 80mb and it took like 20 seconds i think to download?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
shahkam said:
No luck for me i guess it shows that there is an update it downloads it and boot into recovery attempts to install but then an android robot laying down whit his chest open and a red triangle appears ?
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shahkam said:
Will re download yeah it was only 80mb and it took like 20 seconds i think to download?
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It happened to my device yesterday too. But after that upgrade disappeared so i can't get update. Did you redownload it? If you did, can you tell me how can i?
I found website for to redownload way (i can't share url because i haven't 10 post) and i have tried twice but every time android robot laying down whit his chest open and a red triangle appears and i can't update. Can someone know why it is happened?

[Q] nexus 4 doesn't charge?

I'm praying that I don't have this problem AGAIN! My galaxy nexus had that "charging issue" where it would say its charging all the time. No chargers worked for it so I had to buy an external battery charger. On top of that the phone would wake itself up randomly. Destroying my battery time to 2-3 hours with light usage...
My nexus 4 isn't charging now. Literally just doesn't want to charge, tried 3 different USBs and nothing happens. I am going to murder someone if I go through this again. I don't wanna send mine back to Google or LG because I'm lucky enough to have gotten a "perfect" device, no yellowing, creaking, rattle. I can't take it anymore :banghead: has anyone experienced this?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Nexus 4 is the Worst device ever..
My has gone dead.. Same case.. It doesnt charge and doesnt start..
F**** Google and LG
Nexus 4 is the Worst device ever..
My has gone dead.. Same case.. It doesnt charge and doesnt start..
F**** Google and LG
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Well, looks like I'm going to murder someone's family then. I'm at 38% battery and have 10 hour shift tomorrow at work and I literally NEED my phone for work and don't have any spare phones. I mean I have my galaxy nexus that doesn't ****IN CHARGE EITHER!!!!!! :banghead:
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fuego77 said:
Well, looks like I'm going to murder someone's family then. I'm at 38% battery and have 10 hour shift tomorrow at work and I literally NEED my phone for work and don't have any spare phones. I mean I have my galaxy nexus that doesn't ****IN CHARGE EITHER!!!!!! :banghead:
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Have you tried wiggling the cord around?
Argenist said:
Have you tried wiggling the cord around?
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fuego77 said:
Well, looks like I'm going to murder someone's family then.
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Leave. Don't talk like that.
Manufacturing defects happen. Get a wireless charger if you can't wait.

