Strange problem I recently developed on my vibrant. Suggestions? - Vibrant General

Ok so these last couple of days I've been having the strangest problem with my vibrant. The battery litterally sucks it self on the charger. For example, today at 3 in the morning I woke up to find my phone charging at 71% I was like ok good. Woke up at 7 and the phone was completly dead! It looses power on the charger. At first i thought it was the battery so i switched it. And whattya know. Still the same problem. Then i thought it was the usb port since ya know samsungs port sucks ass so j get a new charger and nothing. Let me remind you tthat this is a recent problem. Any body know a fix to this?
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Jasonhunterx said:
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Bionix V 1.3.1, Bali kernel.
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which bali kernal? im rockin bali 1.8.8 and no problems

im getting amazing battery life with this setup

Yea 1.8.8. Im getting serious battery drain! Ill loose about 7% in like 5minutes while plugged in the friggin charger.
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Test your charger. Try usb charge from pc. With a different cable to be sure something is not crossed inside.
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edit to fix autocorrect fail

caliga4221 said:
Test your charger. Try usher charge from pc. With a different cable to be sure something is not crossed inside.
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The battery should not drain like that period not even cm is that bad
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My point is nothing to do with rom or phone but rather the charger or cable my be damage and causing short that drains the battery. Hence the suggestion to try other cables and charge methods to eliminate the possibility of this being the culprit.
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Bought a new charger before I posted. Still draining!
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Does it also fail to charge if the phone is turned off? If it charges while off then perhaps its a software issue after all. If not then the charge/usb port might be bad. How are you charging the battery between posting?
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caliga4221 said:
Does it also fail to charge if the phone is turned off? If it charges while off then perhaps its a software issue after all. If not then the charge/usb port might be bad. How are you charging the battery between posting?
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It shows its charging. But it'll go from like 11% to 0% in like 10 mins. And yea it charges with the screen off.
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Have you tried to backup and re-flash your phone? Have you tried a battery calibration by wiping the battery stats? My advice *having never encountered that issue* would be to save all your data, make a list of the apps you use regularly and re-flash the phone then manually re-download each app and do not restore anything. if all goes well and it charges like normal then your set and can if you wish restore your old data and/or apps 1 per day till you notice the problem, return if it does.

I did just that. Reflashed a new rom and less drain but its definatly.
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My next advice would be to try stock 2.2 for a day or so and see if it has issues. then if its ok try a new stable version of cm7 or miui * different build than previously used* and see if the problem returns.

caliga4221 said:
My next advice would be to try stock 2.2 for a day or so and see if it has issues. then if its ok try a new stable version of cm7 or miui * different build than previously used* and see if the problem returns.
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Ive been thinking of cm7 but the battery life is driving me away. I was able to charge it till like 40% then i unplugged it by accident and I plugged it back in and BOOM battery drain. Its at 0% and will not rise.
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If the phone gets hotter than 120° then it wil stop charging and actually dicharge. Make sure your not overcloking or ajything.

My advice on which rom if your not set would be to use trigger. I moved to trigger a long time ago after one of my bionix flashes didnt work quite right and have not looked back yet. I am currently on project v with trigger theme which is a little more like stock but with tweaks than a fully custom rom.

Ok so I got it to charge too 100% overnight and I unplugged it and it went down too 37% instantly. -__- just started working today and this isn't cool. I also left it by a fan so it wasn't hot at all.
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Alex530 said:
Ok so I got it to charge too 100% overnight and I unplugged it and it went down too 37% instantly. -__- just started working today and this isn't cool. I also left it by a fan so it wasn't hot at all.
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In that case I would be sure to flash back to stock clean and then go to a different rom, I suggest Trigger 3.2 very stable in my experience, and charge to 100% and do a battery calibration. Trigger comes with an app to calibrate the battery and be sure its fully charged.


Has anyone had this happen?

I have a rooted incredible running froyo. When I woke up this morning the alarm clock was going if as usual.I grabbed my phone to hit snooze and it was so hot I could barely touch it. It also smelled like it was over heating. I unplugged the charger and pulled the battery and let it sit for a while. After cooling off I turned it back on and it wouldn't charge. Now after a few hours it has started charging again. Any ideas?
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what kernel/rom are you running? bb 0
htc @ and18-2#1
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jbrowning37 said: bb 0
htc @ and18-2#1
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Just let it cool down. After that you should be fine
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jbrowning37 said:
I have a rooted incredible running froyo. When I woke up this morning the alarm clock was going if as usual.I grabbed my phone to hit snooze and it was so hot I could barely touch it. It also smelled like it was over heating. I unplugged the charger and pulled the battery and let it sit for a while. After cooling off I turned it back on and it wouldn't charge. Now after a few hours it has started charging again. Any ideas?
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I would unroot it to bone stock and return it to the store before these symptoms get any worse.
Kernel or not, there is protection in the hardware to prevent an overheat like this, and apparently, yours is not working. Electronics should never emit a smell, unless its a coffee maker.
Yeah that's what I was thinking about doing.I don't want to lose my phone
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Phone won't charge any ideas

Well I am using my phone and it won't charge it says its charging but battery drops do u think it is battery or charger port need help or else I am screwed and plus phone can't turn off cuz cyanogenmod 7
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Odin, see if that works first
I have had the same problem happen when I was running an app called powermax and trying to charge at the same time. Turned the app off and charged just fine. A friend of mine had this exact same issue with the same app.
It is chargring a little bit bit now but only bit but at snails pace and if I am using it It does not charge is it port or battery
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Wierd fix I did was swipe my wifes battery with mine and tried eachothers chargers. Cleared hers up. No reasoning to it.
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Well gonna go back to my last rom trigger did not seem to have problem then will let yea know if it worked
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Max charge 97%

Well my Max charge is 97 what could that be I am running cm7 any help is my battery damaged?
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This belongs in question and answers section.
You might be able to fix this by reconditioning your battery,otherwise your battery is just getting old
It could not be getting old I just got it last month
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Thats how it is.
cm7 and miui have same problems, and its to save you from over charging, and thats some phones start heating up too much.
Don't worry about it, its for your own phones life.
Ok that's good to know and my phone charge extremely slow and sometime not at all but then I reboot and my battery life goes way up wat is that about
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Thats because your phone is mis-reading your battery's charges.
a Re-condition would help phone re-read it more accurately, but idk how you'd do that since to re condition you have to charge till' 100% lol.
Will they change rom to make it 100 cuz I don't want to go back to 2.2 rom cm7 is to good
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Jasonhunterx said:
Will they change rom to make it 100 cuz I don't want to go back to 2.2 rom cm7 is to good
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the CM7 your using is not OFFICIAL, so the problems your facing is up to the developer to solve, not the CM team because as far as i know, they haven't even supported CM7 for us fully yet.
it's just how cm7 is reading the battery. on one revision i would get a max of 95% then 97% on another. just recondition the battery after its been plugged in for while after hitting the 97%. worst case is you have to recondition your batter again after you flash another rom or it gets fixed.
Do you know what cm7 version they've used as a base for the vibrant version? The Nexus S does this by default, to protect the battery as others have mentioned.
Sent from my Google Nexus S
i am having the same problem and im running bionix 1.3.1
DHarr20 said:
i am having the same problem and im running bionix 1.3.1
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YOU need to re-condition, YOU can fix it.
the people on MIUI or CM7 can't.
As stated its a known thing.
I used my Samsung Focus to charge a battery to 100 percent put it in my phone and it discharged to 95% then back up 97%. So the phone isnt charging the phone up all the way as it is. This is also good for the life of the battery and the battery will last longer. Also it gives and accurate reading. Sometimes with phones if it says 100 percent it is discharging thus you actually only have <95%.
I fixed the problem I just switched to best rom(trigger) then reconditioned and it charges perfect thanks for the help
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Jasonhunterx said:
Well my Max charge is 97 what could that be I am running cm7 any help is my battery damaged?
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This is by design and should occur on all Roms. Below is a link to a good Phandroid article tiled "Your Smartphone's Battery Gauge is Lying to You and its not Such a Bad Thing". It really does an excellent job with a fair amount of data explaining why your battery will only charge to 95 - 97%.
It boils down to three options:
The phone manufacturers essentially have three choices:
1. Use older charging styles which actually maintain a full battery, thereby decreasing its eventual life
2. Use new charging methods and have an accurate battery gauge
3. Use new charging methods and have the inaccurate battery gauge
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Smh nvm not fixed my battery said 88% then I plugged in charger then it dropped to 85% wats up wit dat
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Jasonhunterx said:
Smh nvm not fixed my battery said 88% then I plugged in charger then it dropped to 85% wats up wit dat
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I told you before everytime you flash a different rom, the battery is going to be different, so reconditioning is going to help you make it more accurate reading. brah.
I did I fully charge then wiped then drained recharge then wipe
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Jasonhunterx said:
I did I fully charge then wiped then drained recharge then wipe
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You may need to do it a few times.
But since you are on a 2.2.1 rom... no need to worry, when it tells you its at 97% it's actually at 100, soon when you don't notice going from 1% to 2% will take more than regular time, it'll make up for the 3% somewhere along the lines
Ok ill let u know the results of this second try and do I have to recharge when phone off
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G2 battery draining fast!!

Recently my G2 has been acting up. First problem is when I charge it to 100% and start using it, the battery is down to 0 in 2 hours. This has never happened before. So I charged it again and this time I powered it off because I was at work and didn't need to use it right away. I tried to power it on and the battery was drained when I had shut down my phone. This is with the Cyanogen and Gingervillian ROM. I have no clue what's going on.
Okay yea... There was somebody with the same issue. Also had that problem not to long ago. I found out it was the battery and I called T-Mobile and they sent me a new battery but that's my phone. So anyways have you tried to go back to stock?
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I don't think it's the battery because I tried a second battery that I have as a backup and the same thing happened. I haven't tried going back to default yet though. Maybe I'll try that.
Try that do exactly as the app says and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't go back to stock and then re-flash any ROM later.
hotdamnitsdavid said:
I don't think it's the battery because I tried a second battery that I have as a backup and the same thing happened. I haven't tried going back to default yet though. Maybe I'll try that.
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Alright. If that doesn't help. Get a replacement
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Is there any rouge apps open and draining CPU?
Sent from my SilverBullet "HTCDesireZ running CM7"
There shouldn't be. I put it back to factory and the same thing is happening. I've about given up on it.
I was having the same problem I fixed it on cyan 7.0.0...3 hours before battery even started to discharge.
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Phone idle is at 13% and phone standby is at 14%. Nah I need to figure out how to lower my android system. Any suggestions.?
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Charging my phone

Whenever I leave my phone charged overnight, I wake up to around 70% charged. It's as though once it reaches 100%, it stops "charging" and it starts using the battery's energy, rather than the AC. Any help?
ahlexkim said:
Whenever I leave my phone charged overnight, I wake up to around 70% charged. It's as though once it reaches 100%, it stops "charging" and it starts using the battery's energy, rather than the AC. Any help?
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What kernel/rom are you running. The only suspect is that your kernel does not have "trickle charge" in the new kgb kernel you have to enable this with the app.
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I'm running a stock 2.3.5 Gingerbread.
Kernel is
What App is it?
ahlexkim said:
I'm running a stock 2.3.5 Gingerbread.
Kernel is
What App is it?
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Using pure stock, like you are, im not too sure why trickle charge isn't working. Are you against flashing custom roms/kernels?
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I'm not sure how the whole thing works... but I'll do it, doesn't seem too bad
ahlexkim said:
I'm not sure how the whole thing works... but I'll do it, doesn't seem too bad
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Yeah its pretty simple man, find droidstyle's guide for roms and mine for kernels. That'll give you the info you need.
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Is there any Custom ROM in particular that you would recommend?
go here and follow step 2, then go to readthrough the first part on TW kernels, choose one of the 3 custom kernels (not the stock one), best advice is to read the op of each one and find one you think will work for you. they are all three well written kernels. one is already oc'd to 1200, which means no need for voltage control if you plan to oc your phone. most phones are stable at 1200 but thats just from doing alot of messing around and odining. the second post is the instructions for flashing the kernel. the first post just explains all of them to the best i could w/o kanging any information from the op. i just ran what i knew off memory. links to each kernel's op are at the bottom of post 1. i did links to the op's instead of posting dropbox files due to the fact that I want people to make sure they know what features each kernel has before they download it.
I would give battery calibrator app a try. It could be that when you flashed your ROM, the battery stats got jacked up
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kadin.zimmerman said:
I would give battery calibrator app a try. It could be that when you flashed your ROM, the battery stats got jacked up
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Actually there are numerous threads and posts online saying battery calibration does absolutely nothing
And besides you can clear battery stats in CWM
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mkuehl06 said:
Actually there are numerous threads and posts online saying battery calibration does absolutely nothing
And besides you can clear battery stats in CWM
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The way I understand it is WIPING BATTERY STATS Is pointless, battery calibration however is recommended. Heard this on many tech podcasts.
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icemanwbs said:
The way I understand it is WIPING BATTERY STATS Is pointless, battery calibration however is recommended. Heard this on many tech podcasts.
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They are essentially the same thing. Battery Calibration is wiping the battery stats and running the phone dead than fully recharging.
I have been having a very similar issue. A buddy of mine (captivate) and I found that the phone wont charge past 98% on CyanogenMod with the Glitch kernel. I set the phone to not lock and keep the screen on while charging and the problem went away. The phone also would not stay on A/C power after reaching 98%. This issue was fixed too.
I think its an inherent problem with the batteries on the phones, since the issue occurs on many different roms/kernels/phones.
whether it's caused by the phone, ROM, or kennel, battery calibrator is a simple app that is at least worth a try in my opinion
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kadin.zimmerman said:
whether it's caused by the phone, ROM, or kennel, battery calibrator is a simple app that is at least worth a try in my opinion
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Imo opinion it didn't help me at all. But ive said that no two fascinates run the same. What works for one may not for the other.
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