Headphone Audio Out Problem - Atrix 4G General

Mentioned this on another thread as well.
Problem exists on both 2.3.6 Motoblur and Latest Jokersax ICS Kang so I'm not thinking a software issue just yet.
I can play music through the loudspeaker without a problem, how ever, when I plug the headphones in, all I get is massive distorted mess of what is playing (I have to turn the radio/amp up fairly high to be able to hear this)
The phone is detecting the presence of headphones.
Any ideas? Broken socket?

try different headphone and check the audio settings (just in case the EQ is all messed up on headset mode) and also if problem remains then while plugin rotate the jack or twist cable a little and see if audio output changes.

That happen to me sometimes. My problem is because I have my phone in my pocket all the time and little dust get in to the plug so I need to clean it.

tehrules said:
Mentioned this on another thread as well.
Problem exists on both 2.3.6 Motoblur and Latest Jokersax ICS Kang so I'm not thinking a software issue just yet.
I can play music through the loudspeaker without a problem, how ever, when I plug the headphones in, all I get is massive distorted mess of what is playing (I have to turn the radio/amp up fairly high to be able to hear this)
The phone is detecting the presence of headphones.
Any ideas? Broken socket?
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Did you get resolve your problem. Same problem is there with my hand set as well. I'm using 2.3.4 with build 4.5.91. The problem persists while in call as well.

Try cleaning you headphone socket with alcohol ( spirit).

Okay, I've semi-solved it.
Its clean as a whistle, and has been alcohol'd so that wasn't it.
I tapped it on the back where the jack sits, and it came back to life... I suspect dry/bad soldering to the board to be a cause.
I plug and unplug the socket 2/3 times a day as I use it with my car radio (I do have the official car kit, but the car charger bit broke, and the audio out from the car kit is very bad and also doesn't send my calls through the speakers without disabling loudspeaker while driving !)


Help! Big problems with all audio!

First post here so please excuse any ignorance.
O2 XDA Exec - standard Rom from O2 website.
Problem started a few hours ago after using the audio out for listening to music via mediaplayer.
My unit was working fine while playing, but later after it had been disconnceted from the stereo I noted that there were no tap sounds.
I first checked the audio settings, all normal the way I always have them.
Next I tried the reset button on the back of the unit, no help there.
I tried plugging in the headphones in and there is perfectly normal audio over the headphone but once removed nothing at all.
Getting more extreme I tried a rom update/fresh start, no luck there either.
Getting even more hardcore I downloaded the assembly/disassembly pdf from this forum to check if there was a physical fault with the 3.5mm audio port. I checked to make sure all the tabs were springing back after an audio jack was removed all seem fine (although at this point I lack a comparision).
Then for a test I rang my own phone from my land line and it seems to ring fine but there is nothing from the mic or either of the earpieces during a call.
I am fast running out of ideas and the last test really perplexed me.
I am almost certain that it is a case of one of the contacts inside the audio port not springing back and therefore cutting out the external audio, giving the device the impression that there is still a headset connected.
I don't want to poke around inside too much as I have so far been able to keep security tabs intact, just in case I need to send it off.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get around this? Is it possible that it is software and not hardware?
Please help as phone is a bit useless sans headset, which I don't really want to be permanetly tied to.
keep plugging and unplugging the headset until it works or you get tired, if it works great, otherwise sent it in for repair.
Does nobody out there have a registry hack workaround for this problem?
When I receive calls its rings and any other sounds come through whilst the phone rings.
There must be a workaround here somewhere???
Had exactly the same problem. No sound but rings ok,
After the first time I plugged in the headphones, no sound. Its probably cause the headphone socket is so big in comparisson, that it gets dirty. Just spray some anti static cleaner on the headphone plug and keep plugging it in.
Worked perfectly for me!!
There is no registry hack because this is a hardware issue, not a software one.
The ringer will ring whether the earphones are plugged in or not, which is how you would expect a phone to function. The problem lies with the connectors in the headphone jack socket not recognising the headphones are unplugged. Resetting and even dare I say a hard reset will not sort it as the issue is not software related.
This has also been covered several times on the forum. The only way (short of taking the thing apart) is to keep plugging / unplugging the headphones until the sound reappears.
This just started happening on my JasJar today (system audio returned after poking the headset in/out a few times), after 11 months of use. Does this get worse over time? Should I bite the bullet and try to get Imate to repair it?
Please advise!

Very Strange Audio Output problem on the 2.5mm Jack

I've noticed an audio output distortion of some frequencies when listening to music, in the sound coming out of the 2.5mm jack.
When the speakers on the device is used, there is no problem.
When I plug the headphone, there is sound output, I hear the music, but some frequencies are lowered so much that I can't hear the singers voice. When I unplug, the speakers work fine and I can hear the singer again.
In additon that, most of the background instruments can be heard as well as the backvocals, if they are female.
It's like the sound is being processed (like an equalizer) when I plug the headphone, some frequencies are lowered, given some echo, reverb etc.
I don't understand how this is possible. I am thinking of a hardware contact problem, but it's hard to believe if this is a hw problem.
I've tried two firmwares (2.16.x, and made hard reset also. No result.
Any ideas?
Note: I can try to actually record the sound tonight if anyone wants to hear.
Best regards,
maybe try a different headset first?....could be a short in the cable, because what you are describing is a phasing issue with the headset speakers......
Thanks for the response Kiru,
Just tried a different headset plugging it into my HAMA 2.5 --> 3.5 adapter. same result.
I will try the original headphone came with the Wizard. If the source of the problem is the HAMA adaptor, this should resolve it. (i hope it is)
Could you please elaborate on the "phasing issue" ?
fastguy said:
Could you please elaborate on the "phasing issue" ?
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Hmm....how can I explain.....Let's start with the speaker itself. A speaker has two terminals on it, one postive and one negative. What we want is to have the positve from the source (ie. Amplifier) to the positive terminal of the speaker, and the same for the negative. Since there is a pair of speakers, we want them to be hooked-up correctly. If hook-up correctly then the speakers are in phase with each other, and this is called constructive interference, hence in phase. When ONLY ONE of the speakers is hooked-up backwards, we call this destructive interference, hence being out of phase. Being out of phase causes frequencies to cancel or sound muffled. Hope you kind of get what I mean, but I highly doubt that this is the problem with headphones because heaphones nowadays rarely get manufactured with this problem. This is just the electrical part of phasing. Also, you can have one speaker, and it could sound out of phase because of the distance it is firing from walls or the shape of the room due to the reflections of sound, this is called acustical phasing.
A short in the cable, meaning the positve and negative wire are somewhat touching, can cause a similar effect, and I suspect that this is problem for you. As you now state that you are using an 2.5 to 3.5 adaptor, I would agree with you that most likey you have a faulty adaptor.
Hope this helps! and keep me posted!
Hi again,
Thanks again for the explanation Kiru, I know a bit of electronics so I got the problem.
However, I'm now home and tried to original headset, no result. The same problem is existing.
This makes me believe that I've broken something inside the Wizard which shortcircuits something. I'm very dissapointed.
Maybe the only way is now to buy a stereo bluetooth headset...
Thanks for your help
Any reason that you can't return to orange for repair/replacement?
I got this unit from priceminister second hand. It's origin is not France, I don't have a purchase receipt neither.
By the way, I solved the problem. I disassambled the unit using the info given in one of the posts in the forum. I played a little with the contacts, there was oxidation in the outer solders, i cleared them up etc, it 's working at the moment.
I'll post some pictures afterwards.
and I hope i will be able to reassamble it, I already have a piece of thing which I don't know where to put
I got the same problem. Was working fine for 2 months then all of a sudden the headphone plug is all messed up. Volume is all distorted I can sometimes hear a song but quality is no where near the original. Usually everything sounds echoed. I think something is wrong with the plug
I've had the same problem. The headphone jack on the Wizard is crap. If you have your Wizard in your pocket with an adapter, as you move, the adapter pries back and forth on the jack. This breaks the cheap jack.
If you want to listen to your Wizard as an music player, you should invest in a nice set of bluetooth headphones and only plug the jack in when the wizard won't be moved around a lot, like a home or car stereo.
I recommend Nextlink Spider headphones. They double as a headset and you can navigate through your library with the button on them.
I got the same problem here. The SE stereo btooth headset isnt yet in our place.
Anyway, i experienced this one with ROM2.16 Imate. The sound speed or music speed seems to being played faster than normal. But when i tried to plug the 2.3-3.5 adopter and quickly pull it out, the sound is played in normal speed then. strange.....
are you all sure that the wizard has a stereo output ? I thought it was mono.
Anyway you can get earpieces and headphones with a 2.5mm jack so you don't need a 2.5-3.5mm adapter.
Maybe the contacts on your jack are not connecting properly with the internal contacts of your adaptor

[Q] Issue with headphone jack

Hey all. This is my first post on this forum, so forgive me if I break any rules.
So heres a breakdown of my issue. I have a samsung galaxy note 3 that I got here in korea. Im on Olleh service telecom, I believe its called. My phone model is a SM900 NK, I managed to root it with towel root, so im currently running kitkat rooted.
Though before I rooted it, I was playing music through the headphone jack to speakers via auxillary. I went to pick up my phone and as soon as I did, I heard a loud cracking noise. Now at low volumes anything through the headphone jack is outputted with an extremely static noise. To me it sounds like a resistor somewhere was blown, especially because when I turn the volume to max, the static noise is less intense. But definitely still very unlistenable
But the weirdest thing is, when I plug in the USB cable to charge it and connect the USB tether for internet on my desktop, the static noise will only play slightly when there is no audio being played (music, etc). I can even unplug the USB cable and play music normally just fine through headphones, but the issue with this is the phone will get extremely hot and begin draining the battery like crazy. Once I stop the music again itll cool off. Restarting the phone will cause the static noise to play intensly at all times again. Plugging in the USB tether again will fix this issue again, but still cause it to overheat/drain the battery. All of this is just an issue with the headphone aux jack. I can always play music through the phones speaker normally.
Last night my phone got so hot it said that the battery charging was paused because the battery was too hot
If someone knows anything about this issue that would be greatly appreciated!
ninisan said:
Hey all. This is my first post on this forum, so forgive me if I break any rules.
So heres a breakdown of my issue. I have a samsung galaxy note 3 that I got here in korea. Im on Olleh service telecom, I believe its called. My phone model is a SM900 NK, I managed to root it with towel root, so im currently running kitkat rooted.
Though before I rooted it, I was playing music through the headphone jack to speakers via auxillary. I went to pick up my phone and as soon as I did, I heard a loud cracking noise. Now at low volumes anything through the headphone jack is outputted with an extremely static noise. To me it sounds like a resistor somewhere was blown, especially because when I turn the volume to max, the static noise is less intense. But definitely still very unlistenable
But the weirdest thing is, when I plug in the USB cable to charge it and connect the USB tether for internet on my desktop, the static noise will only play slightly when there is no audio being played (music, etc). I can even unplug the USB cable and play music normally just fine through headphones, but the issue with this is the phone will get extremely hot and begin draining the battery like crazy. Once I stop the music again itll cool off. Restarting the phone will cause the static noise to play intensly at all times again. Plugging in the USB tether again will fix this issue again, but still cause it to overheat/drain the battery. All of this is just an issue with the headphone aux jack. I can always play music through the phones speaker normally.
Last night my phone got so hot it said that the battery charging was paused because the battery was too hot
If someone knows anything about this issue that would be greatly appreciated!
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Maybe you have a short in the phone:fingers-crossed: ..
anyways i wanted to ask did you try using another aux cable to your speaker?? Could be the cable itself is short.
smartjais said:
Maybe you have a short in the phone:fingers-crossed: ..
anyways i wanted to ask did you try using another aux cable to your speaker?? Could be the cable itself is short.
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I really hope its not a short.. id have to replace the motherboard if it is right?
And yes I have tried different headphones, cables, and speakers. It seems to be the headphone jack
ninisan said:
I really hope its not a short.. id have to replace the motherboard if it is right?
And yes I have tried different headphones, cables, and speakers. It seems to be the headphone jack
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Hope its not a short.. it could be the connector itself has gone bad. No way that i can think of to accurately check that without opening the phone..
You will have to give it to service to sort this thing i am thinking. Should be free if you are in warranty
If that's hardware issue, you may need the failed part replaced but you should check if that is software issue first, when its hot try use some process monitoring apps to see which process is causing the problem and try reset your phone to isolate any software issue.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Free mobile app

music playback is laggy , any solution ?

Hi people
My music playing is so stuttering and have the same problem on android mm and nougat
Any help there ?????
via headphones? in my case it was the issue with jack connector, phone is so big that when it's in the pocket headphone conector is pressed by leg and that causes shutters, I bought bt headset and I don't have that issue now
iks8 said:
via headphones? in my case it was the issue with jack connector, phone is so big that when it's in the pocket headphone conector is pressed by leg and that causes shutters, I bought bt headset and I don't have that issue now
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I have had the same problem with mine on Bluetooth. In my car, which I bought around the same time as the phone, my music (all audio) will often become "stuttery" and I have to disconnect and then re-connect the phone to resolve it. It will also do this when I get a phone call or text message while playing music after I hang up. I thought it was the car, since I have used this phone in a couple of rental cars with no issue, but they finally replaced the hands-free module and I still have the same issue. I reset my phone to factory to see if that was it, and it did better for a few days, but as I started adding apps back it has started doing this again. It isn't as bad as before, but it is extremely annoying. Has anyone seen this problem?
i've use a kernel manager ( ex kernel manager in my case )
then increase cpu a little bit higher value and problem solved till now

[S/W Bug or H/W Bug] Headphone jack - Earphones issue.

Moto X Style - XT1572 - India
Since last week whenever I'm plugging in earphones/headphones, the phone starts acting as though the earphones are plugged out - plugged in in a loop, like for one second it acts as though its plugged in and at the other plugged out. I tried cleaning the headphone jack with school level painting brush, tried catching if there's anything inside using toothpick and so. But that didnt solve the issue.
Next, 2 days ago, I plugged in the headphones again to check and the issue was still there. However, when I long pressed the button on the headphone, the headset icon in the status bar changed from headset with mic to headset without mic. I tried using Google Assistant by speaking to the headphone mic and it does work even when the icon is that of headset only. This solves the issue for the time until I remove the headphones again and plug them back in manually. So right now, that's the workaround which has helped me to solve this. But the button on the headphone doesnt work when I try to change tracks using it. Seems like it goes inactive after doing its work.
I'm confused if this is anything related to software or this is a hardware problem with the headphone jack. If I remember, this started happening after I updated to the August security patch. Any help regarding the same would be appreciated.
Representative Image
Edit: The headset icon with mic is now shown even when the headphones are not plugged in. This has happened earlier in mid July for 4-5 days but got solved on its own. The phone pretends as though headphones are been plugged in and thus disables media output via the speakers.
EDIT 1: Visited a service center located at Ghatkopar, Mumbai. They said it will cost minimum 3500Rs; that too without a guarantee of working n if it doesn't, I'll have to change the motherboard which will cost 15000Rs.
Did you try another headset? Sounds like the cable for the headset is shorting out or going open.
acejavelin said:
Did you try another headset? Sounds like the cable for the headset is shorting out or going open.
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Yes I did try multi headsets. Right now the phone feels headset is being plugged in when they are not and carries out all media output accordingly. When I plug headphones with a button/mic+button, immediately, the phone opens the google assistant pop. It feels I long pressed the button on the headphones asking to open google assistant.
AsquareX said:
Yes I did try multi headsets. Right now the phone feels headset is being plugged in when they are not and carries out all media output accordingly. When I plug headphones with a button/mic+button, immediately, the phone opens the google assistant pop. It feels I long pressed the button on the headphones asking to open google assistant.
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Gotcha... So the headphone jack in the phone needs to be replaced. Definitely a job for a service center.
acejavelin said:
Gotcha... So the headphone jack in the phone needs to be replaced. Definitely a job for a service center.
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Yes. And service center asked $54 to fix it. They are not sure if that will fix the issue or not.
Fix it yourself, it's not hard to disassemble this device. I replaced my battery without issues. The headphone jack is not soldered to the mainboard. Check eBay for spares.
I started having this issue recently. Looks like Headphone jack inside the phone is not working like it should. Same headset works fine on other phones and laptop, but when plugged into this x, it sounds like it is loosely connected.
anyone in NA experience this issue?
ipulaski said:
I started having this issue recently. Looks like Headphone jack inside the phone is not working like it should. Same headset works fine on other phones and laptop, but when plugged into this x, it sounds like it is loosely connected.
anyone in NA experience this issue?
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I found out that my problem is (I'm still facing it) related to the IC on motherboard and not related to the headphone jack basically. I will update the main post accordingly.
AsquareX said:
I found out that my problem is (I'm still facing it) related to the IC on motherboard and not related to the headphone jack basically. I will update the main post accordingly.
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Turns out this is from lint.
I fixed my issue by cleaning out the lint that got accumulated in the headphone jack. Use the tiniest drill bit and spin it gently in the direction of drill bit curves/groves, might take few tries, but this fixed it perfectly.
ipulaski said:
Turns out this is from lint.
I fixed my issue by cleaning out the lint that got accumulated in the headphone jack. Use the tiniest drill bit and spin it gently in the direction of drill bit curves/groves, might take few tries, but this fixed it perfectly.
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I used my phone without headphone jack - physically removed from the phone for a week but still faced the issue.
I changed the jack on my moto x pure. I bought a new jack on ebay and installed it.. I STILL had the very same problem!! Just on loop connecting and disconnecting... Maybe a motherboard failure.. I will check later... but I'm just regreting the 20 bucks spent on the new jack plus shipping :'(

