Faux kernels and gingerbread based roms - Atrix 4G General

Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?

One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
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admanirv said:
Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?
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dac1227 said:
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Thank you mate

Thank you mate

CaelanT said:
One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
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FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.

admanirv said:
FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.
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He is correct in all the information you have asked for is already given! Far as most stable its different for everyone.
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[Q] Now that the 2.3 leak has been discovered

how can you tell which are new roms with the official kernel and which are older roms and will the kernel be incorporated to the older roms?
did i post in the wrong forum again or ???? no answers in a whole day????
gh0zt36 said:
how can you tell which are new roms with the official kernel and which are older roms and will the kernel be incorporated to the older roms?
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U would just have to read the OP,it would be stated there if the kernel is stock or Overclocked... Answer to other question well frm what ive read eventually it will be incorporated..
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cmdmilitia13 said:
U would just have to read the OP,it would be stated there if the kernel is stock or Overclocked... Answer to other question well frm what ive read eventually it will be incorporated..
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ok i didnt even know if it was possible to push a stock kernel into an existing rom. and thank you for answering my question. good day to you sir


Normally I swap Roms like a mad man but after a lot if experimenting I been on Cm7.1 Rc1 and I curious how do I know what kernels are compatible with what Roms some aren't to specific. I'm just trying to get the Max battery life I'f anyone knows a rom or a kernel that helps maximize that let me know ty. P.s sorry for noob question
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the kernel will say cm7,aosp,sense,miu etc as well as which version of android it supports(froyo,gingerbread) your best bet is checking faux's cm7/aosp kernel thread in dev section, thederekjays kernel is also a winner and should be checked out.
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keji13 said:
Normally I swap Roms like a mad man but after a lot if experimenting I been on Cm7.1 Rc1 and I curious how do I know what kernels are compatible with what Roms some aren't to specific. I'm just trying to get the Max battery life I'f anyone knows a rom or a kernel that helps maximize that let me know ty. P.s sorry for noob question
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There are only two kernels for our phone. Sense kernels and asop/cm7 kernels.
However, there are two different kernel version for asop .32 and. 35
The op will designate which it is and what it is used for. Just read carefully and you wont have a problem.
Sent from my Google Nexus 12! yup I'm from the future
Thanks a bunch I was on deemonspeeds kernel last with scary governor.
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GB Kernel source released

Just seen this on google +
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Noob question, is that kernel release used to make roms based on that kernel?
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MTsol said:
Noob question, is that kernel release used to make roms based on that kernel?
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Its used to 1) update the aosp kernels to gingerbread, 2) create sense kernels with modifications.
Sw33t! Also yes, this will help improve the kernel to oc, and for battery life, the hdmi streaming, etc
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Can't wait for some sbc love.
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lithid-cm said:
Its used to 1) update the aosp kernels to gingerbread, 2) create sense kernels with modifications.
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And may help find a hole to get root again cross fingers
Yes! Gentlemen (and Ladies), start your engines!
Thank god, takes htc forever sometimes it seems.
Pocket posted...
Direct link, if it works: http://dl4.htc.com/RomCode/Source_and_Binaries/supersonic-2.6.35-gb-MR.tar.gz
Sorry I'm a noob. How do I install this? Thanks in advance
myriam53 said:
Sorry I'm a noob. How do I install this? Thanks in advance
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You don't. OP should update his title to say "GB KERNEL SOURCE RELEASED". It's just source code to build a working kernel from. The source that we need to make custom kernels.
myriam53 said:
Sorry I'm a noob. How do I install this? Thanks in advance
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This is the source code for compiling the kernel that's already out and about. The usefulness of this is that developers can start tearing it apart and tweaking it.
I'm guessing that there must be some kind of GB kernel specific exploit so the rumor would be true that it would work across all HTC GB phones. Time to finally go ROM shopping in the Dev section.
github said:
You don't. OP should update his title to say "GB KERNEL SOURCE RELEASED". It's just source code to build a working kernel from. The source that we need to make custom kernels.
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Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Thanks OP Glad you didn't use my all caps either haha
Another noob question:
How useful is the kernel with regards to root access. I thought that what was holding temp root back on gingerbread was the fact that were no exploits found that could utilize Superuser permissions. Would this be useful for finding a possible exploit?
Seems like most everyone are just waiting around for Alpharevx and Unrevoked to issue the their unlock, or HTC to finally unlock the phone in September. September seems a long way off for an Evo user to be stuck on boring old sense 2.0 though. I don't own an evo, but I have friends that want root and I have been checking forums everyday to no avail... Just a bunch of whiny self entitled children fighting over why others haven't worked harder at finding this illusive "root".
Awesome, about time HTC! It's Friday we'll probably have some new stuff to flash early next week.
Sweet ass sweet!
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arionfrost said:
Another noob question:
How useful is the kernel with regards to root access. I thought that what was holding temp root back on gingerbread was the fact that were no exploits found that could utilize Superuser permissions. Would this be useful for finding a possible exploit?
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This has serious potential in helping gain root.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Let the games begin!!!!

[Q] Best Kernel to extend battery life?

Hey guys,
i bought the Nexus 4 and already rooted it. I'm running JB 4.2.2 stock.
I'd like to remain on the stock ROM, but i am willing to change the kernel in order to be able to extend the battery life.
Undervolting would be nice, too
So which kernel would you recommend?
Never flashed a kernel before, so a how-to (for noobs) for flashing that kernel would ne nice
RaidRushX said:
Hey guys,
i bought the Nexus 4 and already rooted it. I'm running JB 4.2.2 stock.
I'd like to remain on the stock ROM, but i am willing to change the kernel in order to be able to extend the battery life.
Undervolting would be nice, too
So which kernel would you recommend?
Never flashed a kernel before, so a how-to (for noobs) for flashing that kernel would ne nice
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Best kernels/roms/mods etc threads are not allowed. This thread will be closed soon. Look in the original android development thread .http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1912 There are customs kernels you can flash available in zip files and boot.img`s.
AW: [Q] Best Kernel to extend battery life?
I thought it wasn't allowed to post questions there...
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RaidRushX said:
I thought it wasn't allowed to post questions there...
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You can post them in the ROM threads. I would start with Matrix kernel.
RaidRushX said:
I thought it wasn't allowed to post questions there...
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That`s right, what i meant was look and read in the kernel threads, try a few and keep the one you like most
This thread will probably be closed soon.
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scream4cheese said:
This thread will probably be closed soon.
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its friday night/satirday morning, it might servive until sunday or monday.
RaidRushX said:
I thought it wasn't allowed to post questions there...
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Finding your answer doesn't have to mean asking more questions and it certainly doesn't mean you create a new thread to ask it.
Search, read, search some more, download, test and then compare for yourself... Everyone's device and usage are different and so are their opinions.
That is why any Best ROM or Best Kernel or Best Device thread is a waste of time.
Thread closed.

A question about ROMs and Kernels

Ok, so I've rooted and flashed rasbeanjelly from the nexus4root(dot)com website.
I've set everything up, down loaded apps I want etc, however I've heard that trinity kernel is very good with this ROM, if I'm wrong and there's a better kernel correct me. So how do I install the kernel? Same way I did the ROM? Is it compatible? Do I have to wipe everything? Is there a better kernel to use?
Thanks a lot for reading.
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james99obrien said:
Ok, so I've rooted and flashed rasbeanjelly from the nexus4root(dot)com website.
I've set everything up, down loaded apps I want etc, however I've heard that trinity kernel is very good with this ROM, if I'm wrong and there's a better kernel correct me. So how do I install the kernel? Same way I did the ROM? Is it compatible? Do I have to wipe everything? Is there a better kernel to use?
Thanks a lot for reading.
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Just flash the .zip in recovery, no need to wipe anything. There's no 'best' kernel so your question about better kernels could easily get 20 different replies.
Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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james99obrien said:
Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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As long as the kernel and ROM you download are for the N4 it should be perfectly fine. In the future with new releases of Android there may be some issues, but devs usually make it pretty clear in the OP what you risk by flashing your phone.
james99obrien said:
Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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You heard wrong.
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james99obrien said:
Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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rasbean and trinity are very compatible
as are all the other nexus 4 kernels.

