Kernels - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Normally I swap Roms like a mad man but after a lot if experimenting I been on Cm7.1 Rc1 and I curious how do I know what kernels are compatible with what Roms some aren't to specific. I'm just trying to get the Max battery life I'f anyone knows a rom or a kernel that helps maximize that let me know ty. P.s sorry for noob question
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the kernel will say cm7,aosp,sense,miu etc as well as which version of android it supports(froyo,gingerbread) your best bet is checking faux's cm7/aosp kernel thread in dev section, thederekjays kernel is also a winner and should be checked out.
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keji13 said:
Normally I swap Roms like a mad man but after a lot if experimenting I been on Cm7.1 Rc1 and I curious how do I know what kernels are compatible with what Roms some aren't to specific. I'm just trying to get the Max battery life I'f anyone knows a rom or a kernel that helps maximize that let me know ty. P.s sorry for noob question
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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There are only two kernels for our phone. Sense kernels and asop/cm7 kernels.
However, there are two different kernel version for asop .32 and. 35
The op will designate which it is and what it is used for. Just read carefully and you wont have a problem.
Sent from my Google Nexus 12! yup I'm from the future

Thanks a bunch I was on deemonspeeds kernel last with scary governor.
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[Q] CM7 Kernels

I just recently flashed CM7 and i dont want to mess it up because it is a pretty long process and i was wondering what kernels can u use for it because i not sure is it like any other rom
Only use the one it comes with or bilboas kernel posted in the dev section. Any other kernel will most definitely end in bad news for you.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Recommended radio?

I'm running virtuous unity 1.29 with the unity v4 kernal and i was wondering what radio would be best? And maybe even recommend a good kernel if there's a better one out?
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cirjeffrey said:
I'm running virtuous unity 1.29 with the unity v4 kernal and i was wondering what radio would be best? And maybe even recommend a good kernel if there's a better one out?
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Sorry man, really don't wanna be the **** but this has been asked like dozens of times in the VU thread. A quick search can find your answer.
But to answer your questions, stock panache radio is what evil recommended. And as for kernel, keep it stock. I don't understand why people go kernel happy. Stock kernel works the best. The VU team are dev geniuses, thus the stock kernel is very good.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Have to agree with whats just been said, also, the "best" radio/kernel for you might not be best for someone else. There really is no difinitive answer to your question.


So I have the kernel manager, and I have flashed the dodgekernel_v1.3 and my WiFi,4G and hotspot are broken. Any help would be useful. Also is there a stable kernel I can run with the stock shift Rom??
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jimbowski51 said:
So I have the kernel manager, and I have flashed the dodgekernel_v1.3 and my WiFi,4G and hotspot are broken. Any help would be useful. Also is there a stable kernel I can run with the stock shift Rom??
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If your running stock froyo scaryghouls kernels are talked about as being really good i just never used it, bcnice20s kernels is what i always used on froyo, now when it comes to stock GB there is no kernel source from htc so all the newer kernels are for aosp 2.3.4 or 2.3.5 i cant keep up with aosp
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
Never used the Kernel manager. But if your running stock Froyo Shift Rom you can try one of these. I've used them all with good results. First one is my favorite.
[Kernel] [GPL] Sense OC/UV 1.51GHZ (CFS-Smartass-TUN)
[KERNEL] 2011-06-15 - x99kernel OC/UC/UV 1.2/1.8GHz smartass - Sense & CM7/AOSP
[KERNEL/GPL/Sense]ScaryKernel 1.8 super uv/oc/uc/smartass/scary governor/bfq
Hey thanx for ure help
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
No problem .Glad I could help . Just remember to hit the Thanks button anytime ANYONE helps you.
ive heard not so good things of kernel manager
and was told to stay away from it..
but im glad yer problem was fixed now.
whoever said that is simply wrong. kernel manager is a good tool. it downloads/checks download integrity/clears cache and dalvik/installs kernel all in a single step.
the only thing you have to decide is which kernel you want.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Man I don't know how to say this but I am just at wits end with this stuff. I tried to flash the first kernel and it kept freezing my phone up. I just want thing to work properly.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
jimbowski51 said:
Man I don't know how to say this but I am just at wits end with this stuff. I tried to flash the first kernel and it kept freezing my phone up. I just want thing to work properly.
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What ROM are you using and what kernel did you flash?
Froyo from what I was told.
Hey just an update, I flashed the x99 kernel and all seems to be working well. 4G works and gas works well just used it to find the hospital. Gonna check the hotspot and WiFi soon. Thanx again. And one more question, where is this thank u button. Is it in the main site.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Glad everythings working right now . Can't see the button in XDA App / Tapatalk. It's the thanks button. Thumbs up in a rectangle, says THANKS.
Anyone have any luck with PERSHOOT'S V2 Kernel? Keeps freezing my phone no matter what my min/max/gov are...
Currently using V1...
EDIT: d/led through the Kernel Manager (free version)
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App

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Th3oryROM has gone home. Come join us.
Fresh source 8/25/2011
Added eclipse kernel
Patched wifi tethering
Full audio overhaul
Bluetooth overhaul
Added (VOX) Geo (AGPS) FIX
Redid RAM Script and Sysctr
New WiFi Tether
Fixed Headphone/AUX Output
A mix of other things
You never know when you need space
OMG! Just when I'm flashing Cleantheory to try your latest Sense ROM I come across this ????? lmao, you are a madman!!!
DT first thanks for everything. As far as the Rom , is it better then the BurnTh3... ? And. I believe. Its based on the last RUU leak.
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using XDA Premium App
Dude, you are insane.... do you ever stop? Can't wait to try this out.... thanks bro!
Michael58 said:
DT first thanks for everything. As far as the Rom , is it better then the BurnTh3... ? And. I believe. Its based on the last RUU leak.
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using XDA Premium App
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You beat me to my question, I'm running BURNTH3ORY now,is t worth the jump?
sting5566 said:
You beat me to my question, I'm running BURNTH3ORY now,is t worth the jump?
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And I was going to ask if there is any difference from A05PTH3ORY lol. I notice the kernel is different and i guess it's based on latest gb release. Anything else?
Sent from my A05PTH3ORY
This is the NEW one and only AOSP TH3ORYROM, Fresh source, massive mods, tweaks, etc. Your will be able to flash MOD PACKs to Shift the ROMs experience to however you like it. The first MP will be BURN IGNITION PACK that will transform the ROM to BURN.
This is the new way to have the best, what you want, and how you want.
Enjoy GUYs!!!
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
bolt_of_thunder said:
And I was going to ask if there is any difference from A05PTH3ORY lol. I notice the kernel is different and i guess it's based on latest gb release. Anything else?
Sent from my A05PTH3ORY
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This is AOSP guys.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Link is live in the op...
As always, enjoy and report.
DT.....I know wiping is recommended, but coming from ao5p 1.5 is it necessary? That and this seem similar.
schmaltzy said:
DT.....I know wiping is recommended, but coming from ao5p 1.5 is it necessary? That and this seem similar.
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Your fine if you are coming from a previous version of my AOSP.
Must wipe Cache,Dalvik, and format /system.
Keep your data.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Hi dt is the tiamat kernel in this rom better than the eclipse from burn?
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using Tapatalk
droidfanatic said:
Hi dt is the tiamat kernel in this rom better than the eclipse from burn?
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using Tapatalk
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I have done extensive tests on many kernels with my RAMdisk, Tiamat killed all of them in performance, battery life, and features.
There will be many alternative kernels to choose from.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Dammit! Just updated my backups of mono, burn, clean, and nonsense (and cm7)...more I get to do another one haha.
PS: having 6 roms updated is a pain! Torn between asop and sense.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE: M0N0LITHTH3ORY V1.1: MR2 using XDA Premium App
DT, I haven't had enough coffee yet so this could be a dumb question. I've got three different versions of your AO5P ROMS with three different launchers backed up so I can switch whenever I want or need to.
If I'm understanding this correctly with this ROM it just makes things alot easier to switch?
Please dont hang me...
Will you update clean or release a new sense rom DT?
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Does the StockApps Flash Pack in OP only apply for Burn themers?
Also, silly question, maybe, but is there a way to implement a Hibernate mode for this ROM?

Faux kernels and gingerbread based roms

Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?
One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
admanirv said:
Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?
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dac1227 said:
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Thank you mate
Thank you mate
CaelanT said:
One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.
admanirv said:
FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.
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He is correct in all the information you have asked for is already given! Far as most stable its different for everyone.
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