A question about ROMs and Kernels - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok, so I've rooted and flashed rasbeanjelly from the nexus4root(dot)com website.
I've set everything up, down loaded apps I want etc, however I've heard that trinity kernel is very good with this ROM, if I'm wrong and there's a better kernel correct me. So how do I install the kernel? Same way I did the ROM? Is it compatible? Do I have to wipe everything? Is there a better kernel to use?
Thanks a lot for reading.
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james99obrien said:
Ok, so I've rooted and flashed rasbeanjelly from the nexus4root(dot)com website.
I've set everything up, down loaded apps I want etc, however I've heard that trinity kernel is very good with this ROM, if I'm wrong and there's a better kernel correct me. So how do I install the kernel? Same way I did the ROM? Is it compatible? Do I have to wipe everything? Is there a better kernel to use?
Thanks a lot for reading.
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Just flash the .zip in recovery, no need to wipe anything. There's no 'best' kernel so your question about better kernels could easily get 20 different replies.

Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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james99obrien said:
Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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As long as the kernel and ROM you download are for the N4 it should be perfectly fine. In the future with new releases of Android there may be some issues, but devs usually make it pretty clear in the OP what you risk by flashing your phone.

james99obrien said:
Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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You heard wrong.
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james99obrien said:
Ok thanks for your reply, what about compatibility? I've heard that if ROMs and kernels aren't compatible it can brick your phone
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rasbean and trinity are very compatible
as are all the other nexus 4 kernels.


Released: HTC ThunderBolt [Overclockable] Kernel compatible with 2.11.605.0 RUU

Just throwing it out there...
if anyone needs a Thunderbolt kernel with overclocking capability for 2.11.605.0 RUU, you can go here to grab it: http://rootzwiki.com/showthread.php...imalistic-kernel-(3.6.0GBtest-8-31-11)/page11
[Kernel] [GB Sense] leanKernel: minimalistic kernel (3.6.0GBtest, 8/31/11)
by imoseyon
Works great for me. No issues with camera, phone calls, etc.
Running 1600MHz just fine.
xstahsie said:
Just throwing it out there...
if anyone needs a Thunderbolt kernel with overclocking capability for 2.11.605.0 RUU, you can go here to grab it: http://rootzwiki.com/showthread.php...imalistic-kernel-(3.6.0GBtest-8-31-11)/page11
[Kernel] [GB Sense] leanKernel: minimalistic kernel (3.6.0GBtest, 8/31/11)
by imoseyon
Works great for me. No issues with camera, phone calls, etc.
Running 1600MHz just fine.
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How's the battery life compared to the stock kernel
ive heard people were having issues with it. i cannot receive phone calls on his aosp kernel.
You must have Sense UI. Works fine for me.
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I haven't checked. Also, I'm using the official extended battery from HTC. So, battery life is not an issue for me.
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xstahsie said:
I haven't checked. Also, I'm using the official extended battery from HTC. So, battery life is not an issue for me.
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So why did you even reply in the first place?
snicklet said:
So why did you even reply in the first place?
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Because you asked him a question?
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snicklet said:
So why did you even reply in the first place?
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He was asked. the poster didn't specify how battery life was with a specific battery.
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LMAO. That's my reply. Don't like it? oh well.
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ibsk8 said:
He was asked. the poster didn't specify how battery life was with a specific battery
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Yes, I was asked. And I think I said something like I don know (the short version).
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Does anybody have the stock kernel in case we need to flash it back? Also does a nandroid restore your kernel too?
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wisenick said:
Does anybody have the stock kernel in case we need to flash it back? Also does a nandroid restore your kernel too?
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Yes nandroid does. I use teamwin recovery but same should apply with clockwork. Do advanced restore of the boot.img (kernel)

Faux kernels and gingerbread based roms

Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?
One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
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admanirv said:
Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?
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dac1227 said:
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Thank you mate
Thank you mate
CaelanT said:
One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
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FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.
admanirv said:
FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.
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He is correct in all the information you have asked for is already given! Far as most stable its different for everyone.
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What kernel?

Hey everyone... Just got home from buying my nexus 4... rooted a few minutes ago and got pa installed. Some of the kernels I used on my galaxy nexus aren't here which I'm sure will be OK.... Are there any kernels that stand out above the others in any way?
Thanks for the help!
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I'm using Franco Milestone M1 kernel. Seems to be a great combo with PA with about 4.5-5 hrs of SOT. But try other kernel for yourself and see which one is best for you.
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I have tried every kernel here, and the best one that works for me is the enhanced stock kernel. Can under clock, under volt and is the snappiest one . Battery life is good too, plus touch control also works
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EnIXmA said:
I have tried every kernel here, and the best one that works for me is the enhanced stock kernel. Can under clock, under volt and is the snappiest one . Battery life is good too, plus touch control also works
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Will this be compatible with 0.33 radio and tmobile lte?
It is the enhanced 4.2.2 stock kernel by Faux, you can download it from the first page of his thread.
Yes, it should work fine with .33 radio and LTE.
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Franco r.111 nightly - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2002782
fozzie said:
Franco r.111 nightly - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2002782
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Got it thanks. Noob q'n, do i need to erase data/wipe cache prior to flashing a new Kernel?
gecko316 said:
Got it thanks. Noob q'n, do i need to erase data/wipe cache prior to flashing a new Kernel?
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that has nothing to do with flashing kernels. dont listen to anyone that says they recommend to, theyre clueless. btw, try trinity kernel. and while youre at it, every kernel here is good. find the one that fills your needs and that your device likes best.
OP as pointed out....

Kernel question

Hello guys,
Iam new to the Nexus 4 forums. I have experience with other phones with flashing etc. I have a couple of questions:
I flash a kernel(zip) after I flash a ROM. That seems to me the right way. The flashing seems going right but after restarting the phone somewhat stutters, its no lag or something like that.
Iam running PA with now the regular kernel but when I flash Franco or Neo kernel it happens.
Anybody a idea what i am doing wrong?
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Desaf said:
Hello guys,
Iam new to the Nexus 4 forums. I have experience with other phones with flashing etc. I have a couple of questions:
I flash a kernel(zip) after I flash a ROM. That seems to me the right way. The flashing seems going right but after restarting the phone somewhat stutters, its no lag or something like that.
Iam running PA with now the regular kernel but when I flash Franco or Neo kernel it happens.
Anybody a idea what i am doing wrong?
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For PA use jwr kernels. Not jss. Neo and Franco both have two versions. Jss and jwr.
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Thanks will try
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Desaf said:
Hello guys,
Iam new to the Nexus 4 forums. I have experience with other phones with flashing etc. I have a couple of questions:
I flash a kernel(zip) after I flash a ROM. That seems to me the right way. The flashing seems going right but after restarting the phone somewhat stutters, its no lag or something like that.
Iam running PA with now the regular kernel but when I flash Franco or Neo kernel it happens.
Anybody a idea what i am doing wrong?
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There's also this zip which allows Jss kernels to be used in jwr roms.
Desaf said:
Thanks will try
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[Q] CM 10.2 nightly won't boot after flashing franco r191-JSS

I am running CM 10.2 (latest nightly). I flashed the franco kernel r191 for the first time and it bricked the phone. The boot animation won't come up. It gets stuck after the Google logo. I would appreciate if you could help me out. Fortunately, I had a full nandroid backup and was able to recover my phone.
I use the TWRP recovery.
You need to learn what the definition of bricked means.
a bricked phone is worthless and unrecoverable, it makes a great paperweight/door stop. flashing a kernel that wont boot is not bricking a phone, and not close, and there are many ways to recover from a non booting kernel, nandroid restore being one way. you can also just flash a good kernel or your rom to recover.
Thank you for clarifying the definition of brick. I did not know that. Please feel free to chime in regarding my original question. Thank you.
devadam1 said:
Thank you for clarifying the definition of brick. I did not know that. Please feel free to chime in regarding my original question. Thank you.
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What IS your question? From what I've read, you were able to restore your nandroid, right? Just don't flash that kernel if it messes things up.
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try a different franco kernel. are you sure that you pucjed the right kernel? 4.2.2 kernels dont boot on 4.3, and 4.3 kernels dont boot on 4.2.2.
simms22 said:
try a different franco kernel. are you sure that you pucjed the right kernel? 4.2.2 kernels dont boot on 4.3, and 4.3 kernels dont boot on 4.2.2.
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According to the author, I am supposed to flash the one that has a JSS tag in the file name. http://franciscofranco.minooch.com/Nexus4/4.3/zips/
I am sure I downloaded the correct file and flashed the right version. Since I am new here, I am not allowed to post in the original thread, which is here:
iamterence said:
What IS your question? From what I've read, you were able to restore your nandroid, right? Just don't flash that kernel if it messes things up.
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I would like to know whether there is a way to flash the franco kernel on CM 10.2. It seems to be buggy. I wanted to post my question here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2002782
But I need at least 10 posts to ask my question there.
devadam1 said:
I would like to know whether there is a way to flash the franco kernel on CM 10.2. It seems to be buggy. I wanted to post my question here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2002782
But I need at least 10 posts to ask my question there.
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no. custom kernels no longer work on cm properly, if at all.thats probably is the reason why franco kernel wont boot. cm changed their base code from aosp to qualcomm a few weeks ago, and that broke the ability to use custom kernels on cm. custom kernels are based on aosp, and qualcomms code breaks stuff because of it.
Thank you so much! Now I understand why.
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when did this start? currently running cm10.2 and Franco190, now I'm scared to update cm as I need Franco for the battery life
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Started a couple of days ago. Not sure if the r191 is the cause or the cm 10.2 nightly.
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As said previously CM is the cause, Franco still remains AOSP based, you can try hellscore kernel, Google it, it as a nice reputation for amazing battery life and has a CM version of it.
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devadam1 said:
Started a couple of days ago. Not sure if the r191 is the cause or the cm 10.2 nightly.
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it started with a nightly about 2 weeks ago
Thank you! I'll definitely give it a try.
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simms22 said:
it started with a nightly about 2 weeks ago
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You're right. I just installed the nightly later on.
mine is Sept build good thing I didn't update
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albundy2010 said:
You need to learn what the definition of bricked means.
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simms22 said:
a bricked phone is worthless and unrecoverable, it makes a great paperweight/door stop. flashing a kernel that wont boot is not bricking a phone, and not close, and there are many ways to recover from a non booting kernel, nandroid restore being one way. you can also just flash a good kernel or your rom to recover.
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Aka: soft brick.
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Endoroid said:
Aka: soft brick.
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I don't even like the way that term is used to be honest. To me a soft brick is more or less something that requires a JTAG.
A bootloop or a failed boot just isn't any type of brick at all really as far as I'm concerned.
You really should change the title of the thread. Franco does great work and really does not need to be slandered. After all cm is preventing your device from booting not Franco's kernel. If you want to rant maybe you could change the title to cm bricked my phone
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