GB Kernel source released - EVO 4G General

Just seen this on google +
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Noob question, is that kernel release used to make roms based on that kernel?
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MTsol said:
Noob question, is that kernel release used to make roms based on that kernel?
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Its used to 1) update the aosp kernels to gingerbread, 2) create sense kernels with modifications.

Sw33t! Also yes, this will help improve the kernel to oc, and for battery life, the hdmi streaming, etc
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Can't wait for some sbc love.
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lithid-cm said:
Its used to 1) update the aosp kernels to gingerbread, 2) create sense kernels with modifications.
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And may help find a hole to get root again cross fingers

Yes! Gentlemen (and Ladies), start your engines!

Thank god, takes htc forever sometimes it seems.
Pocket posted...

Direct link, if it works:

Sorry I'm a noob. How do I install this? Thanks in advance

myriam53 said:
Sorry I'm a noob. How do I install this? Thanks in advance
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You don't. OP should update his title to say "GB KERNEL SOURCE RELEASED". It's just source code to build a working kernel from. The source that we need to make custom kernels.

myriam53 said:
Sorry I'm a noob. How do I install this? Thanks in advance
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This is the source code for compiling the kernel that's already out and about. The usefulness of this is that developers can start tearing it apart and tweaking it.

I'm guessing that there must be some kind of GB kernel specific exploit so the rumor would be true that it would work across all HTC GB phones. Time to finally go ROM shopping in the Dev section.

github said:
You don't. OP should update his title to say "GB KERNEL SOURCE RELEASED". It's just source code to build a working kernel from. The source that we need to make custom kernels.
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Thanks OP Glad you didn't use my all caps either haha

Another noob question:
How useful is the kernel with regards to root access. I thought that what was holding temp root back on gingerbread was the fact that were no exploits found that could utilize Superuser permissions. Would this be useful for finding a possible exploit?
Seems like most everyone are just waiting around for Alpharevx and Unrevoked to issue the their unlock, or HTC to finally unlock the phone in September. September seems a long way off for an Evo user to be stuck on boring old sense 2.0 though. I don't own an evo, but I have friends that want root and I have been checking forums everyday to no avail... Just a bunch of whiny self entitled children fighting over why others haven't worked harder at finding this illusive "root".

Awesome, about time HTC! It's Friday we'll probably have some new stuff to flash early next week.

Sweet ass sweet!
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arionfrost said:
Another noob question:
How useful is the kernel with regards to root access. I thought that what was holding temp root back on gingerbread was the fact that were no exploits found that could utilize Superuser permissions. Would this be useful for finding a possible exploit?
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This has serious potential in helping gain root.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

Let the games begin!!!!



Is it possible this will be ported to the DroidX? I will only have mine for a little longer but was still curious.
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I believe CM7 is a full rom, as in not unless the bootloader is defeated. So, id say, possible, but thats if they can figure out how to load kernels.
the milestone has a lock bootloader and it just recently got cm6 so hopefully someone can port it over to the x
There's been talk of CM coming to the X ever since the X came out. It hasn't happened yet, and chances are it won't happen anytime soon.
Me and another developer are going to work on this. CM7 can't be done until a Moto kernel update but CM6 can be done.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
Thanks for the answers, this is why I'm switching back to my HTC Incredible.
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That would be sweet (cm7 & bypassing bootloader), this is why my next phone will have an unlocked or already defeated boot loader.
Matt4542 said:
Me and another developer are going to work on this. CM7 can't be done until a Moto kernel update but CM6 can be done.
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I started porting it a few days ago. Matt's going to be joining me
It likely will not be fully supported by Team Douche (The CyanogenMod team) since the ramdisk can't be edited due to the locked bootloader, but it's still very possible to have CM6 on the DX.
drod2169 said:
I started porting it a few days ago. Matt's going to be joining me
It likely will not be fully supported by Team Douche (The CyanogenMod team) since the ramdisk can't be edited due to the locked bootloader, but it's still very possible to have CM6 on the DX.
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What's the key difference that makes CM6 portable and CM7 not? Ive been lost in DX world so I'm not up on CM roms.
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ejgilkey said:
What's the key difference that makes CM6 portable and CM7 not? Ive been lost in DX world so I'm not up on CM roms.
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CM7 is based on Gingerbread, in which Gingerbread updates to the 2.6.35 version Linux based kernel. CM6 is Froyo based, which uses the 2.6.32 kernel that we currently have.
To add on to Derek, once Motorola updates our phones to Gingerbread, and gives us the needed .35 kernel, then GB should be posible.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
Hm, and what about unlock boot?)= i wonna CM7 at my droid x. CM7 wonderful, on my droid 1
Your asking for a bootloader unlock? That's like asking for time travel
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Matt4542 said:
Your asking for a bootloader unlock? That's like asking for time travel
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So about that bootloader unlock...
Okay, you need to get a brick and drop it on your phone and it will be unlocked! We were keeping it a secret so shhh!
iamrobk said:
So about that bootloader unlock...
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Matt4542 said:
Okay, you need to get a brick and drop it on your phone and it will be unlocked! We were keeping it a secret so shhh!
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New meaning to the term.... "Bricked"
Matt4542 said:
Okay, you need to get a brick and drop it on your phone and it will be unlocked! We were keeping it a secret so shhh!
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That's how I unlocked my DX. Now I have all the freedom I want out of it, straight down to the hardware
The droid is also a long time to hack, but still did it. ) =
Matt4542 said:
To add on to Derek, once Motorola updates our phones to Gingerbread, and gives us the needed .35 kernel, then GB should be posible.
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According to Droid Life, kexec is getting ready for a release which could in fact bypass the bootloader and make CM7 possible?
bravo1234 said:
According to Droid Life, kexec is getting ready for a release which could in fact bypass the bootloader and make CM7 possible?
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The kexec hack basically allows for piggybacking another kernel onto the stock kernel.. and there has been huge progress made in that arena.
Unfortunately, there are a ton of remaining unsolved issues with this work-around, including:
--Once running another kernel, for drivers to work (including the radio which means 3g and phone functionality), those modules will need to be reverse engineered and ported over to the other kernel...
So, while progress is being made... it's more likely that any work done on the X getting "around" the locked bootloader will be used to continue this work on future Moto hardware such as the bionic.. but it's not likely we're going to be seeing full ROMs running on the X for daily use any time soon...

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Th3oryROM has gone home. Come join us.
Fresh source 8/25/2011
Added eclipse kernel
Patched wifi tethering
Full audio overhaul
Bluetooth overhaul
Added (VOX) Geo (AGPS) FIX
Redid RAM Script and Sysctr
New WiFi Tether
Fixed Headphone/AUX Output
A mix of other things
You never know when you need space
OMG! Just when I'm flashing Cleantheory to try your latest Sense ROM I come across this ????? lmao, you are a madman!!!
DT first thanks for everything. As far as the Rom , is it better then the BurnTh3... ? And. I believe. Its based on the last RUU leak.
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using XDA Premium App
Dude, you are insane.... do you ever stop? Can't wait to try this out.... thanks bro!
Michael58 said:
DT first thanks for everything. As far as the Rom , is it better then the BurnTh3... ? And. I believe. Its based on the last RUU leak.
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using XDA Premium App
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You beat me to my question, I'm running BURNTH3ORY now,is t worth the jump?
sting5566 said:
You beat me to my question, I'm running BURNTH3ORY now,is t worth the jump?
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And I was going to ask if there is any difference from A05PTH3ORY lol. I notice the kernel is different and i guess it's based on latest gb release. Anything else?
Sent from my A05PTH3ORY
This is the NEW one and only AOSP TH3ORYROM, Fresh source, massive mods, tweaks, etc. Your will be able to flash MOD PACKs to Shift the ROMs experience to however you like it. The first MP will be BURN IGNITION PACK that will transform the ROM to BURN.
This is the new way to have the best, what you want, and how you want.
Enjoy GUYs!!!
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bolt_of_thunder said:
And I was going to ask if there is any difference from A05PTH3ORY lol. I notice the kernel is different and i guess it's based on latest gb release. Anything else?
Sent from my A05PTH3ORY
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This is AOSP guys.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Link is live in the op...
As always, enjoy and report.
DT.....I know wiping is recommended, but coming from ao5p 1.5 is it necessary? That and this seem similar.
schmaltzy said:
DT.....I know wiping is recommended, but coming from ao5p 1.5 is it necessary? That and this seem similar.
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Your fine if you are coming from a previous version of my AOSP.
Must wipe Cache,Dalvik, and format /system.
Keep your data.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Hi dt is the tiamat kernel in this rom better than the eclipse from burn?
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droidfanatic said:
Hi dt is the tiamat kernel in this rom better than the eclipse from burn?
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using Tapatalk
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I have done extensive tests on many kernels with my RAMdisk, Tiamat killed all of them in performance, battery life, and features.
There will be many alternative kernels to choose from.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Dammit! Just updated my backups of mono, burn, clean, and nonsense (and cm7)...more I get to do another one haha.
PS: having 6 roms updated is a pain! Torn between asop and sense.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE: M0N0LITHTH3ORY V1.1: MR2 using XDA Premium App
DT, I haven't had enough coffee yet so this could be a dumb question. I've got three different versions of your AO5P ROMS with three different launchers backed up so I can switch whenever I want or need to.
If I'm understanding this correctly with this ROM it just makes things alot easier to switch?
Please dont hang me...
Will you update clean or release a new sense rom DT?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Does the StockApps Flash Pack in OP only apply for Burn themers?
Also, silly question, maybe, but is there a way to implement a Hibernate mode for this ROM?

Latest ICS for Defy not working on Bravo
It's sad I think it's because it runs on 2.3.4+ kernel version. The older one was 2.2. What can we do?
Why can't we change our kernel
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
Motorola locked it. We can't unlock it without there signiture.
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
What we need is that developer who is working with it now, to create a rom without the new kernel, I think walter79 is working them, I'll asking him.
If I'm not mistaken the green lense defy still has to use the froyo kernel
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marquae11 said:
If I'm not mistaken the green lense defy still has to use the froyo kernel
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walter79 told that we need to compile ICS with froyo kernel, but how can we do that?
He sent this:
in the ics thread there is something how to do it!!
Compiling ics is ridicolous amount of ram needed. 20gigs I think... bravomotorola... check your pm
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Since we really have no true devs we are going to have to look for one with knowledge of code. We may have to donate some money to someone to get them a bravo unless there's someone with an extra that is willing to let someone use it. That's our true problem is that the defy, Atrix, galaxy s, and other phones have support from cm and alot of experienced devs that have been developing since the magic and hero days.
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
I pmed motobravo to try and copy over ONLY. App and framework folder FROM the new release over the OLD release.... I no longer have bravo but a thrill and a sgs2... as you can tell by sig so can't try it out.... but got a pm about this
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How's the sgs2 going? I'm thinking about n buying one MisStep
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marquae11 said:
How's the sgs2 going? I'm thinking about n buying one MisStep
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It is blazing fast... if you get one... get the new skyrocket... I have the regular one.... replying from my ported rom of superosr gb .
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I'm sure they have an ics port working on galaxy s 2 lol
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rdannar said:
I pmed motobravo to try and copy over ONLY. App and framework folder FROM the new release over the OLD release.... I no longer have bravo but a thrill and a sgs2... as you can tell by sig so can't try it out.... but got a pm about this
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rdannar is with us
Hey there.
Are you gonna help us with something about ICS?
Well I think we need first a fully working 2.3, then we can go to the next step.
Thanks everything
Bravomoti will post his results.. gave him some tips
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rdannar said:
Bravomoti will post his results.. gave him some tips
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Yes, the results from the excellent tip: Well first I moved over the framework and apps like rdanner said, and it worked! Then I moved over the ect folder for working gps and better working wifi and such, and it also worked and booted! It runs pretty well, but the only problem is 3D (egl libs) don't work with the 2.2 kernel (this is a guess kind of, I'm guessing it needs the 2.3 kernel). Any time I move over newer libs from the newer build I get stuck at the moto screen. I still suggest people to try it out though, I don't have the signal working yet I don't think unless it already works...maybe try playing with the baseband switcher. The build is pretty smooth and wifi and orientation both work good...
Try it here
ICS gapps here
After install wipe data/factory reset and cache and dalvic cache maybe... I would boot it up first and do gapps after it's booted. Have fun, and thanks again rdanner!
You cannot usually mix gb libs with froyo libs..
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rdannar said:
You cannot usually mix gb libs with froyo libs..
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So there is no way to get the gingerbread kernel on the Bravo?
The kernel... probably not... you need a factory gb kernel source Wich the bravo does not have...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
rdannar said:
The kernel... probably not... you need a factory gb kernel source Wich the bravo does not have...
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Is that why you get that bootloader error when trying to flash it?
LOL!! I quote Epsylon's thread under to do list:
2.2 kernels :
Fix Google maps, no errors but no layer drawed (working only with defy+ kernel and gl libs)
Fix 3D (galery, opengl etc...) working with only defy+ kernel and gl libs
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Looks like he might get 3D working for our 2.2 kernels!!
BravoMotorola said:
Is that why you get that bootloader error when trying to flash it?
LOL!! I quote Epsylon's thread under to do list:
Looks like he might get 3D working for our 2.2 kernels!!
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Lets hope he gets it!!
I really i'd like that we get the same defy owners are getting!

Faux kernels and gingerbread based roms

Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?
One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
admanirv said:
Hi Guys,
New to the atrix i have just unlocked, rooted and put a custom rom on.
Few questions
1. What is a faux kernel? what does it do?, can i overlclock?
2. Which is the most stable gingerbread based rom which has fingerprint unlock supports?
3. can you overclock turls CM9 rom?
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dac1227 said:
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Thank you mate
Thank you mate
CaelanT said:
One answer......go to appropriate threads and READ them!!!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
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FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.
admanirv said:
FFS, put a tampon in. If you havent done the same in the past your either a liar or a liar.
I've read threads how do you think i rooted and unlocked etc my phone.
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He is correct in all the information you have asked for is already given! Far as most stable its different for everyone.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

CustoNexus ROM testbuilds thread

Hi there,
A friend of mine asked me to compile my custom rom from source CustoNexus for his Arc, he isn't rooted yet, so he's quite careful with it haha.
Since i've built it anyways, I was thinking about releasing it in the forums, but I don't have an Arc to test on.
Before i release this into the wild development section, i'd like to ask to test you guys if you want to test THIS ROM on your arc/arc S and tell me how its like.
CustoNexus is a ROM based on CM&PA sources with our own custom overlay such as custom apps, ringtones, a kernel built with linaro, our own setup wizard and many more to come.
I built it with the 'anzu' device tree from FXP.
Arc: untested yet
Arc S: untested yet
Thanks in advance,
PS. you're flashing this on your own risk, blah blah blah you know the deal with experimental roms.
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djpbx said:
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thanks that bump was really usefull. Joke . Testing Now... Even if i have to mod my framework with my crappy not-syncing vm...
Ics base or jb?
justkiddinghere said:
Ics base or jb?
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Jelly bean
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any results yet?
My net was gone i wasn't able to download will do it later so
Downloading it now, will flash it and see what happens. Kernel is included in the zip I guess, right?
Babis_ECE said:
Downloading it now, will flash it and see what happens. Kernel is included in the zip I guess, right?
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any screenshot?
Raschild6 said:
any screenshot?
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Just plain jelly bean for now. It's a testbuild
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Tried to install it, symlink errors..
Babis_ECE said:
Tried to install it, symlink errors..
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I'll do a new build tomorrow then .
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