HTC announces ICS for desire HD, desire S and incredible S. - Galaxy S I9000 General

This only leaves samsung and motorola as not paying attention to their weaker phones.
HTC, LG and sony ericsson all giving most of their phones ICS.
And yet samsung wont give it to galaxy S? Well you say it's older than desire HD? Well the galaxy S plus and galaxy W are not and are actually more powerful than these HTC phones.
It's always arrogance that leads to the doom of the leader. Samsung really has to get their act straight if they want to remain android leader, there is simply no justification now for not giving ICS to their single core devices.

So, who cares?
Look around, there is plenty of ICS ROMs to install for SGS. And most of them are stable enough for daily use.
When you tasted some ROM, that is not Samsung-based, you're never going back. At least I'm not.
So, I really don't give a slightest f**k if ICS won't be official for SGS.
This is probably still the largest dev community for any of the android based phones, and although the phone is almost two years old, there is still a lot of development going on. I'm happy with my SGS, I'm quite happy with Samsung as the company itself too.

opica said:
So, who cares?
Look around, there is plenty of ICS ROMs to install for SGS. And most of them are stable enough for daily use.
When you tasted some ROM, that is not Samsung-based, you're never going back. At least I'm not.
So, I really don't give a slightest f**k if ICS won't be official for SGS.
This is probably still the largest dev community for any of the android based phones, and although the phone is almost two years old, there is still a lot of development going on. I'm happy with my SGS, I'm quite happy with Samsung as the company itself too.
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Lets not kid ourselves please. Once you get official OS you get even better ROMs.
Sure galaxy S is 2 years old but S plus isnt and doesnt even have that good ROMs so what about the S+ users?
Samsung is the most profitable android manufacturer, there is simply no excuse for this period.

Gambler_3 said:
Once you get official OS you get even better ROMs.
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As I've written: once I've tasted aosp-based ROMs, I never went back to Samsungs' one. And I'm pretty sure a large number of users here would agree with me.
maybe RIL sw is somehow better from the start in an official ROM if a new version of OS was released, but it gets polished anyways
you should really have posted here

I don't care about Plus or W, at the time I bought my S the HTC choice was the Desire. It's not getting ICS either and even if it did I would still prefer SGS hardware and dev community.

haloimplant said:
I don't care about Plus or W, at the time I bought my S the HTC choice was the Desire. It's not getting ICS either and even if it did I would still prefer SGS hardware and dev community.
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The Desire never even got a working Gingerbread build...

CM9 is awesome,
no crappy Samsung's ROM anymore.

Russians drilled down to the arctic lake!!!!!!!!
And this is common in same way as the @OP's post...

But I care, i want to have a stock rom ICS than cook rom,
my next phone is not samsung.

See for you guys its okay, for people like me with the galaxy s 4g, we are screwed. We don't have enough developers to port ics. I still hope that we will get cm7 or miui but ics, lets not gonna kid ourselves on getting that for his phone.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App

The choice when I bought the phone was HTC Desire or SGS. Boy am I glad I went for the SGS! Stop getting your knickers in a twist, there are plenty of ICS options. I've been running CM9 since the beginning of January with virtually no problems.
My next phone probably will be a Samsung, or whichever has the biggest development scene.

trislr said:
But I care, i want to have a stock rom ICS than cook rom,
my next phone is not samsung.
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I agree with you, some people here don't understand greatness of stock ROMs

This isn't even a small argument talking about GS. But indeed the Plus version should receive ICS. Can't say that LG is better then Samsung at updating their phones, I mean sure the 2x gets it, but it's only one year old. The DHD is the only older phone getting ICS here. Nice move from HTC. I just can't say Samsung is worse than HTC at updating their phones.
Sent from my ASUM GS!

Samsung galaxy s said:
This isn't even a small argument talking about GS. But indeed the Plus version should receive ICS. Can't say that LG is better then Samsung at updating their phones, I mean sure the 2x gets it, but it's only one year old. The DHD is the only older phone getting ICS here. Nice move from HTC. I just can't say Samsung is worse than HTC at updating their phones.
Sent from my ASUM GS!
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Samsung is now officially worse than HTC at updating unless they update the galaxy S plus and galaxy W.
Even the $200 xperia mini is getting ICS which is from every aspect inferior to the samsung phones not getting ICS.
LG is also bringing ICS to optimus black which is the weakest phone officially supported for ICS. Ofcourse LG's ROMs actually suck but thats another story.

You guys are really too greedy. I have a SGS+ and I would love to have some custom development (CM, ICS).
We have just now a CM 7 port in work and it will take a long time to finish it, before even thinking of CM9, ICS (no graphic driver, how the hell should the ports work flawlessly)?
Our phone isn't even 1 year old, so it's just twice frustrating for us: no custom development, no official updates.
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HTC Evo or Samsung Epic?

Im going to be eligible for an upgrade in October and I know others are waiting on theirs. Id like to know if you are going to upgrade, what are you planning to move to and why. Here is descriptions of both phones.
Samsung Epic 4G Preview
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HTC 4G Evo Review
I can't stand the samsung phones, especially after seeing how they treated the Moment (worse than the Hero was treated by HTC and Sprint). Not to mention I think the Epic looks like crap, and the Evo just looks freakin sexy
Touchwiz is pretty damn ugly and it's quite pervasive in the Galaxy S operating system. Then again, there will likely be custom roms and lots of support for the Epic since it will be on all major carriers. The screen kicks the EVO's ass and it's allegedly quite responsive, unlike the Moment. I think we need to wait for full reviews of the Epic.
I'm keeping my eye on the Epic too. There were some good points to the Moment but the bad outweighed the good.
They're both too damn big. Who has pockets that large?
cmccracken said:
They're both too damn big. Who has pockets that large?
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Both are intended for purses obviously.
lets hope software updates last longer than 6 months.
ya they are big..a damn holster would like so freakn silly for these phones.. hell the one for my hero with the seidio 3500 extended battery is huge
I think 3.5 to 3.8 inch would be my range as far as screens go.. any bigger and to me its like a mini
but like all will skip samsung because of one reason. they never have any good extended batteries.. unlike htc... where they are plenty... so might get a evo ( maybe ) around dec.. who knows.. still love my even think bout it.. I mean look at the they got froyo.. the hero will still get support for a why switch..when that money can go to something else.. like food,lol
cmccracken said:
They're both too damn big. Who has pockets that large?
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the Evo will fit nicely in my back pocket. Hell, it'll fit nicely in my front pocket of any pair of my jeans. And it'll rarely be in my pocket anyway, since it sits on my seat in my car when I'm driving, and it'd sit on my desk while I'm at work, just the way my Hero does now
But the hero fits in my watch pocket also the epic is supposed to have a faster gpu. And I love my hero, but I like the idea of a keyboard for gaming.
Sent from my Hero CDMA using XDA App
im like the epic better but like what has been said ill wait for reveiws and see what people say on here and see if samsung will fix any problems that might happen like with the evo
I plan on waiting for the dual cores next year anyways, not eligible for upgrade may.
Sent from my Hero CDMA using XDA App
Both phones are nice and I think it comes down to three main factors imo:
1. Will Samsung Epic be rootable, and if so, will Dev support be equal to the Evo;
2. Do you prefer a physical keyboard; and
3. Do you prefer Sense UI over the Epic's UI
The thing that sucks (well, actually good) is that technology is always advancing and new devices are being released every few months and each release tries to out-do the last.
Personally, I'm going to say Samsung Epic since I am on a Hero and have problems using the keyboard. I'd like to give a physical keyboard a try for a few months.
srkmagnus said:
Both phones are nice and I think it comes down to three main factors imo:
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1. Will Samsung Epic be rootable, and if so, will Dev support be equal to the Evo;
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If its essentially the same as the other Galaxy S line up the yes easily rootable. The Dev Support should stretch across the lineup too.
2. Do you prefer a physical keyboard; and
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I have no specific preference but they are nice
3. Do you prefer Sense UI over the Epic's UI
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Neither! I want AOSP Froyo on it.
The thing that sucks (well, actually good) is that technology is always advancing and new devices are being released every few months and each release tries to out-do the last.
Personally, I'm going to say Samsung Epic since I am on a Hero and have problems using the keyboard. I'd like to give a physical keyboard a try for a few months.
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They just need to announce a damn release date.
spiritcrusher33 said:
ya they are big..a damn holster would like so freakn silly for these phones.. hell the one for my hero with the seidio 3500 extended battery is huge
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I have the seidio 3500 extended battery also. What holster are you using?!?!? I can't find anyone that fits it.
Im due for an update in october as well, I'm goin for the epic!
Sent from my Hero CDMA using XDA App
Hard to say. This is how I see it.
Epic: Best hardware, good physical size.
Evo: Full support of xda.
Top-notch hardware vs. top-notch modding community, it's a very hard decision (for me, at least).
I'm leaning towards the Epic. What keeps me on HTC phones is the support of this community. If that is going to carry over to the Epic, there is no real reason to stay with the Evo. HTC has poor support for their phones which has been proven by their lack of porting Froyo to the Hero. Clearly it is doable. Additionally, if the Epic crosses carriers, we will see a lot of great minds working on the same phone.
Ive read that the actual processing power on the galaxy s is quite better than the snapdragon processors, so if that's your thing...
Plus the pervasiveness of this phone might lead to a lot of work getting done in the xda community.

Atrix vs Nexus S vs Xperia Arc vs Galaxy S2

Which one you guys think is better?
On paper, Galaxy S2. The atrix has been nothing but a complete disappointment Everything from screen, to network, to performance.
psufan5 said:
On paper, Galaxy S2. The atrix has been nothing but a complete disappointment Everything from screen, to network, to performance.
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Its a shame the Galaxy S2 is made by Samsung. The same company that JUST released 2.2 for their captivate users today.
I will say nexus S, samsung i heard they take a long time to update, as far as i know motoblur will be on the atrix and its crap, and dont talk bout xperia ark, im sure my x10 is better rooted with froyo
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
krispygreen said:
I will say nexus S, samsung i heard they take a long time to update, as far as i know motoblur will be on the atrix and its crap, and dont talk bout xperia ark, im sure my x10 is better rooted with froyo
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Gingerbread is on the way, it will unleash the beast within the Atrix.
designgears said:
Gingerbread is on the way, it will unleash the beast within the Atrix.
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+1 Atrix is a good phone out of the box, if Moto even remotely listened to us then it might be possible that with the upgrade to gingerbread they might take off the signed bootloader.
i'm pretty much done with Samsung Products for awhile. till they get all of their hardware issues worked out with the random reboots and stuff... The Atrix so far has been freaking nice so far... I am actually likeing it more than the Captivate when i first got it.
Blur isn't bad on the Atrix... and if you don't own the phone don't talk sh*t on it. cause you don't know what you are talking about.
It's kind of silly to compare unreleased phones to released phones. Without handling them and installing all your apps, and checking how they actually perform you just don't know.
I'm loving the Atrix for what its worth.
I will get the Atrix if they take the signed bootloader off.
I think Galaxy S2 is better than all of them.
LG 2X....S2 = slow updates
xs2k said:
LG 2X....S2 = slow updates
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But you just bought the atrix phone that might not see 2.3 for 6+ months? Those new phones will most likely ship with 2.3...
psufan5 said:
But you just bought the atrix phone that might not see 2.3 for 6+ months? Those new phones will most likely ship with 2.3...
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Not to mention it is very likely the S2 will have an open/hackable bootloader for installing custom roms.
Nexus S and the Arc is old news
the GS2 might be nice on paper, but samsuck hardware is meh
that left us with the atrix and thats why we are here.
They only phone you can compare the atrix to is the sgs2. I thought for sure the sgs2 would be the best duel core of 2011 but the benchmarks are lower then my lag fixed sgs(sgs2 does not have rfs). I love my atrix. My screen looks fine and has better color then my captivate. The atrix cpu\gpu is better then anything on the market even without 2.3. Motorola has the 2nd best android update record so i am sure they will updated soon.
Trolls are so easy to spot. You speak about the Atrix and Motoblur without actually owning one or trying it out, so "a far as I know", your opinion has the value of poop.
You're using a Sony Ericsson for crying out loud, you don't qualify to pass judgment.
krispygreen said:
I will say nexus S, samsung i heard they take a long time to update, as far as i know motoblur will be on the atrix and its crap, and dont talk bout xperia ark, im sure my x10 is better rooted with froyo
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Easy: Nexus S. Dual-core will have to wait till Christmas -for me at least.
Here's the first video comparison by XDA user humancyborg:
Surprise, surprise... it seems that they are identical -speedwise, and that maybe the Nexus S is a bit smoother during certain gestures.
As for the Atrix looking brighter, I'm pretty sure he has the settings changed on the Nexus S, since it actually has a screen brighter than the Atrix 4G:
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Courtesy of Anandtech:
And of course the Nexus S has much better contrasts, it's incomparable.
The only reason to get the Atrix now is only the fingerprint reader... it's getting mixed reviews so I guess it's not enough to sway me away from the first phone to get Ice Cream (Matias Duarte's first full Android contribution)
degenerazn said:
Its a shame the Galaxy S2 is made by Samsung. The same company that JUST released 2.2 for their captivate users today.
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FYI, it was due to ATT, not Samsung that caused the wait.
Rooted/ROM Captivate (For Sale)
Rooted Atrix
Man_of_Leisure said:
It's kind of silly to compare unreleased phones to released phones. Without handling them and installing all your apps, and checking how they actually perform you just don't know.
I'm loving the Atrix for what its worth.
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That's how I feel; however i would love the camera spec bumps.
Also, ATT allows for a 30 day return fee thatvwill let you take it back for a full refund; nearing the 30bdays, if the next Galaxy phone comes out, ill think about trading it back.
Rooted/ROM Captivate (For Sale)
Rooted Atrix
TareX said:
Easy: Nexus S. Dual-core will have to wait till Christmas -for me at least.
Here's the first video comparison by XDA user humancyborg:
Surprise, surprise... it seems that they are identical -speedwise, and that maybe the Nexus S is a bit smoother during certain gestures.
As for the Atrix looking brighter, I'm pretty sure he has the settings changed on the Nexus S, since it actually has a screen brighter than the Atrix 4G:
Courtesy of Anandtech:
And of course the Nexus S has much better contrasts, it's incomparable.
The only reason to get the Atrix now is only the fingerprint reader... it's getting mixed reviews so I guess it's not enough to sway me away from the first phone to get Ice Cream (Matias Duarte's first full Android contribution)
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He should factor other things like ram and comparable battert life. Have both phones stream HD YouTube video, them switch to browsing with a lot of tabs, then watch some internal video, listen to some music, play some games, and see what holds up best and the longest.
Rooted/ROM Captivate (For Sale)
Rooted Atrix


Am I the only one who creams his pants at the thought of the DINC getting an Ice Cream Sandwich port at some point?
I'm sure people will try, how well it will work is another thing.
Yep not holding my breath on the inc getting port of ics. Unless it is going to come out on a current phone then a port may be possible. But I would think the hardware acceleration will not work for a while as it will likely not have drivers for our old incs.....
While it would be great, I don't know if I need it. Out of curiosity, what do you see as the draw to ICS?
Why would you not want the latest android version?
Could you really just sit around, running Gingerbread, knowing full well that ICS is out there and you aren't running it?
That's a sad, sad thought amigo.
I'm too much of a geek to be cool with running anything but the latest android version..

rez'd -
Nexus S gets it first =\
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it gets it first but we start an unofficial port of it the same day lol
Cyanogenmod 8
JoelZ9614 said:
it gets it first but we start an unofficial port of it the same day lol
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^ l to rom w/o power button...
Id love it! Always gotta have updated android, its alot cheaper than changing phone!
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Nexus S doesn't get it first. Nexus PRIME gets it first. I've been hearing its Verizon too. My next phone.
Smokeey said:
Nexus S doesn't get it first. Nexus PRIME gets it first. I've been hearing its Verizon too. My next phone.
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It'd be about time that verizon got a nexus
exciting news that ice cream is coming up and hopefully for our phones too, will be watching here
No matter how much I love my AMOLED DInc, I'd rather have a brand new phone running ICS than trying to shoehorn it onto my "old" phone. I'm thinking ICS will be meant for phones with more power and RAM than the DInc has. So, I'd rather have a new more capable phone running the latest version of Android than cutting out features and decreasing performance to run on an old phone.
I was originally thinking I'd spring for a Bionic as soon as it was released and then use my upgrade later if I didn't like the phone. But hearing rumors about what's just over the horizon has me wanting to simply wait until January when I'm due for a subsidized upgrade. I sure hope the Nexus Prime is available on Verizon... if not, looks like I just might end up with an HTC Vigor.
So if I flash ICS, can I still root it with Unrevoked?
I had to do it, reading the Desire forums of people flashing 2.3 from HTC development site, and asking, sorry *****ing, that now they can't root... I had to say it.
I'm sure we can run it well, it's coming to the nexus s, which has a weaker CPU than the dinc.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
If someone gets ahold of the code, you can believe that someone else will make it work. It will probably only be ASOP but who cares, it will still be ICS.
liteon163 said:
No matter how much I love my AMOLED DInc, I'd rather have a brand new phone running ICS than trying to shoehorn it onto my "old" phone. I'm thinking ICS will be meant for phones with more power and RAM than the DInc has. So, I'd rather have a new more capable phone running the latest version of Android than cutting out features and decreasing performance to run on an old phone.
I was originally thinking I'd spring for a Bionic as soon as it was released and then use my upgrade later if I didn't like the phone. But hearing rumors about what's just over the horizon has me wanting to simply wait until January when I'm due for a subsidized upgrade. I sure hope the Nexus Prime is available on Verizon... if not, looks like I just might end up with an HTC Vigor.
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The dinc will be able to run ice cream...i mean we are running gingerbread already as it is and we dont even have official even the htc hero has gingerbread and they didnt get upgraded past eclair or cupcake lol

--CyanogenMod 9 Discussion Thread--

I thought I would create a CyanogenMod 9 discussion thread because I know some of us wants it soon
So this thread could discuss anything from features to wallpapers. Anything really I guess.
It can be really nice to talk about it and because I love CyanogenMod I would love to discuss this with some people
Just remember to keep the thread clean
ondrikcz said:
hello And cyanogenmod 9 for Desire HD??
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Of course! Therefore I posted it in the desire HD forums
I would like more features on the camera not just the stocks!
Anyone know the current status of cm9 ill be honest I think the development here will blow cm9 out the water!
Sent from Absolution 3.7 with ics waiting under the wings
arknailed7754 said:
Anyone know the current status of cm9 ill be honest I think the development here will blow cm9 out the water!
Sent from Absolution 3.7 with ics waiting under the wings
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I don't know! All I know is that they have realesed it for some devices and it's soon to be here. Haven't checked github...
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
It just seems strange for them that they're taking so long... No doubt they'll release one of the best roms when it's finished. Until then I'm keeping my eye at Virtuous. ^^
Btw, is it just me or have you guys also noticed devs are slowly leaving the DHD behind? Seems that they're moving on to the Sensation family, and the soon to be released One series are only going to add up to that I suppose. Sad.
What happened to CM8?..
Burning_aces said:
What happened to CM8?..
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CM8 = Honeycomb , source wasn't released until ICS source dropped.
tobmav said:
It just seems strange for them that they're taking so long... No doubt they'll release one of the best roms when it's finished. Until then I'm keeping my eye at Virtuous. ^^
Btw, is it just me or have you guys also noticed devs are slowly leaving the DHD behind? Seems that they're moving on to the Sensation family, and the soon to be released One series are only going to add up to that I suppose. Sad.
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They will definitely have the best rom! I mean they have done things much more efficient this time.
Well it's natural for devs to move on to newer devices, unfortunately it's sad for us
when does come the first nightly for desire hd?
im still under no illusion that the sensation is crap,i test run the xe and the xl..i see no difference,but im no gamer,they have more roms due to newer device but i had no urge to upgrade to either as i normally do,the ville i will due to it looks nice,ics is onboard and sense 4..if it didnt that already i probably wouldnt get it?
i dont think devs are leaving,its just natural progression i think..this forum compared to the desire for example i used to quite stressful..i dont know why,even i get hacked off.with myself and others. shame is..the desire hd is a quality phone,its reliable...looks nice.
my next roms will be ics when its complete and ics with sense 4..ill try out sense 3.6 with ics but cant see me warming to it..
as for cm9 unless it has bells and whistles i probably wont care when it arrives..
CM always has bells & whistles. Its like specifying all the optional extras when buying a car.
I'm waiting for the rumored HTC Zeta. 2.5Ghz Quadcore. That + CM9/10 will last a few years, just like the DHD has & will continue to do.
andyharney said:
CM always has bells & whistles. Its like specifying all the optional extras when buying a car.
I'm waiting for the rumored HTC Zeta. 2.5Ghz Quadcore. That + CM9/10 will last a few years, just like the DHD has & will continue to do.
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Yeah the DHD has taken its stand! It is a good phone for sure and since google always is trying to make their rom lightweight I think the DHD can last for long!
But as soon as I get the money I'm switching to a Google i.e galaxy nexus. I hate that htc is not enabling all of the features that are out there!
Not heard of zeta....eta release?
Sent from Absolution 3.7 with ics waiting under the wings
arknailed7754 said:
Not heard of zeta....eta release?
Sent from Absolution 3.7 with ics waiting under the wings
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Hell of a phone!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
looks a bit brickish?
Sent from Absolution 3.7 with ics waiting under the wings
It is a bit "square", but as you can tell from the homescreen I posted, I much prefer function over style.
From its rumoured specs, 2.5Ghz Quadcore, 32GB storage, 1GB RAM, WXGA (1280x720) display. It would be more than capable of holding it's own in a smartphone market that progresses very quickly. Perfect for a handset that's worth keeping for a few years (i.e DHD) & perfect for CM9/10 & 11
the specs do look good,ill probably still go on and get the ville or endeavour...more the ville though,in a way I hope some development release an asop. to run on these devices just in case sense 4 hasn't really went far...I'm liking asop roms more and more recently,rcmix 4.0 is a great rom but drains my battery up way to quick, now I'm running absolution which is giving me roughly a day and a is undervolted by preference..not sure if that makes a massive difference though lol
the zeta as you said looks quality,just design wise...think its a case of looking at it in don't give justice on occasions
Sent from Absolution 3.7 with ics waiting under the wings
The image on gsmarena doesn't do it much justice I admit.
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This gives a better appreciation of the shape.
CyanogenMod is such a versatile ROM, you can theme it to your hearts content or leave it bare. Underclock it to get the best battery life or overclock it to cook food off of.
IMO CM9 will really expand upon the best core features of ICS, the future of android is bright.
It's a fake foto 'cause as we all know ACS needs only 3 buttons. I don't think such a powerfull phone will be released with 2.3.x Android. So it's a fake
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using XDA App
Anyone seen?

[Discussion] How MANY of you will update? :P

Hi guys,
Every one knows that S4 is about to come, so far we have the following expectations according to external sources:
- Exynos 5450 Quad-Core CPU clocked at 2.0GHz
- Mali-T658 GPU
- 2GB of RAM
- 4.99” SuperAMOLED FULL HD resolution (1080×1920) Display
- 13 Megapixel Rear Facing Camera
- 2 Megapixel Front Facing Camera
- Android 4.2.1 (Out of the box)
Prototype leaked preview:
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How many of you will purchase it based on those features and looking? Discuss if you think its going to be worth it, etc.
I won't because Samsung is not helping open source devs by releasing Exynos sources. Exynos is not open source friendly at the moment and the power of Android is the ability to customize your phone and install different types of roms, if i will have to wait Samsung to release an Android OS update after 6 months or live with stock based roms which are all the same apart some build.prop tweaks and deleted apps what's the point of having Android.
I'll personally send a big f**k to any new Sammie products and will wait until the next moto nexus or iPhone 6 whatever phone will be the best for me.
Spyr0s said:
I won't because Samsung is not helping open source devs by releasing Exynos sources. Exynos is not open source friendly at the moment and the power of Android is the ability to customize your phone and install different types of roms, if i will have to wait Samsung to release an Android OS update after 6 months or live with stock based roms which are all the same apart some build.prop tweaks and deleted apps what's the point of having Android.
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I asked you based on what you see presented mate I didn't include the bad parts of this whole thing
But that is a really good point of view! Although, I prefer to be using a S2 instead of an iPhone, due to Android.
Kaiserbenn said:
I'll personally send a big f**k to any new Sammie products and will wait until the next moto nexus or iPhone 6 whatever phone will be the best for me.
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Why are you so mad?
Well i won't i will go for a Nexus, lesson learned
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Kaiserbenn said:
I'll personally send a big f**k to any new Sammie products and will wait until the next moto nexus or iPhone 6 whatever phone will be the best for me.
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xman323 said:
Well i won't i will go for a Nexus, lesson learned
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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This is all about the non releasing of the source right?
Just confirming.
PATRiOT96 said:
I asked you based on what you see presented mate I didn't include the bad parts of this whole thing
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You mean the hardware part? Well that's gonna be outadated anyway after a few months and the market needs a disruption, cores don't mean much anymore, people want something really innovative.
PATRiOT96 said:
Why are you so mad?
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No source available for devs. Plus it's a f*****g shame to wait so long for official update of a FLAGSHIP phone.
You know S2 is dead and 4.2.1 will be the last version provided by CM for our device? This phone is one year and a half old and it's already dead. I will go for a nexus next time, that's for sure. I want a decent product follow up which is not the case on Sammie product and especially with their closed BS exynos chips.
When will the next Nexus generation be out?
PATRiOT96 said:
When will the next Nexus generation be out?
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The bet is somewhere in 2013...
I'd like to go for it, but as these guys pointed out, I'm annoyed about the closed nature of Exynos. To be honest, my ideal phone would be a nexus device but with expandable memory. Unfortunately that's the deal breaker for me.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
I will stick to my galaxy s2 with my extended battery and custom rom running the latest android version possible. I dont feel the need for a new phone... yet...
If Galaxy S3 is released, I'll spend enough money to buy it, maybe the budget between 600 > 700$ :laugh: :laugh:
sorry for my English
Xperia Z, superb device!
Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk 2
Until Samsung changes it's way of operating (not making their exynos projects open source) I won't be any Samsung phones. I rather go with Nexus devices. Keeping exynos closed source is a real setback for the majority of developers which in return limits the amount of innovation in roms.
S II is gonna get a lime pie update, remember that.
Now, about this s4 it 8.5 mm thick? it weights less than 116 gr? if not, sticking to S II.
I don't care for non-capacitive-buttons devices. How the hell would I know when to unlock my JB leak screen otherwise?
Actually my s2 is working pretty good for how I use it now, def need a new huge battery for the extra fun I could squeeze out of.
top comments do have a point but seriously with the active xda community, top rated forums r screaming Samsung all over.
Yea they're not so open , yea they're taking their sweet time with updates n such but seriously its a big thanks to all the devs who help n make what u have even better.
Back on track will I buy the next Sammie, depends on how much better it is... The s3 wasn't much of an improvement so I stuck with the s2 Currently running rootboxs version of jb and they're doing a great job , add to that dorimanxs kernel and u have a top of the line phone with the best options to tweak at hand for daily use/battery/performance/ no bloat what so ever.... The list goes on
Sorry for the long post I just had to get it out ^_^
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
lixboi said:
If Galaxy S3 is released, I'll spend enough money to buy it, maybe the budget between 600 > 700$ :laugh: :laugh:
sorry for my English
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Yeah wait a little time, the galaxy s3 is coming out within these few months, it's worth waiting though
sent with my homing pigeon
I will go for it !! As soon as I win the lottery :crying:
Sammie behaviour is not a deal breaker for u? Personally I won't allow the same company to f**k me twice in the a*s.
When I buy a flagship phone I want a premium support which is not the case at all.
I do expect a lot from the moto nexus. Or Sony maybe which is friendly with devs. Otherwise I'll return on the apple side waiting for THE Nexus phone,
And I don't speak about the lack of respect to the devs community after having offered them some GS2 promising a good cooperation and making me believe a bright future and a long life for this phone, they just get BS communication and disappointment. This lack of respect to the guys without who will would have this bull**** version of android made in Samsung. They have spent a lot of times to offer for free a great android version and they deserve a big thanks for all of us running their work on our s2. And now most of them are gone, some to the nexus others to Sony side due to Samsung behavior. I can not understand how a CM user may think of buying a Sammie phoen again.
