Getting stuck on hw keyboard while typing - Milestone 2 General

I hope my explanation is good enough to understand my problem:
When I am typing on the hardware-keyboard, I often get stuck at the edge of button "A".
This happens likely after pressing "Shift" and sliding my finger towards "A" or the middle of the keyboard.
It seems that the edge of the button "A" is not smooth or flat enough and probably the overlapping between "shift" and "A" increases this problem.
With overlapping I mean this:
Has anybody else had this problem while typing? Or is there a fix to avoid bending the edge of the button over and over?
Thanks for any help!
PS: I am posting this here, not in Q&A, because I think that there is no simple answer for this.

No problem here, but I have sometimes more than one letter with one pressing of the key. Like ... Milessstonne
And ... I have now CM72 and QERTY instead of QWERTZ!

Dunno which ROM are you using, so I dunno if that is right solution for you - but did you try Keyboard debouncer from M2T? It solve this problem, especially the "doublepress" issue.
I had this issue also. Everytime I was writing something, it looked like this:
Helllo, how aare yyoou...
etc. It was terrible, but KB Debouncer solved it (and it should solve stuck issue also)
Just give it a try if you can. And if you can't, then consider trying another ROM, because for me this was quite annoying issue

You got my problem wrong.
My finger always gets stuck at the key edge.
It is no software issue or semething like that.

Ahh... I should read more carefully. Sorry both of you. My mistake
I don't have problem, you described, but the keyboard is a lot worse, than on my old 9500 Communicator - but hey, there was more space on 9500, than on M2, so no complains

I am just afraid that I damage my "A" button some day
Weird that this problem isn't more common.
Maybe I just have some sort of assembly fault with my keyboard.
My old HTC Hermes was also equipped with a "better" keyboard but it was also a real big rock of a phone

Anonymous_ said:
Dunno which ROM are you using, so I dunno if that is right solution for you - but did you try Keyboard debouncer from M2T? It solve this problem, especially the "doublepress" issue.
I had this issue also. Everytime I was writing something, it looked like this:
Helllo, how aare yyoou...
etc. It was terrible, but KB Debouncer solved it (and it should solve stuck issue also)
Just give it a try if you can. And if you can't, then consider trying another ROM, because for me this was quite annoying issue
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Sorry, for offtopic, but this is my problem, were can I find this debouncer? Market? Download?
@playdo ... yes indeed, I think your keyboard is damaged! Sorry for that.
I like my keyboard of the MS2!

sasch42 said:
Sorry, for offtopic, but this is my problem, were can I find this debouncer? Market? Download?
@playdo ... yes indeed, I think your keyboard is damaged! Sorry for that.
I like my keyboard of the MS2!
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Here you go!

playdo said:
Here you go!
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THX ... very nice!


Lazy Keys on TyTn's QWERTY

I tried seaching through different threads, but couldn't find the same topic, so please forgive me if I indeed am repeating an already listed thread...
I'm extremly happy with my TyTn, but one thing which is DRIVING ME ABSOLUTELY NUTTS AND UP THE WALL, is the so called "lazy keys" on it's qwerty pad. Sometimes is doesn't respond and other times it doubles/triples the letter..
Are any of you having the same problem and do any of you have a solution to this?..
Any helpful answers would be highly appreciated!..
- a frustrated TyTn owner
I am having the same issues. CAN ANYONE HELP WITH THIS?
I have got the same problem but have learnt to live with it but a fix would be great.
mine does it too but i think it's a memory problem. when i begin typing it will not show anything for a few seconds and then BAM there all the text is.
my solution is simple.. i know it will eventually show what i typed. so when it starts to lag.. just keep typing man and it will catch up.
that case is OK. I'm referring to a key being totally unresponsive unless I press really hard or somtimes a key kinda "sticks" and doubles/triples the letter...
It's stopping any quick typing as you finish a word only to see that it has doubled or missed out a letter in the word!!!
If anyone has a solution, even if it means taking the dang divice apart..
i took mine apart the other day for this problem
it looked all fine
i cleaned out the membrane and the board that the membrand touches
worked better for a good 2 hours
and then right back to the problem....
we need a permanent fix lol
my c button is unresponsive now. It seemed fine using Black Majik but its started playing up on Black Satin.
The Problem Revealed - Tricky solution
The solution if you dare!!
Laz Keys
Fellas, I've switched from the Black Majik rom to the Black Satin rom and now all of my kes are responsive as on my old device. I don't know if this is a permanent fix since I've only had this rom for a week or so, but I will update the forum in another week.
Triune said:
Fellas, I've switched from the Black Majik rom to the Black Satin rom and now all of my keys are responsive as on my old device. I don't know if this is a permanent fix since I've only had this rom for a week or so, but I will update the forum in another week.
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I can understand different ROMs affecting the overall responsiveness of the keyboard. However it does not make sense to me that different ROMs would affect the responsiveness of certain keys only.
I would certainly urge folks to be sure their problem is one of specific individual keys only before attempting the physical fix in my post above. In other words be very sure the problem is NOT one of a laggy keyboard response due to ROM/software.
Just wanna share my test....
I got lazy keys on my Dopod 838 Pro also after upgrading to official Dopod WM6 ROM. At this time I had more than 1500 SMS stored. Since the lazy keys were affecting on SMS/Email writing and not on other apps, I was thinking whether the problem is related somehow to this huge number of stored SMS.
I deleted all my SMS and directly afterwards the keyboard is responsive again.
Can't validate this as I need to wait for my SMS to grow again to see if the lazy keys problem returns... but maybe you can check from yours if you have huge number of stored SMS/email.

keyboard button problem (not symbols)

I was wondering if anyone else is having problems with individual keys wearing out on the 6800. Three of my keys have become a little difficult to use. When I press them they act as if they have not been pressed. I have to press the many times before they will work.
I've tried googling but the only problem people seem to be having is the "symbol problem". My problem is different from this - it is a mechanical problem. The phone is only 6 months old and I use it regularly but not excessively.
I'm thought about taking the phone apart to see if there is anything that I can do.
I have the exact same issue, mostly with the space bar... some keys would take pushing it several before it works or sometimes I would press the key once and I get two letters, for example if I press E once I get EE.
Let me know if you find a solution for this, it's extremely annoying.
sounds like normal wear and tear to me. if you use a button alot, eventually its going to start working less efficiently than it used to. there are a bunch of good (free) full screen keyboards that you can use to give your keyboard a rest. taking apart your phone is a really bad idea. if you've only had it for 6 months, its still under 1 yr manufacturer warranty. send it in and get a new one.
thanks so much for the quick response, this might be a stupid question, but how do I exchange my phone? It's a Sprint Mogul.
probably the most direct way is to head into a Sprint store. and try your best to talk to them like you know what youre talking about, so they dont try to jerk you around. when i was using the xv6700, i got 9.. yes 9 replacement phones on my manufacturers warranty. if there is nothing to show that YOU have damaged the keys, they have to replace the phone for you.
try this, it fixed my key misses and repeats, but i have to hit the keys a bit harder.
Unfortunately, '' does not fix my problem
tako attack said:
try this, it fixed my key misses and repeats, but i have to hit the keys a bit harder.
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Thanks for the file...unfortunately, the problem persists on my Mogul.
Has anyone found a solution that makes the hardware keyboard perform as it did BEFORE the last official ROM upgrade was released into the wild. Installation of that [allegedly] tested and approved HTC/Sprint file coincided with my beginning to experience my KB problems.

Titan Keyboard failing

some keys i have to press super hard, other keys i tap and it types the key like 3 times
like when i press a
it types
and im like wha?
i am still under warranty, should i just put original stock rom back on and ask them to repair it or try and get it switched out for a vogue 0.o
I have a similar problem on my device. Is this a known problem?
Ditto here, the Function key has to be pressed hard, and some keys in the first row are acting up as well, but primarily the Q key.
I'm not sure that this has been officially acknowledged by HTC or any providers but it seems to be a widespread issue for end users.
While the "hard presses" for Function, Q and P seem to be a physical problem many users have reported that using the following CAB fixes the duplicate entries.
The CAB is being provided by UTStarcom and be downloaded at the below page. Wireless
Direct link to the CAB. QWERTY Keyboard Fix
This is deff a problem. My phone does the exact same thing as OP.
I press a and it types it three times. This is the only key that this happens on.
I didn't realize how bad the keyboard was degrading until yesterday, when my Mogul was replaced. For me, the ./0, y/1 and function key were the worst offenders. The unit was swapped because the usb port broke. The port failed because it's a really cheap design, 2 pins broke off . The rep in the repair center insinuated that it was a really common issue, she didn't even look at the port when I explained the problem. On the plus side,I got rid of the dreaded white spot and my keyboard works well again, but for how long? The keyboard, screen and usb port problems are all common complaints on this board and others. What I surmise from this is that HTC makes a pretty crappy product! When this phone is retired in a year or so, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to replace it with a non HTC/non Windows Mobile (or whatever MS calls it next). Every time I use my phone, I wonder if it be wonderfully helpful tool this time, or a frustrating pain in the ass? Unfortunately, the later happens all too often!
the 0ne said:
I'm not sure that this has been officially acknowledged by HTC or any providers but it seems to be a widespread issue for end users.
While the "hard presses" for Function, Q and P seem to be a physical problem many users have reported that using the following CAB fixes the duplicate entries.
The CAB is being provided by UTStarcom and be downloaded at the below page. Wireless
Direct link to the CAB. QWERTY Keyboard Fix
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These cabs dont necessarily fix the hardware keyboard issues. It fixes the old issues of the function button always being on in certain applications.
The issues that people are having is just wear and tear. The XV6800 has a cheap build.
hi guys,
same here, when i type "a" either doesnt do anything or it gives me a duplicate of 3 a's. and that started happening since i upgraded to dcd 3.2.0 an on.
also when i switch to landscape mode it sometimes writes an H or Y or P. don't know if it is OS related or hardware but it is a brand new phone and i never recall having this before going to dcds greatest 3.2.X.
edit: also i've been using quickmenu ever since 3.2.0 because of the x-button issue so i was thinking is any of you using quickmenu too?
fn key problem
So I guess many people have this "hard press fn key" issue. Annoys me a lot, especially with password sites where I cannot see the entry. Would this justify replacement from spring, i have full insurance?
[email protected]$ said:
These cabs dont necessarily fix the hardware keyboard issues. It fixes the old issues of the function button always being on in certain applications.
The issues that people are having is just wear and tear. The XV6800 has a cheap build.
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I don't really think it's a hardware degradation issue. This is because there is no gradual degradation. If it were I would think just a few keys would start acting this way and then eventually a bunch of them would. With me I just all of a sudden noticed one day that all my keys were acting wonky. I think it was after a ROM flash but I can't recall any specific one that broke it (I change the ROM more often than I use my keyboard I think haha).
The CAB seems to help a little. I still have to take more care in typing than I used to but it's better than having so many repetitions of the same key.
unL33T said:
I don't really think it's a hardware degradation issue. This is because there is no gradual degradation. If it were I would think just a few keys would start acting this way and then eventually a bunch of them would. With me I just all of a sudden noticed one day that all my keys were acting wonky. I think it was after a ROM flash but I can't recall any specific one that broke it (I change the ROM more often than I use my keyboard I think haha).
The CAB seems to help a little. I still have to take more care in typing than I used to but it's better than having so many repetitions of the same key.
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I still say it's a hardware thing. Because if it was the software / ROM you would just be able to hard reset and your keyboard would be back to the state it was before.
My keyboard has issues with the E,O,H,Function Key, Space Bar, and the L.
It's something we will have to live with or just return our phones for a new one and wait for that one to wear out.
Just like the spots on the screen, loose stylus and so on. The 6800 was a bad build for HTC.
I Did Not Typs0r That! I Did Not Typs0r That!
ya well. it is definitely hardware. spoke to 4 co-workers with same company issued phone. one of them still has the stock rom on it, lol.. anyway
all now reporting this same issue.
i mean i was able to use my keyboard 2 months ago, and now i can't at all. its like i have a fat vogue minus 64 megs of ram. i mean i really got used to just using the on screen one.
i gotta figure out how to get stock rom back on so i can bring it to verizon and demand... satisfaction! only prob is nochem said something about it bricking your phone after putting radio 3.39 on it
torankusu said:
hi guys,
same here, when i type "a" either doesnt do anything or it gives me a duplicate of 3 a's. and that started happening since i upgraded to dcd 3.2.0 an on.
also when i switch to landscape mode it sometimes writes an H or Y or P. don't know if it is OS related or hardware but it is a brand new phone and i never recall having this before going to dcds greatest 3.2.X.
edit: also i've been using quickmenu ever since 3.2.0 because of the x-button issue so i was thinking is any of you using quickmenu too?
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Hmmm.... anyone go back to an older rom to see if this resolves it. if it does, i must throw away everything i know about electronics.
My gift to the WORLD!
keyboard fixed.
wow it was the software.
i built a rom without the htc diamond keyboard and it works fine now.
wtf? but im happy, keyboard is working normally
hummm... I have problems with the "Q" and the left softkey, I have to press them hard...
keyboard failing on Telus P4000
I got the same problem with my Telus P4000..
I think this is how I ran into this problem ...
I had radio 3.39 and dcd 3.1.2 at the time ...
I then decided to upgrade to radio 3.42.30 and another OS ROM (version I dont quite recall.)
That is when I ran into this issue with the keyboard.
So I went back to dcd 3.1.2 (kept 3.42.30 radio)
Same problem.
So i decided to revert back to stock ROM on TELUS (2.13) and radio 1.32
Still having this issue... I hope I do not have to bring in my phone to have it repaired. It will be the second time I bring it in
Flashed yesterday to DCD3.2.3 which uses the same keyboard driver as 2.1.4 (according to the changelog).
My keyboard was wonky as hell before this flash unless I installed the fix and even with the fix it would sometimes mess up. With the new ROM (and old driver) my keyboard works almost flawlessly without the fix installed.
Still everyone thinks it's hardware-related but it definitely showed up all of a sudden with a flash months ago and it disappeared just as quickly (for me anyway).
If you have keyboard issues maybe try the new ROM and see if you have a successful fix like I did.
definitely software, i should make a youtube vid to show it.
loaded up the stock rom to bring back to verizon to return saying keyboard was all quirky and i was standing there and everything was fine. im like what the hell?
what the hell brah?
ok so here is the instructions that fixed it for me:
restored stock rom
tested keyboard to see it working fine
flash it with the newer roms with radio 3.39
everything seems fine.
i can't explain it but it works.
my Problem possibly due to environment fluctuations: Heat-Cold-Humidity
jigjiggidy said:
I got the same problem with my Telus P4000..
I think this is how I ran into this problem ...
I had radio 3.39 and dcd 3.1.2 at the time ...
I then decided to upgrade to radio 3.42.30 and another OS ROM (version I dont quite recall.)
That is when I ran into this issue with the keyboard.
So I went back to dcd 3.1.2 (kept 3.42.30 radio)
Same problem.
So i decided to revert back to stock ROM on TELUS (2.13) and radio 1.32
Still having this issue... I hope I do not have to bring in my phone to have it repaired. It will be the second time I bring it in
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Ok... after I went back to TELUS stock, i then proceeded to flash up to dcd's latest at the time: 3.2.3 with 3.42.30 radio. Keyboard issue was still there ... So.. where to go from here right ...
Well, I recalled that I began having this issue not long after flashing 3.42.30 RADIO i think it was initially. If i recall correctly, it was not immediate. I left to go camping for 4 days and my battery died .. So I left the phone off for most of those 4 days. When I got back from camping, that is where the keyboard issue began. Note: It did not get wet, but it obviously gets damp at night. My thought: phone off for extended amount of time in damp environment, somehow affected the keyboard. I don't know how, maybe some sort of rusting of sorts due to the hot/cold/humid fluctuations inside the tent (estimated environmental fluctuations>15-30 celsius with 60-90%RH). Reason I say this is the following:
I decided to pass my fingers accross the keyboard on every buttoms back and forth with a decent amount of force. Idea being that I could maybe create enough friction or force to disrupt whatever is causing the issue under my keyboard .. I did that for a bit. And my keyboard is working better. Not perfect, but I would say 90%. I barely notice it now ..
Thanks for bringing this thread up. I have beeen getting a few missed keys, and in particular, the Fn key has been flaky. Either not working or double pressing so the Fn light comes on and locks.
So, when I heard others having the same issue, a short while back I sprayed the keyboard with contact cleaner. All better now. Now the typing mistakes are all my fault, not the keyboard.
If you try this, use a plastic safe cleaner. I used Caig Pro Gold.

[REQ][HELP] Answering Phone Calls??

Alright, so i have a telus diamond, and when somebody calls (most of the time) i press ANSWER (the big green button) and all it does is silence the ringer, and it won't start the conversation, i wait until the person on the other line finally hangs up then i gotta call them back, this has happend previously so i brought it to telus, they gave me a new one and its happening again!!! i cant see why? the only programs i have that change settings is Diamond Tweak, and i've looked several times, and i barely changed anything in it. Can somebody help me? I'd rather not bring it to them again and seem like the boy who cried diamond
Are you sure you are actually are hitting the green answer button, and not the "silence call" button? THey are quite close. Check it out.
no, i see the button flash, and i've tried pushing the hardware button as an alternative, but its still unsuccessfull most times
I had this issue as well. I did a swap and am still having the issue. I'm going to try a hard-reset at some point and then just monitor it to see if it continues to happen.
If it does, back to Telus to see what they can do for me.
Hmm.. now that U mention is, I have it too.
Mine's bought during launch in Singapore. It happens once in a while, but I didn't bother finding a solution to that.
Sounds like the same problem I had:
Post #7 was a suggestion I tried. It apparently solved the problem for me.
gamer007 said:
Sounds like the same problem I had:
Post #7 was a suggestion I tried. It apparently solved the problem for me.
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same here ppl brought it in india
drhades said:
Alright, so i have a telus diamond, and when somebody calls (most of the time) i press ANSWER (the big green button) and all it does is silence the ringer, and it won't start the conversation, i wait until the person on the other line finally hangs up then i gotta call them back, this has happend previously so i brought it to telus, they gave me a new one and its happening again!!! i cant see why? the only programs i have that change settings is Diamond Tweak, and i've looked several times, and i barely changed anything in it. Can somebody help me? I'd rather not bring it to them again and seem like the boy who cried diamond
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there's a huge thread on the sprint forum about this problem too...
this problem is extremely annoying... and nobody seems to know the cause..
Wow, i guess i'm not the only one, thats good i sopose, i'd rather not bring it back to them and get a third diamond... i'm thinking of maybe finding out about getting a totally different phone... i love the diamond, but its pissing me off, not only that, it gets right slow sometimes... maybe im too hard on it, i dont know... but all they have at telus for ppc is HTC Touch (elf) and Htc touch dual i think...
gamer007 said:
Sounds like the same problem I had:
Post #7 was a suggestion I tried. It apparently solved the problem for me.
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I cant get into those settings,or i just really dont know how.. help?
try importing the reg file (use phm registry editor- it's free) in post #12
I am having this same problem and its driving me insane! Does anyone know if Sprint has addressed this yet? Is there anything I can do?

Milestone 2 keyboard double-pressing - fix!

Has anyone encountered problems with the hardware keyboard on their Milestone 2 randomly entering two characters on a single stroke?
It happens at least once on nearly every sentence with mine, totally at random. I'm reasonably sure I don't suffer from any type of palsy. It's driving me batty.
UPDATE: stargo saves the day here:
stargo's Milestone2 Debounce:
Release version
Updated version
"If anyone with non-working keys or still bouncing keys feels adventurous, I've now additionally enabled the hardware-debouncing feature of the OMAP processor on the input-pins of the keyboard matrix."
aithnea said:
Has anyone encountered problems with the hardware keyboard on their Milestone 2 randomly entering two characters on a single stroke?
It happens at least once on nearly every sentence with mine, totally at random. I'm reasonably sure I don't suffer from any type of palsy. It's driving me batty.
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Im quite sure the keys might need servicing. Its a problem that plagues many qwerty phones. I experienced it on my xperia x1 after 1.5 years of usage. Touch-wood no issues on my MS2 thus far.
Sent from my MotoA953 using XDA App
I had this problem, after the Argen2Stone it dissapear
Sorry about my very poor English
Sent from my A953
I'm not sure what to think about the keyboard issue. On my xperia x1 the problem was obviously hardware wise but is it software wise on the Milestone 2?
Might be since I start every google search on my phone with a double letter while not having such problems in a started seems like some sort of software lag causes this problem...
Can you guys confirm? What do you think?
Sent from my MotoA953 using XDA App
I do recognize this issue. I think it's a software issue, because sometimes a letter is repeated about 4 or 5 times, while I truly pressed the button once.
Other times I don't have any issues at all. But then again, I didn't hear or read anything about it, so I'll see. I'm not going to send it back to a repair center because I know how that works out.
i would dare say its nt some kind of software issue or bug. and its quite impossible for it to be a lag on a phone with a 1GHz chip and 512MB RAM. besides, i haven't really heard anybody else have the issue as you do.
i genuinely do believe its nothing more than a faulty button/buttons. i know the X1 suffered from this. so did the HTC Touch Pro, and the Touch Pro 2. it wont hurt anyway to take it back to the dealer/factory to have it checked up. you are entitled to a warranty and have every right to claim for it.
I can't believe nobody @ Motorola noticed that bug. In the first year of studying we learned how to debounce buttons.
RDUKE7777777 said:
I can't believe nobody @ Motorola noticed that bug. In the first year of studying we learned how to debounce buttons.
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kindly explain what 'debouncing buttons' means please?
also i hardly doubt its a bug. i think its a problem with the keyboard itself, as is the problem with many phones with a physical QWERTY
Ok, I'll try to explain. Imagine a button with a long distance from "not pressed" to "pressed", like an old Keyboard for example.
Now imagine pressing a button in slow motion. If the metal connectors of the button and the one below the button slowly approach each other, there are moments when the connectors almost "meet" and current flows. One nanosecond later the current isn't there anymore and another nanosecond later its there again. This process continues until youve fully pressed the button down.
But you don't want the letter do appear twice or more! So you've got to make sure that only one letter appears by telling the device, to only print 1 letter in the time, a normal user needs to press a key fully down.
LoL, i hope you can understand what I meant, I can't explain it that good in english
I understood your explanation, thank-you. I'm still going with soft-ware issues, though.
I encounter this problem every single time I type in the first letter of the first word in the google search. This can't be an accident.
Quote: and its quite impossible for it to be a lag on a phone with a 1GHz chip and 512MB RAM
Well, it is possible that a program (in my case the native internet explorer) lags. Also little lags in other programs may occur, when the load something for a millisecond. It may as well be both, hardware and software...
I encounter the Problem everytime i use the Keypad. My understanding of the problem as a debouncing-mistake makes me think of general software issue - on the other hand the problem is more frequent (but not exclusive) with letters on the right half of the keyboard , what seems like a hardware Problem.
I think there are variances in the keyboard assembly, so that the software debouncing works for some keyboards (and/or some regions of the keyboard) and for some it doesnt. So its basically a hardware Problem which could be solved by software tweaking.
Well, lets see what Motorola comes up with in the next update.
See if they come up with an update you mean
Sorry for spam but this company has strategies unexplainable to me...if they give us a upgrade I wont say a word bout them anymore. If they ignore us to death this was my last Moto.
Sent from my MotoA953 using XDA App
same issue for me, I hope it's a software issue
RDUKE7777777 said:
Ok, I'll try to explain. Imagine a button with a long distance from "not pressed" to "pressed", like an old Keyboard for example.
Now imagine pressing a button in slow motion. If the metal connectors of the button and the one below the button slowly approach each other, there are moments when the connectors almost "meet" and current flows. One nanosecond later the current isn't there anymore and another nanosecond later its there again. This process continues until youve fully pressed the button down.
But you don't want the letter do appear twice or more! So you've got to make sure that only one letter appears by telling the device, to only print 1 letter in the time, a normal user needs to press a key fully down.
LoL, i hope you can understand what I meant, I can't explain it that good in english
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well i actually kinda understood what u were on about. thanks i personally haven't experienced any such problems with my phone YET. of course...the phone is still new (4-5 months old) so i doubt there will be any problems. as i said i highly doubt its a software issue. so give it probably a year and im almost quite certain that the keyboard will start faltering
I'd have to agree with people saying it's a software issue.. it happens MORE on some keys, but it can happen on just about all of them and it's so random.
I find that if I press a key more forcefully and hold it down longer, the chances of it happening are greatly reduced. Something's definitely amiss with their timing.
Glad to see it's not just me!
No problems with keyboard. Maybe its just your finger? =P
Sent from my MotoA953 using XDA Premium App
I'm also going to throw my hat in for software. I noticed that sometimes when I entered a solitary capitalized I, it would enter the single I, but as soon as I hit space, it would add a second capital I onto the first one, then the space. No idea what could cause a bug like that though.
In addition, I did a hard reset about 2 weeks ago, and haven't had a single double-entry since.
I found that the issue is fixed in Argen2stone
I have the same problem as you with my french ms2. It doesnt have nothing to do especially with google but more with every external app on the net. I have the same problem on firefox.
And it doesnt have nothing do with the keyboard too since every keys are affected.
Sent from my MotoA953 using XDA App
Even if it's a hardware problem, some software tweaking would solve that, as Rduke just explained. You just need to tell the software to only accept the 1st signal, the remaining being ignored.
And I'm sorry to say, but Argen2Stone doesn't remove the problem. Yes, it makes the phone a lot more responsive and fast, but the problem still exist. Maybe it'll get solved with 2.2.2 (Argen2Stone is 2.2.2 =D)

