Titan Keyboard failing - Mogul, XV6800 General

some keys i have to press super hard, other keys i tap and it types the key like 3 times
like when i press a
it types
and im like wha?
i am still under warranty, should i just put original stock rom back on and ask them to repair it or try and get it switched out for a vogue 0.o

I have a similar problem on my device. Is this a known problem?

Ditto here, the Function key has to be pressed hard, and some keys in the first row are acting up as well, but primarily the Q key.

I'm not sure that this has been officially acknowledged by HTC or any providers but it seems to be a widespread issue for end users.
While the "hard presses" for Function, Q and P seem to be a physical problem many users have reported that using the following CAB fixes the duplicate entries.
The CAB is being provided by UTStarcom and be downloaded at the below page.
http://handsets.utstar.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=89&cid=1&mid=287&carrier=Verizon Wireless
Direct link to the CAB.
http://handsets.utstar.com/downloads/XV6800 QWERTY Keyboard Fix 1-9-08.zip

This is deff a problem. My phone does the exact same thing as OP.
I press a and it types it three times. This is the only key that this happens on.

I didn't realize how bad the keyboard was degrading until yesterday, when my Mogul was replaced. For me, the ./0, y/1 and function key were the worst offenders. The unit was swapped because the usb port broke. The port failed because it's a really cheap design, 2 pins broke off . The rep in the repair center insinuated that it was a really common issue, she didn't even look at the port when I explained the problem. On the plus side,I got rid of the dreaded white spot and my keyboard works well again, but for how long? The keyboard, screen and usb port problems are all common complaints on this board and others. What I surmise from this is that HTC makes a pretty crappy product! When this phone is retired in a year or so, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to replace it with a non HTC/non Windows Mobile (or whatever MS calls it next). Every time I use my phone, I wonder if it be wonderfully helpful tool this time, or a frustrating pain in the ass? Unfortunately, the later happens all too often!

the 0ne said:
I'm not sure that this has been officially acknowledged by HTC or any providers but it seems to be a widespread issue for end users.
While the "hard presses" for Function, Q and P seem to be a physical problem many users have reported that using the following CAB fixes the duplicate entries.
The CAB is being provided by UTStarcom and be downloaded at the below page.
http://handsets.utstar.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=89&cid=1&mid=287&carrier=Verizon Wireless
Direct link to the CAB.
http://handsets.utstar.com/downloads/XV6800 QWERTY Keyboard Fix 1-9-08.zip
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These cabs dont necessarily fix the hardware keyboard issues. It fixes the old issues of the function button always being on in certain applications.
The issues that people are having is just wear and tear. The XV6800 has a cheap build.

hi guys,
same here, when i type "a" either doesnt do anything or it gives me a duplicate of 3 a's. and that started happening since i upgraded to dcd 3.2.0 an on.
also when i switch to landscape mode it sometimes writes an H or Y or P. don't know if it is OS related or hardware but it is a brand new phone and i never recall having this before going to dcds greatest 3.2.X.
edit: also i've been using quickmenu ever since 3.2.0 because of the x-button issue so i was thinking is any of you using quickmenu too?

fn key problem
So I guess many people have this "hard press fn key" issue. Annoys me a lot, especially with password sites where I cannot see the entry. Would this justify replacement from spring, i have full insurance?

[email protected]$ said:
These cabs dont necessarily fix the hardware keyboard issues. It fixes the old issues of the function button always being on in certain applications.
The issues that people are having is just wear and tear. The XV6800 has a cheap build.
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I don't really think it's a hardware degradation issue. This is because there is no gradual degradation. If it were I would think just a few keys would start acting this way and then eventually a bunch of them would. With me I just all of a sudden noticed one day that all my keys were acting wonky. I think it was after a ROM flash but I can't recall any specific one that broke it (I change the ROM more often than I use my keyboard I think haha).
The CAB seems to help a little. I still have to take more care in typing than I used to but it's better than having so many repetitions of the same key.

unL33T said:
I don't really think it's a hardware degradation issue. This is because there is no gradual degradation. If it were I would think just a few keys would start acting this way and then eventually a bunch of them would. With me I just all of a sudden noticed one day that all my keys were acting wonky. I think it was after a ROM flash but I can't recall any specific one that broke it (I change the ROM more often than I use my keyboard I think haha).
The CAB seems to help a little. I still have to take more care in typing than I used to but it's better than having so many repetitions of the same key.
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I still say it's a hardware thing. Because if it was the software / ROM you would just be able to hard reset and your keyboard would be back to the state it was before.
My keyboard has issues with the E,O,H,Function Key, Space Bar, and the L.
It's something we will have to live with or just return our phones for a new one and wait for that one to wear out.
Just like the spots on the screen, loose stylus and so on. The 6800 was a bad build for HTC.

I Did Not Typs0r That! I Did Not Typs0r That!
ya well. it is definitely hardware. spoke to 4 co-workers with same company issued phone. one of them still has the stock rom on it, lol.. anyway
all now reporting this same issue.
i mean i was able to use my keyboard 2 months ago, and now i can't at all. its like i have a fat vogue minus 64 megs of ram. i mean i really got used to just using the on screen one.
i gotta figure out how to get stock rom back on so i can bring it to verizon and demand... satisfaction! only prob is nochem said something about it bricking your phone after putting radio 3.39 on it

torankusu said:
hi guys,
same here, when i type "a" either doesnt do anything or it gives me a duplicate of 3 a's. and that started happening since i upgraded to dcd 3.2.0 an on.
also when i switch to landscape mode it sometimes writes an H or Y or P. don't know if it is OS related or hardware but it is a brand new phone and i never recall having this before going to dcds greatest 3.2.X.
edit: also i've been using quickmenu ever since 3.2.0 because of the x-button issue so i was thinking is any of you using quickmenu too?
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Hmmm.... anyone go back to an older rom to see if this resolves it. if it does, i must throw away everything i know about electronics.

My gift to the WORLD!
keyboard fixed.
wow it was the software.
i built a rom without the htc diamond keyboard and it works fine now.
wtf? but im happy, keyboard is working normally

hummm... I have problems with the "Q" and the left softkey, I have to press them hard...

keyboard failing on Telus P4000
I got the same problem with my Telus P4000..
I think this is how I ran into this problem ...
I had radio 3.39 and dcd 3.1.2 at the time ...
I then decided to upgrade to radio 3.42.30 and another OS ROM (version I dont quite recall.)
That is when I ran into this issue with the keyboard.
So I went back to dcd 3.1.2 (kept 3.42.30 radio)
Same problem.
So i decided to revert back to stock ROM on TELUS (2.13) and radio 1.32
Still having this issue... I hope I do not have to bring in my phone to have it repaired. It will be the second time I bring it in

Flashed yesterday to DCD3.2.3 which uses the same keyboard driver as 2.1.4 (according to the changelog).
My keyboard was wonky as hell before this flash unless I installed the fix and even with the fix it would sometimes mess up. With the new ROM (and old driver) my keyboard works almost flawlessly without the fix installed.
Still everyone thinks it's hardware-related but it definitely showed up all of a sudden with a flash months ago and it disappeared just as quickly (for me anyway).
If you have keyboard issues maybe try the new ROM and see if you have a successful fix like I did.

definitely software, i should make a youtube vid to show it.
loaded up the stock rom to bring back to verizon to return saying keyboard was all quirky and i was standing there and everything was fine. im like what the hell?
what the hell brah?
ok so here is the instructions that fixed it for me:
restored stock rom
tested keyboard to see it working fine
flash it with the newer roms with radio 3.39
everything seems fine.
i can't explain it but it works.

my Problem possibly due to environment fluctuations: Heat-Cold-Humidity
jigjiggidy said:
I got the same problem with my Telus P4000..
I think this is how I ran into this problem ...
I had radio 3.39 and dcd 3.1.2 at the time ...
I then decided to upgrade to radio 3.42.30 and another OS ROM (version I dont quite recall.)
That is when I ran into this issue with the keyboard.
So I went back to dcd 3.1.2 (kept 3.42.30 radio)
Same problem.
So i decided to revert back to stock ROM on TELUS (2.13) and radio 1.32
Still having this issue... I hope I do not have to bring in my phone to have it repaired. It will be the second time I bring it in
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Ok... after I went back to TELUS stock, i then proceeded to flash up to dcd's latest at the time: 3.2.3 with 3.42.30 radio. Keyboard issue was still there ... So.. where to go from here right ...
Well, I recalled that I began having this issue not long after flashing 3.42.30 RADIO i think it was initially. If i recall correctly, it was not immediate. I left to go camping for 4 days and my battery died .. So I left the phone off for most of those 4 days. When I got back from camping, that is where the keyboard issue began. Note: It did not get wet, but it obviously gets damp at night. My thought: phone off for extended amount of time in damp environment, somehow affected the keyboard. I don't know how, maybe some sort of rusting of sorts due to the hot/cold/humid fluctuations inside the tent (estimated environmental fluctuations>15-30 celsius with 60-90%RH). Reason I say this is the following:
I decided to pass my fingers accross the keyboard on every buttoms back and forth with a decent amount of force. Idea being that I could maybe create enough friction or force to disrupt whatever is causing the issue under my keyboard .. I did that for a bit. And my keyboard is working better. Not perfect, but I would say 90%. I barely notice it now ..

Thanks for bringing this thread up. I have beeen getting a few missed keys, and in particular, the Fn key has been flaky. Either not working or double pressing so the Fn light comes on and locks.
So, when I heard others having the same issue, a short while back I sprayed the keyboard with contact cleaner. All better now. Now the typing mistakes are all my fault, not the keyboard.
If you try this, use a plastic safe cleaner. I used Caig Pro Gold.


Lazy Keys on TyTn's QWERTY

I tried seaching through different threads, but couldn't find the same topic, so please forgive me if I indeed am repeating an already listed thread...
I'm extremly happy with my TyTn, but one thing which is DRIVING ME ABSOLUTELY NUTTS AND UP THE WALL, is the so called "lazy keys" on it's qwerty pad. Sometimes is doesn't respond and other times it doubles/triples the letter..
Are any of you having the same problem and do any of you have a solution to this?..
Any helpful answers would be highly appreciated!..
- a frustrated TyTn owner
I am having the same issues. CAN ANYONE HELP WITH THIS?
I have got the same problem but have learnt to live with it but a fix would be great.
mine does it too but i think it's a memory problem. when i begin typing it will not show anything for a few seconds and then BAM there all the text is.
my solution is simple.. i know it will eventually show what i typed. so when it starts to lag.. just keep typing man and it will catch up.
that case is OK. I'm referring to a key being totally unresponsive unless I press really hard or somtimes a key kinda "sticks" and doubles/triples the letter...
It's stopping any quick typing as you finish a word only to see that it has doubled or missed out a letter in the word!!!
If anyone has a solution, even if it means taking the dang divice apart..
i took mine apart the other day for this problem
it looked all fine
i cleaned out the membrane and the board that the membrand touches
worked better for a good 2 hours
and then right back to the problem....
we need a permanent fix lol
my c button is unresponsive now. It seemed fine using Black Majik but its started playing up on Black Satin.
The Problem Revealed - Tricky solution
The solution if you dare!!
Laz Keys
Fellas, I've switched from the Black Majik rom to the Black Satin rom and now all of my kes are responsive as on my old device. I don't know if this is a permanent fix since I've only had this rom for a week or so, but I will update the forum in another week.
Triune said:
Fellas, I've switched from the Black Majik rom to the Black Satin rom and now all of my keys are responsive as on my old device. I don't know if this is a permanent fix since I've only had this rom for a week or so, but I will update the forum in another week.
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I can understand different ROMs affecting the overall responsiveness of the keyboard. However it does not make sense to me that different ROMs would affect the responsiveness of certain keys only.
I would certainly urge folks to be sure their problem is one of specific individual keys only before attempting the physical fix in my post above. In other words be very sure the problem is NOT one of a laggy keyboard response due to ROM/software.
Just wanna share my test....
I got lazy keys on my Dopod 838 Pro also after upgrading to official Dopod WM6 ROM. At this time I had more than 1500 SMS stored. Since the lazy keys were affecting on SMS/Email writing and not on other apps, I was thinking whether the problem is related somehow to this huge number of stored SMS.
I deleted all my SMS and directly afterwards the keyboard is responsive again.
Can't validate this as I need to wait for my SMS to grow again to see if the lazy keys problem returns... but maybe you can check from yours if you have huge number of stored SMS/email.

[FIXED 11.10.2007]Major hardware keyboard issues

Hi again,
so i recently fixed my keyboard issue and to lighten up darkness: it was not a software-issue.
after playing with the thought of returning the phone to tmobile, i flashed the "new official" tmobile-DE rom, and the tmobile service center told me, that this would void my warranty because the rom hasn't been downloaded from the offical tmobile-DE website... so i discarded the option of returning the phone in the next few month
toda i woke up and retried my hardware-keyboard on the vario 2, i recognized something which was: the reason for the vario dropping so much keypresses, was a bad contactivity... i mean: i can hear the key i press "clicking" but no char appeared on the screen... so i disassembled the vario 2 todays morning, and searched for a way to fix this, a way to give the keyboard a better fitting, or somewhat like that. the difficultest thing was to remove the "void"-label without tearing it... took me about 15 minutes to remove this damn label, but it remained intact
after that, i systematically disassembled the phone, and i did the following things to the keyboard-parts:
removed the white label which was on the "contact-side" of the keyboard-circuit
realligned this label and put it back on the circuit
then i put the keys and the circuit back into the housing, and got a piece of paper
i cut this to be as long an high as the circuit itself is, and put 3 of those paper-sheets onto the back of the keyboard-circuit, then fixed the 3 sheets a little with the flex-cable connecting the keyboard to the main-circuit.
then put the phone back together an tested it
my keyboards working like a charm right now, i'm so happy that my phones completely working again, without returning it
i thought this might help someone who has got same problems, perhaps my keyboard got this malfunction after the first drop, i do not remember when this problem occured the first time, and actually... i don't have to anymore
greetings from germany
this is the orignal post said:
hellow to all
so i'm using my hermes (MDA Vario II) for as much as two months now.
I dropped it two times, first time 20cm onto carpet, second time 40cm onto the street -.-
but as far as i can see, not much damage, some scratches, nothing to worry about.
since i have this phone, i flashed several roms onto it. Black/Faria/Schaps/t-mobile_shipped/dopod wm6/black wm6 final/and many others... even some of my own roms got tested in there
i wasn't able to test the shipped status for very long, because i flashed the first custom rom about five days after hardware-arrival
the one thing driving me insane at the moment is the f**king hardware-keyboard. sometimes the "red dot" (for the second assignment of the keys) gets locked, without me wanting this. or i press "space" and nothing happens, or even worse, it adds some crazy special symbols to my sms wich then extends to four or more sms...
the e and w keys sometimes do not respond, and worst case ever had: keyboards gets fully locked up... had to soft-reset.
during the testing of the many custom roms, which were pre-finals, (in contrast to wm6-release versions), i thought: "yes everythings working, and the keyboard driver is producing crap". but even with the dopod rom (wm6) now active on my hermes, i have problems described above.
may it be the 1.50 radio? should i go back to 1.47?
or is it an hardware issue? should i return the phone to my loval mobilcom-store?
its driving me insane, i have to recheck every word two times... and i have to correct many things... actually i'm typing very fast, and this lowers my typing speed by, lets say 2000%
looking forward to hear your ideas,
will be grateful for every idea, which gets me some closer to a solution...
and keep up all your good work
(sorry for typing bad english (if i did so), at least im german)
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There can be software issues that cause freezing and perhaps laggy behaviour on the keyboard. However, from what you describe, I tend to think it's primarily a hardware issue. (Possibly made worse or even more annoying by software slow downs for unrelated reasons.
If having used different ROMs, key behaviour is still largely the same (eg the same keys respond poorly or require harder presses) then I suggest you have the not uncommon hardware keyboard issue:
Keyboard dismantling pics:
If changing ROMs leads to varying issues with the key board, but the behaviour of the keys changes ie different keys cause problems then it could either be software or the keyboard ribbon cable is poorly connected.
thanks for the link,
actually i thought about disassembling my hermes, but then again thought about warranty because its just 2 months of age...
i'll test the keys some more, especially the space, e, w, and "reddot" seem malfunctional... will keep an eye on the keys, and if original WM5 rom does not help, i will reflash the phone to factory default, and return the phone to my nearest store... they will have a solution and if it will be a replacement i'll be happy with it either
hi @ all...
sorry for digging this thread out
but recently i recognized my keyboard to be malfunctional again.
with "again" i mean, i thought it worked quite good for some time (lets say a month or so) but for some tome now, i assume 3weeks now, my keyboard throws the same annoying malfuntions as it had done the time i opened this thread. perhaps i ignored them for a while, so i haven't recognized the malfunction, but maybe my phone was really "cured" for some time.
Note: i've been running on the official dopod wm6 rom all the time since i opened this thread. WM% and WM5 original didn't help me, so i decided to stick to WM6. i've just tried 3 different roms, and two pandora self-cooked-roms in the last hour, and tested my keybard very much.
but it seems to be faulty... it lags some keys (in fact "reddot", e, w, space, colon (as a result of the reddot hang) and sometimes i get the "reddot" locked with only pressing it a single time. three words later i recognize that i am writing crap
so... any remainig ideas? or should i return it back to t-mobile?
i tried wm5/6 several roms
also tried various radios, at the moment running on 1.54...
if i want to return it, what do i have to look out for? should i flash it back to original t_mob_101_shipped_rom? and should i restore the original SPL?
i've simunlocked the phone... but did'nt SUPERCID it... always used the Hard-SPL 2.10. Is there any way to bring my phone into a state in which it would be possible and safe to return it?
fixed my problem (see first post)

dead bottom buttons

hi all, i bought a tytn at ebay, but
the after a short time of using the bottom buttons, they stop working.
touch screen and buttons on the side are stíll working, but the bottom buttons are dead.
sometimes after turning off amd turning on they are working for a short time again. a restart also helps to make them work.
but its not funny to restart every 10 minutes.....
it is an e-plus tytn from germany with wm5.
do u guys think that it is a hardware or a software error?
I seem to have this problem on and off myself and think it's related to either the rom on the phone or the radio rom but am not sure which. It seems sometimes I have this problem and it seems to come and go depending on what combination of rom/radio rom I have installed. If I was smart I'd find a combination that works well for me and stick to it but I always like to play with things so typically every day or two I'm reseting
yeah, i have the same problem.... i hate to restart the phone every now and then, but I need to figure this out sometime soon, or I'm gonna upgrade to WM6 to see if that solves my problem. lol...
did anybody else have an idea to solve the problem?
crutav said:
did anybody else have an idea to solve the problem?
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I opened up my tytn, to find out the problem, and I found a small crack in the flexcable mentioned above.
Before it was never opened nor did anything strange happen with it, so this seems to be yet an other production problem/fault..
More and more people seem to have the same problem, time to presure htc for a repair....
Ok for me this is too late, but all for the good cause.. will just order myself a new cable and try to swap it..
Any ideas where to get the flex cable these days? Not finding it at the link above and internet searches aren't panning out either.
Just got back my HTC TyTN from service under warranty, sent for exactly the same problem.
The technician I spoke to directly said that maybe about 90% of the lower keys malfunctions are caused by the lower keyboard board behaving erratically and it is a well-known hardware problem.
A board replacement solved it, my TyTN is working perfectly again, they also replaced the stylus holding rubber (which was broken already from the early days) and, surprise, they upgraded my WM5 device (I had to revert everything to the initial versions before handing it to them) to the latest official HTC WM6 Rom. Even bigger surprise, although what I gave them was a WWE device, when I got it back they had upgraded it to the localized (official Greek) version. Life is good.
Anyways, seems the only real solution to this is a visit to the repair store, hopefully under warranty and reverted back to the original settings...

universal going crazy on me! keeps dialling and doing weird things!

Hi, recently my SPV M5000 has been really acting weird. it was fine using WM5 official rom, then i upgraded it to luca's wm6.1 rom, and it was still fine. then a month or two later it started behaving weird. in apps such as word, typing on the keyboard brings up the phone app, and when left alone it suddenly starts dialling numbers (the last number dialled)
i flashed it to tomal's 6.1 rom, and its still doing the same thing!! i'm at my wits end right now. could it be the bootloader or something? im using v2.06. i cant remember if i upgraded to it or if my device came with it.
thanks in advance
Try Doc format and reflash ROM
thanks for the reply, i just tried it but it dosent work
after checking it out some more, i realised most of the keys work fine, however its the h,n,j and u keys that are causing it to launch the phone app. Im not sure why it keeps trying to dial the last dialled number all by itself. i have to cancel it maybe 10 times before it stops trying.
the green "call" button on the spine of the phone also dosent work
could this be a hardware issue?
If if you tried the doc format and flashed other roms and the issue is still there it might be hardware problem...
and one thing just after flashing to new rom don't back up anything and see if the problem is still there.. if no then this bight be due to some applications in backup....
sounds like hardware. you may have a sticky key. I'd take it to bits, give it a good clean and make sure the connectors are firmly pressed in - as concerns the spine keys and keyboard.
no, its not a sticky key. i guess its a loose/frayed connector
i'm reluctant to disassemble because of the form factor. guess i'll have to mothball it until i can get it repaired. i dont use it much anymore anyway, have since upgraded to a HD, but my girlfriend was using it as a mini laptop for word and skype when she didnt want to lug her laptop to college.
thanks anyway for the help
Is the screen intact? Is it clean around the edges? Did she spill coffee (cola?any drink?) on it? Is there any dirt around the screen where it meets the frame? Has it got a new screen protector installed recently?
Sounds like your hinge PCB got wet and is shorting.

Weird HD2 unresponsive screen

Now I've read about a problem of the hd2 having digitizer problems and that only a replacement will fix the unresponsive touchscreen issue. But why is it that when I can get my touchscreen to work that it works flawlessly until it goes to sleep? Then i have to continually wake and swype and sleep over and over until it responds. It just seems very weird that after it wakes that it never seems to have a problem. I'm using the miui rom right now and have set the screen to never go to sleep. So I want to see how long it will go without this problem. Has anyone else seen this happening with their phone as well?
Make sure the kernel, and Rom are up to date.
I have that too on an AOSP Gingerbread rom. The screen is not unresposive per se but calibration seems off some times, strage for a capacitive screen.
ive had the problem with android before and there were a few different fixes ...
one fix was to turn off compatibility mode
another was kernel
ive also had the problem with wp7 ( nothing a few hard resets and patience couldnt cure )
either way good luck
well since my first post, i hadn't let the phone go to sleep once and it worked perfectly fine. so i decided to turn off compatibility mode and let it go to sleep.... and when i woke it and i slid my fingers down it actually worked. so far it's worked every time. why would compatibility mode mess up the touchscreen though?
i have NO earthly idea! just a little tidbit i picked from a dev. i would speculate but would end up looking and sounding foolish. so im going to quit while im ahead and have actually been of help :-D cheers
Where can i disable compatibility mode?
I get the same problem. I've used a ICS rom for a day or so and suddenly the lockscreen was unresponsive. I thought it was ROM problem, so I flashed Cyanogen 7, but the screen didn't respond as well... I flashed everything to stock (removing magldr and hspl) and the problem stayed... After several restarts the screen started to respond and now it works (sort of). The tricky thing is: sometimes when I go out from some app in android, the screen doesn't respond again. Locking and unlocking the screen fixes this, but only temporarily.
Did this ICS rom screw something (...hardware?!) or is it a pure coincidence that a few people encounters the same problem for the first time in such a short period of time...
And one more thing... my warranty expired 5 days ago... please help!!!
I had this same problem with my phone before my warranty expired; before I flashed any android roms on it, and while it still had stock WM6.5. I called HTC customer support and they had me send in the phone for repair. They replaced the digitizer and I haven't had the same problem since. It was wierd because in my mind is seemed like a software problem because it would respond nicely as long as the screen was unlocked and the instant it was locked the response was very crappy, sometimes it took forever to unlock my phone. So it might somehow be a hardware issue
Machupichu2 said:
Where can i disable compatibility mode?
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spare parts!
I repair phone myself and i can say that i get A LOT of hd2's with this problem. For the most part it is the hardware because no matter what software you put on the phone it is just a matter of the luck you have to get it working. My hd2 broke 2 times b4 and it was always hardware. Htc must of messed up with the hd2 digitizer
cmacia06 said:
I repair phone myself and i can say that i get A LOT of hd2's with this problem. For the most part it is the hardware because no matter what software you put on the phone it is just a matter of the luck you have to get it working. My hd2 broke 2 times b4 and it was always hardware. Htc must of messed up with the hd2 digitizer
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from what ive seen in photos of the leo mobo it looks like the connection for the screen/digitizer (not sure on hardware) is located right behind red end call/power button and from being mashed off,on,off,on,etc loosens/damages connection.
or is the hardware screen issue just a complete shot in the darks chance?
OH ... ive had the software issue (fixed as i mentioned earlier) AND unrepairable (with my limited tools and balls to physically tear into this badboy) hardware issues.
well, it's been a few days and my phone still seems to be fine. it hasn't once locked up on me yet. i don't know why turning compatibility mode would fix this. or maybe the phones connectors were loose and are now miraculously back in at the same time i unchecked compaibility mode. the only bad thing was that this was happening the last couple weeks and i had given up and already ordered a sensation 4g. or well, guess i have 2 phones now
Its seems possible. Every since I replaced my digitizer with a non OEM one its has never failed on me again. And I hope it never does. There dam expensive.
rubledub said:
from what ive seen in photos of the leo mobo it looks like the connection for the screen/digitizer (not sure on hardware) is located right behind red end call/power button and from being mashed off,on,off,on,etc loosens/damages connection.
or is the hardware screen issue just a complete shot in the darks chance?
OH ... ive had the software issue (fixed as i mentioned earlier) AND unrepairable (with my limited tools and balls to physically tear into this badboy) hardware issues.
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Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Compatibility Mode
I also have this issue, therefore I just recently flashed my hd2 with Tytung's 4.0 ICS Rom. As expected, this didn't help very much.. What I am now going to try before I send my phone to HTC is to disable compatiblity mode. BUT, I can't seem to find this compatibility mode check anywhere. Could someone please guide me there?
Windows 7
I will be flashing my phone with w7 now, to see wether this is an android kernel bug / softare issue or if this relates to hardware. I also see a lot of people saying that after fixing the digitizer it works again, so it might actually be a hardware issue. I will post my feedback when I have tried with w7.

