[Q] update.zip for German Motorola Pro - Droid Pro General

Hey, i´ve just bricked my motorola pro -> same as droid pro. Please can someone upload the update zip from an german pro? I only get in the original recovery mode. There i only can wipe data and factory reset and update.zip from sd card. so i can´t flash per rsd lite or some stuff. this sucks. or have anybody an idea?
my pro stuck on the boot M logo.

I don't know if this is the same thing, but when I effed up my pro, I had to use some tool and install the old sbf files or something. It fixed it right up. I'll try to find the tools and such
---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------
On second thought, looks like you would need an sbf from Europe which isn't available, but after reading this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1321557 , could you install a clockworkmod bootstrap from a zip, and then use clockwork recovery to flash a custom German ROM? Good luck.


MT7-TL 10 B511 Android Marshmallow TWRP Backup

This is a TWRP Backup of the Middle East Marshmallow OTA (B511) for TL 10 International Version:
Decription key:!Rj6Iw_--xg8vABPi76NxeQ
Place the file within TWRP>BACKUPS folder in your SD card.
I did a factory reset via TWRP pior to backing-up and did not notice some of the apps (Most Google Apps and some stock Huawei apps like Compass, Mirror, etc.) went missing. So after restoring the back-up, you may restore those missing apps by doing the following:
1.) Download the Stock MM recovery
2.) Boot to fastboot mode then flash the stock recovery.
3.) After rebooting phone boot to stock recovery mode.
4.) On stock recovery choose "Wipe Data/Factory Reset". Once back on the phone will regain all lost apps/icons
Hi! Link mega crashed! ?
Enviado desde mi JAZZ
link not working please check before post
Link works.It must enter the decryption key: !Rj6Iw_--xg8vABPi76NxeQ
Hi is only for TL10?
tried to roll back from Marshmallow B511 but you fail, try my method here
blitzkriegger said:
This is a TWRP Backup of the Middle East Marshmallow OTA (B511) for TL 10 International Version:
Decription key:!Rj6Iw_--xg8vABPi76NxeQ
Place the file within TWRP>BACKUPS folder in your SD card.
I did a factory reset via TWRP pior to backing-up and did not notice some of the apps (Most Google Apps and some stock Huawei apps like Compass, Mirror, etc.) went missing. So after restoring the back-up, you may restore those missing apps by doing the following:
1.) Download the Stock MM recovery
2.) Boot to fastboot mode then flash the stock recovery.
3.) After rebooting phone boot to stock recovery mode.
4.) On stock recovery choose "Wipe Data/Factory Reset". Once back on the phone will regain all lost apps/icons
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Work very fine TL09
I tried several times on TL10 international version, but when rebooting system always got stucked on huawei logo screen. Even waited long periods with no effect.
Any hint?
pasil.pt said:
I tried several times on TL10 international version, but when rebooting system always got stucked on huawei logo screen. Even waited long periods with no effect.
Any hint?
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did it work for you, because i tried it and had the same results, if it didn't, would you mind telling me what you did to make your phone work again please
---------- Post added at 02:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------
pasil.pt said:
I tried several times on TL10 international version, but when rebooting system always got stucked on huawei logo screen. Even waited long periods with no effect.
Any hint?
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did it work for you, because i tried it and had the same results, if it didn't, would you mind telling me what you did to make your phone work again please
nozeback said:
did it work for you, because i tried it and had the same results, if it didn't, would you mind telling me what you did to make your phone work again please
---------- Post added at 02:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------
did it work for you, because i tried it and had the same results, if it didn't, would you mind telling me what you did to make your phone work again please
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I can't remember well but i think I went into recovery (TWRP) to restore a backup
If you cannot go into twrp recovery either to restore a bckp or to flash another rom you need to go into the fastboot procedure, flashing img files from PC. But yoy can see this procedures on other threads
urgently need Stock MM recovery,plz
hi,thanks for the guide,I urgently need Stock MM recovery and I cant Find it,unfortunately my device has no recovery and most unfortunately it was on MM,After boot loader unlock, I flashed another recovery which seems to be incompatible and now device has no recovery,tried more than 10 recovery but none leave me a chance,please upload a stock MM recovery if possible.
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Looking for the stock browser apk from b331. Any chance someone has a link
ogre del said:
Looking for the stock browser apk from b331. Any chance someone has a link
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Here https://mega.nz/#!Z9gjRJpR!iJmlBWIFRLhhDRIFu3--FoxkAj6Pc6wZCuajDZ7WKZw
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New link thanks to @Blue.Ember
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HTC M9+ stock at the htc logo

hi guys
my HTC M9+ stock at the htc logo i can enter to recovery
my bootloader open.
i did root.
the phone stock and i cant get out from the logo screen.
maybe need to flash stuck rom where and how to do it please
thank you
1. which version of your m9+ ?
2. Since you can enter into recovery mode, try to reflash the ROM.zip if you have copied it in you internal storage before.
3. If you don't have any custom ROM or RUU in your storage, download and copy it to external SD card and flash it from external one.
4. RUU (stock ROM)
---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 AM ----------
hi, did you flash the new systemless SuperSU to root and then stuck on hTC logo?
If so,just reflash your stock boot image from recovery.
thank you sir
yvtc75 said:
1. which version of your m9+ ?
2. Since you can enter into recovery mode, try to reflash the ROM.zip if you have copied it in you internal storage before.
3. If you don't have any custom ROM or RUU in your storage, download and copy it to external SD card and flash it from external one.
4. RUU (stock ROM)
---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 AM ----------
hi, did you flash the new systemless SuperSU to root and then stuck on hTC logo?
If so,just reflash your stock boot image from recovery.
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i did it and its work like a charm

Huawei Y625-U13 stuck in boot logo, can't install ROM

I'm trying to help a coworker that has a problem with his phone. As indicated, it's a Huawei Y625-U13.
The problem it has is that upon boot it gets stuck in the Huawei boot logo and doesn't get past that screen.
I had previously recovered it by installing the latest available ROM from the Huawei website but he installed an OTA upgrade and now it has the problem again.
And now I'm having an unexpected problem: I'm trying to install the same ROM (since, well, it's the latest available to download) but the recovery system doesn't let me install it over a newer build.
The ROM in the Huawei website is from 2015 and the OTA update is from 2017.
What can I do to force the install? Tried with both sdcard (putting the update in the "dload" folder) and ADB sideload methods, without success.
Hi I have same problem can you give ota firware
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------
Hi I have same problem can you will give ota fireware
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
i flashed mine with fastboot by extracting img from update.app

Can't boot dload and stock recovery

I just wanted to back to stock rom but when i try boot into recovery or dload it stucks on Huawei logo. Is there any other method to flash rom?
Twrp and flash full zip package
Before this,wipe cache,data,dalvik-cache,cache
---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------
I rollback from aospa,rros,slimrom this metod and work good,phone working
Could you give me Link to this package?
Thanks in advance
Dual SIM p8 lite?
Sry that so late
Flash in twrp update.zip like another roms
Before that wipe data,cache,dalvik-cache,internal storage
Omggggg thank you very much <3
No problem

Requesting boot.img from December update

Hi, I have nougat with magisk December update, and I'm trying since 2 days to update it to the latest version (can't install the 60 MB update, probably cause magisk) so I'm looking for a clean boot.img in order to flash it in recovery (my magisk boot.img backup is screwed)
Should I really extract 3gb just for a boot.img?
Can't download the while update right now, if anyone got it please upload and send us a link! It'll be much appreciated
---------- Post added at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ----------
albi7894 said:
Should I really extract 3gb just for a boot.img?
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Well, not exactly. You can browse through the zip. It should be there inside some folder. Send me a link to it, I too need it!
But yes you have to download the whole update to get the boot.img
Ok, extracted the boot.img, flashed using twrp image flash (selected boot) and bootloop. Gotta lose some data now...
Use MiFlash tool to flash the update!
You'll not lose your data!
---------- Post added at 05:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 PM ----------
albi7894 said:
Ok, extracted the boot.img, flashed using twrp image flash (selected boot) and bootloop. Gotta lose some data now...
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Use MiFlash! Check out the tutorial for it, it's not that hard. Plus, you get to keep your data!
I cant seem to find the update anywhere..
Dude you just downloaded it, didn't you?
Yeah but its the full rom, will it reset my data?
Not if you use the MiFlash tool. It's for windows. Download it, install it to your windows machine. Search for its guide, its not that hard to follow!
Thanks a lot guys, I flashed system with mi flash and I did not lost data, I'm also finally installing the update. One last question: Now that system is reflashed, does that mean that it is completely stock? I mean, are boot.img from slots a and b totally stock?
Flash stock rom whith MI tool flash
Sent from my tissot_sprout using XDA Labs
