a letter for Google about ICS on nexus(with petition link) - Nexus One General

Hey guys..
I think we should gather some thousands of Nexus 1 users, that would agree to sign a letter we can send to google, requesting official ICS release for the Nexus one.
we were all disappointed about not releasing the ICS for nexus one.. so let's just try and maybe google will listen up and try to give us the release..
Google promised every android phone will be supported for at least 3 years.. well, nexus one is not 3 years old.. so y shouldnt it be updated??
Who is In? and DO any1 have any idea about how we should do it the best way?
Edit: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ics-on-nexus-one/
link for the petition

wrong forum
hey this needs to be posted in a different section, not the development area..
on your subject, meh, as is the N1 has very little memory for apps, so in that regard i understand why they refrain from updating the os, since they would get complaints from users that dont mod their phones. so i understand, i can wait for cm9.

As long as driver support is there I see no reason to stick with an official version due to the storage limitations. I fully agree with the above post about people who don't root their phones not being able to install their every day applications due to the amount of storage.
Plus it's my opinion that online petitions do nothing so I won't even waste my time. Also, you should have probably let someone else write a better petition with less grammatical errors and some proper punctuation would have been a plus.

I think asking for an official release is stretching it, and they arent releasing it for a reason. Asking them to release all the drivers/libs we need to build our own from source would be a reasonable ask. That way they are not responsible for the experimental nature of any roms produced.

Also, updating Android 2.3.x to higher versions(to 2.3.8 and higher) with bugfixes and some minor features counts also as supporting a device in my opinion.
ICS is just to big for the Nexus One's storage.

YoMarK said:
ICS is just to big for the Nexus One's storage.
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We dont need an official as we gave many great devs to make one for our lovely old nexus one, we can resize our partition via BlackRose...
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

Sorry to be a downer, but this won't do anything.

As much as I would love to see an "official" ICS release for the Nexus One... I don't think it is possible for Google to release one because the N1 specs don't measure up to the ICS requirements...
To quote an article in ExtremeTech... which IMHO makes complete sense...
Let’s start with the Snapdragon S1 SoC, which is downright old, having first shipped in 2009. The clock speed is fine, but the chip does less work each clock cycle than newer Qualcomm processors. Of greater concern is the Adreno 200 GPU which is capable of just a fraction of the performance seen in other GPUs. Android 4.0 makes use of hardware acceleration for 2D drawing, so a sluggish GPU could be an issue.
Perhaps the most serious impediment to the Nexus One getting Ice Cream Sandwich is the small storage space. We aren’t talking about user-accessible SD storage, but the internal ROM where apps and the operating system reside. The Nexus One was designed by Google and HTC to have just 512MB of ROM, 190MB of which was dedicated to user apps.
Anyone that used the Nexus for any length of time probably remembers bumping up against that storage limit. ICS is going to be larger than Gingerbread was, and it is very possible that it just doesn’t fit on the internal storage, or if it does, it might take up a large part of the app storage space. This would not be an upgrade in the true sense of the word for users.
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The best we can hope for is a community release... and this should be good enough...

twistedsixty4 said:
hey this needs to be posted in a different section, not the development area..
on your subject, meh, as is the N1 has very little memory for apps, so in that regard i understand why they refrain from updating the os, since they would get complaints from users that dont mod their phones. so i understand, i can wait for cm9.
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All Google would have to do is make a MTP Compliant Driver that works for Nexus One. And put a requirement of 2GB or something for a SD card. Expanding it to having 2GB for system/apps.
Or Easier if they decide not to go the MTP route with Nexus One, push an update with part 1 of 2. Part 2 being extra's that are not necessary for the phone, allowing the applications to be installed to SD.

Official ICS port would be nice, as it must be fully functional to those who are not-familiar-with-development.
But if CM9 work flawlessly, there'd no need to get an official rom.
I will just wait till January, when CM9 comes out.

I agree with what you're saying, but I will not sign such a poorly written petition. Rewrite that **** and let me know when it's presentable. Respect.

I was talking with a Google Engineer (my seatmate on a flight from SFO) and he said that if Google were to release an official Ice Cream Sandwich update for the Nexus One it would have to renamed "Ice Cream Scoop", because so much of ICS would have to be removed in order for it to work properly.
He felt that the processor/GPU while not as fast as say other devices, is fast enough (to be acceptable) but there is simply not enough storage space. Apparently, Google did try to make ICS work on the Nexus One and he said many people at Google were disappointed that it could not be done, he included, but it was not from lack of trying.
For whatever it worth, the guy seemed genuine and we spent the better part of the flight talking about the Mobile space and Android in particular.

I wouldn't expect to hear anything different form a Google employee, but would take any comments made with a grain of salt.
The N1 has had hardware limitations & problems from day one, & the responsibility ultimately falls on Google IMO. It carries the Google name & was released & sold directly by Google, going through I'm sure a rigorous testing process before release.

It's sad that in hindsight I think the Nexus One was a pretty poorly designed and supported phone. It has major hardware issues like storage, the power button, and the touchscreen, among other minor things, like not being able to switch SIM cards without removing the battery.
Software wise, everyone thought because it's a Google phone, it would be supported for a while, but it really hasn't. Looking back, it only received one real update that worked well, froyo. While gingerbread came es well, it just introduced bugs that weren't there before, most notably, GPS locking, which has yet to be fixed.
If ICS wouldn't work well because of the memory limitations then fine, but at the very least, fix the existing issues with GB.

Time for a new device
I love the Nexus One just as much as the next person. But I'm ready for a new phone. More Ram, more Cores, less power consumption. It's time for my Nexus One to go to the electronics graveyard. It'll be a nice backup. But the phone is showing it's age. It's gotten a lot smoother with every iteration of CM, but it still stutters in the market and various other places. Hardware acceleration needs to be implemented and I want more speed and that beautiful screen on the Galaxy Nexus. Somebody needs to start selling the 32gb GSM Tmobile/ATT version somewhere, anywhere...

negroplasty said:
I agree with what you're saying, but I will not sign such a poorly written petition. Rewrite that **** and let me know when it's presentable. Respect.
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Pretty much. The double full stops.. and question marks?? Lack of capitalisation, and spelling "you" "U". Poor grammar, poor spelling. Something you could get away with writing on here, but ot the sort of thing you write in a formal letter to a company.

It understandable. My Nexus One ran out of memory for apps all the times. There is no reason that ICS will have smaller size than stock gingerbread. In that case, the balance memory for apps will be even smaller.
I was not expecting to get ICS upgrade from official release.

signed, ahihihi

zaher.bahouth said:
Hey guys..
I think we should gather some thousands of Nexus 1 users, that would agree to sign a letter we can send to google, requesting official ICS release for the Nexus one.
we were all disappointed about not releasing the ICS for nexus one.. so let's just try and maybe google will listen up and try to give us the release..
Google promised every android phone will be supported for at least 3 years.. well, nexus one is not 3 years old.. so y shouldnt it be updated??
Who is In? and DO any1 have any idea about how we should do it the best way?
Edit: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ics-on-nexus-one/
link for the petition
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I highly doubt about this will be useful.

Better ask google to release just the compatible proprietary drivers so developers make the rest.


Nexus One. We're being phased out, and quickly.

NOW! I know it is possibly too early to jump to conclusions, but I have recently been reading through some posts about how our Nexus One's are slowly, sadly and surely becoming obsolete. I agree with this theory in the fact that we aren't getting any love/support anymore. Granted, i know that Froyo is on the way, but i feel as though our hardware could have been better from the get-go, and that now (starting to become the long run since launch) it will be the death of this phone on a large basis. I feel as though Google has left us behind with some major issues, and has crippled the Nexus One name, purely because they seem like they don't want to deal with it anymore. Support is limited at that, and updates are scarce (one update to be exact, and even that OTA had problems), even for non-root users. Development, even though sometimes a tedious task, is moving slowly. We have a small selections of stable roms and thats about it. Nothing super fantastic (granted CyanogenMod and Modaco's ROMS are great, but not legendary), nothing special. I feel like there was more support for the (i hate to bring it in) iPhone in terms of the community and the modding experience.
Simply, I absolutely LOVE my Nexus One, but i feel like it is not getting the support it deserves, and i DO NOT want this beautiful piece of technology to be obsolete by september. i hope you guys are with me on this, because i think we all know that this phone could easily be something BETTER than what it is now. and it SHOULD be able to compete with any phone within a year from now because it's Google's baby. GOOGLE: GIVE US MORE for our phones and for our money. Because, even though i feel like this is the best phone i've ever had, 1) i feel like it'll be obsolete in a few months and 2) im starting to feel like i wasted my money.
long live nexus
+1 .......
The Nexus one will be the standard by which all android phones are measured for at-least another year.
Keeping everything pure AOSP is a huge plus IMO.
Official updates are slow, but code is being committed to the repository regularly and makes it on to the custom ROMS very quickly.
There is no phone out there with better features and community support than the one you have
There is no other phone on google.com/phone... so we are still the only child.
Google is trying to catch up the rest of the android world to 2.1
VZ cut them off it seems from the N1 and instead VZ gets another great Android handset.
Froyo has some much needed upgrades and will help (in theory) android solidify itself by stabilizing the platform for devs.
JIT/Flash/Market /Open GL / market upgrades are on there way if you believe the rumors.
What is it you feel is being phased out ?
Only about 500k users have an N1. Thats a miniscule amount.
Even with that we have two great devs putting out some very stable ROMS. Unlike the past N1 came with so many damn features out of box that we didnt need ROMs and Apps to add the 101 missing features.
Listen I am still up in Googles rectum about alot of features that need to be fixed/enhanced on Android. We all knew N1 was the first of the snapdragons. The others are storming in blasting taking attention away from us...but theyre all on the same team....they all bleed green =-)
Sure Id love to be slapping on Sense widgets , Moto Blur social network apps , etc...but thats up to us as a community to do it (if ever technically possible).
Anyways feel good about your purchase. You still have the best available phone on the market and will until the EVO/Iphone4G drop. And even then..youd still be top 3 at worst.
There isn't much development because there isn't much to do. The Nexus has the latest firmware and top specs. Of announced phones only the Evo and Galaxy S have significantly better specs everything else is just a SLIGHTLY upgraded Nexus. No porting apps or firmwares are needed. The only thing to really do is optimize what we have (cyanogen is doing that) and port sense UI (Paul is doing that). I'm happy with my Nexus .....for now hehe
zach I can understand the complaints about some of the nagging issues the phone has had (3G, purple tint etc.) but two things we have to realize: A majority of the users don't experience these problems, and in no way is our phone going to be obsolete anytime soon.
Here is a post I made regarding the Incredible screen, I think it's relevant here:
jasrups said:
Here's my take:
Would I like to have this screen in my Nexus? Yea it would have been a nice feature. Do I need this screen? No, not in the slightest.. Not yet anyways. The only apps that would require a screen like that are games, and I don't play the type of games on my phone that would require axis-crossing multitouch. I know some people do, and I can respect that but I don't, hence why I don't care about this right now.
Frankly, if you're playing those kinds of games anyways, just get an iPhone (and I'm not saying that in a bad way). iPhone is unmatched when it comes to gameplay and plus you can get them all for free if you jailbreak. Yea The Incredible has a capable screen, but do you know long it's going to take Android to catch up to Apple when it comes to game quality?? Android just got games like Racing Thunder 2 and Homerun Battle 3D while you can play Street Fighter 4 and freaking Grand Theft Auto on the iPhone! It's no competition.. if you want to game, you don't have the right phone.
By the time Android actually starts developing games and apps that can take advantage of the axis crossing MT, The Incredible will be "obsolete" (as some of you like to put it) so no need for everyone to get their panties in a bunch
With most things I normally have a realist perspective and am usually the first to 'hate' on something when its deserved, but alot of you guys are just a bunch of downers. The Incredible is a great phone as is the Nexus, everyone should just appreciate what they have! If you keep chasing the newest technology (no matter how impractical it is) you will never be satisfied!
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There will always be new technology coming out faster than we can keep up with, the important thing is to not prematurely write one product off as soon as a newer one becomes available. People will be saying the same thing about the Incredible/4G Evo etc in a few months from now. That's just the ways things are. If you have that mentality you will want a new phone every few months regardless of how good it is.
Regarding the selection of ROMS.. Guys, right now we have the top of the line OS on our phones.. 2.1 is the standard, most of the G1/Magic ROMS are trying to replicate what we already have stock. Believe me, once Froyo and Android 3.0 come out the devs will be right on it and we'll get awesome ports. We have great developers who will make sure our phones have the newest software on our devices.
And if worst comes to worst and some of you decide to sell your Nexus this summer, it will have excellent resale value.
Don't worry, This is the phone Google are actively giving to developers. We'll be here for a while to come yet.
I most definetely do not believe the nexus one will be phased out anytime soon, actually i will be ordering one tonight as a matter of fact. yes we may not have the best touch screens or the greatest rom develipment, but that is because we are still number one There are no other builds to even create until phones of this caliber runnng other os are on the scene. And for the touch screen issue, whe the time comes to where we truely need multitouch for games on the market out nexus's WILL be outdated, or there WILL be a fix for this, i mean geez Cyanogen has nearly finished a fully working Eclair for the g1 already, all i see is hope and excitment for the future of this device, the market also needs some serious time to catch up to apples games (please dont get upset with this, its true) The only thing i can see actually outdating our phones are dual processors capable of OVER 1.5 otherwise i dont believe they will be extinct, not even the 1.3 samsung will hurt the nexus i think considering we can be oc'ed to 1.3 anyways i do believe, or at least close
I don't think that we're being phased out, not until another year. Each phone that comes in the market gets compared to Nexus One.
As far as the development is concerned, its very satisfactory. Comparing the development scene between N1 an iPhone, iPhone sold nearly 50x the units of N1 sold. So most app developers have their focus on iPhone as it stands them a better chance of making more money..... But still development on N1 is much better.....
jasrups said:
There will always be new technology coming out faster than we can keep up with, the important thing is to not prematurely write one product off as soon as a newer one becomes available. People will be saying the same thing about the Incredible/4G Evo etc in a few months from now. That's just the ways things are. If you have that mentality you will want a new phone every few months regardless of how good it is.
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I’m beginning to think some people have never bought a phone before, or a computer for that matter.
Did people expect the N1 to the absolute top spec phone forever? Seriously its still amazing compared to most, and measures up nicely in all significant ways to these new phones it keeps getting compared to. Stop trying to bury it before its even close to dead.
There is always something newer coming. No exceptions. There are phones in development now that will top the Evo and Incredible. At some point you have to buy something or you’ll wait forever.
The N1 is Google’s flag ship phone. I bought it for that reason. If Google is developing something cool (like FroYo!) its pretty much guaranteed to come to us first. Its not being phased out. I think there are exciting things to come…
You have got to be kidding. Seriously?
zachthemaster said:
NOW! I know it is possibly too early to jump to conclusions, but I have recently been reading through some posts about how our Nexus One's are slowly, sadly and surely becoming obsolete. I agree with this theory
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How does the best Android phone currently on the market obsolete? You must be working from a totally different definition of "obsolete".
zachthemaster said:
in the fact that we aren't getting any love/support anymore.
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THAT must be why Google is giving Nexus Ones out to so many developers! Because they don't love it anymore and want to get rid of it!
zachthemaster said:
Granted, i know that Froyo is on the way, but i feel as though our hardware could have been better from the get-go, and that now (starting to become the long run since launch) it will be the death of this phone on a large basis.
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As if Froyo isn't a major undertaking.
In what way could the hardware have been better, without delaying the release of the phone?
zachthemaster said:
I feel as though Google has left us behind with some major issues, and has crippled the Nexus One name, purely because they seem like they don't want to deal with it anymore. Support is limited at that
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Are we talking about the same phone? In what way is it crippled?
Google has upped its support, hired more support personnel, and continues to present the N1 as its flagship phone. How does that equate to "they don't want to deal with it anymore"?
zachthemaster said:
and updates are scarce (one update to be exact, and even that OTA had problems), even for non-root users.
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How long has the N1 been out? Just how often did you expect an update? I think your expectations might be wildly unrealistic.
And "even for non-root users"!?! WTF does that mean? If anything, non-root users have far fewer updates -- rooted users are getting the updates from CM as soon as Google commits them to the source repository, whereas "even" implies that you expect non-root users to receive more updates, which is completely backwards.
zachthemaster said:
Development, even though sometimes a tedious task, is moving slowly. We have a small selections of stable roms and thats about it. Nothing super fantastic (granted CyanogenMod and Modaco's ROMS are great, but not legendary), nothing special.
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If you don't think CM is "super fantasic" then I invite you to go back to the stock N1 rom. Installing CM for the first time is like getting a whole new phone.
zachthemaster said:
I feel like there was more support for the (i hate to bring it in) iPhone in terms of the community and the modding experience.
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Somebody call the waaaaaaaaaahmbulance.
I don't buy it. I don't like the multitouch sensor they used for the phone, and I think the scrolling could be smoother, but what do you really expect from Google? Short of them sending out free hardware upgrades, what are you really looking for to not feel phased out?
The Nexus One is a great phone, at least for me. Even with the multitouch issues, I'm able to pull off running jumps when I play Super Mario World and the like. And that issue is allegedly being worked on with 2.2. If they flat out said the Nexus One wasn't getting 2.2 then you could make the claim of the Nexus One being phased out.
As far as network issues go, I have zero problems with my AT&T Nexus One and 3G. I live in the DC Metro area, for what it's worth. Most problems I've heard from people are all on T-Mobile. Who's to say the problem isn't on T-Mobile's side instead of Google's? Everyone blames AT&T's network for the iPhone's network issues, but it's pretty clear that the radio in the iPhone is garbage.
We live in a time where there are 1ghz processors in handheld devices. Technology is advancing so fast. It's always going to hurt when your $500+ dollar device isn't the best around anymore, but do you really want forward progress to slow down so you feel like you have the best phone longer?
I think you're being overly paranoid, if you ask me. So long as you love the phone, what do you care?
danguyf said:
You have got to be kidding. Seriously?
How does the best Android phone currently on the market obsolete? You must be working from a totally different definition of "obsolete".
THAT must be why Google is giving Nexus Ones out to so many developers! Because they don't love it anymore and want to get rid of it!
As if Froyo isn't a major undertaking.
In what way could the hardware have been better, without delaying the release of the phone?
Are we talking about the same phone? In what way is it crippled?
Google has upped its support, hired more support personnel, and continues to present the N1 as its flagship phone. How does that equate to "they don't want to deal with it anymore"?
How long has the N1 been out? Just how often did you expect an update? I think your expectations might be wildly unrealistic.
And "even for non-root users"!?! WTF does that mean? If anything, non-root users have far fewer updates -- rooted users are getting the updates from CM as soon as Google commits them to the source repository, whereas "even" implies that you expect non-root users to receive more updates, which is completely backwards.
If you don't think CM is "super fantasic" then I invite you to go back to the stock N1 rom. Installing CM for the first time is like getting a whole new phone.
Somebody call the waaaaaaaaaahmbulance.
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I didn't wanna quote the whole thing (sorry everyone) but this is the post of the year IMO!!!! Every counter argument you made is perfect.....This thread is BOGUS!!!!!!
You can't compare the modding/dev community of the N1 to the iPhone anyways.
The iphone has FAR more units out there, and the Apple cult is still buying. The iPhone also has more that is needed as far as mods to make it a nice OS.
The iPhone also runs native binaries, so there seem to be a lot more standard systems written for it, or so I was told in my Q&A thread. The iPhone has full apt packaging system, full set of GNU tools, full OpenSSH suite, etc.
The iPhone also has a lot more core teams of dedicated modders, while Android seems to have 1-2, at least for the N1. This is, again, I think due to the fact that the iPhone needs more mods to make it a good OS.
Without boobs, this thread is a waste of time.
Not even boobs can rescue the OP's post.
martin0285 said:
I didn't wanna quote the whole thing (sorry everyone) but this is the post of the year IMO!!!! Every counter argument you made is perfect.....This thread is BOGUS!!!!!!
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attn1 said:
Without boobs, this thread is a waste of time.
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I agree wholeheartedly with both of you.
zachthemaster said:
NOW! I know it is possibly too early to jump to conclusions, but I have recently been reading through some posts about how our Nexus One's are slowly, sadly and surely becoming obsolete.
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Can you link these posts?
How is the N1 becoming obsolete? What are your reasons? I have yet to see any indication of this.
updates are scarce (one update to be exact, and even that OTA had problems), even for non-root users.
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What kind of crap is this? Yes, the N1 has received 1 update. Which is 1 more than MANY other Android phones in YEARS.
Development, even though sometimes a tedious task, is moving slowly.
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Here's the Android source code:
Get to work!
GOOGLE: GIVE US MORE for our phones and for our money
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Give more WHAT?
Enjoy the wave for as long as it lasts... which will be a long time
Tech wise phones go obsolete much faster than a PC ever would for the simple fact that you are in a closed environment. You can't upgrade the RAM, graphics or CPU on one of these things so shelf life is in terms of months not years. But that's not to say that support will go away for the N1 any time soon. OP is just acknowledging/exhibiting the mid-life crisis that the N1 is in currently. It's still the flagship product and a benchmark for every phone slated to be released this year. Next year may be different--hell I'm sure it will be--but for now, we're good and there's enough power that it'll still be viable 2 years from now. If you need a current tangible example, just look at how many G1's there are out there and how long that phone has been out.
I came from the dismally dysfunctional land of the Epix from Samsung where between them and AT&T, they couldn't figure out who was suppose to be doing the obligatory reach-around. With the N1 there are no more worries about the carrier holding up the updates for a fix to a major problem introduced by another fix almost a year prior for an infantile notification issue., there are no more issues with contractual obilgations to corporate partnerships (Yahoo) with draconian imposed restrictions to enforce it(backflip) and mostly there's no more waiting for the mfg to finally update their license to a newer version OS if they even bother going that route to begin with. Open architecture, open software and an infinite amount of potential for old and new phones is why I'm here and I'm sure a bunch of others are too.
So to anyone else reading this and especially to Sprint customers that are waiting for the N1, catch the wave however you want(N1, Evo, etc) but enjoy it for what it is--a long great ride and loads of fun--cowabunga!
Did somebody say boobs? Er, was I supposed to get something else out of this?

Samsung Galaxy S Wishlist!!

So what do u want to see on the next galaxy s2 phone?
i personally want honycomb!!
- camera flash
- less grainy screen
- sturdier construction
- less bloat
- 8mp camera
- dual core
- gig of ram
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I want it to be on my phone but not a new phone
HRodMusic said:
i personally want honycomb!!
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It's "Honeycomb" actually and I'd prefer to enjoy what I've got right now rather constantly speculate about what may be. We haven't even officially received Froyo yet, let alone Gingerbread. Honeycomb will be probably be a year away for us at the earliest since it's not even due to be out until Summer 2011.
epakrat75 said:
It's "Honeycomb" actually and I'd prefer to enjoy what I've got right now rather constantly speculate about what may be. We haven't even officially received Froyo yet, let alone Gingerbread. Honeycomb will be probably be a year away for us at the earliest since it's not even due to be out until Summer 2011.
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You should read the entire post before you comment. He said galaxy S 2 as in the next generation of sammy gs phones.
I want a dual screen slider with a dual core. Pretty much just two of these with a single os stuck together some how. It would be awsome for games. You could program a virtual keypad for the bottom screen for any type of button configuration, and it wont block the screen.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Forgot to add...better support from Samsung.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
If the Nexus S's spec is virtually a Vibrant... and the Nexus S is coming with Gingerbread... I don't think it's too far off to say (thanks to our devs) that Vibrant owners may have a Gingerbread ROM before New Year's.
epakrat75 said:
It's "Honeycomb" actually and I'd prefer to enjoy what I've got right now rather constantly speculate about what may be. We haven't even officially received Froyo yet, let alone Gingerbread. Honeycomb will be probably be a year away for us at the earliest since it's not even due to be out until Summer 2011.
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j.youngberg said:
Forgot to add...better support from Samsung.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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I don't think sammy is the blame for software support on this phone. To me it seams they have tried but tmobile has gotten in the way. The phone has had a couple updates already granted they were relatively minor but they addressed major issues that people complained about. Bettter modems for better signal for one. They released an app to fix the gps. Which has worked for me multiple times(if it haven't for you have you tried deleting gps data first).
They have tried to release updates on their own through mini kies that tmobile told people not to use. There seams to always be a release on samsungfirmwares.com that isn't a final but provides parts needed for custom roms. They made the phone rediculously easy to mod even provided a way to fix your phone if you brick it. And it doesn't void your warranty if you take it apart because there isn't any warranty stickers.
What more do you want from them? They have tried to support the community the best they can without Tmobile interferance. They have to go through testing before they release to the public but to me it looks like they are trying.
That said I bet the sgs 2's, will be almost identical hardware wise on all the networks. Because I bet all of these very different variations of the same phone is giving them the flux.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
dual core
docking station to hook up keyboard mouse monitor at home so i can just worry about having one actual device with everything on it for work and just have a gaming machine separate via kvm
have a dock in the car with a nice touch screen monitor attached and have a nice screen for gps and everything right there instead of a 3500 dollar car gps entertainment crap.
of course they could just make the dock like that now and the firmware to support
I just want a ticker display like the Samsung Continuum has.
Xeon Flash, Led is a waste of space
1 Gig Ram
Dual Core
Only Loki said:
I don't think sammy is the blame for software support on this phone. To me it seams they have tried but tmobile has gotten in the way. The phone has had a couple updates already granted they were relatively minor but they addressed major issues that people complained about. Bettter modems for better signal for one. They released an app to fix the gps. Which has worked for me multiple times(if it haven't for you have you tried deleting gps data first).
They have tried to release updates on their own through mini kies that tmobile told people not to use. There seams to always be a release on samsungfirmwares.com that isn't a final but provides parts needed for custom roms. They made the phone rediculously easy to mod even provided a way to fix your phone if you brick it. And it doesn't void your warranty if you take it apart because there isn't any warranty stickers.
What more do you want from them? They have tried to support the community the best they can without Tmobile interferance. They have to go through testing before they release to the public but to me it looks like they are trying.
That said I bet the sgs 2's, will be almost identical hardware wise on all the networks. Because I bet all of these very different variations of the same phone is giving them the flux.
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If it was T-Mobile in the way, the other carriers would have Froyo releases out too. It's Samsung.
That said...
Dual Core Processor
Camera Flash
768 or 1 GB of RAM
Notification LED
Different Build Material (the plastic does feel a bit cheap)
Working GPS
The 4" form factor is perfect, and Super AMOLED is fantastic.
Only Loki said:
You should read the entire post before you comment. He said galaxy S 2 as in the next generation of sammy gs phones.
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Oh, I did. I was commenting on the fact that the OP wanted to speculate on a device that doesn't exist yet while existing devices are already quite behind. I figured there is already plenty to discuss without bringing imaginary devices into the mix. No offense meant, I apologize. Carry on.
i don't need a better specs but i need better applications.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
@ fuman lack of support and getting froyo are too separate things. They are supporting the device. Besides you don't know the politics behind their agreement with google. They may not have as large of a team as htc or Motorola has on developement, they might have a contract with the networks not to release it. Maybe they ding get as much support from google that htc or moto has. There is a loft of things that can be holding them up, but support we do have. Look at how long it took other devices took to get cupcake after it came out.
How long do you think it takes to design and release a phone? If we don't start giving our input early then it will be too late for them to even implement our ideas.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Only Loki said:
@ fuman lack of support and getting froyo are too separate things. They are supporting the device. Besides you don't know the politics behind their agreement with google. They may not have as large of a team as htc or Motorola has on developement, they might have a contract with the networks not to release it. Maybe they ding get as much support from google that htc or moto has. There is a loft of things that can be holding them up, but support we do have. Look at how long it took other devices took to get cupcake after it came out.
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I disagree, I think OS updates are equivalent to continued support for the device, and the GPS fixes have been hit or miss for people so there are still major issues that are unresolved. I can understand Samsung not having the development or experience with Android that Motorola and HTC have, but I haven't seen anything that would put the blame on T-Mobile more so then Samsung. I don't really put any blame on T-Mobile for anything Vibrant related at the moment.
iynfynity said:
i don't need a better specs but i need better applications.
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lol Facebook just updated the Facebook app on android today and it's good. haha it answered my wishlist.
Quad core, 2GB ram, 5 inch MEGASUPERAMOLED display, bluray optical drive, and IceCream (after honeycomb?) OS.
Seriously though. I'd want: No lag, fully functioning GPS, Xenon flash, top unlock button, dedicated camera button, micro usb port on the side next to an HDMI out, 3.5mm on top, more dedicated memory onboard 768MB or 1GB, slightly faster cpu (current cpu is super fast) and a less plasticky finish (more HTC like). I think most of those changes would be easy to implement. I think I basically listed every feature in most upcoming android "super phones".
Support and kept promises from Samsung... that's it. It is what I thought I was buying in the first place.
Only Loki said:
@ fuman lack of support and getting froyo are too separate things. They are supporting the device. Besides you don't know the politics behind their agreement with google. They may not have as large of a team as htc or Motorola has on developement, they might have a contract with the networks not to release it. Maybe they ding get as much support from google that htc or moto has. There is a loft of things that can be holding them up, but support we do have. Look at how long it took other devices took to get cupcake after it came out.
How long do you think it takes to design and release a phone? If we don't start giving our input early then it will be too late for them to even implement our ideas.
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None of what you said makes sene.
Android is a tech geek-heavy community (the fanbois, at least).
Samsung has the hardware to differentiate itself outside of defacing android.
If they would have just released a Stock Android phone with their hardware, and ensured a fast update turnaround, they probably would have sold more phones than they did.
And they would not have needed such a large software development team.
Galaxy S phones becasue of the hardware, not because of the software, and many people would not have brought them in the US if they had known the update would have taken so ****ing long to materialize. Samsung was talking about updating to FroYo before the Euro Galaxy S was even launched (at their event).
They should be embarassed. Probably the biggest let down of 2010.
Also, an Android phone doesn't need 768 MB RAM. 512 is fine. The issue is our phones don't have 512 RAM accessible to applications to begin with. It has about as much App-Accessible RAM as a cheap mid-ranged Android device...
That being said, unless I pony up for a WP7 device, I'm getting a new notebook (not a netbook, a notebook). I'm not seeing how these phones are worth what they sell for. Unlike computers, a bad phone purchase is hardly salvageable...
Designing a phone isn't as monumental as some make it out to be, unless the manufacturer is just starting out. Much of the groundwork has been done by them in the past and they can simply make new phones by differing in the chasis if possible, and very few components... How do you tihnk Samsung managed 4 different Galaxy S phones for every carrier here? It certainly didn't take them a year or more to branch them out from the i9k, that's for sure...

Would you buy a NEW Nexus S for $395.10?

I'm a proud Vibrant owner, rooted with Nero 4.1 & Voodo. I have a 16gb external SD card filled with personal files, music, and movies. I purchased my Vibrant for a little over $450 at T-Mobile and spent exrta money on a 16gb SD card, and a protective cover.
Today (01/14/2010), I can go to Best Buy and use a special 'Buy Back' program and they will give me $165 for my Vibrant on a in-store gift card. I can then turn around and purchase a Nexus S with it.
Nexus S is $529.99 - $165.00 = $364.99 + %8.29 (Sales Tax) = $395.10
Knowing how close the Nexus S is to the Vibrant, would you shell out 400 clams for the 'Pure Google Experience'? Whats your take? I have an idea, but why should I buy something that my rooted Vibrant can do except a FFC?? Opinions?
The Nexus S doesn't even have an external SD slot.
Yes you getting google updates but you are missing the sd slot. Thats a total buzzkill for me.
Im just going to continue supporting the dev's here at xda and maybe be brave and install the ffc.
not unless the money was burning a hole in my pocket
they're practically the same phone. not worth it imo
At the time I bought the Vibrant the only real difference between it and others in its class was the up to 48 gigs of storage (16 internal, up to 32 external). Save your money you have a great phone, thanks in large part to the devs here. We'll have Gingerbread soon.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Absolutely not.
You're basically getting 30% of the total value of the phone. The vibrant, even without the updates, is still worth more then $165.
The nexus S is definitely worth $400, but if your giving up a device thats worth more then $165 to get the $400 price tag, nuh uh. Don't do it. Not worth it at all.
you could get more $$ in here in the marketplace....a then use that money to buy any other phone you want...
Not at all. It just doesn't feel like the additions to the S make it any better than a rooted Vibrant especially with the loss of the SD slot.
Never, don't ever purchase anything made by samsung, even if the software is controlled by google, the answer is no no no no no!
Let google learn a lesson too, maybe in the future they will choose another hardware manufacturor.
SamsungVibrant said:
Never, don't ever purchase anything made by samsung, even if the software is controlled by google, the answer is no no no no no!
Let google learn a lesson too, maybe in the future they will choose another hardware manufacturor.
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I agree with everyone about the bad marketing decisions Samsung is taking. Which explains how every Galaxy S series phones throughout the world received Froyo except for the 4 sim-lock carriers in the US.
Respectfully, I disagree with you about the Nexus S. Even though the hardware is from Samsung (which NO other phone out there can beat the Super AMOLED screen). Google has already sent an update to the Nexus S to 2.3.1. Owning a Google phone like the Nexus S is guaranteeing Android updates.
the nexus s is already outdated
wait for more dual core 4g phones coming out this quarter
No. My next phone will have a dual core processor.
lolcopter said:
the nexus s is already outdated
wait for more dual core 4g phones coming out this quarter
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DITTO on that! Except I heard that dual core is a drain on the battery. We don't have battery technology as of yet to give a substantial user experience to last as long as what superphones do now.
Stick with your Vibrant or sell it on Craigslist or Ebay or something, but getting $165 for it is a complete rip-off.
lolcopter said:
the nexus s is already outdated
wait for more dual core 4g phones coming out this quarter
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have fun with manufacturer based skin and late OTAs (or OTAs not even happening)
.. your phone may not have the latest hardware specs, but it will always have the latest android version
its a matter of compromising latest hardware vs latest software
zephiK said:
have fun with manufacturer based skin and late OTAs (or OTAs not even happening)
.. your phone may not have the latest hardware specs, but it will always have the latest android version
its a matter of compromising latest hardware vs latest software
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can the nexus s even record HD video?
life won't end if you're not running the absolute latest OS. besides, that's what XDA is for... NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT GPS
in the end, the technology advances so quickly, no matter what you buy you will have buyer's remorse within six months. phones are evolving at a faster pace right now than PCs did a few years back
lolcopter said:
can the nexus s even record HD video?
life won't end if you're not running the absolute latest OS. besides, that's what XDA is for... NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT GPS
in the end, the technology advances so quickly, no matter what you buy you will have buyer's remorse within six months. phones are evolving at a faster pace right now than PCs did a few years back
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it doesnt matter if rooted ROMs are available, what matters is that Samsung isn't open sourcing the kernel for 2.2.
Open sourced kernels allows development to move even further. OC'd kernels for the Vibrant are based off the I9000 kernel, which results into poor battery life.
Also, all ROMs built for the Vibrant are pretty much using the base of TouchWiz. Now im not complaining about TouchWiz, I do like a lot of the aspects from it. The Power Widget on the notification bar was a great start; but the fact is that Samsung is not reliable when it comes to software updates. The one plus with TouchWiz is the video codecs.
The Nexus S is a unlocked bootloader from the very beginning with easy commands to unlock and lock it. It is made in mind that its a device primarily made to be hacked with. It is backed by Google.
Not to mention.. the Nexus S at this point has more love from CyanogenMod than the Vibrant. The Vibrant and Galaxy S series dev community is too split between each other. The Nexus S is the same in the UK and USA, therefore.. it allows further collaboration with each other.
In the end, it really depends what you want. What can you fight against? hardware or software? Since most of us are tight on cash, im sure a lot of us would lean towards software. In this case, the Nexus series would be the winner since it is backed by Google (or any device that is supported by CyanogenMod).
And dont even start with HD recording.. OH MY! we all have to realize that a phone has its limitations. If you're looking to take pictures or do a lot of video recording, just do yourself a favor and get a dedicated camera.... not to mention with TouchWiz, have fun taking HD recording for a long period of time... when it hits the 15% mark, have fun recording or taking pictures buddy
life won't end if you're not running the absolute latest OS. besides, that's what XDA is for... NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT GPS
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Oh really....? Tell that to the people who are filing lawsuits and enraging because Samsung isnt releasing a 2.2 OTA.... OH WAIT?! we have rooted ROMs with 2.2... does that justify the idea that they aren't doing OTAs to maintain their products? But instead to just release new ones without committing to their current products?
Go tell that to people who stuck a two-year contract with a MOTOROLA CLIQ, Droid Eris, and all those phones that the manufacturer didnt commit to upgrading their existing phones. The reason why there aren't more people who are furious about this is because they aren't tech savvy and just care about the phone working.
zephiK said:
In the end, it really depends what you want. What can you fight against? hardware or software? Since most of us are tight on cash, im sure a lot of us would lean towards software. In this case, the Nexus series would be the winner since it is backed by Google (or any device that is supported by CyanogenMod).
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i want a fast phone that works. i have that.
And dont even start with HD recording.. OH MY! we all have to realize that a phone has its limitations. If you're looking to take pictures or do a lot of video recording, just do yourself a favor and get a dedicated camera.... not to mention with TouchWiz, have fun taking HD recording for a long period of time... when it hits the 15% mark, have fun recording or taking pictures buddy
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lol @ the "it's not a feature until we get it" mindset. iphone much?
my battery never gets down to 15% anyway, because nero is awesome on battery life
Oh really....? Tell that to the people who are filing lawsuits and enraging because Samsung isnt releasing a 2.2 OTA.... OH WAIT?! we have rooted ROMs with 2.2... does that justify the idea that they aren't doing OTAs to maintain their products? But instead to just release new ones without committing to their current products?
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i understand the anger towards samsung, and it's completely valid. however, if you want it done right you have to do it yourself. xda has allowed that for many many people. lawsuits and complaints about manufacturers might as well fall on deaf ears, because nothing will happen around here because of that
Go tell that to people who stuck a two-year contract with a MOTOROLA CLIQ, Droid Eris, and all those phones that the manufacturer didnt commit to upgrading their existing phones. The reason why there aren't more people who are furious about this is because they aren't tech savvy and just care about the phone working.
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i would tell those people to do their research before making such a large purchase. i knew full well samsung's history when i bought my vibrant. i knew there might be a good chance they'd jerk consumers around and delay updates. if i was running stock, i would be furious... but i bought an android phone full well knowing that i would be modding it... a lot.
lastly, team whiskey > cyanogenmod
I will not buy anything else made by Samsung. Back in the 80's / 90's they built the absolute best quality products with great support. I've been fighting with my GPS for too long and they didn't make it right. There was going to be a 2.2 update in August and it still hasn't happend (except for the great XDA devs). My first Android device was a HTC (g1) and my next one will be as well.
lolcopter said:
i want a fast phone that works. i have that.
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It's not all about you. People have their different reasons for having phones:
1) Flash Addict: Always wanting something to flash. With a developer phone like Nexus S (or any other phone that is popular in the modding community)
2) Normal user
.. and so forth. All ROMs in general has one thing in mind: increasing its speed.
lol @ the "it's not a feature until we get it" mindset. iphone much?
my battery never gets down to 15% anyway, because nero is awesome on battery life
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Again.. this is not all about you at all. Some people are more heavy users when it comes to battery than others. Nevertheless, the 15% mark is annoying and should be removed. Hacked camera.apk does this but not incorporated in all Vibrant ROMs.
i understand the anger towards samsung, and it's completely valid. however, if you want it done right you have to do it yourself. xda has allowed that for many many people. lawsuits and complaints about manufacturers might as well fall on deaf ears, because nothing will happen around here because of that
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What you said makes absolutely no sense. Grammar check. I personally don't care about Samsung not updating to 2.2 because I don't use a Vibrant anymore, but I still have the phone.
All your points aren't even valid. You're just trying to start a war without pointing out what I said but going AROUND them because you can't defeat my points.
My point is that it just depends on what kind of person you are. And you can say whatever your opinion is about CyanogenMod and Team Whiskey, you just seem like a ignorant individual who is difficult to argue with because they are so close minded. They're both composed of great developers but the additions that CyanogenMod includes is just too significant to add. Am I saying that you're wrong for believing what you do? No.. you have a opinion, I'm not going to try and beg you to change your mind.
CyanogenMod actually complies from AOSP source whereas Team Whiskey base their ROMs from the OTA. You wouldn't understand this since you don't use a phone that is CyanogenMod supported (don't even start with G1.. that phone is so outdated that it isn't even capable of taking full advantage of CM7).
I'm sure when CM7 stable is released, TW will start basing their releases off CM7. And you know what? It is built on top of CM7... so whos the better team then? I'm not going to go for one particular side because a developer is a developer. They aren't in this to get any accreditation from the community. They just do it as a hobby. Quit thinking that CyanogenMod & TW are like the rivalry between NVIDIA & AMD/ATI.

Whats the future hold?

I love my atrix despite its quirky flaws. I love the size, the pentile screen (even though Im told Im not suppose to like the screen), the battery life, etc.
I just feel like the software side has not lived up to the hardware. My opinion is Alien4 has been the only good OS/ROM released yet. Everything about the current software feels like a tradeoff. ex. you can run this fast beta but theres 10 issues. You can run this kernel but there these issues, etc. While I appreciate the work of devs, time doesnt seem to be on this devices side. The CM7 betas/nightlies/weekly's while good to see for enthusiasts are still not very good for daily runners for heavy users who value stability. I guess I don't subscribe to the 'every release of CM7 is perfect for me so you must be doing something wrong...'. I mean look how long developmental is taking on CM7. Does anyone see this effort being put into CM9?
I guess my point is what do you see being the high water mark of Rom releases after its all said and done? Will development continue for years? Is Atrix an officially recognized CM phone and enjoy the fruits of that?
My guess we will see a final CM7 release. a very early CM9/ICS alpha, a few more GB based roms and updates, and most devs will move on within the next 6 months. My gut tells me many serious devs have moved on.
Same here, I'm thinking of moving on to the HTC Sensation
Sent from my Atrix 4G
Like I said in other threads, I'm samsung galaxy lines all the way from this point. The development community on them is insane.
Motorola was dicks with their bootloaders and the atrix was the first american dual core, 1 gb ram phone. I think that stop the atrix more so than started it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I wouldn't move on to a marginally better phone such as the Sensation. A friend of mine has it and the performance difference is negligible.
I think people are looking for something that isn't there. A hunger for something more for their phones, to quantify 'what' they're looking for is vague at best.
What people DO see is a phone with powerful hardware and potential not fully realized, and with that dissatisfaction, the desire to change devices arises.
If nvidia decides to release binaries and possibly source for their tegra architecture, I think that developers who stuck around despite the locked bootloader, despite the pain-in-the-ass hardware Motorola put into this device, could do a lot more with this phone.
If nvidia renders ICS an impossibility for such a capable device, I will be joining in the nvidia boycott. They have pulled out a lot of stops to make this device difficult to develop for, and there is no reason for it.
The developers who 'moved on' moved on when the bootloader was locked. We have a small, very devoted community of developers and despite its size, it is my favorite dev community for any device at the moment. Coming from HTC devices, releases for the Atrix are reliable and consistent. I spend a lot less time concerning myself with 'will it boot?'.
That being said, until more software is released that takes advantage and optimizes this sort of hardware, there truly isn't a need to upgrade or change. We're seeing companies pump out more hardware than they can keep up with on the software end because people are stupid enough to buy into it. They keep making money, so why not keep the software development ****ty? No one can seem to tell the difference.
Concerning CM7/CM9: The effort put into CM7 will pave the way for CM9, if nvidia cooperates.
Ah I do have to disagree with you on the locked bootloader issue, it's unlockable with a hack, secondly you shouldn't blame nvidia for missing drivers but instead motorola. It is very true that sources for tegra would greatly improve developing, but actually nvidia updates its drivers quite regularly and besides all the tegra2 tablets will get ics eventually, so one can use those drivers for the atrix too. The bigger problem is that motorola probably won't release ics for the atrix, which would in turn make developing way easier ( assuming they release the sources with it). But ye the phone has great features, and there isn't really any phone with as revolutionary specs in regards to the atrix as the atrix was to the other phones when it was released (most high end are 1.2ghz dualcore with 1gb ram and similar display res/size, even 9 months after the release of the atrix you get at best 20% better specs). So yes hopefully with cm9 on the phone it will be still very useful.

General irritation on Samsung/ICS/Android

Today is pretty much a sad day for Samsung, ICS and Android in general, in my opinion.
Androids latest version, ICS, has been released about 5 months ago. Today, the most important Android device available on the planet, has not yet seen an update to this latest version yet, and I think that is something to be ashamed of. As a pretty normal user, I don't know and don't really care how much development goes on before releasing a new version, but a company that sells 300 million handsets in a year (of which at least 20 million of this type of handset that have cost the user somewhere between 400 and 550 euro's) I expect some more dedication to deliver a finished product worthy of it's name, fame and money. Google should be very upset that their latest product stays more or less hidden from public for about 6 months in this high paced market because multi-billion multinationals choose to dedicate too few people to get the software side of things sorted out.
All the false rumours don't really add to the experience of having a top-end device. Countless piles of crap have been pushed out by various dubious sources simply because Samsung does not wish to pin itself to a date. They knew, that people would have been outraged if they had stated in october that ICS would be released on the Android phone as much as half a year later. Instead, they let the irritation smolder and only give some vague hints once or twice during the whole period.
In my opinion, smartphone use is not as much about hardware as many of the Android manufacturers and users would like to see. The race for top specs will probably look quite ridiculous a few years from now. The secret to having an amazing device has it's foundation in good hardware (not neccesarily top notch hardware though) and esthetics/design, but without proper software this foundation will still be only a foundation. Nobody likes to own the best foundation in the world when there are no walls, windows, furniture, household appliances and great looks and functionality to make the living pleasureable. Off course, Samsung does provide us with all that in some way or another, but it is lagging behind seriously, especially compared to the competing major OS'es.
Naturally, every Android user has the possibility to blast everything off the foundation and build something custom on it, being either Samsung stuff with some extra things and paint added or removed, or being prefab Cyanogenmod or MIUI or whatever, but unfortunately this argument is worth almost nothing since it is again Samsung who decides when the bits and pieces become available for custom building, and this is lagging even further behind than their own software building, much to the irritation of the developers of custom firmware.
So, to sum it up, I think this has been a praticularly bad day for all SGS2 Android smartphone lovers. And being beaten to it by some other competing manufacturer does not help!
Thanks for listening
Dude, relax. It is just a phone. An nice one, but still a phone.
You do know Samsung don't have to release an update right?
Next time get a Nexus device, any other flavoured Android build takes time for adaptation and I'll rather they did a good job than rush a half baked build.
Your rant suggests you lack a fundamental understanding of the process.
Huge post lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 powered by CheckRom™
i would rather have a stable rom with a bit of delay than a buggy one (doesnt apply to cyanogen mod )
and what are you on about its been about 3 months from the release of galaxy nexus
and anyways ics is coming tomorrow
we did have beta roms from december and we could see samsung patching bugs in each successive build this is what xda is we all work together to make our devices better and better
Stop moaning, HTC have just started rolling out ICS in certain regions, what about other Android manufacturers? Where's LG, where's Motorola? Where are their ICS leaks etc etc applies to all.
Each manufacturer has their own overlay on top of ICS this takes time and testing to get it right, it's a few months late oh well at least 2.3.6 is running fine though, there's no need for Samsung to update our phones to ICS they're a business do you think they care how long we have to wait no, they'd rather make money and focus on getting ICS running on their next flagship model then current flagship.
We will get it just a matter of when, if you don't like it get a Nexus, also made by Samsung.
All these posts bashing Samsung its just all the tech blogs making things worse!
If you dont like it get an iPhone or better yet a symbian device!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
lol, u mad
I would like the OP to tell me one thing that he/she can do on ICS that they can't do on gingerbread. And make it a decent example and not something like "monitor data usage" which I agree is nice to be built in but nothing that can't be done already with an app.
The way this post has been worded with all the "house/foundation" metaphor you would think that the SGS2 doesn't work at all atm and needs ICS to make it functional, which we all know is rubbish.
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@bluefa1con ICS is not coming tomorrow, they went back on their word this morning.
anyway, you're right, and i'm a bit disappointed because Samsung have been best buddy with Google since Google Dev Day 2011, they have access to early build of their OS, they even produced 2 Nexus phones for them, there's a huge meaning behind this, but still, Samsung waited till the last moment to start working on their flagship device, first leaked build started coming out after official ics aosp release, and their work is progressing very slowly, but, like someone before me said, it's just a phone, i just love playing around with it, and i don't mind waiting till april/may for a stable rom, all i want from them are kernel sources.
I completly agree with OP-post.
My rage is simple, I mean, We're the owners of the fastest and best device in 2011 and we still didnt even had a actual DATE. The only thing, that was said: "Q1 2012". If I remember correctly, they said that Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note will have the update at Q1.
But let me tell you this, if they're still delaying date, and giving wrong info at their official(!) website, it seems that SGS2 ICS is not ready or something, that means that Galaxy Note is even out of place, probably, it will have the update somewhere at Q2 of 2012. It's totally unacceptable from such big and sucessful company as Samsung. We can't trust them, simply, they say one thing, tomorrow it will be "wrong" or something.
Samsung making great devices, and I love them, but the thing as they communicate with their customers, with their community - is just unacceptable. They won so much awards for their phone, and they, still, can't release their update to us.
Next time, i'll go to pure Google Phone.
Sorry for my poor English.
It is simple..they just dont respect us..hope there will be day they pay for this..
Wysłane z mojego GT-I9100 za pomocą Tapatalk
dorian95 said:
I completly agree with OP-post.
My rage is simple, I mean, We're the owners of the fastest and best device in 2011 and we still didnt even had a actual DATE. The only thing, that was said: "Q1 2012". If I remember correctly, they said that Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note will have the update at Q1.
But let me tell you this, if they're still delaying date, and giving wrong info at their official(!) website, it seems that SGS2 ICS is not ready or something, that means that Galaxy Note is even out of place, probably, it will have the update somewhere at Q2 of 2012. It's totally unacceptable from such big and sucessful company as Samsung. We can't trust them, simply, they say one thing, tomorrow it will be "wrong" or something.
Samsung making great devices, and I love them, but the thing as they communicate with their customers, with their community - is just unacceptable. They won so much awards for their phone, and they, still, can't release their update to us.
Next time, i'll go to pure Google Phone.
Sorry for my poor English.
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Same here mate..Those guys who have the GNEX are having the last laugh now. They even got a HTC sense 4.0 port as well those lucky bastards....I am gonna hold off till that release instead of going for the s3
About a year ago HTC decide to close their phones. That's why i decide to change to Samsung. And with me a lot of other HTC users. You are wright. This is not the way to communicate with your customers. This Samsung phone is my first and last one.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Think about it this way a large proportion of users don't give a crap about what firmware is running on their phone as long as it works, us geeks or enthusiasts may give a crap, but my sister has got an S2, several other work colleagues have them to and none of them even know about custom roms and such let alone an update to ICS so to the mass it's not a major priority in having the latest or greatest firmware as long as they can use their phones that's what they care about.
Several work colleagues are still on the original firmware and I've told them to update but they don't care or don't have the technological ability to do so.
There is a higher percentage of normal users compared to us at XDA who make a minority.
And for those who say this will be their last Samsung device good for you, go buy a Nexus oh wait that's made by Samsung as well! I'll continue to enjoy my device running on gingerbread which works beautifully also knowing the fact it's still the best phone available currently apart from the Note which I consider a niche and better than the s2.
If you want aosp buy a Nexus otherwise deal with the fact that it takes longer to get an update. It's the way it is on Android, look at the other manufacturers as well its common. That's the problem with an open source system compared to iOS where there are a selected few devices so updates are quicker to roll out on the product lines.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
So what is next after ics update? There are going to be complaints that ics is bad, its touch wiz bla bla bla.
Ics is not going to turn your phone into super powered alien or going to give you 10 days backup. Why can't you people just wait.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
bala_gamer said:
So what is next after ics update? There are going to be complaints that ics is bad, its touch wiz bla bla bla.
Ics is not going to turn your phone into super powered alien or going to give you 10 days backup. Why can't you people just wait.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Why does Touchwiz still look the same, along those lines.... Why is it still green, etc etc.
TouchWiz 5 will be for the next flagship.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I like GB.
Powereh said:
You do know Samsung don't have to release an update right?
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As in a contractual obligation? No indeed, I know that. But aparently (look around here on XDA) it is expected. Dissapoint customers too long, and you will be ditched for the one who doesn't.
Frostfree said:
Next time get a Nexus device, any other flavoured Android build takes time for adaptation and I'll rather they did a good job than rush a half baked build.
Your rant suggests you lack a fundamental understanding of the process.
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Yeah, because getting a Nexus device will get you there quicker Most Nexus S users are still waiting on their update to ICS since updating was stopped at dec 20th.
And somewhere in my post I did mention myself that I lack fundamental understanding of the process of building firmware for handsets, thanks for repeating that to me. That doesn't mean I'm unable to compare this process to other processes and draw conclusions as a customer.
Updating on Android is slow and ceases quickly (this will probably be the last major update for the SGS2 already), so when developing stuff for Android you need to take at least 5 different versions of the OS into concideration because the market shares of the versions are very fragmented. A nuisance for developers, and also for users stuck on Froyo for example who cannot install some app because the developer chose to only build it for 2.3+ to save some time and money.
If you guys dont care that much, why you're replaying to this kind of threads?
The only thing I am talking about, is lack of communication between customer and Samsung. How the hell they can give fresh news about ICS update on their official website, and then, immidiatly, deleting it, and telling in twitter something about "wrong date". How cool is that?
They can at least say one time 100% date, but they're just keep all in secret, that's not the good way how they should treat to custumers of best device in 2011.
I'm still shocked how Galaxy Note users keep waiting for it, one leak, no news, no everything. Obviously, Sammy didnt release ICS for them in March, then, their saying about "Galaxy Note & Galaxy S2 ICS in Q1 2012" is wrong.

