Poll - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

I am new to android as I bought a Tab on release day in the u.s. In my 2 and half months of having the tab and being a member of xda I search the forums quite regularly and I have noticed something. This will make me sound like a real negative person, but I have noticed that the exact same questions get posted time and time again. I don't think a week can go by without someone asking how to get a full wallpaper or if the tab can get Netflix.
So I was wondering how many people do one of two options for forums...
A. When you have a question, do you just post it and wait a day to see if anyone answered it?
B. Or do you search the forums for your answer so you get your question answered in a few minutes of research?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium

Hummmm.... Search, Search, Search!!!!
But not to defend but, I'm going to bet their are alot of "Noobs" that really have no clue as to what they just got there hands on when buying something like a Tab or have ever even used a forum. I was a long time Mod on a site called MyTreo.net and remember when the Treo 600 came out... So may repost of just about everything from how to send MMS's to why does my battery keep running out. New technologies and new devices will always generate people who have never used a forum to get help. It's all part of the game brother.
I just always try and remember the everyone was a "Noob" at one point. I try to point them in the right direction and remind them to use the search function.
Sent from my Galaxy10.1 TouchWiz/ADWex equipped Starship.

Stardate Tab 10.1 said:
I am new to android as I bought a Tab on release day in the u.s. In my 2 and half months of having the tab and being a member of xda I search the forums quite regularly and I have noticed something. This will make me sound like a real negative person, but I have noticed that the exact same questions get posted time and time again. I don't think a week can go by without someone asking how to get a full wallpaper or if the tab can get Netflix.
So I was wondering how many people do one of two options for forums...
A. When you have a question, do you just post it and wait a day to see if anyone answered it?
B. Or do you search the forums for your answer so you get your question answered in a few minutes of research?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
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Yes, people don't search... but you have to understand that sometimes people don't know what to search for also, since they are new to a product. So they post the best they can their question/concern. After all this is a forum discussion, where people talk.
When I started to use these forums, I never found what I was looking for as answer.

Stardate Tab 10.1 said:
I am new to android as I bought a Tab on release day in the u.s. In my 2 and half months of having the tab and being a member of xda I search the forums quite regularly and I have noticed something. This will make me sound like a real negative person, but I have noticed that the exact same questions get posted time and time again. I don't think a week can go by without someone asking how to get a full wallpaper or if the tab can get Netflix.
So I was wondering how many people do one of two options for forums...
A. When you have a question, do you just post it and wait a day to see if anyone answered it?
B. Or do you search the forums for your answer so you get your question answered in a few minutes of research?
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It does make you sound like a negative person. I really don't mind the repeated questions; many users here are not native English speakers and that can make searching difficult. Another problem is that very few people know how to spell anything correctly, which also makes searching a problem. If the new thread is in the Q+A section, no big deal. Some of us are not power users but we'd like to help new folks when they arrive (just like some folks helped us when we were new).
On the other hand, what really does bother me is when someone creates a new thread complaining about 1) some perceived flaw in the galaxy tab or; 2) some irritation with other users. Even worse is when it's just a rhetorical and self-righteous "question" and is titled something useless and uninformative like "poll."

slack04 said:
It does make you sound like a negative person. I really don't mind the repeated questions; many users here are not native English speakers and that can make searching difficult. Another problem is that very few people know how to spell anything correctly, which also makes searching a problem. If the new thread is in the Q+A section, no big deal. Some of us are not power users but we'd like to help new folks when they arrive (just like some folks helped us when we were new).
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They could at least try...

Sorry to offend you slack04. But if you hate people on this site who ridicule other users then why the attack on me? Isn't that a bit hypocritical?
I was just asking the community their thoughts on the issue. If you look at the forums you will see a wallpaper scaling post and if you scroll down the screen you will see 3 more of the same exact issue. No search is really required. It is just a matter of scrolling down a little bit. I know I have probably asked questions that have already been answered here, but after I searched for an answer. My question was meant as a more philosophical reasoning to searchering forums or just post question.
Hence the title poll. But I guess I could have titled the topic better.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium


Is there someway we can have one thread for all the complainers?

I do want to know about legitimate problems with the phone but having it all on one thread would help everyone out to know they could click on ONE thread to find all problems and of course the complainers would have somewhere to vent without pages and pages of the same complaint
Or maybe make a poll
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I think the short answer is no.
Depends, can complaining about the complainers be moved there too?
Telling everyone to search would kind of suck if all issues are moved into one big thread. The default search is just titles IIRC.
Actually, putting all of the complaints, problems, and questions regarding this phone into ONE thread would make things 1000 times harder. The key is putting these threads in the appropriate 'section'. Questions, complaints, or basically ANYTHING not related to the development of the phone belongs in the 'general' section. Its keeps the forum organized and helps people find what they're looking for a lot faster. If you were to put everything into one thread, you're basically eliminating the 'search' feature, which first searches thread titles.
A moderator could really clean shop in here. I could pay a mod to delete about half the thread created today. People who are new to android, and/or this forum clearly don't understand what XDA is about... I know I ask what may seem like dumb questions, but I also help others who are genuinely seeking help, but if I are crying over the Internet about your phone (which some on here do not even own), well I could get banned for telling you what I think of you.
A new forum section would make more sense.
Pneumatic said:
A new
forum section would make more sense.
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Vibrant whining section? Now that gets my vote.
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There are always a select few that just love to complain and act like the few people that have their same issues equals "everyone". I've seen it everywhere and right now, it's more tiring than anything.
Refer them to my post!
LOL! On one hand it is great to have all these new people excited about Android and purchasing the devices.
On the other hand it sure would be nice if they could join a couple of forums and put all the "General" discussion on the other forums and come here to discuss development, modding, and themeing.... But, it just ain't going to happen!
neema said:
Vibrant whining section? Now that gets my vote.
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I've been lurking here for awhile and only recently have been paying close attention since getting an EVO. This is a general rant and obviously cant be applied to every person and Im not saying at all that the forum is not a good resource but....
This forum is by far THE worst i have seen with reposts and redundant questions. Its ridiculous... you get literally 10 threads on the first page with the same topic, and within a thread you get the same question being asked and answered literally 3 posts away from the last time. How is a forum that is supposed to be technical THIS bad with simple reading!?
Threads are basically useless past the first post because because its hundreds of pages of repeated questions after.
For god's sake people, READ. I dont care how excites you are about finding out something everyone else already knew, check to see if theres a thread already. And stop asking questions that have been answered a hundred times already.
I agree 100%!
I think when you first sign up there should be like a 4 day waiting period before you are allowed your first post. This way, either they will start reading and find the solution or leave and we won't have to worry about it.
EDIT: I know this doesn't apply to people already registered but most are people with low post counts who post repeated topics.
churchwin88 said:
I agree 100%!
I think when you first sign up there should be like a 4 day waiting period before you are allowed your first post. This way, either they will start reading and find the solution or leave and we won't have to worry about it.
EDIT: I know this doesn't apply to people already registered but most are people with low post counts who post repeated topics.
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That is a pretty good idea you just came up with there!
Frankly this forum has turned to trash which is why most of the serious posters don't even bother with it.
Aridon said:
Frankly this forum has turned to trash which is why most of the serious posters don't even bother with it.
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Then where do those serious posters post?
yeah there are waaay to many people who basically just want someone else to do everything for them, and dont want to actually search for themselves. frankly i think its US the people who know how to use a forum properly, that should NOT be paying attention to these people. i wish people would just not respond to all those lazy people who just want to be spoonfed on what to do. if you think our evo forum is bad lol imagine if we had an IPHONE forum LOL
Freelancerx said:
if you think our evo forum is bad lol imagine if we had an IPHONE forum LOL
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Thanks, now I am going to have nightmares.
yeah i mean i pretty much almost never go into the Q&A section, and general section because 90% of whats in there is a bunch "i dont know how to do this please tell me how" probably because those people never finished their freshman year in college and actually learned how to do proper research... but oh well, i mean the only forum i check is the development one, it seems to slowly be getting better and better. very slowly.
I agree with the OP, however, this is simply a side effect from the forum hitting the mainstream. At almost 3 million users, it is simply impossible not to get these kinds of people. The development forum is a lot better though since it's better curated.
I've learned to simply ignore it and move along. Trust me, it could be way worse.
how do i root my phone... I'm kidding of course
sent from satan fone!
I think I know how to clean up the redundant threads a little bit.
The forum administrator could change the input field for naming your new thread into a hidden Google search box!
So then people type their new topic into the box and WHAMMO suddenly there is >3,000,000 solutions right in their face before they even begin to start writing the body of the post.
The thread starter must then click on a minimum number of links from the googled solutions before they are allowed to actually post their question with a new thread!
Problem solved....
Unfortunately, the search in the XDA app sux.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
the problem is it's frustrating for everyone.
and also not to point fingers but there's only one way to really curb the problem.
More information available more easily.
Better more acccurate more updated Wiki or compilation of ALL the basics.
Also, for everyone that starts a thread you need to put in more details, Sometimes I'm amazed at how a developer can master putting everything for the phone together and then post a thread saying..... Here's my rom WEE clicky here, done.
DETAILS install, how to when where what, update and keep things updated.
most of the stuff I can navigate threw myself and thats fine but sometimes theres like 300 pages and your getting no where, if your the thread starter and you add something important to the conversation mid thread, edit your first post.
As far as people posting stupid VERY simple repetitive questions, just try and search it first please, ugh.
I agree with the xda app search sucks.. i get low data speed here in wisconsin usually 30kb/s or under so dont use the internet for the site.. the search should be able to sure certain forums that would help alot of people out who do actually use the search but hard finding it with the app search..
sent from my Evo
Also alot of people dont word the topic right or even have what they are asking about.. like today someone put... help!. Had good info on radios but someone thats looking up the same thing wont run into it.
sent from my Evo
Now that I think about it, the hardest thing to do is run through a 200 page topic and actually pull useful information out of it. An example:
The first 500 replys are:
Will DL when I get home...
Downloading now
ect, ect for 500 pages
Then you finally get to the meat of the topic when you no longer see "downloading now" and you start to see "my 4gee's no workie" for another 150 pages only to realize that the answer to all of those questions was in the OP that nobody read!
This cycle goes on and on and it's nearly impossible to gather intelligence from chaos like that.
this is probably the 10th topic about this....just sayin
In your third paragraph, you repeated yourself by saying "because" twice. Practice what you preach. If you think you can do it better, go start your own forum.
I'm just bs'ing/being a smartass. You are okay to have your opinion. I can understand when a person gets in a mood and needs to rant to vent some frustrations. You may also have some valid points.
My parting thought:
It can be said in many different ways. Instead of complaining about something you don't agree with or like, might I make a suggestion to volunteer yourself to make things better. Trying to focus on solutions instead of problems.
Don't get me wrong. I'm no saint. Some people really irritate the crap out of me too, plus, I know I'm not mr personality either.
The mods have their hands full (I'm sure that's an understatement). If you can do your good deed for the day and help out a newb, then you are giving back.
:end of rant:
This forum desperately needs more moderation. I messaged toast over a month ago with this suggestion and offered my help as I have moderated other forums. He never even bothered to respond.
For a tech forum,moderation is the difference between good and lousy. Self policing can only go so far.
As for the search, there is no problem with it. VB is the most popular forum software for a reason. It works very well. Pro tip: 99% of your searches should be title only.
Mad06STi said:
I've been lurking here for awhile and only recently have been paying close attention since getting an EVO. This is a general rant and obviously cant be applied to every person and Im not saying at all that the forum is not a good resource but....
This forum is by far THE worst i have seen with reposts and redundant questions. Its ridiculous... you get literally 10 threads on the first page with the same topic, and within a thread you get the same question being asked and answered literally 3 posts away from the last time. How is a forum that is supposed to be technical THIS bad with simple reading!?
Threads are basically useless past the first post because because its hundreds of pages of repeated questions after.
For god's sake people, READ. I dont care how excites you are about finding out something everyone else already knew, check to see if theres a thread already. And stop asking questions that have been answered a hundred times already.
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The big problem is when people get their EVO, they realize their battery lasts 20 minutes out of the box. They then get on google and try to find out how to increase their battery life. They find an article on some douchebag blog talking about rooting their phone. These people then google rooting their phone and all signs point to XDA. Sometimes they know a guy or have a friend of a friend who told them to "root" their phone, skipping the first step.
This is exactly why there are 100 repeated questions/threads. Everyone is directed to this website from various other websites. So you will get people who want instant answers and don't want to wade through tons of replies/text.

Why all the hate? Kinda ridiculous.

You know I kinda debated about starting this thread but I finally read enough smartass-think-they-are-better-than-everyone-posts. Im a member on countless electonics forums with thousands of posts with the same user name I might add and this forum kinda tops them all as far as "rude people". Yes, I might be "newer" to these forums, but while most of you were in elementary school, I was working on computers, installing networks and doing competition car audio.
Now lets start.
Why were forums made? For the masses to gather and share information, ideas, buy & sell, meet others and just down right chat to one another. *And for people that got picked on in their school days and decide to be a jerk online because they want to feel better about themselves.*
It seems like almost every single thread I read there is someone that asks the "standard question" that has probably been answered numerous times and then you get the standard response. "Well if you would of read, you would know the answer." Instead of being a douche, you could of just typed the answer, gained more post counts and could of probably got your Thanks Meter up another notch.
I love the answer, "Thats what the search feature is for." Well I'm sure almost all of you have tried to search and maybe your search wasnt bigger than 3 letters which gets excluded or so many other queries come that dont get even come close to answering your question. Sometimes its like trying to find waldo in a book with really really big freaking pages.
Then the, "If you would of read the whole thread you would know the answer" response. Well jesus, do you guys realize how fast some of these threads move? Damn, I can make a post, go to bed, wake up and noticed during the overnight the thread gains 10+ pages. Now imagine you are someone new to this, you have read the stickies, done a few searches, got their phone rooted ok but then notice a bug so they ask the "standard question". Well when you have an ungodly amount of threads and an even bigger number of actual posts sometimes its like finding a needle in a haystack. When just asking a question (Which is what forums were made for) can sometimes save you hours of searching thousands of threads.
Some of the people on this forum just need to be patient and help people out, instead being an ASS. We were all newbies once. And we will all be newbies to some other subject in the future. "Can't we all just get along"
And before anyone does the standard flaming. No, this did not happen to me. Search my screen names for posts if you wish. I just hate seeing in almost every 500+ page thread were someone asks a question and the next few people have some sort of smartass answer.
Just be nice, answer the question and watch your Thanks Meter go up. Simple as that.
If people werent asking questions then these forums wouldnt even be a quarter of the size they are now.
Thanks for reading. Have a great day.
Also, thanks to all the Devs that have spent countless days and sleepless nights to help all of us have a more enjoyable experience with our phones.
Uhh, there are already a few threads talking about the same rants, next time search before you create a thread......
LMAO, ok sorry. I couldn't help myself,
quietstorm said:
Uhh, there are already a few threads talking about the same rants, next time search before you create a thread......
LMAO, ok sorry. I couldn't help myself,
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I enjoyed that comment.
sminker said:
I enjoyed that comment.
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Thanks bro, but you are right though, there is a little to much tension at times around here. I have been a member of this site for many years, I had another account but I forgot my name and password so I created this one about three years ago. My point is, I been coming here for over 5 years or so and I am on this site damn near every single day but I never post much if ever. I usually search for what I am looking for at best and then just move on while avoiding the stupid crap. I am also a member of sprintusers, ppcgeeks, androidforums and a few others and they all seem to have their fare share of idiots. Since xda is probably the largest site with the most traffic compared to the others I guess you run the risk of seeing more idiots here as well.
Well said sminker. If people do not like what people post they are just better off keeping it to themselves. Be part of solution not the problem.
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Thanks for the replies. Nice to know I wasnt flamed immediately.
I find XDA to be pretty friendly. The worst tech forums are the tool bags at MacForums that place has a yon of negative and rude posters
Zorachus said:
I find XDA to be pretty friendly. The worst tech forums are the tool bags at MacForums that place has a yon of negative and rude posters
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Doesnt surprise me. Gotta keep your eye on those Mac users. They are a breed of their own.
i hate the 'wrong section' trolls. just let the mods quietly move it, and dont comment. be happy, dont hate.
very well said.
Thanks for bringing this up. This issue really is annoying. I totally agree. But, it's the internet and jerks will be jerks.
cdszoke said:
Thanks for bringing this up. This issue really is annoying. I totally agree. But, it's the internet and jerks will be jerks.
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Sir you are completely right. People can and will act completely different in this "Alternate Universe" than they will in real life. Why? Becuase they can and it makes them feel a little more "Alpha".
Hey I remember being new to a certain forum not this one though, and asking a simple question. The regular jerks of the forum proceeded to try to make me feel like an idiot. Needless to say my feelings weren't hurt but I guess it's that "Alpha Male" complex.
haha those jerks on the iphone-developers wont reply at all. i'm experiencing being a noob again with my ipad.
ps: any of you helpful xda people kno more than a thing or two about tinyumbrella and shsh/jailbreak stuff?
dkdude36 said:
haha those jerks on the iphone-developers wont reply at all. i'm experiencing being a noob again with my ipad.
ps: any of you helpful xda people kno more than a thing or two about tinyumbrella and shsh/jailbreak stuff?
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If i did, i would help you out. But Im holding off for the 2nd gen Ipad.
I agree, but change your title from REDiculous to ridiculous
sminker said:
If i did, i would help you out. But Im holding off for the 2nd gen Ipad.
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hah i was going to, and held for 3 months, but then school started and i needed something to type on, so....
DirtyShroomz said:
I agree, but change your title from REDiculous to ridiculous
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Thanks Given. Should of checked my spelling better.
Well said nice thread more people need to read this. There are many folks here on xda that have helped me over the years, and I lend a hand to those in need when I can. Thanks
Maybe it was REDiculous for a resin. I have bee. Aroubg these forums reading and not trying to post. Let's get a forums back the doing better for our phones not flaing and contributing instead.( ill get flamed for that. Everyone gets pissed at some point but leave it out of here. Or at lesast try lazy trolls.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Oh yeah, the reality for that is some people( no specifics at all just in general) think they have a ten foot long e ****
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

Not your typical rant.......

First off let me say that this is not against Sprint or Samsung (shocker). I know my way around a computer but am no way a developer. Before I ever loaded a rom I read and did my research it took me betweem 24 to 48 hours before I felt confident enough to root and flash and if I had any questions I searched the forums for a solution. Its not hard. Now here comes the complaint. I know they say there are no stupid questions but damn, I see the same question over and over again when there are easily found answers right in front of your face. Don't be lazy and read, no one one here gets paid to answer your questions that have already been answered. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate questions because there are plenty of them and that's not what is bothering me at all. I guess what I'm trying to get at is do the effing research take your time and you will figure it out, and stop asking what is the best rom it is the most worthless question on here because no one can give you the right answer. One more thing if you do run into a problem try and figure it out before running to the computer and then maybe you could actually contribute. That's all sorry for such a long post.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Couldn't agree more. I've been a longtime member with a very low post count. Unless you're the first or second person to download a rom and notice a secific bug to report, the community is large enough that very rarely do you need to post as someone else already has.
Not to mention its a self perpetuating problem. If less people were posting the same thing 10 times, there would only be 1/10th the amount of posts to read through to find your answer to begin with.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
A lot of people say that, and yeah, people need to do some research first or something...but for some people..they really aren't being lazy or anything, they just really dont know that thats what they are supposed to do.
Let me put it like this..I saw this on my facebook yesterday. Someone I know was asking how somebody got their phone to look they way it did (the guy took a screenshot of his Vibrant with a Gingerbread theme). The guy told him to either ask me or to come to xda. Now, the guy who asked had a Hero and doesnt know what rooting is...he probably doesnt even know how a forum (or really, how this forum) works. So when he gets here, the first thing he'll do is register and make a thread asking that question. Since he'd be a new user, he wouldn't know how many times the question has been asked, hell, he wouldnt even really know where to look. It'd be his only question and to him, he thinks that he'll be able to get the answer and leave and its done.
Now, thats the only time I say we should tolerate such behavior. but for users that have been on here a while and have been posting and contributing, there's no excuse.
Typical rant.
You opened a new thread, clogging the front page just like those you hate.
The words you speak will never truly reach those who don't read before posting... by definition.
Waste of time and space, get over yourself.
Why does this bother people so much. Ignore the threads/questions if you have an issue with them. Some people aren't aware of the resources. Being a prick about it doesn't help. These same rants have been done over and over and over...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
What a SHOCKER! Another typical "non-typical" rant.
But, you know, you're right. No one should be allowed to post until they've read all 3000+ posts in this forum. No one is allowed to ask other's opinions on the best ROM. No one is allowed to think differently than you.
Wanna know why the HTC side is so good? It's not because HTC releases source code (You should have seen the community in the early days before anyone released code). It's because the users are helpful. They contribute. They don't rant.
You, and users like you, are the reason the community is falling apart. Get in there and answer some questions. Contribute. Post to the useful threads so they stay close to the top. Add to the Wiki. Don't sit around and complain. These forums are for everyone, not just you.
You have only 12 posts, and the only thing you can contribute is "restart your phone" or "use a different USB cable?"
Here's my plea for the mods to lock this thread before we spiral out of control. What do you mean, it's too late?
compuw22c said:
If less people were posting the same thing 10 times, there would only be 1/10th the amount of posts to read through to find your answer to begin with.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Or, you could post a like to the wiki, pointing the noobs in the right direction. Answer the question and the thread falls to the bottom, and useful stuff with high post counts rise to the top.
Here's an example:
"Hey man, totally get where you're coming from. Rooting seems tricky, but it's not. Here's the guides in the wiki. It's got most of your questions answered. The search is useful if you can't find it there. Glad to have you on XDA.
But I guess it's much more useful to post inane responses on useless threads. Crap floats.
ms79723 said:
A lot of people say that, and yeah, people need to do some research first or something...but for some people..they really aren't being lazy or anything, they just really dont know that thats what they are supposed to do.
Let me put it like this..I saw this on my facebook yesterday. Someone I know was asking how somebody got their phone to look they way it did (the guy took a screenshot of his Vibrant with a Gingerbread theme). The guy told him to either ask me or to come to xda. Now, the guy who asked had a Hero and doesnt know what rooting is...he probably doesnt even know how a forum (or really, how this forum) works. So when he gets here, the first thing he'll do is register and make a thread asking that question. Since he'd be a new user, he wouldn't know how many times the question has been asked, hell, he wouldnt even really know where to look. It'd be his only question and to him, he thinks that he'll be able to get the answer and leave and its done.
Now, thats the only time I say we should tolerate such behavior. but for users that have been on here a while and have been posting and contributing, there's no excuse.
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I don't buy that at all. If you've been on the internet more than 10 minutes, searching should always be your first instinct.
flat out, most people just dont even know what to search for, keywords will get you the right information, but also knowing the key words is what is troubling the new people.
I'm also one of those old members with years of lurking experience, because i know to search. But, at the same time, i don't tell people to do it. He'll i barley give advice... Mainly because i just come here, give rep, and get what info I need and then leave.
Let the forums grow i say... the more questions are asked, the easier they can be answered later, because of the keywords aspect. If someone doesnt know the keywords, they will ask a question with wrong ones, and then get corrected. and later down the line, someone searching with the same wrong keywords can find the answer... At least i hope it works out like that, i would like to think it does to some degree...
Anyways... my 2c
The only problem I have with searching is this: my laptop crashed a while back so I haver to search with the phone and xda app. The xda app search sucks. It brings up irrelevant posts. So since i can't use the search feature, unless I go to the site through the web browser, I just read the wiki and search post by post lol. I am for the side that says, if you don't like the post don't read it. Be helpful, not insane. Some attitudes on here are equivalent to some one coming up to you on a street, new to the town, and asking where mcdonalds is, and some of your responses would be: Look up in the sky for the big f?%#ing golden arches before I shot you in the head with my glock. That is a little over board. I say search, but if the didn't don't get mad.
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic http://mobilepi.wordpress.com/
JettMartinez said:
I don't buy that at all. If you've been on the internet more than 10 minutes, searching should always be your first instinct.
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Man, more people are familiar with school than the internet...and in school you usually ask the teachers questions before you whip out your book to find the answer. Most people also try to act like themselves online like they do in real life...and since in a real life situation there more likely to ask a question than search for the answer...so first instinct would probably be asking that question, that is, if you arent used to forums (specifically this one).
Very serious business.
warrior420 said:
flat out, most people just dont even know what to search for, keywords will get you the right information, but also knowing the key words is what is troubling the new people.
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When you see question, give an answer. At least point them to the wiki so they can learn the things to search for.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I have more of a problem with the **** stains that walk in and flame you than with noobies posting the same questions again and again. In fact im pretty sure there are more posts accumulated bashing noobs than there are noob question posts. Swing that pendelum the other way. Your the problem. Stfu and contribute or don't enter the post. Better yet log out. Usually the ones that ***** are the ones that spend way too much time on here. Only ones that get to complain are devs cuz we owe it to them
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RushAOZ said:
I have more of a problem with the **** stains that walk in and flame you than with noobies posting the same questions again and again. In fact im pretty sure there are more posts accumulated bashing noobs than there are noob question posts. Swing that pendelum the other way. Your the problem. Stfu and contribute or don't enter the post. Better yet log out. Usually the ones that ***** are the ones that spend way too much time on here. Only ones that get to complain are devs cuz we owe it to them
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This is just about the most typical rant you can find on this board.. 1000 miles away from non typical
Elite11b said:
First off let me say that this is not against Sprint or Samsung (shocker). I know my way around a computer but am no way a developer. Before I ever loaded a rom I read and did my research it took me betweem 24 to 48 hours before I felt confident enough to root and flash and if I had any questions I searched the forums for a solution. Its not hard. Now here comes the complaint. I know they say there are no stupid questions but damn, I see the same question over and over again when there are easily found answers right in front of your face. Don't be lazy and read, no one one here gets paid to answer your questions that have already been answered. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate questions because there are plenty of them and that's not what is bothering me at all. I guess what I'm trying to get at is do the effing research take your time and you will figure it out, and stop asking what is the best rom it is the most worthless question on here because no one can give you the right answer. One more thing if you do run into a problem try and figure it out before running to the computer and then maybe you could actually contribute. That's all sorry for such a long post.
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Can a brother get a carriage return?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Failing to search occurs in ANY forum out there. The difference with the Epic scene is we have more self-proclaimed moderators than any board I am a member of. There are simply too many people trigger happy to call out a “noob” who may or may not know what it is that they are looking for.
It’s a shame that we are so quick to assume that someone is lazy.
I am here several times a day. More often than not, you will see folks spending more time correcting other’s forum posting etiquette than actually helping or contributing. In the other forums I frequent (mostly cars), the members actually help one another and asking questions, regardless of them previously posted, is no problem at all.
Go figure, the forums where mistakes cost A LOT more money in damages is stress-free compared to one that can almost always be fixed with a good old odin.
I definitly feel like an ass for posting this in the first place. I guess I should have been more specific when I posted. I apologize to anyone I offended. I have no problem helping anyone that needs help it just aggravates me when people ask a question one a thread that was answered on the previous page. But whatever I honestly don't give two squirts what people think about me.
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Elite11b said:
I definitly feel like an ass for posting this in the first place. I guess I should have been more specific when I posted. I apologize to anyone I offended. I have no problem helping anyone that needs help it just aggravates me when people ask a question one a thread that was answered on the previous page. But whatever I honestly don't give two squirts what people think about me.
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I think you were saying what you felt and there is no harm in that. You were not out of line in the way you said it. It was simply something you felt like expressing.
I don’t believe your last sentence though. It contradicts your first sentence.
No it's true I just regret not being more specific about what I was saying. Anyway life is full of contradictions
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Stop being so freaking mean

Dudes, I'm all for arguing but your going a bit too far.
Recently I've seen more than plenty of people getting pissed at newbies because they ask a commonly asked question.
They don't call them newbies because they know everything I just want you to take it a bit easier on them.
Who knows that newbie might be the next Dev that amazes us.
I'm sure most of you weren't treated like **** when you first joined and asked a question or made a error...
Just calm down and remember their new and they will learn.
P.s. I hope I don't sound like a hippie.
Sent from Bionix powered vibrant! If I helped, hit the thanks button!
it's not really new. it's been like that in the vibrant section since i started coming to it back in like june....
but i agree.
You have some good points! At the same time some of the frustration people have on here is that people or newbies don't use yhe search option.
They go and asked the same question that was asked a page back or so!
The newbies are getting more and more lazy and aren't doing enough research before they ask a question!
I'm not an expert at any of this stuff, but when I got started with all this flashing stuff last year I did my homework are researched everything I could before I did my first flash!
If I had a question or even today when I have a question I make sure I browse the tread to see if I find the answer or use the search option before I go posting it for the 100th time!
Just my 2¢!
Rockin that Bionix V 1.2 w/ Androdena V4
funeralthirst said:
it's not really new. it's been like that in the vibrant section since i started coming to it back in like june....
but i agree.
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The interwebz has always been this way. You should of seen the G1 forums back on the day. I have noticed recently though that this happens when the natives get restless... aka: there are no new Roms or updates to flash and/or ppl check the forums way tooooo much and so it turns into the state we have now.
This will never end just to let you know. PMs and reporting post work wonders.
Know this. It isnt just these threads for this forum.
Its Apart of life and people get very fustrated with it. Case in point I had a guy call me at work and ask me how to work his computer.
Its people like this customer that make my head hurt.
He then proceed's to ask me how to get internet.
I say sir you must call att or timewarner or who ever can provide internet to you.
He then says " cant I just sign up over the internet with a credit card"
I think to myself "how in the hell are you going to sign up for internet over the internet when you do not have internet.
point of this is 1) its funny! 2) I get how you feel I use to get very fustrated with this sight. Some people just do not read or comprehend what we do. Other times I am just as dumb as they are.
xriderx66 said:
Dudes, I'm all for arguing but your going a bit too far.
Recently I've seen more than plenty of people getting pissed at newbies because they ask a commonly asked question.
They don't call them newbies because they know everything I just want you to take it a bit easier on them.
Who knows that newbie might be the next Dev that amazes us.
I'm sure most of you weren't treated like **** when you first joined and asked a question or made a error...
Just calm down and remember their new and they will learn.
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htc2364 said:
You have some good points! At the same time some of the frustration people have on here is that people or newbies don't use yhe search option.
They go and asked the same question that was asked a page back or so!
The newbies are getting more and more lazy and aren't doing enough research before they ask a question!
I'm not an expert at any of this stuff, but when I got started with all this flashing stuff last year I did my homework are researched everything I could before I did my first flash!
If I had a question or even today when I have a question I make sure I browse the tread to see if I find the answer or use the search option before I go posting it for the 100th time!
Just my 2¢!
Rockin that Bionix V 1.2 w/ Androdena V4
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Both points, have hit the marks!
I started to search for the newbie's and just post them as answers to people that are new to this.
But if i don't have the time of my life (I have a family too, and i'm damn old for this, lol), then I would just answer but with a courteous and politely tell them to search next time.
All~G1 said:
The interwebz has always been this way. You should of seen the G1 forums back on the day. I have noticed recently though that this happens when the natives get restless... aka: there are no new Roms or updates to flash and/or ppl check the forums way tooooo much and so it turns into the state we have now.
This will never end just to let you know. PMs and reporting post work wonders.
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LOL, yeah, G1 days was...umm... let's just say, it was 'busy'. Shoot, the Symbian forums in the olden days was the same. People pester me with updates and crap, and making this change, and do that.... Oy.
I agree with All~G1, sometimes there are 'certain users' who can't take a joke, or too serious, or just plain jerk. So those I do report to Mods and it does work wonders...
The problem is that people expect everyone else to take time to help them but don't take anytime to help themselves (ie, searching for a solution before asking for one)
Ill admit I'm a noob to the android bit but to the tech or fourm world but iv learned in my years the google and forum search are your best friends when learnong something new that's how I found this site. However I have noticed that some threads on here may have 1000+ replys and the forum search here as with most boards don't always put you close to the answer you need so and I can see how other noobs who really arnt familuar with forums like this could find it overwhelimg trying to go through that amount of posts
Sent from my hero running froyo with the XDA APP
Like any forum, search is your friend. You have a problem? First search and check stickies before asking. Them are the laws of the internets plain and simple. I'm not the most educated when it comes to android, but I try and answer questions the best I can to help out. When I see pages 1,2 and three of general chat all asking for help about kies update to 2.2, I get pissed too.
I think vibrant members are on the nicer side of the spectrum.
I understand using search isn't that hard, but new users may not be familiar to vbulletin forums and search feautures, but yes most of them don't even bother.
i went from stock 2.1 to rooted 2.2 flagship v4 just by using the search button. getting pissed might be going a bit far, but they do deserve a good jerkin!
I highly doubt a newbie or n00b who expects everything handed to him and his phone to be automagically rooted and flashed with roms will be the next greatest developer and i haven't even heard anyone be called a newbie ever in any forum but i get where your coming from
whatever5 said:
I highly doubt a newbie or n00b who expects everything handed to him and his phone to be automagically rooted and flashed with roms will be the next greatest developer and i haven't even heard anyone be called a newbie ever in any forum but i get where your coming from
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Lol automagically... i'm writing that one down
Sent from Bionix powered vibrant! If I helped, hit the thanks button!
xriderx66 said:
P.s. I hope I don't sound like a hippie.
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A little bit but you are right, I don't know why but the Vibrant crowd get REALLY rough and terse...... people need to show some compassion.........we were all newbies at one time........ good post
Search really isn't that hard. I've been flashing roms on here since Bionix 4 for 2.1 and I never did so until I read the stickies and did research. It's sad that they're not used as much as they should be and it's even sadder that in this day and age, searching key phrases for specific information is still comparable to college level calculus for many internet users.
Sent from my Bionix-V powered Samsung Vibrant that I customized by actually using search intelligently and never cluttering threads. Imagine that!
i haven't been around here for so long but i already know how devs and the experienced get so easily pissed at noob questions. i refrain myself from asking questions AT LEAST in dev threads unless it's absolutely necessary and my googling and searching forums wouldn't give me any clues.
i think devs must have been pretty passionate and must have offered to help, but with growing number of noobs-not all noobs- throwing dumb questions, making threads run hundreds of pages, i understand being passionate no longer is possible
Is there a newbie or beginner section? I think I looked at the xda forum a year ago and it just overwhelmed me at one point where I just didn't care about rooting. Then I met the samsung vibrant and it frustrated me to no end where I had to start reading up a little bit.

