Petition Against Software Patents - Galaxy S II General

I'm not terribly optimistic this will go anywhere, but I signed it because I consider software patents to be the scourge of the software industry. They are especially deadly for start-ups and small companies working on innovative new products - exactly the people patents are supposed to protect.

Why ? They steal expensive tech from Apple, then make it worse and cash in on it.
No signature from me ever on this....

"Why ? They steal expensive tech from Apple, then make it worse and cash in on it.
No signature from me ever on this....”
You're an idiot

Nice nick, future client of Gehenna

Apple tried to do this with computers and Internet 25 years ago. Ibm stepped in and freely gave it out to the world.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.

lynzoid said:
Why ? They steal expensive tech from Apple, then make it worse and cash in on it.
No signature from me ever on this....
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First of all, Apple is very good to steal techs and stuffs from others and then later call it for revolutionary, amazing, incredible and wonderfull. And then later goes and sues everyone that steals something from Apple again.
And secondly. Apple should in the first place not sue others for stealing when Apple is stealing all the time themself.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA. people steal from Apple.
It has been done. But Apple has stolen so much, and merely gone over-board on the marketing campaigns, making their products out to be something they're not.
Even though it won't happen. I'll sign......scratch that. Only USA

daivik said:
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA. people steal from Apple.
It has been done. But Apple has stolen so much, and merely gone over-board on the marketing campaigns, making their products out to be something they're not.
Even though it won't happen. I'll sign......scratch that. Only USA
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mostly ppl make their own stuff and patent trolls companies with patents for years yet who do nothing with those patents keep suing companies like apple and htc who make real stuff it is annoying.


Apple coming after HTC

Just saw this headline. I'm guessing it'll be multitouch related. Or maybe uni-body construction on the Legend? In any case, looks like it'll get ugly (especially if Google gets involved), though hopefully in the end some of their overly broad and generic patents will get invalidated.
Apple Goes After HTC In Lawsuit Over 20 iPhone Patents
That whole company is a bunch of f*cking scumbags
blankd3ckskat3r said:
That whole company is a bunch of f*cking scumbags
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Apple getting a lil worried are we?
blankd3ckskat3r said:
That whole company is a bunch of f*cking scumbags
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Steve Jobs is a f'ing genius!
I am sure some of you will remember back when apple was trading for a 1.50 a share!
F'ing genius I tell ya!
Android gains some ground and this is how the fight competitors?
Roman G said:
Steve Jobs is a f'ing genius!
I am sure some of you will remember back when apple was trading for a 1.50 a share!
F'ing genius I tell ya!
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He might be a genious but he's a scumbag and so is every one of his employees. I for one am sick of hearing about this company. They make crap products at way over the top prices. The iPhone revelotionized phones but if u think abut it, its 5 year old technology making it seem like its new. Its ridiculous, its an idiots phone.
I am curious to see if HTC is going to file a counter suit similar to Nokia's, Apple is a newcomer when it comes to cell phones. I am quite sure that HTC has plenty of patents that could be interpreted as being infringed upon by Apple.
I am just happy that these companies are helping to support lawyers during this slow economic time.
Of course, Why actually build a product that educated people can use? Apple wants drones of morons to use their products. Best way to steal HTC and Googles market share back? Offer a product we don't want and eliminate the chance of someone else competeing with a better product. Then we are forced into an Apple way of life. Locked in to no extendable memory, unreplaceable batteries, and no usable file structure.
blankd3ckskat3r said:
He might be a genious but he's a scumbag and so is every one of his employees. I for one am sick of hearing about this company. They make crap products at way over the top prices. The iPhone revelotionized phones but if u think abut it, its 5 year old technology making it seem like its new. Its ridiculous, its an idiots phone.
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I agree partly. I think Jobs should quit being a greedy ***** and be happy in being a leader and innovator of a piece of history. I guess the family of Henry Ford should start suing all of the other current car makers for producing a mobile vehicle with an engine, and then while he is at it he can sue everyone that uses a production line. Maybe the Wright brothers should sue all plane makers. I mean come on, move on and make something even more innovative Jobs if youre such a "genius"!
mercado79 said:
...though hopefully in the end some of their overly broad and generic patents will get invalidated.
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Sorry, but this is the whole point of writing patents. Make it as broad and generic as possible so you have a stronghold over your IP. You make more money that way ...
Its probably multi-touch related, which is what Apple's gone after everyone else for. They'll settle, and HTC will license Apple's patent and go about their business.
I'm kind of curious to see if this pushes back the date of us getting 2.1 for our phones honestly. Also gizmodo has the list of patents that there going after.
kbizzle said:
I agree partly. I think Jobs should quit being a greedy ***** and be happy in being a leader and innovator of a piece of history. I guess the family of Henry Ford should start suing all of the other current car makers for producing a mobile vehicle with an engine, and then while he is at it he can sue everyone that uses a production line. Maybe the Wright brothers should sue all plane makers. I mean come on, move on and make something even more innovative Jobs if youre such a "genius"!
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Now that I do agree with!
It amazes me that apple technology was so far ahead of the game that it has taken other companys this long to catch up with them! They are so used to being at the top when someone else comes along they get scared, and yes i would agree that it is greed, but they would not be where they are without said greed!
And no I am not an apple fanboy, I don't even own an apple product! I just have lots of respect for guys like Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates, they are innovators and do what needs to be done to stay that way! Anyone that can take a company like apple and turn it around like Steve Jobs is a stud in my book!
Gizmodo has the full list of infringement
None of the infringements are related to multitouch. I don't think apple even owns that patent, multitouch wasn't invented by them.
This law suit is just full of ****. "Swiping to unlock the screen?" basically all touchscreen phones have that feature now.
xdarkfluxx said:
Gizmodo has the full list of infringement
None of the infringements are related to multitouch. I don't think apple even owns that patent, multitouch wasn't invented by them.
This law suit is just full of ****. "Swiping to unlock the screen?" basically all touchscreen phones have that feature now.
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And what about all of the devs that have created swipe to unlock software? Is he gonna nitpick at them too? "Come here humble dev, let me smack your hand for taking our idea and making it better!"
Double thread.

Approve/Disapprove of Apples suing HTC

I would like to see what people think.
wth!!! that is retarded!!
How can the government even grant most of these patents? You invent the wheel, sure it makes life MUCH simpler for everyone, you deserve a patent. You start using latex instead of sheep skins for condom production - bravo - grant a patent. On the other hand, all these iPhone patents do is stifle innovation and overload the legal system. Plus, most of these "patents" are so vague that they're virtually guaranteed to have precedent by someone other than Apple patent holders. Really hope Google steps into this frey and not only helps HTC to squash Apple's claims, but also publically lay into the patent office for granting these things in the first place.
Good god almighty, those are ****ing stupid patents to grant.
bundys said:
How can the government even grant most of these patents? You invent the wheel, sure it makes life MUCH simpler for everyone, you deserve a patent. You start using latex instead of sheep skins for condom production - bravo - grant a patent. On the other hand, all these iPhone patents do is stifle innovation and overload the legal system. Plus, most of these "patents" are so vague that they're virtually guaranteed to have precedent by someone other than Apple patent holders. Really hope Google steps into this frey and not only helps HTC to squash Apple's claims, but also publically lay into the patent office for granting these things in the first place.
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Exactly. I hope this goes toward deconstructing the patent system and exposing for what it truly is--not a protection for intellectual property, but a tool for naked corporate greed.
Steve Jobs is a big fat ****....
He's going after android. Check this
Steve Jobs is an idiot. He cant handle any competition, he knows his device is inferior and cant handle that. He is shaking in his boots right now with the rapid growth of android. I really hope Google/HTC give him a big F you and put him in his place.
What's the point of this poll?
Who the heck in this forum is going to vote Yes?
No one will, except of course for DMaverick and pr0cl1v1ty.
Am I the only thinking that this would be the perfect time for google to start showing Ads on TV with the theme of look what our device can do that the iphone cant?
I would pay good money to see the look on Steve Jobs face the first time he sees this.
HTC should sue Apple for being stupid.
Software patents need to go, but how much you wanna bet that this is about Apple pre-emptively suing HTC before HTC sue *them*? I bet this is a face-saving measure. They'll cross-license and that will be the end of it.
I do agree that Apple has at least something to hold against HTC *cough* Android *cough* what comes to the patent infringements. In addition I also think that this is some laughable and needless muscle flexing on Apple's part and to think that it wouldn't be regarded as a proxy attack at Android and Google is just preposterous.
Come whatever may since this is going to get really ugly but I think Apple is not going to be the one coming out on top.
What an easy way to get money by licensing the patents...see what Nokia is doing on now even Apple settles a deal with Nokia Apple may not need to get a penny out from its pocket...
Steve Jobs will talk **** about Android but he's too scared to sue Google so he sues HTC..haha thats a good one Steve, how about you go back into hiding
jp_macaroni said:
HTC should sue Apple for being stupid.
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Better yet, HTC should pull out the big guns (Microsoft) to sue them
Checkers or Chess?
Not cool Apple....especially since you stole from xerox etc(oh and Steve spoke of blatantly stealing from others)....but if you want to get to the root of it all Apple feels extremely threatened by Google/Android....Google is all about innovation and in Androids infant stages they blew Google off. Remember how much Apple used google maps to sell the iPhone when it was 1st introduced(the irony)....Now Android is growing up and its more of a competitor. But if you go against one you have to go against all of the companies with custom versions of Android in one way or another....I think the company that everyone keeps forgetting about is Palm...They were the catalysts for the mobile OS's we love today....The only reason HTC is in the crossfire is because of the Sense UI. But if you attack Sense UI, then you must attack Blur, Rachael, Dell's custom UI, and TouchWiz....(Thats HTC, Motorola, Sony Ericcson, Dell and Samsung) So instead of Apple focusing on bringing innovative products and services it chooses to contend with Google in a very risky game of chess. I personally feel many of Apple's policies slow innovation and impede competition.(app store**cough**) Apple I hope you get taught a humbling lesson.
If you read the breakdown of all the patents that they claim have been infringed upon, you can easily see that these would not only apply to Android, but a large variety of desktop operating systems and mobile oses as well.
I am sorry but what apple is doing with their iphone and mobile OS platform is just not good for growth long term; i will however give them the benefit of the doubt as far as short term growth but long term they are only hurting themselves unless they really can get the government to uphold all these patents...
personally i think these patents are so pathetic and i do not think the government had any clue what they were patenting when they actually allowed apple to get the patents that they did... the government nor did anyone else have any clue what the mobile world would like like it does now, 3 years ago when those patents were first granted... i mean, can you imagine the money the guy who patented urinal cakes makes if he invented and patented those things right after urinals were invented? some technology is better left unprotected by uncle same for the good of advancement... how the hell can you have a patent on a screen that registers multiple touches to it? that is the most unorthodox thing i think i have ever heard in my life... apple put out a great product, no doubt but they are going about every wrong direction in keeping their product and legacy alive... continue to innovate rather than play defense behind lawyers... i would rather buy from a continuously innovative company that promotes the growth of their products rather than a company who puts out 1 good product and then attacks everyone else to keep their product at the top, and thats just a matter of respect for a business...
I will admit, when the iphone first came out, that was the gadget to have and it was hands down the best phone and to some extent still is... apple has controlled every aspect of the phones growth and has more/less been very opposing to the group of jailbreakers and iphone hackers that have tried to bring 3rd party software to the phones (remember those updates that bricked a lot of peoples phones?). But with that said there comes a time where a company needs to let go, they did great at getting the phone, and to a certain extent, the entire mobile market really moving but after awhile they need to let things go and realize that they have already created a legacy and the users need to take the phone and platform the direction they want to go.
Simplicity is the key to get something started, complexity is the key to keep that same thing interesting...
Apple's only biting because HTC (with Google) are producing sales stealing devices. As far as I am aware, this is the first time Apple has filed patent breaches without first negotiating with the infringing party.
In legal circles, this is truely the response from a very immature, emotional, foot stomping little boy.
GO HTC!! GO Android!! GO you good thing!!
Honestly, I voted that I do agree with some of the patents that they had been granted, not all. Maybe through this mess we'll see some great innovation; interfaces that we've never considered before, alterations to common ideals of the way our phones operate. Google has brought us a good thing. From the perspective of apple, it would be intelligent to stop the source (htc), if there were infringing content being distributed (to be decided I guess). Google provides the best mobile OS available, HTC distributes it. It will end well for the consumer though, I promise.
"We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas."
- Steve Jobs
What a f-tard.
From what I can gather, the claims at its core appear to be about android and wm. I would like to see Google and Microsoft join forces on this one and get behind HTC.

Bad TouchWiz? Apple sues Samsung for patent violations

"Apple is continuing its crusade against competitors that it believes are ripping off its ideas. The company filed a lawsuit against Samsung on Monday, alleging that the electronics giant violated Apple's intellectual property in its Android-powered devices like the Galaxy Tab, Nexus S, and Epic 4G."
Lulz. That's all I have to say - though I don't know who I'm lulzing at. Is it Apple, for their complete BS lawsuit, or is it Samsung, for TouchWiz which is **** and a half?
F****** apple sueing everyone, next hes going to sue the users for not using an apple product. lol
As much as I hate these types of lawsuits, I do hate the way manufacturers have blatantly copied iOS elements. TouchWiz is crap, and "being like the iPhone" is not what is cool. Enough.
Its all about the Benjamin's baby!
Sent From My Evo Killer!!
Apple, even if its lawsuit has merit, is ****ing itself over with possibly THE biggest supplier of high end screen and other components in the world. Not everything they do is brilliant. Case in point.
****ing Apple...
DroidApprentice said:
Apple, even if its lawsuit has merit, is ****ing itself over with possibly THE biggest supplier of high end screen and other components in the world. Not everything they do is brilliant. Case in point.
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Unfortunately, Apple has such enormous orders that if Samsung said FU, they'd be hurting themselves more than Apple. Apple could go to anyone and get what they need - hell, they could build their own fabs and do it themselves.
Jeez apple. They're not even THAT similar! The only similarity is the app drawer with the box around the icons! Big whoop!
Sent from my Samsung Epic
k0nane said:
Unfortunately, Apple has such enormous orders that if Samsung said FU, they'd be hurting themselves more than Apple. Apple could go to anyone and get what they need - hell, they could build their own fabs and do it themselves.
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That's cool. If Facebook can now redesign its own servers, Apple can make absolutely all its own phone and tablet components too. Meanwhile Samsung will supply all Apple's competitors and the Apple shareholders can ask Black Turtleneck God why cash reserves have dropped so precipitously so fast.
Apple is either going to have to sue everybody (oh wait, maybe they are) since all seem equally guilty to me for ripping them off, or actually try to compete through the innovation they're supposedly so good at.
i agree they copied iOS a little too closely. unfortunatly for apple most people hate touchwiz
k0nane said:
"Apple is continuing its crusade against competitors that it believes are ripping off its ideas. The company filed a lawsuit against Samsung on Monday, alleging that the electronics giant violated Apple's intellectual property in its Android-powered devices like the Galaxy Tab, Nexus S, and Epic 4G."
Lulz. That's all I have to say - though I don't know who I'm lulzing at. Is it Apple, for their complete BS lawsuit, or is it Samsung, for TouchWiz which is **** and a half?
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So...when is Apple going to sue the super markets for selling Apples and Macintosh's without paying royalty?
DroidApprentice said:
That's cool. If Facebook can now redesign its own servers, Apple can make absolutely all its own phone and tablet components too. Meanwhile Samsung will supply all Apple's competitors and the Apple shareholders can ask Black Turtleneck God why cash reserves have dropped so precipitously so fast.
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I'm far from an Apple fanboy, but you really don't give them enough credit. That's all I'm going to say.
k0nane said:
I'm far from an Apple fanboy, but you really don't give them enough credit. That's all I'm going to say.
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I am going to have to disagree on that, while Apple has a tremendous amount of money at their disposal, they can't afford to go a year or two without making a phone/ipod while their factories are built. They rely on outside sources for pretty much everything, to attempt to become completely self reliant would be a bone-headed move and would absolutely kill their stocks.
They are not going to build their own factories...its VERY hard and expensive...most just buy the factories from others and recycle them. Most likely though Apple will just go with someone else in worst case LG, Sony, Toshiba etc..
Apple makes Samsung electronics biggest customer, a swap would hurt both of them tremendesly.
They are not going to split their business over this though...its far too might even be on purpose to have Samsung and Apple cross license each others patents and then let Apple have leverage over other Android M$ sued HTC that time..
Apple is a more innovative company than Samsung and everyone owes Apple a lot. There, I said it.
Now that I said it, the pathetic thing about this suit is that by the time Sammy has to pay up and/or dump Touchwiz--which they would do without many tears--and Apple has wasted its own time and money, iOS 7.0 will be out which will be holographic 3D scratch n sniff. ;-)
people seem to forget that apple used to use their own processors and switched over to intel only a few years ago. now they concentrate on being artists
lazy edit: after writing that i realized that they probably had another company making the chips for them...
murso74 said:
people seem to forget that apple used to use their own processors and switched over to intel only a few years ago. now they concentrate on being artists
lazy edit: after writing that i realized that they probably had another company making the chips for them...
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Apple has never built their own silicon.
I like apple and all, but geez... how many "innovative" ways really are there to show application shortcuts?
Apple makes solid products, no doubt, and you definitely get what you pay for (albeit at a premium price), but I think they are going a little crazy lately. I mean, c'mon, suing amazon for calling it the "amazon appstore" because apple coined the term "appstore" first? really apple? is that really stealing your thunder?
murso74 said:
people seem to forget that apple used to use their own processors and switched over to intel only a few years ago. now they concentrate on being artists
lazy edit: after writing that i realized that they probably had another company making the chips for them...
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you mean the IBM PowerPC chips?
Stevie's just upset that it won't be long before Android market share passes iOS. Gotta do something! It must be cheaper and more profitable to milk the same turd for 4 years and sue people than to actually design a new phone

Samsung Sues Apple

Looks like Samsung is ready to return the favor:
Washington Post Article
Karma is a *****
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I'm not so sure Apple should have gone after them like that. Sammy has the most patents in the US next to IBM and a lot of those are cell phone patents. Why was Apple so intent on biting the hand that feeds them. Yes, I see the similarities in the phone and somewhat in the UI but not to the extent of suing them the amount of product that was purchased from Sammy.
We all knew this was to come... and to someone who said Samsung was one of the most patent-maker companies... thanks for the info, i really didn't know that.
Anyways, Apple is sure to lose this, because Samsung filed like 6 back at them, from like 4 countries lol
Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's
oka1 said:
Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's
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What is incredible is how a multitouch patent was given to apple,when multitouch screen dates back to the early 80's and was the university of Toronto who first made one.
Even better Apple doesn't make touch screen or any kind of LCD they are not manufacturers of hardware they buy it.
I think they are mistaken by the fact that they were the first to do it on a cellphone,but that doesn't mean the patent is their.
Nintendo did rumble on consoles before any one else did,but the patent wasn't theirs,in fact Sony and MS pay money to a company know for patent infringement for rumble on controllers even that no other company before Nintendo had done that.
I think is the whole flawed system of patent which allow for this kind of craps,i may as well patent taking photos of unknown planets out side this world.
And Samsung fire back with hey we have the patent to connect phones to PC by USB..haha
Apple suck so much i don't know how people put up with their crap.
eltormo you are correct but application patents are what companies use to create useless lawsuits. And, if you have alot of money you can afford to do this. The fact that apple sued microsoft for the use of windows or Graphic User Interface was also a joke. This was invented by Stanford Univ. for their teachers.....go figure
I hope sammy takes a big bite out of that apple.
apple is going down
Plus one jazzy!
You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant
eminembdg said:
You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant
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this thread is old.
Samsung and Apple according to yesterdays Engadet article are solving the sueing issue OUT of court.

Apple trying to kill android!

How does this make you feel?
One more reason I have started to hate apple. They are nothing but cry babies. Its like ford sueing chevy over the design of the steering wheel. Petty bull****. They can't make a competetive product so they will just sue the other companies that do.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
scarmon25 said:
One more reason I have started to hate apple. They are nothing but cry babies. Its like ford sueing chevy over the design of the steering wheel. Petty bull****. They can't make a competetive product so they will just sue the other companies that do.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
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Couldn't have said it better myself. This just proves how much our patent system needs an overhaul because it is clearly being abused. It is no longer beneficial but harmful in that it is stifling innovation due to everybody being scared of being sued. I own and like certain Apple products (MacBook and iPod) but this is just ridiculous. I can honestly say I'm disgusted by this news and cannot see myself buying an Apple product again! Make your product better in order for it to compete more effectively instead of just trying to get rid of the competition. Screw you Apple!
That is why I sold my macbook and went back to Windows. Because they started being that way. I just hope HTC wins their appeal. I don't want to see them get their handsets baned. They make a quality product anand shouldn't be punished for it.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
Another reason I can't stand Apple or Microsoft. These patent lawsuits are getting to be ridiculous. Most of them are are too broad and should have never been issued a patent in the first place. Apple's thinking is if they can't innovate they will litigate to the beat the competition.
jpricesd said:
Another reason I can't stand Apple or Microsoft. These patent lawsuits are getting to be ridiculous. Most of them are are too broad and should have never been issued a patent in the first place. Apple's thinking is if they can't innovate they will litigate to the beat the competition.
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Agreed, however I think of Microsoft as the lesser of the the two devils lol.
while I have to congratulate apple on their master troll award, they can suck a fat one, especially jobs... when they feel threatened they stoop to using patent law or design/hardware complaints to try and stifle competition
tapatalked from my super VZ Fascinate
They aren't trying to kill android, they are just playing the litigation game. In the US, is this really surprising to anyone? Every large corporation does the same thing. Its not like they are trying to muscle a small business our of business. They are multi-million dollar companies that end up settling things out of court. Claiming that apple wants to kill android is a leap of out reality.
I don't know. They have sued almost every company that has anything to do with android or mobile devices that have android. Lets see. Samsung,HTC,Motorolla and Google just to name a few they have sued. I'm sure there is more but those I know of. Seems to me they are trying to kill off the competition.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
ahh this seems to be far from over.. i cant wait to see what unfolds fro this in the future
FDro said:
They aren't trying to kill android, they are just playing the litigation game. In the US, is this really surprising to anyone? Every large corporation does the same thing. Its not like they are trying to muscle a small business our of business. They are multi-million dollar companies that end up settling things out of court. Claiming that apple wants to kill android is a leap of out reality.
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I don't think you read the entire article
Sent from a beautiful miui fascinate
someone said:
This just proves how much our patent system needs an overhaul because it is clearly being abused. It is no longer beneficial but harmful in that it is stifling innovation due to everybody being scared of being sued.
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<ignore this>
Apple did its bit to bring Xerox PARC innovations to the public, but it has become quite lawyer-happy these days.
</ignore this>
Definitely uninstalled Itunes and all apple-related stuff from my computer after this.
I have to agree with this. I switched back to windows for all my computing needs and never looked back.
I feel like apple is a cult, once you are in they make you feel that you can never leave. I felt that way when buying my latest laptop, a custom built Maingear, but I honestly don't miss it at all. Not even sure why I bought my mac book in the first place.
I would be interested to see what happens when this reaches androids baby daddy Google. If anyone has legal power above apple in this country I would think its Google.
I wouldn't F*!% with em....
I hope you're right about google. I would love to see a mud hole stomped in apples a**.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
gkirby11 said:
I would be interested to see what happens when this reaches androids baby daddy Google. If anyone has legal power above apple in this country I would think its Google.
I wouldn't F*!% with em....
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It won't ever get that far. If apple really thought they could take down google they would be after them not HTC. They are just trying to chip away at some competition because they can't keep up with all of the manufacturers of smart phones running android (htc, motorola, samsung, sony, lg) they are one company going against many many companies. Its just like windows against osx. Only one company makes hardware for osx, but countless others make windows hardware. Why do you think they made it possible to run windows on a new mac? All of these companies should band together and just ***** slap apple. Apple- can't beat you fairly so we will just sue you into oblivion...used to love apple...**** you steve jobs!
Arrogant ass apple can't even get a 4g radio into an iphone....
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
neh4pres said:
I don't think you read the entire article
Sent from a beautiful miui fascinate
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I read the entire article, but unlike the majority of people on this board I'm not going to buy into an extremist view point. If you want to think that Apple is trying to "kill" off android, then you should look into Jesse Ventura and buy his bowl of conspiracy BS as well.
scarmon25 said:
One more reason I have started to hate apple. They are nothing but cry babies.
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Agreed. Cry babies! Focus on making a better product that people want instead of crying about what others are doing.
Apples new motto : if you.can't innovate, then litigate.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
It's kind of pathetic how upset you guys are. You act like HTC wouldn't do the exact same thing if they were in Apple's position. Anyways, things like this have been happening forever.

