Samsung Sues Apple - Vibrant General

Looks like Samsung is ready to return the favor:
Washington Post Article

Karma is a *****
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I'm not so sure Apple should have gone after them like that. Sammy has the most patents in the US next to IBM and a lot of those are cell phone patents. Why was Apple so intent on biting the hand that feeds them. Yes, I see the similarities in the phone and somewhat in the UI but not to the extent of suing them the amount of product that was purchased from Sammy.

We all knew this was to come... and to someone who said Samsung was one of the most patent-maker companies... thanks for the info, i really didn't know that.
Anyways, Apple is sure to lose this, because Samsung filed like 6 back at them, from like 4 countries lol

Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's

oka1 said:
Yup Like I said in a previous posting, This is nuisance suing because you have no other way to slow the competition down from running you over. and for Samsung, this is just a speed bump. Apple is going to have A LOT of market share loss over the next 2 years, and suing will not change that..........Watch how Apple will come out and play the victim........ LoL they are such putz's
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What is incredible is how a multitouch patent was given to apple,when multitouch screen dates back to the early 80's and was the university of Toronto who first made one.
Even better Apple doesn't make touch screen or any kind of LCD they are not manufacturers of hardware they buy it.
I think they are mistaken by the fact that they were the first to do it on a cellphone,but that doesn't mean the patent is their.
Nintendo did rumble on consoles before any one else did,but the patent wasn't theirs,in fact Sony and MS pay money to a company know for patent infringement for rumble on controllers even that no other company before Nintendo had done that.
I think is the whole flawed system of patent which allow for this kind of craps,i may as well patent taking photos of unknown planets out side this world.
And Samsung fire back with hey we have the patent to connect phones to PC by USB..haha
Apple suck so much i don't know how people put up with their crap.

eltormo you are correct but application patents are what companies use to create useless lawsuits. And, if you have alot of money you can afford to do this. The fact that apple sued microsoft for the use of windows or Graphic User Interface was also a joke. This was invented by Stanford Univ. for their teachers.....go figure

I hope sammy takes a big bite out of that apple.

apple is going down

Plus one jazzy!

You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant

eminembdg said:
You're all correct. Apple is only doing this because of how Android and Samsung are doing so well. Just a means to slow the competition.
Its just funny to me to Steve Jobs shake in his boots. He thought apple was unstoppable. He's wrong. Just like how he said flash was "old technology " and didn't want it on his phones. Then he realized he was dumb and went crawling to adobe to get flash working on his OS. LOL
He's a tool. And his business strategy is weal now. Especially cuz of Android. I personally know probably around 15 people who were isheep. Once they seen my phone they all switched to Android
Sent from my badass Vibrant
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this thread is old.
Samsung and Apple according to yesterdays Engadet article are solving the sueing issue OUT of court.


Apple Suing HTC over 20 patents

If you haven't heard of it already, Apple has slapped HTC with a lawsuit today for violating ~20 patents.
They're trying for a permanent injunction to disallow any future HTC handset imports into the US.
Wow. Seems like someone's scared. What do you guys think about this?
If this keeps me from getting my Supersonic, so help me...
Whoops, just saw a similar post a few below mine...I skimmed at first and didn't see anything...mods please delete this
what did we expect steve jobs is a douche... apple is scared of android and its biggest phone producer of android devices. This is why I hate apple, they reinvented the game and now are doing what they hate microsoft for. Tryin to control the market and make **** stagnant an dull
I posted this same response on SprintUsers but I'm so disgusted with this I couldn't help but copy and paste it here.
"How very pathetic.
The only Apple product I have ever bought was my girlfriends iPod.
It's not enough that they have sold more phones than anyone now they want to monopolize the market?
I hated having no option but to install itunes just to be able to use her ipod. Just sad.
Apple is going on my boycott list along with McDonald's, WalMart, and a few others.
Whether they win or lose this suit it's official; I will NEVER purchase another product made by Apple, ever."
Just a heads up, the mods already locked one topic about this in this forum as another topic about it existed elsewhere:
**** Apple.
They are looking for a permanent injuction, which could affect future sales of phones here.
I am so sick of Apple.
Check this
The guy is a ****ing prick.
I am selling my macbook and ipod as soon as I find decent alternatives.
I wish Google OS was polished and out.
Apple got it's paradigm to replace MSDOS from Xerox, Google it.
How quickly they forget, if it wasn't for the gift from Xerox, apple wouldn't be.
So it seems a new industry of bootlegged / home brew phones could be around the corner. <----- Steve Jobs is a cockbite.
I don't understand why they're going after HTC and none of the 25 or so other companies doing the exact same thing.
gthing said: <----- Steve Jobs is a cockbite.
I don't understand why they're going after HTC and none of the 25 or so other companies doing the exact same thing.
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Cause apple invented touchscreens, downloading apps,
apple is salty because they became a victim of their own success...and now they are nervous that everyone is going to surpass them...which google will
gthing said: <----- Steve Jobs is a cockbite.
I don't understand why they're going after HTC and none of the 25 or so other companies doing the exact same thing.
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HTC is the big money in the Android game right now, they'll sue Moto next. Apple wants to ride the Android train, but Apple users just typically aren't smart enough for a device smarter than them.
Konikub said:
Cause apple invented touchscreens, downloading apps,
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Wow....guess I don't know as much about technology as I thought. Cause I was downloading applications on Windows 3.11 with 28.8 kb/s internet connection back in 93 or so....Didn't know apple invented that. Guess I need to start paying more attention. And I thought I was playing video poker on touchscreens and signing for packages on a touch-pad quite a while back too. Apple kicks ass, inventing all this **** and keeping it on the DL.
this is fun. apple has filed anything and everything under patents. people wonder why no one can beat the iphone. a device that cant even multitask. my moto razr did better than the iphone. the problem is that the fine line between profit and loss is extremely small when you get sued and knowing how apple goes about things they will take htc for the profit they earned. i have faith though. htc has some very very talented people including lawyers. they didnt implement the technology that apple patented without knowledge of how to beat it.
thats my .02 cents.
Avalaunchmods said:
this is fun. apple has filed anything and everything under patents. people wonder why no one can beat the iphone. a device that cant even multitask. my moto razr did better than the iphone. the problem is that the fine line between profit and loss is extremely small when you get sued and knowing how apple goes about things they will take htc for the profit they earned. i have faith though. htc has some very very talented people including lawyers. they didnt implement the technology that apple patented without knowledge of how to beat it.
thats my .02 cents.
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they didnt implement the technology that apple patented without knowledge of how to beat it.
TRUE. i was thinking the same thing..
yea apple is feeling the pressure from google and HTC so they are going to go after HTC ... HA
apple taking on htc and nokia is a mistake i hope the judge ***** slaps apple
The stupidity of Apple never ceases to amaze me. Palm had touch screen technology LONG before Apple, yet you don't see Palm crying like little *****es. I hope Nokia, MS, Google, Palm, and Cisco all take turns telling Steve Jobs to STFU and then hopefully his turtleneck would strangle him for us.
Wishful thinking.
haha yea hopefully the judges all had bad experiences with iphones cauwse then they will hop in the STFU setve line
pseudoremora said:
The stupidity of Apple never ceases to amaze me. Palm had touch screen technology LONG before Apple, yet you don't see Palm crying like little *****es. I hope Nokia, MS, Google, Palm, and Cisco all take turns telling Steve Jobs to STFU and then hopefully his turtleneck would strangle him for us.
Wishful thinking.
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OMG Does he ever change clothes! lol One can only hope that that stupid looking turtleneck will get wrapped up tight in his sleep one night ( as he tosses and turns, loosing sleep because Android is kicking his beloved iphones ass) and choke him to death.
im suprised they didnt go for palm first...cause didnt a bunch of apple devs go to palm a couple years back?
I wouldn't call it technology more like. features
BrianDigital said:
I wouldn't call it technology more like. features
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well according to patents, "multitouch"
"A computer-implemented method for use in conjunction with a computing device with a touch screen display comprises: detecting one or more finger contacts with the touch screen display, applying one or more heuristics to the one or more finger contacts to determine a command for the device, and processing the command. The one or more heuristics comprise: a heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a one-dimensional vertical screen scrolling command, a heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a two-dimensional screen translation command, and a heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a command to transition from displaying a respective item in a set of items to displaying a next item in the set of items."
which is a technology for some reason. funny as hell that steve jobs is listed as one of the inventors. i think htc beat this lawsuit by only implementing while you perform an action and as you see that is not in the patent. so the only time multitouch is used is when it detects two fingers moving away or towards one another which is not a command.
gotta love America

Bad TouchWiz? Apple sues Samsung for patent violations

"Apple is continuing its crusade against competitors that it believes are ripping off its ideas. The company filed a lawsuit against Samsung on Monday, alleging that the electronics giant violated Apple's intellectual property in its Android-powered devices like the Galaxy Tab, Nexus S, and Epic 4G."
Lulz. That's all I have to say - though I don't know who I'm lulzing at. Is it Apple, for their complete BS lawsuit, or is it Samsung, for TouchWiz which is **** and a half?
F****** apple sueing everyone, next hes going to sue the users for not using an apple product. lol
As much as I hate these types of lawsuits, I do hate the way manufacturers have blatantly copied iOS elements. TouchWiz is crap, and "being like the iPhone" is not what is cool. Enough.
Its all about the Benjamin's baby!
Sent From My Evo Killer!!
Apple, even if its lawsuit has merit, is ****ing itself over with possibly THE biggest supplier of high end screen and other components in the world. Not everything they do is brilliant. Case in point.
****ing Apple...
DroidApprentice said:
Apple, even if its lawsuit has merit, is ****ing itself over with possibly THE biggest supplier of high end screen and other components in the world. Not everything they do is brilliant. Case in point.
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Unfortunately, Apple has such enormous orders that if Samsung said FU, they'd be hurting themselves more than Apple. Apple could go to anyone and get what they need - hell, they could build their own fabs and do it themselves.
Jeez apple. They're not even THAT similar! The only similarity is the app drawer with the box around the icons! Big whoop!
Sent from my Samsung Epic
k0nane said:
Unfortunately, Apple has such enormous orders that if Samsung said FU, they'd be hurting themselves more than Apple. Apple could go to anyone and get what they need - hell, they could build their own fabs and do it themselves.
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That's cool. If Facebook can now redesign its own servers, Apple can make absolutely all its own phone and tablet components too. Meanwhile Samsung will supply all Apple's competitors and the Apple shareholders can ask Black Turtleneck God why cash reserves have dropped so precipitously so fast.
Apple is either going to have to sue everybody (oh wait, maybe they are) since all seem equally guilty to me for ripping them off, or actually try to compete through the innovation they're supposedly so good at.
i agree they copied iOS a little too closely. unfortunatly for apple most people hate touchwiz
k0nane said:
"Apple is continuing its crusade against competitors that it believes are ripping off its ideas. The company filed a lawsuit against Samsung on Monday, alleging that the electronics giant violated Apple's intellectual property in its Android-powered devices like the Galaxy Tab, Nexus S, and Epic 4G."
Lulz. That's all I have to say - though I don't know who I'm lulzing at. Is it Apple, for their complete BS lawsuit, or is it Samsung, for TouchWiz which is **** and a half?
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So...when is Apple going to sue the super markets for selling Apples and Macintosh's without paying royalty?
DroidApprentice said:
That's cool. If Facebook can now redesign its own servers, Apple can make absolutely all its own phone and tablet components too. Meanwhile Samsung will supply all Apple's competitors and the Apple shareholders can ask Black Turtleneck God why cash reserves have dropped so precipitously so fast.
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I'm far from an Apple fanboy, but you really don't give them enough credit. That's all I'm going to say.
k0nane said:
I'm far from an Apple fanboy, but you really don't give them enough credit. That's all I'm going to say.
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I am going to have to disagree on that, while Apple has a tremendous amount of money at their disposal, they can't afford to go a year or two without making a phone/ipod while their factories are built. They rely on outside sources for pretty much everything, to attempt to become completely self reliant would be a bone-headed move and would absolutely kill their stocks.
They are not going to build their own factories...its VERY hard and expensive...most just buy the factories from others and recycle them. Most likely though Apple will just go with someone else in worst case LG, Sony, Toshiba etc..
Apple makes Samsung electronics biggest customer, a swap would hurt both of them tremendesly.
They are not going to split their business over this though...its far too might even be on purpose to have Samsung and Apple cross license each others patents and then let Apple have leverage over other Android M$ sued HTC that time..
Apple is a more innovative company than Samsung and everyone owes Apple a lot. There, I said it.
Now that I said it, the pathetic thing about this suit is that by the time Sammy has to pay up and/or dump Touchwiz--which they would do without many tears--and Apple has wasted its own time and money, iOS 7.0 will be out which will be holographic 3D scratch n sniff. ;-)
people seem to forget that apple used to use their own processors and switched over to intel only a few years ago. now they concentrate on being artists
lazy edit: after writing that i realized that they probably had another company making the chips for them...
murso74 said:
people seem to forget that apple used to use their own processors and switched over to intel only a few years ago. now they concentrate on being artists
lazy edit: after writing that i realized that they probably had another company making the chips for them...
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Apple has never built their own silicon.
I like apple and all, but geez... how many "innovative" ways really are there to show application shortcuts?
Apple makes solid products, no doubt, and you definitely get what you pay for (albeit at a premium price), but I think they are going a little crazy lately. I mean, c'mon, suing amazon for calling it the "amazon appstore" because apple coined the term "appstore" first? really apple? is that really stealing your thunder?
murso74 said:
people seem to forget that apple used to use their own processors and switched over to intel only a few years ago. now they concentrate on being artists
lazy edit: after writing that i realized that they probably had another company making the chips for them...
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you mean the IBM PowerPC chips?
Stevie's just upset that it won't be long before Android market share passes iOS. Gotta do something! It must be cheaper and more profitable to milk the same turd for 4 years and sue people than to actually design a new phone

Apple trying to kill android!

How does this make you feel?
One more reason I have started to hate apple. They are nothing but cry babies. Its like ford sueing chevy over the design of the steering wheel. Petty bull****. They can't make a competetive product so they will just sue the other companies that do.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
scarmon25 said:
One more reason I have started to hate apple. They are nothing but cry babies. Its like ford sueing chevy over the design of the steering wheel. Petty bull****. They can't make a competetive product so they will just sue the other companies that do.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
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Couldn't have said it better myself. This just proves how much our patent system needs an overhaul because it is clearly being abused. It is no longer beneficial but harmful in that it is stifling innovation due to everybody being scared of being sued. I own and like certain Apple products (MacBook and iPod) but this is just ridiculous. I can honestly say I'm disgusted by this news and cannot see myself buying an Apple product again! Make your product better in order for it to compete more effectively instead of just trying to get rid of the competition. Screw you Apple!
That is why I sold my macbook and went back to Windows. Because they started being that way. I just hope HTC wins their appeal. I don't want to see them get their handsets baned. They make a quality product anand shouldn't be punished for it.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
Another reason I can't stand Apple or Microsoft. These patent lawsuits are getting to be ridiculous. Most of them are are too broad and should have never been issued a patent in the first place. Apple's thinking is if they can't innovate they will litigate to the beat the competition.
jpricesd said:
Another reason I can't stand Apple or Microsoft. These patent lawsuits are getting to be ridiculous. Most of them are are too broad and should have never been issued a patent in the first place. Apple's thinking is if they can't innovate they will litigate to the beat the competition.
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Agreed, however I think of Microsoft as the lesser of the the two devils lol.
while I have to congratulate apple on their master troll award, they can suck a fat one, especially jobs... when they feel threatened they stoop to using patent law or design/hardware complaints to try and stifle competition
tapatalked from my super VZ Fascinate
They aren't trying to kill android, they are just playing the litigation game. In the US, is this really surprising to anyone? Every large corporation does the same thing. Its not like they are trying to muscle a small business our of business. They are multi-million dollar companies that end up settling things out of court. Claiming that apple wants to kill android is a leap of out reality.
I don't know. They have sued almost every company that has anything to do with android or mobile devices that have android. Lets see. Samsung,HTC,Motorolla and Google just to name a few they have sued. I'm sure there is more but those I know of. Seems to me they are trying to kill off the competition.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
ahh this seems to be far from over.. i cant wait to see what unfolds fro this in the future
FDro said:
They aren't trying to kill android, they are just playing the litigation game. In the US, is this really surprising to anyone? Every large corporation does the same thing. Its not like they are trying to muscle a small business our of business. They are multi-million dollar companies that end up settling things out of court. Claiming that apple wants to kill android is a leap of out reality.
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I don't think you read the entire article
Sent from a beautiful miui fascinate
someone said:
This just proves how much our patent system needs an overhaul because it is clearly being abused. It is no longer beneficial but harmful in that it is stifling innovation due to everybody being scared of being sued.
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<ignore this>
Apple did its bit to bring Xerox PARC innovations to the public, but it has become quite lawyer-happy these days.
</ignore this>
Definitely uninstalled Itunes and all apple-related stuff from my computer after this.
I have to agree with this. I switched back to windows for all my computing needs and never looked back.
I feel like apple is a cult, once you are in they make you feel that you can never leave. I felt that way when buying my latest laptop, a custom built Maingear, but I honestly don't miss it at all. Not even sure why I bought my mac book in the first place.
I would be interested to see what happens when this reaches androids baby daddy Google. If anyone has legal power above apple in this country I would think its Google.
I wouldn't F*!% with em....
I hope you're right about google. I would love to see a mud hole stomped in apples a**.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
gkirby11 said:
I would be interested to see what happens when this reaches androids baby daddy Google. If anyone has legal power above apple in this country I would think its Google.
I wouldn't F*!% with em....
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It won't ever get that far. If apple really thought they could take down google they would be after them not HTC. They are just trying to chip away at some competition because they can't keep up with all of the manufacturers of smart phones running android (htc, motorola, samsung, sony, lg) they are one company going against many many companies. Its just like windows against osx. Only one company makes hardware for osx, but countless others make windows hardware. Why do you think they made it possible to run windows on a new mac? All of these companies should band together and just ***** slap apple. Apple- can't beat you fairly so we will just sue you into oblivion...used to love apple...**** you steve jobs!
Arrogant ass apple can't even get a 4g radio into an iphone....
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
neh4pres said:
I don't think you read the entire article
Sent from a beautiful miui fascinate
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I read the entire article, but unlike the majority of people on this board I'm not going to buy into an extremist view point. If you want to think that Apple is trying to "kill" off android, then you should look into Jesse Ventura and buy his bowl of conspiracy BS as well.
scarmon25 said:
One more reason I have started to hate apple. They are nothing but cry babies.
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Agreed. Cry babies! Focus on making a better product that people want instead of crying about what others are doing.
Apples new motto : if you.can't innovate, then litigate.
Tap-a-Talked from my CM7 Mesmerize.
It's kind of pathetic how upset you guys are. You act like HTC wouldn't do the exact same thing if they were in Apple's position. Anyways, things like this have been happening forever.

Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO

Wow, big announcement.
And the reaction in the stock market:
Apple Stock Falls After Steve Jobs Announces Departure
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
Hope he is not too bad off. Maybe the apple was poisoned
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
armychris28210 said:
Hope he is not too bad off. Maybe the apple was poisoned
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
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ill health though - bad times.
Cannot really say that I came as a surprise, considering his health problems. I just find it interesting, that he is doing it so close to the new Iphone 5 release. I already read the first Android Fanboy "He is just afraid, cause the new Crapple cannot compete with Android" and all that ****. Fanboys, you have to hate them, on either side.
They have too many smart people at Apple to fail. He'll still be affiliated with Apple so it's not that serious.
gqstatus0685 said:
They have too many smart people at Apple to fail. He'll still be affiliated with Apple so it's not that serious.
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I agree but it only takes one moron as a leasder to screw it up. I'm not saying Tim Cook will.
I am also surprised he made this move so close to the iPhone 5 launch he must be in much worse shape then he has let on.
I don't wish anything bad on anyone so lets hope he doesn't deteriorate any further.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
If Jobs were to leave--and with his health, it's when, not if--then this is the perfect time. He is at the peak of his success, and it's best to go out when you're on top.
It's good for the company as well. The iPhone5 will likely be another success, as will the eventual iPad3. These allow Cook to have an easy break-in period, not that he needs any. Impact on investor sentiment (company valuation) will be minimal.
Conceptually, I think Jobs has done all he can for Apple, even assuming he has another 5 years left in him. He has pioneered mobile computing, first with the iPhone, then with the iPad. These markets will take time to refine and mature, eg integration of desktop + mobile computing, and the next conceptual "big hit" won't be along for a while. For now, what's needed is execution, and Cook has been the operations guy for most of Jobs' second tenure. Apple can't do better even if Jobs were still in charge. And he still is, sort of. He's the chairman.
Apple won't be as dominant in mobile as it is today. The competition are getting better, and they have nowhere to go but up. Android already has more share in smartphones, and its open-source nature means adoption rate can only increase.
On tablets, price competition will drive non-iPad share. We saw an (extreme) example with the TouchPad fire sale. I see Android tabs selling well at the magic $300 mark. And unless Microsoft lays an egg with Win8, it'll still be the default upgrade path for the vast majority of the computing world as mobile becomes an extension of the desktop. I subscribe to that vision, that mobile devices can be as productive as desktops, not just for consuming media.
Many say that Cook is going to have an easy time to start off as Apple is at its peak right now....however, there is an important paradigm shift in Apple where they're trying to move iTunes to the cloud.
This is a tremendously difficult job and I thought Apple should have started on it long they are way behind Google in this aspect. And I don't see what they're proposing to be better than what Google is already offering to its user base.
Apple is going to have a tough time fighting back Android in the smart phone space if they don't do cloud right.
I'm no Apple FanBoy but Steve Jobs made Apple what it is today. I remember him dragging Apple out of the trash not too long ago. The man was genius.
And all of this is related to Xoom how?
dubie76 said:
And all of this is related to Xoom how?
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It's the general discussion forum, its major Tech related news, and its something to talk about?
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>however, there is an important paradigm shift in Apple where they're trying to move iTunes to the cloud.
Jobs' forte is in the physical product. His execution of online services was less than stellar, to wit, the defunct and now His heavy-handed dealings with the various content owners only succeeded by dint of the success of Apple's hardware products. He's not a good negotiator--an "i" guy, not a "we" guy (excuse the pun).
The more pertinent question is how much of Apple's mystique is tied to Jobs' personality. Cook isn't a charismatic guy, nor is he a salesman. Then again, it's not like Jobs is dead. He's still around to rally the troops if needed.
For the near term, the way forward for Apple is clear: broadening its mobile product lines to compete in lower-priced tiers. Rumors of a cheaper iPhone abound, and despite what Jobs said, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple intros different iPad sizes (or integrate the iPod Touch into the iPad family) next year.
Plenty of opportunities for the Mac lines as well. MS is doing a crash course with Win8 into mobile because it has to, but Apple is going the same route. Lion has already taken the first step to integration with iOS.
>And all of this is related to Xoom how?
Relax, it's a worthwhile topic. It's not like this forum is overflowing with discussions that it can't handle a few extraneous threads.
without iPhone/iPad would we even have this discussion in the Xoom forum?
Some say the iWhatever really started the massive push into smartphones... and thus Android as something to compete on the same level
Lothaen said:
without iPhone/iPad would we even have this discussion in the Xoom forum?
Some say the iWhatever really started the massive push into smartphones... and thus Android as something to compete on the same level
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PalmOS and Blackberry (more Blackberry than Palm) started the massive push into smartphones. Even a year after the iPhone came out, I still heard "hit me up on BBM" more than "check out my iPhone" (that being the idiom of owning an iPhone at the time). I still hear people say "hit me up on BBM" and most of the active duty desk jockeys in the military are issued Blackberries. I know more people who own them than iPhones. So I refuse to give Apple credit for making smartphones popular. They were already popular, Apple just did it differently and they were given way too much credit for it.
I will give the evolution of tablets to Apple all day and night. The best we had in that area were a couple of failed projects from Microsoft about a decade ago and the dead technology known as "PDA". Then the iPad came out and made people want to stop sucking at making them. Had the iPad not been so ridiculously good and popular, the motivation to compete with it would never have existed and we would not have a Xoom.
So no, if Apple hadn't made the iPad, we would not be having this discussion on these Xoom forums and thus, the guy who made tablets popular stepping down from his chair on top of Apple land actually does matter to the Xoom. Logic FTW.
Personally, I'm happy that Steve Jobs is stepping down. I'm hoping that since his vehemence and enthusiasm toward selling the product is leaving the offices that Apple will cool down all these lawsuits. Perhaps attempt to compete more instead of "sue the guys doing better". Even if Android has overtaken iOS as the most used mobile OS, remember that Blackberry took it like a man when Apple did it to them.
Hope he gets better though. Even though I don't like the guy or his product whatsoever, wishing ill of people is just wrong.
Apple is going to rape Job's baby! They will put flash on all of their products!
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AbsolutZeroGI said:
PalmOS and Blackberry (more Blackberry than Palm) started the massive push into smartphones. Even a year after the iPhone came out, I still heard "hit me up on BBM" more than "check out my iPhone" (that being the idiom of owning an iPhone at the time). I still hear people say "hit me up on BBM" and most of the active duty desk jockeys in the military are issued Blackberries. I know more people who own them than iPhones. So I refuse to give Apple credit for making smartphones popular. They were already popular, Apple just did it differently and they were given way too much credit for it.
I will give the evolution of tablets to Apple all day and night. The best we had in that area were a couple of failed projects from Microsoft about a decade ago and the dead technology known as "PDA". Then the iPad came out and made people want to stop sucking at making them. Had the iPad not been so ridiculously good and popular, the motivation to compete with it would never have existed and we would not have a Xoom.
So no, if Apple hadn't made the iPad, we would not be having this discussion on these Xoom forums and thus, the guy who made tablets popular stepping down from his chair on top of Apple land actually does matter to the Xoom. Logic FTW.
Personally, I'm happy that Steve Jobs is stepping down. I'm hoping that since his vehemence and enthusiasm toward selling the product is leaving the offices that Apple will cool down all these lawsuits. Perhaps attempt to compete more instead of "sue the guys doing better". Even if Android has overtaken iOS as the most used mobile OS, remember that Blackberry took it like a man when Apple did it to them.
Hope he gets better though. Even though I don't like the guy or his product whatsoever, wishing ill of people is just wrong.
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Dude! Nice logical thinking! I have never liked Apple myself and never will. I'm Windows, not Mac... and I'm Android, not iOS. I do agree that Apple should not get any credit for "creating" the smartphone, if you will. The Blackberry name and RIM has been around for what... 10+ years now? I do believe that RIM is the winner there, not Apple. Blackberries were always on a higher tech level versus the basic phones or the later flip phones of their time before the iPhone came out. Why? Because a Blackberry is a business related phone that needs to do more than a basic phone, thus making it smarter than the average phone. Aha! A smartphone you say? Indeed!
You mentioned lawsuits... who remembers Apple suing the crap out of Microsoft in the 80's? Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were in a major war at the time for the big computer OS. Apple cried a lot and sued Microsoft a whole lot because they said that Windows was a Mac ripoff and that they had stolen everything that they had ever created... you know, normal Apple drama. Just look at Apple's roots... rotten to the core since the 1980's.
But, seriously... Apple has been this way since the dawn of time, and they will not ever change as long as Steve Jobs is still affiliated with the company name in some way, shape, or form. So, you can expect Apple to continue suing other companies because they think that they were the original company to create the cell phone, even though the cell phone has been around for how many years now? In reality, that's pretty much what they are stating as fact when it comes down to it. They say: Before the iPhone, there were no phones. How funny is that?
An interesting fact: "The first hand-held mobile phone was demonstrated by Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973." He is the real mobile phone inventor. Thank him for the cell phone revolution, not Apple! Without him, we would not have any kind of cell phone to use at all. Think about that one while you sleep. A world without the cell phone. ^^
Oh yeah... I may not like Apple or Steve Jobs in the least bit, but you are correct when you say that you should not wish ill of one. That really is just wrong if a person were to do something like that.
Can't we all just agree that Al Gore invented the internet and move on?
diablo2224 said:
An interesting fact: "The first hand-held mobile phone was demonstrated by Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973." He is the real mobile phone inventor. Thank him for the cell phone revolution, not Apple! Without him, we would not have any kind of cell phone to use at all. Think about that one while you sleep. A world without the cell phone. ^^
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and who pwns Moto?

Apple can go f.. itself
"Apple has claimed that Samsung violated its patent for SIRI, the voice controlled assistant as it introduced "S-Voice" in its newest flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S3 and also infringed the automatic detection of certain types of data such as phone numbers, email addresses and hyperlinks as reported by The Inquirer."
Considering voice recognition has been around for over a decade if not closer to two, it's really one more pathetic attempt by Apple to control the market! I really hope they get some judges in there that have an understanding of technology!
Meh voice control is just a gimmick, not to mention you look like a ****ing retard talking to a machine.
So Apple can take it imo their users are just a bunch of left handed facerolling dribble-sheep anyway
Haha there is already a topic like this but yes they really can go f themselves. I dont think we are going to hear much about the case until tomorrow but im just praying that this phone does not get delayed/banned
slight22 said:
"Apple has claimed that Samsung violated its patent for SIRI, the voice controlled assistant as it introduced "S-Voice" in its newest flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S3 and also infringed the automatic detection of certain types of data such as phone numbers, email addresses and hyperlinks as reported by The Inquirer."
Considering voice recognition has been around for over a decade if not closer to two, it's really one more pathetic attempt by Apple to control the market! I really hope they get some judges in there that have an understanding of technology!
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Have you seen the new iphone design samsung should sue them for copying there round shape housing.. lolzz
I'm not gonna go into how bad the editorial but just gonna go ahead and say that Samsung still have time to show them the source code and prove that they didn't infringe anything. The final verdict isn't out yet
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The funny thing about source code, is that if the language is the same, the syntacs will be the same #main() is the same whether you a programing in windows, android or iOS. The proof is only in the comments not the code.
I could rebuild both Siri and the samsung voice system from ground up and there is a very real chance the code will look VERY similar. And when even the smallest program has hundreds of lines of code trying to prove this code or that is yours or theirs is very VERY hard. I personally think apple is trying to stop something that will decimate their iphone 5 before it's even out in market.
S-Voice is using Google's voice recognition API. Doubt Siri uses that.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
Well Apple is going at the Gnexus as well, but they haven't stopped the selling in the US, so why are they trying to ban the S3?
The same thing for HTC. Apple was/is trying to go after HTC for the second infringement from the OP. They are going after almost every HTC phone, but are only trying to ban the One Series and not the other phones that they are going after.
Apple is just trying to stop all of these new phone's that will put then to shame when they release the new iCrap 5 lol.
Interesting thread topic if anyone has produced the capabilities of a phone to do just that then Apple is more likely to lead the way .
I'd rather Samsung pull S-Voice rather than risk delaying US shipments. They can add it back later as an update. S-Voice, like Siri, is a gimmick and a waste of time. Not worth going to the mat over.
JJEgan said:
Interesting thread topic if anyone has produced the capabilities of a phone to do just that then Apple is more likely to lead the way .
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the people who want "just" a phone these days is so small a number, it don't make sense to even sell them anymore.
As for apple leading the way, doubt it.
tekhna said:
I'd rather Samsung pull S-Voice rather than risk delaying US shipments. They can add it back later as an update. S-Voice, like Siri, is a gimmick and a waste of time. Not worth going to the mat over.
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Right now, shutting apple down in any way is worth going to the mat over. Apple has to be stopped as they think they own everything.
So true, I think apple is really worried, if I was Samsung I would tell them to stop hassiling us or find someone else to make the amazing screens, they advertised the iPad3 with an amazing one of a kind screen but Samsung made the screen, all apple has every been doing is taking an idea, changing it a little and saying that they created it and ever since Steven jobs died they have run outta proper new things to do and iOS users are noticing that, all my iPhone friends want me to put android on there phone cause whenever apple updates something the system gets slower not faster and they hate the control apple has over them.
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slight22 said:
Right now, shutting apple down in any way is worth going to the mat over. Apple has to be stopped as they think they own everything.
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No, right now selling phones is Samsung's job. It's not a crusade, it's a business.
I think Apple is just being a sore-loser because Samsung topped Apple in sales. Svoice is not gonna work for me anyway because I am not a natural-born english-speaking person. lol.
Even if Apple is successful, I will not buy an iPhone anyway, I'll probably end up with another HTC like the EVO LTE. Screw Apple.
This thread is different from the other similar thread and I would like it to be open. I believe the purpose of this thread is to curse Apple. So here are my two cents:
Apples made up of money grubbing entrepreneurs who take gorilla glasses up their asses.
Sent from Rooted debloated stock Galaxy S3 OG I9300
tekhna said:
No, right now selling phones is Samsung's job. It's not a crusade, it's a business.
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No business is about making money. Apple has never been about business, Apple has always been a "crusade" against things. First it was IBM, then it was Microsoft, now it's everyone who has a product remotely similar to them. Apple's entire history has been "us VS them". Hell steve jobs even had bar "fights" where he would pit his teams against each other.
No this is a crusade to stop a [email protected] company from selling anymore products that they can try to control how you run your day to day online activities.
I don't know, can anyone else see the irony of Apple today from their "1984" super bowl commercial??
ceo.mtcl said:
This thread is different from the other similar thread and I would like it to be open. I believe the purpose of this thread is to curse Apple. So here are my two cents:
Apples made up of money grubbing entrepreneurs who take gorilla glasses up their
Sent from Rooted debloated stock Galaxy S3 OG I9300
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Lets try and not get the thread closed for profanity
It would be nice if Samsung got so much money behind them that they could stop making parts for Apple, think 30 or 40% of the iphone 4 is made by Samsung.
There would be other companies out there...lg? who would step up but the change over would cripple Apple.
Always makes me laugh when Apple boys dis Samsung, if were not for them their phone would not even turn on.
slight22 said:
No business is about making money. Apple has never been about business, Apple has always been a "crusade" against things. First it was IBM, then it was Microsoft, now it's everyone who has a product remotely similar to them. Apple's entire history has been "us VS them". Hell steve jobs even had bar "fights" where he would pit his teams against each other.
No this is a crusade to stop a [email protected] company from selling anymore products that they can try to control how you run your day to day online activities.
I don't know, can anyone else see the irony of Apple today from their "1984" super bowl commercial??
Lets try and not get the thread closed for profanity
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The us vs them mentality is about making money. Apple will go after anyone that produces a product that could take sales away. Apple is all about business and their business is to make money at all costs.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
apple is the new anti technology, anti innovation, anti consumer company!!!
There OS is stale and they know it...this includes there computer OS, windows 8 rocks apples mountain lion. There going to be the old n out fashion, and believe it or not Microsoft and android will be new fashion.
Just a matter of time Apple will steal the live tiles from MSFT..find out in about an hour.

