[Q] Andriod market problems - XPERIA X8 General

Hi, hoping somebody on here will be able to help me.
I'm having problems with the android market, basically i've had the x8 for a few months now using the stock rom. Decided to try out some of the custom roms on here so wanted to try them all before choosing.
Was really happy with racht's floyo.20 and dioxanh's rom's. Had no problem with the android market till a few days ago when i installed the latest dioxanh's vo17 rom. I logged in as usual but i only has a selection of around 20 free apps and no paid apps. The paid apps menu doesn't even show up. When i try to search for any specific app it says it can't locate it, even very common ones like facebook, opera etc.
I've tried logging in with different accounts, erasing information, rebooting, loading different roms and even re-installing the stock rom but still getting the same problem.
Is there some settings on the phone that i need to reset.
Did i try too many custom roms in too short a time or something silly like that.
Any help would be much appreciated as I would like to get the most from the x8 as I think its a great phone.

Don't know if you have tried this, but wipe Dalvik Cache and Cache in xRecovery ------> Advanced tools-------> Wipe Dalvik Cache and Wipe Cache Partition


[Q] Help!

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to root, started out with ice glacier then decided to try cm7+google apps pack, and since i did that i was unable to download apps from the market. Tried flashing back to ice glacier numerous times with same results. "download unsuccessful"
In all the craziness of trying every fix i could find i did the worst possible thing of reformatting my sd card which had my nand backup to go to stock froyo. So now Im still not able to get apps and i have no backup lol.
any suggestions? im wondering if perhaps its just my google account is having issues and maybe tomorrow market will work. but i just want some input and a possible backup that i can download to try and just start this all over. thanks for any help and suggestions!
Have you tried clearing Market cache?
i tried every fix i could find. on these forums and on other forums. no dice.
clearing cache, uninstalling market update, clearing cache of other apps, flashing new rom, flashing old rom, deleting android.secure folder in root of sd... i tried everything i could find. XD

Problem with custom rom and market

I'm new in XDA but I follow the forum since a long time ago.
I have a probleme as the title says.
I tryed floyo 0.20 and FroyoBread (I've the good baseband, i've done the full wipe ...) and when i'm trying to dl an app, my phone freezing et rebooting.
I've wipe the market cache, try to dl with wifi or 3G but the result is the same.
I hope someone will can help me. Thank and sorry for my English.
Strange, try to asign x8 with new google account.
Wysłano z X8 z użyciem Tapatalk
I've done a mistake.
My phone's freezing after the end of the dl, when he must install the app.
And the phone reboot on SE logo or I must remove battery.
Quoting from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1060654&page=15
Originally Posted by exonn
after install i have made a full wipe and clear cash but i cant download anything from market, it seems that download starts but instantly ends. In "my apps" section i can see selected program (game) but its not installed. Any ideas how to fix?
Reinstall rom and dont do again full wipe..... its classic prob on froyo
So, I guess, when it's happen again, just reinstall the ROM... (?)
Ok I will try tonight because i can't now.
It doesn't work.
My phone's rebooting again again again and again.
I don't find any solutions.
I reflash the rom without wipe anything and I reboot the phone etc...
I've tried everything and it still bug.
However, the rom is fully fonctionnal. Only the market is bugging.
I up my topic because I have more precision and I really want to put a custom rom on my X8.
So, after testing 3 roms (miniCM, Floyo 0.20 and FroyoBread), I saw that the problem is still the same.
I can't install any apk in my phone.
At the moment where the message "installation" appear in notification, my phone's freezing.
I'm trying to download in the android market's site but it still the same.
What can I do ?
You should try formatting your SD card...
I manage to solve my problem with restoring factory settings.
For the moment it's working.
I hope it will last.

[Q] Any way to restore My Apps in Market?

Nookcolor with MN 4.5.25, 1.1 overclocked kernel. I had the market problem, but 4.5.25 cleared it up. It worked fine for a week or so. Then yesterday all of "My apps" disappeared from market except the several I paid for. I did the 4.5.25 market fix several times and the rename Vending.apk fix a couple of times, no cigar (I'm aware of the risk of appearing insane, so I won't keep doing the same thing over and over, at least not too many times). On the desktop Android Market, my account, "My Orders" shows only these same paid apps and two free apps (with no rhyme or reason as to which two, except both have been uninstalled by me). If this isn't clear to you, I am talking about the list of the apps I have downloaded on market. All of my apps are working fine on the NC.
If I find the rest of my apps on Android Market on the desktop, all are marked "installed". But they simply will not appear, no matter what I do, on the NC or on the "My Orders" screen on the desktop.
Short of downloading each again (my time, ambition, patience, and data allowance are limited) how can I restore the apps to list on "My apps" on the NC and "My Orders" on the desktop?
I have a Titanium backup taken a few days before the failure. Is this information kept in some data area in the NC and sync'ed to market? Could I restore an app or that app's data and get my apps back in sync? I hesitate to restore everything, as I am beginning to believe that I am digging a hole.
Waiting patiently for some informative responses, DaveD
I haven't resolved this problem, and am still waiting for suggestions. In the meantime, an additional problem. Whenever I install a new app, downloaded in the standard manner from market, market will then appear briefly when I try to load it again, then disappear. I then have to restore the market.apk with Titanium, after which i will work again until the next time I install an app. I will now see in the my apps section the same several paid for apps plus any additional that I have installed since the problem first occurred.
Please help if you can. I would like to fix this. DaveD
I am trying to figure out the best way to backup my data and apps.
I am between using Titannium Backup or Backup Pro.
Any suggestions....?
Do you know what's the easiest way to reboot into recovery mode?
I'm running CM7 off SD card. Tried the Power and N button combination, with no luck also tried selecting reboot into recovery mode from CM7 desktop.
Which backup?
Since no one else is responding, I'll give you my recommendation based on limited experience. I like Titanium, and after installing it quickly paid for the Pro version, for the simple reason that it allows multiple backups, which I consider necessary in any backup program. I don't know about backup pro. But overall, among the two dozen or so apps I run, both free and paid, Titanium Pro appears to be the highest quality of them all.
Regarding rebooting into recovery mode, I don't know how else to reboot . See the next item in this thread for additional info on that.
Well, since no one is either interested enough or can help, I took the plunge and fixed it myself. If there is any interest, here is the only answer I could come up with.
First, I tried selectively restoring system apps with Titanium. I ended up restoring 20 or so. All that did was got me deeper into it. At the end I could no longer download apps--it would come up with the infamous "starting download" and that was the end of it.
So I decided to start from scratch, attempting to revert the Nook to it's original 1.1 out-of-the-box unregistered version. I followed the directions in the Nook Wiki (don't remember the two items and don't have time to go looking, as will be the case with a lot of the explanation below). I started with the ADB interface and entered the reboot failure 8 count from the desktop, upon which it rebooted, but did so into ClockWorkMod recovery, and recovered to the MN 4.5.25 system I was trying to get rid of. So, ignorant as I am about how all this works, I did the eight reboot failures manually, same thing, same thing. Now, I guess I could have gone in and uninstalled ClockWorkMod, but didn't think of that. So next time I tried it (third), I had recovery reset all data and cache. Then when I rebooted I was in NookColor stock 1.2, without rooting. But every time I tried to get back to out-of-the-box 1.1, I entered recovery again.
Now, withe the expectation that I could reinstall MN for the express purpose of killing ClockWorkMod recovery, then go about following the directions in Wiki which should work, I MN'ed it. Upon reemerging into MN, market worked! So I installed the 1.1Ghz kernel, and started reinstalling the apps, which I am still doing. No need to go back to the 1.1 clean level, as far as I have seen. Some of the old apps are still there, but most are gone. Again, no rhyme or reason as to which apps. But it works.
I could reinstall the old apps from Titanium, which I did for Dolphin merely to get the latest Beta 5.0.6 back and for the bookmarks, but for the most part am reinstalling from market, as I need for market to be aware of the apps I have.
Bottom line, it is much easier to wipe the Nook (provided you get ClockWorkMod out of the way first) and reinstall apps then to spend hours upon hours trying to figure out how to fix a market problem. Market is nice and solid with 4.5.25; I hope it stays that way this time (I don't know what caused the original failure, but I am highly suspicious that it was operator error)! I guess a clean wipe and reinstall to 4.5.25, including an overclocking kernel and apps, will take an hour or so, less if you reinstall apps from backups.
titanium pro is the only way to go. buy it!. I had back up pro before and had to uninstall it because it would not reinstall from time to time. titanium pro always works and with the pay version you can batch activities not like the free version where you'll have to do it one by one. anyway, if you restoring with titanium pro remember to restore apps only and not the data. you don't want to pass on bad data to your fresh flash.
with the market did you try to clear cache in application manager? sometime this will help. go to settings / application / manage application / view all and scroll down to market and clear cache and data. I also think you'll need to clear cache and data with google services framework, but I forget, not sure.
for flashing nighties (only if you're going from cm to cm) all you have to do is wipe partition cache, not data and wipe dalvik cache and flash your new nightie. all of your app will be there. I hope this helped a little. good luck.

Upgrading Roms MIUI 1.6.1 to 1.6.17

Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
pulazki said:
Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
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Doesn't Titanium Backup or Mybackup Pro work with MIUI?
pulazki said:
Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
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First backup using MIUI's built in backup. It had two parts: system and stuff, and apps. Back up all the apps. Then backup wifi and desktop at the very least. I don't backup contacts because then I get duplicates.
Reboot into recovery
Nand backup
Wipe just cache and dalvik cache.
Flash the update
Usually this is fine. But if you get fc's then you probably need to wipe clean everything and then restore via backup.
It's not.that bad. I've never had any problems re-installing swype and/or sprint voicemail. The only thing I usually have to redo is the theme.
Evo HW 003
MIUI 1.6.17
Cut Corners theme
I have been running MIUI for a couple of months now. Whenever I flash a new release (an update, in my situation) I just wipe cache & dalvik then flash. Once the rom has fully booted and settled, I'll reboot. I let it fully boot, then reboot into recovery (Amon 2.3) and "fix apk uid mismatches", then wipe cache and dalvik again, flash Tiamat since they started including the CM kernel instead, then reboot and I'm good to go. My theme sticks throughout and I haven't run into any problems doing it this way, other than broken themes from constant ui changes... which thankfully finally slowed down. Sometimes I'll skip on fixing permissions, it's more of a ritual than necessary.
Last week I decided it was probably time for a full wipe so I did. Between the MIUI Backup app & Titanium Backup Pro, setting back up took roughly 15-30 minutes (including flashing the rom and kernel). Just nandroid first to be safe, but I've always treated it as an update.
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)

[Q] [CM7] Problems with applications

Hi guys
I'm having problems I guess CM7 related, maybe you have experienced one ot them (or all like me):
- SNESdroid: It doesn't work, when I try to load ROM I get a black screen and I have to kill the app
- GoLauncherEx: It works fine but I can't change themes because it doesn't do anything. If I try to add an app to desktop by the menu of GoLauncher it try to load apps list but exit immediately, and get same behaviour if I try to go to preferences of GoLauncher
- Games: After 15 min aprox of playing some games (AngryBirds, TripleTown) the cellphone get locked and I have to press power button to unlock it and the game quits
When I installed CM7 I didn't did 'wipe dalvik cache' since in [1] says anything about that, I tried yestarday doing 'wip dalvik cache' from 2init but it doesn't change anything
I'd like to know if the bugs are app related, CM7 related (or I did a bad installation). SNESdroid is the most important for me, do you manage to got it working?
Thanks in advance
[1] wiki,cyanogenmod,com/wiki/Motorola_Defy:_Full_Update_Guide
this happened to me, once. Nothing really seemed to work except a fresh install of CM7, by the book, and note... you need to wipe Dalvik cache before you flash the rom, or it won't work right.
mankymoo said:
this happened to me, once. Nothing really seemed to work except a fresh install of CM7, by the book, and note... you need to wipe Dalvik cache before you flash the rom, or it won't work right.
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That was it, I have to reflash the build again. Currently I have CM 7.2 Nightly and it works pretty good. Thanks for your post mankymoo
PD: Can a mod mark this as solved please?

