Upgrading Roms MIUI 1.6.1 to 1.6.17 - EVO 4G General

Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?

pulazki said:
Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
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Doesn't Titanium Backup or Mybackup Pro work with MIUI?

pulazki said:
Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
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First backup using MIUI's built in backup. It had two parts: system and stuff, and apps. Back up all the apps. Then backup wifi and desktop at the very least. I don't backup contacts because then I get duplicates.
Reboot into recovery
Nand backup
Wipe just cache and dalvik cache.
Flash the update
Usually this is fine. But if you get fc's then you probably need to wipe clean everything and then restore via backup.
It's not.that bad. I've never had any problems re-installing swype and/or sprint voicemail. The only thing I usually have to redo is the theme.
Evo HW 003
MIUI 1.6.17
Cut Corners theme

I have been running MIUI for a couple of months now. Whenever I flash a new release (an update, in my situation) I just wipe cache & dalvik then flash. Once the rom has fully booted and settled, I'll reboot. I let it fully boot, then reboot into recovery (Amon 2.3) and "fix apk uid mismatches", then wipe cache and dalvik again, flash Tiamat since they started including the CM kernel instead, then reboot and I'm good to go. My theme sticks throughout and I haven't run into any problems doing it this way, other than broken themes from constant ui changes... which thankfully finally slowed down. Sometimes I'll skip on fixing permissions, it's more of a ritual than necessary.
Last week I decided it was probably time for a full wipe so I did. Between the MIUI Backup app & Titanium Backup Pro, setting back up took roughly 15-30 minutes (including flashing the rom and kernel). Just nandroid first to be safe, but I've always treated it as an update.
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)


[Q] Epic Adventure, Noob 101?

I'm still pretty new to Android, I want to get into customizing my epic, specifically learning how to load custom roms.
I'm looking for some good how to resources, I've done some preliminary forum searches with some success.
So far I've updated to 2.2, and had the gps problem. Searched for a solution, found multiple threads for the fix, most involve using Oden, I've had zero success with getting oden to see my phone.
So I searched for alternative methods,
I finally fixed the gps problem, by doing one click root > made a clockwork back up > flashed back to DI18 > stepped outside, got gps lock > Flashed to the DK28 > Then Restored my clockwork back up. After that the gps has been super fast to lock, usually under 5 sec.
But I'm still chasing the dragon, I want the AOSP Lockscreen, I've tried clockwork installing different versions from the popular thread about the AOSP Lockscreen, to no success.
But now I get an occasional black out screen, the phone is still on, it if I leave it alone, the stock tw lockscreen comes back.
Now frustrated that I've come across another quirk, I want to try one of the 2.2 based roms, particularly the Nebula.
One problem, I can't find instructions on how to install it.
I do see instructions for other roms, I'm assuming that it's a similar procedure.
The Epic experience says oden to a stock 2.2, then in clockwork "wipe data/factory reset" before flashing the rom.
One question, when I do an oden flash to 2.2 and "wipe data/factory reset" will it delete my clockwork back up?
Current mission.
1. Have a backup of my data and apps.
2. Install a custom rom
3. Restore my data from backup.
1. Anyway to use a custom rom with out Oden?
2. Is it completely necessary to do a factory reset?
3. Factory reset, will this effect my phone account information, such as being associated with my phone number and sprint account?
Any information is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
I'm a linux user, I've never used odin and I'm running the current rom of mammons.
When using clockworkmod to do the resets for factory and cache, it will not wipe anything stored on the sd card. So as long as your clockworkmod backup is on your sd card, and it should be, you won't lose it.
Factory reset and deleting cache its required. Do it 3 times to make sure its done before flashing the me rom.
It will not mess with your phone number our account info.
I recommend downloading titanium backup and backing up all app data and user system info.
If you have more questions that you couldn't find on the forums, our need clarification, ask away.
Sent from my shoe, I mean....Epic shoe... I mean Samsung Epic! http://mobilehighway.blogspot.com/
Thanks mxcoldhit, I'm now running my 1st rom, Nebula, so far so good.
A few notes from my experience:
From my previous clockwork back up, restored that, installed titanium, backed up my most used apps & info, exported my contact info from the contacts app.
Went ahead and wiped 3 times, loaded my rom, installed titanium, restored all my apps and info that I've had since day one.
Things of note to noobs like me, clockwork is awesome, back ups seem to work like ghost images, whole frozen snapshots of the os with all data & apps.
Titanium and clockwork both store the backup data on your micro-sd card.
So you can play with different setups and if you want to go back, just restore the back up file, they don't get wiped when you wipe the phone.
Titanium works in much the same fashion, install it on your system and you can make back ups of apps and phone data, when you load a new rom, just go ahead and install Titanium if it's not already there, and you can restore your favorite apps and data.
One thing that confused me before realizing what i was doing wrong, was that after I flashed the custom rom, I restored my backup thinking that it would just add my data and apps back, well it does that and the os also, so just keep that in mind.

HELP! - my market and phone are acting up

So, I decided to do a full wipe (minus sd) and re-install a fresh copy of CM7 7.1.0 on my Nex S. Anyways, I went into CWM, did cache wipe, factory wipe, and dalvik, wiped /data manually for good measure, and went thru installing the ROM, then my custom kernel (TEUV morfic), and then the latest gapps.
Upon boot, I notice the following things:
1. The welcome screen never comes up! It just goes to the desktop/home screen.
2. The market is gone! I've never had this happen, but it's just not there anymore
3. I can't add Google accounts like I normally do. It only allows me to add Exchange accounts.
What am I missing here?!? This is driving me nuts. I've tried reinstalling, rewiping, reflashing, re-EVERYTHING to no avail. I don't understand WTF is up with this.
You forgot to flash the latest gapps.
Note. You may have flashed the one that is labeled new-talk at the end. This is not the full gapps. You flash that file alongside the gapps with the same date.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium

[Q]Defy does not boot anymore(bootloop?)

Last night I upgraded from WIUI2.5.7(stable) to the new WIUI2.6.8(stable). It went well, <strike>I did make the mistake to wipe cache instead of dalvik cache after flashing</strike>, but I did wipe the dalvik cache after that. Then I booted into the defy, downloaded Titanium Backup from the market and restored system settings. Then Titanium Backup suggested I rebooted, which I did. After that I cannot enter the bootloader and it's stuck flashing coloured squares, I guess that is the ICS bootanimation.
My guess is my Defy seems bricked, but isn't. What do I need to do to rescue it?
Fixed it myself, I kept removing the battery and fiddling with the buttons and all of a sudden I was in the bootloader and reinstalled the ROM. What I need to know is what caused the problem. Probably certain system settings could not be exported, perhaps all of them? I understand that you cannot import from gingerbread to ICS, but I thought this kernal was gingerbread. And can I import contacts, whatsup settings, SMS etc?
NM, I cannot get get this rom to work when importing settings en data, I'll just go back to 2.5.27. Thank you all for your help, I appreciate it.

[Q] SPH-L900/Sprint USA - OMNI was working fine, now no mobile network services

Started with OMNI shown on galaxynote2root.com. Was working nearly flawlessly until today when I lost my mobile network (all services: phone, text, data - antenna was essentially gone). Not clear on exactly what I did when it occurred but I did flash 1/13/14 nightly manually via CWM (have done this with the previous nightly's without any problems). Tried wiping cache/data, Dalvik w/o luck. Tried formatting my internal SD also w/o luck. Doing a fresh install (as opposed to restore) did restore all mobile network services but of course I am now having to re-setup my phone. After installing fresh install, tried restoring w/o any wipe - again no luck.
Quite frustrating. I had read something out there that talked about remapping the tree (not sure what this means). In any case, is there a fix for this so I can restore my prior backups with mobile services working and also avoid this the future?
So here we go again; no service after wipe. Grrrrrrrr!!
hammerchucker said:
Started with OMNI shown on galaxynote2root.com. Was working nearly flawlessly until today when I lost my mobile network (all services: phone, text, data - antenna was essentially gone). Not clear on exactly what I did when it occurred but I did flash 1/13/14 nightly manually via CWM (have done this with the previous nightly's without any problems). Tried wiping cache/data, Dalvik w/o luck. Tried formatting my internal SD also w/o luck. Doing a fresh install (as opposed to restore) did restore all mobile network services but of course I am now having to re-setup my phone. After installing fresh install, tried restoring w/o any wipe - again no luck.
Quite frustrating. I had read something out there that talked about remapping the tree (not sure what this means). In any case, is there a fix for this so I can restore my prior backups with mobile services working and also avoid this the future?
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So here we go again. Went to load the stock Sprint TouchWiz ROM. Wiped cache partition, wiped Dalvik, and did stand wipe cache/data. Had some issue with the stock ROM flashing so I went ahead and loaded my backup I just made of my newly setup OMNI ROM. And once again no network service what so ever. I really enjoy this ROM but it's thinks like this that push me back to the most supported ROM for my phone, the TouchWiz ROM. It's like I'm being held hostage to this Omni ROM in the sense that it appears that should I want do any wipe of any sorts or anything to that effect I'm essentially screwed and might as well just flash the the original ROM all over again.
There's got to be one of you Dev's out there that knows why this is happened and can let me know if there is a fix for this that will allow me to keep my setup as is. Someone who's knows, please response. If you need more info, please ask. I'm about to ditch this ROM over this issue. Otherwise, nearly flawless use of the ROM until this point.
Okay, so I was able to find a fix for this problem. After the complete wipe as described in my second post, I restored my recent backup. As mentioned above, no mobile service whatsoever at that pont. I then restarted back into CWM recovery and flashed the same version nightly as that of my backup and it appeared to do an update. I was then able to boot back into my restored backup with everything intact and all mobile services working.
Yes, I found a fix for myself but Devs why the heck do I have to go through that? Why cannot I not simply restore my backup and go on with life? Much headache over the past day or so over this.
So I installed the the 1/13/14 nightly as a fresh install. I stared messing around with advanced restore. When I restore only the /system folder that is when I lose all mobile cell services.

wipe cashe and dalvik

Hi all,
I think I might have a problem, after I flashed xposed framework on my nexus 6p and got the modules that I wanted up and running no problem, during 4 or 5 days all worked fine but had constant reboots,
I decided to go back before I flashed xposed with twrp and restored a full backup, it failed to restore all selected at the same time, so did one a time and restored but phone would just not boot, so
Having data partition restored and then dirty flash stock without wipe data I was able to get my phone back and running, and re-root fine and flashed twrp no problems
Went to twrp to wipe cashe and dalvik but it just takes like 2 seconds optimizing apps and boots to desktop right up, now my question is
Shouldn't it take a very long time to optimize all my apps after the wipe????
all seems to be working fine but kind of bothers me that I might have something in not working right that might develop into something worst in the future
It is at this point I usually full-wipe and reflash. =) Setting things up again can suck, but it's better than wondering what unknown thing is broken and will rear it's ugly head later.
Elnrik said:
It is at this point I usually full-wipe and reflash. =) Setting things up again can suck, but it's better than wondering what unknown thing is broken and will rear it's ugly head later.
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full wipe and reflash, want to avoid that, any other commands perhaps?
OK so I did a full re flash, back to stock, re root, installed my apps, used for a while, log in on all, went to twrp to test wipe cache and dalvik, same thing, optimizing apps at first boot took like one second and boot to desktop, is this normal or should take longer to optimize all apps?? Anyone??
is my understanding that only apps that havent already been optimized will upon boot... (new installs from like a zip)
chaco81 said:
is my understanding that only apps that havent already been optimized will upon boot... (new installs from like a zip)
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thats what i am thinking too now that you mention it, like when I installed xposed initially and did whipe cache/dalvik thing after it took long time to boot because was on something like optimizing app 3 out 78, same thing I have seen on my old nexus 5 when dirty flash a new firmware, but not sure if I have something broken or is normal

