[Q] [CM7] Problems with applications - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys
I'm having problems I guess CM7 related, maybe you have experienced one ot them (or all like me):
- SNESdroid: It doesn't work, when I try to load ROM I get a black screen and I have to kill the app
- GoLauncherEx: It works fine but I can't change themes because it doesn't do anything. If I try to add an app to desktop by the menu of GoLauncher it try to load apps list but exit immediately, and get same behaviour if I try to go to preferences of GoLauncher
- Games: After 15 min aprox of playing some games (AngryBirds, TripleTown) the cellphone get locked and I have to press power button to unlock it and the game quits
When I installed CM7 I didn't did 'wipe dalvik cache' since in [1] says anything about that, I tried yestarday doing 'wip dalvik cache' from 2init but it doesn't change anything
I'd like to know if the bugs are app related, CM7 related (or I did a bad installation). SNESdroid is the most important for me, do you manage to got it working?
Thanks in advance
[1] wiki,cyanogenmod,com/wiki/Motorola_Defy:_Full_Update_Guide

this happened to me, once. Nothing really seemed to work except a fresh install of CM7, by the book, and note... you need to wipe Dalvik cache before you flash the rom, or it won't work right.

mankymoo said:
this happened to me, once. Nothing really seemed to work except a fresh install of CM7, by the book, and note... you need to wipe Dalvik cache before you flash the rom, or it won't work right.
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That was it, I have to reflash the build again. Currently I have CM 7.2 Nightly and it works pretty good. Thanks for your post mankymoo
PD: Can a mod mark this as solved please?


Horrible market problems

OK so I went from having force closing problems to wifi problems and now it's market problems I'm slowly getting better at this. So when I want to download something on the market it starts, downloads to 10 percent and just stops and I have no idea. This happens almost every 5 or so downloads and I once cleared cache an it worked for just one application and that's it. Thanks for your help guys
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
Seems to be a known problem, happens to me. Submit a error report!
[Q] marketplace not working
as of today my android marketplace hasnt worked... i click an app to download and install and it starts the download then the thing just disappears from my notification bar and it never actually installs on my device. ive tried this on several different apps, including some that i have downloaded before but decided to uninstall, yet the problem remains. im running cm7 nighty #35 if thats any help. can anyone explain whats up?
First thing I would try is to clear Market cache by going to Settings > Applications > Manage applications > All > Scroll down to Market, select Force Stop then Clear cache, and try downloading the app again.
yeah i had tried that. but no luck, it didnt work. i guess maybe itll fix itself when i update my rom. i dont know
Drum doesn't work did that already I think it's the rom maybe they will fix it soon...
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
I was having an issue with it as well (but i'm on cm7, if it makes a diff). I did the clear cache/stop updates method which worked great the first time. Then the issue happened again, i cleared cache and rebooted, worked fine. THEN i had the issue again, (but i noticed it seems to have happened after using the clean feature in sd maid). Removed sd maid, cleared cache, havent had a problem since.

[Q] Andriod market problems

Hi, hoping somebody on here will be able to help me.
I'm having problems with the android market, basically i've had the x8 for a few months now using the stock rom. Decided to try out some of the custom roms on here so wanted to try them all before choosing.
Was really happy with racht's floyo.20 and dioxanh's rom's. Had no problem with the android market till a few days ago when i installed the latest dioxanh's vo17 rom. I logged in as usual but i only has a selection of around 20 free apps and no paid apps. The paid apps menu doesn't even show up. When i try to search for any specific app it says it can't locate it, even very common ones like facebook, opera etc.
I've tried logging in with different accounts, erasing information, rebooting, loading different roms and even re-installing the stock rom but still getting the same problem.
Is there some settings on the phone that i need to reset.
Did i try too many custom roms in too short a time or something silly like that.
Any help would be much appreciated as I would like to get the most from the x8 as I think its a great phone.
Don't know if you have tried this, but wipe Dalvik Cache and Cache in xRecovery ------> Advanced tools-------> Wipe Dalvik Cache and Wipe Cache Partition

[Q] I have questions

First, sorry for my bad english. Hope you understand
I installed CM 7.2 and it runs smoothly but I encountered some annoying problems.
When the first time i install GO Launhcher EX it's ok with some beautiful wallpapers in GO Wallpaper setting but now it was gone, just leave a single one. And the label of GO menu setting disappeared too.
Same with Opera Mobile, you all know that it has Speed ​​Dial Page with some Facebook, Opera ... link by default. But now it clear although I did not touch it.
I did everything possible, clear app cache, wipe data and cache, even format everything in the menu CWM - mount and storage and install a fresh ROM.
But everything remains the same.
What is the problem ? Where a place not be cleared ?
Go back to CWM, mount and storage, wipe SYSTEM/DATA/CACHE.
Go back to Advanced, wipe Dalvik.
Flash your 7.2 CM ROM.
that should start you with fresh clean ROM.
Edit: don't forget to flash Gapps after you flash CM 7.2
Thanks for reply, im not a newbie i known what to do but it still remains the same. I dont known why !

[HELP:'(]something in data/ causes ui sound not to hear

Ok so. Yesterday I was testing around some new games. When I installed a shooter game that I found Panda Mobile Security recognized it as a generic virus so I uninstalled the app just like the antivirus told me to. Then after some time playing the other games I had found I noticed that most of the UI sounds were not working.(like when i tap somewhere the usual "tick" doesn't hear or when I type my PIN in the reboot I dont hear the "tick" either. So I tried to reboot hoping that would fix it but it didn't help me at all. At last I decided to reflash my ROM without wipes and I was sure that was gonna fix that. After reflashing my ROM again, wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions nothing happened at all. Then I tried wiping only /data in CWM and wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions and thus time when I rebooted the sound was back!!!! So the "file" causing this problem is in /data. Any suggestions? Help please
I think I should also mention that the other sounds(like in games and music) is perfectly fine and I'm running CM9 4.0.4. (qisu2011 shendu mod)
NickVXD said:
Ok so. Yesterday I was testing around some new games. When I installed a shooter game that I found Panda Mobile Security recognized it as a generic virus so I uninstalled the app just like the antivirus told me to. Then after some time playing the other games I had found I noticed that most of the UI sounds were not working.(like when i tap somewhere the usual "tick" doesn't hear or when I type my PIN in the reboot I dont hear the "tick" either. So I tried to reboot hoping that would fix it but it didn't help me at all. At last I decided to reflash my ROM without wipes and I was sure that was gonna fix that. After reflashing my ROM again, wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions nothing happened at all. Then I tried wiping only /data in CWM and wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions and thus time when I rebooted the sound was back!!!! So the "file" causing this problem is in /data. Any suggestions? Help please
I think I should also mention that the other sounds(like in games and music) is perfectly fine and I'm running CM9 4.0.4. (qisu2011 shendu mod)
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Nick, just come back to GB on the good way with dload and check if that fix you sound. There are 3 options: speaker broken, speaker wet(you can fix) or corrupt ROM. So the best way is coming back to the stock version the phone cames and check, good luck friend!
Herna thanks but I fixed it.
Sent from my U8800Pro using xda premium

CM13- Can't have background apps

I have CM13 official running on my OP2; installed about a week ago with a clean install.
Have noticed that I never have any background tasks when I use task switcher, just the message saying "your recent screens are shown here"
I have avast running purely AV. No task killer app.
Can't work it out
Have I missed a setting somewhere.
Couldn't find a similar problem on the CM13 thread
Thanks in advance
Had a bite more of a play
Doesn't appear that exited apps take any longer to load than normal which makes me suspect a simple recent apps screen failure, unless anyone has any more suggestions
Make sure that background process limit in developer options is set to 'standard limit', and try to wipe your cache and dalvik in recovery. If it still doesn't work, try a clean flash. Btw, what's your nightly version?
S4G4R said:
Make sure that background process limit in developer options is set to 'standard limit', and try to wipe your cache and dalvik in recovery. If it still doesn't work, try a clean flash. Btw, what's your nightly version?
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Thanks. Tried to wipe above.
Flashed to latest version, problem disappeared, must have been a bad flash
Thanks again

