[Q] I have questions - Nook Color Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First, sorry for my bad english. Hope you understand
I installed CM 7.2 and it runs smoothly but I encountered some annoying problems.
When the first time i install GO Launhcher EX it's ok with some beautiful wallpapers in GO Wallpaper setting but now it was gone, just leave a single one. And the label of GO menu setting disappeared too.
Same with Opera Mobile, you all know that it has Speed ​​Dial Page with some Facebook, Opera ... link by default. But now it clear although I did not touch it.
I did everything possible, clear app cache, wipe data and cache, even format everything in the menu CWM - mount and storage and install a fresh ROM.
But everything remains the same.
What is the problem ? Where a place not be cleared ?

Go back to CWM, mount and storage, wipe SYSTEM/DATA/CACHE.
Go back to Advanced, wipe Dalvik.
Flash your 7.2 CM ROM.
that should start you with fresh clean ROM.
Edit: don't forget to flash Gapps after you flash CM 7.2

Thanks for reply, im not a newbie i known what to do but it still remains the same. I dont known why !


[Q] [CM7] Problems with applications

Hi guys
I'm having problems I guess CM7 related, maybe you have experienced one ot them (or all like me):
- SNESdroid: It doesn't work, when I try to load ROM I get a black screen and I have to kill the app
- GoLauncherEx: It works fine but I can't change themes because it doesn't do anything. If I try to add an app to desktop by the menu of GoLauncher it try to load apps list but exit immediately, and get same behaviour if I try to go to preferences of GoLauncher
- Games: After 15 min aprox of playing some games (AngryBirds, TripleTown) the cellphone get locked and I have to press power button to unlock it and the game quits
When I installed CM7 I didn't did 'wipe dalvik cache' since in [1] says anything about that, I tried yestarday doing 'wip dalvik cache' from 2init but it doesn't change anything
I'd like to know if the bugs are app related, CM7 related (or I did a bad installation). SNESdroid is the most important for me, do you manage to got it working?
Thanks in advance
[1] wiki,cyanogenmod,com/wiki/Motorola_Defy:_Full_Update_Guide
this happened to me, once. Nothing really seemed to work except a fresh install of CM7, by the book, and note... you need to wipe Dalvik cache before you flash the rom, or it won't work right.
mankymoo said:
this happened to me, once. Nothing really seemed to work except a fresh install of CM7, by the book, and note... you need to wipe Dalvik cache before you flash the rom, or it won't work right.
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That was it, I have to reflash the build again. Currently I have CM 7.2 Nightly and it works pretty good. Thanks for your post mankymoo
PD: Can a mod mark this as solved please?

[q] bluetooth peculiar issue

I had installed AOKP ICS ROM, in which theres a bluetooth not working issue, then I did davlik and cache wipe and installed AURORA 4.1a Over it.. Evrything was smooth except Blutooth continued to be non functional. Now I again did the double wipe and installed ELORA over it, and the Blutooth is still an issue. Is there any way to correct this without a complete wipe?
Hello jy0thish,
i think you can not avoid a full wipe. Every rom is different and if you don not delete the data it will cause problems with other roms.Thats why u need to do a full wipe before installing a new rom, You can backup SMS and contacts with SuperBackup and apps with TitaniumBackup. If the full wipe wipe is not the solution, than flash the gingerbread update by Huawei again, so you have a clean phone and try it again .
good luck

[Q] 4.4.2 deodex

Is anyone on the special 4.4.2 nc2 having a problem with rotation where it works on reboot then doesn't after five to ten min. My auto brightness is also flaky I've updated to the Bajarom12 and 13 and the issues persist. Also have had a com.sec.android.keyguard failure with the lock screen but noticed nothing different. I've looked through the threads and haven't found anything any help or links would be appreciated
Thank you
I personally use rotation locker and manually rotate my screen. I can't help you with the auto brightness, but as a rule of thumb when having problems with roms it's always best to wipe dalvik cache and regular cache in recovery. If that does not work you need to make a nandriod backup to a microsd card and then wipe your data also in recovery and start fresh and see if you still have the problem (most likely you will not).
LBJM said:
I personally use rotation locker and manually rotate my screen. I can't help you with the auto brightness, but as a rule of thumb when having problems with roms it's always best to wipe dalvik cache and regular cache in recovery. If that does not work you need to make a nandriod backup to a microsd card and then wipe your data also in recovery and start fresh and see if you still have the problem (most likely you will not).
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thank you for the quick reply :] I have done a dalvik cache, cache, system, data, every time and have installed deodex 4.4.2, new hyperdrive, and baja 14. I also flashed the n900vkk firmware md5 file in AP in Odin after doing the fresh installs to see if that would change anything and sometimes it will rotate the first few minutes after restart then sometimes just not at all. Thank you for the rotation locker recom. I downloaded it and am using it right now :good:
thedoseofdopeness said:
thank you for the quick reply :] I have done a dalvik cache, cache, system, data, every time and have installed deodex 4.4.2, new hyperdrive, and baja 14. I also flashed the n900vkk firmware md5 file in AP in Odin after doing the fresh installs to see if that would change anything and sometimes it will rotate the first few minutes after restart then sometimes just not at all. Thank you for the rotation locker recom. I downloaded it and am using it right now :good:
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i have read many times about rotation issue being linked to freezing/removing some of what is considered bloat. there is an ongoing thread right here about it. hope that helps.

[Q] GT-I9505 trouble wiping and date/time

I'm trying to fix a problem for a few days now, but without any luck.
I flashed CM11 using CWM, which is the latest.
But for some reason there is a problem with the date & time. My whatsapp keeps telling me my date was wrong, while it was actually set right. Didn't matter if i changed it and changed it back, or put it on automatic. It keeps resetting at boot but for some reason it shows the right date.
So i tried flashing another rom and i have the same problem.
But then i found out i did a full wipe and to be sure i formatted System and Data (also cache and dalvik), but when i did a clean install after the wiping, i still could restore a whatsapp backup and i see all my photos which are located on my internal storage. (/storage/emulated/o).
I think the wiping isn't done right or something.
Does anybody know what i should do?
I just want to wipe everything possible, except for CWM and then do a clean install.

Can't access to notifications and quicksettings tiles.

I flashed the latest img and vendor from Pure Nexus and i got a little problem, I cant see notifications though the vibration happens, and i can't draw the notifications menu either same about the quicktiles settings.
I also noticed that recent apps button doesn't do anything anymore, i rebooted in safe mode, still same issues, can you help me?
Sberdila said:
I flashed the latest img and vendor from Pure Nexus and i got a little problem, I cant see notifications though the vibration happens, and i can't draw the notifications menu either same about the quicktiles settings.
I also noticed that recent apps button doesn't do anything anymore, i rebooted in safe mode, still same issues, can you help me?
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Sounds to me like you didn't wipe properly when flashing the ROM. You need to wipe system, data, cache, dalvik cache before flashing, is that what you did?
Usually when you update the same rom it's better to dirty flash no? i cant wipe all my data everytime i want to update the rom, though i might go back to stock, i
what's the best way to backup apps within the phone, and should i go deodex or Oden
Sberdila said:
Usually when you update the same rom it's better to dirty flash no? i cant wipe all my data everytime i want to update the rom, though i might go back to stock, i
what's the best way to backup apps within the phone, and should i go deodex or Oden
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My mistake, I didn't realise you were just updating the same ROM. Yes, usually you can just dirty flash, but the way something is implemented may have changed in the latest update, causing the issues you're having now. The solution is pretty simple though: backup your user apps with Titanium Backup, boot into TWRP and perform a full wipe (system, data, cache, dalvik cache), flash ROM + gapps, boot into ROM and set up your settings, restore your user apps with Titanium Backup.
Thanks a lot!
I had this same issue after the March security updates. Was given this and it fixed my issues completely! It manually runs the setup wizard. Not sure if it will fix it or not, but worth a shot.

