[Q] slight reception Wi-Fi - HD2 General

Hello, I ve a BIG problem with my HTC Leo (HD2). I bought it 2 days ago from second-hand. It has windows mobile 6,5. I tried login to 'marketplace' from wi fi but it doesnt work. I ve got 3 notebook in my house and PSP and there is connection with Wi Fi with all this stuff.At last HTC catched signal when I turned back HTC to antenna which was 30 cm from mobile. I losed signal when I moved HTC. I changed RADIO (from XX.XX.51.XX to XX.XX.50.XX) and ROM and installed Android SD/inROM. I changed BUILD many times and problems always was the same - no signal. Now I have STOCK HTC BUILD
OS version 5.2.21869
ROM version 1.48.479.1 WWE
RADIO version
This problem is still appearing. Please help me because i dont know what I should to do.
PS. Im sorry for my english mistakes

whether nobody knows how solve my problem? Very please help

Sounds likely to be hardware related.
You could try a Task 29 & then a Energy ROM & radio from my Signature & see what happens !
Have you tried to set wifi to best signal performance and seen any improvement ?

I fear use the Task 29 because I fear Brick. Anyway, I can not find "Energy Dinik 23699 Nov24" download. changed the signal for the best performance and conserves battery power and can not see no improvement. Maybe to give up the phone for guarantees?

S_H_O_O_T said:
I fear use the Task 29 because I fear Brick. Anyway, I can not find "Energy Dinik 23699 Nov24" download. changed the signal for the best performance and conserves battery power and can not see no improvement. Maybe to give up the phone for guarantees?
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I think your wifi cable is loose from inside.
I have disassembled and re-assembled my hd2 2 times. one for cleaning the light sensors (coz the hd2 wud sleep during a call and not wake up)
second to fix the power button. some dirt got under the power button. now everything works well..
my point being. each time i disassemble i notice the wifi cable comes off very easily without much effort. but gps cable comes out if you apply enough pressure.
EDIT. i gave a little wrong info. no need to go deep inside the device. when you take out the back cover the wifi cable is just there. so no need to take apart the screen and flex cable.
also. check if you can pair bluetooth with another device. if you cannot pair the bluetooth or cannot find a bluetooth connection then its definately loose wire.
once u watch this video u will know its very easy

but if i open m phone i lose guarantees

does ur device still have warranty?
btw no need to go inside for the flex cable. read my post again. i have edited my information.
there is absolutely no need to go inside the device. when you remove the bottom cover, the wifi cable is visible.

well...then you can try servicing it in an authorized shop.

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The black wifi cable is located where i have marked in RED

ayyu3m said:
The black wifi cable is located where i have marked in RED
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Original IMAGES and post here by meegulthwarp

i dont have this special screwdriver so i cant open phone . i can find another telephon with BT only when telepfon is nearly my HD2 (10 cm)

S_H_O_O_T said:
i dont have this special screwdriver so i cant open phone . i can find another telephon with BT only when telepfon is nearly my HD2 (10 cm)
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means its the wifi cable. (btw the wifi and bluetooth cable are the same)
since u dont have the tools. u might wana send it off for service or anyone else who is capable of.

ok. write yet what exactly I have to do with the cable after opening the phone?

there will be little socket on the wire on both sides. and the plug will be on the board.
when i say socket and plug...its actually very small.
so just push it place. whichever side is loose that is. remember. its the black cable. dont play with the white cable...which is gps cable.

here is the image of such a cable. its called coaxial cable.
the cable has the female connector and the male connectors is on board on either sides. one is up and the other is on main board (down)

and here are the male connectors marked in RED.
take notice of the orange area i have marked. BE CAREFUL that you dont accidently press on this area. the gold metal clip wil break very easily. this is the actual wifi / bluetooh antennae contacts to the cover.

Do I understand? Simply plug will put more strongly into the slot and should be good to catch WiFi coverage? And if that's not enough, and still will not log in correctly wifi what I must do. I want to know now to not ride to the commission sale after 1000 times
"dzizys .... za co , panie za co... "

YEP. last night only collins521 was having the same problem. after he reconnected the cable his wifi is working in full strength.
see here what he had to say.

VERY helpful posts regarding the WiFi problems--especially excellent with the informative photos. On a semi-related note, I've just developed severe reception (regular signal, not wifi) problems on a year-and-a-half old HD2. Signal quality has abruptly plunged recently, and after running exhaustive tests I think I can rule out any and all software/firmware related causes. A hard drop into the street while getting out of my car last month might be the culprit...
Anyway, getting to the point: Since the phone is no longer under warranty, and in similar fashion to your troubleshooting advice above, is there anything I can check in there which could be causing the poor signal reception, like the regular antenna coming "loose" over time or due to a hard knock (or two)? I can't tell from the diagrams you posted, and since I've never opened the HD2 I don't even know where the antenna is located or if it's even accessible for examination without totally dismantling the phone. Any advice you can give me? It would be greatly appreciated.
If not, perhaps I will start a separate thread (and I don't mean to hijack this one), but with the great shots of the HD2 innards along with your clear explanations, I couldn't resist seeing if you had a similar 'how-to' regarding the main antenna.


Need help (Qtek2020)

Hi all
yesterday, while trying to put my device into my jeans pocket, i left it and it fall down to the ground... No damage at the moment after a first check... everything ok... BUT... after coming back home, i've put it into the connection base and anything happened... i've tried softreset but anything happened too.... so i've noticed, looking at the bottom of the qtek, that the port for the cable/base connection wasn't ok.
Here is the problem.... i get no activesync connection or power charging because the port is damaged... i've found that this port moves in every direction and so it isn't well attached to the mainboard. So i decided to disassemble the device to understand what is the problem whit my qtek.
After disassembling it, i noticed that the port has lost the weld that locks it to the mainboard...
And now??? What to do??? The port is completely detached and i think that there is no way to weld it again to the MB.
I'm out of warranty time too and i think that the warranty doesn't cover this kind of problem even because the technician will understand the reason of the unwelding.... and even because i'm not using my original rom from qtek....
So i thought one thing... is there any way to find a cable to connect the device from the port that i found just under the battery??? Where can i find the right cable??? And will it be usefull to get back again all the functionalities???
Please help.... i don't want to break up from my qtek so soon.... and i would like to wait few months before to buy a new device... (universal).
Hope someone will give me some advices... or suggestions.
Bye.... MINDGAP.
Anyone's got an advice for me??? Anyone can help???
I'm in troubloe here and i would like to understand if i could make my own cable to use from the back door port that i found under the battery cover of my device.
I tried to look in the himalaya wiki page but i found anything about this port.... only connection for the main port... that i can't use anymore because it's completely distroyed....
Please help me i can't believe that i'have to throw away my pocket pc only because of this problem....
What i would like to understand is if i can weld the port back again to the MB or even to give power from the port that is placed under the battery to use it only like Navigator in my car.
Please let me know if i can find a cable or a different solution in order to get my device back with all functionalities... i could even send the device to someone who could repair it and send it back again.
I would pay to have it back repaired.
Hope someone will help.
Thanks and have a nice day!
some images from the disaster!!!!
ok... here u are some images taken this afternoon.... featuring my POOR DEVICE..... terribly wounded.... almost dead!!!!
Hope these images will help you in trying to find a solution....
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Thanks in advance just for reading this post.... and thanks much more for answering.....
go to www.ipaqrepair.co.uk, order the Switch Board Socket 22 Pin (3800 Series)
Product code: 204
link is:
I think your device will be good as new.
good luck
Thanks for everything u did for me ATC.....
I hope my device will be back soon...
Best regards.
if this is still a problem for you and all else has failed then I would be preperd to try and resoulder the connection for you I do have all the right equipment and I have experance as I have chiped sevreal Xboxs and thay have a fue fiddley bits plus I was traned to militry spec in solderin at EEV but there is no garantee but from what I have seen I may well be able to do the job. You can pm me in here and I will be watching this thred.
Well I've had also this problem once. I have broken this connector off the board with the charging adapter from charger. Anyway it isn't too difficult to repair that if you are a bit handy. Just use a micro-solder and carefuly sold the connector back.
1. Don't plug the battery while you repair that!
2. Use the rosin to prevent decant the pewter on the pins
3. Use the pewter-suction band to remove the pewter from the connector if is it too much
4. When finished,use a mechanical tools to remove the rest of the rosin. Don't use alcohol based solvents(I have damaged the JoyStick with Isopropyl-Alcohol)!
5. Ensure that all pins are solded separately and no pins are bridged by soldering!
Probably this will result as a Hard-reset,because the repair will take probably more than 30mins without battery or you can short-circuit the backup battery. Therefore backup all your data(WM5-Only RAMdisk).
In the meantime, you could still communicate with your wounded beast say using Activesync over Bluetooth (that will sort out your sync issues and allow you to have an up to date copy of your data). Similalry if you have or can get an SD card you can dunp copies of data onto that too.
Also if you can get your hands on a second battery quickly enough, use the cradle to keep one bat on charge while using the other in the device. Regularly swap over will mean that you can at least use your Himam until you are in a position to solder new/old parts.
Regards - Mallow1
Can some one post a topic or a detailed manual on how to disassemble the hima?
Regds Aldo
You need to remove the black antenna cover. After that is it easy. Just few screws. Remove all parts in cover neighbourhood(card,stylus,antenna connector cap). Then release both hooks located at the top of the battery with your nail or small screwdriver pushed into the stylus hole and at the volume-slider location. After that release fixings in surround of the card slot. Do it easily and carefully! Otherwise you can break the plastic. You can find also the service manual at wiki.xda-dev,but DON'T do it that way! That procedure is wrong.
Can anyone send some pictures on how to disassemble the qtek. Which screws do we need to pull out and how do you do that?
hi i did assemble the connector my self , but i m in Egypt , Cairo ...if you like call me on my handy
Jimmy Rag

Project Electric Himalaya

Hello to all. I'm a "new" member to the XDA-Dev community, and I am today presenting a document on my project that I've been dreaming about for 2 years or so. Finally, I had enough time to take time off my schedule to do something significant today - start this project officially.
I have an O2 XDA II with a broken connector. I will be attempting to hardwire an electrical source to the device by as many means possible. I have created this thread for people to come together and discuss any information they might have, any thoughts/ideas they want to share, or any observation(s) on their own experiments with this device.
ps. : Here is something i forgot to add to the drawing :- At the end of the two wires in the end, I aim to put a USB male/female (haven't decided). Maybe i'll even redesign the area of the connector, but that would result in heavy work. We'll see how it goes. (and see how this thread gets feedback)
Here's something that might kickstart your contribution to this thread :
- Will it be possible to run the device without a battery with a charger of 5V?
- Will it be possible to join the two plates, positive (1+2) and negative (5+6), together, and get more power? Will there be any changes? Will there be a performance hike?
- What will happen to the device if a charger of 5.2V is used?
- If the two end wires are left not connected to a source, will an energy leak of any kind happen?
- Will the length of the wires significantly increase resistance and therefore reduce battery life?
I'm new here, go easy on me! >.<
Thanks for your time, and effort.
your questions are mainly in the general electric cat rather then himalya really
"- Will it be possible to run the device without a battery with a charger of 5V?"
yes unless the device detect the batt present and refuse to work without it
"- What will happen to the device if a charger of 5.2V is used?"
thumb rule is 20% each way without any problem
"- If the two end wires are left not connected to a source, will an energy leak of any kind happen?"
electrons travel from + to minus can't travel over air unless it's very hf
"- Will the length of the wires significantly increase resistance and therefore reduce battery life?"
there are many sites which let you calc the resistence of wires over lenght
but if you don't make them longer then 50cm you should not worry
Ah, thank you for your reply. Yes maybe you are right about the "electrical category" part, but since I was working on Himalaya, I might have just gotten a little over-excited and thought I might start a "project". Right you are, indeed this is purely electrical stuffs, but if you/anyone else might have any other information or ideas to refurbish your Himalaya, maybe this might be the place?
I was thinking of making use of the cradle from XDA II, resulting in a rewiring of the cradle and the device. Then that would mean that I need alot of USB cables, a drill, and maybe some wood? Well, if anyone has any points to bring up, speak up yeah?
In any case, IF I do decide to make something to help those dead Himalayas (like I said earlier, remodelling the cradle and device), then we'll have this thread as a tut.
Thanks and have a nice day people.
DEAD Hima.
okay, so i took two wires, connected the battery and the device (one plate and one pin each) and tried to fire up the device. It wouldn't start. I reinserted the battery to the Hima and it wouldn't fire up. I'm guessing that it's DEAD. Anyone might want to help me on this one?
- my connector is dead.
- my 2 batts are fully charged, still no avail. (not dead batt i guess)
- i charged my backup batt but still no avail.
- either there is an overall power undersurge(i'm just shooting random thoughts), or the RED SWITCH is causing the problems. coz the red switch is indeed loose"r", or, more loose, than before. Maybe I hit it abit too hard in the process and thought the battery did it, i'm not sure. Any help would be appreciated.
Oh and I'm buying a SECOND HAND PDA/XDA/WMTS DEV. I'm situated in Singapore. And I just need a very cheap one. I wouldn't mind if it has 1/10 cosmetics, coz i just need it to let my mum play solitaire. She's an avid player and would be very very cranky if she doesn't play in every few hours. Would preferably consider a very rundown XDA II, or XDA IIs, provided the cost is below SGD 70. Thanks and have a nice day people.
ps. even if it's not rundown, just pm me, we'll see how it goes. I need this asap!
Connector broken
I have the same problem, my PDA connector (22 pins) is broken and I would like to connect directly the power on the battery pins (6 pins connector) but I dont know where are the + and - on these 6 pins!!!
Thanks for your help,
thats why we made a wiki for you
completely broken
No because the 22 pins connector is completely broken (motherboard too)!!
But when I plug a charged battery, it's OK...
tdfamily said:
I have the same problem, my PDA connector (22 pins) is broken and I would like to connect directly the power on the battery pins (6 pins connector) but I dont know where are the + and - on these 6 pins!!!
Thanks for your help,
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yeah even i got curious where does the right pin on my himalaya
because i'm on my project to recover my hima to out of his grave
lontong balap said:
yeah even i got curious where does the right pin on my himalaya
because i'm on my project to recover my hima to out of his grave
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Have fun
how about fitting a mini usb to the himalaya?
You see, i would do it but my himalaya is very precious to me, so if i screwed up i am done for.
flyboyovyick said:
how about fitting a mini usb to the himalaya?
You see, i would do it but my himalaya is very precious to me, so if i screwed up i am done for.
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Hardwiring means HARDWIRING YEAH
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I wonder that hima could survive it.
aeroflyluby said:
Hardwiring means HARDWIRING YEAH
I wonder that hima could survive it.
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whats that you are holding in your hand?
flyboyovyick said:
whats that you are holding in your hand?
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A soldering
You're right: It looks a bit like a Gamma Scout! lol
When my connector goes thats what iam going to do. mini usb it.
flyboyovyick said:
When my connector goes thats what iam going to do. mini usb it.
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Flashing via bluetooth would be genius (and possible, radio stack should support it)

[Jan 15] [Q] USB Charge Data Port connection is finicky. Please help.

Today the phone fell from the desk with the charger cable plugged into the phone. Now it won't charge/make a connection unless the USB cable is forced to plug in at a downward angle:
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If the plug is in any other way, the phone will not recognize it.
This is bloody annoying!!! I can't charge the phone anymore unless the cable is resting on something and I can no longer listen to music in my car (since the road vibrations cause the plug to move around).
So my questions are:
Is there a way to fix this by way of opening it up and soldering?
Is there a way to replace the USB port?
I'm tempted to just ghetto rig it by creating a "lift" within the port by way of a small amount of Gorilla Glue (or similar resin)...but that seems 'temporary' to me.
So here's to hoping that someone else here has had this issue (besides stupid ol me) and happens to have a wonderful solution for this issue. Also, if it matters, I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area. So if you know someone that does this kind of phone repair, please recommend them me. Thanks!
I'll assume you ruled out the actual cable?
Just by experience with other hardware, I'd say either something is bent/broke or the solder joints opened up (most likely this, and I hope it's not surface mount...). No idea how easy/hard it is to open up a HD2, as I've been lucky enough to not have to , but once that's done, should be easy enough to inspect the connector, depending on electronics skills.
i checked the phone with 3 different cables. same symptoms.
yeah...i'm guessing (hoping) it needs a resoldering job. i suppose i should start looking for pictures of the guts.
I have exactly this as well. No desire to open my HD2 up so I've just taken to lying my wallet down next to it when I charge, and laying the wire over it. It's really annoying to have to do, though.
Hello there. Sad to hear that you have got this problem. There is nothing you can do to fix it, yourself. I had this problem for about 2 months ago, when my HD2 suddenly had the same problem, and would only charge when the usb cable was forced in a definite way. The situation is, that the micro-usb "house", solved to the mainboard, is BROKEN from the soldering. Some of the pins, is broken off, and when you push the usb cable upwards, the pins will again make a connection with the mainboard, but when you slip, it will loose the connection...
I send mine in for a repair, but HTC said that it was my own fault. They would not make a repair, unless I paid for a new mainboard. You can see picture from the repair center:
Or see my other thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814053.
So what can you do now?
You can open up your HD2, to see the broken traces from usb housing, following this guide: http://pocketnow.com/hardware-1/official-htc-hd2-disassembly-assembly-training-videos-leaked - But you will quickly realize that it's IMPOSSIBLE to solder the pins. It's VERY small, and it's not only metal pins, but also some kind of micro wires, 5 pieces, and you can't just solder them...
The disassemble of HD2 it's not that hard, you will though need to buy some tools.
To get your HD2 working again: Get a new main board. From where? Good question. I looked at ebay, and searched for a very loooong, for a mainboard, but it's impossible to buy one, unless you find a hd2 on ebay with a broken screen, and the mainboard is working, for some small amounts, and change the mainboard yourself.
I waited for about 1 month for a mainboard, but couldn't find one. So i simply bought a secondhand HD2, for a small amount..
I hope this helps to clear up some things. Just PM if you have some questions.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... that's a downer.
I finally got this phone all perfect with the NAND Android.
Sigh... bummer that HTC had to make the USB housing irreplaceable.
That photo is helpful. That's out of my league. I've never soldered anything with that small of a footprint.
I'm looking for broken phones on eBay. Looks like they are going for 100 bones.
I think I'm going to try this one cell repair guy in town next week. Apparently he's a soldering virtuoso.
If that doesn't work, I guess I will have to replace the mainboard with one from eBay and hope that it doesn't have the same symptom I'm trying to rid of.
I will let you know if the repair guy has steady magic hands or not.
Truly truly frustrating...
Ah, surface mount =\ and the one in that pic actually lifted the pads themselves. If yours is anything like that pic, which I'll assume it's close, it looks like it should be possible to bridge the broken connection, but it will require a good quality temp-controlled soldering iron, fine tip, small wire, and excellent soldering skills. If the guy can hand-solder fine-pitch surface mount chips, this shouldn't be a problem.
The "fixed" connections would work, but wouldn't be 100% the strength of original. Some epoxy encompassing the connections and whole rear-end of the jack should strengthen it back up a bit.
So has anyone managed to fix this yet? Also, is there anything out there that can charge an extended battery without it having to be in the phone?
the people i brought my phone too was able to fix it. it took a couple weeks for them to get their hands on a new USB port (apparently i destroyed it beyond repair). once they got a new one, it was soldered on.
*one slight niggle though: it takes 30 secs to transfer 100MB of data to the phone.
they "warned" me that they were able to to solder one of the pins, so data transfer may not be possible. so maybe the port is now acting as 'USB 1.0'. thankfully the only time i do data transfer is when i put MP3s and videos on it. and the occasional ROM/NAND flashing (which i don't do anymore since Cotulla/DFT's NAND Desire flash).
so besides that's little set back, i can charge/connect my phone without having to worry about losing connection to my computer or car.
but to be on the safe side, i no longer charge my phone via USB. i have purchased an external battery charger along with an extra battery. its been pretty sweet.
I've just see this post, for a couple of bucks, I think its' 70 or so u can get a charging mat, that will replace the usb charging feature. Just an idea.
Congrats! nick2k Good to know that it's doable. By the way it looks more like a rust on the image. What these guys had to say about the probable cause of that?
pk2_76 said:
u can get a charging mat
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pk2_76; Mats are using dongles, connected to a phone by the very same micro USB port. While it might reduce the number of plug/unplug events, which wearing off the connector, the dongle itself is quite bulky to keep on all the time, and also might interfere with the holsters and skins. I'm still hoping for a special back cover rumored to be available from HTC with a mat-like charging accessory.
Well I just got one of the mains chargers off ebay, waiting for it to arrive. My port's getting worse so I need it sooner rather than later. Word of warning I guess, treat the connection with care!

A DHD GPS Solution( Radical and Ugly :( )

My DHD GPS contacts were broken when I tried to improve GPS function. So I used an electric wire( or any metalic wire) for antenna. I connected it to the broken position. And I made a hole over the flash cover. I made about 3 ~ 4 cm long wire come out of the hole. It works very well but ugly. Wire is flexible, you can hide it inside a jelly case, and you can take it out when necessary
Acutually no need to contact two points. Only one contact near to camera is needed. Here are some pictures instead of my poor english
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can you post more photos of the mod? I'm interested...
My another photos
You can use any conductive metalic wire for antenna.
View attachment 813848
Ugly indeed! :-\
Maybe you can mod that retractable telescopic old-style radio antenna thing on the phone casing. It'll give a retro look to the phone
if4ct0r said:
Ugly indeed! :-\
Maybe you can mod that retractable telescopic old-style radio antenna thing on the phone casing. It'll give a retro look to the phone
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I have hoped so. And some manufacturer might make a special flash cover capable of enhancing GPS performance.
TO the OP: How broken are the contacts? I also had GPS issues, then I read somewhere that you can drop on a ball of solder to fix this. Basically, the thickness of the solder ball forces contact with the antenna.
See pic:
trekkie0927 said:
TO the OP: How broken are the contacts? I also had GPS issues, then I read somewhere that you can drop on a ball of solder to fix this. Basically, the thickness of the solder ball forces contact with the antenna.
See pic:
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First I soldered them, but overheated to destroy the point on the cover So I created another solution. Anyway this works well. Somebody said the length of wire would be best if 9.5 cm because it fits the frequency of GPS signal. But I think it's too long to carry in my pocket. He suggested another length, 4.75cm ( 1/2 of 9.5 cm ).
What Watt soldering iron did you use?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Why would you do something as ugly as this mod to your phone when you could at least hide the wire inside? Not to mention this mod has been posted and around for awhile. This is old news. And whoever told you 9.5cm or 4.7cm for antenna was pulling your leg.
Agoattamer said:
Why would you do something as ugly as this mod to your phone when you could at least hide the wire inside? Not to mention this mod has been posted and around for awhile. This is old news. And whoever told you 9.5cm or 4.7cm for antenna was pulling your leg.
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Well 4.7cm is the correct size for a quarter wave antenna. So that is correct.
GPS Accuracy 1 meter!
Yesterday on a moving( 88 km/h ) car.
I used about 5 cm long cable for GPS antenna replacement.
Do you have pictures of the inside connection to the GPS module ??
The inside connection to the GPS module.
I extracted a thin cable from a USB cable( including some thin cables inside).
I tied the cable to fix it tightly on the flash cover. And I made a hole over the cover.
The flash photo uploaded is an old one. I broke several covers : (
You can connect it to only single contact. But I think connecting two contacts would be better.
The cable is very thin, so you can hide it inside a jelly case. In my case, eiven if it is hidden inside, GPS signal can be detected( but accuracy is low then ).
My current cass with the GPS anttena.
It's a jelly case. I made a hole on the upper side of the case. Not very ugly, I think.
easy fix
Hey guy's,
Here is an easy fix download GPS status from market touch the menu button and select tools and select manage aGPS settings reset the data and select download restart your phone it worked for me got around 5 satellites in 5 seconds
But any software tweak is useless if you have connection problem... I tired every software, gps.conf file but eventually i ordered a replacement flash cover/gps antenna from ebay about 10$ with tools.
I don't know about u man but that really worked with my dhd
after using the sensation battery inside my desire hd, i'm curious about such mods, but i hope i don't have to use this one, because it's really ugly
but nice, really nice
jazon7 said:
after using the sensation battery inside my desire hd, i'm curious about such mods, but i hope i don't have to use this one, because it's really ugly
but nice, really nice
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It's very possible to put the wire inside the antenna cover and get almost the same performance with no external sign of modification.
True. there are different ways of hiding the antenna. You'd only loose maybe 3-8m of accuracy, but it's better then having a wire sticking out.

[FIX] i9000 i9001 gps final fix

Before to procede, remember all electrial component can have fault so exist warranty. If you want, procede at your own risk loosing warranty
For this tutorial is raccomanded professional leadfree soldering iron
i solved my gps problem, it is hardware problem, so no settings, gpsaids and no other solution helped me.
Problem is caused by bad gnd conductivity between mainboard and antenna. It is conduced by:
1) CONDUCTIVE GUMMY (suggest me better name if you have ) This kind of rubber was used for old nokia 8210 for connect display to mainboard. It was the mayor fault for nokia 8210.
2) back cover gps antenna: When phone become hot, antenna go back and not good touch with motherboard. Then, when phone isn't hot, gps antenna remains with a kind of "hole"
First try software fix (it not helped me) then try my solution
Attention: it will avoid warranty, do it at your own risk, i'm not responsable for any fault.
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here is antenna contact not used for my european i9000
Please check by yourself if it touch with your variant antenna,
if it is not used, you can remove and solder where was rubber
Now gps signal is immediate for me
Best regards
The first picture is before and the second afterwards?
i moved in this third post the other solution,
it is easyer then solution in first post but i not like it because is not clean
Attention: it will avoid warranty, do it at your own risk, i'm not responsable for any fault.
For solve it i just removed rubber and soldered antenna to gps gnd mainboard like the picture.
Attention: if you use unprotected wire like picture, make sure it touch only gnd, not other components or you can damage phone.
Gnd require hard conductivity so
Ping-Pong said:
you csn also use gps files extracted from nexuss gingerbread
i think those have not changed in GRK39F
but i will be checking that today
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software can't fix hardware issues,
your posted file will only update settings and north american server for gps
i fixed i9000 froyo with my fix
Looks interesting. Might give this a go thanks.
Sent from my Android shizzle!
Where do you find the "third antenna contact"? I guess there are three and I do not want to take the second ...
here is antenna contact not used for my european i9000
Please check by yourself if it touch with your variant antenna
I thought that the other connection was for GPS
What is the reason of this post? This fix is well known. A search might be helpful from time to time. The only useful info in this thread is the fact that you figured out that the other antenna is not used.
Besides yours there is also another post that does the same thing. Takes you to the first one http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1043034
So no need for another one.
Trak-X said:
What is the reason of this post? This fix is well known. A search might be helpful from time to time. The only useful info in this thread is the fact that you figured out that the other antenna is not used.
So no need for another one.
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No, sorry, you're wrong.
THIS fix were not known at all! The thread you linked just refer to pull up the OTHER contact of the gps antenna, not the RUBBER ONE, which actually is the source of the problem.
So the next time please read carefully before suggesting someone a search.
This thread is VERY USEFUL! This man deserves all the praise and should be acknowledged of the REAL FINAL GPS FIX which turned my phone into what should have been since the first day!
I was skeptical to say the least.
but this time, I have to admit: this solution works INSANELY WELL.
I made my own modded version, though. I removed the third unused antenna contact, and placed it over the conductive rubbed. no soldering involved. pressure keeps the contact in position and enhances the connection between antenna and mobo, similar but more effective than the other older solutions.
btw, I also changed server from europe.ntp.org to xtra1.gpsonextra.net, just like in my old acer liquid which locks really instactly.
connecting now in seconds in my living room (!!!) with 7 to 9 satellites. awesome. never happened before.
you deserve a huge thanks.
I did it this morning. I removed the rubber and soldered a wire between the contacts. I never had such a signal on my i9000, the gps works perfectly.
Huge thanks from here too.
anyone can post a picture of the contacts to connect on european i9000 ?
any screenshot of gps test ?
thx a lot to everyone
oracula whedka
duffymm said:
anyone can post a picture of the contacts to connect on european i9000 ?
any screenshot of gps test ?
thx a lot to everyone
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pictures in first post are self explaining.
I did not bother soldering anything. Just removed the unused antenna with some tweezers and placed it on top of the existing conductive rubber (but reversed upside down, though, to keep it level), I used a tiny bit of duct tape to hold it in place and to be sure it does not touch any other contact on the mobo.
I cannot exclude to solder it or use some conductive glue in the future, anyway, it sounds safer.
I can confirm this is THE solution. I am really astonished.
duffymm said:
anyone can post a picture of the contacts to connect on european i9000 ?
any screenshot of gps test ?
thx a lot to everyone
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Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
I use tutorial from first page, remove useles antenna connector and ruber. Put connector on rubber place (after clean connect) and gently fix with hot glue. After assemble phone use gps test but speed is same slow like before first fix time 03:06. I check contacts and all god.
@lcampori where u change from europe.ntp.org to xtra1.gpsonextra.net ?
(sry for bad english)
trut said:
I use tutorial from first page, remove useles antenna connector and ruber. Put connector on rubber place (after clean connect) and gently fix with hot glue. After assemble phone use gps test but speed is same slow like before first fix time 03:06. I check contacts and all god.
@lcampori where u change from europe.ntp.org to xtra1.gpsonextra.net ?
(sry for bad english)[/QUOT
gps.conf in /system/etc, you need a rooted phone the mod this file.
default server in sgs1 is "north-america.pool.ntp.org" which supposedly is not correct for european users. following suggestion here at xda, I changed the line to "europe.pool.ntp.org" months ago, and now after givig a look to gps.conf in the acer liquid to "xtra1.gpsonextra.net" and live happily with that.
I do not think this is the point, anyway. My old acer liquid uses "xtra1.gpsonextra.net" and locks sats in the blink of an eye, ditto for my wife's htc desire which has "pool.ntp.org". Any software related mod could be just placebo.
as far as I know (google search..), hot glue is not conductive. if so, you are not fixing anything. but I might be wrong.
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I use hot glue just from side to fix connect in place and check with multimeter all good. In my gps.conf i change from "pool.ntp.org" to "europe.pool.ntp.org" voila first fix time 00:31 and also me not use any help like wifi or mobile data just clean gps. However this fix work...
I will give it a try soon.
Thanks man!!!
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2

