Xperia X10 Defective Motherboard - XPERIA X10 General

Hi.I have an xperia x10 which has defective motherboard.I have sent it to service 2 times but they didn't fix it.The first time they just updated the software.The second time in the report says that they made a customisation update.Now my x10 doesn't turn on.The led light is not even blinking when i press the power button.I am charging it right now but nothing happens(no animation,no green light nothing).Can i do something else?I am feeling depressed about SE's service....
If it's not in the right section please move it.Thanks

HS! Go onto, google or yahoo search. Sign Up, post gripe, and good luck!
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

Have you tried letting it sit a while after u held the power button on and it vibrated?
Have you tried removing the battery for ten seconds then trying again?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

Do you have another battery? Try that. Might also be the USB charging cable. If you can, request another. They should replace mobile if still under warranty.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

I am agree with you on the power up @kindred, you are totally right about that.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

Thanks for your replies.Yes i tried a new battery.It 's the same.Phone is under warranty.SE should give me a new phone or replace the motherboard. :/

They wont give you a new phone, mine has the exact same problem an they trying to say it was dropped and got damaged that way, they gave me a replacement which condition older than one I sent in, then it died again couple months later. And now they wont do anything. I bought mine less than a year ago.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

It's tragic..What can i do now???I have paid a lot of money for this cellphone. I am desperated...

same thing happens to me deffective motherboard
i cant get calls and when i listen to a song or video get stucked and bizzared sound come out
damn it SE

lildic said:
same thing happens to me deffective motherboard
i cant get calls and when i listen to a song or video get stucked and bizzared sound come out
damn it SE
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Yes, that same happend to me.
or sometime when I am listen music no can have open the wifi, the x10 come to reboot.
who know where can get a new motherboard?

Take it back again and again and again.
Be persistent.

Sorry to hear that mate... if it would be in my hands, I've swapped it...
SEMC official routines doesn't include even Neocore for stress testing, as Desire has, few X10's had also defective Snapdragons, not that many as HTC had tough...
Just try again, maybe it will venture into more skillful repair technician...

I hope but i don't think so..I will try one more time and If they don't fix it i will sell it to ebay if someone want it for spare parts.

Motherboard Issue on x10a
I bought one of these second hand and I got ripped off. Without warranty I was pretty much stuck when the phone began freezing, rebooting, getting hot and just plain sucking. I upgraded the phone from 1.6 Android to 2.1 then to 2.3. Nothing helped. Beautiful phone but this one's a dud.
Well with nothing to lose I thought long and hard, explored the options and came to one conclusion. I was time to open this thing up and see if I could fix it myself. I downloaded the instructions from the net and went to work. The first time I opened it, cleaned it and flattened out the bubbles that I found on the CPU's copper tape.
I wasn't thinking that that was all that was wrong, and I was right. It still acted up and froze/rebooted. Well I ordered a new phone and when it arrived I decided to do something that I never would have done unless I had the replacement phone to use.
I opened up the X10a once again. Stripped out the PCB (mainboard) from the phone, removed all copper tape, and black tape that covered other components on the PCB. I then covered the PCB in tinfoil but clipped out around the CPU to let it bake more so than the rest of the board. I used a convection oven with the fan turned ON, set it to 210 degrees Celsius, let it heat up for a good long time (20 mins). Laying the PCB perfectly level was tricky, but not impossible. I made sure the CPU was facing up. I used an upside down ceramic plate for the baking surface. I placed the plate with the PCB into the convection oven and baked it for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, I shut the oven off, left the door closed for a minute then propped it partially open for another 2 minutes. After that I opened it up over half way and left it alone for 30 minutes. After that I removed it from the oven and let it sit for another 30 minutes. After that I put it all back together and prayed. Not literally.
I seems to have worked. Before this I couldn't play a game and listen to music or browse the web VIA WIFI and listen to music at the same time for longer than five minutes before the phone would reboot/freeze. I have been playing music and playing games for WAY longer than that now. Same with browsing and music. No problems..Yet. If you're even remotely interested I'll keep you updated. I recorded the entire process and I will be uploading it to youtube later.
I'm so glad this seems to have done the trick, but with a lot of re-bake / hack reflows It may only be a temporary fix. Well, IMO, better that then having a 1/4 functioning "smart" phone. It worked for me, it might now for you, so if you attempt it and over bake your phone's PCB mainboard don't blame me.
As a side note, I am typing this from a Dell Inspiron 9400 laptop. Last year this laptop died due to a flaw in the video card. I rebaked the video card in my home oven and it fixed the problem. Up until now, a year and counting I haven't had an issue with it. Knocking on wood (literally).


Hermes hits toilet

OK, it happened. It was powered on, splashed, went under for about 3 seconds and I pulled it out. I immediately pulled the battery and set it out to dry. so now 24 hours later I power it up and .... well the lcd is toast. I can heat everything power up and navigate blindly somewhat. I open the phone and then I hear it dialing numbers randomly.
OK, that is all I can figure out so far. The question is do you guys think it is worth trying to replace the lcd and see if that fixes the majority of the problems or a waste of time?
In the mean time I have ordered a tilt/8925 or whatever they are calling it now.
Ouch...some users say that you need to open it up and clean it with some solution to get rid of the stuff that the water puts on there. I've always been paranoid about that (PDA is the new newpaper in the can...).
Its fairly easy to open, just make sure you download the guides(in wiki under htc service manual). Its a HELL of a lot EASIER if you also have the number 6 torque key... Once you do it you'll see its fairly robust and takes an awful lot of force to break., just follow the steps one at a time and TAKE YOUR TIME cos theres no first prize for flying through the disassembly and finding you forgot to put something back or missed a screw.
Just as a side note; my 8525 has hit water twice! The first time it fell into my garden pond; just barely hit the water when I caught it but it did get wet. After doing 'all the right things', I was in the same boat as you--no lcd; could navigate blindly. Took it apart somewhat and left it open. When I came back to it about 3 weeks later, it was alive and well! Screen was fine and all the keys worked.
If you do buy another phone as I did, keep the other around as a spare and check it again in a month or so. It may surprise you!
I wounder if you use it as toilet paper or what.
Would you like to sell it? Coming back from all that damage may be pricy.
Vicious said:
Would you like to sell it? Coming back from all that damage may be pricy.
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HD2 killed itself

So this morning was casually playing bubble jump on WP7 and all of the sudden backlight went off on lcd and the camera flash started going rampant.
hardware buttons wont work and a distinct sizzling sound and a giant pop then came from it before it became completely inoperable.
i left it for a day and the screen turns on but no light and the battery is still amazingly working.
any ideas what the problem might be, I've sent it back now just curios on people's thoughts.
to not confuse anyone it poped again which then made the device inoperable, forgot to mention that *hits head*
flynney said:
So this morning was casually playing bubble jump on WP7 and all of the sudden backlight went off on lcd and the camera flash started going rampant.
hardware buttons wont work and a distinct sizzling sound and a giant pop then came from it before it became completely inoperable.
i left it for a day and the screen turns on but no light and the battery is still amazingly working.
any ideas what the problem might be, I've sent it back now just curios on people's thoughts.
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suicide !! domestic violence !!
its the HTC auto destruct sequence. It has detected that you have enough money saved up for a new phone, has reported this fact to HTC and they have sent the kill signal. You should start recieving phone ad emails from them any time soon.
lol I would never hurt my beloved HD2 i love it too much.
and im broke i dont have enough money for a cup of tea now days lol
get a job
Whilst at it, get a new or 2nd hand hd2
flynney said:
So this morning was casually playing bubble jump on WP7 and all of the sudden backlight went off on lcd and the camera flash started going rampant.
hardware buttons wont work and a distinct sizzling sound and a giant pop then came from it before it became completely inoperable.
i left it for a day and the screen turns on but no light and the battery is still amazingly working.
any ideas what the problem might be, I've sent it back now just curios on people's thoughts.
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Maybe you were pushing the GPU aspect of the Snapdragon SOC too much.
i haven't a clue didnt think bubble jump was a demanding game, and i have a job, but ive used all my money on car insurance lol
If you can get to the bootloader (even if you can not see the screen) task 29 and reflash original Win 6.5 ROM. By doing that you can eliminate software and, if you have warranty or insurance, exercise that.
I could not possibly suggest that now is a time to get insurance and, having waited a significant time period, drop the HD2 from a great height.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
hey, couldn't boot in to spl due to the pop, i think that ultimately killed the whole system as non of my spare batteries work nor does the charger, the insurance i have on it accepted it fine and have told me i should expect a replacement in about a week.
I am very pleased that you have insurance then and will not be without your beloved HD2.
If no charge is a secondary problem then an interesting test was whether or not you could access the bootloader whilst external power is applied - in this Maglr world I believe that you can trickle charge through that method. You probably did that which I think confirmed a major hardware problem (check battery terminal pins though).
I hope it arrives quickly for you.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
well from what i could tell the pins were all still in tact and before the pop, the charger worked on it. seemed very odd why it would just do that, but I'm no electrician. thanks for the replys guys =)

Took it apart, put it back together. Somehow it works better just from doing that?

So, took apart my xplay today because my screen was having issues and I wanted to see if a cable was loose.
Couldn't tell what was wrong, so I put it back together.
After putting it back together, I noticed a few things.
1. The power button that had always been loose was suddenly tight and in one spot. I thought the phone was just made that way. Turns out mine was improperly assembled right from the time I opened it. Gotta say, that button is far less annoying now. Anyone else have a loose power button?
2. My battery. Before taking it apart, my battery was at 19%. After putting it back together, suddenly my battery said 43%!! Suddenly it's got more? The heck is going on here?
3. My screen hasn't glitched again so far. Even though I didn't actually do anything other than unplugging/screwing and replugging/screwing some parts.
4. Originally, the left trigger felt "mushy" now it clicks like the right one.
On a side note, after seeing how the slider works on the inside, I recommend ONLY opening the slider when you're actually about to play a game, and not just fiddling around with the phone. The way it's designed makes it very obvious to me that the ribbon connecting the screen to everything else is easily destroyed. It wouldn't surprise me if my screen was having problems because of that ribbon.
Edit: NOPE. It's totally screwed.
Edit again: When the screen is glitching, moving the slider makes it start working some of the time. I'm becoming more and more convinced the ribbon cable inside the slider is the problem.
captain67 said:
EDIT: NOPE. It's totally screwed.
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Trolololol .
Can't you find a replacement cable?
I found one online, but I'm flat broke and literally have 1 dollar to my name the next 2 weeks. And my phone company wants what's left over after rent of the next cheque..
I'm gonna try and see if Rogers is stupid enough to give me a new phone without noticing what I did.
Sent from Asgard
Good luck!
captain67 said:
I found one online, but I'm flat broke and literally have 1 dollar to my name the next 2 weeks. And my phone company wants what's left over after rent of the next cheque..
I'm gonna try and see if Rogers is stupid enough to give me a new phone without noticing what I did.
Sent from Asgard
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Looks like it's ten bucks shipped from ebay:
The only problem would be it'll likely take at least 2-3 weeks for it to come from Hong Kong!

Goodbye Vibrant board

My vibrant gave up the ghost 2 days ago. Turned itself off and now it won't fully boot without turning itself off unless I leave it undisturbed on a table.
Something on/under the ringer/speaker is loose or corroded, because tapping on that part of the phone makes it cut itself off.
Been using a Galaxy Tab as my phone for the past day and a half. Galaxy Nexus should arrive at home this afternoon.
Goodbye vibrant and Bionix. I would have liked to keep you as a media player, but I guess it is not to ever be. You worked well... except for your wonky GPS and tendency to 'forget' custom ring tones for contacts.... and your shrinking battery life (I have 4 spare batteries).... and taking 2 minutes to read the SD cards during boot up.... but you sure had a nice screen.
You could still use it as a media player. Odin it back to stock then flash a rom. There's one that's design just for that.
You said when you tap it on the side it cuts its self, do you mean it shuts down?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk 2
When I tap it on the back surface of the phone, close to the top (basically where the ringer/speaker-phone is) then it shuts itself off (power goes off)
Other things can cause it to shut off, but that seems to be the problem area.
you may can fix it
well, if you have a soldering iron and a oven proceed, if not but you want to fix it go and buy one.
**Do it only as last resource and if you dont have an soldering station.**
take out the board of you vibrant, solder a small piece of any wire you have on an insignificant par of the board (like the gold border around it) put the board in the oven nearly at 200ÂșC and wait a bit of time till the solder you have done got liquid an the wire goes down.Turn off the oven and let the door open in order to cool ,wait till it got fresh enough to test.
Be happy!
Obs.:the board will get damage if you let it got more hot than necessary.
Good luck!
Are you suggesting that I connect the board to an electrical ground?
Did you have insurance on the phone? If so I'd get it replaced and then sell the new phone.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
No. Phone insurance is mostly a rip off unless you lose it in the first ~4 months of ownership.
It was worth a shot.
I have it on mine, but I wonder what they would replace it with on a claim if I was to break it since they stopped selling the vibrant quite a while ago.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
Tarzanman said:
Are you suggesting that I connect the board to an electrical ground?
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no, only to you resolder you board without the full equipment needed.
Sorry for my bad english, it's not my natural language.
***BUT, if you still on warranty,wipe all,odin a stock rom and let they replace your phone.
Could you sell it for parts? I'm in need of a few vibrant parts at the moment.
acseazzu said:
Could you sell it for parts? I'm in need of a few vibrant parts at the moment.
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Which parts are you interested in?
Im interested in phone mine has
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA

Nothing is impossible - opening the HTC One. Now with video!

After a trip to a shower my HTC One was declared dead (boot loop even after rice, humidity remover, heat, and others) I figured I would open the phone even it it meant that I could destroy it. It turns out that all you really need is patience and tools already available. Sure, I did bent the upper cover but, hey, everything else is intact.
I started by removing the volume button and started using those "guitar picks" around going down. Added some heat to unset the glue and moving slowly I started prying open the right side (when you are looking at the lcd). Than continued moving down until the left side was stuck. After that I went high on the volume button to set the whole right side open.
Now I'm using the other tool (the one that looks like a lever?) I started opening the left side. This side was a lot harder so I applied heat again. After that the glue wasn't an issue and it started to open nicely. Now I have the phone open and I'll see if I can get it working again.
Sorry for the English. I'm too excited to correct the mistakes and I'm not from an English speaking country.
Edit: added tools pictures.
The guitar picks were used to start opening the phone. The green and blue tool were used to open the left/top/bottom sides. The light blue tool was used mostly as a lever on the right side that was already open.
Video will be here shortly:
Overall experience while opening the HTC One (compared to the iPad 2/iPhone 3G/S/4S/iPod touch 5th/Motorola Atrix/Transformer Prime) I would give it a 4. The iPad being a 2 (almost impossible to open without a heat source and nearly impossible to mount a new glass without issues).
Uhuhu said:
After a trip to a shower
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... Should I ask why?
To fix the purple tint caused by heat on the camera sensor. thats why.
chc31 said:
... Should I ask why?
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After dropping my an old phone in the toilet (Before I went ) never again. My phone is barred from the bathroom unless its in my pocket. I guess the OP wanted to have some alone time with his phone.........................
chc31 said:
... Should I ask why?
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TuneIn, on the upper part of the bathroom/shower (we mostly call it "box" to take a shower while listening to music.
Wow I think that this would be very usefull for other people who want open it...
Von Ropen said:
Wow I think that this would be very usefull for other people who want open it...
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Well, it clearly isint. He just wanted everyone to know that he was able to open the phone.
Ok you did a pretty amazing job. Now let's move on.
Sent from my One using xda app-developers app
jags_the1 said:
Well, it clearly isint. He just wanted everyone to know that he was able to open the phone.
Ok you did a pretty amazing job. Now let's move on.
Sent from my One using xda app-developers app
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Sorry you meant he was able to break the phone
Von Ropen said:
Sorry you meant he was able to break the phone
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Phone is back. 100% working again. After opening it up I used a hairdryer on the "on/off" switch, left it open to cool down. After an hour I left it charging and left it there. It wasn't boot looping anymore and it turned on.
Uhuhu said:
Phone is back. 100% working again. After opening it up I used a hairdryer on the "on/off" switch, left it open to cool down. After an hour I left it charging and left it there. It wasn't boot looping anymore and it turned on.
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But it is the same phone? how did you repare the top right corner of the screen that was completely off centered?
Von Ropen said:
But it is the same phone? how did you repare the top right corner of the screen that was completely off centered?
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Same phone. I just glued it back to position with a superglue (superbonder is the trademark I've used). Used a toothpick to smear it gently and used some phone books to keep things in place. The top aluminum part was bent but the superglue is now holding it.
About the video, I'm not sure I'm willing to open it again. It would be awesome tho..
I have read that under the speaker grills there are screws holding it together.. did you encounter these screws?
twerg said:
I have read that under the speaker grills there are screws holding it together.. did you encounter these screws?
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Found no screws. It's stuck together in one piece by some clips on the white border only. It's also glued around the same white border.
Follow-up: The phone is still working fine but not charging anymore. I'll wait to open it again later, in about two days or so, and than I'll video the process to see if there's something wrong. Hopefully it's fixable. And I hope I can open it without issues just like the first time. If it doesn't charge I'll see if I can get a new charging port (maybe the water did some damage by rusting the contacts of the port).
It seems that the phone is playing tricks on me. It's charging today.. Go figure..
Could be the water damage. I read where people with different phones talked about the phone acting weird like it just stop charging or the screen won't come on. That would come and go without warning. Remember my father in law damaged a phone once when he was a truck driver and delivering his load in to a walk in freezer. He made many trips in and out and I guess from the extreme cold to heat made it condensate inside the phone. Where are the water damage labels on the phone beings you had it open?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Double post.
Water labels are intact and since htc left Brazil we don't have an authorized to fix it so I opened it and saw that there is no water indicator in red. The water damage sticker is below the flash. Look at the pictures and you'll see a white sticker below the flash and another close to the usb port on the lower side of the phone. Not sure if the second one is a water damage indicator..
I'll keep using the phone till I get some alone time to open it. Tho I'm worried that I might break the phone this time (since it's working again - for no apparent reason).
So, yeah, there's an issue with the charging. Not sure if it's the port or the phone. Tested different chargers and it won't charge while it's on nor when it's off. After a day off it charged (yesterday) but now it won't charge. This sux. I have to find out what's going on. So, yes, I'll have to open it again. I can't have a phone that will be used to drive using gps all day behaving it like that. Phones won't last 4 hours on battery alone while using gps.
Added new picture with tools used..
Sorry for the double/triple post, but it's the best way to keep everyone informed..
If I helped you in any way please consider donating something so I can buy a new phone. The HTC One is dead due to an issue with the USB connector or something else that I'm still not aware. I will use this phone as a test bed from now on to see if I can fix other stuff without breaking too so I do need a new phone. You can donate here:
Thanks and enjoy the video! I hope it helps a lot of people.
A video will be uploaded here: (it's 04:37am GMT -2) and still 205 minutes left to upload. Video will be 720p and it's 1.2gb so yeah, it will take a while. But now I'm off to bed. And sorry for my english. I'm ok writing but I'm so so when speaking. I said I would edit the video but since it's just shy of 19 minutes I figured I would leave it like that.
If you guys have any idea on what to do to help me fix the charging issue I would see if I can try that now that the phone can be easily opened. :fingers-crossed:

