i can unlocked nexsus one? - Nexus One General

i can unlocked nexsus one and Open the network to run on any telecommunications company ?
think you

Read the FAQ, question 13.

think you
I mean open sim

I was under the impression all Nexus Ones are SIM unlocked as standard

abo7oor said:
I mean open sim
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cymru said:
I was under the impression all Nexus Ones are SIM unlocked as standard
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As Jack stated, the answers to both of these can be found in the wiki if you actually bothered to read it. He even gave you the question number.

Oooo neckasus one soo awsum
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App


Just curious

So is there ANYONE else out there with a working unlocked g2?! I'm just wondering because ever since I posted a pic of my phone working on at&t I've been constantly getting pms asking how I did it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
T-Mobile said I should have a code sometime today.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Cool let me know how it goes because I unlocked mine the day before the actual release and even now it seems people are having a hard time unlock this phone
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Got munes unlicked a few days ago I dobt understand the big deal. Just call up tmobile an ask for it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
k0shi said:
Cool let me know how it goes because I unlocked mine the day before the actual release and even now it seems people are having a hard time unlock this phone
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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I'm assuming that people don't understand where they enter their unlock code. If this is anything like the other Android devices I've owned, then they have to stick in a sim card that doesn't belong to the carrier it's locked to. After you do that, it will ask you for the code to enter in.
k0shi said:
Cool let me know how it goes because I unlocked mine the day before the actual release and even now it seems people are having a hard time unlock this phone
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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still waiting on the email....
Exactly I don't understand why its so hard? Lol but it does seem like everyone is having problems
xile6 said:
Got munes unlicked a few days ago I dobt understand the big deal. Just call up tmobile an ask for it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
When you get the unlock code from tmobile it does come with instructions.
Anartic said:
I'm assuming that people don't understand where they enter their unlock code. If this is anything like the other Android devices I've owned, then they have to stick in a sim card that doesn't belong to the carrier it's locked to. After you do that, it will ask you for the code to enter in.
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Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
k0shi said:
Exactly I don't understand why its so hard? Lol but it does seem like everyone is having problems
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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Well obviously some of the phones that where unlocked do not register to the cell network anymore. They can not even scan for networks.
So if you want to provide some help here then please:
Tell us how the unlock process worked. Especially did you phone reboot after you entered the code. How long did the reboot take, ...
If you can an want please provide a logcat of the radio from the moment of boot until the data connection is established.
I got my unlock code emailed to me, but I'm going to get a new phone at Costco today. The deal is just too good to pass up vs. from the T-mobile store.
After I get the new phone I'll unlock it!
Did they get their codes from tmobile or another source? Even in the instructions it said it was gonna reboot. Mine did after I typed it in then the reboot was as long as a normal reboot. And that's it
guhl99 said:
Well obviously some of the phones that where unlocked do not register to the cell network anymore. They can not even scan for networks.
So if you want to provide some help here then please:
Tell us how the unlock process worked. Especially did you phone reboot after you entered the code. How long did the reboot take, ...
If you can an want please provide a logcat of the radio from the moment of boot until the data connection is established.
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Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

[Q] Prepaid SIM cards on unlocked vibrant?

I've not dabbled much into this, so forgive me if my ignorance is too overwhelming
In the last week or so I've had luck using friends SIM cards in my phone. Both were serviced by ATT. Then I tried it with a pre-paid SIM that belongs to my grandparents that has plenty of time on it. This however, does not work. It just says Searching constantly. I've also tried it in my unlocked G1 (actually got in touch with T-mobile and obtained an unlock code) and I get the same.
This is of particular concern to me because I will be leaving the country in about a month and I'd really like to know if it's going to work at my destination. Is there some other setup I need to be doing that differs from a regular sim to a pre-paid sim?
Was it a Boost Mobile prepaid? Those are known to not work, due to the network they use.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
YodaEXE said:
Was it a Boost Mobile prepaid? Those are known to not work, due to the network they use.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I was told it's through Net One, which I've never actually heard of. Wonder if that's why it doesn't work.
ozzyzak said:
I was told it's through Net One, which I've never actually heard of. Wonder if that's why it doesn't work.
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Neither have I. Could be that they use a weird network as well.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
ozzyzak said:
I was told it's through Net One, which I've never actually heard of. Wonder if that's why it doesn't work.
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did you mean net10 by any chance?
I tryed the same one after lots of research I found that it is a weird network and wont work on our phones.
mine never read the sim card.
firefly6240 said:
did you mean net10 by any chance?
I tryed the same one after lots of research I found that it is a weird network and wont work on our phones.
mine never read the sim card.
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It actually was. Thanks for providing that info, glad to hear it's not just me.
ozzyzak said:
It actually was. Thanks for providing that info, glad to hear it's not just me.
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if you will go on thier site, it will say somewhere that their sims are meant only for their phones, it has some connection even tho its gsm, was in your same spot
Isn't quad band gsm phones like vibrant supposed to work with all gsm carriers?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I use prepaid sims all the time abroad... Usually have to enter the APN info manually for data to work, but calls work as soon as I activate them.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Unlock Question

Dumb question... Does installing HSPL, MAGLDR and Android unlock the HD2 to other carriers? If not, how's that done? Do I just need an unlock code from T-Mobile?
Yep. Believe you need the code.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
How exactly do I get the code?
iLiberate said:
How exactly do I get the code?
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Contact T-Mobile...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
What do I say exactly? "Hey I bought this phone on ebay and I need to use it for ATT. Sorry T-Mobile sucks (at least where I live)... now can I have the code please?
just call tmo and tell them you need an unlock code and they will give it to you
iLiberate said:
What do I say exactly? "Hey I bought this phone on ebay and I need to use it for ATT. Sorry T-Mobile sucks (at least where I live)... now can I have the code please?
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From what I've read, sounds right.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
You are screwed like me. Trust me, TMobile wont give you the code unless your a TMobile customer. I tried calling them 8 times to get a code and they didn't want to give me it. I had to pay $40 for a code. Your best bet it to go on ebay and look for the code.
Good luck.
Yeah well I'm a T-Mobile customer so I'm good.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
sometimes they want you to have it for X amount of time...so in that case just say you are going out of the country and want to use it on a different network. (if you need all that...) good luck.

radio switch

is it possible to get a tmobile radio for the nexus one and put it into the phone. i also heard that all nexus one phones have the tmobile radio in them if this is true how would i activate the tmobile radio because im only getting tmobile edge connection
Is there a way to get T-Mobile 3g on my phone
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Because all versions have the tmobile radio
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA
See above.
what do you meen see above
tommert38 said:
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tinye99 said:
what do you meen see above
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Read the FAQ, link in my signature.
Next time you could try doing it before posting a question.

[Q] Nexus 4 on AT&T

Setting aside legality issues, what is the procedure for a person on AT&T network to get a Nexus 4 to work on the network? Do I need to call AT&T and give them the IMEI, should I ask for a phony IMEI, or just not do anything and switch sim cards?
Thanks in advance.
just pop your sim card in and that's it.
Thanks for the help. I get mine tonight, and can't wait to try it out. :good:
What legality reasons are you talking about?
Search the N4 forums. There's countless threads regarding ATT. From imei to APN settings and everything in between.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
moldovanos said:
What legality reasons are you talking about?
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T-Mobile phone, I thought Congress passed a law saying you can't use phone cross-carrier?
eep2378 said:
Search the N4 forums. There's countless threads regarding ATT. From imei to APN settings and everything in between.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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I will check again. I only came across threads regarding AT&T LTE mods. I'll try using other search words or something.
Or is the Nexus 4 already an "unlocked device?"
adefeatedman said:
Or is the Nexus 4 already an "unlocked device?"
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Correct, unlocked. It is not a TMO branded phone.
grubbster said:
Correct, unlocked. It is not a TMO branded phone.
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Interesting, I didn't know that. Even better!
To answer your questions: No, No, Yes.
Ha! Thanks!

