radio switch - Nexus One General

is it possible to get a tmobile radio for the nexus one and put it into the phone. i also heard that all nexus one phones have the tmobile radio in them if this is true how would i activate the tmobile radio because im only getting tmobile edge connection


Is there a way to get T-Mobile 3g on my phone
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA

Because all versions have the tmobile radio
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA

See above.

what do you meen see above

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what do you meen see above
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Read the FAQ, link in my signature.
Next time you could try doing it before posting a question.


Flashing to Verizon..

Is it possible to flash the sprint nexus 4g to Verizon? If so, how?
The short and simple answer is no. If you want the long detailed version look around xda as this gets asked a lot in other cdma phone sections...
Sent on the go from my android device using Tapatalk
Oh ok thanks. I figured it could be possible since the verizon iPhone was able to flash to sprint. I guess the nexus is different or something.
i would imagine using tools there available online you could in theory get it going on verizon and maybe even get 3g but 4g wouldnt work for sure
ram130 said:
Oh ok thanks. I figured it could be possible since the verizon iPhone was able to flash to sprint. I guess the nexus is different or something.
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When did this happen? You might be mistaken
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
I have a verizon prl flashed. It allows my nexus to roam on the verizon network at all times. It increased my dl speeds from 300k to 2mb per second.
You still need sprint service though.
tanman21 said:
I have a verizon prl flashed. It allows my nexus to roam on the verizon network at all times. It increased my dl speeds from 300k to 2mb per second.
You still need sprint service though.
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Could you post how you did that? I would like increased 3G speed and coverage. 4G is fine in coverage areas for me. 3.5-5 down avg
DirtyShroomz said:
When did this happen? You might be mistaken
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
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Click to collapse's highly possible ..check YouTube and eBay. People even got step by step and so on. So I know it's possible.
I was hoping to do the same thing. Technically it seems like the Sprint ones should be possible.
I poked around the forums trying to find a general answer why this wasn't possible but didn't find any real concrete answer. Can anyone explain why it's not possible or point me to a post that does?
Possible, yes. Legal? Not so much.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
The fact that its illegal is why your not going to find a how-to on xda.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
Why would it be illegal?
Root your phone and then download roam control.
eagercrow said:
Why would it be illegal?
Root your phone and then download roam control.
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I dont think you understand what the OP is trying to do. He doesn't want to roam on Verizon, he wants to get a Verizon plan and activate his phone on Verizon. That requires falsifying your IMEI and no you cant do that with an app from the market.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Google is your friend, OP.
You clearly like android, so seek and you shall find
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Removed post.
The hardest part would be getting VZW to add the devices IMEI into their database, impossible, no, but very difficult.
You guys are really... nvm.
Its the radio chip thats bond to your stupid gay american cariers.
I imported my Ns out of the usa and it works fine on any carier here.
And why? Cuz all cariers here use the gsm-hdsp(or w/e its caled) networks
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
ghost010 said:
You guys are really... nvm.
Its the radio chip thats bond to your stupid gay american cariers.
I imported my Ns out of the usa and it works fine on any carier here.
And why? Cuz all cariers here use the gsm-hdsp(or w/e its caled) networks
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That's cool except this thread has nothing to do with gsm carriers. You wont understand how cdma works. Only our brothers in japan and korea understand the headaches and abilities
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

i can unlocked nexsus one?

i can unlocked nexsus one and Open the network to run on any telecommunications company ?
think you
Read the FAQ, question 13.
think you
I mean open sim
I was under the impression all Nexus Ones are SIM unlocked as standard
abo7oor said:
I mean open sim
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cymru said:
I was under the impression all Nexus Ones are SIM unlocked as standard
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As Jack stated, the answers to both of these can be found in the wiki if you actually bothered to read it. He even gave you the question number.
Oooo neckasus one soo awsum
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

Bought a Sprint S4 today but...

I have T-Mobile service. I had hoped to be able to flash a recovery and then a T-Mobile ROM but so far it looks like this isn't possible. Or is it?
Nope. I don't think it will work.
Sprint is cdma and tmobile is gsm.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Sprint's Galaxy S4 has T-Mobile's HSPA+ GSM bands so technically it COULD work, only problem is the sim slot is locked to international providers only so until someone finds away to unlock it, no go.
Must be troll
dev_man77 said:
Must be troll
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Mm probably not
Noobs can be quite nooby
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
why the h e dubble hockey stick would you buy a Sprint s4 if u have tmobile service??
P.Mobile said:
why the h e dubble hockey stick would you buy a tmobile s4 if u have sprint service??
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You have that backwards, but still a valid question.
metalfan78 said:
You have that backwards, but still a valid question.
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just caught that.. lol
I bought a sprint s4, and have att service which I prefer.. I also have boost service which is what I'm using on it now, until I sort out the blocked domestic gsm carriers issue..
Why buy sprint s4 when I want it on att? Right deal right time..
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
The right deal for a phone you can't use?
metalfan78 said:
The right deal for a phone you can't use?
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Well, each to his/her own, seems like it would be easier just to buy a model that can be used. That's just my opinion though.
itsmillertime said:
I have T-Mobile service. I had hoped to be able to flash a recovery and then a T-Mobile ROM but so far it looks like this isn't possible. Or is it?
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Three major problems with this scheme:
1. Domestic GSM lock. Who known when or if this will ever be worked around.
2. Lack of LTE support for TMO (or AT&T) LTE.
3. Lack of support for AWS HSPA while TMO's HSPA 1900 deployment is still poor in many areas.
metalfan78 said:
The right deal for a phone you can't use?
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as I said.. I have it on my boost account right now and using it.. but I'm pretty handy with phones, and I'm working with a few of the best android guys around to get the domestic block removed..
and tell me you wouldnt buy a bad esn jfltespr for 100?
Chris41g is a boss, if you haven't heard of him around here yet, you will.
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chris41g said:
as I said.. I have it on my boost account right now and using it.. but I'm pretty handy with phones, and I'm working with a few of the best android guys around to get the domestic block removed..
and tell me you wouldnt buy a bad esn jfltespr for 100?
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I wouldn't buy any phone with a bad esn, but maybe that's just me.
metalfan78 said:
I wouldn't buy any phone with a bad esn, but maybe that's just me.
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Well I have 12 devices, and no contracts.. So I pay full price for devices.. And most I just develop on..
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
If I were more of a developer then I would probably buy devices with bad esn just to mess around with.

Nexus 4 or original nexus 4

[Q] What's the difference in ROM and can we flash at ROM from those 2 ?
Thank you
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app
im confused about this too. I just got my phone from the play store and not sure what development section to use of both?
you can flash a rom from either. here is the difference between android and original development
Bionik_kaos said:
[Q] What's the difference in ROM and can we flash at ROM from those 2
Thank you
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium HD app
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im confused about this too. I just got my phone from the play store and not sure what development section to use of both?
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Maybe this will help:
sasa_gm said:
Maybe this will help:
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That doesn't help but I'm just going to guess I can use both development sections and see what happens
simms22 said:
you can flash a rom from either. here is the difference between android and original development
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Thank you .... I come from xperia and gs3 and I must say in speed and graphic this phone kicks ass in a big way Lol.... But never had to deal with 2 different development thread for the same phone ..... Thank you for clarifying this
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I'm with Koodo and I have lte and 4g in my area so I guess I can use baseband .33 and get lte also then right ?
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Bionik_kaos said:
I'm with Koodo and I have lte and 4g in my area so I guess I can use baseband .33 and get lte also then right ?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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.33 yes, or .27 too, but only if they support band 4 lte. most dont support band 4, its new. tmobile supports it, a few canadian companies support it, and att in very very limitted lications support it. i have a feeling that koodo doesnt support it.
simms22 said:
.33 yes, or .27 too, but only if they support band 4 lte. most dont support band 4, its new. tmobile supports it, a few canadian companies support it, and att in very very limitted lications support it. i have a feeling that koodo doesnt support it.
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I had htc8x before and data was lte and was lte but data and vo-lte might be different ?
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Bionik_kaos said:
I had htc8x before and data was lte and was lte but data and vo-lte might be different ?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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just like any other radio, there exists many different frequencies. your htc could have been made to support your lte frequency, band 4 isnt very common. call and ask your provider if they support band 4. if they say they dont know what that is, then they dont support it.
simms22 said:
you can flash a rom from either. here is the difference between android and original development
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Thanks man. That's exactly what I was looking for
simms22 said:
just like any other radio, there exists many different frequencies. your htc could have been made to support your lte frequency, band 4 isnt very common. call and ask your provider if they support band 4. if they say they dont know what that is, then they dont support it.
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OK Lol band 4 lte ..... Its band that is rare Lol OK got it thank you very much
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Bionik_kaos said:
OK Lol band 4 lte ..... Its band that is rare Lol OK got it thank you very much
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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telus supports it i think

So i have the sprint version......

I have the SPRINT version.... could someone walk me thru on how to give u guys what u need to start working on this??
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
stafly17 said:
I have the SPRINT version.... could someone walk me thru on how to give u guys what u need to start working on this??
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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Don't most devs start with a system dump of the stock ROM?
Yea... i figured that... but how can i provide that... ive never done that.
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
stafly17 said:
Yea... i figured that... but how can i provide that... ive never done that.
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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Screenshots first. The consensus is, video too...
interloper said:
Video first.
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neato.. you work for sprint or did a drunk sprint employee leave one at the bar?
phones already been dumped. system dump from an actual device wouldn't be a bad idea tho.
@djrbliss has already patched for loki. (thank you)
@Dees_Troy has already built a sprint g2 recovery. (thank you)
I suppose IO/thecubed could update his root tool. I will ask him to do that.
What sim card does it use?
autoprime said:
neato.. you work for sprint or did a drunk sprint employee leave one at the bar?
phones already been dumped. system dump from an actual device wouldn't be a bad idea tho.
@djrbliss has already patched for loki. (thank you)
@Dees_Troy has already built a sprint g2 recovery. (thank you)
I suppose IO/thecubed could update his root tool. I will ask him to do that.
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Wow you guys are on top of this. Thanks. Looking forward to picking up the Sprint G2 when it comes out.
stafly17 said:
I have the SPRINT version.... could someone walk me thru on how to give u guys what u need to start working on this??
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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Definitely would like a system dumb. I know some people who would like to take some files from it to see if Google Wallet will work. Actually could you test this for us? Mainly looking to see if you're able to use Tap n Pay (NFC payments) on the sprint G2.
bb12489 said:
Definitely would like a system dumb. I know some people who would like to take some files from it to see if Google Wallet will work. Actually could you test this for us? Mainly looking to see if you're able to use Tap n Pay (NFC payments) on the sprint G2.
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I work for sprint... went to an LG Launch training yesterday... they just handed me one. LOL
The launch date is 11/8/13
I have used the tap and pay at my sprint store and it worked.
ericdabbs said:
Wow you guys are on top of this. Thanks. Looking forward to picking up the Sprint G2 when it comes out.
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lilotimz said:
What sim card does it use?
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autoprime said:
neato.. you work for sprint or did a drunk sprint employee leave one at the bar?
phones already been dumped. system dump from an actual device wouldn't be a bad idea tho.
@djrbliss has already patched for loki. (thank you)
@Dees_Troy has already built a sprint g2 recovery. (thank you)
I suppose IO/thecubed could update his root tool. I will ask him to do that.
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Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
stafly17 said:
I work for sprint... went to an LG Launch training yesterday... they just handed me one. LOL
The launch date is 11/8/13
I have used the tap and pay at my sprint store and it worked.
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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I wish I could help out with the dump, but I've never done one myself.
stafly17 said:
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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Just check the sim card. A USIM means the Sim card does the LTE authentication while the device does the CDMA authentication. A CSIM means that both LTE and CDMA Authentication comes from the sim card and you can hot swap devices by using the sim card just like the Iphone 5s/5c which uses CSIM.
lilotimz said:
Just check the sim card. A USIM means the Sim card does the LTE authentication while the device does the CDMA authentication. A CSIM means that both LTE and CDMA Authentication comes from the sim card and you can hot swap devices by using the sim card just like the Iphone 5s/5c which uses CSIM.
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Is the look of the USIM vs. CSIM card different? How can you tell if a sim card is a USIM or CSIM?
ericdabbs said:
Is the look of the USIM vs. CSIM card different? How can you tell if a sim card is a USIM or CSIM?
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When i take the sim out it says 4g is no longer avaliable... but 3g, data, calls, and sms, all work fine with the sim card out.... if that helps?
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
stafly17 said:
When i take the sim out it says 4g is no longer avaliable... but 3g, data, calls, and sms, all work fine with the sim card out.... if that helps?
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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USIM .. like most current Sprint devices. So most of the provisioning is still done in the EFS.. unlike the 5s which relies entirely on the sim card.
Any idea why the launch date is still a month away?
five40 said:
Any idea why the launch date is still a month away?
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No clue.... i was told because we are getting the exclusive triband for our sprint network vision.
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
phone seems finished. the firmware has been out for over a month. perhaps theyre waiting for the LTE-A network to build out a bit more before launch? idk :/
stafly17 said:
No clue.... i was told because we are getting the exclusive triband for our sprint network vision.
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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Sounds like marketing speak to me, not really a legit reason.
More likely they are having tri-band hand off issues.
stafly17 said:
No clue.... i was told because we are getting the exclusive triband for our sprint network vision.
Sent from my LG-LS980 using xda app-developers app
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five40 said:
Sounds like marketing speak to me, not really a legit reason.
More likely they are having tri-band hand off issues.
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Sounds like maybe LTE 2600 (B41) hand off issues between the different LTE bands that is causing the delay. What does this phone being an exclusive triband have to do with it? Obviously the demo units are already available so the phone must be done. I doubt it is due to production issues since LG shouldn't need to make as many phones at launch like Verizon or ATT do. Doesn't sound like it makes any sense to me. Oct 25th would have already been pushing it.
---------- Post added at 02:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------
autoprime said:
phone seems finished. the firmware has been out for over a month. perhaps theyre waiting for the LTE-A network to build out a bit more before launch? idk :/
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That seems to be my guess that Sprint is waiting on the LTE 2600 network to be built out a bit more before launch. But it also could be that Sprint can be having LTE 2600 TD-LTE to LTE 1900 FDD LTE hand off issues that is causing the delay.

